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ALL details MUST BE COMPLETED or assignment may be returned before acceptance

Students name/ID 1. Nurul Asyiqin Binti Noor Hisham (012020020976)
2. Maryam Binti Zaini (012020021310)
3. Ivy Elonna Henry (012020021227)
4. Nur Syarah Abyana Binti Anuar (012020020924)
5. Siti Nur Fazila Binti Aspandi (012020021151)
6. Raja Puteri Aliah Hannah (012020021406)
Subject Name & Code
Lecturer Miss Nor Afiqah Md. Noh
Programme Foundation In Business
Semester September 2020 Project No 2
(as per assignment brief) Project 2 : Community Service – ReLeaf Project
Date submitted 14 January 2021 Due date 14 January 2021
If lodged after the due date:
 Were you granted an extension for this assignment: YES NO

 If “YES”: Approved by Date granted:

Note: Marking penalties apply for assignments lodged after the due date. *
I certify that this assignment is my own work in my own words. All sources have been acknowledged
and the content has not been previously submitted for assessment to MSU or elsewhere.
I also confirm that I have kept a copy of this assignment.

Signed: ………………………………….. Date: ………………………………..

This assignment was received:
 Up to one week late and will receive a 10% mark deduction
 Two weeks late and will receive a 20% mark deduction
 Three to four weeks late and will receive a maximum mark of 50%
 Over four weeks late and no marks will be awarded.
 Student note: You have until first week of the following term to
appeal any penalty.
Marks Comments:

Signed: ………………………………….. Date: ………………………………..



(4) (3) (2)
There is a well-
Introduction is Introduction does
focused Introduction clearly
somewhat clear not address the
statement that states the main
Introduction but elements topic and the
introduces the topic but elements
(10%) discussed are elements
topic and clearly discussed are
inadequate. discussed.
addresses all inadequate.

Purpose and Purpose and

main ideas of the main ideas of the Purpose and main
Purpose and main
Content event are clear, event are overly ideas of the event
ideas of the event
Analysis relevant and broad or are unclear and
are clear, relevant
-Group’s focused. simplistic. require inferences
and focused.
activities Supporting Supporting by reader.
Supporting details
details are details are Supporting details
are general or
(20%) relevant and limited, off topic, are insufficient and
limited in places.
carefully predictable or too irrelevant.
selected. general.

Student presents
a comprehensive Student provides
view of the topic, good overview of Student has Student does not
compelling the topic and some view of the present a
recommendation supports their topic and comprehensive
s with excellent recommendations recommendation view of the topic,
justification, with good reason, s, but not well and does not
evidences and evidences and supported or present a clear
portrays critical portrays critical argued for. discussion.
thinking skills. thinking skills. Students explain Students did not
Students explain Students explain their findings explain their
their findings their finding based based on the findings based on
thoroughly based on the data data collected the data collected
on the data collected and and provide and provide little
collected and provide suitable basic views on views on the
provide in depth views on the the results. results.
views on the results.

demonstrates a Response
Reflection Response
Response minimal demonstrates a
demonstrates an
demonstrates a reflection on, and lack of reflection
(Individual) in-depth
general reflection personalization on, or
reflection on, and
on, and of, the theories, personalization of,
personalization of, concepts, and/or the theories,
of, the theories,
(10%) the theories, strategies concepts, and/or
concepts and/or
concepts, and/or presented in the strategies
strategies course materials presented in the
presented in the
presented in the to date. course materials
course materials
course materials Viewpoints and to date.
to date.
to date. interpretations Viewpoints and
Viewpoints and
Viewpoints and are unsupported interpretations are
interpretations are or supported with missing,
are insightful and
supported. flawed inappropriate,
well supported.
Appropriate arguments. and/or
Clear, detailed
examples are Examples, when unsupported.
examples are
provided, as applicable, are Examples, when
provided, as
applicable. not provided or applicable, are not
are irrelevant to provided.
the assignment.

Meets all format Meets format Meets format Fails to follow

requirements, requirements, requirements, format and
attention to attention to details, less attention to requirements,
details, margin, margin, spacing details, margin, incorrect margin,
spacing and and indentation. spacing and spacing and
indentation. Essay is indentation. indentation.
Essay is structured and Essay is Structure and
structured and neat. structured and neatness of essay
neat. (1-2 errors) neat. (3-4 errors) needs attention.
Written work has Written work has
Written work is
Written work has several errors in serious and
relatively free of
no errors in word word selection persistent errors in
errors in word
selection and and use, word selection and
Mechanics selection and use,
use, sentence sentence use, sentence
(10%) sentence
structure, structure, structure, spelling,
structure, spelling,
spelling, spelling, punctuation, and
punctuation, and
punctuation, and punctuation, and capitalization.
capitalization. (1-2
capitalization. capitalization. (3- (more than 4
4 errors) errors)

The conclusion is The conclusion is

The conclusion is The conclusion is
Conclusion strong and logical and
logical but does illogical and does
(10%) logical as well as adequately
not summarize not summarize the
provides clear summarizes the
the topic. topic.
summary of the topic.

Required Response is
Components missing some
-minute Response components
meeting includes all and/or does not
components and fully meet the Response
includes all
(10%) meets or requirements excludes essential
components and
exceeds all indicated in the components
meets all
requirements instructions. and/or does not
indicated in the Some questions address the
indicated in the
instructions. or parts of the requirements
instructions. Each
Each question or assignment are indicated in the
question or part of
part of the not addressed. instructions. Many
the assignment is
assignment is Some parts of the
addressed. All
addressed attachments and assignment are
thoroughly. All additional addressed
and/or additional
attachments documents, if minimally,
documents are
and/or additional required, are inadequately,
included, as
documents are missing or and/or not at all.
included, as unsuitable for the
required. purpose of the

TOTAL /100


(4) (3) (2)

Students almost
Students almost always bring Students often
Students bring
PREPAREDNESS always bring needed materials forget needed
needed materials
FOR THE EVENT needed materials for minor project materials for minor
for project and
for minor project but sometimes project or are
(10%) are always ready
and are always needs to settle rarely ready to get
to work.
ready to work. down and get to to work.

EFFORT Work reflects this Work reflects a Work reflects Work reflects very
DISPLAYED group's best strong effort from some effort from little effort on the
(10%) efforts. this group. this group. part of this group.

Students Students
routinely delegate and
occasionally Students rarely
delegate and monitor the
delegate and delegate and
DELEGATING monitor the effectiveness of
monitor the monitor the
TASK effectiveness of the group and
effectiveness of effectiveness of
the group, and works to make
10% the group and the group and do
makes the group more
works to make the not work to make it
suggestions to effective to the
group more more effective.
make it more best of his/her
effective. ability.

Students do not Students do not try

PROBLEM- Students actively Students refine suggest or refine to solve problems
SOLVING look for and solutions solutions, but is or help others
suggest solutions suggested by willing to try out solve problems.
(10%) to problems. others. Let others do the
suggested by work.

WORKING WITH Students almost Students usually Students often Students rarely
OTHERS always listens to, listens to, shares listens to, shares listens to, shares
shares with, and with, and with, and supports with, and supports
(10%) supports the supports the the efforts of the efforts of
efforts of others. efforts of others. others, but others. Often is

Tries to keep Does not cause sometimes is not a not a good team
people working "waves" in the good team player.
well together. group. member.

Students focus on
Students Students focus
the task and what
consistently on the task and
needs to be done Students rarely
stays focused on what needs to be
FOCUS ON THE some of the time. focus on the task
the task and done most of the
TASK Other group/class and what needs to
what needs to be time. Other
members must be done. Let
(20%) done. Very self- group/class
sometimes nag, others do the
directed. members can
prod, and remind work.
(achieve count on this
to keep this
objective) person.
person on-task.

involvement, and
activities of
student are Role,
carefully involvement, and
presented and activities of
explained. It is student are Role, involvement,
obvious that the clearly described and activities of Role, involvement,
proposed are only student only and activities of
activities are generally vaguely student are only
Role, presented. presented. vaguely
Involvement student focused.
Students will not Each student The plan for presented.
and Activities play a role in the involvement of The student’s role
of Student be merely
observing or planned activities student is not is merely as a
(20%) performing but are mostly clearly articulated bystander or the
menial tasks— involved in the and appears to be role is only
they will be implementation limited in scope. superficially
actively involved and/or Students are presented
in the process. dissemination of mostly observers.
The number of the project and
students involved have little or no
is not as critical creative input.
as the quality of

COMPLETE Student set Student set Student follow Student follows

PROJECTS benchmarks for benchmarks for benchmarks to benchmarks to
EFFECTIVELY self to reach self to reach a reach a goal, reach a goal by a
goal, anticipate goal, create a identify basic deadline.
and strategic to plan by needs for project

overcome identifying needs completion, and
obstacles, for project use feedback from
independently completion, seek others to revise
revise as well as feedback from work by a
seek feedback others to revise deadline.
from others to work by a
create a polished deadline.
finished product
with minimal

TOTAL /100


Preparedness Effort Delegating Problem Working with Focus on Role Complete Total
No Matric No Student Name (10%) Displayed task Solving others task involvement project marks
(10%) (10%) (10%) (10%) (20%) (20%) (10%) (100%)
Nurul Asyiqin Binti Noor
1 012020020976

2 012020021310 Maryam Binti Zaini

3 012020021227 Ivy Elonna Henry

4 012020020924 Nur Syarah Abyana Binti Anuar

5 012020021151 Siti Nur Fazila Binti Aspandi

6 012020021406 Raja Puteri Aliah Hannah




(4) (3) (2) IMPROVEMENT

Communication Communication
Communication Communication / 4 x 20
skill/critical Communication among group
among group among group
thinking among group members and
members and members and
members and critical thinking
critical thinking critical thinking
(Group) critical thinking were average
were excellently were at beginning
were good. and met
(20%) demonstrated. level.

Project / 4 x 20
Organization preparation was Project Project
very organized preparation was preparation was
(Group) preparation lacked
and was very organized and not clearly
easy to follow. pretty followable. organized.

The team worked The team worked The team worked / 4 x 20

Team did not
well together to well together well together
Teamwork collaborate or
achieve most of the time, some of the time,
communicate well.
objectives. Each with only a few with only a few
(Group) Some members
member occurrences of occurrences of
would work
(20%) contributed in a communication communication
valuable way to breakdown or breakdown or
without regard to
the project. failure to failure to
objectives or
collaborate when collaborate when
appropriate. appropriate.

Student was / 4 x 20
Student was on frequently off
Participation task, participated Student was task, participated Student rarely
at all times, usually on task, at times, participated in
(Individual) demonstrated participated sometimes group
leadership, daily, followed strayed from
(20%) collaboration.
followed the the action plan. action plan.
action plan.

Helped keep the Consistently Sometimes gave Provided irrelevant / 4 x 20

group focused Rarely Provide feedback or
provides good acceptable
on the task relevant comments.
dignified, clear feedback,

(Individual) and respectful solutions and feedback or
feedback, strategies. comments.
(20%) solutions and


Table of Contents

1.0. Introduction.................................................................................................. 10

2.0. Process of planning the event.................................................................... 11

2.1. 1st Phase: Making the decision of the project...................................... 11

2.2. 2nd Phase: Planning ............................................................................ 12

2.3. 3rd Phase: Running the project ........................................................... 13

2.4. 4th Phase: Finalizing ........................................................................... 13

2.5. 5th Phase: Lesson learned .................................................................. 14

3.0. Minutes of Meetings .................................................................................... 15

3.1. Volume 1............................................................................................. 15

3.2. Volume 2............................................................................................. 18

3.3. Volume 3............................................................................................. 21

3.4. Volume 4............................................................................................. 24

4.0. Activity Conducted with Picture Evidence ................................................ 27

4.1. Picture Evidences ............................................................................... 27

4.1.1. Ivy Elonna Henry (Chili Plant) .................................................. 27

4.1.2. Siti Nur Fazila (Chili Plant) ....................................................... 30

4.1.3. Maryam Zaini (Lemon Basil Plant) ..................................................... 33

4.1.4. Nurul Asyiqin (Chili Plant) ........................................................ 35

4.1.5. Nur Syarah (Red Spinach Plant) .............................................. 38

4.1.6. Raja Puteri Aliah (Lime Plant) .................................................. 40

5.0. Discussion ................................................................................................... 48

5.1. Problems faced and Solutions ............................................................ 48

5.2. Secretary’s Reflection ......................................................................... 49

6.0. Conclusion ................................................................................................... 52

7.0. Appendices .................................................................................................. 53

1.0. Introduction
The project that we conducted revolves around the twelfth Sustainable and
Development Goals (SDG). The 12th SDG promotes responsible consumption and
production patterns, in which the goal is to ensure that we try to avoid wasting and
instead encourage and promote productions that can sustain us in the long run. It aims
to focus on decoupling economic growth from environmental degradation, increasing
resource efficiency and promoting sustainable lifestyles. The ReLeaf project had first
started on the 2nd November of 2020 and there are around 45 students participating
in this project since it was a part of our class activity. Each of us were required to plant
seeds that can give benefits or it is consumable by our communities and take care of
it until it becomes a sapling. We monitored and took pictures of our progresses as
During the 16th and 17th week of our September 2020 semester, our project
made a big progress where we handed out our plants to the communities that are
convenient to our group members. Not only that, we had also create a video about
SDG 12 awareness and our ReLeaf project. We handed our plants to someone who is
more in need as well as convenient to us and took videos as evidences. Our group
planted and handed out about 20 plants in total, some plants had failed to grow thus
we either planted new ones or buy a new plant for donation purposes.
Initially, we were supposed to visit the House of Amal Al-Firdaus in Setia Alam
to donate our plants together as a class and teach the residents how to care the plants.
Unfortunately, the plan was cancelled as the cases of Covid-19 were increasing. We
had created a video to spread more awareness SDG 12 and posted it in our social
medias, which includes Instagram, WhatsApp Status, Twitter and uploading our video
on YouTube as the main sharing platform. The video was uploaded on the 7th of
January 2021. We shared and posted our YouTube video link on our social medias as
well as promoting it among our friends, family and also to the public to give awareness
about the topic that we talked about.
Since we are currently under Movement Control Order (MCO) due to the rising
numbers of Covid-19 cases, we did our projects from home and used various online
platforms to ensure that the project is progressing smoothly and also made sure that
our safety is being taken care of as well. This project was conducted from around the
country as many of us in the class comes from different places in Malaysia.

2.0. Process of Planning the Event
2.1. 1st phase: Making decision of the project

a) What is the purpose of making this event?

To build an awareness by learning and understand the SDG 12;
Responsible Consumption and Production.

b) What is the goal for this event?

The goal for this event is to cultivate and to distribute the plants in the
community as well as spreading awareness and educate our community
regarding the 12th Sustainable and Development Goal.

c) What is the benefit that will be delivered from this event?

The benefit that will be delivered from this event is being able to enhance
our skills in planting in which this project encourages us to grow vegetables
on our own. Meanwhile, we are also able to experience by sharing our
knowledge with others through delivering our plants to the society.

d) Where do we find capable people who are interested and willing to be

The participants are basically the students from the Co-Curriculum II

e) How will the event be evaluated?

This event will be evaluated by our subject lecturer, Miss Nor Afiqah by
monitoring our progress in which all the process have to be actively updated
by us including the distribution process.

2.2. 2nd phase: Planning

a) What is the specific objective?

To encourage the community to developed new habits to ensure
sustainable consumption and production in the society.

b) What is the date for the event?

The date of the event is from 2nd of November 2020 to 4th of January 2021.

c) What is the schedule?

On 2nd of November 2020, each member required to start the planting
process where it was started with seedlings. It then proceeds to transferring
the plants to polybag and on 4th of January 2021, we have to deliver the
plants to our nearby neighbour. Once we have done all the process, the
next task was creating a video based on SDG 12; Responsible
Consumption and Production including the evidence of our activity, where
we are required to post the video in Social Media on 7th of January 2021.

d) What is the budget?

We decided to place a budget of RM 15 of each member including the
Project Fees which cost RM 5.

e) What methods of communication will we use for information?

We have posted the video regarding the SDG 12 on the YouTube platform
and therefore, we have used the Instagram Story to share our video.

f) What are the risks for the event?

Since we are distributing the plants to our neighbours or to the community,
we were able to get exposed to Coronavirus. However, we still in extra
precautions to protect ourselves by following the Standard Operating

2.3. 3rd phase: Running the project

a) Run the project

In this project, all members are required to cultivate at least one type of
plants and each member are required to record their own parts for the
awareness video.

b) Monitor the project

All the members have to monitor the growth of the plants by being able to
provide water or nutrients to the plants before distribute the plants. Group
leader had also monitored each member’s progress in their video recording.

c) Encourage people to join

We encourage people to join our project by planting their own consumable
plants that can bring sustainability to us in the long run and we had included
this in our awareness video. We had also encourage our community
through the plants that we gave, hoping that they would plant more
consumable plants just like the plant we gave to them.

2.4. 4th phase: Finalising

a) Plants distribution
All of the members distributed their plants to their neighbours. Evidence
was being taken by taking some pictures of distribution.

b) Uploading Video
Once all members had recorded their parts, edited and compiled into one
video, the group leader uploads the final product on YouTube platform. All
members were required and encouraged to share the videos on their social

2.5. 5th phase: Lesson learned

a) How well did we manage this project?

We as a group were very cooperative and come out with a lot of
suggestions especially on how we can try to produce a great video. We also
encourage each other by giving support and advices to our teammates on
how to plant the plants and on which platforms to record and edit the videos
on. We also give supports to our group member in order for them to not
stress out about managing this activity.

b) What could be better next time?

To create more creative videos regarding SDG 12 as to promote awareness
to all people as well as learning more about how to cultivate plants better.

c) What did we learn about running such project?

While running this project, it is not easy to conduct this project as we see
that we need a lot patience in taking care of plants in order to produce a
good and healthy tree. It is also challenging for our group members to give
the best quality for the video due to using different platforms and recording
by ourselves was not easy, but having each other’s backs by supporting
each other and work as a team was the most important element in this

3.0. The Minutes of Meetings

3.1. Volume 1


Meeting Minutes Vol. 1/2020

Date : 12th December 2020 (Wednesday)

Time : 4:45 PM
Venue : Online Platform Via WhatsApp Application

DAY, DATE 12th December 2020 (Wednesday)

In Presence of:

Maryam Binti Zaini - Program Director

Siti Nur Fazila Binti Aspandi - Vice Program Director

ATTENDANCE Nurul Asyiqin Binti Noor Hisham - Secretary

Nur Syarah Abyana binti Anuar - Treasurer

Raja Puteri Aliah Hannah - Committee Member

Ivy Elonna Henry - Committee Member

TOPIC OF Discussion and planning for Project 2 (ReLeaf Project and Video

1. Which group member will join the Releaf Project Implementation

AGENDA (Rumah Amal Al-Firdaus in Setia Alam) on 30th December 2020.
2. Distribution of task in Video Making

Discussion and planning for Project 2 (ReLeaf Project and Video
o One member from the group have to join the planting tree
program in Setia Alam.
 Fazila had agreed to join the program due to
convenience of location and availability of tree
 All committee members agreed

o Group members were encouraged to give suggestions on

the concept of the video for Sustainable and Development
Goal: Goal 12
 Goal 12 refers to reasonable consumption and
 Committee members discussed on concept of the
video either video recording of members, animation
or action-based video.
 Concept of the video is to be confirmed later
 Group members suggested materials to be included
in the video are Water Consumption, Food
Consumption and Energy Consumption. (To be
confirmed later)

o Dividing tasks and responsibilities of each member:

Tasks Person in Charge

 Maryam Zaini
 Raja Puteri Aliah
Video Making  Nurul Asyiqin
 Ivy Elonna Henry
 Nur Syarah

Video Editor Nurul Asyiqin

ReLeaf Program
Siti Nur Fazila

Research regarding SDG

All group members

 Siti Nur Fazila Binti Aspandi will be the representative of
Group 5 to join the Releaf Program in Setia Alam.

NOTE  The Program Director expressed her gratitude and appreciation

to the members for the cooperation given.

 Meeting ended at 5:55 PM

3.2. Volume 2


Meeting Minutes Vol. 2/2020

Date : 24th December 2020 (Thursday)

Time : 8:23 PM
Venue : Online Platform Via WhatsApp Application

DAY, DATE 24th December 2020 (Thursday)

In Presence of:

Maryam Binti Zaini - Program Director

Siti Nur Fazila Binti Aspandi - Vice Program Director

ATTENDANCE Nurul Asyiqin Binti Noor Hisham - Secretary

Nur Syarah Abyana binti Anuar - Treasurer

Raja Puteri Aliah Hannah - Committee Member

Ivy Elonna Henry - Committee Member

Changes of Plan for Project 2 (ReLeaf Project and Video Making)

3. Change in the project outline and making

4. Informing group members of the changes and deadlines.

Changes of Plan for Project 2 (ReLeaf Project and Video Making)
 Miss Afiqah had a zoom meeting regarding changes of plan for
project 2 due to the rising Covid-19 cases in Selangor
o Siti Nur Fazila and Nurul Asyiqin attended the meeting
as a representative of group 5.

Main Changes in Project 2:

 Each group member need to have at least one plant to give to

their own community to promote the SDG Goals of Reasonable
Consumption and Production.
o It is preferable to give the plants that the member had
planted. If all seedlings planted died, it shall be
mentioned in the report and the member shall buy a
plant to give to the community.
o The community of the member can be their friends,
neighbours or anyone convenient to the members.
o During the delivery of the plants, students shall take a
picture or video as a proof evidence for the activity.
o Pictures from each group member will be collected and
AGENDA submitted by secretary or the group leader to Google
ITEMS Classroom on the 4th of January 2021.

 The trip to Rumah Amal Al-Firdaus with miss Afiqah and

selected representative had been cancelled.
o Only Miss Afiqah and a several committee members will
go on the trip.
o Miss Afiqah announced that the RM5 collected from
each student will be donated to Rumah Amal Al-Firdaus
as a community service.

 The video making for the project should mention and spread
awareness about SDG 12 (Reasonable Consumption and
o Siti Nur Fazila will be involved in the recording of the
o The video should be more than 1 minute but less than 3
o The video should include references as well, reminded
the group members to keep all website links if they refer
to any.

o The video shall be uploaded on YouTube platform and
every student shall share about the video on their social
medias for evaluation purposes.
o The video shall be uploaded and promoted by the 7th of
January 2021.

 Project report is very detailed and required every members’

corporation and reflection.
o If students bought anything for the purpose of this
project, students shall keep the receipt for financial
statement record purposes in the report.
o A strict reminder that there is a financial statement
section in the report. Students have to mention what
they had spent on for the project.
o The report also requires each group members’
reflection (following the guideline in the instructions
o Report shall be submitted on eKLAS before the 14th of
January 2021.

 All information had been delivered and understood by all

group members.

 Due dates of each task:

o Distribution of plants – 4th January 2021
o Upload Video and share – 7th January 2021
o Report submission – 14th January 2021
 The Program Director expressed her gratitude and appreciation
to the members for the cooperation given.

 Meeting ended at 8:57 PM

3.3. Volume 3


Meeting Minutes Vol. 3/2020

Date : 30th December 2020 (Wednesday)

Time : 9:40 PM
Venue : Online Platform Via Google Meeting

DAY, DATE 30th December 2020 (Wednesday)

In Presence of:

Maryam Binti Zaini - Program Director

Siti Nur Fazila Binti Aspandi - Vice Program Director

ATTENDANCE Nurul Asyiqin Binti Noor Hisham - Secretary

Nur Syarah Abyana binti Anuar - Treasurer

Raja Puteri Aliah Hannah - Committee Member

Ivy Elonna Henry - Committee Member

Discussion for video making (Project 2: ReLeaf)

5. Deciding elements for the video

6. Confirming each member’s task for the video making
7. Making sure every member is able to distribute plants and take
picture for evidence.

Discussion for video making (Project 2: ReLeaf)
 The concept of the video:
o A member suggested that we do a commercial theme
for our video. More research is needed and all members
agreed to include the suggestion
o It was also suggested to use the news concept, where
there are reporters reporting about the project. All
members agreed to include the suggestion.
o Concept decided by majority of votes: News

 Elements for the video; All group members agreed to the

following elements and characters:
o Scene 1: Every member introduces their names in a
professional way.
o Scene 2: First reporter (Asyiqin) introduces the
introduction which includes:
 Background
 Slogan
 Objective
AGENDA o Scene 3: Second reporter (Ivy) reports about:
ITEMS  Facts about SDG 12
 Meanwhile another showing other members of
the group:
 Planting Seeds (Syarah)
 Picking chili from house backyard
 Buying groceries (Maryam)
 Experiencing waste of groceries
(groceries gone bad) (Syarah)
o Scene 4: First reporter (Asyiqin) talking about the
process of the plantation as a voiceover to:
 Planting Seed scene (Syarah)
 Transfer to polybag scene (Fazila)
 Plant distribution scene (all members)
o Scene 5: Second Reporter (Ivy) talks about the
outcomes of the project.
 Includes a scene where a member of the
community said thank you. (Syarah’s
 A member explaining gestures about SDG 12

o Ending Scene includes:
 Slogan (Maryam and Puteri)
 Call to Action (Fazila, Syarah and then All

o Confirming each member’s tasks / Roles:

 Ivy: Reporter
 Asyiqin: Reporter
 Puteri: Script Writer and Character
 Maryam: Character and Coordinator
 Fazila: Character
 Syarah: Video Editor (Roles changed from
Asyiqin to Syarah)

 Group Leader Maryam asking for progress of tree plantation:

o Puteri’s plant did not survive and she had to buy a
sapling for distribution
o All members have plants to distribute.
o Reminded all members to shoot videos and picture for
evidence purposes.
o Made sure every member has access to distribute

 All information had been delivered and understood by all

group members.

 The Program Director expressed her gratitude and appreciation

NOTE to the members for the cooperation given.

 Meeting ended at 11:45 PM

3.4. Volume 4


Meeting Minutes Vol. 4/2020

Date : 4th January 2021 (Monday)

Time : 9:50 PM
Venue : Online Platform Via Google Meeting

DAY, DATE 4th January 2021 (Monday)

In Presence of:

Maryam Binti Zaini - Program Director

Siti Nur Fazila Binti Aspandi - Vice Program Director

ATTENDANCE Nurul Asyiqin Binti Noor Hisham - Secretary

Nur Syarah Abyana binti Anuar - Treasurer

Raja Puteri Aliah Hannah - Committee Member

Ivy Elonna Henry - Committee Member

Discussion for video making and report (Project 2: ReLeaf)

8. Deciding script for the video

9. Confirmation of pictorial evidence submission for distribution on the
4th January 2021

10. Reminding due dates and tasks left to do.

Discussion for video making and report (Project 2: ReLeaf)
 The rough script of the video was decided as follows:
o Scene 1: Every member’s name
o Scene 2:
 Background: Name of project (ReLeaf),
implementing SDG 12 by planting trees, spread
awareness to the public by distributing plants.
 Slogan: Let’s ReLeaf (Relief)
 Objective: To create public awareness and
educate the community about the benefits of
planting trees in order to sustain consumption
and production.
o Scene 3:
 Facts about SDG 12: When consuming from
own tress, we only use what is needed.
Whereas when buying groceries, we buy in a big
quantity and can cause waste. Also use plastic
and waste energy and time.
o Scene 4: Voiceover:
 The whole plantation process
AGENDA o Scene 5: Outcomes:
ITEMS  The community gains benefit from the plant that
we cultivated and distributed. The community is
much more aware of the SDG 12 goals.
o Ending Scene:
 Slogan: Take care of the trees and the trees will
take care of you.
 Call to Action: So let’s ReLeaf (Relief),

 Group Leader Maryam encouraged every member to record

their parts and send it to video editor by the 5th January to the
video editor Syarah. All Members agreed.

 Secretary informed that pictorial evidence of plant distribution

had been edited and sent on Google Classroom as per Miss
Afiqah requested.

 Secretary reminded group members of tasks left and its due

o Send Individual videos for editing – 5th January 2021
o Upload final video and share on social media platform -
7th January 2021
o Report Submission – 14th January 2021

 Dividing Tasks for report making:
Tasks Person in Charge

Introduction Raja Puteri Aliah

 Ivy Elonna Henry

Process of event planning
 Raja Puteri Aliah

Minute of Meeting Nurul Asyiqin

Activity Conducted with

Maryam Zaini

Problems and Solutions Siti Nur Fazila

Conclusion Nur Syarah
 Siti Nur Fazila
 Nur Syarah
Compilation, Documentation,
 Nurul Asyiqin
Plagiarism check, Formatting
 Maryam Zaini
Check and Grammar Check.

Reflection on the project All group members

 All information had been delivered and understood by all

group members.

 The Program Director expressed her gratitude and appreciation

NOTE to the members for the cooperation given.

 Meeting ended at 11:55 PM

4.0. Activity Conducted with Picture Evidence
The activities conducted during this project is the plantation of the plants,
distribution and a video awareness. Miss Afiqah assigned the project on 4 November
2020. We were given time to plant vegetable or fruit trees before distribute it to the
community. We supposed to distribute the plants to Rumah Amal Al-Firdaus, Setia
Alam but the rising of Covid-19 cases wouldn’t allow us to do so. We distributed the
plants to our own community on 4 January 2021 from 9 AM to 6 PM. On the 7th January
2021, we posted an awareness video on YouTube titled “SDG-12: RESPONSIBLE
CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION CAMPAIGN” and got 300+ views and 113 likes.
We also promoted the video on our social media.

4.1. Picture Evidences

4.1.1. Ivy Elonna Henry (Chili Plant)

Picture 1: 7 November 2020

Picture 2: 14 November 2020

Picture 3: 16 November 2020

Picture 4: 19 November 2020

Picture 5: 13 December 2020

Picture 6: 4 January 2021, Ivy giving out the Chili Plant to her neighbour

4.1.2. Siti Nur Fazila Binti Aspandi (Chili Plant)

Picture 7: 11 November 2020

Picture 8: 20 November 2020

Picture 9: 25 November 2020

Picture 10: 2 December 2020

Picture 11: 2 January 2021, Fazila transferred the plant into polybags

Picture 12: 4 January 2021, Fazila giving out her plant to the owner of Dapur Melati

4.1.3. Maryam binti Zaini (Lemon Basil Plant)

Picture 13: 11 November 2020, the Lemon Basil Plant started to growing up

Picture 14: 2 January 2021, Maryam transferred the plant into a pot

Picture 15: 4 January 2021, Maryam giving out the plant to her friend

4.1.4. Nurul Asyiqin Binti Noor Hisham (Chili Plant)

Picture 16: 4 November 2020, Asyiqin put the seeds in a damp paper towel and place
it in a plastic cup

Picture 17: 11 November 2020, the seeds started to germinate.

Picture 18: 18 November 2020

Picture 19: 25 November 2020, Asyiqin transferred the plants to the soil

Picture 20: 2 December 2020

Picture 21: 4 January 2021, Asyiqin gave the plant to her close relative

4.1.5. Nur Syarah Abyana Binti Anuar (Red Spinach Plant)

Picture 22: 23 November 2020

Picture 23: 25 November 2020, the plant started to grow up

Picture 24: 28 November 2020

Picture 25: 4 January 2021, Syarah gave the plant to her neighbour

4.1.6. Raja Puteri Aliah Hannah (Lime Plant)

Picture 26: 3 January 2021, Puteri bought a Lime Plant at SWS Garden because her
plant failed to grow up.

Picture 27: 4 January 2020, Puteri gave the plant to her close neighbour

Picture 28: The Awareness Video about the SDG 12

Picture 29: 7 January 2021, Maryam shared the awareness video on her
Instagram Story

Picture 30: 7 January 2021, Syarah promoted the video on her Instagram Story

Picture 31: 7 January 2021, Asyiqin promoted the awareness video on her
Instagram Story

Picture 32: 7 January 2021, Ivy shared the about the video on her Instagram

Picture 33: 7 January 2021, Puteri promoted the SDG 12 awareness video on
her Instagram Story

Picture 34 and 35: 7 January 2021, Fazila promoted about the video on her
Whatsapp Status and her Twitter account

5.0. Discussion
5.1. Problems faced and Solutions
There were multiple problems that all of us as a group bumped into
throughout conducting this project.

a) Plants died in the middle of the project.

The main problem that two of our members face during the
project was that the plant did not survive until the end of the project. As
there is time constrict for the project, they have to take immediate action
to solve the problems. One of the solution for this problem is to replant
from the start. This solution was used by one of our member as there is
enough time to grow new plants. Another solution for this problem is to
buy sapling. This is a way that was used by one of our members as
there was not enough time to plant new plants.

b) Multiple changes of project instruction.

Due to COVID-19, the original instruction for the project has to
be altered multiple times. This became a problem to us as we had to
get used to the new instruction and change our plans. The solution that
we came up for this problem is to discuss with our team on the new
changes and restructure our plans together so that it complies to the
new instructions.

c) Cancellation to distribute the plants to Rumah Amal Al-Firdaus

According to the original plan, the plants are supposed to be
distributed to Rumah Amal Al-Firdaus. Each group had to send one
member as the representative to visit Rumah Amal Al-Firdaus to
distribute the plants. This plan had to be cancelled due to the sudden
rise of COVID-19 cases. The solution for this was that each one of us
donated RM 5 to the organisation. The plants that we grew were then
distributed to the community. It could be distributed to anyone that could
get the benefit from the plants, whether it is our neighbours, close
relatives or friends.

5.2. Secretary’s Reflection

Name: Nurul Asyiqin Binti Noor Hisham

ID Number: 012020020976
Course: Foundation in Business
Contact No.: 019-2629048
Position: Secretary

For our project II, we had carried out a project called the ReLeaf project,
in which UCS0061 Co-Curriculum II students will be cultivating seeds, either
fruits, vegetables or any seeds that will germinate into a consumable plant. We
have to care for the seeds until it grows into a young plant and will be giving
these plants to those in need or anyone in our community. The students will
also have to create an awareness video from each group to spread more
awareness and educate people regarding the twelfth sustainable and
development goal, subjected to reasonable consumption and production.

I had started cultivating my seeds on the 4th of November 2020, in which

the chosen seeds for this project is Chili seeds. After the seeds germinated into
a small plant, I transferred the plants to soil and let the grow stronger so that I
can transfer them into a polybag for easy mobilization. Initially I planted about
ten plants but around seven of them did not survive. I planted a few more seeds
hoping it could survive and for this project, I ended up having eight plants in
total. The plants were then distributed to my close relative as she had told me
about her interest in my plant. I gave all of my plants to her, hoping she could
pursue her passion in gardening and at the same time use the products in her
daily life.

For the awareness video, we were required to create a 3-4 minutes’
video based on the project’s progress and goals. As currently the MCO period
had restricted us from meeting each other, everyone had to record their own
parts and one member had to compile it into one video. On the 7th January
2021, our video was ready and we uploaded in on YouTube. The project had
also encouraged us to share and promote the video all over our social medias.

The main objective of this project is to create and spread awareness

regarding SDG 12 to the public and our community. Not only that, we also aim
to educate our community on the benefits of planting consumable plants in
order to sustain our consumption and production level. In my opinion, we as a
group had successfully achieved our objective as our YouTube video had
gained 300+ views, which means we had spread and educate 300+ people
about our project and SDG 12. Not only that, I believe that we had achieved
the objective because after I have distributed my plants, many of my relatives
would like to plant more consumable plants such as lime, chilies, parsleys,
coriander and many more. This is because I told them it would save us cost
and time, especially during this pandemic which makes us hard to travel for our

In my opinion, this projects contributes a big part in building our club

and association. This project involves us giving back to the society by using our
name to spread the project around. Not only does a lot of people know about
the project, they also know more about our group too. Also, as this project
involves us spreading more information about SDG 12, it was an opportunity
for our group to grow more, not only in terms of knowledge, but also in terms
of educating, communicating and many other soft skills.

I have learnt that without my team, this project won’t be successful.

Teamwork was the element that brought this project to success because in
order to complete the project, we have to work and progress together as a
team. Each member of our team is required to participate and perform their
task to make the project successful. As the project was conducted online
without face to face interaction, developing and planning the project requires
great collaboration and communication skills between the team members. It
was challenging for us to plan properly, especially for the video because if all
of our members were not looking in the same direction, it could be a total
disaster. During this activity, It’s not only me who had built these skills by

myself, but I had learned it with my team members as a group. This activity had
given each team member a sense of responsibility and it requires every
members’ support as well as trust. I have also learned that having two-way
communication with our group members were also important in teamwork. This
is because we could get advices and recommendations from each other in
order to improve ourselves and proceed further. We can avoid having
arguments and also create fresh ideas by communicating with each other.

My contribution for this activity is by being an attentive secretary as well

as a friend to support our members. I contributed greatly in terms of jotting
down different ideas and keeping everything in order for our project, especially
in terms of documentation. Not only that, I have also contributed 10 plants to
my community as a result of the project and take a big part in the video making
as a ‘reporter’ that reports about our project. Although it was pretty challenging
taking care of the plant as well as recording my part for the video, I definitely
enjoyed contributing to the project to ensure that the project runs smoothly. I
believe that my contribution is enough since I have contributed to many
different parts of the project and help my team to move together as a whole
team by supporting and improving our tasks, not only as a member, but also
as a friend.

With the experience, knowledge and skills that I have obtained from this
project, I can use it in every field that I could venture in the future. I can use my
secretary skills, especially documentation in important events or even in my
assignments. I could also use the teamwork and communication skills
whenever I have to work in a team or to interact with other people. Also, as I
have experienced that responsibility and giving efforts contributes greatly to
any work and project, I will also be using them to ensure that my future work
and projects run smoothly just like our ReLeaf project. I could also use my
planting skills in my daily life! Although my planting skills for this project shows
that I’m at an amateur level, but I could always improve the skills by planting
more plants and help in contributing to SDG 12.

6.0. Conclusion
In a nutshell, our major project was successful and all of our team members
did a splendid job together. The ReLeaf project had successfully provided many
different challenges and knowledge to the students participating in it, especially giving
the opportunities to students learning about the plants and how to care for them.
Our team members had grown less than 10 trees each as we were worried that
the plant would not grow in a good condition. It was unfortunate that one member’s
plant did not survive at all and she had to buy a sapling. However, most of the members
succeeded planting and growing a plant although not all of their plants survived. Thus
with our own planted plant that survived, we were able to give them to our community
and educate them about our aim to maintain reasonable consumption and production
The process of planting seeds and taking care of them was really challenging
and students could be impatient to wait for their saplings to grow. As the seeds requires
time to germinate into a young tree, this gives the students the chance to learn the
process of plant growing as well as be patient to care for the plant. Without proper
care, the plants may not survive just like how all members have a few plants that didn’t
grow. We learned from our mistakes and some of us re-planted seeds or buy a new
Planting trees or cultivating seeds is an activity that brings peace and it is also
stress relieving thus it is good for students as it helps us to not feel stress because of
our online learning during this hard times. Our ReLeaf project does not only involves
cultivating plants, we also have to create an awareness video subjected to reasonable
consumption and production. Not only does the video contain about our project and
planting progress, we also try to educate others about how sustainable consumption
of production is important for us to live in a better world. The video also contains our
goals, aims and objective for this project.
In conclusion, we couldn’t have done such successful project without our team
members and teamwork. Not only that, all groups in the subject UCS0061 had
cooperated well and joint hands together and make the major project successful.
Finally, we should keep in mind that plants and trees is a very important element in our
ecosystem as it provides fresh air to breath and consumable products for everyone to
eat on this planet. Take care of the plant and the plant will take care of us, so let’s
ReLeaf together!

7.0. Appendices
7.1. Financial Statement

1 Chili seeds 2.80
2 Soil 3.57
3 Polybag 6.00
4 Donation to Rumah Amal Al-Firdaus 5.00
Subtotal 17.37
5 UV Polybag x10 6.31
6 Donation to Rumah Amal Al-Firdaus 5.00
Subtotal 11.31
7 2.5kg Soil 3.49
8 Red Spinach Seeds 3.49
9 Polybag x6 3.60
10 14cm Diameter Flower Pot 2.40
11 Donation to Rumah Amal Al-Firdaus 5.00
Subtotal 17.98
12 Limau Kasturi Sapling 6.00
13 Donation to Rumah Amal Al-Firdaus 5.00
Subtotal 11.00
14 Polybag x15 4.00
15 Donation to Rumah Amal Al-Firdaus 5.00
Subtotal 9.00
16 Donation to Rumah Amal Al-Firdaus 5.00
Subtotal 5.00
TOTAL 73.16

7.2. Receipts

Picture 1: Receipt for Puteri’s expenses.

Picture 2: Receipt for Syarah’s expenses.

Picture 3: Receipt for Ivy’s expenses.


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