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Part I.

Personal Background and Academic Achievement

Directions: Write your answers on the space provided.

Name: ___________________________








Final Average (English):

___84 below




Part II. Check List

Directions: Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the

following items. Respond to the statements below with your feelings at

present or with your expectations of how things will be. Kindly check the

box to the left of each item that corresponds to your answer.


Score Description

5 Always

4 Frequent

3 Sometimes

2 Seldom

1 Never

1. I often let
my mind
wonder to
come up
with new
2. I use the
ng to come
up with
new ideas.
3. I look for
new ideas/
and try to
apply them
to my own.
4. I often use
n to come
up with
5. I often
focus on
what I’m
doing in order to do it quickly
6. I am confident with the level of concentration I am able to
7. I don’t get tempted to use my gadgets and watch some
movies and scroll through my social media.
8. I always approach academic situations with assurance.

9. Having high grades makes me feel good about myself.

10. I always try to participate openly in class.

11. If I do not understand something, I won’t stop until I learn

it out.
Statements 5 4 3 2 1
12. I often consider failure as a source of my
13. I try to finish whatever I begin

14. I am not distracted when having bad grades.

15. I try to focus to the things that can help me to overcome

my stressed.
16. I pay close attention to my thoughts when I am working on
something hard.
17. I feel confidence when starting a new task.

18. I like to work out problems which I can use in my life

every day.
19. I work hard, so that failure won’t discourage me.

20. I tend to be sure of myself and my abilities.

21. I see myself as having a positive attitude towards English.

22. I feel accomplished when I done my academic activities.

23. I don't give up easily when I am faced within difficulties in

my academics.
24. Communicating with other students helps me to have a
better performance towards academic.

25. I am the kind of person who helps students that struggles

with their studies.
Part II. Multiple Choices

Directions: Answer the following questions and encircle the possible correct letter that

corresponds to your answer. Erasure is not counted if you commit to do so.

Vocabulary Skill Test

1. Choose a best synonym for abandon.

a. sail off
b. play
c. jump over
d. leave

2. I don’t like my job very much. I’m going to ________ and look for another one.
a. fire
b. retire
c. resign
d. finish

3. Violent programmers on television may have a bad ________ on children.

a. affection
b. pressure
c. influence
d. control
4. Friendly -> Unfriendly, Honest -> Dishonest, Polite -> ____
a. inpolite
b. impolite
c. unpolite
d. dispolite

5. The guide is _____ a line of tourist through the narrow passage with the help of his torch.
a. conducting
b. bringing
c. leading
d. guiding

Writing ability Test

1. Jessica Mitford wrote The American Way of Death, a best-selling book that led eventually to
an official investigation of the funeral industry.
a. that had led eventually
b. that eventually led
c. which eventually led
d. who eventually led

2. The helium filled- balloon rose in the air.

a. rose into the air
b. was rising in the air
c. was in the air
d. would rise in the air
3. If I would have known about the team tryouts, I would have signed up for them.
a. had known
b. would have known
c. could of known
d. had been told

4. If the books have been catalogued last week, why haven’t they been placed on the shelf?
a. would have been cataloged
b. was catalogued
c. were catalogued
d. had been catalogued

5. When studying an assignment, it is wise to read it over quickly at first, than major points, and
finally outline the material.
a. first, then
b. first: then
c. first- then
d. first-than

Native/ Bilingual Proficiency

1. Cherry likes apple, _______ she does not like oranges.

a. so
b. for
c. but
d. or
2. Juan ________ in the library this morning.
a. studying
b. study
c. is studying
d. are studying

3. You were _______ the New York office before 2 pm.

a. suppose call
b. supposed to call
c. supposed calling
d. supposed call

4. The movie was _____ the book.

a. as
b. as good
c. good as
d. as good as

5. I have only a _____ Chritmas cards left to write.

a. few
b. fewer
c. less
d. little

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