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Oxford Read and Discover

Rachel Bladon

Introduction 3
1 A ll About Farms 4
2 Crops 6
3 Growing Crops 8
4 Cattle 10
5 Sheep 12
6 Poultry 14
7 Fish 16
8 Other Farms 18
Activities 20
Projects 36
Picture Dictionary 38
About Read and Discover 40

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Do you eat bread, eggs, fruit, an d
vegetables? Do you eat meat? Where
does this food come from? It comes
from farms.

W h at food grows on farms?

W h at anim als live on farms?
W h at do farm ers do every day?

Now read and discover

more about farms!
AII'ABout Farms

There are m any different types of

farm . On some farm s, there are
animals. We get m eat, milk, eggs,
an d wool from animals.

On some farm s, there are crops.

Crops are plants th a t we eat or use.
We get bread, fruit, an d vegetables
from crops. On some farm s, there
are anim als an d crops.
There are small farm s a n d big farm s
all aro un d the world. On small farm s,
there are anim als an d crops for the
fa rm e r’s family. On big farm s, there
are anim als and crops for m any people.

Farm ers work every day. They feed

an d care for anim als, an d they plant
an d grow crops.
A Pineapple Crop

Crops only grow in the right weather,

an d with w ater a n d good soil.

B an an as an d pineapples only
grow in hot weather. Strawberries
an d other soft fruit grow in
cool weather.

A lot of sugar comes from a

crop called sugar cane. Sugar
cane can grow 9 meters high!

Rice only grows in lots of water.
M any farm ers grow rice in terraces.
Some farm ers cut rice terraces into
m ountains.

W heat grows in big fields. We m ake

flour from wheat. We use flour to
m ake bread, p asta, an d cakes.
A Wheat Crop

Goto pages 22-23 for activities.

Some farm ers have tractors a n d lots
of big machines to help them to grow
crops. Some farm ers d o n ’t have big
Giving Plants Water First, farm ers plow
the fields. T hen
they plant seeds.
T h e seeds grow
into plants. In hot
weather, farmers
give the plants
lots of water.
Some farm ers put chemicals on
their crops. Chemicals help crops to
grow, and they stop anim als eating
crops. Some farm ers grow crops
with no chemicals. These are called
organic crops.

Later, farm ers cut or pick the crops.

This is called the harvest.
A Cotton Harvest

Cotton is a crop! Cotton comes from

big white flowers on the cotton plant

Go to pages 24-25 for activities

Farm ers keep cattle for m eat a n d
for milk.

In spring an d summer, cattle live in

fields an d eat lots of grass. In winter,
some cattle live in barns. T hen they
eat dried grass called hay.

Ranches are very big farms. T h ey

have lots of fields a n d lots of cattle.
On ranches, farm ers use horses to
move cattle.
Farm ers milk their cattle every
morning and evening.They milk
the cattle by h a n d or with milking
machines. We drink the milk. We
also m ake milk into cheese, butter,
cream , a n d yogurt.

Goto pages 26-27 for activities.

All around the world, there are
sheep on farms. We get wool, m eat,
and milk from sheep.

Sheep can live outside all year. They

have a woolen coat called a fleece.

This farm er is shearing a sheep. We

use the fleece to m ake wool. T h e n
we m ake hats, coats, a n d socks from
the wool.


A lam b drinks its m other’s milk.

Some sheep c a n ’t feed all their
lambs. T he farm er feeds these
lam bs with milk from a bottle.
L ater, lam bs eat grass.
Sheep eat grass, too.

To find its mother, a Lamb

Listens for the noise its
mother makes.

Goto pages 28-29 for activities. ©

Chickens an d other birds on farm s
are called poultry. We get m e a t,
eggs, an d feathers from poultry.

Free-range chickens live outside.

Eggs from free-range chickens are
very good for you.

On other farm s, chickens live in big

barns with lots of other chickens.
These farm s are called factory farms.
Free-Range Chickens
Ducks an d geese live outside. We use
their feathers to m ake pillows and
quilts for our beds.

Some farm ers keep ostriches for their

eggs, m eat, an d feathers.
In the Ocean
There are m any different fish farms.
Farm ers keep fish in lakes, in tanks,
or in big nets in the ocean. On fish
farm s, some fish eat food m ad e from
other small fish. Some fish eat plants.
Feeding Fish

Farm ers feed the fish so they

grow big. W hen fish are big, farm ers
can sell them. F arm ers sell fish fast
so they are good to eat.

Lots of salm on come from fish

farms. Farm ers keep baby salm on
in tanks. W hen the salm on are one
year old, farm ers put them in nets
in the ocean. Farm ers catch the
salm on a n d sell them when they are
two or three years old.
Goto pages 32-33 for activities.
o o Other Farms
We get m any different things
from farms.

In hot, rainy places, there are lots

of cacao farms. Farm ers grow
cacao trees. T hey pick the seed
pods. They dry the seeds, an d
then they sell them. People m ake
chocolate with the cacao seeds.
In hot places, farm ers grow vanilla
plants. We put vanilla in ice cream,
cakes, an d m any other foods.

Some farm ers keep

crocodiles for their
skin an d meat.
E ach crocodile
has abo u t 50
eggs. Farm ers
care for lots of
baby crocodiles!

Around the world, we get our food

from farms. We also get m any different
things th at we use every day.

Go to pages 34-35 for activities.

All About Farms
Read pages 4-5.

1 Complete the puzzle.

<u o.
it 21 31


2 Complete the chart.
mtlk wool eggs vegetables
bread fruit meat

From Crops From Animals


\ Write true or false.
1 Crops are plants. true
2 We get bread from animals.
3 We get meat from animals.
4 There aren't any sm all farms.
5 On sm all farms, there are animals
and crops for the farmer's family.
6 On big farms, there aren't any

Match. Then write the sentences.

On some farms are plants that we eat.
Farmers comes from animals.
Crops work every day.
Wool there are crops.

1 On som e fa rm s there are crops.

2 ________________________________________________
4* Read pages 6-7. rke pineapples
sugarcane wheat
1 Write the words. bananas strawberries


4 ____________ 5 6 __

2 Circle the correct words.

1 (Rice)/ Sugar cane grows in terraces.
2 We make flo u r/su gar from wheat.
3 Sugar cane can grow nine / ninety
meters high.
4 Bananas / Soft fruits grow in cool weather.
3 Complete the sentences.
water soil cool weather hot
1 Crops only grow in the right weather ,
with water and good
2 Bananas and pineapples grow in
3 Strawberries and other soft fruit grow
in weather.
4 Rice only grows in lots o f .

4 Answer the questions.

1 What crop does a Lot of sugar come from?
A lot of sugar comes from a crop
called sugar cane.____________________
2 Where does wheat grow?

3 What can you make with flour?

4 How do farmers make rice terraces in

Growing Crops
<■ Read pages 8-9.

1 Number the sentences in order. Then

number the pictures.
( ] Then they plant
[ ) Later, they cut
'l'"’ ............. I»(. Ilf
the crops. **■ 111",
•h •'ii 'll

IT! First, farmers

plow the fields.
I I Then they give
the plants water.
2 Match.
1 They help farm ers.—
2 When the farmers cut
or pick the crops. organic crops
3 It's a crop. cotton
4 Farmers put them on machines
their crops. harvest
5 Farmers grow them
with no chemicals.

3 Complete the sentences.
hot machines plants plow
organic seeds
1 Some farmers don't have big
2 First, farmers the fields.
3 Farmers plant in the fields.
4 Seeds grow into__________ .
5 Farmers give plants lots of water in
6 Some farmers grow crops. They
don't use chemicals.

4 Answer the questions.

1 Do chemicals help crops to grow?

2 What do chemicals stop?

3 What are organic crops?

4 Where does cotton come from?

4r Read pages 10-11.
a c r e a m
1 What do cattle give us? (c h e e s e
Find and write the words. m e a t u 0
1 cheese 4 _b______ a e n u t I
I m i I k j
2 m 5 c______ b u t t e r
3 _m_______ 6 y______ y 0 9 u r t

2 Draw and write about cattle.

Three things that I know about cattle:

1 They live in fields in spring and summer.
3 Complete the sentences. Then write
the numbers.
hay ranch grass milk
1 In spring and summer, cattle
eat .
2 In winter, some cattle eat
3 Farmers their cattle every
morning and evening.
4 On a __________ , there are lots of fields and
lots of cattle.

4 Write true or false.

1 Some cattle live in barns in winter.
2 Ranches are very big farms.
3 You can make milk into cheese,
butter, cream, and eggs.
4 Farmers milk their cattle by hand
or with tractors.
Read pages 12-13.

1 Match. Then write the sentences.

We use a sheep's drinks milk.
We use wool fleece to make wool.
A lamb to make hats.


2 Write the words. Then write the numbers.

1 A baby sheep. (ba l m ) lam b
2 A sheep's coat, ( c e t e t e ) _________
3 Lambs eat this. (s a s rg) _________
4 People make this from a
sheep's fleece. (Low o ) _________

□ . a

0 ,
3 Complete the sentences.
milk grass milk outside
grass wool meat
1 We get , and
from sheep.
2 Sheep live a ll year.
3 Lambs drink . Later, they eat

4 Sheep eat , too.

4 Order the words.

1 m eat/sheep. / W e/from /ge t
We get meat from sheep.
2 coat. / Sheep/a / have/woolen

3 so cks/w o o l./W e/fro m / make

4 mother’s / drinks / A / lamb / its / milk.

4* Read pages 14-15.

1 Find and write the words.

C?ath|£§bst ricV1cW'^e09° 05ee99 sdac/c

1 feathers

2 Write F (factory farms) or FR (free-range

1 Lots of chickens Live in big barns. F
2 The chickens live outside. ___
3 The eggs are very good for you.______ ___
3 Find and write the words.
1 four types of poultry
geese ___________

2 three things that we get from poultry

3 two things that we use duck feathers for

4 three things that we get from ostriches

4 Answer the questions.

1 What are farm birds called?

2 Where do ducks and geese Live?

3 What do farmers keep ostriches for?

4 How big is an ostrich egg?

Read pages 16-17.
food Lake net
1 Write the words. ocean fish tank

2 CircLe the correct words.

1 Some farmers keep fish in food / lakes.
2 Farmers feed fish so they grow sm all / big.
3 When fish are big, farmers can stop / sell
4 Farmers sell fish fast so they are good / bad
to eat.

3 Match. Then write the sentences.

Farmers feed fish come from fish farms.

When fish are big, so they grow big.
Lots of salmon farmers can sell them.

3 _________

4 Complete the sentences,

tanks nets fish sell lakes ocean

1 Some farmers keep fish in big

in the ocean.
2 Some farmers keep fish in in
3 Farmers keep baby salmon in _________ .
4 When salmon are one year old, farmers put
them in nets in the
5 When fish grow big, farmers can
Other Farms
Read pages 18-19.

1 Write true or false.

1 Cacao grows in cold, dry places.
2 Farmers dry cacao seeds.
3 Farmers grow vanilla plants
in hot places.______________________ _____
4 Crocodile farmers keep crocodiles
for their feathers and meat. ____
5 Each crocodile has about five eggs. _____

2 Complete the sentences.

skin seeds trees vanilla seed pods

1 Cacao seed pods grow o n __________ .

2 Farmers pick th e __________ .
3 Then, farmers dry the ________ .
4 We put__________ in ice cream, cakes,
and other foods.
5 Farmers keep crocodiles for their_________
and meat.
3 Where do these things come from?
Find and write the words.
c 0 t t 0 n e r
t r X 0 m e a j )
f e a t h e r 5
w a b r e a d t
w 0 0 I r i c e
0 s e g g s e t
I m i I k s w i

4 Where do these things come from? Match.

1 chocolate birds
2 butter wheat
3 bread cacao
4 feathers milk
My Farm
1 Think of a farm. Draw and Label the
things on your farm. Then write about it.

My farm is calLed:
I grow these crops:

I keep these animals:

Animals on Farms
1 Write about animals on farms.

Name: cattle
Eat: g rass and hay
Live: in fields and barns
We get: meat and milk

N am e:



We get:
Picture Dictionary

barn chemicals

cotton crops farm

fast feathers fields flour

food grass grow

machine meat

strawberries seeds sugar

tank vegetables wool world

Oxford Read and Discover
Series Editor: Hazel Geatches • CLIL Adviser: John Clegg
Oxford Read and Discover graded readers are at six levels, for students from
age 6 and older. They cover many topics within three subject areas, and support
English across the curriculum, or Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL).
Available for each reader:
• Audio CD Pack (book & audio CD)
• Activity Book
Teaching notes & CLIL guidance:

^ \A re a The World of Science The Natural The W o rld of Arts
L e v e l^ v & Technology World & S o cia l Studies

• Eyes • At the Beach • Art

va/ • Fruit • Camouflage • Schools
300 • Trees • In the Sky
headwords • Wheels • Young Animals

• Electricity • Earth • Cities

• Plastic • Farms • Jobs
450 • Sunny and Rainy • In the Mountains
headwords • Your Body • Wild Cats

• How We Make Products • Amazing Minibeasts • Festivals Around

• Sound and Music • Animals in the Air the World
600 • Super Structures • Life in Rainforests • Free Time Around
headwords • Your Five Senses • Wonderful Water the World

• All About Plants • All About Desert Life • Animals in Art

KSS' • How to Stay Healthy • All About Ocean Life • Wonders of the Past
750 • Machines Then and Now • Animals at Night
headwords • Why We Recycle • Incredible Earth
• Materials to Products • All About Islands • Homes Around
• Medicine Then and Now • Animal Life Cycles the World
900 • Transportation Then • Exploring Our World • Our World in Art
headwords and Now • Great Migrations
• Wild Weather

• Cells and Microbes • All About Space • Food Around

• Clothes Then and Now • Caring for Our Planet the World
1,500 • Incredible Energy • Earth Then and Now • Helping Around
• Your Amazing Body • Wonderful Ecosystems the World
Readers in GRAY available 2013
r .......... ■\
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V y
R ach e l Bladon
Read and discover a ll about farms ...
• W hat are crops?
• W hat do we get from sheep?
Read and discover more about the world! This series o!
non-fiction readers provides interesting and edu<
content, with a ctiv itie s and project work.

Series Editor: Hazel Geatches

Audio CD Pack availab le

Word count for this reader: 828

Level 1 Level 3 Level '»

300 headw ords 600 headw ords h&Jp moo Ih ......

Level 2 Level 4 Level (»

450 headw ords 750 headw ords v y 1,<)!»() he.idweel

( ovwi |»ltoi<M|t.i|>lt I'h o io lih u ry (W lu\it hold and lu n iy e Studio s U |» | ie n n i Im m ii*

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