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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan

English 8

3rd Quarter

I. Objective
At the end of lesson, the student should be able to attain 80% proficiency level to:
a. Identify the different propaganda techniques;
b. Realize the importance of propaganda techniques in consumer response;
c. Create and apply the propaganda techniques in promoting a products

II. Subject matter

Topic: Propaganda Techniques
Materials: PPT, visual aids
Strategies: 4A’s,

III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activity
 Prayer
 Greeting
 Checking of attendance
 Energizer
 Motivation
“Your Tagline Sounds Familiar”
Game Mechanics
1. The class will be divided into 2 groups
2. Each group will receive pieces of paper and a marker
3. The task of the group is to guess the name of the television that will
flashed on the screen

B. Developmental Activities (4A’s)

 Activity
 The teacher will play a short video
Asks: What did you observe in the presented commercial?
Does the commercial affect your different ways?
What do you think is the purpose of the video that you have
Did the commercial persuade/encourage you to buy or
patronize their product?
 Analysis
 The teacher asks the students to read the objectives.
Asks: What do you think is our topic for today?
What is Propaganda?

 Abstraction
 Discuss about the 7 types of Propaganda Techniques
 The teacher will explain and give an example of each type of
Propaganda Techniques
 Application
 The teacher will play a sample of a student promoting a product.
 Students must do the same as the video shows but must be different
 Presenting the criteria of doing this activity.

Criteria Points
Presentation and impact 5
Cooperation 5
Total 10 points
C. Generalization
 What are printed ads or videos that we see on the TV or in public place which
show or imply message that catch the interest of the people?
IV. Evaluation
Direction: Match the terms in Column A with the definitions in column B. write your answer on a
separate sheet of paper.

Colum A Column B
Propaganda techniques Definition
1. Testimonial a. It is a manipulating information so
that one product looks better than
another. This often happens by
leaving out important information. It
gives the consumers the ‘information
they want to hear,’ even if the
information is not based on facts.
2. Glittering Generalities b. It is when the product’s name is
repeated many times during an
advertisement. This technique may
use a jingle, which is appealing and
fits in the minds of the masses.
3. Name Calling/Stereotyping c. It uses appealing words and images
to sell the product. It tells us that if
you buy the item, you will be using a
wonderful product, and it will
change your life. It is use to enhance
product appeal. Words often used as
glittering generalities are honor,
glory, love of country, and freedom
4. Transfer d. It is all about persuading the target
audience to take action. It’s about
creating an urge amongst people to
become a part of the “in the crowd.”
To enforce such feeling, advertisers
typically use phrases like “join the
crowd” or “Trending now” for their
products and services.
5. Repetition e. It is a technique to project certain
qualities (this can either be positive
or negative) of a person, ideology, or
object to other things and people.
For example, major soft-drinks
brands were accused of having
traces of pesticides a couple of years
ago. While these allegations were on
rise, entire carbonated-drink
industry took a hit. Fruit juices and
other drinks were able to do great
6. Card Stacking f. It often occurs in politics and
wartime scenarios. In advertising, it
links a person or idea to a negative
7. Bandwagon g. This popular advertising uses
renowned, or celebrity figures to
endorse products and services.
When a famous person vouches for
something, viewers are likely to
consider the person’s credibility and
V. Assignment

Direction: from among the seven propaganda techniques, choose three, and create an
advertisement following the criteria below. Do this on a separate sheet of paper.
Content 40%
Organization 30%
Mechanics 20%
Illustration 10%
Total 100%

Propaganda Techniques Advertisement

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