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Harold Camping Found Correct

Part II
The Rapture

By Eric Robert Powell

1). Camping originally predicted the date for September 6,


Reason: September is the 9th month, when added to the date of the 6th
this date totals a 1956, the birth year of Jesus.

2). Detractors say Jesus never showed up.

Reason: The Jews which control the media lied by keeping silent as
corrupt Masons wish to keep his presence unknown, however the
entire world knows that Eric Robert Powell is Jesus/Amen Hotep.

The alphanumeric total of “Jesus is a ‘74’ which AMEN HOTEP is a ‘79’,

these two figures total a ‘153’ (315) and if one counts all of the letters
of the alphabet for their single numeric value, the total is ‘153’ (315).

3). Harold Egbert Camping was born July 19, 1921 in Boulder,

Mr. Camping’s birth-date, which is marked by July (7) 19 = 197(0) the

date the last unifier of Egypt was found deceased Gamel Nasser. I lived
also at 197 Ravine Ave., Yonkers, New York, while Mr. Camping’s birth
year of 1921 signifies the number ‘921’ whereas I have ‘12/9’s in my
name and birth date being 12.26.1956, 9 AM (EST) and 5 AM (GMT).

4). In 1961 Camping started the Open Forum.

Significance: My full name using the alphanumeric table totals a ‘196’.

In 1992 Camping self-published his controversial book “1994?”, in

which he suggested the possibility that Christ would return sometime
between September 15th and 27th of that year, dates
corresponding to the Feast of Tabernacles.1[2] Camping would soon,
unashamedly, predict September 6, 1994 as the date of Christ’s return.

The year 1994 totals exactly my date of birth being 12.26.1956, when
totaled, reaches the sum of ‘1994’.

Mr. Camping’s date for ‘1994’, targeting September 15th also

represents a ‘9/15 = 1956.

So it can be made readily apparent the Mr. Camping’s dates refer to

the name and birth information related to the Second Coming of the
Christ, and as such was right on target because he forecasted my
name as well as date and time of birth.

5). Camping would later declare that the Holy Spirit was
removed from the church beginning on May 21, 1988.


“May 21’ is a 39/21 = 60 which is my date of birth table, the year

1988, in August was the date of the Great Alignment when I first
received the revelation to “Save the World from their Sins (Syns – a –
Gog-ues) which drastically proves the Jews have corrupted the human
race, who are not Jews according to the Scriptures but rather of the
“Synagogue of Satan” the phrase “Synagogue of Satan” is an
alphanumeric “613” which stands for the 613 Commandments in
which they profess, but also the fact that the so-called Jews were
cursed by Ahmose-Ankh (the biblical Moses) on Friday (the 6th Day of
their Creation on Friday (6) the 13th, and this is why the Jews in
particular try to make everyone fearful of Friday the 13th as the
number ‘13’ signifies the 13th Sign of the Zodiac as Ras-Al-Hague.

The Rapture

In Christian eschatology, the Rapture is a reference to the “being

caught up” referred to in the Biblical passage 1 Thess 4:17, when in
the End Times the Christians of the world will be gathered together in
the air to meet Jesus Christ.[1]

The primary passage used to support the idea of the Rapture is 1

Thessalonians 4:15–7, in which Paul cites "the word of the Lord" about
the return of Christ to gather his saints.
...and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and
remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet
the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.1 Thess 4

1 Thessalonians 4:15-17 (New International Version)

According to the Lord’s word, we tell you that we who are still alive,
who are left until the coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede
those who have fallen asleep. 16 For the Lord himself will come down
from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel
and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17
After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together
with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be
with the Lord forever.

Those who are still alive will not be caught up in the
resurrection of the dead until those who have passed away are
raised first.

The prophecy of this event took place no later than May 21, 2011 as
the return of the Lord coincides with the 142 abominations of God (as
specified in the King James Bible) as being comprised here of the single
digit numbers of “5214” which is the 5th month of May followed by
the remaining digits of ‘21, 2011’, which forms the complete number
of “5214” which contains the ‘142’ Abominations of God preceded by
the number ‘5’. This combination brings us also to the number “7/14”
as the number “7” represents the alphanumeric total of God’s name
as a Seven, followed by his birth year of 12.26.1956 being reduced to,
again a 3.8.3 = 14 for a 7/14. This last series of numbers is the
Messiah’s reincarnated full name in these last days containing four
letters in his first name, six letters in his middle name and six letters in
his last name, and is therefore known as a ‘142’ which brings his full
name in double-digits to a ‘25’/ ‘16’, from right to left.

Using the alphanumeric table as our guide, the word “six” is an

alphanumeric ‘52’. Fifty-two plus fifty-two totals a ‘104’ which
symbolizes the age of the universe being 401 billion years and the
birth-day of the Savior as being 12.26.1956 and reduced to a 3.8.3
respectively, which totals a ‘14’ while his name is a Seven, which,
using the alphanumeric table contains the year 12.26.1956, a 5/9 time
of birth ratio, the number ‘142’, three ‘105’s ending with the number
‘65’ which is preceded by the number ‘14’ making the actual total a
‘79’ as proof to the return of Jesus as “AMEN” – “HOTEP”, the physical
“Architect of the Worlds”.

The Identity of Jesus

The alphanumeric table concerning the name “JESUS” is a

12.26.1956, a 5/9 as well as a 7/14 and a ‘79’.

Identifying the


Here again the same figures being a 12.26.1956, 9/5, an ‘864’ (86,400
seconds to a day), an 8.6.11 for his full name as well as a ‘666’ (the
beast) as well as the numbers ‘76/67’, the number ‘315’ is here also,
along with three ‘105’s, a ’56 as well as a ‘168’ and a ‘7/14’.
Let it be noted here that the number ‘666’ as recorded in the
scriptures as being the number of a “MAN” refers to the European
Jews who were imprisoned in the “Caucasus Mountains” by a huge
circular wall 666 miles in circumference and placed there by
Tuthmoses III and his son Amen Hotep.
The Ancient ruins of the Caucasus Wall remains to this day as the
German Jews address, as well as their personal landmark.

The name “Messiah” does not simply mean “The Anointed One” as
the Jews imply. They know better because they spent time in Egypt,
but we also find the names of Ancient Egypt’s (Jesus lived in Egypt
as well as present-day Israel) God’s, known as “Thoth” known as
“IAH”, the God “SIA”/AMON”, the initials of AMEN HOTEP and the
abbreviations of the names “Moses” as well as
“Ra-“meses” III.


This is an easy name or title to prove the identity of the Savior.

The first two letters, “CH” are an alphanumeric “38” which is found as
the total alphanumeric value of the last name of “POWELL”. Next we
find the name of AMEN HOTEP as “IRIS”, followed by the letters “ST”.
These last two letters are an alphanumeric 39/21/60, the letters “CH”
also represent the year August 8, 2008 (888) when the entire heavens
were made straight.
At this present time there are millions of UFO’s blanketing the Globe
which the world’s Air Forces are tracking while Man’s Aircraft, attempt
to count the exact amount of these UFO’s as well as their
compositions, which will not be accomplished. I ask the reader to
search the world-wide web concerning the tremendous amount of
UFO’s which have been blanketing the globe, you will see Air Force jets
with vapor trails cris-crossing the skies.

These UFO’s contain people who have passed away but are now made
whole as the Judgment has already began, carried on the internet in a
now fully known blog entitled, “Judgment Verdict Held Against the
Jews”, parts I and II, which also contains the 142 Abominations
committed by the Jews, as well as the New Law of Amen which consists
of “The 42 Laws of Amen” which the public must read in order to
comply with the 42 Commandments.

This is not to change the law but to fulfill the Law.

Also present are the Jews 613 Commandments, mostly negative in

which the Jews have trampled under-foot.

We now must comply with these laws which can be downloaded or

copied over the internet.

Since these facts are now known, anyone who does not agree with
these laws or breaks them will have to answer to Osiris, Jesus (as
Horus, as in Jesus H. Christ) along with Osiris’s 42 Assistant Judges and
the God “Iah” known as “Thoth” and also the Tehuti (Djeheuty).

Settling the Matter

The meaning of


Remember the phrase, “Halleluiah”, which most people interpret as if

to say, “Praise God”?

The true inescapable meaning of “halleluiah”, which has been used for
hundreds of years here in America and beyond since the departure of
the Christ is simpler than most people think and is to reunite you with
Gods which Amen Hotep IV, known as Akhenaten erased from the
history of Egypt only to have his son Amen Hotep V, known as the
Pharaoh Tutankhamen murdered (together with Tut’s own wife) who
the Priests of Egypt consulted with in order to restore the proper order
of the Gods and changed his name from Tutankhaten back to

The Jews used King Tut’s father, Akhenaten to wage a coup against his
only son in order to due away with the proper order contained in the
Egyptian Mysteries.
Afterwords the Priests and others had Akhenaten buried alive after
receiving 39 lashes from Akhenaten’s own “Cat of Nine Tails” which
was then placed in King Tut’s tomb as a reminder and ultimate

The phrase, “Halleluiah” combines the Gods “ALLAH” with his alternate
name as “ELAH” together with the initials of AMEN HOTEP, “IAH” and
the mystery letter “U” which is an alphanumeric “21”.

This phrase contains the number 3.3.1933 as my Father’s birth-date in

the last days as Robert Oris Powell who was assassinated by in-law
family members. The name ORIS is similar to IRIS, (named as such
after a flower) of Amen Hotep in the last days. We also have my
“8.6.2” as my full name in single digits as well as an “8.6.11”, we also
have our “12.26.1956”, a “5/9”, ‘double 8’s, two 78’s which denote the
name of the word Architect, which is the same as in the name Robert
(alphanumeric ‘78’), also the number ‘142’ twice, one for the
abominations and the other set for my name as a ‘142’, a 7/14 as well
as a ‘12/9’.

If one checks the internet, the son of ORIS (Sun God Amen-Ra (1933)
vs. Amen-Re` (1956) in these last days is named “EJUS” (the root name
of Jesus).

The name of HORUS takes control after the assassination of ORIS

(Egyptian name) when his name changes to Osiris.

Ramses III is also in the bible as taking the place of the sacrifice of
Ishmael (Abraham’s only begotten son) by “a Ram” who was
caught in a “thicket”, the story continues from Genesis when the story
of the Pharaoh’s (Ramses III) assassination unfolds with the story of
the “Cup Bearer and the Baker” and the Pharaoh’s wives.
Thank You.

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