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Colorectal-anus short note by S.

Wichien (SNG KKU)

Anatomy Anorectal Landmark

Histology -rectum 12-15 cm
-mucosa (lower 4-8 cm mid 8-12 cm upper 12-16 cm)
-submucosa -sx anal canal 2-4 cm
-inner cir int anal sphinc -3 valve of Houston
-outer long 3 tenia coli Peritoneal reflection
-serosa -upper ant+lateral
-middle ant pouch of douglas
Embryology -lower no peritoneum but have fascia
-primitive gut derived from endoderm :post waldeyer fascia
Midgut :ant denovillier fascia
-small intestine, asc.colon, prox T.colon :lateral ligament
-SMA Endopelvic fascia
Hindgut -visceral layer
-distal T.colon, des colon, rectum, prox.anus -parietal fascia presacral fascia
-IMA Dentate/pectinate line
Distal anus -longitudinal fold column of Morgagni
-ectoderm -anal crypt
-int pudendal A -above dentate columnar
-dentate line use to divide -dentate transitional zone
-below dentate squamous
Colon Landmark Sphincter
-3-5 feets Internal sphincter
-rectosigmoid=sacral promontary -smooth m
-caecum diameter 7.5-8.5 cm -sym & parasym
-sigmoid External sphincter
:narrowest most to obstruct -3 group
:extremely mobile most vulvulus -subcu, superficial, deep group(puborectalis)
:diverticulitis -ext sphinc = inf rectal br of int pudendal n.
-marginal A of Drummond Levator ani
-arch of Rioland -puborectalis
SMA iliococcygeus
-ileocolic terminal ilium, asc.colon pubococcygeus
-rt colic a asc.colon -int pudendal
-middle colic T.colon Artery
IMA -sup rectum = IMA
-lt colic a des.colon -mid rectum = int illiac
-sigmoid br sigmoid colon -inf rectum = int pudendal int iliac
-sup rectal prox rectum Lymphatic
Watershed area -upper/middle rectum = inf mesen LN
1.Griffith point splenic flexor -lower rectum = inf mesen LN, int iliac LN
2.Sudak point -anal canal
Lymp drainage :prox dentate = inf mesen, int iliac LN
-network in m.mucosa :distal dentate = inguinal LN
Nerve Nerve plexus
-sympathetic (inhi) T6-12,L1-3 -sym (L1-3) hypogatric plexus
-parasym (stimu) vagus n, sacral n (S2-4) -parasym (S2-4)

Symp inj retrograde ejacu & contract BD

Parasymp inj ED & acute urinary retention
Colorectal-anus short note by S.Wichien (SNG KKU)

Physiology S+S
Fluid/elyte 1.Pain
-90% water in ileum :absorb in colon -abdominal pain
-1000-2000cc/d -pelvic pain
-Na absorb via Na-K ATPase -anorectal pain
-can absorb Na 400 mEq/d :proctalgia fugax-levator spasm
-K absorb by passive diffusion
-Cl absorb via Cl-HCO3 exchange 2.LGIB
-protein,urea --bact--ammonia -NG tube r/o UGIB
-amonia to liver due to intraluminal pH -proctoscope r/o hemorrhoid
-dec bact/pH>>dec absorb ammonia -rbc scan detect bleeding 0.1 cc/hr
(lactulose administration ) If +ve
Short chain fatty a. :angiography to localized bleeding
-acetate,butyrate,propionate :vasopressin iv
-produce by bact ferment of carbo :angioembolization
-energy for colonic mucosa,transport -if stable pt,rapid bowel preparation
-lack of dietary,diversion fecal stream (4-6hr) to allow colonoscopy
result in m.atrophy=Diversion colitis -colonoscopy identify cause bleeding,
Microflora cautery or inject epi may control bl.
-bacteroides=most common anaerobe -if persist bleeding = colectomy
-e.coli=most common aerobe :segmental resection
-breakdown carbo,prot
-metabolism of bili,bile a,estro,chol 3.constipation
-produce vit k 4.diarrhea/IBS
-suppress patho organism--c.difficile 5.incontinence
-gas=n2,o2,co2,h2,methane -neurogenic
(bact=h2,methane) -anatomic
Motility :procidentia
-not cyclic motor activity character of :overflow inconti 2nd to impaction
migratory motor complex in small b. :trauma >>,sx
-intermittent contraction
low amplitude
-short duration contraction
-burst,move content ante/retrograde
-delay colonic transit
:absorp water,elyte
Hi amplitude
-mass movement
-colonic mass movement
-inc intraabdo/rectal p.
-relax pelvic floor
-rectum distend--reflex relax sphincter
:rectoanal inhibitory reflex
:no reflex Hirschprung disease
-sampling reflex
:distinguish solid stool from liquid/gas
-no defecate accommadation reflex
-puborectalis--sling around distal R.
-rectal wall compliance
-ext/int sphincter
-n=br of int pudendal n
Colorectal-anus short note by S.Wichien (SNG KKU)

Lower GI bleeding

Constipation Ix
Rome III criteria Colonic fxn
>=2/6, 3 mo 1.colonic transit time
Onset at least 6 mo -20 markers
No IBS criteria -dx if d5 > 5 marker
-straining 2.colonic manometry
-lumpy/hard stool 3.colonic scintigraphy
-incomplete evacuation
-anorectal obstruct sensation Anorectal fxn
-manual evacuation 1.anorectal manometry (gold std)
-defecate <3/week -no RAIR Hirschprung disease
2.balloon expulsion test
Approach -should < 5min
1.BE/colonoscope 3.defecogram
-r/o mechanical obstruction -rectocele/enterocele
2.slow transit vs outlet obstruction -intussusception
-rectal prolapsed
4.pudendal n terminal motor latency
Colorectal-anus short note by S.Wichien (SNG KKU)

Lab+imaging Sigmoidoscope
FOBT -60 cm in length
Advantage -see high as splenic flexor
-non invasive -enema is adequate for scope
-low cost Advantage
-good sens c repeat testing -bowel prep=enema only
Disadvantage -exam most risk(sigmoid)
-low spec Disadvantage
-colonoscopy require for test+ve -invasive
-risk perforate
BE -miss proximal lesion
Advantage -colonoscopy if polyps identify
-entire colon
-good sene in polyps >1cm Colonoscopy
Disadvantage -100-160 cm in length
-required bowel prep -require oral bower preparation
-less sens in <1cm -require sedation
-may miss lesion in sigmoid -electrocautery not in absence bowel
-colonoscopy if test +ve preparation=risk of explosion
Endoanal/rectal ultrasound -entire colon
-dept of invasion in rectum -hi sens,spec
-normal = 5 layer Disadvantage
:mucosal surface,m.mucosa, -most invasive
submucosa,m.propia,perirectal fat -require sedation/bowel prep
-perirectal LN -risk perforate

CT CT colonography/
-extraluminal lesion virtual colonoscopy
-insensitive for detect intraluminal Advantage
-entire colon
Positron emission tomography -noninvasive
-PET -sens as colonoscopy
-tissue c high level of anaerobic Disadvantage
glycolysis(tumor) -require bowel prep
-F-fluorodeoxyglc(FDG) is tracer, -insen for small polyps
metabolism of it = positron emission -colonoscopy if test +ve
-as an adjunct to CT in staging -costly
-distinguish recurrent vs fibrosis
Pelvic floor ix
Anoscope Manometry
-anal c. -resting pressure = int sphincter
-8 cm in length (normal 40-80mmhg)
-rubber b.ligation,sclerotherapy -squeez pressure = ext sphincter
(max p-resting p)
Proctoscope (normal above resting pressure 2x)
-rectum,distal sigmoid
-25 cm in length Neurophysiologic testing
-assess pudendal n

Rectal evacuation study

-ballon expulsion test
-video defecography
Colorectal-anus short note by S.Wichien (SNG KKU)

Anal fissure Anorectal abscess

-tear in anoderm distal to dentate line -Cryptoglandular infection
-related to trauma from passage hard -infect of anal glands
stool or prolong diarrhea -intersphincteric plane
-cause spasm of int anal sphincter -ducts traverse int sphincter into
:pain--spasm--dec crypts at level of dentate line
:this cycle develop chronic fissure
-major in posterior midline Space
10-15% in ant middle -Perianal space
-Intersphincteric space
Sign/symptom -Ischiorectal space
-tearing pain c defecation -Pelvic/supralevator space
-hematochezia:bl on toilet paper
-anal spasm lasting several hours Dx
after bowel movement -severe anal pain
-seen by gently separate buttock -inc by walking,coughing,straining
-too tender on PR/proctoscope -fever,uri retention
-life threatening abscess
Medical Tx--is effective in acute Treatment
but only 50-60% in chronic fissure -drainage as soon as dx
-bulk agent -ATB alone ineffective
-stool softener
-warm sitz baths Perianal abscess
-2%lidocain jelly -cruciate skin and subcu incision
-0.02%nitroglycerine ointment -no packing is necessary
:improve bl.flow -sitz baths in nextday
:but often severe headache
-ca channel blocks Ischorectal abscess
:diltiazem,nifedipine -diffuse swelling in ischorectal fossa
-newer agent -incision in overlying skin
:arginine -both=horseshoe abscess
:topical bethanechol (muscarinic ago) :drainage of deep postanal space
-injection of botulinum toxin :often require counterincision over
:inhi Ach release from presynap one/both ischorectal space
:cause temporary m.pararlsis
:alternative to sx sphincterotomy Intersphincteric abscess
-difficult to dx
Sx -few perianal signs
-in chronic fissure that fail medical -pain deep and up inside anal area
lateral sphincterotomy -posterior internal sphincterotomy
-procedure of choice
-divide 30% of internal sphincter fiber Supralevator abscess
-open or closed technique -uncommon,difficult to dx
-risk of incontinence (flatus) -mimic intraabdo condition
-PR=indurated bulging mass
-identify origin of abscess prior to tx
-if 2nd to extension of intersphincteric,
should be drained through rectum
-if from ischorectal,should be drained
through ischorectal fossa
-if from intraabdo ds,should drain via
most direct route
Colorectal-anus short note by S.Wichien (SNG KKU)

Fistula in ano Treatment

-50%of drainage of anorectal abscess -locate int/ext opening
-internal opening : infected crypt -external opening usually visible
-external opening: site of prior drain -injection of hydrogen peroxide or
-non-healing fistula should aware dilute methylene blue may be helpful
:crohn disease,malignancy,radiation,
TB,actinomycosis,chlamydia 1.Simple intersphincteric fistula
Diagnosis -wound healing by2nd intention
-persist drainage from int/ext opening
-indurated tract is often palpable 2.Transphincteric fistula
:depend on location in sphincter
Goodsall rules <30% of sphincter
-determine locate of internal opening -sphincterotomy
1.external opening anteriorly -without signi risk of major incontine
-short-radial tract >30% of sphincter
-except this rule if >3cm--post midline -initial placement of seton
2.external opening posteriorly
-curve to post midline 3.Suprasphincteric fistula
-seton placement
1.intersphincteric fistula 4.extrasphincter fistula
2.transphincteric fistula -fistula outside sphinc--drain+open
3.suprasphincteric fistula -1°tract at level of dentate line
4.extrasphincteric fistula:rare :may opened if present
Complex fistula Failure to heal
-hi transphincteric -require fecal diversion
-suprasphincteric -may from malignancy,crohn,radiate
-extrasphincteric -proctoscope assess rectal mucosa
-ant fistula in female -bx can r/o malignancy
-multiple tract
-recurrent fistula Seton
-asso incontinence -drain placed through fistula
-s/p XRT -maintain drainage/induced fibrosis
-crohn dz/ AIDS Cutting seton
-suture or rubber band placed through
fistula and intermittent tightened
-tightening the seton results in fibrosis
and gradual division of sphincter
Noncutting seton
-soft plastic drain,often vv loop
-placed in to maintain drainage
-tract may be laid open with less risk
of incontinence because scarring
prevent retraction of sphincter
Colorectal-anus short note by S.Wichien (SNG KKU)

Hemorrhoids Infared photocoagulation

-cushions of submucosa -small 1st,2nd degree
-contain venule, arteriole, smooth m. -apply to apex of each hemorrhoid
-3 hemorrhoidal cushion in -coag underlying plexus
left lateral, right ant, right post -all 3 quadrant may be tx in same visit
-fxn as continence mechanism -large,prolapsed not effective
-complete closure of anal canal Sclerotherapy
-sclerosing agent
External hemorrhoid :5-phenol in olive oil
-located distal to dentate line (anoderm) :sodium morrhuate
Thrombosed hemorrhoid :quinine urea
Tx-24-72 hr sx, >72 hr supportive Tx -inject bleeding hemorrhoid
Skin tags -1st,2nd and some 3rd
-often confused c symp hemorrhoid -1-3 ml of agent inject to submucosa
-redundant fibrotic skin at anal verge Excision of thrombosed Ext Hemorrhoid
-residual of thrombosed ext hemorr -24-72 hr
-Tx-only indicated for symptom relief -elliptical excision under LA
-usually loculated--I$D--ineffective
Internal hemorrhoid -72hr--begin resorb--not excision
-proximal to dentate line
-covered by insensate anorectal mucosa Hemorrhoidectomy
-rarely pain, unless thrombosis/necrosis 1.Closed submu hemorrhoidectomy
-may prolapsed, bleeding Park or Ferguson
Grading -prone/lithotomy -fansler anoscope
1st =may prolapse on straining -elliptical incision distal to anal verge
2nd=reduced spontaneous and extended proximally
3rd=require manaul reduction -ligated apex of hemorrhoid plexus
4th=can't reduce,risk for strangulation -resect hemorrhoid tissue
Portal HT pt -closure c running absorb suture
-Hemorrhoid = normal population -must identify fiber of int sphincter
-risk bleeding > normal population -avoid resect large area--stenosis
2.Open hemorrhoidectomy
Hemorrhoid Tx Milligan and Morgan
Medical -as above but wound are left open
-bleeding 1st, 2nd degree -allow to heal by 2nd intention
-diet fiber, stool softener, water 3.Whitehead hemorrhoidectomy
-avoid straining -circumferential excision of H
Rubber band ligation -proximal to dentate line
-persist bleeding 1st, 2nd, 3rd -most don't use this method
-pulled mucosa 1-2 cm proximal to dentate risk of ectropion (whitehead deform)
-1, 2 quadrants are banded 4.Stapled hemorrhoidectomy
-severe pain--placed distal to dentate -alternative sx
c/p -remove short circum segment of
1.urinary retention rectal mucosa proximal to dentate
-1% of pt -ligate int sphincter line using circula staple
2.infection -for large,bleeding int hemorrhoid
-necrotizing infection -not in ext/combined hemorrhoid
-rare but life threatening
-severe pain, fever, chill, urine retention
-may 7-10 after rubber band
-usually self limit
-may require suture ligation
Colorectal-anus short note by S.Wichien (SNG KKU)

Diverticular disease Others

-acquired (major) false diverticula -sigmoid-colectomy c 1°anas +/-
-congenital true diverticula on table lavage c prox.diversion
-75% asymptom, 25% symptom (loop ileostomy)
-75%diverticulitis, 25%bleeding
Diverticulosis -67% of diverticulitis
-diverticula without inflam -10% complete obstruction
-sigmoid=most common -sigmoid colectomy c end colostomy
-lack of dietary fiber
-most=asymptom Fistula
-5%of complete diverticulitis
Diverticulitis -1st--colovesical--most common
-10-25% of diverticulosis 2nd--colovg,coloenteric
-lt side abdo.pain,leukocytosis,fever Rare--colocutaneous
-best Ix=CT with contrast
1.uncomplicated diverticulitis 2 key point
-LLQ pain 1.defined anatomy of fistula
-CT:pericolic soft tissue stranding, 2.exclude other dx
colonic wall thickening,phlegmon -DDx--malignancy,crohn,RTX induce
-Rx=ATB -barium enema, CT, colonoscopy
-most=recovery without sx in 7-10 d -Hx RTx--1st--should r/o recurrent ca
-sigmoidoscope 4-6 wk after recovery r/o ca Rx
Sx--elective sx -resection of affected segment
-sigmoid colectomy c 1°anas (usually 1°repair) and simple repair
(procedure of choice) of involved organ
-resect extend to rectum
-recurrence if retain sigmoid colon Hemorrhage
Elective Sx I/C -erosion of peridiverticula arteriole
1.>=2 episode -may massive
2.1 episode+young pt -elderly
3.1 episode+complicated diverticulitis -80% spon.stop
4.1episode+immunocompromise Rx
-colonoscopy+epi injection/cautery
2.complicated diverticulitis -angiography--dx+therapeutic
Hinchey staging system -laparotomy--segmental colectomy
1-colonic inflam c pericolic abscess
2-retroperitoneal or pelvis abscess Giant colonic diverticula
3-purulent peritonitis ->4cm
4-fecal peritonitis -rare
Rx -antimesen of sigmoid colon
-abscess<2cm--iv ATB -pain,nausea,constipation
-larger--CT guide percu.drain--best -Ix--BE
Emergency laparotomy -c/p--perforate,obstruct,volvulus
-can't percu.drain Tx
-free air / peritonitis -should sx despite asymptom
-symptom resection
Stage1,2 -asymptom diverticulectomy
-sigmoid-colectomy c 1°anas
(one stage operation)
-sigmoid-colectomy c end colostomy c
Hartman pouch (most common)
Colorectal-anus short note by S.Wichien (SNG KKU)

Diverticular disease (cont) Pilonidal disease

Rt side diverticula -hair containing sinus/abscess
-cecum, asc.colon -in intergluteal cleft
-young pt -unknown etiology
-most--asymptomatic -cleft suct hair into midline when sit
-ddx=appendicitis -ingrown hair=infect
-dx in operating room Tx
Pre op Dx acute
-good clinical ATB iv -incised and drain
-not good pt rt hemicolectomy ¤midline w--heal poorly
Intraop Dx ¤incision--lateral to gluteal cleft
-complicated rt hemicolectomy chronic
-uncomplicated appendectomy, ATB iv -unroof tract
-curetting base
Pruritis ani -marsupializing wound
Sx correctable -free of hair
-prolapsed hemorrhoid Complex/recurrent sinus
-ectropion -more extensive resection
-fissure -Z plasty/advancement flap/
-fistula Rotational flap
Infection STD
-fungus=candida,monilia Bacteria : proctitis
-parasite=enterobius,scabies,louse -n.gonorrhea=most common
-bact -c.trachomatis
corynebac.minutissimum(erythrasma) -t.pallidum=chancre
treponema pallidum(syphylis) -h.ducreyi
-virus=HPV :chancroid
Noninfectious :inguinal lymphadenopathy
-seborrhea -donovania granulomatis
-psoriasis :granuloma inguinale
-contact dermatitis :red mass on perineum
-jx Parasite
-DM -e.histolytica
:ulcer in GI mucosa
Hidradenitis suppurative -giardia lamblia
-infect of cuta.apocrine sweat gl. Viral
-infect gl.rupture>form subcu.sinus T HIV
-mimic complex fistula HSV T.2
-stop at anal verge, because HPV
no apocrine anal canal -anogenital wart,condy.accuminata
Tx -asso AIN,sq.cell ca
-I&D in acute abscess -HPV T.6,11--no ca
-unroof fistula,debride granulation -HPV T.16,18--ca
-topical podophyllin--small lesion
-imiquimod (Aldara)--severe lesion
-excision in large lesion
+ can r/o dysplasia
Colorectal-anus short note by S.Wichien (SNG KKU)

Megacolon Solitary rectal ulcer syndrome

-chronic dilate,elongate,hypertrophy -asso internal intussusception
-congenital vs acquire -pain,bleeding,mucus d/c,obstruc
-asso chronic Mechanical or fxn obstr -one or more ulcer in distal rectum
-exclude correctable mecha.obstr -ant.wall 4-12 cm from AV
-Hirschprung dz colitis cystica profunda
-no GG cell in distal colon -nodule/mass in similar location
-failure of relaxation -mucosal gland in submucosa
-fxn obstruction
-resect aganglion segment Ix
-can later in childhood -bx r/o malignancy
:ultrashort-srgment hirschprung dz -colonoscopy /BE
Acquired -defecogram r/o rectal intussusception
Infection Tx
-T.cruzi (chagas dz) Nonsx
:destroy GG cell -hi-fiber diet
:megacolon/eso -defecation to avoid straining
chronic constipation -laxative/enema
-from slow transit Sx
-med--anti cholinergic -as prolapsed
-neurologic--paraplegia -in symptomatic pt,fail med
-diverting ileostomy or
subtotal colectomy c ileorectal anas Typhlitis
-neutropenic enterocolitis
Colonic pseudo-obstruction -abdo.pain/distend,fever,
-Ogilvie syndrome diarrhea()bloody),n/v
-fxn disorder -neutropenia
-absent mech.obstruction -difficult dx due to lack inflam rxn
-massive colon dilate -CT
(esp.rt and transverse colon) :dilate cecum c pericolic stranding
-common in hospitalized pt :normal not r/o ds
-narcotic,anticholi,bed rest comorbid -perianal pain
-autonomic dysfxn Rx
-adynamic ileus -bowel rest
Step Tx -parenteral nutrition
1.conservative Tx NG, rectal tube, elyte -granulocyte infusion
2.Neostigmine (Achesterase inh) -perforate >> sx
-not in CVS ds
3.colonoscopic decompression
-gangrene resection
-good caecum cecostomy
Colorectal-anus short note by S.Wichien (SNG KKU)

Rectal prolapse Volvulus

-circum,full thickness protusion 1.sigmoid (90%)
-1st degree/complete/procidentia 2.caecum (<20%)
-internal prolapse=intuss 3.T.colon (3%)
-women:inc with age 1.Sigmoid volvulus
-men:unrelated with age -volvulus belt africa, india
-M > F
Mucosal prolapse -40-50 yr
-partial thickness protusion Etiology
-often asso hemorrhoid -elongated /mobile sigmoid colon
Tx--banding/hemorrhoidectomy -narrow mesenteric attachment
Gangrene part
Clinical -neck of volvulus
-tenesmus -in closed loop
-tissue protuding -proximal or distal of neck
-incomplete evacuation Perforate site
-mucus d/c,leakage -caecum
-fxn complaint--incontinence/constipa Clinical
1.acute fulminant type
Ix 2.subacute progressive type
-colonic transit study Signs
-anorectal manometry -Von Walhl sign mass of distended loop
-colonoscope/BE--exclude ca/diverti -emptiness of LLQ
Tx -bent inner tube/ coffee bean/ omega sign
1.Abdominal approach -Northern exposure sign (apex above TC)
1.Moschowitz repair Limited BE
-reduction of perineal hernia and -bird beak (pathognomonic)
closure of cul-de-sac CT
-whirl sign
2.fixation of rectum Endoscope
2.1 Ripsten and Well rectoplexy) -whirl sign
-with prosthetic sling Tx
2.2 suture rectoplexy 1.endoscopic decompression
-rigid or flexible sigmoidoscope
3.resection rectoplexy (Fryman Goldberg) -C/I peritonitis, suspect gangrene bowel
-resection of redundant sigmoid colon -recurrent rate 40-70%
may combine c rectal fixation 2. 1+endoscopic sigmoidoplexy
-T fasteners sigmoidoplexy
2.Peritoneal approach 3.Sx
1.Delorme procedure Emergency
-mucosal resection+suture plication -Hartman procedure (safest operation)
2.Perineal rectosigmoidectomy or Elective
Altemeier procedure -sigmoidectomy
3.2+levatoplasty -sigmoidoplexy
4.Thiersch operation -mesosigmoidoplasty
-circular thightening
Colorectal-anus short note by S.Wichien (SNG KKU)

Volvulus (cont) 4.ileosigmoid knotting

2.cecal volvulus -double closed loop obstruction
-F > m Etiology
-elderly -hypermobile smb
Etiology -redundant sigmoid
-hypermobile cecum Type
-inadequate rt colon fixation 1-ileum around sigmoid
Type 2-sigmoid around colon
1-axial torsion type 3-ileocecal segment around sigmoid
2-loop type 4-undetermined
3-cecal buscule type CT
Clinical -whirl sign
-acute smb obstruction Tx
-chronic recurrent abdo pain -sigmoid Hartman
X ray -ileum resection + 1°anastomosis
-cecal dilatation
-absence gas at distal colon
-smb obstruction
-bird beak appearance
-not recommend perforate
-Ix of choice
-whirl sign
1.endoscopic decompression
-not recommend most can't
-detorsion+cecopexy hi recurrence
-ileocecectomy or RHC c 1°ileocolic anas

3.Transverse colon volvulus

-F > M
-asso sigmoid volvulus & chilaiditi synd
-redundant T.colon
-mesenterium commune (not fix asc/des C)
-whirl sign
-extended RHC + 1ºanastomosis
Colorectal-anus short note by S.Wichien (SNG KKU)

Rectovaginal fistula RV fistula Tx

-connect btw vagina and rectum/anal canal OB inj
-proximal to dentate line -50%heal spon--wait 3-6mo

1.Low Cryptogl abscess

-rectum--close to dentate line -drainage allow spon closure
cause low+mid rectovaginal fistula
-common caused by OB inj -endorectal advancement flap (best Tx)
-trauma from FB -healthy mucosa,submu,cir muscle
-vagina--between fourchette and cx if sphincter inj
cause -overlapping sphincteroplasty
-after sx resect of midrectal neoplasm -fecal diversion =rare
-radiation inj
-more severe OB inj hi fistula
-extension of undrain abscess -best tx via trans-abdo pproach
3.High -bowel is resected
-vagina--near cervix -closed hole in Vg
cause -omentum interposed
-radiation inj Crohn
-adequate drain of perianal sepsis
complicated diverticulitis -advancement flap may performed if
-may cause colovaginal fistula spare from active dz
crohn dz
-cause RV fistula all level Radiation
-colovaginal, enterovaginal fistula -can't flap
-bx--r/o ca
-pass flatus from vagina to
-pass solid stool from vg
-some degree of fecal incontinence
-contaminate result in vaginitis
-anoscope/vaginal speculum may dx
-BE or vaginogram may identify
-methylene blue into rectum
while tampon in vagina may dx
Colorectal-anus short note by S.Wichien (SNG KKU)

Ischemic colitis Infectious colitis

-intes colitis--most com=colon Pseudomembranous colitis
:splenic flexure -c.difficile
-from low flow/small vv occlusion -nosocromial diarrhea
-rarely asso major a/v occlusion -give ATB=deplete normal flora
-splenic flexure=most site :clindamycin
-rectum=spare(rich collateral br.) -2 toxins
:toxin A-enterotoxin
Risk factors :toxin B-cytotoxin
-vascular dz -ulcer plaque,pseudomembranous
-DM Ix
-vasculitis -stool c/s
-hypoT -immunoassay for toxins
-ligate IMA in aortic sx Tx
-stop ATB
Ix -oral metro=1st line (10 d)
Film -oral vanco=2nd line
-thumb printing -vanco enema
(mucosal edema,submu.hmg) -recurrent=longer (up to 1 mo)
CT Fulminant colitis
-nonspecific colonic wall thickening -total colectomy c end ileostomy
-pericolic fat stranding
Angiography Others infectious colitis
-not helpful Common
-rare major a.occlusion -e.coli,campylobacter jejuni,yersinia,
Sigmoidoscope samonella,shigella,gonorrhea
-dark,hmg mucosa -ameba,cryptosporidium,giadia
-hi-risk to perforate -HIV,HSV,CMV
-relative C/I Uncommon
BE -TB,syphilis,actinomycosis
-C/I in acute phase -fungi

Tx Radition proctitis
-major can medical tx -bleeding formalin packing
-rest bowel,broad ATB -must sx colostomy/ proctocolectomy
-correct low flow stage
-colonoscopy after recovery
:evaluate stricture
:r/o other cause
-fail med=sx exploration
:resect necrotic bowel
:avoid primary anas
:may be 2nd look operation

-stricture 10-15%
-chronic segmental ischemia 15-20%
Colorectal-anus short note by S.Wichien (SNG KKU)

Colon injury Iatrogenic inj

Grading 1.intraop
Gr1=contusion -pelvic operation
Gr2=LW<50%circum -must early recognition
Gr3=LW>50%circum -little contaminate primary repair
Gr4=transaction -delay dx sig.peritonitis/sepsis
Gr5=tissue loss Tx fecal diversion, repeat exploration
3 concepts method -rare
1.primary repair -intraperitoneum Sx
-lateral suture (grade 2) -extraperitoneum NOM
-resect c ileocolos /colocolstomy (grade 3) 3.colonoscopy
-running single layer -perforation
-safe & effective in all penetrating inj -<1%of procedure
2.end colostomy Tx
-damage control sx depend on
3.primary repair+diverting ileostomy 1.size perforation
-hi risk pt tumor/XRT/age/med condition 2.duration of time since inj
local FB/impair damage 3.condition of pt
shock/hmg>1000cc/onset>6hr -signi contaminate/delay dx/unstable pt
Rectum inj
Grading Anal sphincter injury
Gr1=contusion cause
Gr2=LW<50%circum -obstetric traummost common
Gr3=LW>50%circum -hemorrhoidectomy
Gr4=extend to peritoneum -sphincterotomy
Gr5=devascularized segment -abscess drainage
Intraperitoneum part -penetrating/blunt inj
-Tx as colon inj Ix
-primary repair or Hartmann -anal manometry
Extraperitoneum part -endoanal u/s
Tx=4D Surgical repair
1.Diversion A wrap around sphincteroplasty
2.Direct repair (if can) -most common
3.Drainage (?) -mobilize divided sphincter m.
-presarcal w penrose drain -reapproximate without tension
-along Waldeyer fascia Postanal intersphincteric levatorplasty
-via perianal incision -levator ani approximate to
4.Distal wash out (not used now) restore anorectal angle
-puborectalis/ext sphincter are tighten
Intestinal diversion with suture
1.sigmoid loop colostomy Gracilis m.transposition
2.loop ileostomy -sig.loss sphincter m.
Sigmoid colostomy -fail prior procedure
1.adequate mobilization Artificial anal sphincter
2.maintain common wall of -inflate silastic cuff
prox & distal limb above skin with Sacral n.stimulation
one half inch nylon rod
3.longitudinal incision in tenia coli
4.immediate maturation in OR
Colorectal-anus short note by S.Wichien (SNG KKU)

Polyps B.Peut-Jeghers synd

1.Neoplastic polyps -polyposis small bowel,colon,rectum
-adenomatous polyps -melanin spot on buccal mucosa,lips
-dysplastic -may ca
-risk ca--size + type of polyps Sx--symptom,develop adenomatous
Size--polyps<1cm--rare ca
Type C.Cronkite-Canada synd
-Tubular adenoma - ca 5% -GI polyposis c alopecia,
-Villous adenoma - ca 40% cutaneous pigmentation,
-tubulovillous - ca 22% atrophy fingernail/toenail
-serrated polyp-ca 10% -diarrhea,n/v,malabsorp
:adenomatous+hyperplastic polyp -prot-losing enteropathy
:BRAF mutation -sx for c/p--obstruction
Malignant polyp
Size>2cm D.Cowden synd
Margin<2mm -AD
Kudo3 -harmartomatous
Haggitt4 -facial trichilemmomas,breast ca,
Haggitt thyroid dz,GI polyps = typical synd
1-mm into submu—head 3.Inflammatory polyps
2-neck -pseudopolyps
3-stalk -inflam bowel dz
4-below stalk (LN 12-25%) -amebic/ischemic/schisto colitis
Kudo -not ca
Sm1-upper 1/3 submu -but can't distinguished adenomatous
Sm2-middle 1/3 submu polyps,so should be removed
Sm3-lower 1/3 submu
Tx 4.Hyperplastic polyps
-snare excision--pedunculate P -usually <5mm
-saline lift+piecemeal snare--sessile P -hyperplasia ,without dysplasia
Surveillance s/p endo Tx -large polyps >2cm--slightly risk ca
-scope 3 mo q 6 mo*2 yr q 2yr

2.Hamatomatous polyps
-juvenile polyps
-not usually premalignancy
-common symptom

A.familial juvenile polyposis

-100 polyps in colon,rectum
-may ca
-anaul screening age 10-12 yr
-spare rectum :total colectomy c
ileorectal anastomosis
-total proctocolectomy,ileal pouch,
anal reconstruction
Colorectal-anus short note by S.Wichien (SNG KKU)

Pre-op evaluation Configuration

-colonoscopy End to end
:synchronous lesion -same caliber
:up to 5% of pt -colocolostomy,small bowel anasto
-PR End to side
-proctoscope c bx -one limb of bowel larger than other
-endorectal u/s -in chronic obstruction
-CXR Side to end
-abdo./pelvis CT -prox.bowel smaller than distal
-obstructive symp -ileorectal anastomosis
:avoid mech.bowel preparation -less than end to end
-PET Side to side
-CEA = follow up -antimesen of two segment
-ileocolic,small bowel anas
Pre-op preparation
1.Bowel preparation Technique
-mechanical bowel preparation Hand suture
:polyethylene glycol (PEG) solution -single layer
:sodium phosphate solution :running or interrupt
:drink large volume -double layer
-antibiotic prophylaxis :inner=continue
:neomycin 1 gm :outer=interrupt
:erythromycin 1 gm/metro 500mg -permanent or absorb suture

2.stomal planning Stapled technique

-consult enterostomal(ET)nurse -linear cutter stapling device
-educated :end to end anastomosis
-stoma siting : pre-op mark -circular stapling device
:end to end,end to side,side to end
3.ureteral stent -useful in low rectal/anal canal anas
-identify ureter intraop that hand sew difficult due to pelvis
-inflam/phlegmon inc risk of ureter inj
during mobllize sigmoid colon

-highest risk of leak/stricture in
:distal rectal or anal canal
:irradiated/disease bowel
Colorectal-anus short note by S.Wichien (SNG KKU)

Colectomy Total Colectomy

Ileocolic resection -fulminant colitis
-resect terminal ilium,cecum,appendix -FAP
-ileocolic crohn dz -peserved sup rectal a.
-benign lesion or incurable ca -ileorectal anastomosis
-if curable ca,more radical resection, -if anas is contraindicate,an end
such as rt hemicolectomy ileostomy is created and remaining
-ligated ileocolic vv sigmoid or rectum as mucus fistula or
-1°anastomosis between distal small hartmann pouch
bowel and ascending colon
Subtotal colectomy
Rt colectomy -distal sigmoid vv are left
-for curative intent resection of -anas ilium-distal sigmoid colon
proximal colon ca
-ligated ileocolic,rt colic, Proctocolectomy
rt br of middle colic vv Total protocolectomy
-10 cm of terminal ilium are resected -colon,rectum,anus are removed
-primary ileal transverse colon anas -ileum to skin=ileostomy
Restorative proctolectomy
Extend rt colectomy -ileal pouch anal anastomosis
-for curative intent resection of -preserve anal sphincter m,anal canal
hepatic flexure/prox transverse colon -anastomose of ileal reservoir to anus -
-ligate middle colic vv at their base neorectum by anastomosis of
-rt colon,prox tv colon are resected terminal ileum aligns to J,S,W
-primary anas at ilium-distal tv colon -J puch is simplest=most used
-most perform proximal ileostomy to
Transverse colectomy divert succus from create pouch to
-lesion in mid,distal tv colon minimize leak and sepsis
-ligate middle colic vv -ileostomy closed 6-12 wk later
-colocolonic anastomosis
Procedure in colorectal obstruction
Lt colectomy 1.colonic obstruction
-lesion confined to distal tv colon, Rt side/ prox transverse colon
splenic flexure,descending colon 1.low risk pt 1ºileocolic anastomosis
-ligated lt br of middle colic vv, 2.hi risk pt resection+ostomy
lt colic vv,1st br sigmoid vv Lt side colon
-colocolonic anastomosis 1.resection without anastomosis
-proximal colostomy+Hartmann
Extended lt colectomy 2.resection+on table lavage+1ºanasto
-lesion in distal tv colon 3.subtotal colectomy+1ºanasto
-lt colectomy+extend include rt br of -caecal perforate
middle colic -synchronous lesion
-massive distend colon
Sigmoid colectomy 4.3 stage
-sigmoid lesion -colostomy resection anastomosis
-ligated sigmoid br of IMA 5.colonic stent
-resected to level of peritoneal reflect -C/I perforate/<4cm from AV/rt side
-anas at descending c./upper rectum
-full mobilization of splenic flexure to 2.Rectal obstruction
create tension free anastomosis Upper+middle rectum
-stent or transverse colostomy CCRT/LAR
Lower rectum
-sigmoid colostomy CCRT Sx
Colorectal-anus short note by S.Wichien (SNG KKU)

Anterior resection APR

-resect rectum from abdo approach -abdomioperineal resection
-remove entire rectum,anal,anus
High AR -permanent colostomy
-resect distal sigmoid, upper rectum -procedure as extend low AR
-mobilize rectum, not fully from sacrum -peritoneal dissection
-ligated IMA at its base :2nd surgeon
-ligated IMV :excise anal c. c wide circum margin
-1°anastomosis end to end
Low AR -sharp dissection under vision
-lesion at upper/mid rectum -outside mesorectal fascia
-mobilize rectosigmoid -down to pelvic floor
-open pelvic peritoneum -identified and preserve symp+parasymp
-mobilize rectum from sacrum -adequate mesorectal excision= 5cm margin
-dissection anorectal ring Step
-Post : through rectosacral fascia 1.plane behind rot of pedicle package
Ant : through Denonvilliers fascia to 2.plane ant to ANS
vagina in women or seminal vesicle 3.hi ligation
and prostate in men IMA=prox to left middle colic A
-anastomosis require mobilize of IMV=inf of pancreas
splenic flexexure 4.dissect Holy plane
post lat ant
Extend low AR 5.divide lateral ligament
-lesion in distal rectum 15% in lateral ligament
-but several cm above sphincter 6.anterior dissection
-moblize rectum as low AR include peritoneal reflection+Denoviller
-but ant dissection is extended along ANS sparing TME
rectovaginal septum in women -sup hypogastric plexus ejaculation dysfxn
distal seminal vesicle/prostate in men -inf hypogastric plexus ED&urine retention
- when risk of leakage is hi
should perform temporary ileostomy
-post operative fxn may be poor
des colon lack distensibility
reservoir fxn may compromise
colon J-pouch or coloplasty =Improve fxn
-Hx of sphincter damage or incontinence is
relative C/I for coloanal anastomosis
End colostomy should perform

-inflam affect both ileoanal pouch and
continent ileostomy reservoir
-incidence 30-55%
-ddx=infection,undx crohn dz
-fecal stasis
-some develop chronic pouchitis
salicylate/steroid enema
pouch excision
Colorectal-anus short note by S.Wichien (SNG KKU)

Ostomy Complication
-temporary vs permanent -stoma necrosis (early post op)
-end on vs loop :tight fascial defect or
-located in rectus minimize risk :skeletonizing the distal small bowel
of parastromal hernia -stoma retraction
-pt can see,easily manipulate :in obesity
-abdo should flat to prevent leak -skin irritation
-circular skin incision -obstruction
-subcu.dissected to ant rectal sheath -parastomal hernia
-sheath is incised in cruciate fashion :less than colostomy
-separated m. :resiting the stoma to contralat side
-incised post sheath -prolapse
-size of defect depend on bowel size :rare,late c/p
-should be as small as possible, :asso parastomal hernia
without compromise -Continent ileostomy = valve slippage
-usually width of 2-3 finger
-closed incision and dress prior 2.Colostomy
maturing stoma to avoid contaminate -most as End colostomy > loop colos
-3-4 interrupt absorb suture are -loop colostomy >>more prolapse
placed through edge of bowel then -most = in left side
through serosa then through dermis -mature by Brooke fashion
(Brooke technique) -distal bowel as
:mucus fistula
1.Ileostomy :Hartman pouch
Temporary ileostomy -closure of colostomy require
-protect anastomosis for leakage laparotomy : end to end anas
-loop ileostomy
-with or without rod Complication
-divided loop prevent incomplete -colostomy necrosis
diversion that occur c loop ileostomy :skeletonize distal colon
-advantage=closure can be :tight fascial defect
accomplished without Tx
laparotomy,handsewn or stapled :suprafascia--expectant
anastomosis can be created and :below fascia--sx
return bowel to peritoneal cavity -retraction
Permanent ileostomy -parastomal hernia
-require after total proctocolectomy or :most common late c/p
in pt c obstruction -prolapse
-end ileostomy -less skin irritation than ileostomy
:Brooke end ileostomy -less dehydrate than ileostomy
:Continent ileostomy (by Kock)
internal ileal reservoir
nipple valve construct :continence m.
Colorectal-anus short note by S.Wichien (SNG KKU)

Adenocarcinoma Spreading
Incidence 1.Regional LN
-most common malignancy in GI -most common
-men=female -node metas inc with tumor size, poorly diff,
-adenoma-carcinoma sequence dept of invade, lymphovas invade
-dept of invasion (T)
Risk factor :most signi predictor of LN spreading
1.aging > 50yr :Tis = no node metas
2.hereditary :T1,2 = node metas 5-20%
-80%sporadic 20%fam.hx :T3,4 = node metas >50%
-APC gene defect -number of node asso.distant ds
3.environments ->=4 node : poor prog
-animal fat diet,low fiber -upper rectum
-hi-sat or polyunsaturated fat :along sup.rectal vv to IMA
-alcohol -lower rectum
-vit A,E,C,ca,selenium=dec risk :middle rectal vv
4.inflammatory bowel :inf rectal vv to int illiac node
-10yr--inc 2%
20yr--inc 8% 2.Hematogenous
30yr--inc 18% -most common = liver
5.other -via portal venous system
-smoking,ureterosigmoidotomy -risk of hepatic metas
acromegaly,pelvis irradiation :tumor size/ tumor grade
-pulmo.metas rarely occur in isolate
Genetic defect
Normal epi>>APC>>dysplastic epi>>early Staging
adenoma>>K-ras>>intermediate T1-invade submucosa
adenoma>>DCC/DPC4>>late T2-invade mucularis propia
adenoma>>p53>>carcinoma>>other T3-invade into pericolorectal tissue
change>>metas T4a-visceral peritoneum, T4b-invade organ
N1-1-3 LN
APC-tumor suppressor gene N1a-1, N1b-2-3
K-ras-proto-oncogene N1c-no LN but tumor in subsero/mesen
DCC-tumor suppressor gene N2->=4 LN
p53-tumor suppressor gene N2a-4-6, N2b->=7
M1a-1 organ, M1b->=2 organ
Genetic pw--2 major pw
1.LOH pw--80% *node is single most important prog.factor
-chromosome deletion and
tumor aneuploidy
2.RER pw--20%
-Replication Error pw
-missmatch repair pw
-asso microsatellite instability--MSI

Familial colorectal ca
Risk of ca
-no fam.hx 6%
-one 1st degree 12%
-two 1st degree 35%
Colorectal-anus short note by S.Wichien (SNG KKU)

Ca colon.Tx Follow up
Pre-op -most recur within 2yr
-Colonoscopy -colonoscopy within 12 mo
:synchronous lesion--5% of pt if normal,repeat q 3-5 yr
-endorectal u/s -CEA q 2-3 mo for 2 yr
:assess T N -CT scan in CEA elevate,not routine
-CT chest/abdo/pelvis
-CEA Screening
Average risk
Objection -50yr
-remove 1°tumor along with -annual FOBT
its lympovascular supply -flex.sigmoidoscope q 5yr or
:lymph along a. BE q 5 yr or
:bowel resection depends on vv are Colonoscopy q 10 yr
supplying segment involved with ca Adenomatous polyps
-resect adjacent organ -50yr
:omentum -colonoscopy at 1st dx then in 3yr
-if can't remove all tumor Colorectal ca
:palliative procedure -at dx
-pre tx colonoscope then
Stage 0 (TisN0M0) 12 mo after curative resection then
-no node metas colonoscopy after 3yr then q 5yr
-completely remove endoscopic FAP
-follow colonoscopy -10-12yr
-annual flex.sigmoidoscope
Stage1 (T1 N0 M0) -EGD q 1-3yr after polyps appear
(malignant polpys) Attenuated FAP
Pedunculate polyps -20yr
-in head polyp--can endoscopic tx -annual flex.sigmoidoscope
-lymphovas.invasion,poorly diff, -EGD q 1-3yr after polyps appear
tumor within 1mm msrgin, HNPCC
invade submu -20-25yr
:segmental colectomy -colonoscopy q 1-2 yr
-endometrial aspi.bx q 1-2yr
Stage1 and 2 (T1-3 N0 M0)
(localized colon ca) (1st degree relative)
-major=cure c sx -40 yr or 10 yr before the age of
-adjuvant CMT for select pt c stage2 youngest affect
:young pt,tumor c hi-risk histo.finding -colonoscopy q 5yr

Stage3 (anyT N1 M0) Surveillance

(LN metastasis ) Hx+PE+CEA
-recommend adjuvant CMT -q 3 mo * 2 yr
-5-FU base regimen c leucovorin -q 6 mo until 5 yr
Stage4 (anyT anyN M1) -1 3 5 yr
(distant metas) -if no pre-op should s/p sx 3-6 mo
-all require adjuvant CMT CT scan
-can't cure by sx -q 1yr * 3 yr
Colorectal-anus short note by S.Wichien (SNG KKU)

Ca rectum.Tx stage0 (Tis N0 M0)

-more difficult to resect neg margin -Transanal excision
-because anatomic limit of pelvis -1 cm margin
-local recurrence higher than colon
stage1 (T1-2 N0 M0)
Local tx -localized rectal ca
¤distal 10 cm of rectum can transanal -local excision:local recur hi(20-40%)
Transanal excision -radical resection:recommend
-noncircum,benign,villous adenoma -in refuse radical sx
-can T1,some T2 :local excision
-can't LN--may understage pt :adjuvant chemoradiation
Transanal Endoscopic microsx(TEM) :improve local recurrence
-higher lesion(up to 15cm)
Ablative technique stage2 (T3-4 N0 M0)
-electrocautery,radiation -localized rectal ca
-disvantage=no patho specimen 1.preop staging
2.CCRT 4-6 wk
Radical resection 3.Sx
-remove involve segment, distal margin 2 cm
lymphovascular supply TME margin 2mm
-2cm distal margin ANP
Total mesorectal excision(TME) sphincter preserve if >= pelvic floor 1 cm
-sharp dissection anatomic plane op CRRT
-complete resection rectal mesentery stage 2a, LN +ve
-upper rectum/rectosigmoid
:partial mesorectal excision stage3 (anyT N1 M0)
:5cm distal tumor=adequate -node metas
-extensive involvement of pelvic organ -chemoradiation pre or post op for
may require pelvic exenteration node+ve rectal ca
:APR -neoadjuvant>>sx
:en bolc resection
(ureter,BD,prostate or uterus/vg) stage4 (M1)
:colostomy,ileal conduit -palliative procedure
:sacrectomy upto S2-3 jxn -avoid morbid procedure
-intraluminal stent
-diverting colostomy
Colorectal-anus short note by S.Wichien (SNG KKU)

CA rectum Sx Complication s/p rectum Sx

1.Sphincter saving procedure 1.ureter injury
Procedure Mechanism of inj
1.AR 1.hi ligation of IMA 1ºrepair
-intraperito colorectal anastomosis 2.sigmoid mobilization 1ºrepair/Boari flap
2.LAR 3.anterolat dissection re implant
-extraperito colorectal anastomosis Suspect in intraop
3.ultralow AR -iv indigo carmine/ methylene blue
-just above pelvic floor -post op RP
4.intersphincteric resection
-divide full thickness of IAS 2.urethral inj
-1-2cm distal from tumor +/- frozen section -dissection APR
-coloanal anstomosis -don t dissect across transverse perineal m
-Tx 1ºrepair over foley retain 2-4 wk
1.end to end 3.anastomosis leakage
-loss rectal reservoir Prevention
-LAR synd trenesmus, frequency, inconti -good blood supply
2.colonic J pouch -tension free anastomosis
-6-8 cm pouch -complete donut ring
-dec LAR synd -air test
3.coloplasty Free leakage Tx
-take down anastomosis hartmann
Protective ileostomy I/C -1ºanasto+diverting ostomy+pelvic drain
1.pre op XRT/ CMT (low contaminate+small defect)
2.ultralow anastomosis Contained leakage or abscess Tx
3.incoplete donut ring -small abscess ATB iv
4.malnutrition, immunosup, pelvic abscess -large abscess PCD
-continue leakage PCD+diversion ostomy
I/C 4.anastomosis bleeding
1.tumor invade ext sphincter/ pelvic floor -staple > handsewn
2.sphincter incompetence
3.poor colonic vasculariztion op ileus
-open sx > 5 d
3.local excision -lap sx > 3 d
I/C Tx
-T1, well diff, no LVI -enhanced recovery program
-N0 -peripheral µ opioid antagonist
-mobile :Alvimopam (approve 15 dose)
-< 3cm :12 mcg o 30 min pre op
-<30% circum :12 mcg o bid * 7 d
->3mm margin
Colorectal-anus short note by S.Wichien (SNG KKU)

Anal tumor Verrucous ca

-uncommon -Buschke-Lowenstein tumor or
-2%of colorectal malignant Giant condyloma accuminata
-aggressive of condy.accuminata (HPV 6,11)
Divided into -not metas
1.anal canal -Tx of choice--wide local excision
-puborectalis to AV
-lymph drainage Basal cell ca
:sup.rectal IM node -rara of anus
:middle,inf.rectal int.illiac node -as skin
2.anal margin -raise,pearly edge,central ulcer
-distal to dentate line -slow growing tumor
-5 cm around AV -rare metas
-lymph drainage -wide local excision
:inguinal node -large lesion=radical resection,RTX
:if 1°are block sup.rectal
Anal intraepi.neoplasia (AIN) -extremely rare
-bowen ds -spread from lower rectal ca
-hi-grade squa. intraepi lesion--HSIL -may from anal gland/chronic fistula
-sq.cell ca in situ -Tx of choice APR+WLE of perineum
-precursor to invasive sq.cell ca Paget dz
-plaque like lesion -adenocarcinoma in situ
-as CIN : acetic acid,Lugol solution -apocrine gland
-asso HPV 16,18 -plaque like
-asso HIV,homosexual men -indistinguish from Bowen dz
-hi-reso anoscopy--abnor telangiec -paget cell
Tx -asso synchronous GI adenoca
-resection or ablation complete assess GI tract
-hi recurrent,require closed f/u -wide local excision 1 cm
:pap smear q 3-6 mo
Epidermoid carcinoma -rare
1.sq.cell ca -1-2% of melanoma
2.cloacogenic ca -S-100
3.transitional ca -5yr survive <10%
4.basaloid ca -at dx often deep invade, metastasis
-slow growing -Tx of choice WLE
-anal/perianal mass
-inguinal node=poor prog
SCC of anal canal
-non keratinized
-Nigro protocol (5FU,MMC,3000cGy) > APR
SCC of anal margin
-as sq.cell ca in skin
-WLE 2 cm
Colorectal-anus short note by S.Wichien (SNG KKU)

Rare colorectal tumor Leiomyosarcoma

Carcinoid -rare in GI
-25% in rectum -rectum is most common
-risk malignancy inc with size -radical resection
-tumor>2cm :60% have metas
-less vasoactive in other location Retrorectal tumor
-have syndrome--have liver metas -presacral tumor
-in prox.colon -ant--rectum post--presacral fascia
:less common lateral--endopelvic fascia
:more likely to be malignancy -upper 2/3 of rectum and sacrum
-med=somatostatin(octreotide),INF -contain embryologic remnant
Small (neuroectoderm,notocord,hindgut)
-locally resect -most common=congenital
Large/invade muscular -lower back/pelvic/leg pain
-more radicak sx -GI symptom
-PR=palpable lesion
Carcinoid carcinoma -MRI pelvis=most sense/spec
-adenocarcinoid -myelogram in CNS involve
-both carcinoid and adenoca -bx not indicate,if lesion resectable
-hx=more closely adenoca :infection,seeding
-common regional/systemic metas Cyst
-tx as adenoca -dermoid/epidermoid--ectoderm
-enterogeneous cyst--primitive gut
Lipoma -ant meningocele/myelomeningocele
-most common in submucosa :scimitar sign = pathognomonic
-benign (sacrum c round, concave border
-<2cm=rarely cause bleed,obstr,intus without bony destruction)
-small asymp=not sx Solid
-larger -teratoma--germ cell
:colonoscopic resection -chordoma--notochord
:colotomy c enucleation :most common malig in this region
:bony destruction
Lymphoma -neurofibroma,neurilemoma
-10%of GI lymphoma ependymoma,ganglioneuroma
-rare in colon/rectum -osteoma,bone cyst
-cecum is most involve osteogenic sarcoma
(spread from terminal ileum) ewing sarcoma,giant cell T
-bleeding,obstruction chondromyxosarcoma
-Tx of choice = bowel resection Tx
-adjuvant cmt upon stage -sx resection
Hi-lesion--transabdo approach
Leiomyoma Low-lesion--transacral
-smooth m.tumor
-most common in upper GI
-large lesion=bleed,obstruct
-difficult to distinguished from
leiomyosarcoma,should resect
->5cm--radical resection,
(because risk of malignancy)
Colorectal-anus short note by S.Wichien (SNG KKU)

Familial Adenomatous Polyposis FAP attenuated (AFAP)

-1% of colorectal adenoca -polyps < 100
-AD -later in life age
-APC gene mutation -APC mutation AD (30% of pt)
-APC gene testing (+ve in 75%) -MYH mutation AR
-located on chrom 5q -10-100 polyps--dominant rt colon
-risk ca 100% by age 50 yr ->50%--ca clon--average 50yr
Screening -duodenal polyposis
-flex.sigmoidoscope Tx
:1st degree relative--age 10-15 yr -total colectomy+IRA
:q 2 yr until 34 yr -if have rectal lesion snare+follow colono
:q 3 yr until 44 yr
:then 3-5 yr HNPCC (Lynch syndrome)
-EGD -Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colon Ca
:at 25-30yr q 1-3yr -AD
:adenoma anywhere in GI -error in mismatch repair
:duodenum >> periampullary ca -develop ca at early age--40-45 yr
-not Ca 100% as FAP
Rx -synchronous lesion = 40
4 factors affect choice of Sx Lynchs syndrome
-age 1=only colon
-severity of symptom 2=GI/KUB/Gyne
-extend of rectal polyposis 3=skin lesion
-location of ca,desmoid tumor 4=Turcot syndrome abdo.colectomy Extracolonic malignancy

-ileorectal anastomosis -endometrial--most common
-¤surveillance rectum -ovarian, panc, stomach, smb, biliary, uro proctocolectomy
-end ileostomy (Brooke) or 3-2-1-0 rules Amsterdam criteria
continent ileostomy (Kock) ->=3 relative dx--HNPCC
-large abandon--success of 1 one of whom is 1st degree relative
3.restorative proctocolectomy -at least 2 generations
-ileal pouch anal anastomosis -at least 1--dx <50yr
+/- temporary ileostomy -no FAP

Med Screening
-admin cox-2 inh (celecoxib,sulindac) -screening colonoscopy 20-25yr or
may slow develop polyps 10yr younger than youngest age
at diagnosis in family
Extraintes manifestation -hi risk of endometrial ca
-congen.hypertrophy of retinal :TVS or endometrial aspiration bx
pigment epithelium :after 25-35yr
-epidermal cyst Sx
-mandibular osteoma (Garder synd) -total colectomy+IRA
-CNS tumor (Turcot synd) 40% risk of develop 2°colon ca
in adenoma/colon ca
anaul proctoscope >> risk ca rectum
-prophylactic hysterectomy c BSO
in complete childbearing

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