Individual Assignment: For The Course "Thriving at Work"

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Individual Assignment

For the course “Thriving At Work”

Submitted by

Amisha Lal| 2020PGP031

Section B

Under the guidance of:

Prof. Raina Chhajer


Indian Institute of Management Indore, Rau-Pithampur Road,

Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India.
2nd December, 2021
Strengths-Based Perspectives
When we talk about a strengths-based strategy, we're talking about an approach that
emphasises people's strengths and resources. In unfavourable situations, this type of
technique portrays people as resourceful and tough. This comprehensive technique finds any
impediment to an individual's development. Rather than informing about the difficulties, a
strengths-based system focuses on the positive traits and qualities and encourages people to
appreciate them. At the same time, this does not imply that you are ignoring difficulties or
turning them into assets. This method entails self-discovery of previously unseen abilities.

The current status quo is the feedback system, which is mostly defined by your flaws and
opportunities for improvement. The positive components of your strengths are completely
overlooked, resulting in self-doubt and sometimes mental health issues. Because you can only
work on your flaws if you don't accept them, you won't be able to progress. Strength based
perspective does not suggest that you disregard areas of weakness; rather, it suggests that
you focus on your strengths as well, which will help you open up new areas for improvement.

Methodology Adopted
• Identify Respondents & ask for Feedback
The experiment began with the selection of responders who would provide a true and
accurate account of my interactions with them. This is critical for this activity since it will help
me gain a better understanding of myself. Following the identification of the appropriate
individuals, the following step was to contact them in order to obtain feedback. The following
are the many mediums that were used:
1. Text Messages
2. E-mail
3. Make a phone call

The people I chose for this exercise were a diverse bunch, but they also represented a
balanced mix of my high school, college, and family friends, as well as internship mentors.
This balance will ensure that there is no data bias or preference for a specific strength. The
strategy is to be consistent.

• Recognise Patterns

Following the receipt of the respondents' responses, the next stage was to find a common
theme among them. I tried to group the contributions into similar topics after reading them
2-3 times. For this, a table was built to keep everything organised in one area as well as my
own observations were added. This is an important step since you will come across stories
that you may not have noticed before. This feedback analysis helps you to better integrate
things and develop a comprehensive image of yourself.

• Compose a Self-Portrait

Another key element is the portrait writing process where summarising and synthesising of
information was taken up. It was written using topics from the preceding procedure's input
and observations. The main goal is to tie together the various themes that previously
appeared to be disjointed or unrelated.

• Redesign / Introspect

The next phase is to reflect after identifying your skills and creating a self-portrait. I attempted
to decipher what my self-portrait implies about my professional path. I've figured out what
skills I have. To improve my performance, I simply need to play to my strengths. Introspection
and awareness alone will not suffice; a thorough examination of my self-portrait is required,
as well as consideration of how I may best utilise the qualities revealed.

Common Themes Examples provided My Observations

1. “I've seen you take responsibility for I've always been diligent
the group project when the chips were and responsible about the
down. This I recall from our assignment tasks I've been given. Since
in the very first term when we didn't school I have taken up
even know each other that well.” responsibilities which
2. “I remember how you always used to shaped me for the future.
take up the responsibility of making the I'm always driven and on
final edits of our assignment and the lookout for new and
proofreading. You are a perfectionist in creative approaches to
that.” problem-solving. I know
3. “I remember the time we were working what it's like to be in a
Responsible on the podcast for our committee. scenario when everything
While a core member quit, it would is up in the air but I commit
& have been easy for you to give up on to the objective and drive it
the podcast, especially since you had home.
Driven no assistance from anyone else on the
team. But you singlehandedly took on
the task and kept working on it.”
4. “You were hit with personal challenges
on one hand and internship work on
the other. The challenge perhaps was
to maintain an equilibrium between
the two. During this balancing act, I
could see how you had put those time
management skills learnt during your
first year at Indore to actual use.”

1. “When I was in Udaipur away from my I am an empathetic

home, suffering from fever. I was listener. I like to help
severely ill and you were constantly in people and understand
touch with me despite your busy their difficulties. In a way,
Empathetic schedule. You even offered to come putting myself in their
and take care of me. I was touched by shoes helps me realise the
& the empathy you offered to me when right thing to do. I like being
no one else did.” there for people and being
Compassionate 2. “ You have the capacity to be someone they can count on
vulnerable and handle others being because I know that’s what
vulnerable around you. You show deep they would expect from
empathy and understanding of me.
people's problems and their point of
views. Instead of getting overwhelmed
or walking out on misunderstandings,
you choose to figure out solutions. I
respect that you hold your ground even
when things don't go your way but still
make it to the other side.”
3. “Without a doubt, you are one of the
most empathetic people that I know.
You are perhaps wiser than your years,
open-minded and a listener that
everyone needs to have.”

1. “You are one of the most resourceful I'm always content to lend
people I have met in college. I a helpful hand whenever
remember how you always came up and wherever it's needed.
with 'useful resources' for our People can come to me
assignment completion especially in with any problem they are
term 4. You are one of the most helpful having, and I will do my
and approachable people as well.” best to solve it to the best
2. “ You're one of the most approachable of my abilities and
people I've met here. I never thought capabilities.
I'd be able to make such good friends
with you. Right from quarantine in Dec I've always believed in
2020, you've been very offering my help above and
accommodating and approachable. above my capabilities, time
Generally it's difficult to make friend and time again.
across the screen but I'm glad we broke
Approachable the ice that way!”
3. “ She was always my go to project
& partner. Toughest of the projects just
fell in place when working with her.
Helpful She has the perfect blend of patience
and intelligence which makes her a
great team member.”
4. “You saw me that I was very much
occupied with Utsaha as the dates
were clashing. You made sure that the
workload on me was minimum in that
project. I remember I told you that I
might not be able to join you for the
presentation, you assured me that you
will take up my part and asked me to
concentrate on my other commitment.
That made me feel so relaxed. I really
can't thank you enough for that.”

1. “You're someone who's selfless and This made me realise the

who cheers others even when you may impact our words have on
Motivating not be doing your best. Sure you can other people. I remember
see the brighter side on rough days and these instances and I had
& make people around you see the done nothing but clearly
same.” communicated the
Fearless 2. “When I met with an accident and I was potential I saw in them. I
always dull about going outside. I feel this is a unique
remember you always right by my side strength for a workplace
telling me to be the strongest and because as managers we
honestly it did help me to own up my need to be motivating and
scarring, gaining back the strength to keep the team spirit high. It
be normal.” makes me extremely happy
3. “Once I was down with severe typhoid to see that they felt
& Amisha has been the most motivated and performed
supportive friend to me be it their best.
emotionally or academically. From
getting me all the notes to being there
for me whenever I needed someone to
talk to.”
4. “I remember this particular instance
during our summer internship last
year. I was constantly facing rejections
from various companies, and I had
never felt so demotivated in my life. I
know you were also battling similar
thoughts at that time, however you
decided to help me with my
preparation and motivated me not to
give up no matter how bad things may
seem at that moment. Due to your
encouragement and support, I got my
confidence back and was able to get
into an excellent company for my
summer internship”

I'm a person who’s accountable and takes up responsibilities. I've established goals for myself
and will work tirelessly to meet them till they're met. I've always been a lighthouse for others,
guiding and assisting them. I can always provide a helping hand and go out of my way, even
if I know them on a brief account. I'm a leader and team player who excels at both. The leader
in me is continuously striving to improve the lives of others around me. When a team member
had left the committee, we completely lost course on our project of launching a podcast. I
took the initiative independently-reached out to multiple stakeholders and launched the first
episode of podcast where I interviewed the Director of IIM Indore, Dr. Himanshu Rai.

Because of my ability to 'not give up,' I'm always try to be at my best. It could be on a
professional or personal level. It could be on people or objects. I've managed to keep
everything under check. I don't get agitated, and my ability to keep going is crucial to my
success. I put forth effort in all areas, work diligently, and am driven to succeed. I had become
unfit due to sedentary lifestyle but with my willpower and “never say never” attitude, I made
progress in the gym and recouped to being healthy and physically fit.

I am able to perform well even when the deadlines are tight and results are critical. This is
achievable because I am extremely focused and excel at time management. During my
summer internship, I had certain personal challenges that I had to face and manage my work.
I handled both of them swiftly and gave unique recommendations for my final project. In a
competitive work climate, my ability to identify and express new possibilities, as well as my
desire to learn, will offer me an advantage over my co-workers and colleagues. It's not just
about passion and curiosity; it's also about introducing new and innovative concepts.

The future's uncertainty will necessitate high levels of judgement and critical thinking, which
will be based on tacit knowledge and intuition rather than rules. I've prepared myself well to
meet this uncertainty. When I attempt to obtain more in-depth insights and hone my skills, I
prepare myself to be my best version since it helps me deal with today's complex and
competitive business world. I am also someone who is constantly striving to improve
themselves with an eagerness for new experiences and curiosity to learn new things.

Learnings from the Assignment

Overall, it was a fantastic activity that provided me with a long-overdue opportunity to engage
with some old friends and colleagues. Their responses have assisted me in uncovering my
strengths in ways that I was unaware of.

One of the most important lessons I've learned from this project is that I've had all of these
strengths from the beginning, but I've never noticed or paid attention to them. I had no idea
that these seemingly insignificant events had such a profound impact on people's lives. I can
only savour these moments. I never imagined that I would be inundated with such a wide
range of stories. After receiving these, I'm confident that I possess other strengths that I am
unaware of.

We may all recall remarkable occasions in our lives, but it is the regular occurrences that,
when brought to light seem to have shaped our lives for the better. My relationships with
friends, relatives, and mentors have led to these moments/situations in which I have been
true to myself and fully realised my potential. All of these viewpoints provide a unique and
critical insight of the various ways in which you might make significant positive contributions.

Action Plan for the Future

I'm going to keep doing this exercise and attempt to get more people involved so that I don't
lose out on any positive input and can keep my Ideal Self-Portrait updated. I'll also return to
this practice on a regular basis so that I'm continuously reminded of my own strengths.
Finding new strengths will help me obtain a competitive advantage in both my personal and
professional lives.
Exhibit: Sample E-mails Received

Appendix- responses received on Text

• I have known Amisha since we were 15. She has always been there through my thick and thin
be it academically or personally. Once I was down with sever typhoid and Amisha has been
the most supportive friend to me be it emotionally or academically. From getting me all the
notes to being there for me whenever I needed someone to talk to. She was always my go to
project partner. Toughest of the projects just fell in place when working with her. She has the
perfect blend of patience and intelligence which makes her a great team member. I have seen
her grow into this confident woman who has the zeal in her to always do the best and not
compromise on anything less than that.

• You confront the problems and mediate them as soon as possible

I remember when once we both were in the same city and I felt that we were not being able to
spend much time together. I was being passive aggressive with you. So you took an initiative
of confronting me knowing that I tend to ignore the situation. You made me feel comfortable
about opening up and letting out my feelings for good. We had a significant conversation that
day and you made me realize how things which bother you shouldn’t be bottled up and should
be conveyed for better understanding.

You are neat at budgeting and help people do the same

One time I was being a little careless about spending and had been spending a lot on
unnecessary things. I was being spontaneous about purchasing things and when you
comprehended about my impulsiveness, you sat me down and made me realize how
budgeting is important. You helped me out to manage my finances. You actually practiced
cautiousness yourself before buying anything along with to encourage me.

You are supportive and makes other feel courageous

When I met with an accident and I was always dull about going outside. I remember always
right by my side telling me to be the strongest and honestly it did help me to own up my
scarring, gaining back strength to be normal. The ‘normal’ in which you played an important
role with your constant encouragement. You used to walk with me on my pace while
constantly telling me to be careful. You made sure that you walk right beside me without any
care in the world.

• You are a responsible and driven person. Once committed to a particular task, you give it your
100% and go out of your way to accomplish the task well. I remember the time we were
working on the podcast for our committee. While a core member quit, it would have been
easy for you to give up on the podcast, especially since you had no assistance from anyone
else on the team. But you singlehandedly took on the task and kept working on it. You even
reached out to representatives of other institutions to get suggestions to better the podcast.
You made sure that you assembled all necessary resources and that the podcast took off.

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