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Gabby Taylor


3rd Block MS Band

Careers in Music


 Students will know different types of music careers, what the career is, the skills needed to
enter the career, and the pros and cons of that career.
 Students will learn different applications for their musical knowledge in many different types of
 Students will understand the variety and versatility of music in modern life and in what they
consume daily (social media, grocery stores, television, etc.).


 Introduce the topic to students and ask them to get out their Chrome Books (2 minutes)
o Have website pulled up on projector
 Have students go to assignment and click on link (2 minutes)
 Walk through website navigation with students (3 minutes)
o All CareersMore Careers
o “Learn more”- be sure to direct this as well
 Discuss different types of music careers and walk through the questions with them (10 minutes)
o Talk about 3 or 4 in very different areas (e.g. Music therapy, Mastering Engineer, Album
Cover Artist, Songwriter)
 Go into it a lot more
 Go through one example with them
 Talk about how many people it takes to put out Lemonade for Beyonce (3 minutes)
o Call on students “Guess how many people it took to produce this album?”
 At least 76 individuals were needed to make this album happen!
 Instrumentalists
 Show this right after asking
 Give students time to discover on their own and answer Google assignment (10 minutes)
o Make sure to encourage them to not choose the first career they see and to really
explore the site!
 Going through the site together at the beginning should help with this
 Go through everyone’s answers and discuss/allow them to share their ideas (15 minutes)
o Will allow students to get new/different perspectives on many types of careers


 Students will be able to recall and explain various types of careers involving music.
 Students will be able to recognize how many types of music jobs impact them on a daily basis.
 Students will be able to see how music knowledge is applied in these careers.


 MU:Re7.1.8a. Select programs of music (such as a CD mix or live performances) and

demonstrate the connections to an interest or experience for a specific purpose.
 MU:Cn10.0.8a. Demonstrate how interests, knowledge, and skills relate to personal choices and
intent when creating, performing, and responding to music.
 MU:Cn11.0.8a. Demonstrate understanding of relationships between music and the other arts,
other disciplines, varied contexts, and daily life.

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