Subliminal Audios and Reprogramming of The Subconscious Prototype 1

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I have been working for a couple of months on a "mega" subliminal guide, in which I
have tried to include all the most relevant information I have found about the
subconscious mind and subliminal audios. The reason for this guide, without the
intention of making myself known, much less appropriating the information, is to share
knowledge with new users, as well as users who have been in the community for years
who might be looking to express their wishes. . The guide contains both content from
me, from various trusted sources, and posts from other users in the Reddit community.
In addition to the vast amount of information that I have collected on this forum, I have
done extensive research on the internet, other forums, and books on this subliminal
content. I included personal advice and information on my experiences.

The guide is very comprehensive, but you will be constantly updating it with various
relevant information that you find over time. The guide includes both scientific and
spiritual information, as neither side represents 100% of the absolute truth and works
best when combined. It is at your discretion to use the content for your own content and
no one is obligated to read it. The guide is not similar to the other guides, which focus on
a single factor to manifest and own the truth about subliminals, because this guide
contains too much information, from various sides of the scale, that it is at your
discretion which one seems more appropriate for you on your path of manifestation.

The guide does not contain the magic formula to have your desires, but it will surely
provide you with the adequate information so that you can make your own conclusions
about the truth and the one that best suits you for your manifestation process.

Again, it includes more relevant posts from users in the Reddit community, so if you see
any of your posts in this guide and wish it wasn't here, I'll have to remove your
information and re-update the guide, with your due apology and respect. . I myself have
saved all the publications and I have spoken with some users to ask for their due
permission, but there is so much information connected to each other, that if I put the
sources it would never end. Without more to say, I wish you the best luck in the world
and that you can fulfill your wish. This user is dismissed from the community.

PS: The guide was written in Spanish, since the creator is from the Hispanic community.
Even so, it was automatically translated into English, so it might contain some spelling
Subliminal Audios and reprogramming of the

Subliminal audios are affirmations that reach your brain, go beyond your cerebral cortex, obtaining
a subliminal response thanks to your unconscious mind that receives orders in order to change your
mental patterns in order to achieve new habits, manifest things, and even change physically by
reprogramming the 3D reality that takes place with these. Now how does this work? Many say that
this works through the law of assumption, but realistically it works through the effect of illusory truth.
The illusory truth effect describes how, when we hear the same false information repeated over and
over again, we often come to believe that it is true. The reason it is so effective is because we all
have a tendency to believe something to be true after being exposed to it multiple times. Repetition
can persuade us to believe that information we know to be false in the first place. If a lie is repeated
often enough, it becomes a near-truth, and if such a truth is repeated often enough, it becomes a

What a Subliminal does is change your belief system to the one you want. If you suffer from
depression, it can stem from low self-esteem and insecurities that are a manifestation of negative
beliefs you hold about yourself: "I'm not worthy" "I hate myself" "I'm ugly" "I'm such a horrible
person" ``I'm so weird". The reason this is important is because our beliefs alter our perceptions
which influence our behavior. If you were to change those beliefs to positive, your perception and
behavior will change to support these beliefs. It will be very difficult for you to get through life if your
subconscious beliefs do not match your conscious thoughts and desires.

Examples: The belief "I'm not good enough" will change your perception of yourself and influence
yourself to be self-aware in public. This can result in destructive behavior when it comes to
relationships, because you don't feel like you're good enough or worthy enough to be with this
person. Another example: The belief "I hate myself" will change your perception of yourself and
influence yourself to become sleep deprived and miserable. This can result in staying up late,
skipping showers, eating junk food, codependency, seeking validation, self-sabotaging goals, and
general poor health as a result of this behavior. Another example (you may receive a backlash): The
"I'm ugly" belief it will change your perception of yourself and influence you to do things that change
your appearance. This can result in wanting plastic surgery, applying too much makeup, obsessing
over facial products, using subliminals to change the way a body feature looks.

Subliminals create an impulse of deception where you make your brain believe that you need to be
the way you want, and being a direct stimulus (where you are moderately aware of what you want)
accelerates the process in such a way that you do not need years to have these changes, your cells
mutate and regenerate in such a way that they do what you asked them even if you don't know all
the chemical process of these, since they don't need it to change.Now, why does this matter when
reprogramming the subconscious? Because your subconscious beliefs manifest. This means that
with the repetition of the same affirmations (subliminal) you are reprogramming your subconscious
so that it believes that the affirmations are true, becoming a belief, which is reflected in your reality.
There have been many people here who believe that you need to take action, that is not true
because 95% of our behavior is influenced by our beliefs, which means that if we get those
subliminal claims accepted, then our behavior will be influenced, which means that the action will be
The subconscious does not know what you want and what you do not want because we have
manifested both the good and the bad. Just accept what you hear consistently, which brings me to
my next point, repeating affirmations.

A belief is a thought that you keep thinking consistently. To reprogram your subconscious to believe
a thought, you would have to repeat that thought over and over again. A subliminal for 30 days
allows your subconscious to accept affirmations much more efficiently due to the repetition of the
same affirmations. Once a statement is accepted, it will become a belief that your conscious mind
will generate thoughts about and reflect in your life to prove true.Your deepest beliefs are those that
determine your lifestyle and these have been solidified based on the repetition of ideas and stimuli
from the environment, you can accelerate the work linked to your personal growth using
SUBLIMINAL AUDIO, where it is possible to address a wide variety of purposes and there are
enough scientific studies that have proven the effectiveness.

This is the theory or pseudoscience of the control of all living matter through the mind, with which
each cell of the body can be controlled, modifying its behavior, its shape, and even genes. It is not
some kind of religion, miracle or magic thing that makes this work, it is simply changing the patterns
of the mind so that it can proceed to a change in each of our cells, which form our reality thanks to
the reactions that your brain has when receiving indications of how things should be, when you
repeat something this obedient servant has no choice but to think that this is true, so it clearly gives
you what you think, and if this is a "I do not get results ", without more it will be like that.

Whatever you pay the most attention to and whatever thoughts you dwell on the most, your
subconscious will absorb the most. Your dominant thoughts (whatever you think about the most)
manifest the fastest, because they are the ones that impress your subconscious the most.

The subconscious mind can also be reprogrammed by habit, so Yes it is a habit to live the way you
live (with money), then it will manifest (your conscious mind commands and your subconscious
mind obeys). Your subconscious doesn't know what you want and what you don't want because we
have manifested both the good and the bad. Just accept what you hear consistently, which brings
me to my next point, repetition of affirmations is the key to manifesting a new belief.

It is worth noting that an almost total consensus among psychologists and researchers concluded
that subliminals only produce a powerful and lasting effect by being in people's lives continuously,
or, in other words, rescheduling to make it permanent. If you are receiving a constant flow of
positive stimuli related to a certain project or objective, then you will end up convincing me of that
idea, you will be able to modify your belief system and thus have a renewed pattern of behavior and
a different way of thinking and feeling that will be aligned with your aspirations.

A subliminal is designed to go below (sub) the normal (liminal) limits of perception, so the
affirmations often go unnoticed by you (or your conscious mind) but are still effective as they reach
your unconscious perfectly and execute them. When it obtains orders of how the things you want to
modify should be, it does everything possible to make it so, and this is how results are obtained. It
is highly effective because it allows you to absorb a wide set of positive decrees linked to your
goals without affecting the development of your daily activities, for example, you can use the
subliminal audio in the silent version for long hours and all that flow of ideas will begin to modify
your belief system.

The music in these does not affect anything at all, has lyrics, if it is instrumental or of whatever
genre, no cause confusion or slow down results since your conscious mind is the one that captures
the sound that you can hear normally and your unconscious mind the affirmations.
Subliminal results are permanent if you listen to a subliminal long enough for it to become a
permanent belief in your subconscious mind. Depending on belief, it could take between 30 and 90
days to become permanent. After it becomes permanent, you will have that belief for life unless you
listen to a subliminal that will give you the opposite belief. It takes some time to reprogram your
subconscious mind, but it's definitely worth it because it will be an automatic program in your mind.
The results become permanent when the affirmations in the subliminal are repeated enough times
for the subconscious mind to accept them and turn them into a belief. It may take a few months for
this to happen, but it entirely depends on the belief you are changing about yourself.

You absolutely can "trick" your subconscious mind into loving yourself. That's actually the reasoning
behind a subliminal. We are convincing our subconscious that something (affirmation) is true. That
can be about us or what we want. If you don't love yourself, then it's because you have negative
beliefs about yourself. These beliefs can be "I hate myself", "I am worthless", "I am ugly" "I am
useless". So yes, it is possible to love yourself by using a subliminal with affirmations that address
these negative beliefs. A belief alters your perception that influences not only your thoughts, but
also your behavior and emotions. But I will say this, You should not use subliminals to change your
appearance when you are struggling with depression and/or any mental disorder. A subliminal is a
tool used to change our belief system. If you can use a subliminal to change the way you see
yourself, then you can use a subliminal to change the way you see yourself. Remember, beliefs
alter your perception. In other words, if you don't like the way you look, then you may have negative
beliefs that support that perception, which will influence you to use subliminals to change the way
you look. then you can use a subliminal to change the way you present yourself. Remember, beliefs
alter your perception. In other words, if you don't like the way you look, then you may have negative
beliefs that support that perception, which will influence you to use subliminals to change the way
you look. then you can use a subliminal to change the way you present yourself. Remember, beliefs
alter your perception. In other words, if you don't like the way you look, then you may have negative
beliefs that support that perception, which will influence you to use subliminals to change the way
you look.

Oh yes, there are also visual subliminals. This can help increase the time it will take for your
subconscious mind to accept the affirmations, by displaying the suggestions at speeds that your
conscious mind cannot perceive. This variant of subliminal is said to be very effective IF not, more
effective than audible subliminals because your subconscious mind doesn't (tech speaking) pick up
words. Your subconscious mind picks up the meaning behind those words. Either way, you can do
both if you want faster results.

What a Subliminal does is change your belief system to the one you want. If you suffer from
depression, it can stem from low self-esteem and insecurities that are a manifestation of negative
beliefs you have about yourself: "I'm not worthy," "I hate myself," "I'm ugly," "I'm such a bad person."
awful", "I'm so weird", etc.
The reason this is important is because our beliefs alter our perceptions which influence our
behavior. If you were to change those beliefs to positive, your perception and behavior will change
to support these beliefs. You will have a hard time getting through life if your subconscious beliefs
don't match your conscious thoughts and desires.
Examples: The belief "I'm not good enough" will change your perception of yourself and influence
yourself to be self-aware in public. This can result in destructive behavior when it comes to
relationships, because you don't feel like you're good enough or worthy enough to be with this
Another example: The belief "I hate myself" will change your perception of yourself and influence
yourself to become sleep deprived and miserable. This can result in staying up late, skipping
showers, eating junk food, codependency, seeking validation, self-sabotaging goals, and general
poor health as a result of this behavior.
Another example (you may receive backlash): The belief "I'm ugly" will change your perception of
yourself and influence yourself to do things that change your appearance. This can result in wanting
plastic surgery, applying too much makeup, obsessing over facial products, using subliminals to
change the way a body feature looks.
Subliminal messages bypass the conscious mind and allow you to install enabling beliefs and
disable limiting ones without interference from your conscious mind. The new programming in your
subconscious mind will affect your everyday thoughts and actions.
The suggestions are aimed at implanting powerful beliefs in your subconscious mind that will
change your thoughts, perception, and behavior. Although you can't hear the suggestions, the
sound waves from them travel down your ear canal and vibrate your eardrums. Your subconscious
mind is able to decipher these vibrations because these are the same vibrations that make up
audible sounds. It is also defined as the reception of sound pressure waves and their perception or
observation and interpretation by the brain.

Your subconscious is the autopilot running in the background, allowing your conscious to think,
learn, and grow. Unfortunately, many people never understand the power of their subconscious
mind or how to deliberately work with it. They allow negative behaviors and thoughts to stay on
autopilot for so long that they can't imagine doing anything different. They are stuck.
We just run on autopilot because of our everyday habits that we have formed through repetition.
And because our habits are stored in the subconscious part of our mind, that's the place we have to
work from.reschedule.

• How a Subliminal recording works •

A subliminal recording works by changing the frequency of the affirmation track to 17500 Hz. The
audio is played at a frequency of 17500 Hz so that the affirmations and statements can bypass the
conscious and reasoned part of your mind. Therefore, it does not challenge or reject the statement
that you are trying to impress on the subconscious mind. Because the conscious mind cannot hear
the sounding affirmations, all the words and statements on the track enter the subconscious mind,
and the reprogramming process begins.
Although you cannot hear the statements, the sound waves travel down the ear canal and are
converted into neural impulses, which are sent to the auditory nerve and then to the auditory cortex
in the brain. It can be defined as the reception of sound pressure waves and their perception or
observation and interpretation by the brain.
To understand how this works, we need to understand how sound travels to the ear and is decoded
by the brain.
• The outer ear •
The auricle (pinna) is the visible portion of the external ear. It collects sound waves and channels
them into the ear canal (external auditory meatus), where the sound is amplified.
The sound waves then travel to a flexible, oval membrane at the end of the ear canal called the
eardrum, or tympanic membrane. Sound waves cause the eardrum to vibrate.
• The middle ear •
The vibrations of the eardrum set the ossicles in motion. The ossicles are actually tiny bones, the
smallest in the human body. The three bones are named after their shapes: the hammer, the anvil,
and the stirrup. The ossicles further amplify the sound.
The small stapes bone attaches to the oval window that connects the middle ear to the inner ear.
The Eustachian tube, which opens into the middle ear, is responsible for equalizing the pressure
between the air outside the ear and the air inside the middle ear.
• The inner ear •
The sound waves enter the inner ear and then the cochlea, a snail-shaped organ. The cochlea is
filled with a fluid that moves in response to vibrations from the oval window. As the fluid moves,
25,000 nerve endings are set in motion. These nerve endings transform the vibrations into electrical
impulses that then travel along the eighth cranial nerve (auditory nerve) to the brain. The brain then
interprets these signals, and this is how we listen.
conscious mind

When you know and are aware of what you want (as it says in its name) this information
goes more easily to create a pattern of change in your deepest mind, giving the direct order
to stimulate a result in you. To get results with subliminals you need to be aware of your
thoughts and control them. Consciously, you must know what you want. in this way your
unconscious will take the other orders that will take you to your goal.

The conscious mind directs your whole life like an orchestra conductor, it is capable of giving orders
such as: "I am strong today", "everything will be fine", or "I will never lose weight", "this is not going
to be ” and it is based on what impresses her what your unconscious mind learns and carries out.
Every thought of the conscious mind activates the law of cause and effect. That is why it is
important to control it, we could say that the conscious mind is the part that is in charge of giving us
the gift of the perception of the reality of everything that you realize in life, and that you could
reproduce, comment, share without effort. For example, things that you perceive, thoughts that
appear to you and memories.

Interestingly, the conscious mind represents less than 10% of your brain capacity.

In the conscious mind is your consciousness, it is that capacity that you are using right now to
capture the messages of this text. When it is operating you can be aware of things that happen
outside and inside of you.

For example, you can be aware of the temperature of the place, of the sounds, of the emotions that
you are feeling and in which part of the body you feel them.

The conscious mind also has the ability to focus on something that catches your attention. With the
conscious mind we create desires for the future and plan goals.

The ability to consciously direct your focus and strategize is one of the most important powers the
conscious mind has.

To create change in your life, you must learn to control what you focus on. For some people, this is
easier than others. But for most people this is where the problem of self-sabotage comes from.

And it is that what the conscious mind achieves depends on the positive or negative influence that
the subconscious mind has.

subconscious mind
It refers more precisely to the mental content that is outside the knowledge of the person, hidden,
hidden, that escapes consciousness and that is made up of repressed content (memories,
experiences, feelings, thoughts, etc.)
The unconscious mind is a place where all thoughts are stored. It is like the autopilot of the mind; it
does not question anything, and processes the good and the bad equally, it is totally neutral without
The filtering is only done by the conscious mind, because what it does not want to receive will be
left out of the attention of the work of the deep mind.

The subconscious exists and has enormous control over the life of an individual. The easiest way to
understand the subconscious is through the analogy of a computer. The conscious mind is
everything on the screen that you are looking at right now. The subconscious mind is all the
software that is running that you don't see right now. If you have another program running, but
you're not looking at it, then it's running in your subconscious mind. The subconscious also includes
all the basic functions of the computer operating system. The way the subconscious controls one's
life is by taking a lot of that person's operating power and leaving them with a slow, faulty computer.
Many of the programs that run in the subconscious were opened long ago and forgotten. For
example, if someone is constantly worrying about what others think of them, then that is similar to a
program that is constantly running in the "invisible background" of their computer and is slowing
down the other programs and functions that the person is trying to use. Stored here are all the
positive and negative experiences that have had an emotional impact on your life, from your birth
and even before you were born. During childhood, we all acquire countless memories and
experiences that play an important role in our behavior as adults. The reason we can't recall most of
these memories is because they are well-locked in the subconscious mind. We store all the
negative and positive beliefs that we were absorbing from the people we grew up with. Also in the
subconscious mind are traumas, social beliefs and the concept we have of ourselves.

The subconscious is the foundation of the conscious mind. Neurological studies show that emotions
direct the subconscious, and this in turn governs our way of being and acting. The subconscious or
unconscious is an original term of psychoanalysis and refers to everything that we have saved or
stored below our own consciousness, as if it were hidden and we could not see it with the naked
eye as it happens with the iceberg. It is for this very reason that it is very difficult for people to
access the information that we have stored in it.The information that we have stored there and to
which we cannot easily access as in consciousness, usually contains deep fears, repressed desires
and traumatic experiences that even consciously we would not like to remember. All this content
can lead to the appearance of certain pathologies such as certain anxiety disorders, fears,
phobias,etc. However, despite how difficult it is for us to access the subconscious, all those
contents that we have stored there, we usually express unconsciously in different ways.

Our subconscious functions as a kind of transmitter of messages or stimuli that we process at a

conscious level and that activate certain behavior patterns without us being aware of it. In other
words, the decisions we make every day, although it seems that we make them consciously, are
really highly influenced by our own subconscious. Our subconscious is as if it were a computer
program that we have been creating over the years with the experiences that we have been storing
and this same program (composed of ideas, ingrained beliefs, thoughts, etc.) causes us to lean
more towards a decision than another. Sometimes our subconscious mind is in accordance with our
true desires and we make the decisions that we really want, however, in others it is not and there is
so much negative information that we have stored and that has been accumulating over the years
since childhood, that we can get to self-sabotage. Various researchers have determined that our
subconscious is a source of creativity and that it helps us solve problems, even those that seem to
have no solution. This has been demonstrated through various studies, one of which is quite
interesting, showing how we become more creative using our subconscious mind. even those that
seem to have no solution. This has been demonstrated through various studies, one of which is
quite interesting, showing how we become more creative using our subconscious mind. even those
that seem to have no solution. This has been demonstrated through various studies, one of which is
quite interesting, showing how we become more creative using our subconscious mind.

The unconscious is the result of the brain structures, of the mental mechanisms that produce our
ideas, which are the root of our feelings and the basis of our emotions. The unconscious underlies a
network of neural connections and neurobiological mechanisms, knowing the bases of these
mechanisms is the key that allows us to educate behavior and direct the learning of our little ones.

The subconscious mind is grounded in the present. The conscious mind thinks in terms of the past
and future, rather than the present. Our subconscious mind is constantly focused on the present
moment. This is why it is so important to be aware of your inner thoughts such as; "I am successful"
instead of "I will be successful."
All thoughts, beliefs, opinions, theories, and life events will enter the unconscious mind. Everything
we experience (good or bad) is imprinted on the unconscious mind, since it does not distinguish
between good and bad, so it will give you what you reap in your life through your thoughts, actions
and decisions. The subconscious performs functions such as:

❖ Regulate processes in your body (explain how subliminals help you lose weight or brighten your
eyes, etc.)
❖ Keep him safe/away from danger
❖ Give you their behaviors and habits
❖ Be a "projector" of reality

Subliminal audios are a kind of placebo, if there is something you really want and you affirm enough
that it is yours, it is yours. Every time we have a desire we create another reality. What you want
already exists, all you have to do is attract it to you. The subliminal audios are not going to do the
complete job to manifest my desired body, for this you have to have a good manifestation technique
and beliefs. If you listen to audio without really believing that it's working, then it's not going to work.
All subliminal audio works with the right mindset. The placebo is not a lie when that reality exists, so
you have to "fake it" (believe) until the desire becomes manifest. It can make you feel weird at first
as you are asserting yourself against what you see in 3D reality, but 3D reality reflects your beliefs.
The moment my beliefs change, there will be a change in reality in favor of my desires. Reality will
have no choice but to conform to my beliefs. So, if you think you don't have results yet, you'll state
that you don't have them yet.

Have you ever been annoyed with yourself because you can't stop doing things you don't want to
be doing or you don't want to do things you really want to do? It's a very common occurrence for
most people because many of the programs we're running were formed when we were little kids
and don't meet our adult needs very well. Childhood programs are formed to keep us physically,
mentally, and emotionally safe, and as they are repeated over and over, they become ingrained
patterns that we are unable to change through willpower or other external methods. For most
people, those old kid shows are in overdrive trying to keep the concept of a kid safe, and those
bosses are literally running the show. When programs become habitual patterns through years of
repeating the same response no amount of willpower, external learning, coaching, counseling, or
anything else we apply from a conscious or external level will change our results. To get what you
want in life, you have to start at the source and that is your unconscious mind.

The subconscious is the part of our mind that makes decisions without the need to actively think
about them. It is different from the conscious mind, which encompasses the thoughts we know we
are having at any given moment. It is also different from the unconscious mind, which contains past
events and experiences that we do not remember at all. The subconscious mind goes beyond
learning new skills. It is involved in information processing and affects everything we think, say and
do. It stores our beliefs and values, determines our memories, and monitors the information around
us, deciding what to send to the conscious mind and what to store for later. It affects every moment
of our lives, and most of us don't even know it.

For people who claim: The conscious mind is a reflection of the beliefs of the subconscious mind.
Your subconscious mind is much more powerful than your conscious mind, which is why we use
For example, when you're unhappy and you make a conscious effort to think, "I'm so happy," then
your conscious mind will say, "No, you're not." The reason for this is because your subconscious
mind knows that this is not true. But if you send the same message repeatedly to the subconscious
mind, without the awareness of the conscious mind, you will change the belief of being unhappy. As
soon as a certain belief has been changed, the conscious mind will act on the new programming

In fact, our subconscious is constantly sending signals to our conscious mind. As a result of this
surreptitious communication, on many occasions we behave in a certain way, but we cannot explain
why, since we cannot decipher the reason for that behavior. The truth is that in recent years
numerous investigations have come to light that show how small variations in the environment can
affect our behavior and assessments. All of this tells us that the subconscious is much more active
than we thought and that it can influence our decisions, probably much more than we would be
willing to accept.

When our level of consciousness lowers its guard, a part of the subconscious can surface and
determine our behaviors or generate certain emotional states. However, the subconscious has
different levels, so it is very difficult to access the deepest area.

Every time you have an experience you draw certain conclusions that are stored in your
subconscious. These conclusions reinforce the beliefs that were programmed into your childhood.
For example, imagine that you have a company and someone approaches you to propose a project
that looks very attractive and could help you grow. But you're afraid to accept because you don't
want to be traded. Your subconscious mind, which is like a detective, immediately starts searching
your memories and starts finding evidence of when you were betrayed. Maybe someone you
trusted a lot, like your best friend, left you to hang out with another kid. Or maybe you heard at
home that you can't trust strangers or that strangers are always going to want to take advantage of
you. When you access these old memories you may come to the conclusion that you need to
protect yourself and not trust anyone. In other words, if you have an experience that conflicts with
an already established belief, your subconscious mind will either reject it or reframe it so that it
matches your current view of reality. The problem is that although your subconscious mind has the
good intention of protecting you, it is possible that you yourself are closing doors to progress in your

● It is extremely powerful and determines virtually every aspect of your life.
● Represents 90% of the brain
● It's like a super computer and processes billions of data every second.
● It can perfectly understand things that we cannot consciously perceive
● He is not logical, so he does not know what is good and what is not. The subconscious
does not reason and has morality (that is conscience). it is the emotional mind that is
why it believes everything you affirm repeatedly, so if you constantly affirm that lying is
good for example, believe that!
● He is hyper intelligent. With Intelligence what I mean by it is the ability to link between
existing data and beliefs to come up with reactions, solutions... at a very fast speed.
Another example of your intelligence is when you listen to a hormonal subliminal. for that...
it knows exactly which gland to target and which pathways to take and sends those
hormones specifically to the organ it wants if specified in the statement.
● It's always running in the background even when you sleep!
● Record everything since you were born and it's like a database
● change with repetition
● If he fully believes in something, he has the full ability to manifest it for you.

Examples of expression of the subconscious:

To give some examples:

● Dreams: A person who suffered a traumatic experience in childhood may have dreams
related to it, even if they do not even consciously remember it.
● unconscious actions: a person who represses his homosexuality in an unconscious way
that when he consumes alcohol he becomes disinhibited and approaches people of the same
● Lapsus linguae: when we are talking about a topic and suddenly we say a word or phrase
that is not related to it.

The moments in which this type of information that we have stored in the subconscious usually
come to light occur when our level of consciousness decreases.

symbolic language
Symbolic language is one of the ways to impact your subconscious mind as this is one of its
languages ​to communicate. When we communicate with our subconscious mind through symbolic
language, we use its same language and codes to access it and thus obtain a better response. For
example, if I tell you about an old monk with white beards dressed in an orange robe meditating in a
mountain… what would you associate it with?

It is very likely that you associate it with “wisdom”.

And it is because that figure that I described to you operates in your mind like an anchor; it could be
a Zen monk or a Tibetan monk… and if we add to that the fact that he is old, we have all the
ingredients to finally associate him with wisdom.

This is the kind of symbolic language that your subconscious mind understands and is very
permeable to. The meditation for prosperity has an almost magical symbolism: the money tree. A
tree that instead of just leaves also has tickets that reproduce themselves perpetually which you
can access and take as many as you want. Your subconscious mind takes this image as a symbol
of abundance and thanks to repetition you get to penetrate deep into its gear and as I always say, in
terms of manifestation, the subconscious mind is EVERYTHING.

How can you use your knowledge?

Use symbolic language in your meditations. Try to relate the new beliefs of subliminal
reprogramming to a symbol that is easy to remember and that influences your mind to get closer to
the results. Just think about it for a moment… You are speaking to your subconscious mind in a
language of its own, you are using a strategy of persuasion with yourself! With that part of you
ultimately responsible for your reality.

Some traumatic events in our past are so terrifying that it is impossible for us to remember them
directly. That is why, in therapy, our unconscious resorts to symbols to give us back the memory of
the past.Although we try to forget the trauma, it continues to affect us in our day to day. In order to
heal it, we need to bring to light all the repressed emotions in the past (pain, anger, sadness, etc.).
Right at this point in the therapy, the symbols appear to help us realize this awareness. Suddenly
accessing traumatic memories can be too shocking for the person and could cause severe shock.
Let's not forget that access to these memories was blocked by our mind as a protection measure.
However, when our unconscious finds an adequate opportunity (such as the therapeutic
environment), it begins to dose the repressed information through symbols. Through scenes or
symbolic images, the person can work on the resources they need to feel increasingly stronger and
prepared to be able, later on, to face (and face) all the details of the real experience of their past.
Moses, for example, in his fight with the dragon, felt that he was capable of facing it and even
ofbeat him.

Metaphorical Language
Mental reprogramming, in a certain way, is the “surgery” of the mind; in this state – and through
metaphors – beliefs, emotions, memories, behaviors, etc. can be “put on”, “removed” or “modified”.
Known is the correlation between brain waves-frequencies and states of consciousness and
unconsciousness. The metaphor navigates between both seas, since the metaphorical language
works with multiple realities that stimulate the listener at their different perceptual levels. While the
conscious mind processes the content of the story, the unconscious receives the embedded
messages - hidden within that story. The Metaphor has to do with the sensory and analogical
language more linked to the unconscious versus (conceptual language) – logical, rational,

Therefore, and in fact, an exquisite and natural way of facilitating changes and transformations in
people is through metaphors… The metaphors are the voice and language of the unconscious. Its
applications (metaphors, stories, tales, visualizations, analogical language...) are diverse and it is
worth remembering that they go beyond the limits of the logical, rational, the domains of the
conscious; As long as they are “delivered” properly. And he does it without creating resistance, in a
subtle, friendly and creative way. And… notice that… most of your life is unconsciously
determined.For its part, metaphorical language also accesses the deepest structure of the
individual, the space in which optimal responses are generated to resolve problem situations. From
there, we let the unconscious work creatively.

The metaphor evidences the relationship between two things or two situations that, at first sight, do
not offer any connection between them, but that, in some way, keep some deep resemblance to
each other; the metaphor brings out this inadvertent similarity and offers a new explanation, reveals
a different meaning: it makes evident what common sense or consciousness does not immediately
Thus, the metaphorical figure helps reveal one thing (a sense) in the form of another. From a short
phrase, a sentence, to a story, it can constitute a metaphor. When you think, you also tend to think
in metaphors. These influence the way you organize your conversations and behaviors.
For example, when expressing yourself about life, you can think and say that it is not like "a bed of
roses", or that work is "a daily battle" and your free time is "drunken fun".
Metaphors allow us to talk about new concepts through known and already familiar concepts.
Everytime that new knowledge arrives, it is easier to find similarities with things you already know,
to have a better understanding.

Do they always work?

Now, it is convenient to know that the similarities that we find between two situations or things to
create the metaphor may not be applicable in all aspects of said situations or things; neither for all
the time in which such situations take place or in the different perspectives from which things are
seen. But it is always possible to use metaphors, provided we increase our sagacity and learn to
observe the profound similarities between things or situations: knowing how to discover the secret
link between what seems to have no relation to a certain object or event.Likewise, in your work of
self-knowledge, exploring the use of metaphors will open paths of self-knowledge that until today
you did not suspect.

Therapy metamorphic
Metaphorical therapy is not in itself an independent procedure, but rather it is a resource used in
different therapeutic approaches. As such, it consists of the use of metaphors to achieve
understanding and overcoming problematic situations. Basically it makes use of poetic and literary
language, of stories and fables to open the conscience.
There are ancestral cultures that, in one way or another, make use of metaphorical therapy
to advance the processes of education and emotion in their communities. The grandparents,
and also the shamans, narrate ancient stories. These do not refer to events that actually
occurred, but to symbolic episodes. The effect on those who listen to them is cathartic and
opens the conscience.

Opportunities and the subconscious mind

The opportunities that a human being finds in his life are always a direct reflection of the mental and
emotional programming that lives in his subconscious mind. And although we live in an educational
and social culture that gives more importance to mental rationalism than to the practical use of our
own internal capacities, such as the use of the subconscious mind in the face of the opportunities
that are presented to us, it is undeniable by results that confirm that we are more than we can think
we can be. Opportunities as such are events favorable to a certain mental programming and they
appear constantly and not isolated depending on the intensity of the thoughts and emotions that are
directed towards a goal or objective.

The subconscious mind uses a special communication with the universe and we know this
experimentally because as we have said, events are presented that confirm the mental reality in
which one lives, however, as we said in a previous article, this cannot be consciously
conceptualized due to the human limitations that we have since the conscious mind can only control
between five to seven variables or pieces of information at the same time. In contrast, the
subconscious mind can process up to fifteen million bits or pieces of information at a time, but all
that power can only be used and experienced, not conceptualized or rationalized. It is highly
necessary to begin by believing more in what we do not see than in what our physical senses tell us
exists, since the reality that we perceive is a very small fraction of the infinite world of extrasensory
phenomena that surrounds us.
In fact, opportunities are first created in the mind with different proven techniques that exist for it
such as: statements and affirmations, visualization, positive self-talk, deep relaxation and others
that are used with professional methods to adequately impress people. the subconscious mind and
thereby trigger the process of manifestation in the physical universe external to the mind that is
obviously also in the same place of the same material objects that we see daily.

In the case of the subconscious mind, it exerts an attractive effect on daily we have
said before, although all this is immersed in an apparently anarchic or chaotic universe of events.
This power of attraction to get what you want has been practiced unknowingly by many men and
women throughout history and since time immemorial, because the subconscious mind has existed
since man was created and inhabited the earth.Unfortunately, this power should be used in a
conscious and permanent way to always have a life in accordance with what is wanted and longed
for, but a large part of the people in the world only use it without realizing it in case of need by
focusing their mind at times. in what they need but once they have obtained a favorable universal
response to solve their situation, their poorly programmed and habituated subconscious mind
makes them return or return to their comfort zone with the same habitual thoughts of: conformism,
fear, anxiety, depression, stress, etc., and with it to a customary, known and familiar lifestyle.
Learning to exercise this mental power of attraction is very similar to exercising the body daily in a
gym with the right machines and qualified instructors and in the case of the subconscious mind the
laws and techniques will do a job equivalent to that of a mental gym by discovering, condition and
enhance all the inner power of this part of the mind responsible for all vital processes, thoughts,
emotions and the search and finding of opportunities.

For the rest of the world who do not know the secrets of the subconscious mind and thus
unconsciously obtain some favorable results in their lives, the opportunities turn out to be a set of
disconnected results, coincidences or the product of chance or luck as if the mind of the man was
merely an impartial spectator in a universe that operates mysteriously and independently.But
nothing is further from an objective reality since nothing in the universe exists in isolation and
everything is interconnected in its simplest components and particles and even the very energy of
bodies and space undergoes transformations or is altered according to the messages sent by
moving bodies and in this case the human brain, a supercomputer that continues to evolve and
challenge the frontiers of current knowledge.

In the search for opportunities, even many people who do not know or ignore their internal mental
faculties place their hopes in magic, amulets, omens and fetishisms with which instead of bringing
real opportunities to their lives they enter into severe spiritual disorders that bind their life to growing
personal problems. Many people also use their spiritual part to ask God, a perfect creator, for the
fulfillment of their deepest desires and for them to manifest themselves in opportunities, and this is
not in contradiction with what we are talking about here about the subconscious mind, since the
spiritual part of beings Humans do not work independently of their mental part and everything
comes together and must come together to operate in a coordinated manner and thus produce the
expected results.

The process of using the subconscious mind to manifest and materialize personal desires and
dreams comes naturally and is part of human nature itself, and not external forces that can alter or
damage an individual spiritually, mentally, physically or emotionally.

The subconscious mind and resistance to change

One of the most critical and dangerous points caused by the domain of the subconscious mind over
human behavior is "resistance to change" and it is responsible for frustrating the positive
achievements that allow any individual to live and evolve as a free human being. and with
possibilities to grow and adapt to a changing world.

Resistance to change is understood as any refusal to replace or follow a new way of doing
things for the benefit of the individual that maintains a hermetic or rigid way of acting without
adapting to changes, which, as we have said, is caused by the subconscious mind that influences
and dominates human behavior.

Resistance to change is a protection measure against external proposals or stimuli that seek
to totally or partially modify a certain way of acting or behavior.

However, resistance to change is not always negative, that is, it also represents insurance against
certain types of information or negative influences that threaten, for example, the principles and
values ​that a human being has to live with integrity and health in a society. .

This means that an honorable and respectable person, for example, rejects companies, influences
and relative information to become: antisocial, drug addict, alcoholic, lazy, freeloader, etc., for which
the resistance to change in these cases is completely and absolutely necessary to avoid personal
degradation, total degeneration, early death or prison as we all know can happen.

Motivation and the Subconscious

When you hear about motivation, this concept is associated with a positive emotional state that
drives to achieve important achievements of any personal nature and although this is partially true,
the psychological root of motivation is much broader because far from being an emotional state, it is
a emotional habit where to achieve it intervenes and is the exclusive property of the subconscious
mind that this is a fact and becomes a constant reality.
Daily life offers us different challenges every day and to conquer them lasting motivation is needed,
one that does not depend on circumstances or external stimuli to achieve it, as in the case of
conscious motivation where many people use external stimulants to access her as: alcohol, drugs,
or other favorable people or events that change or fix their day.
There are a series of basic and necessary elements to make motivation a habit and not a
state as we said and this has to do with the kind of information that enters the subconscious mind
every day in the form of words, images, sounds and emotions. It is necessary to learn to cultivate
daily motivation and make it a habit and continuous mental and emotional state to live a quality life,
and for this reason, let us briefly analyze some enemies of motivation:

1. mental inertia: Many people maintain a train of continuous and old thoughts, that is, they
think only of their profession, work, family, common problems and forget to incorporate new
knowledge into their lives, such as Personal Development resources that open the
perspectives of the world in who live and enrich their life experience by changing the boring
daily days of thinking and acting doing the same old thing.
2. Lack of goals that require effort: For many adults this is a difficult issue because they
have received emotional blows and disappointments in their personal or work life. they
throw in the towel and lower their goals to where they believe they cannot feel attacked
again or in danger of living another similar experience. When it comes to pursuing and
achieving important goals in life, it is necessary to acquire the habit of motivation or
subconscious motivation to overcome all the challenges that the path poses and avoid
leaving or being taken out of the game, which happens when the motivation is ephemeral
and temporary according to external factors.
3. Negative news: The habit of watching the news every day to see how the world is and to
know if it has been fixed or worsened is one of the most harmful manias for mental health,
clearly understanding that the role of the media such as TV, radio, press and even some of
the virtual sites is not to present positive and motivating information, but rather tragedies
and problems because with it raise their rating or advertising pattern and they can charge
more money to their sponsors.
4. Bad companies: Human relationships are very important as we all know, however, to be
successful, friendships or companies must be selected without discrimination of course, but
relate to and frequent the company of people: conformists, negative, who degrade others or
with bad habits of life. it brings serious problems for mental and emotional health and like
an epidemic it can produce and worsen the behavior of the companion. There is a popular
phrase that affirms "the example drags" and this is especially true for the subconscious
mind that does not tolerate jokes and that is infected and contaminated with this kind of
companies, producing and spreading bad emotions and behaviors such as: vices, anger,
melancholy, conformism, boredom, low self-esteem and depression.
5. Low spiritual level: The spiritual part is fundamental to life. The lack of prayer and the
thought that life is uncertain and ends in this world or that there is no perfect creator God
who calls the human being to a higher ideal of life outside of material things and temporary
achievements, also brings problems of mood and motivation such as existential angst.
6. Lack of physical activity: Physical exercise releases endorphins in the body that are
called hormones of well-being and that provide a feeling of relief from stress and pain. So
being sedentary not only threatens physical health because many organs, including the
heart, cannot function efficiently, but also affects the brain, which needs a constant and
abundant blood supply to function properly, improve and protect itself from bad moods that
affect performance, coexistence and attitude towards life.
7. Mind break: The subconscious mind outside the hours of usual sleep needs a special rest
method that recycles the information that is received from time to time, because when the
subconscious or the subconscious mind is full of tensions, bad memories of the
experiences lived come as a consequence. aggressiveness with other people, apathy,
depression and lack of control to take on the challenges of daily life.

Finally, what advantages does lasting motivation or subconscious motivation bring? Here are some:

Continuity, security, enthusiasm, direction along the way, less physical wear and tear and greater
mental acuity to solve challenges and problems and many other advantages

If you are receiving a constant flow of positive stimulation related to a certain project or goal, then
you will end up By convincing me of that idea, you will be able to modify your belief system and thus
have a renewed pattern of behavior and a different way of thinking and feeling that will be aligned
with your aspirations.One of the essential principles for achieving goals is that "the end generates
the means." Which means that it doesn't matter if your circumstances are adverse, but your thirst
for success, the compelling desire and need to achieve what you want.
When you focus on a goal with true passion and begin to use the WILLPOWER and you do it for a
long time, then you organize the universe in your favor, you manage to impose yourself and force
the circumstances to become favorable.
the power of WILLPOWER you will experience when you focus exclusively on your goals, make
sure to give almost 100% of your energy each day, do it as long as necessary, until the results
speak for themselves.
development of human potential
Many of us yearn for the full development of our human potential, understanding the four areas of
influence in which we perform daily: spiritual, mental, emotional and physical. And the subconscious
mind always intervenes directly to ensure that this is done in the best possible way, mediocrely or in
the worst possible way.

There are many factors that intervene to achieve the best possible of our human potential and in
this article we will analyze several of them taking into account that the subconscious mind is present
in all human processes from the moment a person is born until they die.

As human potential we refer to the set of faculties, talents, feelings, emotions and abilities with
which each person is born and that through life they must identify, care for and develop to get the
best out of themselves.

Areas to develop human potential:

Spiritual: Before body with mind we are spiritual beings who have a single essence, the soul
and spiritual consciousness, a part of the being that seeks transcendental answers to life
and that is not satisfied with obtaining material goods, money, influence, recognitions, etc.,
and ignoring this vital part of the human being can be the cause of many problems, pain and
even a painful or premature death.

Mental: Both the conscious mind and the subconscious mind constitute a duo and although
the first acts by way of recognition and thought, the second with an almost unlimited reserve
governs the thoughts and behaviors of every human being according to the type of
information that has received in internal and external stimuli: images, sounds and
Emotional: Our world offers a very varied offer of negative, positive or average emotions.
Cultivate positive emotions such as joy, joy, optimism, tenderness, solidarity, compassion,
etc.It is vital for health and to have a more bearable life.

Physical: We temporarily live in a body that needs care, exercise, food and protection. The
physical part of our being and its current state can be a burden or an ally to have a quality
life. And ensuring its good condition and operation is the task of a lifetime and the faster we
become aware of doing so, the better prepared we will be to develop our human potential.

What specifically needs to be done in each area to exploit human potential and how does the
subconscious mind work?

Spiritual part: Respecting the beliefs of those who read this article, life in the afterlife and
after death is a deep yearning for almost every human being and communication with God
our higher self is a fundamental piece of mental, emotional stability and physical. If
everything we have and do is reduced to only a few decades of life and then everything is
finished and disappears into infinite nothingness, life has no greater meaning or meaning.

Mental part: The subconscious mind needs stimulating information that above all provides
the achievement of good habits, since it controls thoughts and behavior by more than 95%.
Unfortunately, this cannot happen with only academic or technical information, reading
news, chronicles, stories or literary novels; it is necessary to include a new mental diet that
focuses and directs the subconscious mind by repetition to focus on solutions to problems
and to live with hope and optimism, something that is very deteriorated in our society where
the collective subconscious mind lives in tragedy and despair, something that does nothing
to change the course of events.
Emotional part: Frequent negative emotions, cultivate them or develop them is a fatal
strategy for human health in general and for healthy coexistence in community. Although
every day we are exposed to many circumstances that invite us to choose them as a way of
venting, negative emotions such as anger, hatred, despair, skepticism, etc. they produce a
negative mental attitude and apathy towards life, the world, opportunities and people, which
inevitably leads to resounding failure in almost all areas of life. It is not that we say that we
live in an ideal world and that with only our attitude everything will change, but a well-trained
subconscious mind does not allow for anything that the circumstances of the environment
depress the person and paralyze him.

Physical part: Good eating habits, daily exercise, the absence of late nights and vices are
key to good physical health, but also mental and emotional. The excesses in physical health
through poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, frequent late nights are bad habits that drastically
reduce life and will take its toll on its owner, generating limitations and pain through chronic
or terminal illnesses until ending life itself. sooner or later.


It is not possible to exploit our full human potential if life, events and opportunities are viewed in a
partial or biased way, as is the case with the traditional educational system that imparts knowledge
based on the dominance and expansion of the left hemisphere of the brain, responsible for logic
and reason. And leaving aside the right hemisphere responsible for imagination, creativity and that
is the gateway to the subconscious mind.

Individuals in whom dominance of the left hemisphere of the brain predominates are highly rational,
fearful, skeptical people who follow the established canons. Instead, those who have a
predominance of the right hemisphere of the brain are very creative people, with great imagination,
but often messy and who need to put order and priority to so many ideas that come to mind. This
shows the need to balance both the logical side and the intuitive and creative side of our brain.

The arts and music, for example, are disciplines that require great expansion of the right
hemisphere of the brain because they involve creating ideas and translating them into spoken or
written words, images and sounds, giving free rein to the imagination without being subject only to
conventionalisms or obtuse forms of representation. art.

Balancing the 2 hemispheres of the brain could be beneficial when listening to subliminal audio.
The reason this works and speeds up results (at least my theory behind it) is that you are
simply using/synchronizing both sides of your brain at the same time while listening to your
subliminals. When you repeat affirmations in your mind consciously or internally in your
subconscious, this is using the left side of the brain, which is responsible for language, speech
and communication. When you play a game or perform any activity that increases your
creativity while listening to the audio (simultaneously or separately), you engage the right side
of the brain, which is responsible for interpreting visual information and spatial processing. So
you're basically doing things that activate both sides of the brain at the same time you're
listening to your subliminals or affirmations.
When you do activities that involve your brain's memory and decision making, you are also
engaging neural processes in the brain, which is involved in problem solving, movement,
touch, vision, memory, thinking, and learning. so this can also play an important role in this
process. Because this is the part of the brain that deals with learning and absorbing new
information, and you're engaging this while doing all of the above.


It is necessary to venture into new fields of knowledge and expression such as: reading, painting,
music, drawing, crafts, gastronomy, design, botany, decoration, personal development courses,
learning new languages, traveling, coexist with other cultures, frequent natural landscapes, use the
non-dominant hand more, learn new skills, establish and develop their own business and everything
that exercises the free expression of personal ideas. This will increase the flow of ideas and you will
always be able to see reality in a refreshed way and with new eyes.
To develop our potential in the most varied and productive way from the point of view of the
subconscious mind, it is necessary to always incorporate new knowledge.

Defined goals and learning from mistakes:

Burning dreams and well-established goals under measurable time frames energize, build
and release the potential of human beings, and the subconscious mind will do the same to
facilitate the paths.
For the subconscious mind it is important to impress the thought of continuous improvement as a
habit, to make mistakes and learn from them. "Real life is not made up of exact answers but of
multiple assumptions and new experiences that stimulate us to learn from them."


Releasing potential is a personal and non-transferable journey because each human being is
unique in their abilities and talents. It is good to admire and learn from the achievements of others,
but not to compete or compare yourself with others as is done and promoted at a social and
educational level.
Many people also try to unlock their potential by competing against their past. As we have
said in other articles, we must accept the past and the experiences that have been lived
through life to draw from them the most valuable lessons they offer us, no matter how hard
they have been. On the other hand, accepting does not imply agreeing, it is simply admitting
that the experience or experiences occurred in a certain way and that by having occurred in
that way they left certain lessons that will serve for the present and the future.


Habits are, as we have said before, the clearest manifestation of the action of the subconscious
mind on thoughts, behavior and human actions. Habits in a very simplified form are automatic
repetitions of thoughts, behaviors and actions that control life; and for this reason we must ensure
that each habit we have or develop is for personal benefit and not for personal injury. One way to
form winning habits is to model the thoughts and behaviors of people or leaders that we admire and

The subconscious mind and the power of intuition

Much has been speculated and talked about human intuition and its importance as a sixth sense,
although its veracity has not been demonstrated in all cases and how it intervenes. However,
intuition is part of a subconscious process, which gathers and processes data at a much higher
speed than the conscious mind does, which only processes a maximum of seven variables or
pieces of information from the environment at the same time.

Intuition or hunch, as it is colloquially called, is, so to speak, the summary that the brain
makes in a condensed way with variables that escape our conscious mind. of a particular
situation that occurs either in the present or that may occur in the future.
There are thousands of testimonies in the world of people who received help from their
intuition at very critical moments and whose action allowed them, for example, to save their
lives and that of others.. In this case, from people who were saved from a plane crash, a natural
disaster, a car crash, an armed robbery, etc.
Intuition is usually activated every time we are faced with unknown events or circumstances and of
which we ignore the final result, either because we do not know all the variables that interact at a
given time or because even having them we cannot ensure a result that benefits and on the
contrary there is a risk of loss or some kind of physical, mental or emotional pain.

Intuition in communication:
On a human level, communication is a conglomeration of variables that according to NLP (neuro
linguistic programming) is distributed as follows: 55% body language, 38% tone of voice and 7%
words. By bringing together all these elements that intervene in face-to-face communication, it is
clear that intuition will be activated or will arrive at any time and especially when one of these
variables or several are incongruous on the part of our interlocutor and do not as a whole form a
harmonic whole that they emit. a clear and authentic message.

Intuition and imagination:

Imagination is the capacity or mental faculty that allows man to conceive new ideas, projects or
innovative creations. And intuition is the vehicle, the driver or the means by which new ideas and
creations manifest in the right hemisphere of the brain, responsible for imagination and creativity.

There are two ways to exercise the imagination. The first is when we consciously focus on a
new idea or problem and create solutions to solve it., a method widely used in exact sciences
such as mathematics, physics, chemistry and others. However, there is also the second most
powerful form of the human imagination which is the subconscious form and which is normally
activated involuntarily and which uses intuition as a form of communication between the
subconscious mind and the conscious mind and which can occur in the weirdest or most unusual
ways possible to get the flow of creative ideas. In this way, a person can be taking a shower and
suddenly receive the best answer to the problem or situation they wanted to solve, or they can be
driving a car, queuing at a bank, talking to a person about a very different subject, sleeping, fishing.
, climbing a mountain, etc.

This means that when the object of thought is clear, but the conscious mind gets distracted or
disconnects and thinks of something else, the subconscious response arrives through intuition that
the conscious mind clarifies, analyzes and orders to make it a reality. in the tangible world.

This process is not immediate and can take hours and even days.. But the answer will always
come through intuition once the subconscious mind is challenged and stimulated, especially with
intense emotions that trigger the reaction.

Intuition and learning:

Learning requires a state of connection with the subject or knowledge that you want to
understand and master.. Somehow when we do not fully understand an explanation or we are
facing highly complex mental and physical processes such as learning to drive a car or vehicle,
through repeated attempts and trying to handle as many variables as possible at the same time,
press the accelerator, make the changes if there is a clutch or mechanical box, apply the brake,
control the steering wheel, control the gear, look at the traffic lights, pedestrians, traffic signs, etc.,
all this by repetition becomes a chain of information that reaches the subconscious mind and
becomes an automatic process to release conscious attention and think about other things. In this
way, a person who already has practice driving can talk to his co-pilot or other people inside the
vehicle without crashing or running over someone,
The Subconscious Mind and Learning
Learning constitutes the greatest skill necessary to perform successfully in the physical world in
which we live and the subconscious mind is constituted as a control center that regulates, extends
and perfects learning. We define learning as the capacity or ability to understand mental, physical,
emotional and even spiritual processes and concepts that take place in our inner and outer world,
and thereby act in the real world by developing skills. Learning is a constant for human beings,
because in the universe in which we live change reigns and only those who adapt, learn and model
the circumstances in their favor will be victorious. However, to achieve this it is necessary to
develop a flexible and adaptable mind,

The brain mechanisms that allow learning by subconscious stimuli have been identified for the first
time.A new international study has identified for the first time the processes that take place in the
brains of animals when they learn from subconscious visual stimuli. New data on exactly how this
unconscious perceptual learning occurs could lead to more efficient treatments for different mental

Psychology, psychoanalysis, and other branches of the behavioral sciences basically define the
subconscious as anything "below the threshold of consciousness." Consequently, there would be
information that is initially inaccessible during daily life, automatic or conscious: it would manifest
itself through sleep, slips, metaphors and all expressions that evade conscious logic and, in a
certain way, common sense. .

However, access to this level of brain activity can also be used to achieve significant learning, the
impact of which can be even more lasting and efficient than that achieved through conscious tasks.
For example, the so-called implicit learning occurs unconsciously and effortlessly: we learn without
thinking about that particular action, for example, through simple repetitions.

Man must learn consciously, if he does not do it this way, he will not know how what he "knows"
entered the subconscious level. The subconscious mind stores information that it never forgets. It is
defenseless against the external agents of the environment when the senses “collect information
from the environment”. If the conscious mind does not carry out a mental discernment, the
information will reach the subconscious level very easily and the subject will execute actions related
to their emotions, for this reason, their actions are considered irrational, because this mind acts with
feelings and memories, the procedures that they are executed translate into an erratic act, without
knowing why they acted that way. To explain the way of acting of a person, who learned
subconsciously, we will review several examples:

1. The individual has not learned the mental decision-making process, so he tends to make
irrational decisions: due to tastes, desires, the impulses of the heart, he drives us to buy
unnecessary things, makes us feel jealous or angry, directly affects customs, in human
relations and in the possession of things, does not know how to generate alternative
2. Another case of subconscious learning is observed when the subconscious mind acts out of
habit, the subject's action will be less intelligent and will have an automaton behavior: a
person decides to move the coat rack, the person will take at least a few days to get used
to it. the new location, this is because, at this level of thought, the neural connection of the
subconscious mind had been strengthened with non-conscious information, the repetition of
his actions allowed him to perform the same activity in a known place, he did not have to
think consciously where to hang clothes. This example allows us to understand the
forgetfulness of some students, when the learning process was not done consciously, when
learning an incorrect mathematical procedure,unlearn” to consciously re-teach it.
3. Subconscious learning through human relations. In this example, the subconscious mind
acts through human relationships: when we interact with someone, we exchange valuable
moments and emotions, until affection and love arise; if people separate, they will have a
difficult time. Another similar situation occurs between the mother and child relationship, the
relationship is forged from fertilization; If the mother were to lose her child, it would be a
hard blow. In both cases, the subconscious mind strengthens its neural connections.
4. Subconscious learning through possession. In this example the subconscious mind acts on
the behavior of the individual, it is observed when a marketing strategy is used to
manipulate the consumer; a seller tries to sell his product by differentiating it with peculiar
characteristics (so that the consumer longs for his childhood, his homeland, his loved ones,
etc.) and the price, he does it in an attractive and friendly way, but what he is really doing is
communicating with the subconscious mind; so that it can create the need or desire to
purchase and want to own the products that remind us of people, pleasant moments and
our self-esteem or because we perceive a better benefit even if they have a higher cost.

because it was identified that student learning is not done deliberately to relate the conscious
mind and the subconscious mind, therefore, there is a lack of knowledge to develop thinking
skills. The first stage for the teaching of mental processes is that the conscious mind must be
alert to prevent the subconscious mind from being invaded. The cognitive ability to identify a
behavior derived from subconscious learning during what is known in DHP as alpha space.8
Psychologists or those with knowledge of human behavior or people outside of us can
communicate with our subconscious mind and change a behavior ( ideology, learning a
language through a subconscious method, hypnosis, etc.). The teaching of all subconscious
learning will always be an invasion of the person and, therefore, will always be dangerous. To
avoid this, it is necessary to keep the conscious mind alert, to modify any negative behavior
stored in the subconscious mind and to align thoughts, feelings and actions. The two levels of
mind command the body to rest through sleep, to repair short-term and long-term memories
(the true function of the body when it sleeps).

Subconscious visual stimuli:

Now, new research conducted by specialists from the KU Leuven University in Belgium and in
which researchers from the Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard University also
participated, has managed to begin to unravel the mysteries inherent in subconscious learning,
determining the processes that have place in the same by means of a study carried out in rhesus
monkeys. According to arelease, worked on visual stimuli that are not consciously perceptible, and
yet can be remembered later.

In the research, published in the journal Neuron, the experts activated part of the reward system at
the base of the monkeys' brain stem, specifically in the ventral tegmental area, releasing dopamine.
This hormone is not only crucial for pleasure and happiness: it also plays a vital role in cognitive
and learning processes.

While developing this action, the researchers showed the monkeys virtually invisible images of
human faces and bodies, among other visual stimuli that were difficult to perceive consciously, at
the same time that they required other highly complex tasks. Everything indicated that in normal
situations the animals would not be able to remember the stimuli presented: what would happen,
instead, when activating the base of the brain stem? The experiment made it possible to verify that
by activating the indicated area of ​the brain stem, the monkeys were able to recognize and
remember the subconscious visual stimuli, while they were unable to do so when the
aforementioned stimulation was interrupted. According to scientists, this shows that there is a direct
relationship between this region of the brain and subconscious stimuli. What's more, remarked that
it was found that dopamine encourages subconscious learning. They also expressed that during the
experiment areas of the visual cortex of the brain and other areas important for memory.

The mistakes:

The mistakes that are made in life are part of the learning that the human being needs to grow and
develop. And the duly trained subconscious mind allows finding new resources to correct and
overcome them, otherwise when it is poorly fed or neglected it becomes a serious obstacle to
overcome and learn, for which many people in the world see their life of color black and with little or
no hope for a quality life.

Making mistakes and overcoming them is a topic of great importance for personal
development through the proper use of the subconscious mind
One of the first conditions to live free is to accept that life is full of valuable lessons and that
it is more of an adventure to live., learn and enjoy than a series of unpleasant, uncertain
experiences full of traps that impede the free development of human capacities.

Of course, not all the mistakes that are made are the same in terms of their intentionality, because
here we refer more to the mistakes that are part of having a healthy standard of living, in terms of
respecting fundamental values ​such as: God, family, work honest, health care, have integrity and
respect the rules of coexistence and avoid committing any type of crime or social harm.

However, although there are a series of socially accepted errors and others not, for everyone
there is the possibility of changing and learning from their experiences. passed with the
proper techniques of impression on the subconscious mind.

The subconscious mind and habits

Habits are the tangible expression of the subconscious mind and more or less quickly become
conditioned behaviors in such a way that they favor or impoverish people's quality of life. In this way
they constitute one of the most complex and dangerous elements of human behavior.
Habits are basically patterns of repeated thoughts and emotions that the nervous system
uses to simplify its interaction with the external environment., however, habits can become
powerful haunches for personal development or slavery that limits people and their relationship with
others, especially in close coexistence with members of their own family and even with other more
distant relatives.
From the moment a person is born until they die, their nervous system receives almost
permanently, excluding the hours of sleep, sensitive impressions of much of what surrounds them
through the five senses: sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell. And these impressions or stimuli in
turn cause reactions on the part of the brain, many of which are unconscious or subconscious and
others that are conscious since a decision is made based on a brief analysis of reason.
The subconscious mind has majority control over habits and actions, more than 95%, and
makes its strength and dominance felt every time a person tries to change their actions in ways
that do not correspond to their mental and emotional programming.
Habits involve and develop in the most varied aspects of life, personal as well as: get up at a
certain time, bathe and dress in a certain way, eat in a certain way, drink certain kinds of drinks at
prescribed times, tie shoelaces, pick a lock, answer a call in a particular way, make a daily exercise
routine, studying certain types of general or specialized information every day, watching TV at
certain times, listening to certain types of music or news, connecting to the Internet at certain times,
taking a bus, driving a vehicle, etc., social such as: relating to certain people, frequenting certain
places and sites, etc.
The more the years pass in people, the greater the tendency to acquire and implement
habitsIn this way, a child has his subconscious mind very little programmed in habits and is very
spontaneous, while a mature or elderly person has many habits that govern his daily life and his
subconscious mind is highly programmed to do things every day. almost automatically.
Good habits make life more pleasant and worth living, while bad habits become heavy chains that
overshadow, limit or destroy the lives of their owners.

Why is it so difficult to change habits or eliminate them and especially negative

And the answer is very simple, because it is beyond the conscious control of the mind to do so.
Usually behind a habit there is a strong or intense emotion anchored and this has impressed the
subconscious mind so that when the occasion arises that triggers the emotion, the conscious mind
can do nothing and the subconscious autopilot takes over and takes over. perform the action or
Self-knowledge and awareness of our self-concept is needed to discover what is behind a person's
negative habits and how to correctly impress the subconscious mind to change the interpretation of
the facts that give rise to the causing emotion or emotions and thereby avoid that the automatic
reaction occurs again affecting the individual.
It takes some time to implant a new habit and for it to continue working on autopilot for as long as it
takes to achieve proposed goals, and this has as its main advantage the subconscious help with its
powerful force that does not allow giving up, something that it does commonly occur with the
so-called willpower at the conscious level where great promises are made to change behavior and
actions to progress and do something new, but after a short time the good intentions forcefully give
way to the mental programming that one has .
In summary, it is necessary to know and know how the subconscious mind operates and works in
order to know how to organize the mental universe and thus avoid the often involuntary implantation
of negative habits that stagnate and deteriorate life and instead stimulate and develop positive
habits that they lead life in a very different and pleasant direction in order to grow and live happily
and fulfilled.

Many of the psychological disorders are due to automated behaviors and, therefore,
unconsciousness. To achieve a change in an automatic behavior, we need to be aware of what we
are doing, and what triggers it. Therapeutic sessions give the opportunity to experience change,
from the behavior that causes and maintains the problem to another that is in line with our values.

When you have already experienced change, not everything is resolved because the old behavior
has the force of being a habit, because it has been repeated for a long time and has become
automated and requires little energy and attention to be executed. While the new behavior needs all
our attention to be able to execute it. Therefore, at times when our energy and attention drop, due
to fatigue, stress, illness, etc. we tend to do the behavior that costs us the least effort and we can do
the old behavior again and we will experience it as a relapse and mistrust towards the possibility of
making the change we would like.

On a comparative basis, habits can be classified as useful and useless, healthy

and unhealthy:
As useful habits we have, for example: discipline, perseverance, study, dreaming, setting goals,
priorities and commitments, working hard and intelligently. Some are useless like tricks, wasting
time, failing to fulfill commitments, not taking action in the face of opportunities, procrastinating;
healthy such as playing sports, eating low in saturated fats, sweet and salt, drinking water;
unhealthy such as a sedentary lifestyle and addictions: smoking, consuming alcohol or drugs,
gambling addiction, etc.
It is not possible to avoid acquiring habits during life because they come with the repetition
of thoughts and behaviors or intense emotions, and in greater numbers through the years,
and this occurs even in animals that acquire and repeat behaviors continuously. Instead,
what can be done is to consciously evaluate them to establish either preventive or corrective
actions in order not to acquire or eliminate habits depending on their benefit and usefulness.
You can clearly see the force that habits have on behavior when trying to change daily actions and
it is not possible to do it for a long time by going back to the initial programmed behavior.

Transformation of limiting realities

One of the reasons why people cannot progress no matter how they try is due to the
autopilot of their subconscious mind that shows them and reminds them every day of
negative images, conversations and feelings of hard times and personal frustrations with
places, people and things.

The subconscious mind by nature has the defect of being regressive, that is, as it does not know
the future, it focuses on the past and unconsciously transmits it to its owner many times in a day,
clearly depending on the level of positive training that each mind has. , because the type of
information in images, sounds and internal speech that a winning mind has stored is not the same
as a narrow mind whipped daily by a past and painful reality.

Another reason is in the internal negative conversation that many also have on a daily basis
due to bad experiences that are repeated in some way in the present and feed back feelings
of frustration and powerlessness to change a limiting life that seems never to end.

Negative beliefs installed in the subconscious mind for years play also a very important role in the
experience of limiting realities. Beliefs such as: I was not born to succeed, this country is useless,
the world is going to end, there are no opportunities for anyone, all past times were better, women
or men are bad, no one can be trusted, money it's bad and it corrupts, I don't do anything right, I
wasn't born with a star, the only way to get ahead is to study hard and then get a good job and then
retire, that's not proven here and when that happens you come and we talk, money always it has to
be earned with pain and sacrifice, success is for the privileged and I come from a normal family, the
rich are greedy, etc.

What kind of information affects the subconscious mind and what kind of effects
does it produce?
The subconscious mind is impartial in the face of the daily information it receives, this means that it
does not reason or discern, it only delivers to the conscious mind on a daily basis the accumulation
of images, sounds and emotions with which it is programmed and according to the type of
circumstances that each one is living in the present moment.

Let us remember that the conscious mind has the function of thinking and analyzing reality,
but it only controls the behavior and the decisions that are made daily by a maximum of 5%,
while the subconscious mind has the function of deciding what is done and controls the
behavior and decisions that are made daily in more than 95%.

Negative emotions, it must be said, are more prevalent in the subconscious mind, which is why a
person can live and remember an unfortunate event in their life much longer than a positive one,
and this causes almost continuous suffering in the minds of many who try to escape. of that inner
prison without being able to achieve it completely or at least partially.

In addition to the bad experiences and memories lived, there is the injection that millions of
people in the world give themselves every day with the media such as TV, radio, the press
and even certain Internet sites, all of them with images and sounds of : current news and
problems: robberies, murders, kidnappings, settling scores, unemployment, wars, conflicts
between couples and homes, melancholic and depressive music, etc., also combined with a
poor diet and sedentary lifestyle or low level of physical exercise All this leads to chronic
and permanent depression, a high level of dissatisfaction and internal and external violence,
health problems such as schizophrenia, tachycardia, heart attacks, strokes, cancer,
suicides, etc.

The problem with receiving negative information every day is that it directly affects and remains for
a long time in the subconscious mind, which produces physical and mental illnesses, destroying the
peace of the individual and his desire to live and be happy.

Negative emotions such as hatred, resentment, anger, envy, rivalry, anxiety, etc., cannot become a
habit in life because they mess up the biochemistry of the body, producing serious metabolic
problems that can degenerate over time. time on problems like cancers and cardio and
cerebrovascular, among others.

This is easy to say from a logical and conscious point of view, but negative emotions need,
first of all, a training of the subconscious mind, which is the one that has the greatest
influence on them to be able to control them and that they do not control the organic and
physical behavior when they appear. unexpectedly and intensely producing all the disasters
that occur daily and of which they can give a good account.

Rules of the Subconscious Mind

1. Every thought or idea provokes a physiological reaction:

LThe subconscious mind governs your emotions. It can make you feel happy or so it can make you
feel sad. It can increase your energy and motivate you to great heights or it can suppress your
energy and keep you depressed and miserable. And since emotions directly affect your physical
functioning, your subconscious mind can get sick or keep it healthy. Thoughts with a strong
emotional component always reach the subconscious mind and leave an impression (or imprint).

Once accepted, thoughts generate ideas and ideas continue producing the same bodily reactions
over and over again. When those reactions are not pleasant or beneficial for us, the conflict arises
in the form of mental, emotional and/or physical disorders. To remove or To change chronic
negative reactions, it is necessary to connect with the subconscious mind and change the pattern
responsible for the reaction.

2. What is expected tends to come about because the subconscious mind works 24/7 to
make sure it is correct.

The brain and nervous system respond only to images accepted by the subconscious mind, either
self-induced or those that draw our attention from the external world. A mental image, once formed,
becomes part of the plano, which the subconscious mind constantly follows.

As the Greek philosopher Aristotle appropriately observed: "We become what we think about." This
is why it is so important that we maintain a positive frame of mind. rule #13, the propensity of the
subconscious mind to seek pleasure and avoid pain.

3. Imagination is more powerful than knowledge when it comes to the mind:

This is an important rule to remember. Any thought or idea accompanied by a strong emotion such
as anger, hate, love, or politics of Religious beliefs generally cannot be changed through the use of
reason. That's why you can't reason with people who firmly believe they don't. matter how crazy the
belief may be or how much logical evidence it has can be refuted.

4. Opposite beliefs cannot be held at the same time:

The subconscious mind looks for congruence, so when opposing ideas are presented, it can only
accept one of them. This is why there are so many direct battles and wars over belief systems.
When an individual believes in a particular belief, they seek to create alliances with other beliefs
that help them keep that particular belief consistent and avoid those beliefs that do not. So when
that allied group meets a group with opposing beliefs, both groups feel compelled to uphold the
rightness of their particular belief.During time the battles between the different religious sects are a
classic example of this.

5. Once the subconscious has accepted a belief or idea in the mind, it remains until
replaced by another belief or idea:
The longer a belief is held, the more it tends to become a habit or fixed thought-like pattern. This is
how habits of action are formed, both good and bad. The ingrained habit forms a pattern that acts
like a circuit board that is kept faithfully followed each time the pattern is activated. (Rules 18 and 19
will explain this rule in more detail).

6. An emotionally induced symptom tends to generate organic change, if it persists

long enough:
We are one mind in one body and the two cannot separate so that the body responds to what the
mind stops at. Therefore, if you continue to insist or fear ill health, over time in the organic body
changes will occur that fit your concept. (Rule 17 will explain the rule in more detail.)

7. Each suggestion acted on creates less opposition than successive suggestions:

This rule is why the adage "success begets success" is true. Small commitments that are carried
out successfully lead to bigger ones. commitments and great successes. Failure also breeds failure,
andforthe same reasons. The rule in physics that says that a moving object tends to keep moving is
true at all levels, whether it's a speeding baseball through the air, or an emotion, habit, or belief that
travels down the nerves and waves brain pathways.

8. When it comes to the subconscious mind and its functions, the greater the conscious
effort, the less the subconscious response:

This is why what we call willpower doesn't really exist and why most applied methods of change
seldom work. Anyone who has experienced insomnia will attest to the fact that the harder you try to
go sleep, the more awake you become. The same goes for people trying to kick an addiction; the
more they try not to want the addictive or the substance, the more they want it. To change the
effect, we must change the cause, and the root cause of everything we do lies in the subconscious

9. The subconscious mind has its own language and uses no other:
The language of the subconscious mind is emotions, images and sensations. It encompasses the
world around you holistically in story form, and the stories are as full, complex, and real as any
other experience. Externally you experience this every time you vividly recall a dream. You realize
that the dream seemed as real as your waking life. All the sights, sounds, tastes, smells, and
sensations were there.

10. The subconscious mind does not distinguish between what is real and imagined

This can be easily shown in the Frequently used exercise of imagining sucking on a lemon. But not
no lemon in sight, the body still reacts to the thought as it would if you were actually sucking on a
lemon. The mouth begins to salivate and, if you don't like the taste of lemons, your face twists like
you have just something very bitter in your mouth. The answer is the same with or without lemon.
The same goes for fears or anything else that can be imagined.

11. The subconscious mind is illogical. Unlike the conscious mind, the subconscious mind
does not try to make sense of things:
While we consciously have to make comparisons to see if they logically fit together, the
subconscious mind simply connects seemingly related data. As a result, it occurs to him some
pretty complicated associations. The crazy idea that death equals happiness, which is the process
that leads to suicide, is an example of is. Or the continual application of messages like "You're too
young to do that yourself" or "don't talk to strangers'' long after we have these skills that would make
it reasonable to discard these messages.

12. The subconscious mind does not reason and does not filter data: Simply receive.
Filtering is done on a conscious level. The examples they are and rule 11 make this point

13. The subconscious mind constantly seeks pleasure and avoids pain.
We are all programmed to respond to perceived threats by avoiding or removing them. Pain
avoidance is seen in fight, flight, or fear of freezing. The fight response is an effort to eliminate the
threat, while the flight and freeze responses are efforts to avoid it. Although we seek pleasure, it is
the perceived pain or threat that lends more attention. The ability to see a living brain using
magnetic functionsIt has helped to understand this mechanism. Magnetic resonance imaging
(FMRI) has allowed researchers to see that the brain glows four times brighter when facing a
negative image than when there is a positive. We are programmed to deal with threats on any level,
mental, emotional or physical. That's why we're stuck on things such as car accidents, destruction
in storms, murders and all kinds of another chaos. We get 99% negative news because negative


Pleasure-seeking is the subconscious mind's way of bringing us back into a balanced state once
we've responded to a threat and of maintaining mental, emotional, and physical balance.

14. The subconscious mind does not recognize non-visual words.

When you hear the word flower, you don't see the word, you see a flower. If you like margaritas, you
might see a margarita. If you like roses, you can see a rose. Even reading these words, your
subconscious mind formed those images: a daisy and a rose. Notice that all the other words only
serve to direct the way you perceive the flower.None of the other words has a visual component, so
while your conscious mind listens to words to create a linear sequence and make sense of the idea,
the subconscious mind only listens to the words. clingsto the flowers It is this rule that makes us get
the opposite of what we want sometimes. For example, we keep telling ourselves "I'm going to lose
that weight." For the mind conscious sounds as a positive thought and it makes perfect sense. But
the subconscious mind only sees three words in that sentence: lose and excess weight. The result
we get depends on what you do with "lose". If "losing" means not keeping or maintaining something,
we lose our resolve pretty quickly. If "losing" means losing sight, we forget our intention to get in
shape quite easily. And of course, what the subconscious mind does with "excess weight" is work to
keep that

15. The subconscious mind does not recognize negatives:

Rule 14 is the reason why this rule is true. Words like "no" and "no" do not have visual components
for them. So when we say "I choose not to overeat", the subconscious sees "choosing" since that is
an action, and sees "overeating". Both are action words that have a visual component. A better way
to say that intention is to say "I choose to eat light." Words with a visual component are very
powerful programmers, which is why we are often advised to watch what we think and say. Which
thinking impacts only us. What we say impacts us and everyone who they listen our words,
especially children who are very suggestible.

16. The subconscious mind only knows NOW:

don't worry about the future or the past. Time is the domain of the conscious mind. That's why so
many people don't achieve the goals they set for themselves and why many ways of therapy are not
effective. Goals are not met when we set a future What target date and not we claim the result in
the now. To the subconscious mind, nothing matters until it moves into the present moment. So as
the goal date approaches and we start to possess the result (going into panic mode), the
subconscious mind goes into action. The objective now is a crisis and we own the malaise of the
crisis. Remember, rule 13 says that the subconscious mind always seeks pleasure (comfort) and
avoids pain (discomfort) and crisis is experienced as discomfort. Now, because the discomfort is
present, we own the problem in the present moment and the subconscious mind goes to work on
the time to find ways to alleviate it. And the means of alleviating it is to get the goal met. This is the
pattern of the crisis worker.

Therapies that focus too much on the past are ineffective for the same reason. They are focused in
a place where the subconscious mind does not deal with. The subconscious mind does not project
into the future or delve into the past. It can invoke any event from the past if that event is triggered
by something in the present moment, but not by looking for things in the past. So, unless a line of
questioning activates a trigger, all that happens in a typical therapy session is that the mind comes
to make sense of the event; a process that has no effect on the cause, which remains in the
subconscious mind.

17. The subconscious mind cannot have invalidated beliefs:

The subconscious mind is completely honest and fully committed to remaining congruent. Once a
belief is acquired, the subconscious mind selectively notices only things that validate the belief and
ignores anything that might invalidate. Should sufficient evidence be presented to invalidate the
belief? Then that belief is immediately discarded. An example would be a child who was told by a
teacher that he was not smart, and who got used to that belief. That individual would then select
only experiences that showed that he or she was not intelligent and that ignored those experiences
proving that he was intelligent. This would continue to define the concept of self for this individual
until that belief was invalidated. We can invalidate a belief if we make ourselves aware of the
evidence on purpose. the opposite. In this case, the individual would have to become aware of
areas of their life where they had done smart things, a number of things, but by the time there was
enough evidence to show that they were smart, the old belief of "not smart " would no longer be
valid and would be instantly and forever deleted.

18. The subconscious mind seeks to maintain the conceptual self. above all, even the
survival of the physical self: It is this that allows people to eat, drink, drug and lifestyle to death,
and even commit suicide. If death is perceived as beneficial to the conceptual self (the mental and
emotional bodies), then the physical self will be sacrificed.

(See Why RAMP and AMP work on for more information

this rule.)

19. The subconscious mind sees CONCEPTUAL survival as mental and emotional
well-being or happiness, and happiness is its maximum objective expression:
(See Why RAMP and AMP work for more

in this rule)

20. The subconscious mind is always ready to provide any clue to happiness and/or
survival and will provide the impetus instantly once you understand what it takes:
Good to know this is that you can stop fighting with yourself. When you see your subconscious mind
as the adversary, the saboteur,establish conditions where you are reinforcing the very patterns you
want to eliminate. Know that your subconscious mind is like this wonderful genius who wants only
two things for you: your happiness and your survival. Help him see what tea looks for you today and
it's a done deal!

21. The subconscious mind works 24/7 and only for your benefit:

Have you ever fallen asleep thinking about a problem that needed to be solved and dreamed up the
solution or woke up with it the next day? That is a demonstration of this rule in operation. your
subconscious mind also healing your body and renewing your mind while you sleep. Just like
feeding your body the right nutrients gives your powerful subconscious. Keep in mind the
ingredients to keep your body healthy, as well as the correct beliefs. And scripts (internal dialogue)
keep the mind and emotions healthy.

22. When you know what you need to survive and be happy, the subconscious mind
provides that instantly:

Since you only know now Rule 16: Everything happens instantly at the subconscious level.

23. Once the subconscious mind updates a file to a desirable state (happiness or survival),
the file remains in the updated state Permanently:
The only way the new pattern would change is by presenting sufficient evidence that the updated
file is no longer effective in producing conceptual happiness or survival and introducing a new
update at the subconscious level. All the new information about Earth will not change subconscious
programs if they are being processed​​by the conscious mind. The language of the subconscious
mind is emotions, sensations. and history. So the only things that affect the subconscious programs
are major emotional events and intentional updates like the RAMP method provides.
24. Changes made at the subconscious level express themselves automatically and they are
easy to maintain:

Once a file has been updated, thoughts, feelings, and actions congruent with the new pattern are
as Automatic like the old ones. The difference is that the new answers are liberating Y delicious
where the old ones were limiting and frustrating. RAMP helps the subconscious mind to update,
delete, alter or modify the old and ineffective ideas

Conscious and subconscious mind relationship

The conscious mind is like a gatekeeper that makes all the decisions and passes the "control of
your life" to the subconscious mind. So once the conscious mind accepts something and repeats it,
it becomes an autopilot process and at that point the subconscious executes things without the
conscious mind intervening. This is why we always have common patterns in our lives. It is running
on autopilot with predictable results. The conscious mind is in control, but then delegates to the
subconscious when it finds a pattern.

Well, I can't say definitively, of course, but I have an idea: There's a lot we don't know about
consciousness. I would recommend reading the book "The Holographic Universe" by Michael
Talbott, it's a fantastic read and also touches on a lot of supernatural phenomena and how they are
all related.
I personally believe that consciousness is intertwined. There's this idea of ​morphic resonance,
popularized by Rupert Sheldrake, where when an idea finds its way into a species, other members
of that species are much more likely to have the same idea, even when they're geographically
separated. He studied this mostly in animals, for example mice, but you see this in humans as well:
When several major discoveries/inventions were made, they happened in multiple places at once, in
a way not easily explained by things like telegraphic messages about the discovery.

Subliminal Programming

The subconscious and the conscious mind of everyone is different, it has different beliefs and basic
thoughts, so for each one the subliminals will have different effects and at certain different times,
even in the smallest percentage. The interpretation of subliminal messages from subs is going to be
totally different, for some people, the message can be delivered very effectively, and the results will
show up in our consciousness if they take the time to work on it.

Since we were children, we have been taught to believe what is logical and how the world should
work. This ends up in our subconscious as our beliefs eventually shape our personalities, thoughts,
feelings, etc. which shapes our reality, meaning you have manifested your current reality all this
time.To the actual practice of manifestation. There are no limits, rules, nothing that prevents you
from achieving your desires. You can easily make a million dollars overnight, grow 10 inches of hair
in a day, whatever you want. It seems impossible to magically manifest overnight because it has
been so ingrained in our subconscious that it is illogical.

We have a single consciousness, a mind and a brain, which makes it share different properties and
abilities based on the set of neurons that are activated in the brain through human consciousness.
This is achieved through activity synchronous and unified of “one mind, brain and conscience”. For
example, the conscious part of our brain, which is the brain itself, has around 70000000000000
neurons, which makes it higher in number of neurons than the cerebellum (the subconscious or
mind part of the human brain), which only has 3,000,000,000 neurons. But the conscious brain has
fewer synapses between neurons that makes it difficult to do things quickly, while the cerebellum (or
subconscious mind) has more synapses and allows you to do things quickly without any effort or
your conscious mind seeing. interrupted

With subliminal audios, when going directly to the subconscious, if in the audio there is a phrase
that says: "I have blue eyes because I like that color and now I have blue eyes" the mind when
receiving this message , immediately executes the task indicated by the audio immediately and
without prejudice, since there is no conscious mind that blocks the passage to suggestion, in this
way, if the subconscious listens to those phrases for a long time and without cutting a single day,
the subconscious will obey the suggestion and apply ANY CHANGE IN OUR BODY, that is, our
DNA was modified. Once such a change has been achieved, the mind immediately unblocks and
removes any thoughts or beliefs of "I can't" or "it's impossible" leaving only "IT IS possible" "YES I

Your subconscious mind protects itself, it won't take you a week or two to create those beliefs that
you have right now. Many people preach that this concept is a "limiting belief" and that you can get
results in one listen if you think you do, which is wishful thinking. Almost everyone I have come
across says that they usually end up losing their results. The reason your results fade is because
the affirmations have not been impressed by your subconscious. Instead, they get temporary results
from the placebo because they believed they had their results and not the belief of claims. Your
subconscious is the habitual mind,

Now you may be wondering, what is the best method to use a Subliminal then? Well, since we now
know that it's all about repetition and our subconscious accepts whatever is constantly thrown at it,
then the best route would be to choose/make a Subliminal with statements you want to believe to
be true, and listen to it constantly for at least 30 days. . The main reason why listening for 30 days is
recommended is because it takes at least 21 days to form a new habit (belief). Since we are
constantly listening for 30 days, it may not even take 21 days to start seeing results, depending on
how deeply ingrained those beliefs are that you want to change.

To carry out an optimal and effective mental programming it is necessary to commit to change, to
have the intention to change, BUT don't expect change! Let them come alone.A subliminal must
work regardless of your beliefs. You should be able to doubt them, have a bad attitude, and still get
the results you're looking for. Antibiotics don't care about faith, and neither does a subliminal record.
It should work because it is designed and implemented correctly. Nothing more and nothing less.

Try NOT to pay attention to the SUBLIMINAL PROGRAMMING ITSELF, how is this, what does it
mean? It's simple: when listening to subliminal message audios, try not to think about what the
audio is capable of doing or what will change your reality of seeing things, just listen to them as if it
were a common song that will help you with what you want to achieve

Focus on your goals and try to stay true to them. I recommend you make a list of the things you
want to accomplish and rank them from most important to least important. Pick the 1-3 most
important (or subliminal) goals and focus on them. remember what you want to achieve every day
(without obsessing about it). Scientific Aspect: Your subconscious mind is meant to help you survive
(humans were "built" for survival in the first place), which means your subconscious naturally
prioritizes things as well. If you shift your focus to a few goals, your subconscious will also prioritize
achieving these goals, which means you'll be able to get results faster. if you change your playlist
too much, then of course

Expectations always wait. To get results or achieve your desires imagine that every time you listen
to your subliminals your "command" that you put in your subconscious mind is coming to you.
Scientific aspect: your subconscious tends to realize what is expected, which means that if you
expect to get results, your subconscious automatically makes you focus on it and work to achieve it.

Belief in subliminal audio is almost essential when listening to subs, otherwise you might have
conscious blocks preventing you from getting results. To increase your belief, it is better to look for
"proof" of subliminal results, for example subliminal results of other people. Scientific aspect:
Finding proof of your beliefs will strengthen them even more. so even yeah I know They fully believe
that it only gets higher every time you look at the subliminal results.

Anything that can help you get into a state of manifestation can be a "method." Manifesting is a
personal journey and everyone will have different ways of doing it. Mix methods, create your own,
whatever you want.

One of the rules of the subconscious is that two opposing beliefs cannot coexist at the same time.
This means that if you have an internal belief in the subconscious that gives you low self-esteem
and criticizes you all the time, if we replace it with a new positive internal belief where you love
yourself and gives you more confidence, ONE of those beliefs it has to become your determined
belief that is reflected in your reality. The new belief begins to manifest in your reality showing you
how confident you are and you will have experiences that show you love yourself. So the question
is how do we override the negative belief with a new one?

The subconscious mind can be reprogrammed in 2 ways: Hypnosis and Repetition.

The first method is Hypnosis. When we were fetuses up to 7 years old, we lived almost as a
reflection of our subconscious mind. Our subconscious mind vibrates in the Theta frequency, this
frequency is known as the programmable frequency, where we can program what we have in our
mind. This is why it is almost always used in meditation or other rituals where we expand our

When we were children, we believed with all our hearts that there was Santa Claus, the toothy
moose, the Easter bunny. We believed that until we grew up. Why do children believe in that? Why
do children somehow not "work" from the conscious mind, since they do not reason as an adult
does. They simply believe what they are told and visualize their world and imagination.

The second method of reprogramming the subconscious is repetition. How does a baby learn to
walk? He gets up and every day he takes one step at a time until finally it becomes a program
within a program in the subconscious mind and the baby starts to walk automatically. You, as a
child, unconsciously downloaded programs into your subconscious mind from your parents, family,
community, media that are not beneficial to you. At first, these programs are only embedded in the
mind, but when you reach adulthood, they are reflected as suffering.

Subliminals are awesome, but everything you do is a subliminal message to yourself.

So you can listen to fat-burning subliminals, but if you go and eat donuts, your taste buds and
stomach say, "I'm so damn fat right now."
Likewise, you can expect people to be nice to you, but if you're not nice to them first, that's what
you're subliminally asking people to do.

Mental reprogramming is without a doubt the main cause of success and of living a different life
personally, with freedom and personal and economic security; and the subconscious mind is in
charge of receiving and printing the thoughts and emotions of every individual that will later be
translated into habits, circumstances and lifestyle. Every human being who wishes to achieve
success and live an extraordinary life needs to make use of mental reprogramming by changing
negative beliefs and information about events that have occurred in his life that do not strengthen
and edify him, and this is achieved by training his subconscious mind for that purpose.Mental
reprogramming from the point of view of the study of the subconscious mind consists in changing
the interpretation of difficult events and painful that have occurred in life, and that affect mental and
emotional peace and stability, as well as to replace or change harmful beliefs that unintentionally
produce negative results at all levels in the real world.

• How long does it take to reprogram the Subconscious Mind? •

On average, it takes about three to four weeks, but it could take longer. The answer will depend on
how deeply ingrained the behavior you want to change is, as well as your own limiting beliefs.
If you are new to subliminals, you should set aside time every day to listen to your subliminal audio
and not skip a day for a minimum of 30 days.
Everyone wants instant results these days, however, the effort you put into reprogramming your
subconscious mind is well worth the effort. You can recreate yourself as a completely new person if
you wish. You can attract and manifest anything you want in your life.

• What are beliefs? •

A belief is something that you believe to be true. You could believe something based on a fact, an
opinion, or an assumption. When you create something, you may not have immediate personal
knowledge of it, but you are satisfied that something is the way it is.
Beliefs are basically the guiding principles in life that provide direction and meaning in life. Beliefs
are the pre-established and organized filters for our perceptions of the world (external and internal).
They are like "internal commands" to the brain as to how to represent what is happening, when we
consistently believe something to be true. In the absence of beliefs or inability to harness them,
people feel disempowered.
Carefully designed research findings indicate that our interpretation of what we are seeing
(experiencing) can literally alter our physiology. In fact, all the symptoms of medicine work through
our beliefs. By subtly transforming the unknown (illness/disorder) into something known, named,
tamed and explained, alarm reactions in the brain can be calmed down. All therapies have hidden
and symbolic value and influence on the psyche, in addition to the specific direct effect they can
have on the body.
• Where do our beliefs come from? •
Beliefs originate in what we hear, and continue to hear from others, since we were children. The
sources of beliefs include the environment, events, knowledge, past experiences, etc.
One of the biggest misconceptions people often harbor is that belief is a static, intellectual concept.
Nothing could be further from the truth, as beliefs are a choice. We have the power to choose our
beliefs that become our reality.
• How do I use a Subliminal? •
The purpose of a subliminal is to reprogram your subconscious beliefs. The subconscious mind will
not accept anything you say to it the first time because it is designed to resist new changes in order
to protect its current beliefs. If you want to overcome resistance, then you have to subliminally listen
as much as you can every day and night for a minimum of 30 days.
You have to constantly listen every day to avoid resistance and eventually your subconscious mind
will accept the affirmations and make them come true.

• I got results, but they seemed to have faded •

This may be a purging sign, but we like to call this Cognitive Dissonance. This is when your
subconscious mind returns to its comfort zone (old beliefs). If you've been experiencing results and
they suddenly faded or reversed, relax. This is normal and means you have been doing it right. Your
subconscious mind is trying to protect itself from these new beliefs.
This happens because the old beliefs do not support the reality that consists of the new beliefs.
What you need to do is continue to listen to the subliminal and recognize it as your subconscious
mind slowly releasing old beliefs.
Two opposing beliefs cannot exist in the subconscious mind. One has to be released, in this case
the old beliefs. Keep playing subliminal and very soon, your subconscious beliefs will change to the
new ones.
• How do I know I have a working Subliminal? •
This is tricky because some subliminal creators change the frequency of suggestions to a level
higher than human hearing. In most cases, the frequency is set to 17500hz, which bypasses your
conscious awareness while allowing sound waves to vibrate your eardrums.
For the most part, you should be able to at least hear the suggestions in your subliminal while the
music/noise is playing. The reason it's crucial is because your subconscious mind relies on sound
wave vibrations. If you don't hear the prompt, it most likely won't travel down your ear canal,
rendering the audio useless.
DISCLAIMER: You should not be able to understand the suggestions unless they are criticized. If
you can understand the suggestions, lower the volume on your devices until you hear only

Affirmations enter our subconscious mind. our subconscious mind controls a large part of our life
and our reality. So physical subliminals change our physical characteristics because that's part of
us. Subs for luck and attraction work because they will affect events in our reality. Our thoughts
create. Feeding our subconscious mind with the same thoughts (affirmations) will create a change
in us and in our reality. Essentially it's just reprogramming our subconscious mind.Some people
take a psychological approach where positive affirmations have a psychological impact and thus
lead you to change your behaviors. For example, I listen to a subliminal for weight loss and it helps
me control my diet to lose weight.
Another idea is that a subliminal can influence you physically, changing a gene or biological
characteristic so that the shape of your face changes or the color of your eyes alters.
Another idea is that it's more psychic, I go to make certain things happen and the universe

For physical changes, change the brain. If you want lighter eyes or hair, it produces less melanin.
Bigger lips? Increases blood flow, produces more cells, etc. I believe in the law of assumption, so
subliminals lead the subconscious to assume that you have the characteristics and they manifest in
With the same personality, I think of the law of assumption. What you assume you are, you become.
If you think you are a great debater you will have the confidence to be a great debater.
Luck and money, considering there are trillions of dollars out there, 1 million shouldn't be a big deal.
If your subconscious develops that belief that attracting some money will seem less impossible to
normal people, and more of a bit of a challenge. The mentality too. And again the law of
assumption. Your reality is as you assume it to be. Subliminals are a tool to make your
subconscious assume good things instead of the things you have been told. And because it is so
powerful, it will manifest itself in reality.
Your life is basically created by the things you assume about yourself, others and this world.
Subliminals harness that power.

It is definitely spiritual in my eyes. The universe/God grants what is asked of him, as long as you
believe in the universe to do it. Once you order it, it's done. So the next thing to do is to not worry
about it and live your life. I found that with a subliminal, I would get results AFTER I stopped

Are the changes permanent?

Subliminals are completely permanent unless you switch them once again with other subs. Only
once you have achieved your results, listen to a permanent reinforcement for a while (for more
satisfaction). Affirmations ingrain new beliefs in your subconscious mind, which in turn makes them
come true by giving you physical changes. Just like anxiety makes our heart race. A belief that is
deeply ingrained in a person is extremely difficult to change (almost impossible because most
people don't know how to do it in the first place).
But nevertheless, also personally I think they subscribe to/manipulate their DNA and genetic coding
(whatever determines their person, appearance, etc.) because for me changes cannot happen on
the surface. Once you go from hunter eyes to cat eyes, there is no going back unless you change it

Keys and experiences to Reprogram your Subconscious

1.- Your head will hurt at first.
Especially at the beginning. You have to get used to the sudden feeling of reprogramming your
subconscious mind, and it can and will be uncomfortable at first. You should not only get used to
this new feeling, but also be able to set aside time during the day to listen to your chosen subliminal
or/or get used to sleeping with a subliminal on. I particularly, as an anxious person, had to learn
perseverance the hard way and the work on my part is key. I also learned some tricks so that I don't
get a headache while I listen to my own subliminals, one of them is that I don't use frequencies at
all, I don't overlap or asylum affirmations and I use two versions: one for the night and one for the
day and the use while doing absolutely nothing. I realized that when I am doing something and, at
the same time, I listen to subliminals, I suddenly feel tired, lose focus and feel sluggish and moody
during the day. But no mind is the same as another, so you can experience what's best for you.
2.- Experiencing nightmares is normal.
There is something in your life that bothers you so much that you decide to use a subliminal for that.
Since that something may actually have a certain amount of negative feelings attached to it, you
may experience nightmares as you reprogram it, it's your mind's way of continuing things that way
and making you stop using the subliminal, even if it's actually a good one. option for you. I don't
know if you're familiar with dissociative identity disorder, which is when different parts of a
personality split into creating different personas within the self, thus becoming a system of
personalities. One of the roles of personalities can be the prosecutor, something that exists within
mentally healthy individuals as well, but "hidden", embedded in their own personality. That
prosecutor feels attacked, rare when you are doing something that can change your life and
consequently develop a new reality. This is called cognitive dissonance. It makes your prosecutor
feel insecure about the unknown, so your shadow self will come out, you can experience
nightmares or negative thoughts, all of them with the aim of stopping you from shaking reality. The
only way to counteract this is to accept that this is a phase, integrate your shadow self within
yourself peacefully and lovingly and be still, be steady, you have this! all of them with the aim that
you stop shaking reality. The only way to counteract this is to accept that this is a phase, integrate
your shadow self within yourself peacefully and lovingly and be still, be steady, you have this! all of
them with the aim that you stop shaking reality. The only way to counteract this is to accept that this
is a phase, integrate your shadow self within yourself peacefully and lovingly and be still, be steady,
you have this!
3.- At the beginning you can express opposing opinions and that is fine.
When you do not feel worthy, your shadow self (ego) is not integrated, focusing on the need / what
you do not have, you sabotage yourself, you visualize a bad result, your self-esteem and
self-esteem are missing and other variants... You can manifest opposites. Maybe you want to attract
a friend, but suddenly you have a heated argument (it happened to me and we were shortly after
friends!) or a lover, but suddenly it's meaner or suddenly a third party appears ... You have to calm
down, focus on the positive, separate yourself from progress, and remind yourself that it will
manifest, no matter what the situation looks like. Each mind is different and has different
progressions that we all must respect.
4.- Sometimes, I will not manifest certain people in your past life. AND FOR THE BETTER.
I don't recommend bringing in people from the past, at least without first changing the realities.
During the breakup process, that person we used to love deeply scars our self-esteem and
self-esteem, making us more dependent on them, we may find ourselves missing the culture within
the couples system (love language, use of our time, sharing hobbies and interests, etc.), but even if
our feelings are with that person, our mind is not, because that break was attracted, with reasons to
do so, sometimes our inner divine guides choose our well-being above all else. A breakup also
brings us feelings of resentment, anger, frustration and despair, difficult to combat while we are in a
process of manifestation. For this,
5.- Believing in yourself is the most important key EVER.
The context we are born into and our lives within it soon impact our development: how we are
raised by our parents, security or lack of internal authority figures, and a misunderstood/misused
power system (religion, education, media, and society), as well as past lives and collective
subconscious baggage. It makes it seem that we ourselves are so small, as if our lives can be
controlled (instead of guided), we feel as if everything depends on the external world, instead of the
internal world, the world of our mind, our feelings, our energy . The way we can empower ourselves
and remember our creative energy is by believing in ourselves and our creations, we must
remember that at the end of the day we really are alone to change our destiny, maybe we can trust
our divine guides to help us, but we owe trust, self love, self love and unwavering faith within
ourselves. Makes manifesting so much easier, promises.
6.- Never feel bad about wanting to attract people romantically.
I have read many comments regarding the law of attraction that say we are "violating" free will every
time we want to attract a person into our life. While I don't think everyone gets kicked out because
then... Why would there be a collective subconscious? But I digress, I think there are infinite
possibilities throughout the infinite universes we exist in, and depending on our choices, we can
change into a reality at some point and another. Furthermore, we are constantly creating our life
and manifesting people inside and outside of it.
7.- Remember to always work on your self-love, self-esteem, self-confidence,
independence and the things you enjoy.
Sometimes I find myself laughing painfully at the fact that most people think that self-love,
self-confidence, hobbies, interests, self-development and discovering your essence is something
you achieve once... And forget. Those are all lifetime advancement jobs that you need to work on.
While I highly recommend taking the time to specifically work on those areas for months before
using any manifestation method because they are crucial to a positive manifestation journey, I
recommend never giving up on those areas. They require lifelong work and care, since you change
within phases and because it is rare for anything to remain stable in an ever-changing world.
Furthermore, we are in the age of Aquarius, its element the wind, quick, fast dynamics of time are
encouraged here, with a strong reliability of mind. That's why you should work on your foundation
first, but never really stop working on them.
8.- Create two versions: A quiet one for the night in which you can also sleep and
another that you can listen to during the day.
At night, there is a crucial moment for the subconscious mind in which each and every affirmation
penetrates like literal water and nourishes the subconscious, being that moment in which we are
between a sleeping and an awake state, we lie down, perceiving all of our reality through all of our
senses. This is a very valuable opportunity to appreciate and use a long and carefully crafted
subliminal with low affirmations that we hear as unintelligible whispers and natural sounds, quiet
music, and/or white/brown/pink noise. I'm so used to this routine that every time I listen to my
nightly subliminal, it quickly goes into this state, so I did the first 10 minutes of the subliminal sound,
replaying them in my mind as I take a deep breath and focus on my heartbeat. And for that reason, I
can't really use it outside of the "I have to go to sleep now" context, because it really messes up my
energy levels. Therefore, I use another one for the day, with very positive songs in Spanish (my
mother tongue) that really bring me joy and happiness and that I listen to when I am doing simple
things like taking the bus, cleaning the house, taking a walk in nature. , etc. Both audios are 1 hour
long and I only listen once each because I always point out to myself that it will work regardless of if
I use it more than once so I have to trust the process. because it really messes up my energy
levels. Therefore, I use another one for the day, with very positive songs in Spanish (my mother
tongue) that really bring me joy and happiness and that I listen to when I am doing simple things like
taking the bus, cleaning the house, taking a walk in nature. , etc. Both audios are 1 hour long and I
only listen once each because I always point out to myself that it will work regardless of if I use it
more than once so I have to trust the process. because it really messes up my energy levels.
Therefore, I use another one for the day, with very positive songs in Spanish (my mother tongue)
that really bring me joy and happiness and that I listen to when I am doing simple things like taking
the bus, cleaning the house, taking a walk in nature. , etc. Both audios are 1 hour long and I only
listen once each because I always point out to myself that it will work regardless of if I use it more
than once so I have to trust the process.
9.- The method you used to create affirmations.
First of all, set the areas I want to cover. Some examples of these areas might be: spirituality,
physical appearance, health, self-care, personality, friends, family, I prioritize for my subliminal, or
the ones I really want to accomplish first, and then I brainstorm what I want from each. area it
covers and what can help me there and the tools I have available to them. Based on that, I make
the subliminal claims. Remember that the wording does not matter "much" (use formulas that are
suitable for you), what matters is the energy you put into the manifestation, your faith and how much
power you have.
The idea is to not feel insecure about your writing and just trust yourself.
10.- Focus on the positive and be grateful both for what you already have and for the
things you get.
Finally, the most difficult but really rewarding. In this last piece of my mind I recommend that you
detach yourself from the reality of the context, knowing that it will manifest, you are a creator and
you can do everything. You know, the word impossible tells itself that I am possible. Even if
everything is unclear, unknown, almost all your context is against you, you should focus on your
good qualities, what you love about your life, the best things you can think of your day and be
grateful for everything you already have. and the manifestations that occur.

Basic parameters of the subconscious

Intention: This differentiate the common thoughts of the ones you really want. It means the energy
that you use and focus to obtain your manifestation. Remember that thoughts are the most powerful
source of energy to reprogram your subconscious.

Persistence: In addition to setting your intention through actions, you must maintain this process
for a full period of time, in order to achieve reprogramming. optimal and may your manifestations be

Endurance:This is what must be worked on constantly by implanting a false faith (placebo at the
beginning) and later a genuine and definitive belief. Through meditation, a state of relaxation is
reached where the frequency of your brain is in Delta or Theta to reduce resistance and fully access
the subconscious. The obsession with your results generates greater resistance in your
subconscious. Work on it.

Feeling and emotion:Anything you want to change you have to FEEL that you already have it
and attach it to a higher emotion like happiness and love. The most basic and powerful form of
thoughts are feelings.

Display: Because we are a very visual being, we have to take advantage of this power
that we possess. Because the subconscious does not differentiate between internal and
external, you will be able to reprogram your subconscious with images of what you want.
By visualizing, you make the subconscious see that you have "this and that", you must
also add an emotion or feeling to it to make you feel that you have "this and that"

1. Subliminals are a placebo
2. Subliminals are LOA and you need high vibes
3. Perform semen retention and you will get instant results
4. You need to mentally diet to get subliminal results / You have to consciously believe that
you have your results (Living to the end)
5. You need faith to get results
6. Some people can't get results
7. I can only see the results

Now, these concepts are considered erroneous for the reason that the community has mishandled
these concepts saying that they are necessary requirements to have results. A lot of people wonder
why they're not getting results, to which people say "you're not believing enough" "you're not on a
good mental diet" "you're not living to the end" and so on.

What do you need to have results?

I realized that there is no clear answer on how to get results. It depends on what is compatible with
you. as someone in a comment section put it "using subs is like studying for a test. There are many
methods of studying for a test. Some work great with flashcards, while others require note taking.
Some are visual learners and others require reading things to understand. Some need to study
days before and others can only study the night before. There are so many ways to study for a test
and what works for one person is not compatible with everyone. There are so many rules and
guidelines floating around, but the truth is that there is no single way to get results, you need to
figure it out for yourself.

You need to experiment. read guides and listen to people's methods. experiment and find what
works for you. it may take some time, but once you find what works for you, your secondary journey
will be much smoother

I still think that simplicity is still the best way to get your results. Just keep everything low-key and
natural. I have been seeing numerous people come up with overly complicated techniques or ones
that require so much attention to detail. I think all we need to do to have a better mindset, realistic
expectations, and good results is really have an understanding of yourself first: why are you doing
this? Who are you doing this for? And understand how subliminals work (there are creators who try
different techniques so pay attention to their explanations if possible, but don't create hype like
complete results in 1 listen). We don't need to think about many things, practicing complicated
techniques that make our mind too conscious of what we are trying to achieve. Observing simplicity
will help us relax, focus on the now, have a clearer mind, and not set such high expectations of

Why am I not getting results?

You may have been told by over 100 people on the internet that they get results by believing and
you should too. The truth is that belief at the conscious level and at the subconscious level are two
different things. With the mental diet you are using conscious efforts to try to do things, not
subconsciously. The subconscious mind is much more powerful than your conscious will ever be.
This is where the magic happens for you to manifest things. Now think of a situation that you know
is right, but still don't act. For some people it's getting the motivation to get fit or study, for others it's
their struggle to approach a woman in a bar. Clearly, there is a trade-off between conscious
thoughts and subconscious beliefs. These actions show that your subconscious is much stronger.
However, believe it or not, the subconscious mind does not always have a problem believing in the
subliminal. Instead, the kinds of beliefs that hold you back are things like, "I don't deserve this,"
"This is too good to be true for someone like me." The subconscious belief that prevents people
from getting results is not, "I don't believe in subliminals." This is related to the concept of self-love,
but the most important thing is to understand that it is not enough to think that the subliminal works.
Subconscious beliefs govern what you do and the world around you,not change as easily as your
conscious beliefs. You cannot simply achieve your ideal subconscious beliefs by consciously

1. The subconscious resists affirmations (Ego and Limiting Blocks):

One of my theories as to why someone may not be getting subliminal results is that their
subconscious resists affirmations. Some people may have a hard time sticking to their subliminal
playlists because their subconscious is trying to fight the affirmations, creating the urge to stop
listening to those subliminals and since the listener consciously wants results, they can find other
subliminals to listen to and the cycle continues. The other important role of your subconscious is to
keep you safe and this is possibly the most important, manifestation is very secondary to this. Some
call this your identity, known as the ego. This is why many people notice that they get results in the
first few weeks, but then stop soon after. Your subconscious doesn't like changes, so when changes
happen, the ego steps in as best it can and you're safe. This is again related to beliefs, but very
much to traumatic and even emotional experiences. Emotions can often be associated with danger,
so they are crucial in how your subconscious behaves. So childhood emotions like fear have a
massive impact on your ability to feel change. What's more, Emotions have an energetic imprint on
your body. This can cause an energetic blockage in your system, preventing you from getting
results with morphic fields and other energetic audio. The energetic impact is not important to
subliminals, but the impact on your subconscious is profound.

2. A negative view of yourself (bad concept of yourself, no self-love, no


If you see yourself as useless and helpless and feel like you need subliminals to change you.
They won't work and the reason they won't work is because you are not accepting your current
state and you are not imagining yourself in a state with your perceived desire, but you are
discouraging yourself from your desire with negativity, thus lowering your vibrations overall. Belief
and vibrations are what lead you to your desire and this can be achieved if you have a positive

3. You don't see yourself in the desired state:

If you can't imagine yourself in your desired state, it most likely won't work. The desire needs to be
backed up with a belief that shows that you believe you can achieve the desired state. If these two
categories are not balanced, then it will not work. For example, if your desire is to thin your nose but
mentally and physically you can't see this happening, then it's not going to work because you're
telling yourself it's impossible (which defeats the whole point of a subliminal). A subliminal is meant
to be used without stress and difficulty, as manifestation is an easy process but too complicated in
this community. Read LOA & Neville Goddard if you're struggling.

4. You create resistance by not believing in the process:

Subliminals tell your subconscious: "I have this and this", but if you don't believe it consciously you
will also build a resistance and it will not allow the change. You must consciously believe that you
have the results. The conscious mind will not resist and will let the new beliefs flow into the
subconscious mind. The conscious mind is not as powerful as the subconscious mind, but many
times it can act as a barrier preventing new beliefs and affirmations from being established, so by
working on it, it will act as a gateway for the subconscious to receive programming.

5. You constantly look for the results:

Results are UNEXPECTED: The more you focus on how, when, and where your desired results are,
the more you will manifest. The explanation for this is that subliminals, when associated with some
laws such as the Law of Attraction and the Law of Assumption, the more you focus your energy and
your conscious thoughts on the fact that you still do not have what you want, the more you attract
that lack. That's why don't look for results and let them manifest themselves. (LIVE AS IF YOU
DON'T CARE ABOUT GETTING RESULTS). Also, a powerful boosterwouldLive in the end, that is,
think and act as if you already got the results. YestheseObsessed to the point of relying heavily on
Subliminals, they won't work and worse yet, you'll feel bad for not meeting your expectations and
damage your mental health. It all has to do with the mentality of lack, if you do not live in abundance
you will never feel satisfied with your manifestations.

There are times when the results are not checked in the way you think. For example, you listen to
an audio to increase height and want to check your results. It is better for you to check your results
feeling taller in front of other people, or that people tell you that you grew up or you see smaller
people, instead, if they check scientifically you grew up measuring yourself, you may be

6. Affirmations don't resonate with you (Formula):

Another reason you're not getting results is that the formula or the way of writing the statements of
an author is not the plus suitable for your subconscious. If you don't get any results in 2 weeks,
switch to subliminal.

If you're using a subliminal from one of the popular sub-manufacturers, there's a small chance they
won't work because the affirmations don't resonate with you. For example, if you had lighter eyes,
what would you be saying to yourself to express happiness? Most of the popular sub-manufacturers
use claims based on scientific research. Using statements like "I am producing melanin or My
pituitary gland is releasing hormones." These affirmations mostly do not resonate with you, which
means that there will be hardly any effect on you in the long run. Producing your own affirmations
gives you the opportunity to be creative and come up with affirmations that resonate appropriately
with you. Disclaimer: I'm not saying subs don't work, of course they do,

Some people are really receptive to statements that are "I am xyz." Some people, on the other
hand, are only receptive to SUGGESTIONS like "You are xyz" as if someone congratulated you. So.
If you listen to "I am" channels for months which are the majority of channels and you don't get
results, try using "You are". Or you can combine both.

7. You are not consistent enough (Time):

If you are not consistent enough, you will not be able to see desired results. Don't expect to change
in 2 days. So stick with your playlist for a while to see if it works.I always recommend all my friends
to listen to a subliminal for a minimum of 30 days. That's the average time it takes for results to start
showing up. Even more, I recommend that everyone listen to a subliminal for 3 months. The reason
is because research indicates that a habit takes 21-30 days to form. Additional 40-66 days for you
to tailor. And finally, 90-128 days for it to be on autopilot and part of your lifestyle.

With very, very few exceptions, speed is your enemy when it comes to shifting.
Doctors do not put broken bones back in place. It takes a decade and a half or so for babies to grow
to their full height. Learning to fly an airplane requires thousands of hours of practice. In biological
terms: when the tissue grows extremely fast, we call that "cancer". When people think they've
learned something overnight, we call that "overconfidence." I'm not saying that subliminals don't
speed things up quite a bit. They do, and they tend to do it in a healthy way.
What I am saying is that anyone who promises you instant results is, at best, expressing wishful
thinking. Or just trying to get clicks on your video.
It won't work that way. It can work, and work fine, but not instantly.
So please, I beg of you, be patient, be patient with the sub-manufacturer, and be patient with
yourselves. Give yourself time to become your best self. You'll be fine.

8. Your mind could be saturated (Rest):

Every once in a while I skip listening to one of my regular subliminals for a few weeks so I can focus
on something else. When I put the old sub back on my list, a strange thing happens: the results are
greatly amplified, easily 50x more effective than they were before.
I suspect this has something to do with resistance. That break probably allows my subconscious the
breathing room it needs to finish releasing mental blocks against the results I'm looking for.
So if progress is slow, take a week or two off from that topic and do something else. When you
come back you will be so happy you did!

9. You make the subliminals they seem too complicated, somewhat stressful
and are not educated about subliminals (Obsession):

The only people I have noticed have gotten serious results quickly. They have been the ones who
were treating subliminals as a fun little experiment. They were never too dependent on them and
had other things to do. Even the way they wrote about getting results sounded so casual or
enthusiastic in a childish way. Those who were too pessimistic and already had serious doubts that
it would work just got tremendous results.

If you are using subliminals and you are always stressing about it looking for ways to increase your
results as fast as possible, then you better not use subliminals. You are meant to act like you have
your results and enjoy life just like you did before you met subliminals. Subliminals should not be
used in a bad mindset, for example when you are stressed and feel negative about yourself. The
way you contact your subconscious mind is by frequencies and vibrations. Words don't matter to the
Subconscious (again think about it, English was made by people, it wasn't something like an
invention). Being happy and free from stress and negativity raises your vibration, impressing the
subconscious to maximize your results. If you feel that you are forced to listen to subliminals every
day, then it won't work. Listen to the subliminal self-concept and stop listening for instant results.
You are meant to claim that you already have results and you are happy about it. Without stressing
over them and looking for unnecessary reinforcements to get quick results.

Do subliminal audios always work?

I'm sorry to tell you that there are times when it doesn't. Subliminal audio is not a magical audio that
can be done lightly without giving it the necessary dedication. In the subliminal community it is quite
common to find “One Listen Audios' '. My question is, do you really think that with just one listen you
will be able to reprogram your subconscious? In the first place, you already have that conscious
block against you that makes you doubt if you are going to have the results or not in such a short
time. Secondly, SPEEDING THE AUDIOS UP TOO MUCH DOES NOT WORK, as it causes the
messages to be compressed to the point that they are concentrated into just noise. Suppose they
are "speeded up" in such a way that, if the subconscious can grasp it,High expectations are nothing
more than expecting changes to come overnight or in an unrealistic time crunch. This mindset tends
to come from LOA communities that have a different concept of "manifestation." It doesn't matter if
you "think you get results in one listen". This is not how our subconscious mind works. If you got
results in just one listen, then I'm sorry to say this, but you didn't get them from the subliminal.
Instead, you got them from placebo, because you thought doing this would bring this. There is a
difference between the subconscious mind accepting a thought and convincing your conscious
mind that something has happened. My advice is to listen to your subliminal without having high
expectations. The results will start coming in soon and it's likely to be better than you imagined.

Another reason why an audio could not work (for you), is that the affirmations are too simple, not
very specific, without using formulas based on some writing methods (scientific, detailed, emotional,
etc.). For a person who tends to accept only science-based beliefs and wants to lose weight,
statements like “I magically have an ultra-thin body” are likely to cost more than statements like “my
body speeds up metabolism” “my body sheds fat deposits ”. As we said before, the subconscious
speaks with emotions and visualizations, and if you do not feel anything when hearing a statement
or you cannot create a mental image with such a statement, the subliminal message will probably
not have the effect you are looking for.

There are cases where subliminal audio is the affirmations audible to the conscious mind, this is a
serious mistake that will not allow you to see the results. There are also bad people who put
negative statements in their audio.

A contributor as to why you're not noticing the changes is the subliminal being done wrong. If you're
listening to a YouTube subliminal, make sure you can hear the suggestions. If you can't hear them,
then the creator has changed the frequency of the suggestions above human hearing or made them
too quiet. I cannot stress how important this is, as many sub makers make this mistake. You
shouldn't be able to understand the affirmations, but you need to be able to hear them for your
subconscious mind to pick them up. The reason is because the sound waves that come from the
affirmations have to come through the ear canal to vibrate the cochlea (eardrums).
Another contributor is the method used in the subliminal. Most of the sun makers use methods of
stratification and/or acceleration of affirmations. They believe that the subconscious mind can
understand each layer and speed. In addition to distortion, many do not know that our brain has a
noise filter that filters identical fast sounds. This filter is known as Sensory Gating. In other words, if
you can't understand what affirmations are suggesting when there's no music/noise to distract the
conscious mind, then neither will the subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind can tell the
difference between sound and speech, that's how subliminals work.

How can I remove my blockages / counter beliefs by reprogramming

the subconscious? (Audiotherapy methods)
These radiotherapy methods focus on removing the blockages and limiting beliefs of the
subconscious, without emphasizing the conscious mind, so you should only listen to them. (The
ones I picked are just a few that most people have gotten results from in the English-speaking
community, but you are free to pick whichever you want)

Frequencies/Energetic Programs/ Morphic Fields:

● Sapien Medicine: Removing Subconscious Boundaries 2.0
● Quadratic Integrity: Root Cause (note that this is also sold in stronger "tunes", so if the
YouTube version didn't work then a more expensive version might, but I can't guarantee
● Sapien Medicine Ego Dissolution
● MEF Dynamics Blockage Remover (In the comments, some people have reported superior
results with this morphic field)
● Maitreya Fields: Subconscious Reprogrammer
● Divine Tools Solving Illusions
● Programmed Intention: Manifestation Booster/Ego Death
● Spirituality Zone: Remove Subconscious Blocks

● Advanced Assertions: v939 Blockage Remove
● Absolute Power Subliminals: Concordia Booster
● Wabbajack Subliminals: Blockage Remover

Alternative solutions:
● Emotional / Body Code, T3 therapy and Psych-K
● Satori Protocol
● System SEE of Angel Gomez and HPP (Ho'oponopono)
● Meditation
● intent repeater Anthro Teacher (If you feel energy, this could help you get the same
effects as subliminals, but instead this is achieved through a quantum leap. In my
case, I'm not very sensitive to energy, so it doesn't work)
● Talmadge Harper hypnosis audios (mainly the Quantum Healing one, but also The
Notebook is another)
● general hypnosis

Channels like Energized Silence, MEF Dynamics, and Sapien Medicine have frequency-based
block removers that have helped people with subliminal results. Affirmations sometimes do not
penetrate the subconscious. So, people just listen and listen to assertion-based block removers, but
nothing happens. With Sapien Medicine/Dream Seeds, I
suggest Y

Stronger subliminal channels: Some channels are too weak for people, because there aren't
enough affirmations to bombard the mind. Channels like Absolute Power Subliminals, Cherry Subs,
Kaguya Hagoromo, and WJ Subliminals are known to be a bit more advanced and have helped
people who couldn't get results before.

Tips when reprogramming our beliefs

Use subliminals during sleep: Your subconscious mind kicks in and takes control of your mind
and body in the same way a computer system does. However, because your conscious mind shuts
down during sleep, you cannot create any impediments or blocks for the Subliminals to play.

You too help to search for scientific information about subliminal audios and their impact on
the subconscious, since in the event that you are someone who deals more with logical
reasoning, you will be able to find out how it works and be more confident with the audio by
increasing your vibrational frequency and confidence. You will be able to better engage with
the audio without your doubts hindering your process. If you want a physical change, try to
find out how your body could change and what internal processes (metabolic and cellular)
would occur to obtain that result.

About from beef up your emotions,constantly working your thoughts and feelings to make them as
powerful and energetic as possible. The idea is not to be positive every second of the day, as it is
impossible and not healthy for the mind. We are multi-emotional beings by nature. Life has given us
human beings the conscience plus planet, so we can't focus on a single emotion like positivity and
love. The idea in eyes try to focus emotions and know how to occupy that energy to manifest. If you
are sad and low energy, try to use that energy for what you want to manifest.

overcome trauma and insecurities. Many of these traumas and insecurities are embedded deep
within the subconscious, so it is necessary to do a complete self-analysis of yourself and see where
these traumas or insecurities come from. Look for the Why of those beliefs and try to start looking
inside your memories, to find the root cause and that it is plus easy reschedule, to remove them

Shadow work.

try to manifest only one goal at a time,Since the mind acts like a laser, the smaller the diameter of
the focus, the greater the power and range of the light. The fewer goals the subconscious mind has
to reprogram, the greater the ability it has to reprogram each belief.

remove the victim mentality:When you feel bad about not having results, you are in a victim
mentality with the universe. Try not to care about the results and listen to the subliminals for fun and
curiosity. To get rid of this mindset, keep a gratitude journal. A victim focuses on what is missing, not
what they have. So lower your expectations.

Try to minimize the importance of your insecurities.Make your life not revolve around your
desires. Find something that fulfills you or a goal that does not depend on subliminals. Keep in mind
that life goes on no matter what you think or what you do, the world keeps turning. Also, the only
one who gives plus importance to your insecurities is yourself. People don't go around thinking that
you "are short" or "fat '' 24 hours a day, you are yourself. Each person has their own insecurities
and limiting beliefs that they have to overcome. Many times people think that the "benefited people
'' who are born beautiful, attractive, wealthy or famous have no problem and live a perfect and
successful life, I am sorry to tell you that this is not the case. Many actors who are really beautiful
and ultra attractive, have self-esteem problems and see themselves as ugly, so they tend to have
cosmetic surgery and one wonders why he did it? People who live with a lot of money, at the end of
the day go to bed alone and without any purpose. Famous people don't have millions of friends,
Instagram followers aren't real. THE PEOPLE WHOTHISYOU CAN BE COUNTED ON THE
FINGERS OF THE HAND. Now, in case your insecurities or traumas are really affecting your life
and causing psychological damage or hurting yourself... GO TO A PSYCHOLOGIST URGENTLY,
hurting yourself, not wanting to leave your house or having suicidal thoughts ARE NOT NORMAL
and often there are problems in your brain that need to be treated by a professional and medication.

Do not compare yourself with others. Each manifestation process is different in each person, do
not compare the results and the time that I take others manifest. You are you, it is what defines you
as a will achieve results no matter what. In my case it has cost me a lot to express,
sinceI have committed many mistakes that have slowed down my results without knowing it, but
without those mistakes I would not have learned. Try to analyze what you have been doing in your
manifestation process and see what you can learn from it and change it.

Listen sometimes out of your conscience of the day. So if we are distracted, we are susceptible
to subliminal messages, which is how stores can abuse these situations to prevent shoplifting or get
people to buy more things than intended. We are consciously overwhelmed with information and
therefore the subconscious mind is open to attack. So one option is to listen while doing other
things, the other thing is that many changes happen outside of your conscious awareness, for
example, overnight, while you are busy or thinking of other goals, etc. This is why some people get
results after a break. TAlso the first 45 minutes of your day are vulnerable. This is what a Youtuber
said, but didn't link any studies, but it makes a lot of sense! If a negative situation occurs to you right
after waking up, it is most likely that you will end up saying that your day is going to be a failure
since it started badly, unlike if a positive news occurs to you when you wake up, it is most likely that
you think that it is going to have a great day and aim to continue to have good things on that day.
The first 45 minutes you are fully energized and your subconscious is vulnerable as hell. So listen to
the first 45 minutes of your day and also account for the last 45 minutes of your day that affect your
sleep and recovery.

Eliminate relationships toxic you have: Do you think that if the people around you repeat
something to you several times throughout your life, it has the same effect on your reality or even
on your body/face? Absolutely. Our beliefs originate from what we hear and continue to hear from
others, ever since we were children. This includes the environment, events, knowledge, past
experiences, visualization, etc. That is why you should be careful when watching the news and
being around people who have a negative perception of life. These things have the power to
change our beliefs and influence not only in our thoughts and perception, but also in behavior. This
is important because our subconscious beliefs create our reality.

FEEL YOUR DESIRE: Do what you need to do to make your wish come true. If that means
playing your favorite song to put you in a good mood, if that's a script or just use your
imagination. If you are in the law of assumption, you know that feeling is the most powerful way
to bring your manifestations to fruition. I think of the rally as asking for a package. You wanted
something, you paid for it, and then you just have to sit back and relax knowing that the package
is coming. Manifestations are similar to yours...

Work on self-love and self-improvement: This is the first thing that really kickstarts the benefits
while working with manifestation and subs because it all comes down to YOUR mind at the end
of the day and if you are constantly thinking negatively and swimming in your own low vibe pool
your mind will be too agitated and full of negativity to believe in the results you want. I
recommend getting into a routine of 10-30 minutes to journal, take deep breaths, meditate, or
even do some spiritual activity to practice mindfulness and grounding.

TRUST THE PROCESS: This is one that I still struggle with a bit because I, like most of you,
really want my results and I want them right away. the truth is to forget about the results. unless
you're reading your affirmations or visualizing etc, sit down and do something that boosts your
serotonin! watch your favorite show, eat a nice healthy snack, listen to music (you get the idea).
The better the frame of mind you are in, the more positive you will be and the faster time will
pass and therefore the faster your results will come. think of it like a bad day at school… you
really want to get out of there because of how shitty your day was and you can't stop looking at
the clock but time just seems to slow down. well, same with subs/manifests,you will be obsessed
with your results). Trust the process. trust time. your results will come.

Using affirmations/visualization (Consciously): These two things help to manifest and

reprogram - since using them I have felt immediate tingles. recommended while listening to
submarines before bed and when you wake up. affirmations are phrases like "I'm skinny", "I have
my desired body", etc. I recommend putting all of yours in one place/list and using a demo sub
while saying them and then repeating specific ones while listening to a certain sub.Visualization
(in the name) is simply visualizing yourself with your results and acting like it. very simple I
recommend you imagine yourself in realistic scenarios in 3rd person or prove with your results
and use your senses to connect with the emotions you feel.

Try making your own sub(s): By making your own subs it increases the performance of your
brain in the area of ​creativity and imagination, you can also focus on the specific goals you want.
It will also boost your confidence, since you made them and you were the one who created the
affirmations. Also, by using your own voice when doing subliminals, the subconscious tends to
react differently and may have less resistance when receiving affirmations.
Diary of manifestations:As a transition from tips to methods I'm going to talk about a
manifestation journal. I recommend getting or wearing something that speaks to you (doesn't
really matter, but some people prefer it) that you use solely for manifestation, however it's not
necessary.In this you can use different manifestation techniques to enhance your results such as
33x3, 55x5, letter to the universe and so on. This actually helped significantly and helped to
focus on the result.

Manifesting is like buying a product online. You first need to want your product, pay for it, wait for
delivery, and finally have it. What makes it seem difficult is your feelings towards him. If you worry
the next day that your package does not arrive, and then go to cancel it, make sure that you will not
receive your package. That's where most people fail because the package doesn't arrive as quickly
as they'd like or they doubt it will arrive at all. Fortunately for us, unlike ordering and canceling
actual packages, all you need to do is change your perception of yourself.

Why don't I get results like before?

This is a phenomenon where you get results to start with, but then the speed of seeing results slows
down, to the point of plateauing.
When you first tried subliminal audio, you didn't know if I was going to work or not. You were
CURIOUS and didn't get so attached to the result since you didn't expect them to show up. As you
go, understand how the mechanism of the subconscious works and listen again. But this time you
wait for the results,the obsessions, high expectations arrive and you start to see if you got results
every second.
What you can do is remove your expectations, like the first day you heard subliminals. Be grateful
for what you already have. Let yourself be carried away by the universe, let the process flow and
that the results arrive when you least expect them. Use subliminals for fun (Subliminals are not a
replacement for the plastic surgeon). Stop controlling everything and worry about your mental
health and your interior. Just don't adopt the “I need it” mentality, change it to an “If I don't get what I
want, that's okay” mentality.

If there's a sub you're listening to every day for months, sometimes a funny thing happens: it gets
more and more effective, and then after maybe 3 or 4 weeks it gets less and less effective. You may
even get a little anxious while listening to it.
This happens for a couple of reasons:

1. Your mind has some conflicts that it needs to resolve:

Sometimes it's as simple as, "Hey, you keep saying ABC, but when I look around it's XYZ. This is
confusing." Other times it is something personal that you need to resolve, perhaps a little doubt or

2. Your mind is sick of hearing it:

Yeah, the subconscious can "get bored", although it's more of a "we've already been over this and
we're doing whatever". Basically, your mind already thinks it has the problem handled and isn't
making any new changes.

So what is the solution?

Take a week-long break from that topic in your subliminals.
Usually this is long enough for your mind to relax, let go or work through whatever was holding you
back and do some healing.
A week away from the thing also allows your subconscious to approach the subject with a fresh
perspective, devising new ways to bring your wishes into reality. This applies to subliminals as
simple as forming a new habit or as grand as the Law of Attraction.
Creation is, after all, a "creative" quest.
You can also think of subliminals as "training for your subconscious." People who are serious about
gaining weight in the gym will tell you: if you really want to get stronger, DON'T work out every day!
Breaks and rest should be part of any rapid growth routine.
So if things are slowing down, show yourself a little kindness, cut yourself some slack, and kick

What prevents you from having drastic results?

Well, there are no strong scientific studies yet to back it up because some people get results like
they had plastic surgery and other people are still short of dramatic results. The reason could be
focused on the different neural connections of people, that is, their brain capacity to manifest, the
different subconscious or simply some mental reason.The reason people don't get a dramatic result
is because they try so hard, there is in the consciously or unconsciously embedded mind that if we
don't do this, we won't get results just by listening. And this takes a lot of practice to change our
belief because it's been there since we were little. For example, as a child we have heard that after
a certain age say after a certain time of adolescence our height will not grow and although we listen
subliminally with a strong belief that no, I will definitely get results, but that idea of ​not growing is
deeply imprinted in our subconscious, therefore, it will act as a counterfeit to our current belief. That
is why drastic results are very difficult to obtain unless the subconscious is reprogrammed to its

How can I get faster results?

❖ Use subliminal audio as long as you can. you can. Not every day you will be able to
listen to the same time, but try to make it as long as possible. I recommend that they be
at least 4 hours a day. You can split the time, they don't have to be in a row. You can
listen to the subliminal while you meditate, sleep or do some activity that does not
distract you too much, or when they are just relaxed. DO NOT LET PASSPLUS OF 4
days WITHOUT LISTENING (will restart the process)
❖ Don't change your playlist every 2 days. Stay consistent and don't get attached to the
❖ Practice detachment, don't look for results every day or assert to yourself that you don't
have the results.
❖ try to analyze their personal factors that could be hindering the process
❖ Technical tests to practice the Law of Attraction
❖ Listen to the subliminal audio at a volume where the affirmations are inaudible, you can
hear the whispers, but you should not be able to consciously understand the
❖ Try to find out if the subliminal creator is safe or not. There are different formulas that
the creators occupy and you should find which one best suits your subconscious. The
only way to test if a subliminal works is by using time, so don't get carried away by the
one that looks better or the ones that areplusknown or less known. Anyone could be
very powerful. (there is a lot of information on the web about evil creators, educate
❖ Be patient and don't worry about the results. Live your life as if you weren't depending
on subliminals.
❖ Raise your vibrations and have a mental diet
❖ Practice methods to "live al vinal" and practice the law of assumption.
❖ Stay hydrated and in good health (physical and mental)
❖ don't criticize yourself if they think bad of you. Start practicing self-love. I know it's very
difficult, but it's important for results.
❖ Finds which could be your limiting beliefs and start to be scheduled by positive
affirmations on a conscious level
❖ Listen to the subliminal audios with headphones, preferably quality ones.
❖ try to find a way plus suitable for you when listening to the audios. Some people will get
faster results by concentrating on the audio or others while not concentrating. Some
scientific studies reveal that the best time to listen to the audios is sleeping or
meditating, since there is no intervention of the conscious mind.
❖ Stay motivated and don't give up
❖ *IMPORTANT* You should listen to the audios even after you get the results (3-6
weeks) for the results to be permanent. Another thing you could do is listen to a
subliminal audio so that the results are permanent

*All these techniques will be explained in the guide*

How to create a good playlist

✔ Choose one or two quality boosters
✔ Think of 1 or 2 things you would like to achieve in each of these areas: Life (dreams,
goals, where you would like to be, etc.) / Relationships / Friendships / Physical /
Personality. Then rank the domains by importance according to you.
✔ For the areas of greater importance you could listen to 2 subliminals and for the less
important only 1.
✔ Try to have a suitable playlist for a few scopes, after you have obtained all your results,
move on to another topic you would like to manifest.

The key to the manifestation of beliefs: Repetition

Scientific Fact #1: It takes 66 days for a behavior to become automatic (a habit). which means it
takes 66 days of doing that every day until it gets etched into your subconscious mind and your
subconscious mind will automatically continue to do it and change the belief.That Means you should
listen to a sub for at least 2 months before changing it (even if you don't see results), better every
day. After 2 months your subconscious will remember the information (the sub's affirmations) and
start to act on it.The same can be applied to the use of the LOA.
Scientific Fact #2: One of the rules of the subconscious mind is that it will hold to the beliefs that
"inject" it the most. So every time you hear a subliminal message, your subconscious belief in the
affirmations will grow and grow until it reaches the "breaking point" where your subconscious will
have almost total belief in it and start to act on it (giving you physical changes , etc.)
Example: someone tells you that your shirt looks good. you will think for yourself the same,
suchOnce it looks good, I thought it looked normal. Now imagine that 5 or 10 people repeatedly told
you that your shirt looked good. you'll start thinking 'hm, the shirt must be really nice, since a lot of
people told me so
motivate others + give advice and teach: For example, saying things like "subliminals work
for everyone you have to believe in!" etc. they can also help you get results. Scientific aspect: one
of the strongest forms of repetition (see the previous point) is teaching others. For example, take
religion, when you advise your friends to pray, you are actually advising yourself as well as a result
of hearing yourself repeating those beliefs. the subconscious mind doesn't know the difference
between someone repeating the idea and you repeating it. So by giving advice to a friend, you are
actually reinforcing the belief or idea in your mind. This concept also applies to emotions. If you are
trying to motivate someone, you are actually also motivating yourself without realizing it.The only
case where this cannot be applied correctly is when you are sure of your own beliefs.

Signs that you are getting results

1. Rare daily events:
If your day is repetitive and suddenly unusual events happen to you, it means that there are
changes in your subconscious that are reflected in 3D reality
What Do: Let situations flow
2. more intense dreams
It is also a sign that the subconscious reprograms itself and is reflected within the dreams.
What do: let dreams flow
3. tingling
Depending on each person, you will have different unusual sensations through your body
What To Do: Don't obsess over sensations and pay attention to them.
4. People remind you of your wishes
People may notice your results or hear more about your wishes
What Do: Have confidence and do not expect anything
5. Nightmares or negative experiences
This is the ego reflecting its discomfort at change. It is a sign that the new programming is
penetrating the old programming bringing it to light. The ego reflects negative experiences
because the subliminals "took" it out of its comfort zone
WhatDo: Be patient and wait for them to pass. Don't be discouraged. You could be thankful
that subliminals work anyway
6. You begin to notice your visible and internal results
You literally get what you want. You feel it, you see it and it is reflected in 3D reality
What do: be thankful and enjoy
7. you feel calm
What do: Keep as long as possible in this state

Neuro-Linguistic Programming
NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) is the study of excellence, describing how the language of our
minds produces our behavior and enables us to model excellence and reproduce that excellent
behavior. NLP models state that people think about and perceive things using three distinctive NLP
models: visual, auditory, or kinesthetic. The first stage in starting to use NLP is to identify what is
dominant in those three fields through the process.

❖ Visual
It's basically for those who respond best to images. Visual people understand words by
remembering or constructing images in their minds. They tend to use words like “I see”, “looks
good” and describe things in great detail, painting a mental picture for you with their words. They
also tend to be attracted to the appearance of others in relationships.

❖ Auditory
It is obvious to those who respond best to sounds. Auditory people make decisions based largely on
how things sound. They often say “that sounds great” or “I hear you”, and often speak or repeat
themselves to understand things. They are very interested​​in someone who has a seductive and
attractive tone of voice.

❖ Kinesthetic
This model is for those who respond best to feelings. Kinesthetic people are people who feel and
tend to react through a feeling mode. They feel a visceral emotion when talking to you and can feel
hot or cold after just a second. They tend to use “that it hurts a lot” or “I feel…”, they are also
attracted to other people who make them feel a certain way.
Most people easily identify their dominant model of NLP. Actually, he uses all three models on his
base, but he will only master one or two. Since you've determined your core NLP model, let's take a
brief look through the simple five-step process below.

Communication between human beings occurs not only at the level of conscious processes such as
language and attention, but also at much deeper neurological levels where unconscious or
subconscious processes take place that further affect the quality of the messages we emit and

In normal adults there are commonly communication problems because communication influences
with great dominance the unconscious part of the brain or subconscious brain through involuntary
processes and when the message that we transmit, especially from the conscious spoken
language, does not agree with what is wants to transmit at a subconscious level communication
suffers serious distortions which generates disagreements, antipathies, mistrust and breakdown of
According to studies carried out by NLP or Neurolinguistic Programming, a science that studies the
modeling of successful behaviors, it is known that face-to-face communication has three
fundamental parts and participants: body language with 55%, tone of voice with 38% and words
with 7%, so that both body language and tone of voice make up 93% of communication and are
processes that are controlled for the most part by mental programming made up of factors such as:
the upbringing received, educational knowledge, tastes and preferences and subconscious
impressions that you have regarding the facts, people and environments.

And the words that are said consciously have a very low impact on communication, since they
barely constitute 7%. This imbalance in communication, as we said before, creates serious
problems in communication between adults because, due to this, a high level of inconsistency is
created that manifests itself repeatedly in communication so that people speak in one way, think in
another and act as well. differently.

There is an additional component that shows the domain of the subconscious mind in
communication and it is non-face-to-face non-verbal language, that is, what a person does behind
the back of others. And this is one of the most delicate points in the communication cycle because it
affects the entire face-to-face message that was intended to be transmitted and can either
strengthen a relationship and its communication or it can damage or destroy it completely.

Children, for example, unlike adults, have highly effective communication, that is, a very high level
of congruence between what they think, feel, speak and transmit with their tone of voice, body
language and actions, and this means that there are no misunderstandings. or apprehensions
between them and their communication is almost always fluid with their peers.

Professional actors, for example, have a higher level of coherence in communication between a
belly or thirty percent compared to a normal person, but this happens while they are on a recording
set because of the pressure with which they train their conscious or subconscious mind to be before
the cameras, but already in his personal life the results can vary from those of a normal person.

Why then is it necessary to achieve effective communication by knowing how the

subconscious mind works?

Because a more congruent communication with what one thinks, says and does is a gain in many
aspects of life, both personal and social. Creating greater harmony, trust, acceptance in dealing with
people and avoiding conflicts are some of the most important benefits that can be obtained by
improving communication through the subconscious mind. Effective communication comes from
knowing the laws of the subconscious mind and knowing how one's own mind works as well as that
of others, in order to build communication bridges where everyone comes out as winners and not as

Another very important point that should be addressed on the subject of improving
communication is changing the internal conversation which is feeding and listening daily.
Many people fail in their personal, social and work lives because their internal conversation is
negative or very negative: failures in their life, love disappointments, defeats, low self-esteem, fears,
resentments, traumas, phobias, etc., make them show externally in the form of attitudes and actions
an aggressive behavior with the environment.
To this is added the culture of violence, scarcity and problems of various kinds that certain
media graft on the collective unconscious which is the number of subconscious minds of a
region or country impressed daily with a certain type of information and causing daily depressions,
fears, anxieties, existential anguish and violence in the public, and which is then reflected in their
personal environment , labor and social with the same deplorable effects.

Given that these problems that are lived or lived can have deep roots, it is necessary to access an
internal healing method to change the mental interpretation of the events that happened and
thereby modify the unresolved internal emotions that are the ones that cause so much discomfort in
coexistence with other human beings who, of course, also have as many unresolved problems in
their lives.

It is also very important to learn to manage the type of information that is received on a daily
basis, especially from the mass media. and in general from all sources of negative and damaging
information, and this because the subconscious mind is not rational or objective and does not make
value judgments, so that if negative information and emotions are given to it, it will produce its
equivalent regardless of the consequences that they are derived from it.

Paradigms are models of thought and generalizations of reality that the human brain makes and
that become stronger as the years go by, thus preventing change to live new and beneficial
experiences for personal growth. Paradigms shape our entire life and are the thoughts of the
subconscious mind, although although the subconscious mind does not reason like the conscious
mind, it is programmed with repeated thoughts and intense emotions. The subconscious mind is
responsible for the creation and perpetuation of paradigms because it controls human
behavior.Through mental reprogramming it is possible to change paradigms using the same
conditions that the subconscious mind uses to create them, and in this way change even the
interpretation of limiting thought models that have been grafted on people in their environment.

belief resistance
Your subconscious will resist unwanted affirmations. Sometimes you will resist desired affirmations.
Your subconscious acts as a basic filter.

Will it stop most harmful claims? Yes.

Is this filter tamper evident? No.

Your subconscious is like a super computer version of you. He knows every aspect of your life,
beliefs, and desires better than you do. It retains all the information that shaped those beliefs and
desires. So you know which affirmations are your priority and which are not.

However, the subconscious mind takes in a lot of data and when you hear the same statements
over and over again, the brain places more importance on storing this information. Over time, this
will allow even unwanted statements to bypass the subconscious filter. Once they've bypassed the
filter, those statements will clash with your current belief. If the affirmations contradict any of your
strongly held beliefs and desires, they will be met with a second wave of resistance and will be
extremely unlikely to manifest.

Simply put, it's best to constantly remind your brain to only accept statements you actively want and
rule out all others. This means that once the subconscious mind identifies those unwanted
statements as unimportant, the neural systems will actively remove the information from your

Manifestation Process (Summary)

one. When you are manifesting something new, you are "quantum jumping/shifting" into a new
reality where this manifestation is true. How do you do it?

two. To quantum leap into the new reality where your manifestation is true, you must change your
beliefs, also known as "assumptions" in relation to yourself and what you are manifesting. These
beliefs have been formed throughout your life, so they will resist change. How do we do it?

3. To change your beliefs, you must access the subconscious mind and "install" the new belief,
since your subconscious mind is where these beliefs are stored and from where your reality is
projected. How do you access the subconscious mind?

Four. You access the subconscious mind by visualizing and/or affirming when you are in SATS
(sleep-like state), that is, when you are in the theta brainwave state. What is this state and when
are you in it?

5. states that we are in SATS/theta state when we are "in a conditionmentally very
deeply relaxed; a condition which some may describe as "autopilot". you are in this state when you
run on autopilot during the day when you're awake, but especially when you're falling asleep and
the first 30 minutes after waking up. What do you do when you are in this state to change your

6. Can:
● Say: reaffirm sentences imply you have your wishand your wish is fulfilled. Always
in the present tense, with positive words that are easy to understand. You can also
affirm with emotions
● Visualize: View a short scene, only a few seconds long, which implies that you have
your desire and your wish is fulfilled.
● Listen to subliminals / affirmations: record yourselves saying your affirmations and
(if you want) use simple software to set it to binaural beats in theta pattern, also
known as music in the theta pattern, to help induce theta state. This music can be
found on YouTube.
While you do these things, simply try to access the physical and emotional state (if you can) within
your imagination that it would feel like if this were true.

7. You must mentally embody the version of yourself that has your desire in your everyday life.
How do we do it?
● train yourself to think plus strictly thoughts you would be thinking if you had your
wish. This is what we call the "mental diet."
● be sure that Also add affirmations for your self-concept. This is because the
version of yourself that has your desire as a firmly grounded and stable part of their
life would be extremely relaxed and confident in its presence and existence, as well
as in their dignity, merit and capacity to really have this desire.

8. As a result of shifting to a new belief and version of yourself in a new timeline/reality where you
have your desire, you will begin to act naturally as the version of yourself that has the desire. This
means that you will naturally begin to take "inspired action" towards your manifestation. This cannot
be forced. Inspired action is the action you take that you are not aware of that is contributing to the
sequence of events that will lead to your manifestation becoming a reality.

9. The law of assumption states that your 3D reality is simply a reflection of beliefs within
your subconscious mind. Once you have changed your belief and have persisted in
consistently embodying the version of yourself that has their desire, your subconscious mind will
begin to change your physical/3D reality to bring your manifestation to you. How is this done in 3D?

10. In 3D, a sequence of events (known as the incident bridge) will begin to take place that
you may not be aware of behind the scenes (to which you may also unknowingly contribute
through inspired action). This bridge of incidents is the transition between realities, where
you are changing from your old reality to your new reality.

11. The transition period may occasionally include a "purge" of old beliefs that oppose your
desire, because sometimes for the 3D to change from one reality to a completely different
one, your old beliefs will unfold to disappear forever. Purging can come through struggles
with sticking to your mental diet and struggling with opposing thoughts, or simply the desire
itself being "hot and cold" or presenting itself in a way that opposes your ultimate goal,
which can tempt you. to give up

12. This bridge of incidents and transition period is what will bring about the logical
formation of the circumstances around your manifestation, so that your transition to the new
reality makes logical sense in 3D.

13. Your manifestation finally happens in 3D in a way you probably didn't even expect, but it
worked pretty logically and perfectly. You have successfully shifted into your new reality!

The key is persistence, knowing that 3D is never final and is only reflecting old beliefs, and not
allowing anything outside of yourself to influence your confidence in the inevitable manifestation of
your desire. Nobody said that the demonstration is an easy process, but the 8 million people in the
world will have their wishes fulfilled and everything they want. The effort will be worth the reward,
don't give up.


Hypnosis, also called "hypnotherapy" or "hypnotic suggestion," is a trance-like state in which you
experience heightened focus and concentration. Hypnosis is usually done with the help of a
therapist who uses verbal repetition and mental imagery. When a person is under hypnosis, they
usually feel calm and relaxed and are more open to suggestions.

Hypnosis can be used to help you control unwanted behaviors or to help you better cope with
mental problems or pain. It is important to know that while you will be more open to suggestions
during hypnosis, you will not lose control of your behavior.

The therapist will explain the hypnosis process and discuss the goals of treatment. The therapist will
then speak, usually in a gentle and calm tone, describing images that create a sense of relaxation,
safety, and well-being. When you are in a receptive state, the therapist will suggest ways to achieve
your goals. The therapist can also help you visualize vivid and meaningful mental images of
yourself as you reach your goals. At the end of the session, you can come out of hypnosis on your
own or the therapist can help you come out of the relaxed state.

Unlike the way hypnosis is often portrayed in movies or on television, you do not lose control over
your behavior while under hypnosis. Also, you generally stay conscious and remember what
happens during hypnosis.

Over time, you can practice self-hypnosis, in which you put yourself into a state of hypnosis. You
can use this ability as needed, for example after a chemotherapy session.

However, hypnosis is not suitable for everyone. For example, you may not be able to get into a
hypnotic state long enough for it to be effective. Some therapists believe that the more likely you are
to be hypnotized, the more likely you are to benefit from hypnosis.

“The term hypnosis denotes an interaction between a person, the hypnotist, and another person or
persons, the subject or subjects. In this interaction, the hypnotist attempts to influence the subjects'
perceptions, feelings, thoughts, and behaviors by asking them to focus on ideas and images that
evoke the desired effects. The verbal communications that the hypnotist uses to achieve these
effects are called suggestions. Suggestions differ from other kinds of everyday instructions in that
they imply that the response following the successful suggestion is experienced by the subject as
involuntary and effortless. Subjects can learn to use hypnosis for themselves in self-hypnosis."

Hypnosis occurs in an interaction between two people with the characteristic that one of the people,
the hypnotized person, leaves control of their cognitive, affective and behavioral processes to
another person, the hypnotist. The abandonment of control is completely voluntary and can be
resumed by the hypnotized at any time.

Among the processes for which control is relinquished are:

Attention:The hypnotist directs the attention of the hypnotist, who stops worrying about
other stimuli other than those indicated by the hypnotist, whether these stimuli are real or
imaginary; to such an extent that the hypnotist becomes the subject's only link to the
outside world.

The control of voluntary behavior: To the extent that they cooperate, subjects relinquish
control to the hypnotist, in the sense that they do whatever the hypnotist tells them to do and find
themselves unable to do whatever the hypnotist tells them they cannot. do (always with the free
decision to cooperate).

The fundamental basis of hypnosis is suggestion; in reality, hypnosis consists of the responses that
the hypnotized person gives to the suggestions of the hypnotist (Holroid, 2003). In the hypnotic
process, the patient follows the suggestions given to him, leaving the hypnotist in total control of his

In cognitive behavioral therapy we make indications that could be considered as suggestions

constantly. We suggest to our patients, for example, that they change a certain way of behaving.
For this we use direct suggestions or metaphors and indirect suggestions.

The goal of hypnosis is for the subject to follow the suggestions made by the hypnotist. To do this,
the session begins with an introduction in which the subject is made to believe that he is already
following them, this is the induction stage.

It typically consists of a series of suggestions that lead subjects to relax and focus on their internal
experiences, that is, their thoughts, feelings, sensations, and emotions (British Psychological
Society, 2001). An induction is an interaction between two people in which the hypnotized person's
attention is focused in such a way that the person is absorbed in the details of their experience. The
focus of your attention may be very broad, blurry, fixating on multiple items, etc. the direction in
which attention is directed may even be in the direction of not knowing or having no direction
(Teleska & Roffman, 2004).

Responses to suggestions are learned(Cangas and Perez, 1997). Specifically, the response to
suggestions is increased when the subject is led to believe that he already responds to them, for
example, by making him believe that he sees the color of a room change due to suggestion, when
in fact it actually changes by a physiological process. This indicates that belief in one's ability to
respond to suggestions is a key factor in responding to suggestions (Yeates, 2002). That is why an
induction can be a way of making the subject believe that he is already responding to suggestions.

Suggestions already play a role in induction and are fundamental in the application of hypnosis,
therefore, it is essential to know how to make them more effective. The sensations that lead the
subject to act can be seen as autosuggestions that remain unconscious. Repetition can lead to
establishing a thought as autosuggestion.

There is nothing magical about hypnosis. It works by agreeing to follow the hypnotist's suggestions.
An induction is used to bypass the conscious mind so that suggestions can be made directly to the
subconscious mind, where they are more easily accepted and integrated into the psyche. The only
circumstance in which hypnosis can be used coercively is in combination with sensory deprivation
techniques that would only be used in processes such as military interrogation. Please seek formal
classroom training in hypnosis and don't just accept what you read online or in a book.

how to induce
Yeates (2002) gives a series of grounded ideas on how to suggest. The most important ones are
shown below. It is productive to consider suggestions as directives given to subjects who want to
cooperate. Therefore, it is convenient that the suggestion is given in such a way that:

● Surpass the critical scrutiny of the subject's conscious mind.

● Its form is structured in such a way that it is clearly understandable.
● Its content directs the subject unequivocally to the desired objective.

Badouin (cited by Yeates, 2002) proposes the following laws of suggestion:

1. The law of concentrated attention: When the individual's attention is focused on a
particular idea over and over again, this idea tends to be realized spontaneously and not voluntarily.
2. The law of auxiliary emotion: A suggestion linked to a strong and powerful emotion is
more likely to be followed. Baudouin offers examples of frightening or temporary amnesia in which
they are examined.
3. The law of reverse effort: When an idea imposes itself on the mind to such an extent
that it gives rise to a suggestion, all the efforts that the subjects make to counteract the suggestion
will not only fail to achieve their effect, but will actually work against the conscious wishes of the
subject and will tend to intensify the suggestion. This law indicates to the subject that the more he
opposes the less he will achieve it. It is a good method for the subject to let go of any resistance.
4. The law of subconscious teleology: When the end has been suggested, the
subconscious will find a way to reach it. The subject is warned not to make conscious efforts to
achieve the suggested end. It will be the unconscious itself that will be in charge of achieving the
objective. The hypnotist must not suggest any physical or psychological means to achieve any of
the proposed objectives.

When suggesting things to the subject's unconscious (to the exclusion of their conscious mind), it is
counterproductive to offer suggestions that are linguistically complex, misleading, and/or ambiguous
because their conscious mind will need to be continually active to process them, which will make it
difficult, if not impossible. , hypnosis. Since hypnosis involves a "contract for the subject to follow
the suggestions given by the hypnotist, the most productive suggestions will be those that can be
easily followed, that is, those that:

● They are built with an affirmative phrase in its form and content.
● A negative goal or the absence of something is not suggested (goes against the law of
reverse effort).
● It is suggested that the target positive from the presence of something else, such as calm,
will take effect according to the law of subconscious teleology.

According to the law of subconscious teleology, the content of the suggestions would have to be
simple and in them:

1. The current situation would be identified qualitatively in terms of the experience that the
subjects of the situation have.
2. The opposite pole of that experience would be identified and described (again in qualitative
terms), that is, what is intended to be achieved and
3. An ordered sequence of directives is constructed, expressed in qualitative terms, oriented
towards establishing the objectives.

To find out if a suggestion is well made, we can use the test of "much more" to the suggested word,
we put the word "much more" before it if what results is positive, the suggestion is adequate, if what
results is counterproductive or cannot be done, the suggestion is inadequate and we must look for
the opposite pole to substitute the word.

Hypnosis induction example:

Keep your hands 20-30 cm apart. It's fine. To communicate with your unconscious we are going to
let it manifest itself. Now, if your unconscious wants to assist you in putting you into a trance, then
you will find that those hands come together. If your unconscious has any objection to the task that
is proposed to it, the hands will separate. They are movements that your conscious mind does not
make, but it is your unconscious that will move them. They may stay put because your unconscious
doesn't want you to know where they stand on the task. With this simple language, establish a
method for the unconscious to relate to your consciousness: if the hands separate, it does not like
the task, if the hands come together, it agrees.

The hypnotist becomes aware of the subject's hand movements while offering relaxation
suggestions coinciding with the subject's exhalations. You will associate hands touching with a deep
trance state. Once the trance state has been reached, he will offer the suggestions you need

More than a formal trance, the therapist:

It develops your sensitivity to changes in the patient's state and uses them to convincingly formulate
the patient's experience in service of the desired therapeutic outcome.

Use precise and consistent language to support the therapeutic results sought by the patient.

It recognizes and allows a space for the patient to spontaneously interpret the changes in state that
they are experiencing and that can allow them to understand their problem a little more.

The conversation tends to make the subject take into account his unconscious, so that he leaves
control instead of taking it. In other words, it is about making him see in the conversation that his
body is changing and that this means that the unconscious takes control without him having to
make any effort to achieve it.

Biokinesis and Psychotherapy

biokinesis refers to a set of techniques used to alter or affect certain organs of the body through the
actions of the mind. Change the genetic structure of our body parts to achieve some of the
expected results.

It is considered a theory to enhance the ability to control biological matter through the mind,
including your own material and that of other people. – Focus on mental strength to control it, thus
controlling the rest of the body. It can be done by meditation or by hypnosis.

Just by controlling the cells in a certain area and thus rewriting those genes with just mental power.
Some claim that if you could have total control of every cell in your body, you could genetically
reprogram yourself, that is, change your genes to change your appearance.

one.- Do meditation or reach the alpha state.

2.- Focus on your target, in this case the eyes.
3.-View the tissues of the organ, focus on them, each cell…
4.-Visualize the PSI that is in each cell, that energy that they contain.
5.- Try to create a ball of energy around the organ.
6.- Program the energy, visualize how you charge that energy with a concept that you can repeat
several times in your head, in this case "change color, from... to..."
6.-Feel What That information of the cells changes thanks to the psi. You must believe that what
you do will work, believe it fully.

Psychotherapy in general is a means by which you can receive help with treatment for mental
health disorders. It consists of talking to a mental health professional, be it a psychologist or
psychiatrist. Since its fundamental basis is the dialogue, it provides a supportive environment that
allows you to speak openly with someone who is objective, neutral, or unbiased. It is one of the
many means that helps people cope better with things, get to know each other better.
Psychotherapists help people to deal with psychological and emotional problems that may be
present from childhood to adulthood, treating cases such as anxiety, anguish, phobias, etc. They
encourage clients to explore their thoughts, emotions, and experiences.

Types of Psychotherapy
1. Cognitive therapy: A type of psychotherapy that helps patients change their behavior by
changing the way they think and feel about themselves or certain things. It is used to treat
mental, emotional, personality, and behavioral disorders. Also called CBT and cognitive
behavioral therapy
2. Psychoanalytic therapy: It is a therapeutic process that tries to solve the psychological
problems of people taking into account the fantasies, thoughts, emotions, feelings and
dreams, that is, their inner world.
3. Psychodynamic therapy: Its objective is to study the unconscious of the human mind
because this is responsible for most of the things we do.
4. Behavior therapy: It focuses on replacing negative habits and behaviors with positive

Genetics and Beliefs

All proteins in the body are encoded in the four-letter recipe of the DNA code (adenine, guanine,
cytosine, and thymine), forming double-stranded molecules on the chromosomes found deep within
every human cell. But which protein recipes are read, and how it is determined, is based on
epigenetics. epigenetics
is the study of the mechanisms that regulate the expression of genes without a change in the
sequence of the DNA. Establishes the relationship between genetic and environmental influences
that determine a phenotype. determined by the cellular environment—rather than heredity.

The internal molecular structure of chromosomes has been divided into 3 layers:

● protein coding genes: Those that are known as the only deposits of the inheritance;
● Non-coding genes: They fulfill an outstanding function, because along with the
histones, chemical signals attached to DNA form the chromatin; are important for
heredity and for the development of diseases and give rise to active chains ofRNA, the
same ones that alter the behavior of the coding genes;
● Epigenetic layer of information:It is crucial for development, growth, aging and cancer.
It does not alter the DNA sequence, although it influences its expression. Epigenetic
mechanisms can integrate signals genetics and environmental factors to control the
development of a particular phenotype, so they are intimately linked with phenotypic
plasticity and health.8​

The proteins that support the DNA molecule also help determine which genes are turned on, which
are turned off, and most importantly, they vary between different cell types. Although all your cells
have the same DNA, those in your skin have a different epigenetic signature than, say, your brain
tissue. In a surprisingly simple use of chemistry, the body adds methyl groups – part of the methane
molecule – to adenine and cytosine in the genetic code, essentially adding a new chemical note to
segments of genetic code.

Just as genes mutate due to the adaptation of the human being according to his environment (his
environment, climate etc) it could be that by stimulating changes in our physique a faster result will
be created because we confuse our brain making it believe that these changes are necessary.
Subliminals create an impulse of deception where you make your brain believe that you need to be
the way you want, and being a direct stimulus (where you are moderately aware of what you want)
accelerates the process in such a way that you do not need years to have these changes, your cells
mutate and regenerate in such a way that they do what you asked them even if you don't know all
the chemical process of these.

Epigenetics is the study of the mechanisms that regulate the expression of genes without a change
in the sequence of the DNA. Establishes the relationship between genetic and environmental
influences that determine a phenotype. It is defined as “the study of all the events that lead to the
development of the genetic program of development” or the complex “development process that
mediates between genotype and phenotype.
When we are born, we all have different genetics, which then, these genetics make us create
assumptions and beliefs about ourselves, example: "I gain weight so easily" "No matter what I eat, I
gain so much weight" What perpetuates the same upon yourself. Your most dominant thoughts are
the ones that get embedded in your subconscious mind, let's say you removed a nasal hump, I'm
moving on, because now, due to this new physical change, it will be an automatic assumption about
my belief about my nose "I have a straight nasal bridge "Since I can literally see it, this is when I
move on. I go subliminal, listened through the night and through the day, until I SEE the results I
want with my eyes, it becomes an automatic belief, I see clear skin, so I will continue to have
thoughts about GETTING clear skin, I won't think I have bad skin, because I don't anymore, it will
be a natural automatic thought and belief about myself that continues to insert itself into the
subconscious mind.


All the changes that we experience as a species are the product of genes that, by making proteins,
modify the body so that it adapts to the environment. In all these processes the genes store the
conditions of the outside world. Epigenetics suggests that we tell genes to rewrite your future.
Epigenetics contradicts the traditional genetic model that asserts that DNA controls all life and that
gene expression takes place within the cell. This old approach condemned us to a predictable
future in which our destiny was conditioned by genetic inheritance and cellular life was
How does epigenetics work? It is simple.
Let's say you have your genes lined up, now one gene is for depression, yet you show no signs of
depression. Now let's say a family relative passed away and your best friend has left you. Suddenly
you are showing signs of depression. To break down what happened, that gene was suddenly
turned on by an environmental factor. This is called gene expression.
Genetic expression is what turns genes on and off. And what controls our genetic expression is our
subconscious. And what our subconscious can control is our environment, and the rest is probably
represented from birth.Now this is what I think. Subliminals can change hair color, eye color, and
height, but also your genetic potential; completely dependent on what their genes contain. For
example, you could have the gene for blue eyes, even though you have brown eyes. This means
that you have the genetic potential for blue eyes, you will usually know this if you have European
ancestry or someone of your blood with blue eyes.
Just by changing our thoughts, feelings, emotional reactions and behaviors, for example by
choosing a healthier lifestyle in terms of nutrition and stress level, we are already sending cells new
signals and they express new proteins without changing the genetic blueprint. Thus, although our
DNA code remains the same, as soon as a cell is activated in a new way by having new
information, the cell can create thousands of variations of the same gene.
The quantum model (quantum physics studies subatomic reality) states that emotionally we can
send signals to the body and alter a chain of genetic events without the need to physically live the
experience related to this emotion. We can create emotions just by thinking, we can feel happy and
grateful to the point that the body begins to believe that it is living that situation in real life. For this
reason we can tell our genes to manufacture new proteins for our body to change before the
desired situation materializes externally. In the quantum field all possibilities exist, but it is only in
the present that all possibilities exist simultaneously in said quantum field, and the question is: Can
you choose a possibility from the quantum field and emotionally feel a future situation before it
materializes? ? When the body changes physically/biologically as if the experience had happened,
even if we have only done it in thought, from a quantum perspective it shows that the situation has
already happened in our reality. If the brain updates its configuration as if the experience had
already happened physically and the body changes genetically or biologically and both change
without us doing anything in three dimensions,

Transforming our DNA with our own sounds, frequencies and words requires control of thought
waves and emotions thanks to our mind. Specifically, DNA is expressed -according to the Russian
researchers- through soliton waves, waves that can store information for a long time and are
capable of propagating without deformation over long distances in non-linear media. The
'well-known' genetic code is just the part of the code that deals with protein synthesis...and nothing
more. But the chromosomes work like holographic solitonic computers under the influence of
endogenous DNA laser radiation". The consequences of all this are as incomprehensible as they
are simple and logical: if one modulates a laser with a certain frequency, one can affect the
information of the waves with it. DNA and, thus, the genetic information itself.To do this, DNA works
like an antenna whose technical characteristics are determined by its size.long and a natural
frequency of 150 megahertz. Interestingly, this frequency is exactly in the band used by human
radar for telecommunications and microwave engineering. In other words, we use exactly the same
frequency range to receive and emit signals at the DNA level as in our technology. Unique
"coincidence". In addition, DNA can also store harmonic waves of 150 megahertz. The same as
visible light. The 22 eighth of 150megahertzIt lies directly in this range... and the color of this light
radiation is blue. Is it also a coincidence that solar radiation breaks down in the earth's atmosphere
in such a way that we live in a world with blue skies? In other words, DNA -according to Russian
scientific research- can not only be affected by electromagnetic radiation in a harmful way
-something we already knew- but it can also be altered in the opposite direction with the right
radiation because, in the background, for this we are carriers of a microchip electro biological, a
superconductor that takes electromagnetic information from the environment, stores it and possibly
after modify it you can also issue it.

limiting beliefs

The power of the mind is inexhaustible: our ideas shape the way we relate to the world and move
forward in our life cycle. Your beliefs can give you a push towards positive changes in your life, but
they can also be limiting and not allow you to move forward. The Limiting beliefs cannot be affected
if you stop paying attention to them. Nothing can stop you from manifesting except yourself
A belief is an idea through which we filter reality. These ideas can be positive, neutral or limiting,

A limiting BELIEF is a thought that is deeply ingrained in our mind. We do not question it or take it
as the absolute truth and because of this it stops us from reaching a goal. It is an idea that, despite
not being based on reality, is validated for those who think about it, and configures the way in which
they relate to the world. Most of them have a negative connotation, and many times we do not
realize that they are there.
Limiting beliefs are acquired from childhood or later through the opinions of people in authority or
experiences, and predisposes us to miss opportunities or not take steps to solve problems. The
first-person experience, which occurs, for example, when one tries to do something and fails; or by
non-personal experiences, such as when others have made us believe that we are not capable of
something. In the first case, a failure can mark a lot, and the brain registers the belief that it has that
limit. In the second case, we have retained that, "because others tell us, there are certain things
that we cannot do, aspire to or that we are not in a certain way."
These programs are nothing more than neural networks that have been established in our brain.
Neurons, through synapses, have formed a network that has been consolidated over time. Each
time the belief has been manifested and confirmed, the network has become more solid. That's why
it's so hard to reprogram. It costs, but you can.
They are related to fear and determine many of the areas of our lives: from work or studies ("why
am I going to make an effort if it is very difficult and surely failure”) to our family relationships.
There is nothing external to stop its manifestation. It's just a quick change in mindset and you can
change literally anything! Don't make the mistake of mentally blocking out the subliminal results you
want. Reality is extremely malleable and changeable. It is never set in stone what your reality is, it
can change to anything, at any time, at any speed. Life changing results can happen in your reality
at super unexpected moments.
There can definitely be blocks, but they are an illusion. Nothing is impossible, but many people have
blocks that over complicate and take time to overcome. Of course, it doesn't have to take weeks or
months to get over it, but with years of your conscious mind feeding subconscious information about
how the world is perceived, it makes sense that it might take time to get over mental blocks. And
there is no "doubt" for the subconscious mind, accept whatever statement you give it, your
subconscious is limitless knowledge and wisdom. I think the problem is that even though
affirmations bypass the conscious mind and go straight to the subconscious, affirmations may not
be stronger than what you tell yourself and believe about getting results, therefore results vary. .

doWhy find limiting beliefs necessary to unleash your beast of manifestation?

Over the months, executing the law of attraction and the law of assumption I achieved manifested
some things, but they were not important enough to change my life. I feel depressed about it, so I
realized that most likelyI had a blockage at the core of my subconscious that prevented me from
achieving my desires. so youI asked my subconscious what it was.
My subconscious responded with images from years ago, memories of my childhood school,
scenes that involve friends and people close to me. There was a common feeling in all the scenes:
The criticism of my physique. The blockage had risen to the conscious mind reflecting the lack of
self love.

Imagine a world where your subconscious mind changes as fast as your conscious mind does. God
forbid, you would end up having to learn to walk every day.
Your mind is constantly filtering and bringing to your attention information and stimuli that affirm your
preexisting beliefs (this is known in psychology as confirmation bias), as well as presenting you with
repeated thoughts and impulses that they emit and reflect what you have done in the past.
You may have a core belief that contradicts your goal. By design, core beliefs are held in the
subconscious mind just outside of conscious awareness. They act as blueprint instructions that
determine your choices.
Since these beliefs are outside of conscious awareness, most people never examine them.
Consequently, every time you repeat them unknowingly, you strengthen them. This is how habits

We have all kinds of "blockers" in us, from emotional responses (fear of failure), to limiting beliefs
(I'm not enough or not lovable), to outdated patterns (avoidance), parts of us that conflict with our
desires, and many of these things overlap and interact with each other.
That is, a deep-seated belief of not being enough will often create a fear of failure in someone who
procrastinates or uses perfectionism as a way to avoid doing things that would otherwise make
them successful.

In First of all, let's eliminate the limiting beliefs:

To get rid of limiting beliefs, simply do what you thought you couldn't. You can listen to subliminals
literally any way you want and get instant results. There are different methods that can help
eliminate limiting beliefs, however, we must remember that limiting beliefs were created in your
mind for a long time, so eliminating them cannot be done overnight and it is most likely to come
back as negative thoughts, frustrations or despair during the process.

How to get rid of a limiting belief?: The repetition of new beliefs

There are different methods that can help you eliminate them. First, you must remember that these
beliefs are sometimes very deep in you and in your mind, so they may insist on coming back.
Repetition is the key to being able to reprogram your mind.

1. identify them.

You very much need to be extremely honest, even if you don't like the answers. Many times they
are very much incorporated into our way of thinking, in our internal and external speech, in the way
we talk about ourselves with others and with ourselves. Therefore, try to locate, identify, detect
those headlines, those conclusions or phrases that are there in the form of statements setting limits
for you.
First, think about what you want to get.
Let's say you want to manifest a boyfriend, so you say to yourself "I want a boyfriend who loves me,
respects me, and is faithful to me." Well, that's what you want. Now pay attention to the automatic
response of your inner critic. It may be that as soon as you have that thought, your mind will
respond "but people like that don't exist, and if they did, they wouldn't notice me." write those
answers down. This limiting belief can be anything, such as "it's very difficult for me to manifest",
"I'm a slow achiever", etc.

2. question the.
Whatever your limiting belief is, now, let's challenge it. Get to the root. Why do I think this? At what
point have I learned this? Since when do I think this about myself? What proof do I have that it's

3. Get to the root

An example, it may be that you feel this way because you do not believe that you deserve that love
or that change, because of your own insecurity that comes from the lack of self-love. That is a root
of a limiting belief, and it is very important to identify it for the following Steps. Find the cause of that
limiting belief that hinders you in the change you want

4. distance yourself from her.

realize that you are not your belief, you are a much greater being and your mind is nothing more
than a tool. The mind develops its beliefs as survival mechanisms without knowing the damage they
can do to us. Visualize yourself and your belief as two separate things, and say to your belief "I
recognize that my mind created you with the intention of protecting me, but I no longer need you in
my life. Now I let you go so that I can continue to grow, so I return you to the universe". belief
recedes and fades. After a while you may feel that belief may come back, and you should repeat
this exercise. Find the way that best suits you to eliminate that belief from the conscious mind,
subliminals help you eliminate it unconsciously.

5. replace belief.

After you have let go of your belief, you must create a new one (or several) to replace it, as you
deem necessary. do it as an affirmation. this will be the opposite of your previous limiting belief.
Following the example, this could be "I trust that the right person for me exists, she comes into my
life and I am a confident person, and I deserve someone who loves me in the best way". It is very
important that you write down these new affirmations and repeat them constantly. Try to repeat
them every day when you wake up, and before going to sleep, and little by little (or much by much)
you will see how your life begins to change because your mind begins to believe these new things
that will help you get the results or manifestations that you are looking for.

Whenever you have a thought or tell a story, analyze it. Ask yourself, "Am I affirming something I
want?" If the answer is NO, stop, change whatever you're thinking/saying, make it something you
do want! Eventually, if you do this long enough, you'll reach a point where you stop thinking about
things you don't want. It just takes practice to observe your thoughts.

Relationship insecurities / traumas / negative thoughts with limiting

What we know as limiting beliefs go beyond the beliefs of the conscious mind, whether they are
positive or negative beliefs. Limiting beliefs can relate to what you believe about yourself and your
personality that were formed early in life. A limiting belief does not refer to what we consciously
believe to ourselves such as “I am ugly” “I am a slow results person” “subliminal audios don't work”
“I don't see results” and other related beliefs. Limiting beliefs have a greater magnitude in our
subconscious and in our lives in general. An example of limiting beliefs could be: "I don't deserve
this" "I can't do it" "I can't change" "I have to settle for bad" "My life is the worst" "I hate myself" "I
don't accept who I am" "I'm not good enough ” “I cannot take control of my life” “I am afraid of the
future” “I am not worth enough” “Life is cruel” and other beliefs of greater magnitude that refer to
disappointment, negativity, discouragement, fear and worry. What we know so far is that most of
these limiting beliefs were embedded in our subconscious many years ago, formed without our
knowledge by negative experiences in our lives. These experiences marked how we think of
ourselves, forming negative thoughts that at that time we accept as correct for us. An example:
Some traumatic experience that a person has can mark him so much that he thinks he deserves to
be treated badly by life, or people who have received constant criticism formed thoughts that "they
are worthless" ending up not accepting themselves, not having self-esteem, being disappointed in
themselves, even hating and hurting each other. A person who has always received failures will
form limiting beliefs that "they do not deserve what they want" "they cannot achieve anything" and
endless experiences that can mark who we are and what we think of ourselves.

The subliminal community over the years has changed the audios to change the mind to a more
powerful one or change the personality, for audios related to appearance or material things. Society
has changed to one where you live on appearances, where you live on what others will say and the
opinions of others. I don't find it right to live like this, but life moves on and we must adapt to it. Most
people listen to an audio for physical changes without knowing why and the real reason for the
change they want. People listen to beauty audios to feel more attractive, to surprise others, for
Instagram or to attract a partner and other reasons, but the background of a physical change comes
from a lack of self-love and insecurity about yourself. When you listen to an audio to grow, Probably
the real reason is not that you need to be taller, but that you are not satisfied with your height and
you do not love that part of your body. When you listen to an audio to be more beautiful, you will
probably find that you are ugly when sometimes it is just self-love problems. We know that all
people have the desire to be ultra attractive, to be more popular, to have a lot of money, etc.; but the
ordinary person is not. Due to the outside world, we believe that our physique is an obstacle and is
ugly for us, forming negative thoughts about ourselves and starting to carry our self-love. The real
reason for a physical change is to REMOVE AN INSECURITY FROM US. When you listen to an
audio to be more beautiful, you will probably find that you are ugly when sometimes it is just
self-love problems. We know that all people have the desire to be ultra attractive, to be more
popular, to have a lot of money, etc.; but the ordinary person is not. Due to the outside world, we
believe that our physique is an obstacle and is ugly for us, forming negative thoughts about
ourselves and starting to carry our self-love. The real reason for a physical change is to REMOVE
AN INSECURITY FROM US. When you listen to an audio to be more beautiful, you will probably
find that you are ugly when sometimes it is just self-love problems. We know that all people have
the desire to be ultra attractive, to be more popular, to have a lot of money, etc.; but the ordinary
person is not. Due to the outside world, we believe that our physique is an obstacle and is ugly for
us, forming negative thoughts about ourselves and starting to carry our self-love. The real reason
for a physical change is to REMOVE AN INSECURITY FROM US. but the ordinary person is not.
Due to the outside world, we believe that our physique is an obstacle and is ugly for us, forming
negative thoughts about ourselves and starting to carry our self-love. The real reason for a physical
change is to REMOVE AN INSECURITY FROM US. but the ordinary person is not. Due to the
outside world, we believe that our physique is an obstacle and is ugly for us, forming negative
thoughts about ourselves and starting to carry our self-love. The real reason for a physical change

Some insecurities can be of little significance to us allowing us to live a healthy and desired life. For
example, the insecurity of not having the hair we want, like a person with curly hair who would like
to look like people with straight hair (you can imagine any insecurity). Having this physical feature
that is not what we want, but nevertheless we get used to living with it, should not prevent us from
living a normal life or degrade our self-esteem. However, there are other insecurities that can
prevent us from living a normal life to the point of hating our body, such as the insecurity of
ourselves for being short, overweight or too thin, having a crooked jaw, etc. These insecurities
cause a greater negative impact than we think ourselves, transforming to the point of becoming a
limiting belief. For example, an obese person who constantly receives criticism for his body will form
an insecurity of his appearance causing him to hate himself and that he does not deserve the love
of other people. This could turn into a deep limiting belief to be able to manifest your desires, since
not valuing yourself first will make it difficult to change appearances. If you have the inner belief of “I
don't like my body” “I'm too fat”, how do you plan to come to love your new appearance that you
want to manifest? This could turn into a deep limiting belief to be able to manifest your desires,
since not valuing yourself first will make it difficult to change appearances. If you have the inner
belief of “I don't like my body” “I'm too fat”, how do you plan to come to love your new appearance
that you want to manifest? This could turn into a deep limiting belief to be able to manifest your
desires, since not valuing yourself first will make it difficult to change appearances. If you have the
inner belief of “I don't like my body” “I'm too fat”, how do you plan to come to love your new
appearance that you want to manifest?

What we can do is work first on self-love and on how to lead a normal life without giving importance
to the physical, but since I am not an expert in this branch, you should listen to the advice of a
psychologist because each case is different. At a subconscious level we can make some changes,
you could start listening to a subliminal audio for self-love, also one to eliminate blockages and
limiting beliefs. After managing to love yourself and eliminate the negative beliefs you have about
yourself, a physical change will not be something your life depends on, the change will be achieved
much faster and you will not have to deal with the obsession with results.

❖ "An accepted negative experience is a "positive" experience.

I've always seen a pattern where people with a weak subconscious mind, for example due to
depression, BDD, some recurring (major) mental health issues, etc., get hardly any results, but
there is one exception.
You have to accept your insecurity, to then be able to deserve the result you want.
How? Well, if you fail in Math, do you accept it first and then improve it or do you change it through
brute force? If you are embarrassed in social situations, do you accept it first? Or do you try to
change immediately and change without accepting the situation? So there is a universal pattern
here that acceptance is a very important step in change, perhaps the most difficult. It can be done
through intense self-reflection or meditation.
Ask yourself, does xyz insecurity define you as a whole person? No, it's not like that! Even if you
accept your depression, accept your addictions, accept your shortcomings, this is the moment when
you raise your vibrations and you may be able to seek different solutions that change the CAUSE
ROOT of what you wish to change or manifest.
Every change starts with acceptance and trust me after that. I know it sounds cliché, but the
problem in your head is much bigger than the problem itself.
It also goes through the philosophy of Einzelgänger, a philosophy channel, who said that an
accepted negative experience is a "positive" one.
So stop the toxic positivity and accept the negative experiences, but don't hold on to them. Every
construction comes from destruction.
Limiting beliefs at the level of the conscious mind
They are beliefs that prevent our results, that do not have a great impact on our subconscious (they
are not blockages), but it is not bad to deny them so that you can carry out an optimal process of

1. “The results take from 21 days to 6 months to appear '' No, since there are no
scientific studies that support these hypotheses. The subconscious mind does not act with
a fixed time to manifest. There may be days that you manifest faster than others. You may
start getting quick results and then get stuck (due to deeper limiting beliefs), or you may
even get results on the first listen. The changes will always be at the mental and
subconscious level first before beginning to show the results at the perceptible level. You
may not find observable changes, but that doesn't mean you won' it so changes
happening internally. Give your mind the necessary time, do not pressure it... when you
least expect the results they will arrive faster.
2. “Physical results are slower” ¡absolutely not! They can be as instantaneous as any other
type of subliminal, the changes you can achieve are the same both psychological and
physical. The factor that depends on physical changes is the magnitude of the change. It is
not the same to obtain a change such as the increase of the eyelashes to change the color
of the eyes. The changes that are most noticeable and rapid They can be: increase the
length of the eyelashes, lose fat, a psychological change, increase muscle, lighten the skin,
or some change in the face specifically. The changes that are slower and take time to find a
big difference are: Growing taller, changing eye color, manifesting things that are difficult to
achieve, changing sex, or resembling someone, or having a very extreme glow-up . I
always recommend starting with the smallest and fastest changes to get to the next level.
3. "You can't listen to more than one subliminal." This is bad. There is no scientific
evidence that considers that there is a limit of the subconscious to absorb affirmation. You
can listen to the subliminals you want under your responsibility and depending on the power
of your subconscious.
4. “The results will be same when you hear a subliminal or 100”: Although the
subconscious mind is very powerful, time is against it. The results obtained by listening to a
subliminal audio constantly for a certain period of time will be much faster than if you
listened to many audios of different topics, since the power of the subconscious mind acts
like a laser beam, the smaller the diameter of the ray (amount of information) the greater
the scope and focus of the light (Manifestation). If you make your subconscious mind
concentrate on too much information, it will not be able to manifest all the affirmations
immediately, it will cost further manifest, but it will. That is why if you want to obtain faster
results, focus only on one audio, when you have what you want, listen to it a little more so
that the beliefs become stronger and finally continue with another audio.
5. "Subliminals with more affirmations take longer to show results." Completely false, I'll
tell you why. Your subconscious mind is powerful. It controls every part of your reality,
whether you realize it or not, whether it's positive or negative. The subconscious has so
much to do that it will NOT be weakened by too many affirmations. The subconscious likes
to receive information to manifest, you can listen to the affirmations you want.
6. “You need to drink water or else you won't get results” Your subconscious can be
reprogrammed even if you are thirsty. Still, stay hydrated. I do not have scientific evidence if
the subconscious acts better with a properly hydrated mind, but there is evidence that the
body carries out its metabolic processes correctly if this is hydrous. so yes these listening to
an audio for physical changes, could influence the amount of water for the work that is
required to be done.
7. “You need to always be in a high vibration/happy frame of mind to manifest” No.
Your subconscious has been programmed since you were very young and you were not
always happy or on a high vibration. There's no need. Subliminal audios are not the law of
attraction or another tool to manifest. The subliminal audios are more powerful than any
other method of manifestation at theaware, like the law of attraction, meditation or the
typical 3x3x3. Although you can make the audios work together with the law of attraction
and get faster results, the subconscious manifestation will be more powerful than a
technique that works with the conscious mind.
8. "You have to separate to get results" This advice is often misunderstood. If you often
think about your wishes, you don't need to take them off to get what you want. You just
need to detach yourself from emotional reliability. What I mean is no you don't need to
obsess over getting results, you don't need results to be happy. You already have your
results. If you thought "I have results" once, it has already entered your subconscious mind,
and the way to root in your subconscious is to think more "I have results". So just let go of
obsession and emotional reliability.
9. “You can block unwanted affirmations”: On several occasions the subliminal community
has said that we can block the affirmations that we do not want to receive, but the truth is
that this is not how it works. If you listen to a subliminal that contains negative affirmations
(toxic creators) the subconscious manifests those affirmations, without which your
conscious mind can“block them”. It has already been proven that people who listen to
subliminal audios who do not know the affirmations, whose audio contains negative
affirmations, have presented symptoms of mental and psychological damage, contrary
results, etc. Make sure the audio youtube is listening and why this is managed.
10. "You need to live to the end to get": Huge Nope! This statement is veryAwesome, but I
assure you that living at the end is not necessary, it is perfectly fine for it to stop! If you stop,
you will not be caught in any adverse circumstances; there is always something else you
can do, another method to try! Subliminals, if you think about it, make you live in the end
automatically through the affirmations your mind is being fed! If you need to assert and go
on a mental diet, there is no use for subliminal if you think about it! You can manifest
without subliminals and with a perfect mental diet, sure, but subliminals do everything you
claim for you, so you don't need to do more!
11. You need to believe in subliminals for them to work”: Absolutely not! Subliminals, if
done correctly, will work no matter what you believe! It may take time, but your mindset,
thoughts, and feelings will naturally change as your subconscious accepts the affirmations
and results form. When your results fully form, you'll naturally end up believing in
subliminals because they worked for you!
12. "Crash isn't real": Oh wow, some people won't agree with this. Clash is defined as 'in
conflict with each other; incompatible'. A higher subliminal rise and a shorter subliminal are
incompatible; it is impossible to grow taller and get shorter at the same time. But this is not
to say that the person listening to these conflicting subliminals will not get results.
Incompatibility affects everyone differently; some get no results, some get mixed results,
some get the results they wanted. In short, the clashes are real, but they just affect
everyone in different ways or don't affect them at all!
13. “You need to love yourself to achieve results'': It is very important to have love for
yourself because most of our desires come from the conception of ourselves. The problem
is that many people are using subliminal messages for the wrong purposes. If you use a
recording subliminal to change your physical appearance because you think you are ugly
and such, you will ultimately fail. Why do I say this? Because you are not changing the
belief that supports this behavior and perception. Until you change those beliefs, you will
continue to find more things to change about yourself, because you still believe that you are
ugly. However, even if you don't love yourself, you will still get results and physical changes.

14. “You need to assert yourself to get results”: Thoughts come and go in your conscious
mind. It changes constantly. Your subconscious mind needs a little more than that to be
convinced of the change you have been proposing lately. For example: When you're
unhappy and you make a conscious effort to think, "I'm so happy," your conscious mind will
say, "No, you're not." Your subconscious mind knows that this is not true, it has a belief that
opposes that suggestion. Now if you send the same message repeatedly to the
subconscious mind, without the awareness of the conscious mind, you will change the
belief of being unhappy. As soon as a certain belief has been changed, the conscious mind
will act on the new programming (belief). In short: Your subconscious mind is much more
powerful than your conscious mind,
15. “can use a wash subliminal to eliminate unwanted results”: If the "FLUSH" subliminal
is not addressing the beliefs and habits you don't want, you won't receive any benefit from
them. For example: If you suffer from depression and suicidal thoughts, you should listen to
a subliminal message track focused on self-love and happiness. A flush will not remove
negative outcomes, as you are not addressing these new negative beliefs. It is absolutely
necessary to listen to a subliminal that contains the exact opposite of the negative results
(beliefs). However, based on the experiences of different users, the flush could help those
people who are stuck in their manifestation process, so the flush will act as a wash starting
from scratch, eliminating beliefs.

Some recurring crashes

You keep questioning the veracity of your results or you fear they will disappear:If you want
a solution at a subconscious level, you could listen to an audio for permanent results, since
it will increase your confidence that you really have them. However, the results you get
from a long-term process will always be permanent believe it or not. They are not for a
limited time, so free yourself from that insecurity about your results. The results you get are
real, not a simple placebo, the changes are there and you can notice, perceive, feel and
see them. People should also be able to see your results, in the case of physicists. If you
want to remove an unwanted result you can listen to an audio for reverse results or a flush.
Are you afraid of changing?If you really want a wish, you must analyze it completely, seeing what
it would change in your life if you wish it. Do not listen to audios to listen

Your life depends on subliminals: try detachment

You question the process of manifestation: Let the process flow, free yourself from anxiety and
over time the process will show you your results

self sabotage
We have two types of self-sabotage that can affect results, one harder than the other. So we have
absolute self-sabotage, where we just tell ourselves that we're worth the same shit, we feel
ashamed of ourselves, we hate ourselves and probably don't want to exist as we currently exist,
and other styles of problems with our inner selves that have a great impact at the subconscious
level. This has a great effect when you try the inside out principle. If you don't respect yourself, who
else will? If you don't love yourself, who else will? This is a process that many people go through,
especially young people. So the answer is, a lot of things happen from the inside out, that's how you
gain self love to understand the inside out. Self-sabotage is even better known in the manifestation
techniques that we find in the various communities. At first you question the deservingness of your
desires to the person you are in the present moment. As many manifestation techniques are
focused on the present moment (NOW), you may not be able to manifest if you keep sabotaging
yourself with your thoughts. At a subconscious level, self-sabotage will create connections and
beliefs that block some results or it will simply cost a lot to reprogram with new beliefs, you may not
be able to manifest if you keep sabotaging yourself with your thoughts. At a subconscious level,
self-sabotage will create connections and beliefs that block some results or it will simply cost a lot to
reprogram with new beliefs, you may not be able to manifest if you keep sabotaging yourself with
your thoughts. At a subconscious level, self-sabotage will create connections and beliefs that block
some results or it will simply cost a lot to reprogram with new beliefs,

Another type of self-sabotage is the Relative self-sabotage. It is the fact that you feel very unfair to
your competitors, whether unconsciously or not. For example, you hear about a better subliminal
exam and then you see your friend who spends 10 hours a day only to get worse exam results than
you who just studied 3 hours a week. If you feel like a cheater, the results may be affected in some
way, whether you are aware of it or not. The same goes for appearance. Feeling bad about yourself
because your insecure friend doesn't know about subliminals and outshines your friend with your
physical appearance and you feel bad about it. If you're smart, don't tell anyone about subliminals, if
you already did, it doesn't affect your results at all.

What does the subconscious mind have to do with self-sabotage?

All of us at some point in our lives have self-sabotaged when we want to make a change or achieve
a goal in our life. You may have wanted to quit smoking, lose weight, become more patient, or
simply be more productive and earn more money. It should be easy to achieve, right? But if it were
as simple as making a decision and taking action, we would all be successful 100% of the time. So
why do we struggle with change? The answer lies in the subconscious mind

Your subconscious mental programs, which are what determine how you behave, have been
pre-programmed from birth to age 7. These programs are like the autopilot on an airplane. It has
been pre-programmed to follow a specific route and the aircraft cannot deviate from that route
unless you first change the programmed directions. That is what explains why we sabotage
ourselves or why we find it hard to stop self-destructive behaviors no matter how hard we try not to
do them.

emotional block
The block can be defined as an interruption of a brain process that does not allow us to start or
finish an activity or situation. An emotional block occurs when we try to retrieve or encode
information from our brain, but something (perhaps other data or another program) interferes and
does not allow us to access this data. The block can be considered as the impossibility of following
a line of thought that affects our behaviors, reduces our effectiveness and limits our potential to
achieve our final goal.

How do I know if I have an emotional block? Emotional block is a type of mental block. Cognitive
ability is lost, concentration problems appear, to maintain attention, to make decisions. These are
moments of high level of anguish, which over time can become chronic.

The causes of an emotional blockage are diverse: Traumatic experiences. Lack of self esteem.
Anxiety. Depression. Lack of trust. Lack of knowledge

The subconscious mind and painful memories

From childhood traumas due to mistreatment and abuse, love disappointments, verbal and physical
abuse, economic failures, bankruptcies, loss of loved ones, academic failures, rejections, phobias
and fears, etc., the list is very extensive and the highly limiting consequences of painful memories,
We call or define painful memories to the mental images, sounds and emotions that are recreated
on the screen of our mind about a particular event lived with people, animals, natural phenomena,
etc., that mistreat our feelings and that are brought to the present by the subconscious mind
intermittently or almost constantly, embittering and harming the mental and emotional peace to
which every human being has the right to live.
Because of this, many people, due to having a dark and lacerating past that cannot be changed,
cannot live a full life, damaging their spiritual, mental, emotional and physical health. In relation to
the subconscious mind and its role in painful memories, we will say that the more intense a lived
experience has been and the more entrance channels to the mind have been used and for longer,
the more difficult it will be to direct, manage and forget. the events that occurred.

Childhood traumas:
This category includes everything that represents experiences and unfortunate events lived with
parents, friends, teachers, acquaintances and strangers. From physical and moral abuse, abuse of
authority, violent carnal access, bullying, etc. Let us remember that subconsciously people fear
mistakes, this due to the mistreatment received in their childhood for committing them and even in
their youth and old age the social environment, the traditional educational system and the close
circle of family, friends and acquaintances often judge, they ridicule and mistreat those who make
mistakes in judgment or learning.Childhood is a stage of life where the emotional stimuli received
from the elderly such as family members and teachers or tutors largely condition the personality and
reactions of adults. One of the most difficult issues that exist when dealing with traumas is that for
the subconscious mind there is no time, that is, a person can be fifty years old and live memories
that condition their reactions and attitude towards life that occurred ago. more than forty years and
that continues to cloud his present and future until there is no way to change that or those
memories in his subconscious mind.

Learning to deal with rejection is a common aspect of life. No one can break through or achieve a
reasonable degree of success by trying to pander to everyone's opinions and attitudes. The
rejections are also produced by the incompatibility of values ​between people, tastes, views and
ways of seeing life.

Phobias and fears:

Having had direct or preconceived negative experiences that have not been known how to handle
can trigger a phobia towards someone or something, which manifests itself in an attitude of outright
rejection to live a similar situation again. It can be, for example, when someone is bitten by a snake,
a dog, a cat, suffers an earthquake, tsunami, tornado or hurricane, or is afraid to get on a plane
because he imagines an imminent fatal accident, etc.
Fears are the precursors of phobias, because by effect they are installed as limiting beliefs in the
vast majority of cases and cause a phobic chain reaction that, if not handled in time, can have
organic and physical consequences that deteriorate and threaten health. .

How do positive emotions affect painful memories?

Emotions such as joy, elation, tenderness, and love especially diminish, block, and help neutralize
negative memories of a lived experience. Thus, for example, a person who has had a love
disappointment where he received rejection, physical and emotional abuse and then finds an
understanding, affectionate partner who sincerely cares about him, over time will focus his attention
on this new way of experiencing love. as a couple and you will see how your painful past, instead of
having been a problem without a solution, now leaves important teachings, which leads you to value
this new opportunity that God and life offer you.

The fear
Fear is one of the most exhausting emotions that a human being can have, especially when it
comes to killing or annihilating initiatives, since contemplating tragic events before they happen
almost always destroys the desire and motivation to do things. .
However, it is said that "action cures fear", however, in order to do things in a sustained way
and not give up trying, it is necessary to reprogram and stimulate the subconscious mind
adequately, to develop courage, which is a internal force that arises in moments of fear and
go into action until conquering the real events that must happen.
Fear is commonly translated as risk aversion, due to not leaving the comfort zone in which the
subconscious mind settles and can also be due, of course, to a bad experience that generates
trauma or shock and causes a phobic reaction every time. time in life a similar event occurs.

We currently live in a culture where fear, anxiety and depression prevail in the subconscious mind of
many people as products of a sick society accustomed to a mental and physical reality of
exhausting and lacerating thoughts and emotions, and this internal conflict and The external
environment generates a large part of the problems that our society faces today, apart from other
causes that contribute to destabilizing the harmonious coexistence of the internal and external

Trauma and its effect on fear, anxiety and depression:

Everyone in life has had unpleasant events on a greater or lesser scale, this involves problems of
coexistence with people, love disappointments, lawsuits, verbal and / or physical aggression, hostile
work environments, disappointments, economic losses, unfortunate interactions with animals or
natural elements, etc., and although these experiences leave deep marks on mental and emotional
health, it is not possible to eliminate unpleasant memories, but it is possible to change the
interpretation of events and thereby give a new meaning to life. light of a new rebirth of experiences,

Dissolution of the Ego

Before defining this, I want all of you to know that this is it that does not allow them to get results
from any manifestation, in other words, the ego is the resistance to manifest or cause their
desires/results to come to them.

Ego is your own identity, it is what you think you are, but not what you really are. The ego is formed
when you are a small child around 4 years old or around you, you start to gain consciousness and
create your own. decisions, getting to know what is right and what is wrong, building defense
mechanisms, literally building and molding yourself into who you are now (by the way, this way of
shaping you never stops), now back to being a child gaining awareness... That's when you are most
receptive and vulnerable to learning, experiences, emotions and beliefs, everything that goes into
your subconscious mind (which if you already read, also makes your reality and manifests
everything that enters in the physical / 3D realm)

The ego is what thinks what is morally right or wrong.

The ego is also that voice in your head that you think you are talking to yourself when in reality you
are not, it is the ego talking to you and including you, controlling you, the ego loves to be in control
and goes crazy when it can't control something.
The ego denies information it doesn't want to accept (that's why people are closed-minded/get no
The ego doesn't like change (that's why you talk so bad about yourself in your head, but it's not you,
it's the ego trying to stop you)
It can be in any form or modality, be it emotions, the voice in your head that says subliminals are
fake, or the ego doesn't allow change to happen, trauma or trauma at the subconscious level, the
well-known "blocks" caused ​for your ego, it can literally be anything that stops you from getting

❖ “It is what attitude/personality is” What I mean by this is adapt to this new attitude
and remind yourself what it is what it is, stop reacting to the situations that make us
complex, and accept that it is what it is, once you react, once you go out of your way to start
changing something, you are feeding your ego and you only allow the ego is in control,
which will get you nowhere.

❖ -Dissolution of the ego: Using sound therapies to dissolve the ego

❖ -Concord reinforcement by absolute subliminal power (subliminal

❖ -Mindfulness meditation: This works by being aware of your thoughts, which I =

thoughts because its the voice in your head

Next dissolution of the ego, your ego is not you, it is not your true self. Your ego is a tool to navigate
the world. All your thoughts, beliefs, likes, dislikes, favorites, all these things are conditioned to you
from life. you need to understand this, you don't need to destroy your ego, just understand what it
is, a tool to navigate through life, it's not you. Meditation is necessary here. To meditate just stay still
and watch your thoughts, not trying to force an empty mind, try not to fall into them and get lost in
them, imagine the thoughts as passing taxis that want you to get in, but you won't. You will only see
them pass. It helps to focus on something like your breathing. Eventually your mind will clear itself
and you will find that there will be fewer thoughts. You will discover that many thoughts and feelings
were not dealt with by you, they originated elsewhere, you will realize that these thoughts and
feelings were never yours or yours all the time. Here you will learn to control your mind and the only
thoughts will be the ones you intentionally believe. This is invaluable for manifesting. I prefer open
eyes or half open eyes to meditate. like when you close your eyes and slow down your body thinks
you are trying to sleep, with your eyes open you are still but your consciousness is fully awake so
you progress much faster. Try opening your eyes while looking at a candle to start. Here you will
learn to control your mind and the only thoughts will be the ones you intentionally believe. This is
invaluable for manifesting. I prefer open eyes or half open eyes to meditate. like when you close
your eyes and slow down your body thinks you are trying to sleep, with your eyes open you are still
but your consciousness is fully awake so you progress much faster. Try opening your eyes while
looking at a candle to start. Here you will learn to control your mind and the only thoughts will be the
ones you intentionally believe. This is invaluable for manifesting. I prefer open eyes or half open
eyes to meditate. like when you close your eyes and slow down your body thinks you are trying to
sleep, with your eyes open you are still but your consciousness is fully awake so you progress
much faster. Try opening your eyes while looking at a candle to start. with open eyes you are still
but the consciousness is fully awake so you progress much faster. Try opening your eyes while
looking at a candle to start. with open eyes you are still but the consciousness is fully awake so you
progress much faster. Try opening your eyes while looking at a candle to start.

Now you need purification of the true self. This is basically being a good virtuous person, look for
the noble Buddhist path of 8 times to start. Instead of judging, try compassion, instead of anger,
love, instead of selfishness, be selfless. The thing here is to be pure in thought, speech and action.
Thought is the most important. Spiritually, your thoughts carry the same karmic action as your
actual actions. The universe does not differentiate between them. Imagining hitting someone is just
as bad as actually hitting them as far as karma and the universe/god is concerned. Hold mediation
to keep control over all thoughts.
Sexual Energy to Manifest

Sexual energy is powerful, possibly more powerful than you think. Everything that is created by
sexual energy is through the union of male and female. To create or manifest you need to make that
male/female union with enough sexual energy. It's easier than you think, your conscious mind or
subliminals are masculine, they are active, penetrating, "positive" while your subconscious is
feminine, passive, receptive, "negative". Affirmations are the male conscious penetrating or
imparting its energy into the receptive female subconscious molding and shaping it. The Jewish
kabbalah describes the masculine energy as wild and chaotic but formless and the female as empty
but stable, taking the masculine energy and giving it form, direction and purpose. You can see this
in human male/female relationships. For sexual energy, you practically have to practice semen
retention, which means no masturbation and no orgasms, this applies to both men and women. You
waste your sexual energy when you masturbate. However, you don't waste it if you have sex and
orgasm with a partner of opposite energy. It doesn't matter if you're gay, since we're talking about
divine masc/fem, not material genitalia. If you are male find a female partner and vice versa. Use
this to manifest not having an orgasm or use affirmations while having sex and they are most
powerful at the time of orgasm. This applies to both men and women. You waste your sexual
energy when you masturbate. However, you don't waste it if you have sex and orgasm with a
partner of opposite energy. It doesn't matter if you're gay, since we're talking about divine masc/fem,
not material genitalia. If you are male find a female partner and vice versa. Use this to manifest not
having an orgasm or use affirmations while having sex and they are most powerful at the time of
orgasm. This applies to both men and women. You waste your sexual energy when you
masturbate. However, you don't waste it if you have sex and orgasm with a partner of opposite
energy. It doesn't matter if you're gay, since we're talking about divine masc/fem, not material
genitalia. If you are male find a female partner and vice versa. Use this to manifest not having an
orgasm or use affirmations while having sex and they are most powerful at the time of orgasm.

While you can use this sexual energy to manifest as an extra aid, if you don't either will affect your
results. The flaw is that semen retention involves a degree of self-control and discipline. It also
implies a degree of control or elimination of desires. As such, the act of withholding is not the
significant part here, but the discipline and self-control, or abstention from sexual desire. Now, if you
have that kind of discipline, you could naturally direct your time and energy elsewhere toward
creative endeavors. On the other hand, if you try to eliminate your desires, you end up being at the
mercy of your environment (which is not a good thing) and it is like a volcano waiting to erupt. The
truth is that desires are an integral part of human beings and cannot be eliminated.
What is effective rather is the development of the wisdom and courage to consciously direct oneself
toward what needs to be done. Semen retention only works to the extent of self-control, in which
case one wouldn't even need it, it's an irony. It is basically an ancient austerity that has become
popular among spiritual leaders. In reality, austerity in today's time can hardly provide value.

The past is past, it belongs to yesterday and it cannot be changed. This moment is the only one we
can live in. Even when we complain about the past, our memory of it is in the present, and in the
process we are missing the true experience of this moment. To get results you need to accept that
you deserve them. Look at yourself in the mirror again and say: "I deserve to have... (or be...), and I
accept it now". say it two or three times. How do you feel? always pay attention to your feelings, to
what is happening in your body. ask yourself if you believe what you say, or do you still feel
unworthy? if your body transmits any negative feelings to you, he affirms again: "he renounced the
pattern that in my conscience is creating resistance to my own good". Or say a phrase that
motivates you to accept the changes and repeat: "

Once we accept that we deserve the changes, our conscious mind will help affirmations and new
beliefs settle much more easily in our subconscious.

Believing yourself unworthy generates postponement, which prevents us from getting to where we
want to go. Most people who procrastinate will dedicate much time and energy to berate yourself for
this. They are called lazy and in general they feel "bad people''

Emotions and Energy of the Subconscious Mind

All strong emotions take up a lot of energyWhether it's positive or negative, we can get you
focused on changing whatever it is you're trying to change, whether it's your body, your face, or
your life in general. You can use all your emotions, from love, happiness, anger, hate, passion,
hope, jealousy, fear or sadness to something that helps you. You must know how to organize what
you spend the energies of your emotions on.

Subliminal audios are essentially methods of manifestation, but you use an external source for the
assertions. Demonstrating without the proper groundwork can be disappointing at best and
disruptive at worst. If the state of your mind/soul is not in a good place, your manifestation will not
work properly, they will not work or worse they will work, but in the opposite way or a monkey's foot
type thing where there is an invisible devastating consequence.Affirmations of a subliminal are still
working at an energetic level. Basically everything in this reality has an energy and "essence".
Everything is simply information, on an energetic level. This is especially true for creating subliminal
affirmations, because when you create them, you are putting intent into it. That intention itself
becomes powerful and has an effect on your mind and your reality. If you're familiar with sigils, this
is how they're done. A symbol is created with a specific intention in mind, and that symbol has
power (some people ``charge" these sigils in different ways, but that's beyond the point of my
example here). Anyway... this means that in case you create your own subliminal, you still have the
original intent, and every time you listen to it, you are "reactivating" that same intent

I use my emotions to make Subliminals work for me. Human emotions are more powerful than we
are led to believe. Our emotions have played a huge role in shaping who we are today in terms of
evolutionary and psychological aspects. Have you noticed that every time we remember some
events from the past or get nostalgic we not only remember the incidents that happened to us, we
also remember how we felt at that exact moment? Our brain remembers exactly how we feel and
has the ability to replay those emotions for us again. In our dreams we also don't only dream about
people, objects, places or events that we also FEEL. So much so that dreams can often feel eerily
like real life. I use my emotions to manifest myself using Subliminals as a means; It also helps that
he has an overactive imagination. imagine what it would feel like to have my desired change come

So what do you need to do? First of all, you must take the time to remove the impurities from your
soul. unresolved impurities will affect the final product. It's done like this, in your mind, typically in
meditation, thinking of a highly negative event in your life, something that brings shame, guilt, anger,
etc. anything negative. Maybe it's something you did, maybe it's something that happened to you.
Now focus on that memory practically reliving it, let the emotions play out and come to the surface.
Most people bury these things, but you have to bring them to the surface and face them. maybeI
cried, maybe you won't. Better if you do it anyway, face it and forgive yourself or them and let it go.

It's totally fine. How you feel is all important. Accept as it is, accept your "negative" emotions, just
don't dwell on it. It is not the affirmation that manifests, it is your feelings, your thoughts and your

Change your self-concept. Subliminals are not a separate scientific community, they are just a
manifestation technique. Don't make it your God. Do you remember who is creating the results?
You. Make it about you. Use other techniques too and read Neville Goddard. Change your
concept of yourself. You can't manifest a specific person, million dollar, "extreme" stuff from a
very low, needy, stressed, anxious, depressed state of being. You just can't. You need to
establish solid foundations. You need to have stability, not feel amazing all the time, but have
stability, faith, and a strong inner self that is not discouraged by "not seeing results."

I'll tell you my experience: I used to try to conquer everything when I'm doing LoA, I'm the weakest
because I can only cope with things I like, like when my father speaks negatively I included it and
reverse the word by saying good affirmation, it's so fucking creepy and weird now i let people talk
and not try to reverse anything now i can make progress and take action instead of lying in bed
doing nothing but daydreaming and visualizing and affirming that is useless without action did you
see the boss, right? people who use subliminal are quite ugly or broken, only a few of them are
beautiful and rich, why? because broke people can't cope with breaking up and pretend to be rich
but rich people can cope with breaking up and humility but they are rich,
It's more like being broken and ugly-faced and having confidence in it, then being broken and ugly
and you're visualizing, pretending or affirming throughout your whole life, but still you don't get the
result yet without confidence, you never get the result you want unless you make progress, you
never get the result you want unless you take action or at least have the flow (income stream,
skincare stream, meal plan stream, etc.) Sound like beliefs? limiting? Yes, it limits your beliefs, but
the truth is the truth and it sets you free, stop pretending, be realistic!

Mindset and energy play a big part in all of this (or I personally think it does), and not everyone's
mindset and energy is in the best place, even when they think it is. However, to add to that, some
people's emotions and energy may not block them at all - everyone vibrates differently and
everyone's essence works with their energy differently. Also, I think subliminals are a honed skill,
just like anything else. Some people will start out making art and be absolutely horrible at it, but
others will start out and amaze their art teachers with how good they were on the first try. I think
of subs the same way.

Emotions are thoughts linked to one or more sensations, which affects or stimulates the
nervous system in a marked way.. As human beings we could say that we make decisions in a
rational and logical way, and that we behave accordingly, however, emotions influence thoughts and
behaviors much more than the rational part of our brain.Emotions in fact and according to their
intensity program the subconscious mind to cause automatic and preconceived behaviors
and reactions.Thus, for example, if a person is bitten by a snake, a dog, a bear, etc., that
unfortunate event will cause a response of extreme panic and anxiety when they are again faced
with another animal of the same species, which in turn time will cause the person to flee and want
to avoid another unfortunate encounter with another animal.

Is it healthy to feel negative emotions or should they be saved or denied?

As human beings we cannot always be in control of negative emotions, and in some cases they can
help to overcome them, as is the case of sadness when something has been done against others
and it is necessary to repent through pain to change one's mind. behavior, likewise when a loved
one dies, that pain cannot be denied or hidden and we will have to grieve, cry and move on with the
support of those who are by our side, with the help of God, family, friends and benefactors who
support us on the path of life.

The problem of negative emotions is when they become an anchor or a mania to solve the
challenges and problems that occur in life.. You can be sad at times and when unfortunate
events occur, but being sad continuously and giving way to melancholy is already a pathological
state that requires professional help and a greater spiritual life.For the purposes of the health of the
subconscious mind, it is not that one should isolate ourselves from the bad that happens in the
world, however, we should not expose ourselves to repeated negative information and limiting
emotions that cause human degradation in thoughts and actions.
● AFFIRM YOUR NEGATIVE THOUGHTS: Of course, all humans are going to
have negative thoughts, and that's okay. Even though I still have them, the point for
me is to replace most of them with positive affirmation and not hold back. Every time
a negative thought comes into my head like "I'm ugly" or "I'm short". I say that this
thought is not me and I affirm the opposite. If I am anxious that my results do not
arrive? I declare that I am the creator of this reality. Am I anxious because I'm not
growing? Say I'm tall. Remember that feelings are the most important.

energy to manifest
Our quality of life depends largely on the energy with which we think and act on a daily basis and
the subconscious mind, as a permanent repository of the thoughts, actions and emotions that we
have, decisively affects the energy we receive and therefore the enthusiasm that we have to live
and respond to the challenges and daily challenges with creativity and success to learn and win, as
well as according to our subconscious mental programming with bad predisposition, negativity and
mistake, which ultimately leads to failure and living a sad and limiting life.

Energy, although it depends on many well-known factors such as exercise, good nutrition,
rest and recreation, is also the consequence of a positive, focused state of mind that sees
life as a host of opportunities to grow and develop. The subconscious mind must be fed with
the appropriate visual, auditory and kinesthetic information (emotions) so that good energy
is a constant in our lives, despite the challenges and challenges that arise along the way or
the journey.

Every day we have the option of helping our subconscious mind to be programmed in the correct
way, let us remember the definition that we have given of it throughout several articles as "program
of acts, thoughts and/or intense emotions that execute actions in any person and that forces them
to continue doing them”, where the power and direct influence of this part of the mind that controls
human behavior in more than 95% and that affects our internal energy, and with it the desire to live
and continue successfully facing the challenges and situations that are presented to us on a daily
Although a poor diet and little exercise affect the internal energy of the body, the mental food that
we eat daily is nothing more than information received by sight, hearing and emotions that create
behavior patterns that tend to assert themselves and perpetuate themselves.

Next, we will see and analyze the main factors that affect the inner energy of human beings and
that exert poor mental programming in the subconscious mind responsible for the vast majority of
our thoughts, emotions and behaviors:

● LACK OF GOALS AND CONFORMISM:Goals are the life force and energy a real and
very powerful stimulus. Having dreams to achieve and setting goals that require us to
achieve them is a reason for daily recharge to face and overcome the challenges that are
presented to us daily.
● LIVING IN THE PAST: Every day we have thoughts that evoke the past and bring back
lived experiences, good and bad, especially those that had the most negative emotional
intensity in our lives. Childhood traumas, love disappointments, conflictive labor relations,
disasters, family and personal tragedies, etc., that sadden, overshadow and literally eat our
internal energy. In this case, to counteract the bad mental programming of the
subconscious mind that affects and drains our energy, it is necessary to have burning
dreams and goals that they stimulate us to live with enthusiasm the life that we have left
and to use all the available resources to reprogram our subconscious.
● BAD MENTAL DIET: The human mind needs daily nourishment, just like the body does.
As we have explained throughout several articles, the subconscious mind is the dominant
part of the human mind, with control over thoughts and actions greater than 95%, while the
conscious mind only controls less than 5% of daily thoughts and actions. This prevalence of
the subconscious part makes it necessary to feed it daily with positive information.
● DEFICIENT SPIRITUAL LIFE: Human beings live, move and interact every day in
four fundamental areas: spiritual, mental, emotional and physical. Each of these
areas have independent needs and at the same time are interdependent on each
other. This truth admits no contradiction because the facts and the personal
experiences of millions of people around the world prove it. The belief in God as a
superior being that feeds, helps and strengthens us day by day and the practice of
spiritual norms that cultivate the principles of equity, help, justice and peace are
highly necessary to live a life of transcendence in a world that frequently forgets the
temporary nature of things and focuses on an excessive materialism and a
superficial life passing over whoever it is to achieve the objectives that are had.itself,
this is a way of seeing life, although respectable, very myopic and that affects the internal
energy to live, since it denies that we are spiritual beings with a material and temporary
experience to transcend and not accidents of an anarchic nature that do not we do not
understand nor do we know its true origin and end.
● ADDICTIONS: Addictions are a means of escape from life situations that the addict or
those who frequent them cannot handle or successfully overcome with their internal
resources and in good judgment.
● WORK ON WHAT YOU DON'T LOVE: Being successful has much more to do with
doing what you love and what you are naturally gifted to do. Many people in the world live
sad and bitter because they work and go for what they don't like and with which they don't
identify. This translates into a lack of motivation and a dispersion of internal energy that, on
the contrary, must be increased by those who love and are passionate about what they
seek to achieve.
● BAD COMPANIES: The popular saying "tell me with whom you walk and I will tell you
who you are» is not only a popular adage, but applied to practical life and mental
development it is totally true. Associating with people who harm themselves with addictions,
with a lack of moral and ethical principles and values ​and who seek to harm others for their
benefit, who have bad lifestyle habits, including conforming to the lifestyle they have and
wanting others to do the same destroying and criticizing the initiatives that others have to
get ahead is highly detrimental to personal progress and to having a positive energy that
helps to live better and help others.

Kill all energy killers or prevent

Look, have a glass of coke and a glass of water. Picture it. The coke glass is your environment. If
it's toxic as hell it's hard to be positive about it. The glass of water is your "positivity." If you try to
compensate for the lame with water, does it clear up? fuck no. You have to reset, you have to pour
out your coke and water mixture and start over. Your coke could be an energy killer.

Build positive energy sources:

Things that give you real pleasure are not fake. things you enjoy Every time I started a gratitude
journal I began to see results quickly. Even during depressive episodes. Start exercising, eat
healthy food, appreciate your Health when I was in the hospital, I saw dying cancer patients. I
became very grateful that it didn't happen to me.

For any type of Subliminals to work; your energy needs to be balanced. The energy within you will
resonate and amplify with Subliminals and you can manifest just about anything. But you have to
pay attention to what your current energy is like. Have you ever had a day where everything seems
to be going wrong and you slowly get so frustrated that even the smallest and stupidest of things
makes you lose it? And when you've calmed down, you're wondering, "Why did such a small thing
make me lose her?" If your energy has gone haywire no matter what you try it won't work.
Everything is connected to your emotions, and for your emotions to be invested in the right place,
your energy needs to be in balance. Please find ways you can balance your energy. For many yoga
and meditation aids, for some going on a nature retreat, my friend tried cutting out junk food
altogether. Find what works for you. But don't give up. The key is not to give up. If speaking out was
an easy task, all 8 BILLION people would have gotten away with it. It can be difficult but not
impossible. I hope your wishes come true; my prayers are with you.

Faith and the subconscious mind

Faith is the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual synthesis of sustained, consciously accepted
positive thinking, and the subconscious mind can lead through the power of faith to anyone who
trains their mind to achieve incredible feats in their life. However, when you hear about faith, many
people or a vast majority think that it only applies to religious issues and others associate the word
faith with a popular belief of ignorant, naive people who have little education or mental

However, faith is a key and fundamental element for the search, development and consolidation of
a successful life in any aspect of the life of the human being, since in the universe there are trillions
of events invisible to our eyes that affect our lives and that through faith and the subconscious mind
can be ordered and made to work in our favor.

In terms of the subconscious mind, faith is a mental and emotional state of permanent acceptance
of an event, a belief, a circumstance or a period of time where one or more expected events will
take place. In order to understand the importance of faith in daily life, it is necessary to explain the
clear limitations that we as human beings have and that prevent us from knowing beyond what is
happening in a very limited present time.

Our senses deceive us:

Every human being comes into this life with five senses to take in recognition of the outside world:
sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell. These senses have a partial or limited range of registration
and are in many cases well below the range of other beings on the planet such as animals. For
example, an eagle can read the headlines of a newspaper from 100 meters away, a human being
barely 2 meters away, and can see a mouse from the air at a distance of 1 kilometer, no human
being can see anything like a mouse from a distance. that same distance. A bear can smell a meal
at 10 kilometers, we at 10 meters at most and it must be smoky to be able to do it. Felines such as
lions, tigers, jaguars, etc. they can see perfectly at night; On the other hand, a human being without
light finds it very difficult to move even in areas that he knows well. On the other hand, elephants
can detect low-frequency sounds with their feet from kilometers away, such as those of tidal waves
and earthquakes, and thanks to this they have saved hundreds of human lives in places where they
live. In contrast, human touch can never do that.

On the other hand, it is known at a scientific level that as human beings we have a
conscious mind that can process a maximum of seven variables or pieces of information at
the same time. and with a nervous system that detects one part of the average energy in a billion.

With these simple examples we clearly show that we cannot rely on our five senses to believe that
we perfectly know what is happening in a small portion of the universe wherever we are at any
given moment.


Although many scientists have made and boast of their discoveries and theories, much of what they
have bequeathed to the world through the exact sciences such as mathematics, physics, chemistry
and others cannot be seen with the naked eye, not even with a powerful microscope and becomes
an act of faith for the vast majority of people who do not understand the complexity of such subjects
and who are not interested in knowing them either. For example, the existence of the atom and its
elementary particles such as protons, neutrons and electrons is known. However, no one has ever
seen a single atom with their own eyes, nor can they see it with a microscope, much less any of its

Many of the current inventions that man currently uses are based for their public use on a
leap of faith: electricity, buildings, digital telephony, the internet, automobiles, ships, trains, planes,
computers, applications, social networks, etc., because most people use them without having the
slightest idea or very little information about how they work and trust those who have made them
and put them at the service of the public.


There are hundreds of thousands if not millions of cases in the world that science cannot explain
about prodigies, cures and solutions to the most varied issues and cases of human life. From cures
of very serious terminal illnesses in evicted people, others who fall from hundreds or thousands of
meters into heights and survive, broken relationships that are mended, people without any
education and discriminated against who fix an idea in their subconscious mind and leave forward
by making circumstances work in their favor and achieving extraordinary economic achievements,
chronic addicts who totally leave their vices, criminals and delinquents who repent and hate their old
practices, etc., all these cases have in common the openness of mind to a change extreme through
intense faith,
Just because man cannot prove the existence of God through his limited methods of searching and
knowing, this does not mean that he does not exist. The universe, for example, which is a creation,
always surpasses us, otherwise progress would not be possible in any aspect and this means that
we cannot know an infinity of processes that occur in it per second or in much smaller units of time
and of which that we are not aware nor can we be here, there and beyond as well.

Placebo effect

A placebo effect is when you see something different in yourself, but others do not. The placebo
effect is important because by changing something we are reprogramming ALL of us for this
purpose, so we must start by seeing it ourselves. It's like a "visualization" rather than a scam like
everyone thinks it is. After we accept it, it will begin to manifest in our 3D, and everyone will be able
to see it.

It doesn't really matter if you believe in subliminals. If you think you get results in one listen, then
you will, but that's not a result of Subliminal. You can apply that to basically anything in your life, if
you think drinking a glass of water will make you skinny then drink it. But believing that you get fast
results from subliminals, it will only come from a temporary placebo because your subconscious has
not accepted the hidden affirmations behind the subliminal. This is why so many people end up
losing results, because they got results from the belief and never from the subliminal, as their
subconscious needs to accept the affirmations for them to become part of their belief system. That
is why it is very important to be consistent, it has absolutely nothing to do with the mentality. It didn't
take a week or two for bad things to manifest, it took repetition because repetition creates belief.
Your subconscious is the habitual mind, psychologists call it that because habits are hard to break
thanks to our subconscious mind. You need to give sublimation time for the claims to be accepted.
Anyone can placebo for results, but that's not subliminal at all, which makes subliminal useless,
since again, your subconscious hasn't accepted affirmations yet, so people come up with
"affirmations" of results. permanent". Honestly, this is why they didn't take the subliminal community
seriously, they call anything that doesn't stay with them a "limiting belief" and have little to no insight
into how our belief system works.
Here is an example. I had a lot of spots that appear randomly so I used subs for fair skin. Suddenly
I remembered some products that I used to use and in a couple of days my skin cleared up. More
recently, I wanted to grow my lips, but I wasn't having much success with subs alone. I tried
listening to submarines and doing facial yoga, and I had results overnight. I have done this with
many different areas of my life
You could say it was just the other products or exercises, but that's something I totally agree with. I
personally believe that they work in tandem and that it is easier to manifest a physical change (at
least for me) when I am accompanying it with a physical action. I think it's also easier for younger
people to come forward because they know their body is going through changes, so there's less
I think it works better the closer the action is to your desire (for example, skin care products for skin
care). But I know that others have been successful in doing things like drinking water and imagining
that it is helping them achieve their desired state.

Observable Changes

Observable changes do not have to follow a constant rate, and in fact, you almost never have a
constant rate of physical change... there are always times when you see more change, and times
when you see less change, and even nothing for a while. But that does not mean at all that the
process has stopped. The process for physical change is not only physical, it also requires mental
change, and physical change is necessary more than the one that is the final result. In other words,
physically it is necessary for many more things to happen that you will surely never be able to
observe, in order to have the result of the final objective of the audio. Because the physical body is
not a computer nor does it work by magic, it works by biochemical processes, governed by the brain
and the mind, and for any physical change, results certain change. And all those processes are not
taken much into account.

You don't need to obsess over "how to boost audio results" to get quick and visible results. But you
do need to stop worrying about how it happens, and just let it happen. Because with your concern to
stop the process by faith contrary to what you want to achieve, by questioning what is happening
because "you do not see the final change". And how did I explain to you, why would you be noticing
the final change at all times? And how do you assume that there is nothing more than what you
see? The processes of change necessary in your body to be able to have physical change, and of
change in your mind to cause, you will not see them, but they happen. And because you are not
aware of it and become obsessed, there you can hinder the process.

DO NOT obsess about getting changes, let the changes appear by themselves while you live your
life as it is now.
Detachment is super checking results and overcoming your insecurities. It means "living in the
final“, you have to live with the idea that you already have the results you want. Just stop checking
the results and check yourself as that will stop them

Many hear the advice: "Ignore 3D and stick with your intended assumption!" Some find it difficult to
ignore and detach from their 3D because it is their life and they have to live it. You don't have to
ignore it for it to manifest,alone you have to change the way you react. The way you react to your
3D will show you how far you've come in getting a stronger mindset. So like I said before, keep
saying no if you see something you don't like. It's your reality, you're the boss, you tell that reality
how to be! Instead of telling you how to be. Don't let your reality control how you feel... What I mean
is don't notice that you can't see your results in 3D and immediately complain to others that you
tried to manifest and it wasn't effective for you. Reality is extremely malleable and any unwanted
results you see are not permanent! Keep persisting in your assumption! Take control!

If you see something unwanted in your reality, First, I want you to see it as something powerless
and helpless, because you have all the power in the universe to recreate that thing to match your
desire. Second, KEEP PERSISTING IN YOUR ASSUMPTION! Don't give up on your persistence,
NEVER, ever let a 3D circumstance affect your mental diet, keep thinking like you have full results
no matter what. Don't let your 3D make you a victim. Always keep in mind that you are the one in

If you're struggling to get full subliminal results and only getting partial results, it's probably because
you set out to get alonepartial results, due to the limiting beliefs you have had. Every subliminal will
always give you full results, as long as you live like you do and acknowledge that you do. Fail to
acknowledge lack of results, oral partial results. You already have complete results, unless you tell
yourself that you don't. The stories he tells about his journey end up becoming assumptions. And
according to the law of assumption, they harden into facts. Don't settle for partial manifestations
either, always affirm that you have everything you want fully.

Ok, let's get into looking at mirrors. So that's a limiting belief that looking in the mirror or other
reflections will slow down results. He won't do it unless he convinces himself that he will. You don't
need to avoid mirrors for any length of time, stop worrying about unnecessary things like that and
focus on your mental diet. Of course, don't look in the mirror expecting results, because that implies
a future. Instead, live in the present. You already have your results no matter what you see in the
mirror. What the mirror shows you is an illusion projected by your inner subconscious beliefs. The
true reality is the thoughts you are thinking right now in the present, which are stored as
subconscious beliefs.

Physical things are more difficult to manifest because there is constantly something in our 3D that
shakes our belief. For example, a reality where you still do not see results will prevent you from
believing that you have them. That is why you must work on your detachment, your beliefs, your
emotions, your thoughts, etc.

mirror work
Mirror work is extremely powerful. Today when we look in the mirror, it is most likely that we will say
something negative to ourselves criticizing our physique, since we want to meet a standard of
beauty imposed by society. This work is all about looking yourself straight in the eye and making a
positive statement about yourself. According to professionals it is the fastest way to get results with

What is the 3D world? -

Let's start talking about the 3D world.
The 3D world is what you see around you. It is all material, superficial, easy to see. You live in a 3D
But what if I told you that you can have a 5D consciousness, still living in 3D?
Most people are 3D conscious. People with this type of thinking do not want to understand any
deeper meaning of life or reach a higher level of spirituality. It scares them, they close themselves to
any discussion. They are happy staying in the material world. He will not go deeper in search of the
truth. There is a strong awareness of a separate individual self and of the diversity of life.
In this dimension we begin the path of discovering "What am I?" through the exploration of space
and time.
Everything, however, is seen as a separate thing (space) and a separate event (time). Due to the
laws in play in the third dimension, there is very little awareness of the connection and unity of
things, actions and events.
If you use subliminals, you have already proven that you are not completely immersed in this type of
thinking. While it is an important lesson to become aware of the unity and non-duality of everything
in the third dimension, and it is one of the main gateways to higher dimensions, you cannot become
obsessed with the material.
You have gone further, and have discovered surprising things. Subliminals go against 3D thinking,
because 3D is superficial, rigid, and temporary.
5D is deep, it flows, and it is infinite.
By having a 5D thought, you accept that you are more than a 3D body. You are more than what you
see in the mirror. Subliminals have already proven it, changing your appearance goes against what
3D says.
Your body is at your command.
We manifest every second of our lives with ways and patterns of thinking, what you see around you,
what your life is now, much of it you have manifested.
"As above, so below"-
Have you heard the phrase “as above, so below”?
This phrase refers to the fact that as it is inside, it is outside.
Your mind, your insides, will manifest what you see outside. Your environment is a reflection of your
mind. You have created it, and it has started from within.
Man is a small world, since, like the universe itself, he has both mind and reason, both a divine
body and a mortal body.
Now that we have clarified that we are more than our physical bodies and that our mind is extremely
powerful, let's move on to the next.

the truth about time

In the 3D world, the past, present, and future are seen as separate, creating the experience of
"linear time." This allows comparisons and judgments, which leads to wishes, goals, hopes, worries,
fears and all emotions, from joy and happiness to anxiety and suffering, all being 3D mindsets.
But the truth is that time itself does not exist, time as it is perceived in the 3D world is not reality.
Albert Einstein once wrote: People like us who believe in physics know that the distinction between
past, present, and future is just a stubbornly persistent illusion.
Time, in other words, he said, is an illusion. Since then, many physicists have shared this view that
true reality is timeless.
So if time is not linear, what is it? -
The reality is that everything is happening at the same time. What we call past, present, and future
is happening right now.
Time is not real, it is a human construction that helps us differentiate between different events.
The concept of time is simply an illusion made of human memories, in reality, everything that has
been and will be, is happening RIGHT NOW. Most people don't even consider the concept of time,
but there's nothing in the laws of physics that says time should move in the direction we know.
It's very simple. Everything that existed, exists, and will exist already exists. When? Everything is
instant. It is a single moment. It exists now.
The universe is everything, including you. Everything is united in a single “thing”
And there is only one "thing". It simply is. It is not this or that, but it just is, not as a particular thing.
Now, to experience yourself, the universe, you have to have a relationship, duality. But there is no
"other", so how is this possible? Well, it has the ability to reflect, how to think or dream or imagine.
What is ALL, is a single thing reflecting on itself. This means that he basically sees himself from
infinite angles. Every moment is an angle or a perspective. You may think that you are a human
being who sees things, but in reality you are that thing, that universe that sees itself, now and now
and now and now and now. Everything is the same now, experienced from a different angle
You are the universe experiencing itself.
So, everything exists simultaneously.
There is no rush to get anywhere, there is no one you need to be. Eternity will take all eternity to
experience itself, and​​eternity is forever, NOW.
With this we can conclude that:
If we are able to manifest anything, and the future is already here, it means that what we want to
manifest is already with us. It already exists. We already have it.
This is an extremely powerful thought that will accelerate your ability to manifest if you truly
understand and believe it.
That is the mindset to have when you are manifesting, what you want is already yours and you are
just waiting for it to manifest in 3D.

Detachment (Obsessions)

It means to stop worrying/thinking about your desires or results, that way it can happen or manifest
faster, and is a good way to achieve results.
"How much plusyou want less desire”. You must be happy and satisfied with your reality for them to
happen plus changes. Tool Will help carry a daily gratitude diet.

Love itself too will help the detachment, since it lets an acceptance of the body and beauty flow, in
the case of physical changes.

You should also live a life where you don't need the results, because they won't be attracted
because of the attachment you need to the results, you keep attracting the need. In contrast, feel
that you already have the results to "fill" the void in some way. something that helps you to find
something more important than your wishes.

The results come UNEXPECTED, do not cling to high expectations to avoid disappointment. Enjoy
nothing due to high expectations because he is frequently disappointed.

To achieve a detachment you must THINK as if you already have the results, focusing on the
thoughts you would have if you already had the results. A thin person does not constantly think that
this skinny, she just enjoys being skinny. The more you obsess over waiting for your results, you will
attract that lack.

Another thing that you help tois constantly listening to an audio, you should listen as much as you
can. How much plus his affirmations are repeated faster he believes it your subconscious. Will you
believe something you've told yourself once or 2000 times?

Patience is essential to achieve results. If you take off the result, this reachYes or yes. A skinny
person isn't excited about being skinny because they already are.If you were slim, you wouldn't be
thinking about losing weight. Do not constantly look for results

My biggest advice would focus on your mental health. If you have problems with negative thoughts,
the first step is to be aware of them. It is important not to fight these thoughts, just let them go and
try not to manifest them again, since it is very difficult for a person who has had negative thoughts
all his life to change overnight.

I've also been doing research on various subliminal forums and many people say they've had a kind
of "challenge" before getting their results, a kind of test from the universe to prove they're worthy of
the wish so to speak. Why do we get challenges? I personally think it's your old story wanting to
take its last chance on you, anyway. Ignore It. Seriously, ignore it. practice not reacting to the
opposite of your desires or slow results. just keep persisting for god's sake. The universe tests us
all the time, you have to show that you can handle it and that you are grateful for what is about to
come your way. This is all from personal experience, I'm not a professional basically. Have a nice
Did you do nofap for 90 days, only eat clean stuff, write, affirm and run a gratitude journal just for
the sake of results? Did you collect all 7 dragon balls, fill your chakra and unlock the strongest
bankai? And still no results. I know it sounds harsh, but trying too hard is wrong. First you seem
desperate, then you get into the mentality of lack and are unable to recover mentally. I know it
sounds harsh, but many results happen outside of your awareness, getting tingles is good, but just
don't make this "subliminal" topic the focus of your life. Overstating that you did everything right is
just a sign of desperation and it's damaging as hell. So the basics are clear shedding and
vibrations- I used to do everything unintentionally and this is just damage in words I can't describe.
You are enough. You are adorable like all human beings So what I did instead is to be at peace with
myself. Subliminals are like money. If he is persecuted, he will run away, if he is desperate he will be
upset with you, etc., but if you focus on yourself, the results will come automatically and will help
you through life just like money. I've seen that pattern in a lot of people like really a lot of people and
they develop a mentality of lack, you identify with the lack, you understand it. Trust me, you have to
deeply accept your situation. If you've been through all that shit just to get results, is it really
healthy? You are clearly obsessed without knowing it, obsessed with the idea that you can control
everything with subliminals. They're powerful, but they're not Thanos' infinity gauntlet. So just
prioritize yourself and the results will come, trust me, trust the process and trust life in general.

Here's the thing: If you care so much about, say, beauty, etc. You give it a value, a high price. YOU
DECIDE the price of your wishes.
If your energy demand is low and the price is too high, you just don't get results. There is always a
price to pay, nothing comes out of nowhere. You use energy to pay these prices and see changes.

How to fight obsessions

1. "The more you want = the less you get" This is a rule that you will see every time. It also
works the other way around, to clarify this. Imagine, you have a house. In agreement? But
then you see others who have big houses, etc. Maybe we complain like "yeah, it's too
small, etc." Now, in contrast, imagine a homeless person. Would you complain if the house
is small? No, he just wants a roof filled. But today we give ourselves a high wish list and
without its fulfillment, we cannot become happy. So, in short: reduce your wish list or your
playlist. Even a little bit of results will make you happy- Also keep a gratitude journal and
write down 3 things you are grateful for in the present. Earn like a king but live like a
beggar. Be careful with your resources

2. See yourself in 3rd person. Or imagine, your husband or wife feels uncomfortable in
their own skin. wouldn't that bother you if it says “Am I too ugly”, etc.? OR I NEED to be
beautiful. It would seem pathetic… nothing more. If you obsess over beauty: how would you
feel after results? why? You will realize how rare you were when you didn't fulfill your wish,
you also made high expectations for yourself and end up disappointed. Just don't prioritize
something and someone in your life. Find the true balance.

3. Law backwards: What do Bill Gates, the smart kid and the sadhguru? They have huge
amounts of money / Great grades / Endless compliance BUT they don't care about
amounts. Actually, they can live without these. They are abundant. So this is the reason
why people in need don't get the things they need, due to an unhealthy form of attachment.
Ask yourself "can I live without XYZ?" ofc you can And find something more important than
your desires.

4. Simplify your desires or don't expect them. For example, height is just a number,
Instagram followers are just a number, money is just paper, and ratings are just a
number too.just a number. If you simplify your desires like this, you WILL FEEL less
obsessed. And also get rid of all attachments. If you want fair skin for example... then just
say. It's just skin. Or if you are taller than your class combined, then say. Height is just a
number. Most insecurities are in your head, no one else really cares if you have a stable
character. Just don't expect anything so that you are almost immune to disappointment.
Alternatively: How would it feel... if you can control everything etc. If you know everything
the list is endless. Imagine you know everything about a movie, would you watch it again?
No, there is no satisfaction. The results come UNEXPECTED. So you should not expect
everything. You won't enjoy anything because of high expectations because you get
disappointed frequently, so you lower expectations

how to detach
1. Forget: Stay busy while you listen to the subliminal audios and when you don't listen
to them. This will help you forget what this is listening to and it will make you less
obsessive about results. Things you can do while listening could be: Watch a movie, play
games, read, study, exercise, and other activities. Another important point is to do some
activity for a long time, this will keep you busy with goals and objectives that are not related
with subliminals. Do you have a goal or a dream, work for it, do not let subliminals hinder
you and blur you.
2. Stay positive and think abundantly: The LOA says that negativity will attract negative
things, so try to change your life to one that keeps you happy, so you don't think every now
and then it doesn't have the desired results. raise your vibrations
3. The challenge of not looking in the mirror: If you don't look at yourself, you won't be
looking for results, and if you're not worried about looking for results, it will help to let go.
Therefore, try not to look in the mirror or check if you have the results for a certain period of
time (while plus better). Don't try to obsess too much when you're not watching, as you will
also be waiting for the next results. If you want to verify if you have results or not, I
recommend that you do it once a week.
4. Believe: Have faith that you will have the results, believe that you already have them,
act as if you had them and do not leave your life in the hands of subliminal audios.
When you don't question whether something works or not and believe in it,begin to to
think and worry less.

inverted detachment
In general, detachment basically means forgetting that you're using subs, you don't check the
results, and you basically don't think about them, etc. but in reality, detachment is usually not the
key and is only necessary up to a point. Inverted detachment is basically the opposite of normal
detachment; focus on your goals, be aware that you are listening subliminally, etc. Because it is
important? your subconscious gets so much information every millisecond that of course it
prioritizes certain information that is more important. so for example let's say you're writing an exam
and you focus very little on getting the answers right - your subconscious will basically "forget"

To what extent is detachment important? detachment is still partly important (although

detachment/inverted focus is more important) to some extent, so for example: don't get too fixated
on getting results, don't check results every time you look in the mirror, don't feel like you are forced
to listen to the subliminal - don't make your whole life revolve around the subliminal - don't expect or
obsess about getting/seeing results in a few days don't compare your subliminal journey with other
people's journey: some Some people get results faster than others, but don't let that put you off.

How to practice the reverse parting; write down your goals; shorten your playlist if necessary; track
how close you are to achieving your goals (update how close you are every few weeks so you don't
get too obsessed) - every time you listen to your subliminals think to yourself, "every time this sub
repeats I I get closer to my subliminal goal", for example, if you are listening to a long hair sub
repeat to yourself "every time this subliminal playback my hair grows 10 inches longer" - remind
yourself of your goals every day - stay true to your goals! !. Rank your goals from most to least
important and focus on the most important first – develop milestones towards your goals. For
example, if your goal is to grow taller, you can set milestones like: "
If you practice LOA, you can create a program of methods, for example: Monday: water loading for
the desired face Wednesday: scripting Saturday + Sunday: 2x22 for the desired body - get
motivated, for example, by looking at motivational posts or looking at the results of other people -
visualize your goals, write *why* you want to pursue that goal, for example: • better grades:
because it will help me reach my desired goal uni + makes my parents and myself proud • desired
face: because it will make me happy looking at myself in the mirror and seeing myself with my
desired face + will give me more confidence, etc.

Prioritize Your Goals – Don't chase little ideas that come and go, but instead believe and focus on
one big goal that you can make a reality: "Ditch 1000 great ideas to achieve one big goal."
Basically, this means that ideas come and go, but if you follow them all, they will never have a
chance to mature into reality. Stay focused on that big goal. Write down the ideas, if necessary, but
work back to achieve that goal! "- Steve Jobs - create a plan, for example: June-Aug: primary focus:
desired body; secondary goal: big lips September-November: primary focus: perfect nose;
secondary goal: good grades, etc. Have goal friends:

Form the habit of detachment

● I think it all starts with where your attention is:
Being aware of what you are paying attention to and what you are thinking about is the first
step in changing your current mindset.
● You are always in control of what you are thinking:
Thoughts can be inherently suggestible and are given reality based on your attention to it.
Another way of saying this is that a thought is not true or false until you put your attention
and feelings towards it.
For example, it's been a while since you've seen a certain person and you have a thought
like, "Why aren't they texting me? Don't they like me anymore?" when in reality they are
living their own life and are still very much like you.
● Change your perspective:
In reality, you are always experiencing growth and improvement. The eyes of lack see none of
that, but the eyes of abundance see more and more results and are always grateful for what
you have and will have.
there is no little or great change in the perspective of abundance because everything is a
significant improvement.
The perspective of lack compares and complains
● Ignore thoughts that are based on FOMO (fear of missing out):
These thoughts can cause you to burn out listening to subliminals when another part of you
knows it's healthier to take a break.
For me, there is such a thing as over-listening to your subliminal playlist which can negatively
affect your mood and therefore affect how you view your subliminal results or lack thereof.
You are a powerful being and taking a break to enjoy the other aspects of your life is the best
way to help you see results sooner.
● Changing what you think is as easy as going to a different website:
I verbally tell myself “think successful thoughts”, and my mind starts showing me images of
I start journaling to guide my thoughts away from pessimism
I start reading to guide my thoughts away from pessimism
● The power comes from you, not from subliminals:
Treat your subliminals like a GPS, but you are the vehicle. Treat yourself and you will surely
reach your destination!
● Reaffirm yourself with love and patience:
It's absolutely okay to take baby steps
It's absolutely okay to feel what you're feeling right now.
● Spending time with those you love:
Those you love will always see the best in you, so remember that you can also see the best in
yourself whenever you choose (and you should choose to do so all the time)
● treat your subliminal results as an added blessing:
you don't really need them to breathe. Leaving behind your happiness and enjoyment in life
behind subliminal results will get you nowhere and might even fatigue you to the point of

Personal tips for letting go if you're unsure of yourself

⡱Tips for results: 1º remember that all your results exist in the 4D or in "our heads" which is how I
like to describe it.
So basically, if our results already exist, you may wonder why we don't see them. Why can't we see
evidence in 3D?
Yes, I fully understand being impatient and wanting what you want right now, but the more impatient
we are, the more we are slowing down our results. In contrast, the more patient and relaxed we are,
the faster our results will come! If you feel so confident that your results are coming and that nothing
can or will stop them from coming into 3D, your results will start coming faster than ever.
So how do we get to this "tranquilized state"?

1. Don't focus on the features you wanted to change and act grateful you don't have
them anymore, but focus on the features you want and pretend you had them all
along. I like to call this modifying or editing. Something in your life that bothers you?
Edit it! Imagine that thing didn't even exist or bother you! Ex: You don't like it when
your brother steals your snack, don't pretend that your brother doesn't exist, pretend
that he never even touched your food in your life or even asked for it!
2. Focus on the feeling of having, if you had your desired face, would you go out on the
street worrying that people would see your face and judge you? Or if you had the
desired body, did you worry if your body looked good or not in the clothes you were
wearing at the time? NO!!! You would be sure and grateful that you are naturally
attractive and blessed with good genes and that everyone who sees you basically
trips over themselves and thinks of you and how perfect you are for the rest of the
day. In agreement. Maybe it might be hard to think like that naturally, especially if you
have low self-esteem, but at least try to be comfortable and happy with how you look
when you go out and worry less about how others perceive you because you know
what? At the end of the day, only your opinion matters! It can be so easy to get
caught up in the way others see you, but what if your desired face and body were
already in 3D? Realistically, not everyone is going to find you attractive, so why does
it matter now if everyone finds you attractive, even if you don't have the desired face
and body?
3. Don't stop persisting, never try to think “are my wishes really going to come or am I
just wasting my time” or “Maybe I should give up what I've already been trying for so
long” Because what did I say before??? YOU ALREADY HAVE YOUR WISHES!!! It
is a literal FACT that they exist as soon as you think of something boom the thing
exists in your head!!! It's practically yours already because you know what?? Your
subconscious controls everything, so if the desire exists in your subconscious, you
are basically guaranteed to get it! It is literally that simple and easy.

Law of Assumption / Assumption

Subliminal affirmations can only work if you allow them to. This is one of the reasons I tell you that
your mind is more powerful than any subliminal. You will know that a subliminal is working when you
mentally accept that it is.
You manifest by changing your thoughts and your way of thinking to create an assumption.
Whatever you keep assuming manifests because your subconscious will find it to be true and create
it in your reality. The mind controls everything. Essentially, you are reprogramming your
subconscious to get what you want. You don't need to lift a finger to manifest yourself, you just need
to change your thoughts. It is also not necessary to write a script, visualize, do the 3,6,9 or whatever
people tell you.

Example: I lose weight constantly thinking "I'm so skinny" and I assume that every time I see my
body, it's skinny. This assumption will become a fact and my unconscious will only know that I am

Whatever you pay more attention to and whatever thoughts you focus on the most, your
unconscious will absorb more of it. Your dominant thoughts (whatever you think about the most)
manifest the fastest, because they are the ones that most impress your unconscious to do so.The
creation is already finished, as long as you can imagine, it exists. And as long as you know it's
already yours, it's now yours. When you order a package online, don't sit around wondering if it's
going to show up. You trust and know that it is already yours, and you wait for it.

Whenever you have a thought or tell a story, analyze it. ask yourself: "am I stating something I
want?" if the answer is NO, stop, change whatever you are thinking/saying, turn it into something
you do want! Eventually , if you do this long enough, you'll reach a point where you stop thinking
about things you don't want.

I am going to say why the law of assumption helps. So the role of subliminals is to change the
beliefs of the subconscious mind so that for example in a tall submarine there are statements where
you are extremely tall and when your subconscious believes it manifests it. but we have to
remember that our conscious thoughts also affect our subconscious, so if you consciously say that
I'm not tall you basically neutralize or reduce the effects of the subliminal that slows down the
results. But now imagine with me if you support your subconscious with conscious affirmations of
your height. guess what? You will manifest faster!

Whether you are aware of it or not, your inner thoughts and feelings coincide with your outer life. If
you keep revising familiar thoughts and feelings, which happen to be a product and reflection of
your environment, you will continue to produce the same reality day after day. The same thought
processes that you have will lead to the same results, and if you expect to achieve a different result
with those same thoughts, that is the definition of insanity.
To create something different in your personal reality, change the way you routinely think and feel
every day. Instead of waking up in the morning thinking about your problems, wake up in the
morning feeling energized. Focus on what you want to bring to fruition. Be grateful. Gratitude is the
gateway to achieving your heart's desire. When you are grateful for something it means that what
you are expressing gratitude for has already happened

One important thing to remember is that you are not attracting anything into your life, you are
recreating it to be yours, you are the operating power, meaning your reality is based solely on you
and you have infinite power. You are the operating power, you are an infinite being. You are God,
essentially. You are the creator and by manifesting a change in your life, you are recreating a part of
your life. Remember, reality is extremely manipulable and can be recreated at any time, it will take
as long as you perceive it to take.
Neville Goddard said “Your imagination is God. Your imagination is your creative power through
which you can bring anything into the physical"
All the power of God is already in you, it is already in your imagination. There is no external or
external force that gives you manifestation results. It is not necessary to change the external world
to see the results of the manifestation. The universe does not give you results. Subliminals don't
give you results. You could trust the universe, the subliminals, but at the end of the day, you are the
operating power, and if anything could prevent your manifestation from happening, it can only be
Subliminals, the universe, and everything you use to manifest are just tools, you, at the end of the
day, are the creator and are responsible for your creations.
Realize that whatever scenario or situation you imagine, because your imagination is god, has
already been created. That scenario already exists. It does it at a subconscious level, it has already
impressed your subconscious mind and it has already happened. If you can think of something, you
can create it, and your subconscious reflects that creation from your imagination in 3D. Once you
understand this spiritual awakening, you will stop having doubts and you will be able to manifest
It's like planting a seed in your subconscious. The seed is a thought, an imaginary scene or
affirmations that you make. In order for it to grow into a healthy tree, it is necessary to constantly
care for the seed, give it water and sunlight. This will be your way of thinking, the mental
conversations, your habitual thought patterns after planting the "seed" in your subconscious. You
know that as long as you keep watering the plant and providing it with sunlight, you can be sure that
the tree is growing. You also know that if you give your plant toxic chemicals, that is, manifestations
with limiting ideas, it could prevent the plant from flourishing. The seed will always be there, but how
you take care of it will determine how it will grow. It can also prevent "unwanted seeds" from
Because you are god and you are the creator, nothing can stop you from bringing your
manifestations into reality except yourself. When you see a three-dimensional circumstance that
affects you and your reality, remember that you have a 5D consciousness and continue to persist in
your manifestations. Do not give up your persistence, NEVER, never let a 3D circumstance affect
your demonstrations, keep thinking like you have full results no matter what. Don't let your 3D make
you a victim. Always keep in mind that you are the one in power.

Trust your inner reality

The law of assumption has to work, I repeat, it cannot fail you if you continue to persist in an
assumption. So if you have been doing that, you have nothing to worry about, you know for a fact
that you have fulfilled your wishes, you don't need to check the results to see that. You do not need
evidence of your manifestation because you are sure that your inner reality has manifested their
wishes for you
Also, you are literally the universe, infinitely powerful, the creator. What you say goes. You are in
control of your 3D. Someone with a mind as powerful as yours wouldn't need 3D evidence to
validate their assumptions. Even if you see evidence that disproves your desire, don't accept it as
the end result and don't bother with the illusion that there is a lack of results. Keep persisting and
saying that no matter what the mirror in 3D reality shows you, you already have the desired results.
As long as you persist, your reality cannot say no to it because you control it. You will continually
assert that your assumption is true with certainty, whether you have 3D evidence for it or not, it
doesn't matter, your imagination is much more infinite and real than 3D reality. The human
imagination is god.

What not to do:

⮚ Don't wait for results to happen. By waiting for the results, by the law of attraction and
assumption, all you do is keep attracting that lack. Think that you already have the results
and assert yourself until you are convinced.
⮚ Visualize scenarios thinking that it is something that will happen in the future. You already
have your desire to start transforming your stage right now.
⮚ Do not limit yourself by saying things like “I have to listen to an audio for a long time” “the
results I want are almost impossible” “the changes are going to be very insignificant”
“maybe I am a person with slow results”, and other blocks
plus created by your conscious mind. repeat yourself that you have already overcome
anything that could limit, past limitations are only a reflection of your own mentality. If you
were ever able to change the pattern of reality by having a physical change, you shouldn't
because you keep doing blockades yourself, you have already overcome any limit.
⮚ Believing that you need many subliminal methods to have results. All you need to do is
change your way of thinking and the thoughts that you have one day.

To do:

⮚ Have a good mental diet; reply consciously to the negative beliefs with positive beliefs that
imply that you already have their results until it becomes a belief and your position fixed
⮚ Accept the emotions; you don't have to be positive 24/7, but be sure to give the belief that
your desire already gets more attention andplus nutritious than the opposite belief.
⮚ be persistent
⮚ Realize that your 3D reality is just a reflection of your 4D reality (thought, mindset, belief,
and consciousness).
⮚ Think from a state where you already have your desire.
⮚ act like you got your wish
⮚ Remember that these manifesting at all times

live in the end

Living to the end (also called wish fulfilled) is considered one of the most effective forms of
manifestation. And it relates to your mental diet. A good mental diet while you live will ultimately
give you literally everything you want in life, nothing else is needed, not even the subliminal!

Living in the end simply means living life as if you already have all your wishes fulfilled, there is
no lack, need or despair because what you want is currently in your possession. So you want to
manifest something? Ask yourself, "What thoughts would I have if I had everything I
wanted?"sign up, if required. Now you are going to go through your daily life thinking about these
thoughts and not paying attention to the thoughts that imply need, lack or desperation. An
example: If you're skinny, why would you check to see if you've lost weight if you're already
skinny? Physically it makes no sense for a skinny person to check if they have lost weight if they
already know they are skinny. In the same way in Height, if you're listening to a taller sub, a tall
person doesn't measure how tall he is because he already knows he's tall. You have to act as if
you already have your results. Checking to see if you got results states that you don't have the
desired result yet.

The key to living in the end: you are not "trying to manifest," "waiting to manifest," "wanting to
manifest," or "waiting to manifest." Not now manifest your desires, you are already at the end of
your journey. There is no future where you are going to have results. There is no desire to try to
manifest, you already have it. You are about to get full results. Not in the future, but in this present
moment, you already have everything you want. And you are mentally operating as the person who
has all their wishes fulfilled.

To summarize, Creation is finished simply means that whatever you can imagine is already finished.
So the circumstances don't matter. Your ideal already exists and the only reason you are not
expressing it right now is because you are not assuming that you are. Take this as an invitation to
take a leap of faith and assume that you are the person you want to be. There is a version of you
that already has what you want. Merge with that version of yourself. Creation is finished means your
wish is a glimpse into a potential future. Accept it as done and begin to see the world from it."
Continually persisting will make the thought of your assumption the dominant thought, directly
impressing your subconscious mind. This is your reminder right here to not just think about your
wish once a day and get on with your life. Repeat your affirmations, saturate your mind and
imagination with them, think about them all you want until they become dominant thoughts, until
they play on autopilot mode, then you will feel your desire much more real, you visualize it easily
and vividly . you will feel it in your reality. If you have trouble believing your affirmations, don't worry
because you don't need to believe them, you just need to repeat them and stick with them.

Simply believe with all your heart without doubt in your mind. Just like when you turn on a light
switch at home, you don't doubt for a second whether the light will turn on. you know it will. Think of
subliminals like the light switch. Get rid of the result, that is, you don't care about the result, you do it
just to do it, and you live in the end. It seems counterintuitive to live in the end while detached, but
just pretend you already have it while you're mostly emotionally detached from it. Another help is to
try to imagine how your result would make others happy about yourself, Imagine how happy your
girlfriend would be if she was taller/more money. Imagine your friend seeing your new bigger butt or
your prettier face. Imagine your results in others and not only in yourself.

How can I live in the end?

1. Sever any relationship is toxic. These people will never let you believe that you already
have what you want, as they will be constantly exposing your flaws or negative things about
you that will lower your self-esteem and remind you of what you want to change.
However,people positive you will leave better to express your desires.
2. Practice the dialogue positively internally. Do not speak ill of yourself or your insecurities
3. Meditation + visualization
4. Practice gratitude. One of the ways that you can apply gratitude can be writing things for
which they are grateful and feel the gratification.
5. Do not envy. When you see a person who has what you want, do not feel jealous, but use
that energy as inspiration.

When you manifest consciously, you insist that you have already fulfilled your desire, even when
you may not see any evidence of it. And this will project that assumption into outer reality.

mental diets
The image I attached above is a simple flowchart to demonstrate how to do a mental diet. It is the
thoughts you have that show how you perceive your reality. Think of a mental diet as "the food you
feed your mind," said Emmet Fox: "It is the food you feed your mind that determines the whole
character of your life." Mental diets are just your habitual, everyday, constant thoughts.
Look at the flowchart again. It asks you "Is this a useful thought?" A helpful thought is a thought
(affirmation) that confirms or implies that you already have what you want. An unhelpful thought is a
statement that contradicts the fact that you have what you want. Thoughts are also affirmations. You
think / say / say something, you are affirming it as TRUE to your subconscious. Do you repeat
something constantly and repeatedly? Your subconscious creates that.

Some people think that mental dieting is simply turning contradictory thoughts into useful ones.
That's just one part of having a mental diet. Think of a change you want to make in your life. And
every time what you want to change crosses your mind, you must perceive it as being exactly how
you want it. This is also part of your mental diet.
Example: I want to look like Ariana Grande, so every time I think of my face, I think, "She
looks so much like Ariana's!". Remember, a helpful thought will either confirm or imply that
you have what you want, so this is helpful. thought, keep thinking about it! Or before they
look in the mirror, they'll think "I'm just going to see a carbon copy of Ariana's face, I look a
lot like her."
Mental diets require some effort. You have to be aware of the thoughts you have. If the thought is
useless, you must learn not to pay attention to it, ignore it, or not let it spin you around. If you can't
help but have an unwanted thought, my advice is to keep a list of positive affirmations that you can
immediately repeat so that you forget the contradictory thought: turn a negative thought into a
positive one! "I'll never have my wishes" to "I've always had my wishes"

Your dominant thoughts manifest. What you care about the most and pay attention to the most
becomes reality. Once you accept something to be true mentally, your third dimensional reality has
no choice but to accept it as well. Reality adjusts to YOU. not the other way.

wish fulfilled
Every transformation begins with an intense and burning desire to be transformed. You must want
to be different and intend to be different before you can begin to change yourself. Then YOU MUST
MAKE YOUR FUTURE DREAM A PRESENT FACT. You do this assuming the feeling that your
wish has been fulfilled. Living to the end (also called wish fulfilled) is considered one of the most
effective forms of manifestation. And it relates to your mental diet. A good mental diet while you live
will ultimately give you literally everything you want in life.

By doing this technique, you are putting yourself in the state of wish fulfilled and continuing with the
thoughts, you realize that you are always with your wishes (in your 4D) so there is no need to
separate because you already have them, but then you realize that the law is only definable in 3d,
where it is time and space and it takes time and a little patience to fully have the results in 3d. But
4D, it's a world of all your desires showing up immediately, not sometime in the future, but now.

Living in the end simply means living life as if you already have all your wishes fulfilled, there is no
lack, need or despair because what you want is currently in your possession. So you want to
manifest something? Ask yourself, "What thoughts would I have if I had everything I wanted?"sign
up, if required. Now you are going to go through your daily life thinking about these thoughts and
not paying attention to the thoughts that imply need, lack or desperation.

The key to living in the end: you are not "trying to manifest," "waiting to manifest," "wanting to
manifest," or "waiting to manifest." Not now manifest your desires, you are already at the end of
your journey. There is no future where you are going to have results. There is no desire to try to
manifest, you already have it. You are about to get full results. Not in the future, but in this present
moment, you already have everything you want. And you are mentally operating as the person who
has all their wishes fulfilled.

There is a solution to fix it if you accidentally keep reaffirming that you have no results. First of all,
saturate your mind with only your desires. Whenever you have the opportunity or free time,refer
affirmations, tell yourself that you already have what you want. You don't have to believe their
claims, just repeat them. But you're not doing this because you're trying to get results, because
remember you already have them. You are repeating affirmations to yourself as a way to saturate
your subconscious mind and harden your desires into an ingrained fact in your subconscious.
Another way to focus on your end and only your end goal is to set your intention in the morning and
before you go to bed. These are the times when your conscious mind is not fully present, so you are
less likely to have second thoughts during this time. Remember that your subconscious is ALWAYS
open and taking in information, even when you are wide awake. Immediately after you wake up and
just before you go to sleep, simply repeat affirmations such as “I am at the end of my
manifestation”, “I have everything I want”, “I have the perfect life”.

If you're struggling to get full subliminal results and only getting partial results, it's probably because
you set out to get alonepartial results, due to the limiting beliefs you have had. Every subliminal will
always give you full results, as long as you live like you do and acknowledge that you do. Fail to
acknowledge lack of results, oral partial results. You already have complete results, unless you tell
yourself that you don't. The stories he tells about his journey end up becoming assumptions. And
according to the law of assumption, they harden into facts. Don't settle for partial manifestations
either, always affirm that you have everything you want fully.

Get in the mindset of the version of you that has complete results. If you don't know how to do that,
think about what your wishes are and then say you have them. Keep affirming, assuming, persisting
that you have your desires. If doubts, resistance, intrusive thoughts, or disbelief arise, continue to
persist anyway. This action will become a core subliminal belief (even if you didn't believe your
claims at first) and run on autopilot. replacing old beliefs that told you there was nothing you could
do to change your reality

When you have resistance, you are doubting that you can get your manifestation or you are feeling
frustrated and upset that your manifestation is not here yet. But if you apply everything I have told
you in this guide, you will know that you already have your manifestation, it is over. However, you
probably won't feel 100% every day, especially when you're just starting out.

Your current situation does not mean that you cannot manifesto for change. You can manifest an
entirely new reality for yourself no matter where you are physically, as long as you mentally operate
as your desired reality. Your unwanted situation is just a circumstance, an illusion that makes
manifestation seem more difficult. An unwanted situation will stay that way if you stop at it, you keep
giving it hate and attention. As I said before, your mind is incredibly powerful and can literally
recreate realities with just thoughts and nothing else.

ignore the 3d
Now this is ultra important. This applies to subs and the rally.
3D reality-The reality that surrounds us right now. What we can feel, see, hear, smell and taste.
Many LOA teachers say to ignore your 3D reality, to detach. Your wishes are already yours, so any
circumstance that proves otherwise should be ignored. Now, this does not mean literally ignoring
reality, how can you, when your 5 senses perceive it every day?
Some sub-users participate in the "mirrorless challenge", where they avoid looking in the mirror, to
separate themselves. What they mean by "ignore" is to deprive the unwanted circumstance of its
meaning/significance to you. Basically, don't rush and feel at peace when you see the unwanted
reality. What you resist, persists.

LAW OF ASSUMPTION - IMPATIENCE Once a day, I get a question like "I've been trying
everything, and nothing is working. I'm getting impatient. When will my desire come?"
let me be real. you're probably not going to get your manifestation if you think like that. But okay,
let's change that. First of all, you must realize that everything comes from within. as everything. your
subconscious mind dictates your whole life. from your experiences, to your appearance, to your
love life and so on.

"nothing comes from outside; all things come from within, from the subconscious"

So because everything comes from within, we must realize that our internal conversations that we
have with ourselves are everything. So if you tell yourself that you're not seeing any results, you're
affirming from a place of lack, what do you do, ladies and gentlemen? manifest lack.
You need to understand that you already have what you want. you need to trust your
imagination as it is more real than anything you see.
"You already are what you want to be, and your refusal to believe this is the only reason you don't
see it."
Over and over again, I get a question about whether someone can manifest xyz. you can manifest
whatever you want. circumstances don't matter. I think the biggest mistake people make when
manifesting is that they look for evidence that it's working. they question themselves, then they start
to doubt the whole process and wonder why it's not working.
The most common cause of failure is lack of life at the end.
Most people who want to change their life make the mistake of not imagining deeply or long
enough, they let the 3D world and what they see dictate their reality instead of their imagination.
the 3d is irrelevant. physical reality is malleable. you are the sculptor of your reality. stop looking for
evidence that it's working. YOU ALREADY HAVE YOUR WANTS. I mean, if you already had your
wish, you'd think "is it here already? is it here already?" no. You would not do that. because you
already have your wish.
"If you judge after appearances, you will continue to be enslaved by the evidence of your senses."
Your subconscious is essentially a sponge. absorbs all the information you give it. So what if you
constantly complain and moan and talk about how nothing is working for you and you can't
manifest? What are you going to manifest...? exactly. Now you understand the essence.
"Stop trying to change the world as it is only the mirror. Man's attempt to change the world by force
is as fruitless as breaking a mirror in the hope of changing his face. Leave the mirror and change
your face. Leave the world in peace and change your conceptions of yourself".


Why visualize? Since one of the two "languages' ' of the subconscious mind is images and visuals,
visualizing yourself with what you want can help speed up your results.But It is not necessary to
have mental eyes because some people cannot visualize or are not good at it. you simply need to
be ABLE to imagine yourself with your desires . Visualizing is a powerful law of attraction technique
where you create a picture in your head of everything you want to manifest in your life, thus
showing the universe everything you want to attract into your reality. What visualization does is help
you find your goals, focus and manifest them. Visualization enhances a positive mindset and keeps
us motivated.Instead of visualizing with images, you can also visualize with feelings and emotions.
Imagine how you would feel when you wake up and see that you got results. imagine how you
would react if you saw yourself with the desired results or maybe even imagine how it would feel to
touch your face or body with the desired results or imagine how happy and happy you will feel when
you manifest money etc.

When you are visualizing, it is as if you are remembering a scene that has already happened to
you. Try to immerse yourself in this scene as much as possible, the subconscious mind cannot
distinguish between what is real and what is imagined, so imagine a scene where you feel really
real. On a conscious level you know it's just a mind trick, but the subconscious mind can't tell what's
real and what's imagined.

All you need to do to visualize, if you can, is close your eyes and imagine from the first person point
of view that you are at the end of your manifestation journey. Remember that everything is possible
and that all possibilities already exist, so choose a scenario that implies that you already have ALL
your desires. And repeat this scene over and over until it feels like REAL MEMORY. your
subconscious will act with the images you create within yourself, whether they reflect your current
reality or not.

Visual images often intrude on verbal thought. Each person has sensory connections to the content
words of their language. The sensory part is mainly mental images. You can use words to describe
a scene or situation, because you have given meaning to those words.
Because the subconscious mind receives affirmations, it creates mental images from the meaning
behind those affirmations.

You have to tell yourself that you have already manifested this desire and you are not trying to
achieve it, you are just repeating a memory that you had. the first person is better. It allows you to
feel yourself in action instead of just seeing it. The third person will divert from the event you want to
create. By viewing in the first person, you are seeing exactly what you would see if your imaginary
scene were real right now. Another thing you could do is visualize that you are in front of the mirror
seeing yourself as the version of you with complete results. To feel that it is real, first understand
that it already is. Your desire already exists, and visualizing it is how you get to the state of having it
in 3D. Use as many senses as possible, not just sight, but also touch and hearing. At first, it may
not feel vivid and that's okay. All you need to do is keep replaying it in your mind as many times until
it feels like a real memory that happened to you. And it will. Your subconscious will perceive it that

Once the subconscious mind is impressed by the effect of creative visualization, a process of
association and connection begins with ideas and circumstances that attract favorable events so
that the visualized images become physical reality, although they already exist in the universe.
physical, because the mind of any human being is in this universe and not in another place.

Something that many people don't realize is that not everyone has a vivid imagination. Some
people can't conjure up the exact image or memory in their head in detail, and some people can
only see a fuzzy or somewhat precise image in their head (me). While some people cannot conjure
up images AT ALL, they can think in words. This is my theory as to why some people may manifest
PHYSICAL changes more easily than others. There are just some people who just can't. And it's not
always because they don't believe, but because they haven't developed the ability to visualize in
their brain.
The reason some people can manifest instantly is because their minds can literally see the change
they want to become, while some of us (me) need to put in a little more effort, like repeatedly
looking at photos for hours or editing our photos to look like our desired person. People are trying to
manifest their desired appearance without being able to see it clearly. Therefore, they would literally
have to stare at a picture constantly or stare at it. Which most people just don't have the motivation
to do.

When is it best to do creative visualization?

The best moment is when the conscious mind becomes passive and does not interfere with mental
images, and this is achieved before falling asleep at night, so that the desired mental image is
clearly defined and visualized as clearly as possible every day for a month for 5 minutes, also
involving all available senses: sight. hearing, taste, touch and smell, and letting it go when falling
asleep, this will set in motion the universal forces in conjunction with the subconscious mind and
thus begin a process of manifestation of mental images to real images.

What negative effect does the conscious mind have on creative visualization?
We have said in previous articles that the conscious mind controls human behavior in less than 5%
and that its main function is to think, and serve as a filter for the subconscious mind that controls
behavior in more than 95% and whose function is to decide the actions we take on a daily basis;
However, when the visualization exercise is done without the conscious mind being numb as it
happens before sleeping, skepticism or doubts may arise since the conscious mind does not
understand how to obtain dreams or goals, which of course is something that it is beyond human
reason in detail and this interferes with the free flow between the subconscious mind and the
universe to manifest desires.

You can visualize anytime you want, maybe you like to visualize while listening to subliminals, you
can, it's not required, but what I mean is that it doesn't matter WHEN or HOW LONG you visualize.

Methods to display:
● Method 1: Take a simple object like an orange, hold it up in front of you and see every
detail from every angle and feel the texture. Now close your eyes without moving the object
and hold the image in your mind. Feel as long as possible and when the image disappears,
open your eyes, look at the object and repeat. this you help to to imagine What things are
seen inside and form images plusclear. If you want to change something about your body,
get as many images of people who have what you want and then Imagine it (see it, feel it)
in yourself.
● Method2: Immediately after you wake up you enter an alpha state, a brain frequency
that is achieved through meditation. Relax deeply, but without falling asleep and start
visualizing using the subliminal audios. This state will allow you to feel the changes
caused by the audio. You can also visualize just before falling asleep, where you are
in the same state that allows you to get better experiences with subliminals.

Other visualization techniques

Vision Board: Vision boards are photo collages that serve as a reference image for your future.
Represent your dreams and goals through images. This will certainly strengthen and stimulate your
emotions because your mind responds strongly to visual stimulation and your emotions are the
vibrational energy that is activated by the Law of Attraction. If you want a physical change, visualize
a photo of a person you want to look like with that change. If you need a psychological change, you
can take inspiration from an actor or person you know who has that personality.

Gratitude Journal:It is a journal that acts as a visualization tool that can help you believe in your
success and goals, while also providing you with a positive mindset. A gratitude journal is one in
which you write down all the things you are grateful for in your day to day life. Every night before
you go to bed, write down 5 to 10 things you are grateful for that day. Reflecting on the good things
about yourself and your life will increase your belief in what you can, deserve, and what will get you

Creative Visualization:Get creative with your visualization! Even if you are not a very artistic
person, you may be surprised to discover how important it is to visually represent your dreams. You
can do this by painting, drawing, writing or even making statistics and graphs. This technique
produces a creative output of goals and dreams. Try to put what you created in a place where you
can always see it. In fact, creating the art yourself will only make the dreams more personal and
unique to you.

face fit:In order to imagine yourself with a certain facial feature or with the body you want, I
recommend adjusting the face to your desired face or adjusting the face to a certain feature. There
are also other methods that don't include facial adjustment which I mentioned in my "How to test if a
facial feature suits you" post. (for the lazy people: there are some instagram or snow filters like big
lips/freckles etc that you could also use to visualize and facetune also has easy tools to adjust the

If you use a technique that doesn't include visualizing with your mind's eye like a vision board or art,
I recommend looking at it while listening to your subs from time to time and shortly before you go to
sleep + after you wake up. If you can visualize • If you have the mind's eye and are able to
visualize, here are some scenarios you can visualize for your specific goals. • I recommend
visualizing while trying to fall asleep or while listening to subs or just while daydreaming

Tips for visualizing appearance changes:

-Imagine that you wake up, look in the mirror and see yourself with the desired results - from a
second / third person view imagine seeing your face and repeat to yourself how your face / body
has changed as if you were a person looking at you same from another perspective imagine
sending a photo to a person and that person tells you that for example your nose changed or that
you look like your desired face (imagine the photo you took looking like your desired face/body too)
- imagine do one of these "Pretty scale" or how similar do I look... try and get the desired results like
for example the similarity test that says you look 99% like your desired face etc.- imagine meeting a
friend or family member you haven't seen in a long time and they tell you how your different
face/body looks (like the ones you want) imagine having a photo shoot and looking at the pictures
and noticing that you have the features/look desired.


They are those statements that we say out loud or that we repeatmentally, to confirm to ourselves
that we are capable of achieving anything we desire. In short, they are positive phrases that we can
use to challenge our negative thoughts. Explained more fully, positive affirmations are those that
help you overcome self-sabotage and that when you repeat them often and really believe in them,
they will make important changes in your mood and consequently, in your life.First of all, saturate
your mind with only your desires. Whenever you have the opportunity or free time,refer affirmations,
tell yourself that you already have what you want. You don't have to believe their claims, just repeat
them. But you're not doing this because you're trying to get results, because remember you already
have them. You are repeating affirmations to yourself as a way to saturate your subconscious mind
and harden your desires into an ingrained fact in your subconscious.

Due to the influence of our physical senses: sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell that capture and
transmit a small model of the immense reality that surrounds us, we tend to believe that what we
receive as sensory stimuli is everything that happens or can happen. happen in our lives, but
nothing is further from the truth, since the subconscious mind detects or processes stimuli from the
environment in ways that the conscious mind does not understand or can do. For this reason, it is
necessary to understand that human reason is limited and that it can never be equal to the
complexity of the visible and invisible universe.

Affirmations are of great importance in the training and development of the subconscious mind
because they induce it to dominate an event that must occur in physical reality, and for this not only
a series of words are repeated, but when repeated images are associated, sounds, environments,
smells, textures and everything that impresses the subconscious mind in an accelerated and
intense way so that the desired event occurs. It is proven as anyone can verify that when your mind
is very impressed with an event, a person, etc., events occur with places, people, things, objects
and even elements of nature that show that this expected event is on the way to being done. With
this we can say that the properly stimulated and trained subconscious mind can create new and
positive realities, as well as interrupt lacerating or limiting realities. Something very necessary for
those who live unsatisfied lives on a personal or family level.Just as the subconscious mind has a
level of communication with the universe that the conscious mind cannot, This does not exempt
everyone from putting all the effort and effort to take advantage of the opportunities that their
subconscious mind has put into execution and that need work and perseverance to reap them.

The purpose of repeating any affirmation, doing any technique, listening to a subliminal, going on a
mental diet will always be to remind you of your desires, not because you are TRYING to manifest.
TRYING always implies a fault. There is no fault in your reality. Everything you want is there. You
see what is in your reality according to your mentality. If you look hard enough for something, you
always end up finding, your mind is prepared.

Just trust to affirm. You can repeat affirmations in your head whenever you have time, even if love is
waiting in line for a couple of minutes. However, with visualization it is more work because you have
to close your eyes, but do what you prefer, or both.

You just have to think of statements that imply that you FULLY, not partially, have your desires. If
you don't know what to claim, check out the subliminals on your playlist. What do they have benefits
for? light skin maybe? so you're going to repeat in your head "I have fair skin" as often as you can.

Every time you hear a subliminal, think about what the benefits are, and then affirm that you already
have those benefits. This is very important if you have never had results, don't just listen, claim that
you have results too. Because subliminals are going to change a part of you and then your mindset
is going to be "ok now I have this" because your wish is fulfilled. If you start thinking that your wish
has come true while listening to the sub, you are TREMENDOUSLY speeding up the process of
your guess becoming reality.

1. They should be said as a FACT or TRUTH. Those that contain words such as “could” do
not have the same power as those that include “am” or “do”.
2. They should only include POSITIVE words. If the word "no" (or "I can't") is found in your
sentence, you will only get your brain confused and work extra.
3. Always say them in PRESENT tense. If you mention something like "will", "will" or "was",
you will not get results because our brain only responds to "now".

Every subconscious mind has objective principles, but subjective effects because each human is
individual. Anyway, some subconscious minds reacted to the scientific claims better than the
numerical claims. People tend to react to metaphorical claims in the best way as opposed to
scientific claims. And some people get amazing results with basic affirmations. It's a matter of
experimentation, but what I can say is that each statement works
Tips for creating decrees
Start with the words “I AM” or “I AM”, which are some of the most powerful, since they indicate that
your wish has been fulfilled.
1. Always stay within positivism, affirming what you want, instead of what you don't want.
2. Be brief.
3. Especialmente.
4. Include an action verb, preferably in a gerund (“winning”, “living”, “having”, etc.).
5. Also include a word that generates feeling.
6. Affirmations should be made thinking of yourself, not of others.

As you write your affirmation, keep in mind that even small changes in wording can make a big
difference to your results. Words have (literally) the power to create circumstances, so review them
Affirmations are very personal, and choosing the daily affirmations more powerful for yourself
requires an inward look at your patterns and tendencies. To start, think about what you often say to
yourself when you feel down. Tuning in to the negative thoughts that arise in stressful times can
give us a clue about our insecurities and give us the best daily affirmations.
A negative thought can be something like, "This is hopeless. I can never change this situation" or
"I'm so stupid to make that mistake again." Then try to change the statement, so that it is positive.
For example, "Every change, even a small one, makes a difference" or "I am learning and growing
every day."

continuous sentence system

Continuous Phrase System: What is it?
The Continuous Phrase System is a way of programming the subconscious mind so that it can
solve several problems at the same time, without the need to listen to an audio for each problem. It
eradicates the root cause and eliminates the chain of problems that was subject to that cause.

How does the Continuous Phrase System work? The Continuous Phrase System works as follows:
To begin, I will first explain the comparison of a recorded audio with DIRECT and simple

Example: "Subliminal Messages to Be Happy"

Form of writing:

Using common affirmations: "I AM HAPPY '' is a type assertion: DIRECTUsing the Continuous
Phase System: I now choose to be happy and well. Saying "I AM HAPPY '' is not the same as
saying: I now CHOOSE TO BE HAPPY.

What is the difference between a DIRECT statement and a Continuous Phrase?

Keep in mind that the effectiveness of a subliminal audio is NOT in its voice encoding or the
technique used in it (for example, silent subliminal, vocoder, etc) but in the WAY in which the Phrase
that the mind is composed of you will hear later.

A DIRECT statement is composed of the following form: I AM HAPPY I FEEL GOOD I AM FINE On
the other hand, a continuous sentence is composed as follows: I now choose to be happy because
in this way I feel good and I am good at all times and Thanks to this I now feel good. For a closed
mind the "I am happy" is very direct, it will reject it on the spot. BUT if you say PASSIVELY "I now
choose to be happy because such and such" the mind will "soften" it means that if you give yourself
a purpose (to be happy) a why (because this way I feel better ) and a final goal (to be at peace). If a
child is told "don't do that because if you do, you can get hurt and you are going to feel bad “The
child will understand that if he does that (purpose-order) he will get hurt (a reason) and will feel bad
(final objective) the child will immediately understand the situation and stop doing it. The continuous
affirmations have "word-bridges" or simply "bridges-of-union" ; those bridges are almost always:
"Because" "for" "thanks to that" "and then" They are words that "unite" others forming a continuous
circle so that the mind receives everything very effectively.

The Continuous Phrase System is composed of: KEY WORDS. DIRECT WORDS. PASSIVE

Let's take an example: "Now I choose to be a happy person and thanks to this I am a happy person
and achieve a wonderful life as I have a wonderful life." The "achievement have a wonderful life
since I have a wonderful life" there you can clearly see the continuity of the phrase "the circle" Note:
the fact of repeatedly repeating a word is part of the subliminal programming in the case of the
continuous system of phrases )

First, to begin with, I will point out the key words and their consequences: "I CHOOSE TO BE" is a
passive word, it is not I AM (direct) but it is much more "soft" for the mind, as one chooses to be
something, not that one is obliged to be (I AM) "HAPPY" is a KEYword. Akey word is a word that is
"loose" within the continuous sentence which the mind captures on the spot and applies it. These
types of words must be located in words similar to what is going to be written. The words that are
before and after the keyword cannot be different from the topic that the keyword wants to impose.

OTHER, EVERY TIME BETTER, BETTER DAY BY DAY. Those three parts are neutral words, they
are words that are to make an "additional reinforcement" to the whole sentence keep going per se.

Different ways of writing

Affirmations must be made in the present tense. You can use different pronouns (I, you, My name)
and questions (Because I, because you,)

Simple: I have beautiful blue eyes, I have blue eyes right now

Detailed: I have the most amazing, blue, alluring blue eyes in the entire universe right now.

Okay so, many subliminal creators make boosters and put boosters in their subliminals. A booster
will basically stimulate your subconscious. Enhancers may contain claims for; remembered results,
immune to bad results, desired results, immune to undesired results, immune to mental blocks

My subconscious is powerful and strong right now

My subconscious remembers all the affirmations right now.

I am immune to unwanted and bad results at the moment.


Everyone loves my beautiful legs right now

Everyone is in love with my long legs right now.

I am so thankful and thankful that I have such nice long legs right now!

I will always be grateful that I have long, beautiful, hairless legs right now!

I always have such long and seductive legs right now

I always have beautiful long legs right now

Use tenses: At that instant, at this moment, in seconds and the time reductions.

Use exaggerations: Extremely, totally, unbelievably, miraculously, etc.

If we associate new habits with feelings or sensations, the subconscious will associate them much
better and take root more easily. For example, we could expand the previous sentence and say "I
breathe fresh air and I feel good", it depends on each person, nobody knows you better than
yourself. Try to evoke emotions with your affirmation.

When we make affirmations and they don't feel right or nothing seems to happen, it's very easy to
say: “affirmations don't work”, and it's not that they don't work, just that we need to take a step
before we start affirming.

The willingness to release: There must be some need in you to want to affirm new beliefs, otherwise
you would not need any change. As the need disappears, you will feel free to want the desire you
seek and to change something physical in you. It's about fooling your own mind. One of the first
affirmations that you should use is: “I am willing to free myself from the need to be/have/change (for
me)” Be patient and kind with yourself.

cognitive reframing
Cognitive reframing is a psychological technique that involves identifying and then disputing
irrational or maladaptive thoughts. Reframing is a general method of changing the meaning of
something and thus changing minds. Reframing is a cognitive technique that can be used to pop
those limiting beliefs into oblivion. It can be used to destroy both existing beliefs and those that are
just beginning to form within your mind.

used Cognitive Reframing, What is it a psychological technique that involves identifying and then
changing the way situations, experiences, events, ideas, and/or emotions are viewed. Cognitive
reframing is the process by which such situations or thoughts are challenged and then changed. In
the context of cognitive therapy, cognitive reframing is called cognitive restructuring.
Suppose I am a lonely person and I stated that "I am always surrounded by wonderful people", then
my mind will reject that statement because it is not true. But if I add a softener to that statement,
then my mind won't reject that statement.
For example:
● I'm always surrounded by amazing people (the mind will reject)
● I would like to always be surrounded by amazing people (the mind will not reject)

To convince:
Another way of expressing this word is "Persuasion". The ultimate goal of persuasion is to convince
the target to internalize the persuasive argument and adopt this new attitude as part of their core
belief system.

Reverse psychology:
Reverse psychology is a technique that involves the assertion of a belief or behavior opposite to
that desired, with the expectation that this approach encourages the subject of persuasion to do
what they really want. This technique is based on the psychological phenomenon of reactance, in
which a person has a negative emotional reaction to being persuaded and therefore chooses the
option against which he defends himself.
This can work especially well for a person who is naturally resilient, while direct requests work
better for people who are compliant. the person who is being manipulated is usually unaware of
what is really going on.

Affirmations in a state of deficiency:

If you feel lacking for not having your desires or some indication that you're getting on the right
track, affirmations are a bad idea. If in a place of feeling of lack, the Affirmations, or their derivatives
5x55, 369, etc. They are the least effective and the most potentially dangerous of all the tools. I
literally recommend anything else. If you're in a place of abundance (like you have tons of money
and want tons of more money), it's GREAT to use mindful affirmations to reinforce the outcome.
The first thing you do is start asking yourself, what is the essence of what you want with what you
are wishing?
You can choose what you want (an example is that you want a romantic partner) which, in essence,
what you want is: a delicious, fulfilling, sensual, exciting, faithful relationship with someone who is
attractive, who has an abundant mindset, who wants to be with you, to have their life together, to be
emotionally healthy, happy and someone you can work and play well together so you can build a life
with them. (Or whatever you want, adjust your intentions accordingly)

Now you have to be as satisfied as if you were in the relationship of your dreams. genuinely. Don't
just make affirmations that contain hollow and happy words. This level of satisfaction should reach a
majority tipping point (51%), you should start feeling this way most of the time. Even just walking.
That means you need to be as happy as if you met that person. Write long lists of the things you
appreciate about this person (and every other guy/girl you've ever met). Take time each day to add
to your list. See how long you can do it. This forces you to stretch and work on the power of
concentration. Merely focusing on what you want in this way harmonizes with the desire you want to
achieve. Start imagining what your weekdays would be like with your wish. Start planning what you
would be doing. Then wear this feeling like a fragrance. It's not about achieving the relationship (or
any other desire): it's about enjoying the feeling of not resisting what you need. Because you've
already asked for enough, it's your own personal resistance that's keeping him away. (For example,
you think and talk about food a lot, but you don't need to "let go/let go" of your desire for food to be
good. You get a lot of food because you have no resistance to it.) An indicator that you are doing
this right is when you are flying, and you feel so good that you don't even care that you don't have
your wish yet, because you are absolutely satisfied now. Start planning what you would be doing.
Then wear this feeling like a fragrance. It's not about achieving the relationship (or any other
desire): it's about enjoying the feeling of not resisting what you need. Because you've already asked
for enough, it's your own personal resistance that's keeping him away. (For example, you think and
talk about food a lot, but you don't need to "let go/let go" of your desire for food to be good. You get
a lot of food because you have no resistance to it.) An indicator that you are doing this right is when
you are flying, and you feel so good that you don't even care that you don't have your wish yet,
because you are absolutely satisfied now. Start planning what you would be doing. Then wear this
feeling like a fragrance. It's not about achieving the relationship (or any other desire): it's about
enjoying the feeling of not resisting what you need. Because you've already asked for enough, it's
your own personal resistance that's keeping him away. (For example, you think and talk about food
a lot, but you don't need to "let go/let go" of your desire for food to be good. You get a lot of food
because you have no resistance to it.) An indicator that you are doing this right is when you are
flying, and you feel so good that you don't even care that you don't have your wish yet, because you
are absolutely satisfied now. It's not about achieving the relationship (or any other desire): it's about
enjoying the feeling of not resisting what you need. Because you've already asked for enough, it's
your own personal resistance that's keeping him away. (For example, you think and talk about food
a lot, but you don't need to "let go/let go" of your desire for food to be good. You get a lot of food
because you have no resistance to it.) An indicator that you are doing this right is when you are
flying, and you feel so good that you don't even care that you don't have your wish yet, because you
are absolutely satisfied now. It's not about achieving the relationship (or any other desire): it's about
enjoying the feeling of not resisting what you need. Because you've already asked for enough, it's
your own personal resistance that's keeping him away. (For example, you think and talk about food
a lot, but you don't need to "let go/let go" of your desire for food to be good. You get a lot of food
because you have no resistance to it.) An indicator that you are doing this right is when you are
flying, and you feel so good that you don't even care that you don't have your wish yet, because you
are absolutely satisfied now. It is your own personal resistance that keeps him away. (For example,
you think and talk about food a lot, but you don't need to "let go/let go" of your desire for food to be
good. You get a lot of food because you have no resistance to it.) An indicator that you are doing
this right is when you are flying, and you feel so good that you don't even care that you don't have
your wish yet, because you are absolutely satisfied now. It is your own personal resistance that
keeps him away. (For example, you think and talk about food a lot, but you don't need to "let go/let
go" of your desire for food to be good. You get a lot of food because you have no resistance to it.)
An indicator that you are doing this right is when you are flying, and you feel so good that you don't
even care that you don't have your wish yet, because you are absolutely satisfied now.

As you fine-tune your harmony, you'll get other indicators that will similarly make you happy down
the road. When you are happy like this, you are on the way, and what you want is coming. Start
reading books about things related to your desire that you find interesting. Because you also need
to become this kind of person who has the wish fulfilled. And you want to learn how to treat this
person incredibly well too, right?

Once you've done the LA work of setting your intention, now just do the LA work on line and then
you will be given the way. The Universe can deliver dozens of ways, and there are always more
potential mates coming, you can NOT miss this ship. It's safe, it's law.

Symbols and Affirmations

Write your affirmations in a journal or on a piece of loose paper, and then draw a symbol (of any
kind, even if it's just a circle or square) somewhere on that page. Now, take a deep breath, look at
the symbol, and say to yourself, "Every time I see this symbol, these affirmations will vibrate through
my entire being." Exhale. Aspire. Say it again. Repeat one more time. Then save your affirmation
Then draw the symbol somewhere you can see it regularly: scribble on the back of your thumb, put
it in a frame on the wall, whatever you like.
That 's it.

Affirmations to work in the four areas of life

spiritual área
Although prayer is fundamental in the spiritual area for direct communication with God, spiritual
affirmations condition the subconscious mind to be in harmony with life, people and nature.

mind área
Mental health is essential at all stages of life and affirmations create auto suggestions so that the
subconscious mind sends messages of well-being and mental development to the brain.

physical area
Physical health is a priority to live a quality life, for that reason affirmations allow us to condition our
body to live better. Keep in mind that affirmations said with faith produce organic changes and
influence our biology, since we are mentally formed from words that lead to chemical reactions
within the organism.

emotional area
Frequent positive emotions and eliminating negative ones is the task of every responsible adult and
by this we mean eliminating: hatred, grudges, rivalries, desire for revenge, etc., because these
types of emotions make the mind and body sick, in addition to having very serious spiritual

How to write affirmations

Use emotions:
He used emotions to make my subliminals work for me. Human emotions are more powerful than
we are led to believe. Our emotions have played an important role in shaping who we are today in
terms of evolutionary and psychological aspects. Have you noticed that whenever we remember
some events from the past or get nostalgic, we not only remember the incidents that happened to
us, we also remember how we felt at that exact moment? Our brain remembers exactly how we feel
and has the ability to reproduce those emotions again. Also in our dreams we not only dream of
people, objects, places or events that we also FEEL. So much so that dreams can often seem eerily
like real life.Emotions are the neurophysiological reactions triggered by an internal or external
stimulus. The feeling is the self-perception of a certain emotion, it is the subjective expression of
emotions.Try that the stimulus that causes said feeling or emotion is the goal you want to achieve. It
varies between the various emotions that human beings feel, such as: Value, respect, enjoy, love,
admire, accept, etc. Remember that one of the languages ​of the subconscious is emotion. It is not
the same to say: "I have an attractive body" than to say "I love having my attractive body"

The affirmations have to provoke a visualization in your mind:

Just as you should try to evoke emotions with your affirmations, also try to make that affirmation
(instinctively/unconsciously) evoke an image when you hear it. This is a way to "make sure" that
statement is made with your vocabulary and your way of expressing yourself. No matter how correct
or beautiful a statement is, if it is written in beautiful words that you would not normally use, that
statement will not conjure up an image in your mind. Use your language and your usual words, build
a sentence that automatically generates an image in your mind when you hear it. It is important that
each statement creates a scene that you would like to see in your life. If you are in doubt about how
to write affirmations, meditate and try to focus on the images you see in your mind or start imagining
your desired life, then from those images create your affirmations. Remember that your
subconscious is so powerful that your wishes and desires come from it. It is not really your
conscious mind that decides success or the concept of happiness, but your subconscious. It is he
who really decides what you want. The visualization scene should also be connected to positive
emotions, an affirmation that reminds you of painful and negative moments is not the same as a
positive scene according to your desires. Also the visualization of the affirmations must be vivid and
as real as possible according to the situations and programs of your subconscious so that the mind
can assimilate them as true as quickly as possible. For example:

The focus of the affirmations must be adequate:

The order of the factors can alter the product. Although it may seem so, it is not the same to say
"I listen attentively and carefully to others" than to say "I listen to others attentively and carefully".
The brain forms an "image" as it receives the sentence, depending on the order in which the words
arrive, the image will be different. In the first case, he will start by paying attention to the sounds "I
listen attentively and carefully", but later he will have to modify this image so that the attention is
focused "on the others". In the second case "I listen to others" from the very beginning, the
continuation of the phrase "attentively and carefully" does not change the focus, but makes it more

Use symbols and metaphors:

As we saw earlier, there are 2 under-investigated languages ​of the subconscious mind that
correspond to symbols and metaphors. If you are a person with a lot of creativity, imagination and
who loves literature, you will know how to write some metaphors that serve as affirmations.
Metaphors create a representation of reality with imagination and creativity. Some affirmation in
metaphor could be: “I love the emeralds in my eyes” (To have green eyes). Making metaphors is
hard, but try to relate things in life with your goals. Another language of the subconscious mind is
symbols, in which each statement should represent something symbolic in our society, since
humans throughout our existence, before the word was invented, communicated with symbols.
Symbols became ingrained in our collective subconscious in our history of evolution. Seeing some
symbols provokes different emotions in us, such as seeing the Nazi symbol represents hatred and
genocide, seeing the symbol of the bird of peace provokes love and tranquility in us. Now in the
affirmations, try that each affirmation is present in some area that society imposes. By this I mean: If
you want to have blue eyes, what does having blue eyes represent for you or society? It represents
beauty, hierarchy, race, etc. You want to have more money, this represents power, hierarchy, social
status, etc. seeing the symbol of the bird of peace causes us love and tranquility. Now in the
affirmations, try that each affirmation is present in some area that society imposes. By this I mean: If
you want to have blue eyes, what does having blue eyes represent for you or society? It represents
beauty, hierarchy, race, etc. You want to have more money, this represents power, hierarchy, social
status, etc. seeing the symbol of the bird of peace causes us love and tranquility. Now in the
affirmations, try that each affirmation is present in some area that society imposes. By this I mean: If
you want to have blue eyes, what does having blue eyes represent for you or society? It represents
beauty, hierarchy, race, etc. You want to have more money, this represents power, hierarchy, social
status, etc.

Find your Affirmation Blocks:

That said, the best way to make affirmations powerful and able to reprogram the negative beliefs
your subconscious currently holds is to make sure you don't have any inhibitions or issues with
them. If you want to experience what you want, you may need to do some serious soul searching
on various factors that relate to your desires. For example: A man who wants to change his body,
and wants to start writing his affirmations. A deep self-analysis should be done about what his
current body represents to him and how he feels about it, since depending on this he will be able to
get an idea of ​the current negative beliefs about his body that will resist change.

For example, are you attached to your masculinity in any way? Do you feel ashamed of your body?
How do you feel about your body? Are you able to enjoy controlling your body in front of other
people? What are the parts of your body that you feel most insecure about? Is it possibly a way to
satisfy yourself in your ability to experience pleasure by changing your body? Is it possibly an
escape from something associated with physical trauma? Is the physical your real reason to feel
more attractive?

There are lots and lots of questions like this that you should probably explore and determine if they
get in the way of fully immersing yourself in the experience you seek. Because fundamentally, every
suggestion that you find working against your preconceived notions, learned behaviors and
attitudes, biases and beliefs, won't work as well as it would if these inhibiting factors weren't there.

Please note that while this is a loosely physical example, these same principles apply to all
suggestions or statements, regardless of their nature or purpose. You would take the same
approach if you wanted to change your personality.

Find the suggestion you want to follow, and then explore all the inhibiting factors, to make sure the
subject (in this case you) can happily take them on without restriction or cognitive dissonance. This
is why affirmations should be able to be more powerful than the negative or limiting beliefs that you
hold right now.

Form of writing:
Once you have your phrases written and selected, read them... And think: What would change in
you if you faithfully believed those phrases right now? Well, that's what you can get with the chosen
phrases. Each affirmation has to awaken a feeling in you, an emotion. Do not choose neutral
affirmations or that do not make you feel anything. To write them you should have taken into
account your sensory experience, the internal or external stimuli that will make your mind react, you
should have thought in what context that response would be activated, bearing in mind that it is
something you can act on, in addition to having thought about who and how it will affect them. Keep
in mind that affirmations do not cause the same thing in each person, it is for this reason that many
subliminal audios do not work for all people, and it is the simple act of writing the affirmations. For
more scientific people, statements involving belief and spirituality will not serve them well and will be
more difficult for their subconscious to accept, whereas scientific statements involving biological and
chemical processes in the body will be easier to accept. Also the central phrase of the affirmation
will influence the effectiveness of the affirmations, as a person who likes to win, the affirmations that
have words of: Win, obtain, overcome, receive will be more effective. People who are more
sentimental affirmations that include words like: Love, value, glorify will be more effective. For
people who are very skeptical and find it hard to believe in something they cannot see with their
own eyes, words like: I see, I observe, it shows will be more effective.

Look at this example, and notice that some affirmations motivate you, while others may do the
opposite. The emotion associated with each affirmation varies from person to person and also with
each situation, so it is up to you to choose the most appropriate one:

I have to exercise daily.

I WANT to exercise daily.

I can exercise daily.

I'm going to exercise daily.

I like to exercise daily.

I need to exercise daily.

In my case, the words: "I have" and "I like" are the most appropriate for me, since I use them to
refer to things on a day-to-day basis.

Use messages to take actions that produce success when creating or choosing affirmations for
subliminal messages. For example, use "I eat a healthy diet every day" instead of "I lose weight
every day."

I just wanted to make a quick comment: there is a fundamental difference in how subliminal
messages become effective and how hypnotic suggestions work.

A subliminal works by creating a "gut reaction." So keep each idea simple, instinctive, clear. For
example: instead of "drink more water", just use the word "water".

In a hypnotic suggestion you are giving the subconscious an idea to play with, to ponder. That's why
you can say "I drink more water", "I wonder why I'm drinking more water" and "I love to drink more
water" effectively.

In all cases, the best practice is to keep it positive. Negative suggestions can attract attention, and
there has been some work to suggest that they can affect change, but certainly not positive change.
So it's "I drink water" instead of "I don't drink pop."

Use questions: When we ask a question in the present tense as if what we want has already
happened, the subconscious will not find another way to answer that question than to manifest. For
example: Why do I have blue eyes? The subconscious will have to accept that belief, since it will
not find an answer to resist that belief, since it does not work as a conscious mind that decides what
is true or false.

Methods to Manifest Changes

SECTION I: Sound Therapy

Binaural beats are a form of audio that can only be experienced by wearing headphones. Binaural
beats are an auditory illusion that the brain perceives when two slightly different sound frequencies
are played in each ear. Two tones of different frequency levels travel through each side of your
headphones: one tone is sent to your left ear and the other to your right ear. Your brain interprets
those two frequencies plus a third: the mathematical difference between the two. Binaural beats are
used primarily, and appropriately, for a therapeutic/meditative technique known as "Brainwave
Entrainment".When we wear headphones that play slightly different notes in each ear, our brain
perceives the volume as the pulse (oscillates) at a fixed frequency. This is called a "beat." The
same phenomenon arises when tuning two guitar strings. As the frequencies got closer, we began
to hear a slow beat between the notes of the two strings.
The part of our brain that first processes sound inputs from both ears is called the superior olivary
complex, which is located in the brain stem. This area of ​the brain allows us to identify the direction
of sounds. The superior olive complex can be "tricked" into hearing a beat when it detects two
nearby frequencies; it responds by synchronizing neural activity in other parts of the brain. In other
words, this part of the brain acts like the conductor of an orchestra, coordinating and synchronizing
the activities of many neurons in the rest of the brain. This synchronization of neural activity in
different areas of the brain is called "entrainment" and is the main way that binaural beats cause
changes in our brain waves.
The idea behind binaural beats is that listening to them could increase the strength of certain brain
waves throughout the brain. According to some researchers, binaural beats could enhance or
suppress different cognitive and emotional functions associated with different types of brain waves.
Neurons in our brains use electrical signals to create our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. When
large numbers of neurons fire together at the same rate ("synchronize"), brain waves are created.
These brain waves can range from slow and loud (low frequency, high amplitude) to fast and quiet
(high frequency, low amplitude).
Your brain has frequencies of its own, and in total there are 4 main brainwave states:

● Gamma waves: gamma brainwaves are the fastest brainwave frequency with the
smallest amplitude. They are associated with the feeling of blessing Gamma waves are
associated with peak concentration and high levels of cognitive functioning, flowing at 40 to
100 cycles per second. This rapid "full sweep" action makes the gamma state one of peak
mental and physical performance.
● Beta Waves: they are generated when the brain is excited and actively engaged in mental
activities. These beta waves are of relatively low amplitude and are the second fastest of
the five different brain waves. Beta waves are characteristic of a strongly engaged mind.
● Alpha waves: where beta represents arousal, alpha represents no arousal. Alpha brain
waves are slower and higher in amplitude. A person who has completed a task and sits
down to rest is often in an alpha state. A person who takes time to reflect or meditate is
usually in an alpha state.
● Theta waves: Brain waves are typically of higher amplitude and slower frequency. A
person who has taken time off from a task and begins daydreaming is often in a theta
brainwave state. It is a state in which tasks become so automatic that you can mentally
disconnect from them. The ideation that can take place during the theta state is often
free-flowing and occurs without censorship or blame. It is usually a very positive state of
● Delta Waves: Here the brain waves are of higher amplitude and slower frequency. They
never go down to zero because that means that you are brain dead. It's the wave of sleep

How to use them?

If you want to get subliminal results faster I would recommend using binaural beats which lower
your consciousness thus making the subconscious more suggestive for affirmations, etc. (delta
or theta waves) if you want to be more active or if, for example, you are studying For an exam,
you can use binaural beats that increase your awareness and concentration (beta, gamma).
You can listen to them while listening to your subs with an app or on your computer, or you can
listen to delta/theta waves until you get into a relaxed state and then listen to your playlist

Tips on binaural beats:

• Do not use speakers to listen to them
• It is best to have 2 headphones inside • do not watch movies or write, etc. while listening to
binaural beats (except beta waves) as it causes your subconscious to open up to new
information or statements and for example watching a horror movie while listening to delta
waves could give you nightmares etc so be sure to be careful! !
• The best method is to listen while you meditate or while you listen to your subs and do
something relaxing or just lie down / meditate

isochronic tones:
Isochronous tones serve a similar purpose to binaural beats, which are brainwave entrainment.
However, the entertainment method is different from binaural beats. Unlike binaural beats, which
are played in a continuous, uninterrupted stream of sound, isochronic tones are tones that quickly
turn on and off. This creates crisp, distinctive sound pulses.

Solfeggio scale:
The solfeggio scale is one of the more "mystical" sound therapy methods, as it is used in many
modern spiritual practices. The monks used the six original Solfeggio tones: 396, 417, 528, 639,
741 and 852 hz.
In modern spiritual practices, there are 7 main solfeggio tones that are believed to correspond to the
7 traditional chakras of a person's body. Each tone serves to heal and balance the corresponding
chakra, as well as resolve any issues associated with imbalance in that chakra. Unlike binaural
beats, solfège tones are usually monaural, played at the same rate in both ears. Below are the 7
main notes of the solfege, as well as their supposed attributes:

● 396 Hz (UT) - Root Chakra: Turn pain into joy, release guilt and fear
● 417 Hz (RE) - Sacral Chakra: undo situations and facilitate change
● 528 Hz (MI) - Solar Plexus: Transformation, Miracles and DNA Repair
● 639 Hz (FA) - Heart Chakra: reconnection and balance of relationships
● 741 Hz (SUN) - Throat Chakra: Problem Solving, Expressions, and Solutions
● 852 Hz (LA) - Third eye: Awaken intuition, return to spiritual order
● 963 Hz (TI) - Crown Chakra: Connection with higher self, awakening/increasing
psychic abilities

In addition to the solfeggio scale, there is another type of sound that can be therapeutic for one's
chakras, and that is the Sanskrit mantras called bija chants. In itself, the Sanskrit language has
been shown to have remarkable effects on the mind

Online sound therapy only serves to alter your mental/emotional states. He cannot physically
transform any physiological characteristics. That's not to say they can't be used to help with that
though, as many subliminal creators have a 4hz frequency underlying their audio tracks to help train
the listener's brain to absorb subliminals more effectively.

SECTION II: Subliminals

Hidden messages enter the subconscious mind, removing old programming and replacing it with
new and improved code, just like computers and smartphones. It is postulated that as soon as the
brain takes an idea as fact, it is only a matter of time before it becomes reality.

Although this may be one of the most common genres in this community, if not the most common,
the average user is generally unaware of all the spiritual and mystical ideas behind them. The first
of these ideas is the Law of Attraction.Simply put, the Law of Attraction is the ability to attract into
our lives what we are focusing on. It is believed that regardless of age, nationality, or religious
belief, we are all subject to the laws that govern the Universe, including the Law of Attraction. It is
the Law of Attraction that uses the power of the mind to translate everything that is in our thoughts
and materialize them into reality; In simple terms, if you believe in something enough, it will
eventually become real. The Law of Attraction is a very prominent idea and is used in almost all
self-help circles and by popular life coaches.

The next of these ideas, a subset of the law of attraction is the "I AM" philosophy. Essentially, every
time you say or believe something about yourself, like "I'm tired" or "I'm bored," those statements
become more true and real as your mind manifests them into your reality. However, on the positive
side, adopting a more mindful awareness of your thoughts will help you think more positive
statements about yourself, like "I'm healthy" and "I'm happy," and thus manifest more positive things
into your reality. There are also claims that "I am" statements have great power for them, as they
are words of affirmation spoken by God in certain religious writings, and that a normal man
speaking statements of "

Subliminals are best absorbed when listening with headphones, being in a Delta brainwave state
(sleeping), having a high vibration/positive mood, and/or drinking plenty of water. All these
techniques will give you faster and more powerful results.

This energetic programming works on the physical, energetic, mental, emotional and spiritual

Ancient world tools can be used in conjunction with subliminals consisting of Alchemy, Astrology,
Astronomy, Mediation, Ancient Symbolism, Amulets, Acronym, Messianism, Isochronic Tones,
Monaural Beats, Extrasensory Techniques, Enchanted Herbs, Hypnosis, Shamanism, High Quality
Frequencies, Ceremonial Magic, Binaural Beats, Divination, Programmed Energy, Rife
Frequencies, Biokinesis, Ritual Work and many more precious techniques to produce powerfully
amazing results of physical, mental, intellectual and spiritual transformation in your life.

SECTION III: Power Transmissions

At this point, those who have started listening to binaural beats start in the genre of "Energy
Transmissions", in which spirituality is a more important point. There is no correct or adequate way
to describe this type of audio, since energy is such a broad and abstract concept in itself. There are
many types and forms of energy, both good and bad, and as diverse as those who practice energy
work. Since energy is in everything, it stands to reason that some forms of energy for specific
purposes could be put into YouTube videos. Thus, these channels have come to light.

SECTION IV: Morphic Fields/Energy Fields

I was originally going to group this category with the "Power Transmissions" section, as on the face
of it the two genres are quite similar and this genre only had a small handful of creators. However, I
have realized that this topic is very broad and therefore deserves a category of its own. What needs
to be stressed here, however, is that a "field" and a "morphic field" are two very specific things, and
different from each other, despite being included in the same section.

Morphic fields are audios with energy in them, energy with a purpose that when you listen to the
audio, the energy transfers to you and so that it can work on you, morphic fields usually work
immediately and some of them work. internally with cells, and some work subconsciously. These
are NOT subliminal or hidden claims. Dreamweaver says that its audio doesn't require headphones
(in fact, it works best with speakers), and as long as it's played at an audible volume it will work.

Energy and frequency are simply different states of information.

Information, in the form of frequency and energy, can tell the body, cells and atoms how to act,
interact, what to do, what not to do, what to achieve, when to achieve it, etc.

Here's an example:
The information can be encoded into energy and/or frequency that is meant to make your eye
color blue when you listen or "unpack the information". In other words, this encoded frequency
is a morphic field that is meant to make your eyes blue. The energy encoded within the
frequency in the video begins to remove the melanin in the retina. This is a requirement for the
appearance of blue eyes.

With repeated listening, the morphic field is imprinted on the auric expression of the listener. When
we refer to morphic fields, we refer to this information.
Behavior and appearance depend on the formation of these morphic fields.
The patterns and behaviors of individuals and populations in general are regulated by an immense
network of interdependent and constantly changing morphic fields. This is what the ancient
clairvoyants called the akashic records.
By being able to understand the nature of these fields, one gains access to a kind of infinite wisdom
of an exponential nature that can be used to heal, manipulate reality and matter, and transcend
great pain and trauma at incredible rates of healing.

A morphic field is created: as more people actually believe something, it begins to become the truth.
As more and more people empower something through their thoughts and beliefs, it grows in power
and, in this case, becomes effective.

Our universe is made of fields. These fields are invisible to the naked eye. Some of these fields can
be felt, seen and experienced through the auxiliary use of particular matter, which acts as a conduit.
We experience different frequencies of the electromagnetic field through radio, television, and
X-rays, and we can experience the quantum field through the use of lasers. Evolution advances
creating new fields:

They are generated through repetition. In fact, the morphic fields direct the behavior of your
personality. When you repeat the same patterns of behavior, you are essentially creating a pattern
of informational energy that normalizes your state of being. That is why you think, act and react in
certain ways. Morphic fields also affect consciousness on a mass level.

1. Everything has a morphic field from cells to rocks...etc.
2. They hold the concept of a being as a form of energy that determines its shape, form, and
3. They are generated through repetition (when you repeat the same behavior patterns, you
are essentially creating a pattern of informational energy that normalizes your state of
being), so yes, your personality is a morphic field too!
4. It is possible to create a morphic field with your own consciousness
5. They affect consciousness at the mass level. That's why Sapien said that the field gets
stronger over time.
How do they work?First, let's define the term "active" morphic field. What is an "active" field? It's
basically the field that you create and infuse into an audio or an object. and contains informational
energy. So a morphic field audio contains an "active" field that when you play it, this "active" field is
added to your already existing morphic field, and the informational energy in it tells your body or just
a part of it! How to behave

How are they created? As we discovered earlier, morphic fields are just informational energy
patterns. Now to create morphic fields you have to learn and practice energy manipulation and this
could take years to master.
So what do you do to make a morphic field? All you have to do is manipulate the energy and
purpose it (program it) with your own consciousness -After that, you consciously infuse that energy
into an audio of your choice and that could be a frequency or just music or a subliminal. The reason
Sapien recommends speakers is because it is purely programmed energy and when it comes in
contact with your whole body it is much more effective.

Benefits of morphic fields:

-work faster than subliminals
-you don't have to fully believe in them for them to work, but belief definitely gives quicker results
-can treat many diseases such as cancer, etc.
-they can change the way people perceive you because people feel the energy and are affected by
And many other benefits!

-You have to constantly listen to the audio or the field, otherwise its effect will fade over time.
But for that, there is a catch! Morphic fields can actually be infused inside objects like necklaces or
rocks and stuff. and as long as you hold them with you, that field will always be with you and its
effect will never fade! Good news for some.

Now, subliminals or morphic fields?

In my experience, subliminals are a better option than morphic fields.
Even if they take longer to manifest, the results are permanent and generally better. However, I
have found that adding a morphic field to subliminal audio is extremely effective and has helped me
manifest my desires much faster.

SECTION V: Miscellaneous

Light Language/ Light Code Transmissions

(Coming soon)

Anthro Teacher - Intent Repeater

(Coming soon)

gateway project
(Coming soon)

law of attraction
(Coming soon)
(Coming soon)

(Coming soon)

reality shift
(Coming soon)

manifestation techniques
(Coming soon)

The mind and psychedelic drugs

(Coming soon)

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