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NTPC R&R Colony, Darlipali NTPC Bhadla NTPC Kudgi


NTPC Koldam NTPC Kayamkulam NTPC Rojmal

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Incident description
Unit#2 Shutdown on 07th Feb’ 2022 was taken by NTPC for attending to Boiler Tube Leakage. The Turning Gear
stalling problem developed later due to passing of CRH NRV. On 07.02.2022 after unit was shut down for BTL
at 17:24 hrs and first stage was equal to CRH and reheater pressure was increased to 18ksc to ascertain the RH
tube leakage via HP/LP BP for 35 mins.

Barring stalled at 18:30 hrs at 07/02/2022. Just before stall HP casing inner metal temperature dropped by 90
Deg C and other steam parameters also dropped with in few mins which is assign of moist steam ingress in
turbine. By trend it was observed that passing of RHS CRH NRV was there.

Observation on First Stage Pressure during Start up and Shutdown
Increase in First Stage
S.N Date Type Remark
Pressure prior to TG rolling
1. 07,13 Oct’21 & 12,16 Dec’21 Start Up No No increase in first stg pr. observed
1st stage Pressure was 10 KSC during
14:00 hrs to 16:35 Hrs but became zero as
6. 6th Feb 2022 Start Up Yes NRV got closed when CRH pressure went
beyond 10 ksc.
TG was rolled at 17:35 hrs

• Past 6 Nos. Shutdown was also studied and it was observed that, The issue started from 13-Dec (4th shutdown) during
Shutdown Even after unit tripping first stage pressure didn’t came to zero and it became zero only after depressurization of
• During Last Shutdown on 02/02/22 First stage pressure was also maintaining as per CRH pressure and RH was pressurized
via HP/LP BP but for a small duration of 10 mins.
• On 07/02/22 after unit was shutdown for BTL at 17:24 hrs and First stage was equal to CRH, and reheater pressure was
increased to 18 ksc to ascertain the RH tube leakage via HP/LP BP for 35 mins.
• Barring Stalled at 18:30 hrs.
• Just before Stall HPC inner metal temperature dropped by 90 degrees and other steam parameters also dropped within
few mins which is a sign of moist steam ingress in turbine.
• By trends it was observed that passing of RHS CRH NRV was there.
• An alarm shall be provided on the basis of first stage pressure and Turbine
trip to alert the desk engineer reg. CRH NRV passing with 30 sec delay.
• For prewarming machines alarm shall be interlocked with Warmup valve
• Shutdown checklist to be filled after every shutdown which consists of all
critical parameters as per IOM OS/OPN/2019/008 Dated 08.05.2019.
• Startup checklist to be filled during every start-up as per IOM
OS/OPN/2020-21/O&M Dated 21.09.2020.

Scheme CRH NRV

Observation on First Stage Pressure during Start up and Shutdown

S.N Date Type Increase in First Stage Remark

Pressure post TG Trip
1. 02nd Oct 2021 Shut Down No No increase in first stg pr. observed
2. 11th Oct 2021 Shut Down No No increase in first stg pr. observed
4. 08th Dec 2021 Shut Down No No increase in first stg pr. observed
5. 13th Dec 2021 Shut Down Yes 1st stage Pressure was above 10 KSC
during 14:45 hrs to 15:00 Hrs.
6 2nd Feb 2022 Shut Down Yes 1st stage Pressure was above 10 KSC
during 11:40 hrs to 12:55 Hrs.
7 7th Feb 2022 Shut Down Yes 1st stage Pressure was above 20 KSC
during 17:40 hrs to 19:15 Hrs.

Anti Rotation pin (Part no. 40) got damaged, came out from position, entrapped between NRV Flap & Arm and was
not allowing the flap to seat properly on NRV seat resulted in valve passing.

It was found that spring (Part no. 44 ) was 6 mm smaller in length due to Arm movement was interfering with P S
Bonnet(Part no. 17) ,this interference forced anti rotation pin to move out of position.

Sequence of Events
1. On 07.02.2022 at 18:30 hrs Barring stalled (high current in turning gear).
2. CRH & HPT 1st stage pressure same, CRH NRV Malfunction suspected.
3. Anti-rotation device –Damaged pin was stuck up between arm & disc and leading to CRH NRV passing.
4. Turning gear freeness checked on 08.02.2022. Rotor rotated by 180 degrees and held for 8 hours which was
followed by 180 rotation after 3 hours.
5. On 10.02.2022 turning gear freeness checked again. Turning gear motor taking 24-amp current.
6. TG put on barring on 12.02. 2022.Barring gear current 22-23 amps. Eccentricity reduced from 158 to 56 at 19:30 hrs
and same eccentricity maintained till rolling.
7. DT of HP casing exhaust and extraction started decreasing after taking turbine into barring and reduced to 28/36
deg C from 46/46 deg C.
8. Before rolling Ecc-56, HPT DT EXH/EXTR. -12/10 DEG C.
9. TG rolled to 700 rpm, after rub check at 400 rpm. At 700 rpm HPT DT EXH/EXTR- 10/8 DEG C.
10. TG soaked at 700 RPM for 4 hrs.

Vibration comparison at 700 RPM

Vibration before the incident at 700 Vibration after the incident at 700 RPM
RPM (06/02/2022 17:44 HRS) (13/02/2022)

Shaft vibration OA vibration PK-PK Shaft vibration OA vibration PK-PK

Relative shaft Vibration Brg 1-X 9 microns Relative shaft Vibration Brg 1-X 17 microns

Relative shaft Vibration Brg 1-Y 10 microns Relative shaft Vibration Brg 1-Y 19 microns

Relative shaft Vibration Brg 2-X 8 microns Relative shaft Vibration Brg 2-X 13 microns

Relative shaft Vibration Brg 2-Y 7 microns Relative shaft Vibration Brg 2-Y 12 microns

Relative shaft Vibration Brg 3-X 5 microns Relative shaft Vibration Brg 3-X 24 microns

Relative shaft Vibration Brg 3-Y 9 microns Relative shaft Vibration Brg 3-Y 16 microns

Confirmation of Rotor Bow
1. Rise in eccentricity value to around 46-50 microns from 30 microns before incident and also eccentricity value
not reducing further on soaking at 700 RPM. This is due to static eccentricity caused by Rotor bow. This
measured eccentricity near journal portion may be small in comparison to maximum eccentricity that would be
observed at the rotors mid span .

2. Slow roll 1f0 dominant vibration at Barring gear speed (4 rpm) and at 700 RPM had increased (rotor bow will
produce a significant 1f0 response at low rotational speed). Generally this is called slow roll speed as dynamic
forces due to unbalance force are negligible at this speed .If higher vibration is there at this speed , it is due
statically deflected rotor due to axially distributed eccentricity.

3. Vibration 1X response increasing rapidly on reaching towards critical zone as due dynamic effect of bow, the
first bending mode deflection of rotor is more prominent.

4. On tripping Coasting down bode plot and polar plot are tracing back to rolling plots and vibration response is

Permanent bow or temporary bow ?

Temporary bow can occur due to uneven heating of rotor surface .If a hot spot develops on one side of the rotor , it will
expand and become longer than other side. If the rotor system is unconstrained ,resulting deflection will not be
permanent. Temporary bow can be cured by barring the machine for longer duration and also heat soak the machine at
low speed for longer duration.

Permanent bow results when the rotor system has been deformed to a condition that is not self reversing. It
usually happens when stresses on the rotor system has exceeded the yield strength of material. Such stresses can
be easily go beyond yield strength in case of thermal shock (a object is subjected to sudden temperature change on
its surface). The stresses generated are so high that they can cause yielding of material or even fracture.

In this case also thermal shock of HP rotor is evident as before stall HP casing inner metal temperature dropped by 90
Deg C and other steam parameters also dropped with in few mins. Therefore it is of strong opinion that rotor bow of
permanent bow has developed in HP rotor.

Discussion Between NTPC & Toshiba Japan
➢ During virtual meeting with Toshiba japan on 14.02.2022, it was discussed since after soaking at 700 rpm for
many hours still machine is not able to roll to 3000 rpm, rotor bow of permanent nature is a possibility .

➢ Another Solution as per NTPC was soaking temp & steam flow volume is not sufficient at 700 RPM . NTPC
enquired option to soak at higher RPM (i.e. 1500 RPM) as steam flow at 700 RPM was very less to soak rotor
for bow correction but Toshiba japan was reluctant to manual rolling and stopping machine at any RPM
between 700 to 2700 RPM.

➢ As discussed during meeting, TESS (Japan) has analysed the data shared by NTPC and proposed balancing
recommendation by inserting weights in first and second bearing glands. (Only balancing option left as at 700
RPM soaking no appreciable improvement was achievable, Toshiba japan was reluctant and did not allowed
to soak at higher RPM).

Polar plot during rolling after soaking at 700 RPM
A rotor bow can produce such high levels of
vibration that it becomes impossible to pass
through a balance resonance.

Is rolling to FSNL without balancing possible ?

A trip command is initiated when vibration reaches 150 microns during rolling .If we extrapolate , projected
Shaft vibration at bearing 1 at 2200 RPM with this condition will reach around 250-300 microns, so it was not
seeming possible to roll to FSNL without balancing.
Predict Rotor Behavior

Balancing solution
Following trial weights were suggested by
Toshiba japan:

i) HP front Gland plane: 150 g x 9 with

resultant weight angle at 180 degree

ii) HP rear Gland plane: 150 g x 7 with

resultant weight angle at 180 degrees.

Rolling after Balancing weight installation.
On 16.02.2022, 13 no’s weights were
installed on Unit#2 HPT gland no 1 &2
(8 weights x~150 gm on Gland no.1 &
5 weights x~150 gm on Gland no.2) by
M/s. TJPS. And TG rolling started to 3000
rpm, during rolling at 2043 rpm, bearing
no. 1 - 1X vibration reached the alarm
value (153microns) and machine taken
back to the turning gear

After putting weight we were able to

reduce dynamic effect of bow but still
vibration reached 150 microns and trip
initiated. Definitely as a peculiar
feature of rotor bow , it was asking for
more weight to be installed at same

Adding more weight
On 17.02.2022 following
correction Weight added
No.17 for #1 Gland
No.12 & No.16 for #2
Resultant weight in Gland 1 plane: 1.35 kg @180 degrees
Resultant weight in Gland 2 plane: 1.05 kg @175 degrees

On 17.02.2022, TG rolling (manual rolling) started to 3000 rpm,

during rolling at 2216 rpm, bearing no. 1 - 1X vibration crossed
the alarm value (203microns) and machine taken back to the
turning gear

Response to adding more weight
After above trial correction
recommended by Toshiba japan

Correction in Gland 1 plane: Add 1

weight each at hole 8 and 18
Correction in Gland 2 plane: Add 1
weight each at hole 11 and 20

After balancing weights installation on

Unit#2 HPT gland no 1 (Hole No. 8 & 18)
& gland no. 2 (11 & 20) by M/s. TJPS as
per recommendation, TG rolling done at
around 14:30 Hrs on 18.02.2022. During
the rolling at speed around 2184 RPM,
high vibration (187-micron pp) of bearing
no.1 (1x) observed. Machine taken back
to turning gear.

Discussion with Toshiba
Virtual Meeting held between NTPC, TJPS & TESS on 18.02.2022 19.00hrs (IST) through virtual mode. On the basis of
discussion, NTPC has suggested following, in order to overcome the Bearing no. 1 high shaft vibration issue in Unit#2

1. TG Rolling will be done, up to 3000 RPM, while keeping maximum vibration limits within 175 microns. Whenever,
vibration reaches 175 microns, machine will be roll back to 700 rpm. The same process will be repeated for 2-3
times to cross the critical speed zone.

2. Replace with High density balancing weights in HPT gland holes, in place of existing balancing weights. M/s. TJPS
shall either provide/supply High density weights or provide drawing of High density balancing weights along with
MOC and dimensional details for manufacturing the same by NTPC, which is required urgently for balancing of HPT

Rolling tried Analysis:
➢ As machine is passing through critical speed zone (HP critical
speed: 2250), shaft vibration at bearing 1 reaching 150 microns
then there is sudden deflection from projected polar plot path
which is repeatable in all 3 trails taken in night (19.02.2022).

➢ Shaft vibration at bearing is reaching 150 microns and since shaft

is in 1st bending mode with rotor bow condition, it is causing
rubbing with stationary part which is causing vibration vector to
deviate from following normal polar curve and pass through

➢ Reason for improper clearance is probably rotor is having bow so

first bending mode is more prominent and because of insufficient
inner casing temp ideal casing expansion has not taken place. So
possible solution is to get more thermal expansion so that sufficient
clearance is achieved to pass through the critical speed

Final successful rolling to 3000 rpm and loading.

On 19.02.2022 at 7 pm rolling to 3000 RPM

attempted after soaking at 700 RPM for sufficient
time when 1st stage casing temperature reached 345
deg C. Maximum vibration during rolling was 126
microns at 2350 RPM Polar plot curve followed the
predicted curve without any deflection as in previous
trials when casing temp was lesser.

Vibration values at FSNL and Full load
Vibration vector at 3000 rpm FSNL Vibration vector at 800 MW load on 20-02-2022
Shaft vibration Amplitude Phase Shaft vibration Amplitude Phase
1x 1x
(microns) (microns)
Relative shaft Vibration 74 131 DEG Relative shaft Vibration Brg 1- 56 145 DEG
Brg 1-X X
Relative shaft Vibration 73 143 DEG Relative shaft Vibration Brg 1- 76 143 DEG
Brg 1-Y Y
Relative shaft Vibration 10 124 DEG Relative shaft Vibration Brg 2- 10 118 DEG
Brg 2-X X
Relative shaft Vibration 14 113 DEG Relative shaft Vibration Brg 2- 15 112 DEG
Brg 2-Y Y
Relative shaft Vibration 39 188 DEG Relative shaft Vibration Brg 3- 39 195 DEG
Brg 3-X X
Relative shaft Vibration 42 181 DEG Relative shaft Vibration Brg 3- 40 188 DEG
Brg 3-Y Y
Relative shaft Vibration 51 124 DEG Relative shaft Vibration Brg 4- 46 114 DEG
Brg 4-X X
Relative shaft Vibration 35 135 DEG Relative shaft Vibration Brg 4- 31 124 DEG
Brg 4-Y Y

Migratory Birds at NTPC Dadri

Thank You
NTPC Ramagundam

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