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Assignment # ( 02 )

Subject:- Software Requirement Engineering

Class section:- BSSE / CA

Submitted to:- Sir Shams

Submitted by:- Inzimam Ali

Date:- 13-03-2022


1.Official sends deletion request which goes to the event manager.

• .
Clearing deletion event interface.

• 3.
Managers retrieve the event from the event list.

After that main event objects get deleted.

Manager deletes event main objects from the list.

A loop takes place where a group/team get deleted from event calendar.

Deletes event from the competitor calendar.

A loop continues until there is 0 competitor left. After the loop ends the events get deleted
from competitor calendar.

When the deletion is proved or there are no more teams left the loop ends.

The events get deleted from database.

A verification goes on to this process either the data is permanently deleted or not.

The event gets deleted from the event calendar.

Verification takes place till event details.

Verified deletion in event list.

Request detail data verification.

At the event gets successfully deleted.

brought from Supermarket

If the validation code is not valid the process ends. Else the process goes to retail

If the retail department doesn’t improve the process ends. Else the process goes to next phase
which is validation of item quantity.

Item validation code sent.

If the quantity of items is not valid the process ends otherwise the process goes to checking

In item checking process it is observed that either the item is in stock or out of stock.

If the item is out of stock validity fail and ordered item sent back.

If the item is in stock, then the item schedules for delivery.

As answer to the barcode question a salesman will contact the manager about the missing
code and if manager allows then he will update the barcode in the database.

Building Automation System

• Reduce internal development costs. Incorporate existing applications into a solitary
bound together programming bundle: the building automation system.

• Hardware devices from many different manufacturers would need to be supported.

• Extend by entering new and arising geographic business sectors. Support worldwide
dialects, comply with guidelines affecting life-basic system, for example, alarms, to work
inside explicit dormancy imperatives.
• Open new deals divert as Value Added Resellers (VARs). Support equipment gadgets
from various producers Support changes of nonstandard units utilized by the different
equipment gadgets.


Automation Test Case:

Automation doesn't overwhelm or replaces Manual Testing however it praises it. Like Manual,
Automation needs a methodology with legitimate preparation, observing and control.
Automation, when executed accurately, can turn into a resource for the group, project and at
last to the association.

There are many benefits of Automation; the following are not many vital to refer to:

• Helpful to execute routine errands like Smoke tests and Regression tests.

• Helpful in setting up the Test information.

• Assists with executing the Test cases which include complex business rationale.

• Great to execute the cross-stage experiments (like different OS, programs, and so on)

• Incredible to execute the experiments which are a piece hard to execute physically.

• Whenever the quantity of cycles of the experiment executions isn't known.

Numerous a period partners feel that test Automation goes about as a help instrument for
Manual Testing, so it's essential to comprehend that mechanization is the most ideal way to
build the adequacy, productivity, and inclusion of testing. It saves time as well as further
develops exactness as dull errands through the manual methodology can inclined to human
blunders and can time-consume.

• Energy Suppliers

• Energy Consumers
• Electricity Suppliers

• Heating Company

• Energy Consulting Company

• User

• Admin

• Client

• Partners in Project

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