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MODULE 8: Effects of Hazard, Exposure

and Vulnerability to Disaster Risks


1. B
2. C
3. A
4. D
5. A
6. C
7. A
8. D
9. D
10. D
11. D
12. D
13. C
14. C
15. C

1. As shown in the image, the hazard is identified to be a landslide. A
landslide occurs when a pile of rock, rubble, or earth slides down a
hill. Landslides are a sort of "mass wasting," which is defined as any
downward movement of soil and rock caused by gravity.
2. Houses near the mountain.
3. Kaingin system. This involves clearing, cutting down and burning of
trees and plant growth in the area for cultivation purposes especially
4. The houses near the mining area and lowland areas will be the most
affected part when the mountain slides down towards the residential
5. The left part since it has more plants and trees which can withstand a
disaster compared to the right side full of human settlers whose
houses' structural integrity might compromised. 


2. Before the typhoon hits your town, you must inspect all of the
equipment, paraphernalia, appliances, and furniture in your home and
move them to a safe location where no one will be harmed.
Examine the wires that could cause a short circuit. As quickly as
feasible, contact an electrician to repair the lines.
If you must depart, do it as soon as possible and get all of the
necessary documentation, first aid kit, emergency supplies, food, and
water. It can assist you avoid being exposed to danger. Make a list of
everything you'll need and remember to carry your first-aid kit. We do
this to protect ourselves from the dangers outlined.

2. To decrease the vulnerability of the exposed elements to risks, make
sure to examine all of the equipment, paraphernalia, appliances, and
furnishings just before the typhoon strikes your town. Make sure it's
in the safest location possible, where no one will be hurt. Second,
inspect any wires that could create short circuits and get an
electrician to fix them as quickly as possible. Finally, if necessary,
evacuate. It is preferable to leave as soon as possible.

1. In my perspective, the image illustrates the need for caution when
using technology. The statement means that you should be cautious in
everything you do or say when using the internet because doing
something unlawful could get you in big trouble. 
2. The danger in this image/situation is that while modern technology can
be beneficial, it can also be dangerous if we do not use it properly.
Also if you engage with other people, you should be cautious of
publishing or even chatting to people you don't know because it is
extremely harmful for you and others. You are exposed to several types
of threats when using the internet, such as scams, hackers, cybercrime,
and so on.
3. Electricity
4. The character on the picture is not license electrician or Qualified
electrician that cannot be able to perform electrical Work. The
character in the picture might be vulnerable if he will not be careful
in action. He might be vulnerable to hackers, scammers or Cyber
5. In just one mistake of untrained electrician it will leads to
electrical shock and fire and can put one’s life in danger. It is
better to find or seek professional electricians to have a safety
assurance and peace of mind.

What I Have Learned

Vulnerability is the quality or state of being exposed to the
possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or
emotionally. Exposure refers to people, property, system or other
elements present in hazard zones that are thereby subject to potential
losses while hazard is defined as a dangerous phenomenon, substance,
human activity or condition that may cause loss of life, injury or
other health impacts, property damage, loss of livelihood and service,
social and economic disruption or environmental damage.
Hazards may be caused by flooding, earthquakes, wildfires, landslide
or dam failure and can be mitigated through implementation of such
hazard mitigation action leads to building stronger, safer and smarter
communities that are better able to reduce future injuries and future
The difference between hazard, exposure and vulnerability among each
other Hazard is a potential destruction physical phenomenon common
natural hazards include floods, volcanic eruption, hurricanes,
drought, tsunami, landslide and more, wherein exposure are the
location attributes and value of assets that are important to
communities and the could be effected by a hazard while vulnerability
is the likelihood that assets will be damage/destroyed/affected while
exposed to a hazards.
It is significant to understand hazards, exposure and vulnerabilities
because if there is any danger that happens in life we know what we
are going to do to be safe and to be prepared for any danger that may
come to the community or city.

What I Can Do

1. B
2. C
3. A
4. D
5. A
6. C
7. A
8. D
9. D
10. D
11. D
12. D
13. C
14. C
15. C
Additional Activities

I'll create projects and run programs regarding proper trash disposal
and waste separation in order to fertilize those wastes that can be
nourished to make them less vulnerable to hazards.

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