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Jim McGrath and Anthony Coles - Your Teacher Training Handbook

Example Rationale and Lesson Plan

Please note: No lesson plan or rationale is perfect. This example is very good. As you read it try
and identify five strengths and three areas for improvement in the work

We would like to thank Laura Aston for permission to use her plans as part of these
web resources.
Jim McGrath and Anthony Coles - Your Teacher Training Handbook

Rationale for Observed Sessions

Name: Laura Aston Time: 10.15am

Venue: Sutton Coldfield College (Birmingham Metropolitan) Full time

Observed Session: AS Level PE (Skill Acquisition) (23rd March 2010)

1 Describe the context of the teaching and the needs of your learners
There are now 13 learners’ in the AS level group. All learners’ have achieved at least 5 GCSEs at grade C or
above including Mathematics and English, and a minimum average points score of 4.7. There was originally 16
learners’ in this group. However, one learner has dropped out from the course and the others did not score
particularly well in a recent six-week test. Thus they were moved onto a vocational course (BNA) (SVUK EP1.1).
To support all learners’ I upload the work into Moodle and add additional notes if needed/required (SVUK BP2.7,
FP1.2). The six-week test was based on the content covered over the last few weeks including: analysis of
movement in specified sporting actions (including planes and axes) and Levers. The questions were taken from
previous exam papers (SVUK EP2.3). By encouraging the learners’ to use Moodle it allows them to reflect on the
fact that learning can empower them as individuals and make a difference to their communities i.e. performing well
in their summer exam will allow for greater job opportunities which in effect will allow them to contribute to the
wider economic world (SVUK AP2.2, CP1.2, 2.1). On the 8 December all learners’ all learners went on the trip to
the Custard Factory in Birmingham to see the ‘Bodies Revealed.’ All learners’ were also encouraged to join the
sports therapy master class on 1st February (SVUK FP3.1). At the beginning I will be telling the learners’ that the
PowerPoint will be available on Moodle, appropriate books they should be using and any relevant website links
they may find useful (SVUK FP4.1).
2 List the qualities and constraints of the learning environment in which the session is to take place
The qualities of the learning environment include:
- Big environment (room layout is adequate for amount of learners). In the morning the room can be quite
cool, however when the heating system is working effectively, the room soon warms up (SVUK BP1.1)
- Interactive whiteboard and a separate whiteboard
- Not many resources associated with skill acquisition; however I will be using the monitor to play a video.
Many resources i.e. life sized human skeleton, posters relating to the muscular and skeletal system, as well as
fitness testing and training zones (SVUK BP1.3, AP6.2).
3 Give reasons for the selection of the learning outcomes
After reading the AS Level Specification it is essential that the learners’ have an understanding of Skill Acquisition,
with attention to cognitive/insight theories, Social learning theory and motor learning (SVUK CP1.1). This is a
learning outcome taken from the specification (PHED 1 part of the spec). Last week all learners’ looked at the
teaching styles, types of practice and methods of presenting practice. They were also set a worksheet on
cognitive theories for homework.

By the end of the lesson:

• All students should be able to:
Describe the social learning theory
Jim McGrath and Anthony Coles - Your Teacher Training Handbook

Describe Adam’s closed loop theory

Describe Schmidt’s Schema theory

Most students will be able to:

Will be able to do all of the above and attempt to complete all relevant worksheets

Some students will be able to:

Will be able to do all of the above, complete worksheets and start to compare and contrast the theories.

4 State why selected teaching/learning methods are appropriate to this session

It is evident from prior observations, that all students have different learning styles which need to be met using
different teaching methods.

I hope to ask questions throughout the lesson using Blooms taxonomy working along a continuum to achieve
differentiation with questioning.

VAK - The ‘visual, auditory and kinaesthetic’ system suggests three teaching approaches. The visual approach
includes diagrams called ‘graphic organisers.’ When using PowerPoint, I have hyperlinked a video to support the
social learning theory. Where appropriate I have also uploaded images to support the theory.

Second is the auditory approach, with teacher explanations. I will use this throughout the presentation, using my
voice to highlight key/important points. The third is the kinaesthetic approach. Students encounter ideas through
action. I hope to set the learners worksheets and also I have set an activity to encourage application of the
schema theory. This means that there will be nominated learners to throw the ball and the other learners I will
have to hold up relevant cards etc. (SVUK BP 2.2, 3.3)

I feel that the various learning methods can only help to encourage the development and progression of all
learners. Have a diverse range helps to recognise, value and respond to individual motivation, experience (i.e.
prior knowledge) and aspirations (SVUK AP1.1).
5 Which learning theories are relevant to this lesson?

1. Blooms Taxonomy – initially through question and answer the learners’ only have to identify. However, since
the learners’ are of high ability, I will encourage description and/or explanation to ensure that they are able to give
a full answer which would reflect that of an exam question.

2. Types of learning – e.g. visual, auditory and kinaesthetic.

Some individuals prefer note taking. Other learners’ benefit from visual support, for example I will support
principles with images to stimulate thinking. The learners’ will also have the visual association to aid with the recall
of information. I will also provide all learners’ with a handout so that they can write on additional notes to support
the taught lesson.

3. Behaviourism – I will use positive reinforcement during the lesson, using praise and reward. I hope that good
behaviour will be strengthened due to the learners’ experiencing a positive conditioning. I will also encourage
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immediate feedback.

4. Constructivism – building on existing knowledge.

Many of the learners have prior knowledge from their GCSE in PE and other modules within sport science. I hope
to encourage the learners’ to use their existing knowledge etc (SVUK CP3.1, BP2.5).
6 Explain how you will use ICT and other resources in your lesson
PowerPoint will be used to deliver the main content of the lesson.
The whiteboard will be used to identify key terms.
All learners’ will be encouraged to refer to the their course books and relevant worksheets
I have hyperlinked a video to the powerpoint for learners’ to watch.
(SVUK BP2.2)
7 Describe how you will assess your students’ learning
I will use question and answer to check understanding to ensure that learning has taken place. I hope to apply
Blooms Taxonomy when questioning so that it shows differentiation.
8 Which methods will you use to evaluate the success of the session?
I will use my mentors and PDT’s feedback.
I will reflect upon my experience using Gibbs reflective cycle to identify the main strengths and weakness, paying
particular attention to areas of improvement.
9 Describe how you will address the targets set in your previous lesson observation.
I would also like to ask more directed yet varied questions to the learners’
I would also like to ensure classroom management skills are worked on.
I hope to provide the learners’ with more activities to encourage self learning.

Signature: L. Aston Date: 23/03/10

Please give this completed Rationale together with the relevant lesson plan to your Mentor prior to the
Jim McGrath and Anthony Coles - Your Teacher Training Handbook


Lesson Plan

Date: 23rd March 2010 Year/Group: BNA Group SVUK &

Context of Lesson (Why are you teaching this element? How does it fit into the scheme of
I am teaching learning theories as it is taken from their AS Level Specification. In terms of the EP2.3
scheme of work I had launched the second skill acquisition pack, and have started to work my
way through this. I have adapted the book so that it strictly matches the specification. In the FP4.1
previous lessons I have also encourage more use of their course books so that they get used to
relevant activities and different styles of questions.
Assessment Strategy (How will you know if the learning has been successful? How will
you measure this learning?)
I will use Question and Answer to check understanding and to see if learning has taken place.
I also have a worksheet for the learners to complete.
Resources (How will you use ICT (create resources/PowerPoint/Smart board); what other
resources will you use?)

Powerpoint will be used to deliver some aspects of the lesson. BP1.1

Learners’ will be encouraged to use their course books to answer or complete worksheets.
They will also need to refer to their course books for the activity associated with schema.
I need to bring in tennis balls and a bucket/bin for the activity.
Learning Objectives: How will you differentiate?
All students should be able to:
Describe the social learning theory DP1.3
Describe Adam’s closed loop theory
Describe Schmidt’s Schema theory

Most students will be able to:

Will be able to do all of the above and attempt to complete all relevant worksheets

Some students will be able to:

Will be able to do all of the above, complete worksheets and start to compare and contrast the
Shared Time Activities (e.g. group work, learner centred activities, individual/pair work,
differentiated activities?)
Video and questions (group discussion)
Worksheets (either individually or in pairs if needed)
Activity as a class (Schema activity)
Literacy, Numeracy, ESOL and ICT Support
- PPT. to present the theory of the lesson
- Internet to play video.
- Interpret written texts i.e. worksheets, AQA course book etc.

Plenary (How will you open/begin/conclude/summarise your lesson?)

Take the register and challenge lateness appropriately AP7.1
Start with a recap of the previous lesson involving learners to consolidate learning
Jim McGrath and Anthony Coles - Your Teacher Training Handbook

Record clear learning objective

Use resources and effective questioning skills
Show interest and enthusiasm
Ensure all learners are involved in some way
Review the aims and objectives
Ensure any homework set is given out
End with a forward look (Ensure learners’ plan a scheduled revision calendar. Stress the
importance that if they do well, it will help them later on in life; going to university and/or jobs etc).
Anticipated Problems/Solutions
.video may not work
Learners’ may find the activity confusing or hard

Review of targets from previous Actions taken in this lesson to address

observation: these targets:
I would also like to ask more directed yet varied I have looked at Blooms Taxonomy of
questions to the learners’ words

I would also like to ensure classroom I have ensured that over the last few weeks
management skills are worked on. I have become showing more authority or
used my presence.
I hope to provide the learners’ with more
activities to encourage self learning. In this lesson and others I have encouraged
more activities for learners’.
STRATEGY Jim McGrath and Anthony Coles - Your Teacher Training Handbook
Stage and Learning and teaching Learning objectives Aids and Assessment of SVUK & Minimum
Timing activities Equipment learning Core Standards
2mins Register N/A Online Register N/A
Quick recap from last week For the learners’ to understand Powerpoint Q&A
5mins what they will be learning.
Introduce the new topic (MC 3.1)
stating aims & objectives (Consolidate/reinforce learning)
BP 1.2
Main body: Course Book Auditory
Social learning theory For learners to describe the social Discussion Q&A
learning theory Video (Using Blooms
With reference to the original work Taxonomy) DP1.1, 1.2, 2.1,1.3
30mins worksheet
of Bandura and observation (MC 3.10)
learning, with application to their
own practical example.
Course Book (MC 3.5)
Cognitive theories of For learners to gain an Powerpoint Q&A
learning understanding of the following: BP2.3
10mins Worksheet Worksheets
1. Adams closed loop theory (Self Managers) (Independent
Enquirers) BP2.4, 3.1, 3.2,
Course Book (MC 3.11)
Cognitive theories of To be able to describe the Schema Powerpoint Q&A
25mins Theory and apply it to a practical Worksheet worksheet
situations. EP1.1
Activity (ball & bin) 1.2,2.2 1.3
learning (Active Learning)
The video runs for 5.02minutes. The learners’ will watch the video and then I will ask questions based on the
video. For example, what was the main concept of the experiment? (knowledge)

I will then reinforce the learning by setting them the worksheet with reference to their course books for
support. We will then go through the answers to the worksheets as a class SVUK EP3.1 (This ensures that the
learners’ become involved in assessment. They can mark each other work before being told the write answer)
Recap Suggest background reading and Myself Q&A follow up)
5mins set homework on Insight theory (MC 3.4)
Jim McGrath and Anthony Coles - Your Teacher Training Handbook

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