Entrepreneurial Resume Keywords: Action Verbs

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Entrepreneurial Resume Keywords

Action Verbs
• Accomplished • Created • Founded • Negotiated • Redesigned
• Achieved • Cultivated • Fulfilled • Networked • Related
• Adapted • Designed • Gained • Operated • Resolved
• Adhered • Determined • Generated • Optimized • Restored
• Administered • Developed • Guided • Ordered • Restructured
• Advanced • Devised • Handled • Organized • Reviewed
• Allocated • Directed • Headed • Overcame • Revitalized
• Analyzed • Displayed • Hired • Oversaw • Salvaged
• Assessed • Distributed • Identified • Participated • Satisfied
• Attained • Documented • Implemented • Partnered • Saved
• Balanced • Eliminated • Improved • Performed • Screened
• Brainstormed • Empowered • Increased • Piloted • Set-up
• Budgeted • Energized • Initiated • Pinpointed • Sold
• Centralized • Enhanced • Innovated • Planned • Sourced
• Championed • Established • Installed • Positioned • Strategized
• Changed • Evaluated • Instituted • Predicted • Streamlined
• Clarified • Exceeded • Instructed • Prepared • Supervised
• Coached • Excelled • Integrated • Presented • Tailored
• Collaborated • Executed • Interacted • Prevented • Taught
• Communicated • Expedited • Interpreted • Processed • Trained
• Completed • Explained • Introduced • Procured • Uncovered
• Complied • Extracted • Investigated • Produced • Unified
• Conducted • Facilitated • Launched • Promoted • Upgraded
• Consulted • Finalized • Lead • Qualified • Utilized
• Controlled • Followed-up / • Managed • Quantified • Validated
• Coordinated through • Marketed • Recognized • Verified
• Corrected • Formed • Maximized • Rectified • Wrote
• Counseled • Fostered • Mentored • Redefined

Traits and Skills

• Accurate • Critical thinking • Hardworking • Partner / • Responsive
• Active listening • Cross functional • High energy partnering • Results oriented
• Adaptable • Culturally • Imaginative • Passionate • Risk taker
• Agile conscious • Initiative • Patient • Salesmanship
• Articulate • Decision maker • Innovative • Persuasive • Self-starter
• Attentive • Detail oriented • Integrity • Planner • Selfless
• Capable / • Determination • Interpersonal skills • Potential • Service
capability • Diligent • Intuitive • Prepared • Strategic
• Collaborative • Directive • Investigative • Proactive • Tactful
• Competitive edge / • Dynamic • Judgment • Problem solve(r) • Tactical
advantage • Effective • Leader • Productive • Task oriented
• Committed • Efficient • Liaison • Professional • Teamwork
• Communication • Enthusiastic • Listening skills • Proficient • Time manager /
• Comprehensive • Ethical • Mindful • Prompt timely
• Confident • Expertise • Motivated • Provide / • Trainer
• Conflict resolution • Facilitator • Negotiator provision • Transformative
• Connected • Flexible • Objective • Punctual • Troubleshooter
• Consistent • Focused • Opportunistic • Reach • Unifier/ unifying
• Contacts • Follow-up • Organized • Reliable • Visionary
• Cool under • Friendly • Quality • Resourceful • Well-written
pressure • Go getter • Quick learner • Respectable
• Creative / • Goal-oriented • Respectful
Entrepreneurial Resume Keywords

Terms and Processes

• Alliance(s) • Fulfillment • Procedures
• Assessment and selection • General management • Process improvement
• Asset management • Growth • Procurement
• Association(s) • Human resources • Professional development
• Benchmarking • Incentive programs/structures • Profit and Loss
• Benefits • Information technology • Program design
• Board of Directors • Investor(s) • Project development
• Budgeting and fiscal control • Labor relations • Project management
• Business development • Leadership development • Promotion
• Business reengineering • Leadership surveys • ROA/ROE/ROI
• Business restructuring • Management/management • Recruitment
• Business writing strategies principles • Restructure
• Capital/capital budget • Margin improvement • Retention
• Coaching/employee coaching • Marketing • Sales
• Community engagement/service • Marketing collateral • Source/sourcing
• Compliance • Mentoring • Staffing/scheduling requirements
• Consultant • Merger(s) and acquisition(s) • Start-up
• Corporate administration • Multi-site operations • Strategic management/planning
• Cost avoidance • Negotiations • Succession planning
• Culture management • Operating budget • Systems information/management
• Customer retention • Operations • Team building
• Decision making • Organizational behavior • Trade
• Executive leadership • Organizational development • Training and development
• Facilitation • Organizational effectiveness • Venture capital
• Facilities management • Partnership • Vendor management
• Finance and accounting • Performance • Workflow reviews
improvement/management • Workforce planning
• Planning
• Policies
• Problem Resolution
• Processes

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3020 Schneider Hall | (269) 387-2711 | careercenter-hcob@wmich.edu

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