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Project Management Foundations

I. Deliver successful projects
A. Success criteria - quantifiable, measurable results that show that the project is
B. Process groups
1. Initiating
2. Planning
3. Executing
4. Monitoring and controlling
C. Who: functional managers; What: skill sets, milestones, constraints, schedules;
How: weekly 1:1
D. Adding more people doesn’t always shorten duration
II. What you should know
A. Exercise Files > Ch 00 > Case Study.pdf
III. What is a project?
A. A temporary endeavor that has a specific and unique goal, and usually a budget
B. Projects have a definite beginning and end. Done when it’s handed over to
C. Project will have a product, service, or other outcome
VI. What is project management?
A. What problem are you solving?
B. How are you going to solve the problem?
a. Solution
i. Requirements
ii. Deliverables
iii. Scope
C. What’s your plan?
a. Work
b. Resources
c. Schedule
d. Process (communication, how you will get things accomplished,etc.)
D. How will you know when you’re done?
a. Success criteria: quantifiable, measurable results that show that the
project is complete (certificate, increased work performance, etc.)
E. How well did the project go?

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