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eommon sense scan wie Con Exit Ticket 5 ZIT _ Directions Imagine thet wehadanewstudentin class today, nid you were gtingtoknowher. +L Whatis one piace of personal information hat you would share wth her? Why? Ny Fawr Food beause it dot idenbigy 0 Self, dirtoty by 2. What sone piece of privateinformation that you wouldnt share? Why not? my 048s biCrute 146 C Myre piece OF iN fonwatian Gaearsceet coe am ss : © common sense education Dormiaic Hamgion, Exit Ticket £ BDL _ tea ites ate et ceri sere 1 What sone piece of personalinformation hat you would share with her? Why? MAY Eirgk pntne 9° TL colt trtorce, ynysete 2. Whats one piece of private information that you wouldn't share? Why nat nS 26305 C_ Some oine, cow! f ‘everyone's privacy. Seommon sense eis an Exit Ticket £ Marah, 5% 298 Directions Imagine that we hada new student inclss today, nd youwere getting to know her. 4. What sone pice of personal information that you would share with her? Why? My fies Tae, So. She. can Juramberand Yolo bach So Glo Irae 2. Whatisone piece of privateinformation that you would’ share? Why no? Mypadus baouge arypre ab abiptine. idl to yp ure Jpavseyard yer you We care about coe met ‘everyone's privacy commonsense ect pashan Tiby sth Exit Ticket £ 3822 Directions Imagine that we ha anew student inclas today and you were getting toknow her. 4. What sone piece of personal information that you woul share with her Why? 2. Whatisone piece of private information that you wou t share? Why not? ty obdvess because T don!+ want her ta Knew ubere © ives — irene! er Se Mo¥oxa. Bishop Maxch. 16th Directions Imagine tat we ad ane sudentin cas today, and youwere geting toknowher 1. Watisone piece of personal formation that ou woul share wth he Why? weit shoe my Tait colr with her becouse she imight have the ree Color. — 2. What ison pec of privat information that you woul share? Why rt? T_usvidnet Shave my oddvess with ber becouse she -ay_shove_tt online We care about aaa everyone's privacy

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