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ePeGS Missouri psa or akon accor EDUCATION. Distrie/LEA: 061-157 CALAO C8 Year: 2001-2022 Funding Applcaon: Pan - Schoo Level - 4620 CALLAO ELEM, Version nial Status:Returedto LEA AAll check boxes and/or radio buttons marked in this plan and policies indi LEA and school. ‘School Level Pian Home || Print || Cancel Print Mode | te an assurance on the part of the School, Parent And Family Engagement Policy Hide 4020 CALLAO ELEM. SCHOOL, PARENT AND FAMILY ENGAGEMENT POLICY All cheek boxes marks policy icate an assurance on the part of the schoo! ‘Type of Title 1.8 program © schoolwide (O Targeted [gj TH schoo! parent and family engagement polcy is developed jointly with, dstrbuted to, and agreed on with parents of participating children, Including parents of migrant and El. children. Section 1116 (B)(3) Describe how the school seeks anc obtains the agreement of parents tothe parent and family engagement policy, a ‘are made available at open house and in enrollment packets. Parents are notified ofthe policy in an understandable and uniform format, Section 1116(6)(1) Taegan parent and tami engagement poly is provided na language the parents can understand, Section POLICY INVOLVEMENT [gj Atthe beginning of the school year, the school convenes an annual meeting, at 2 convenient time, to which all parents of partiipating children are invited ond encouraged to attend. Section 1136 (e)(3) © The agenda reflects that the purpose ofthe meeting is © To inform parents of their schoo'’s participation in the Title I.A program ‘To explain the requirements of Title LA 2. To explain the rt of parents to be involved, Section 1116 (@)(3) ©] The schoo! offers # flexible number of meetings, Section 1136 (c)(2) © Using Title 1.8 funds, to promote parental involvement the school provides (check all that apply) CD chitd care 1D Home visits Funds will not be utlized for these purposes Section 1116 (c)(2) The schoo! involves parents in an organized, ongoing, and timely way’ @ inthe planning, review, and improvement of the Title ILA program and if applicable Schoolwide program plan in the school, Section 1416 (c)(3) Describe how parents are involved in the planning, review, and improvement ofthe Title A program and if applicable Schoolwide program plan inthe school. urvey are sent fone, question and answen sessions st parent nights (2 per year), n-going, open communication between teacher, parents, administration and BOE. Inthe planning, review, end improvement ofthe school parent and family engagement polcy. Section 1116 a) Describe how parents are involved in the planning, review, and improvement ofthe school perent and family engagement polly. innual meeting oF Parent Involvement Committee, on-going communication with parent, teacher, and administration “The school provides parents of participating children: “Timely information about the Tite L.A programs. Section 1116 (c)4)(A) Describe plans to provide information about the Title L.A programs. pen house, wonthly newsletters, text caster, Facebook page, website © A cescription and explanation of the curriculum in use at the school, the forms of academic assessments that are used to measure progress, and the achievement levels ofthe MAP assessment, Section 1116 (c)(4)(B) Describe methods and plans to provide e description and explanation of the curriculum, academic assessments, ‘and MAP achievement ieves. ‘1 curriculum is available at parent conferences (2 per year), MAP scores are liscussed at parent conferences and MAP scores are sent home to parents who do 1ot attend conferences, personal student data binders contain assessment scores ‘Opportunites, as appropriate, to participate in decisions relating to the education of thelr children. Section 1116 (ANC) Responses to thelr suggestions as soon as possible. Section 1116 (c)(4)(C) SHARED RESPONSIBILITY FOR HIGH STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT ‘School-Parent Compact ‘The School-Parent Compact outlines how parents, the entire school staff, and students will share the responsibilty for Improved student academic achievement and the means by which the school and parents will build and develop 2 partnership to help chikren achieve the State’ high standards, Section 2116 (0) “The school jointly develops with parents of Tile I.A served chikdren the school-parent compact: ‘The school-parent compact will Describe the ways in which all parents wil be responsible for supporting thelr children's learning. Section 1118 ()() Parents will make sure their students are in school every day possible, check hat honework is completed, monitor the anount of television, video games and {computer tines wisely, encourage their child to read daily, take an interest in Jshat their child is learning at school and talk with them daily about those activities, volunteer in my child's classroom/school, be aware of their child's extracurricular tines and activities ? Stay informed about my child's education by reading all coemunications from the school and responding appropriately Descrive the schoo'’s responsibilty to provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in @ supportive and effective learning environment. Section 1116 ()(1) he district will educate and empower students, provide high-quality currdcul land instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables participating children to meet the Missouri Learning Standards standards, hold bi-annual parent-teacher conferences; provide parents with requent reports on their child's progress, be accessible to parents. [Addresses the importance of communication between teachers and parents on an ongoing basis through, at EZ conducting parent-teacher conferences at least annually, during which the compact shal be aiscussed tssuing frequent reports to parents on thelr children’s progress Providing reasonable access to staf, opportunities to volunteer, and observation of c-assroom, activities Ensuring regular two-way, meaningful communication between family members and schoo! staff, and, In a language that family members can understand ‘Section 1116 (4)(2)(A) (8),(C),(0) BUILDING CAPACITY FOR INVOLVEMENT ‘To ensure effective Involvement of parents and to support a partnership among the school, parents, and the community to Improve student academe achievement, the schoo! Provides assistance to parents, as appropriate, in understanding fo the Missouri Learning Standards, fo the Missouri Assessment Program, 0 local assessments, ‘© how to work with educators to improve the achievement of thelr children. Section 1136 (e)(1) Describe plans to provide assistance. fl oF these points are addressed in monthly newsletters, at parent conferences, land in on-going conversation between teachers and parents, Title I brochures laddress these topics as well. Provides materials and training to help parents work with their children to improve achievement. Section 1116 (2) Describe plans to provide materials and training. Parents receive training and information through our wonthly newsletter. Educates teachers, specialized instructional support personnel, principals, and other schoo! leaders, and other staff, withthe assistance of parents, in the value and utlty of contributions of parents, and in how to reach out ‘to, communicate wit, and work with parents 25 equal partners, implement and coordinate parent programs, ‘and bullé tes between parents and the school. Section 1116 (e)(3) Describe plans to educate schoo! personnel regarding working with parents. [StaFF communication skills are enhanced through our professional developaents lusing Love and Logic and Steven Covey's 7 Habits, staff is trained on effective lsociai interaction techniques. “To ensure effective involvement of parents and to support @ partnership among the school, parents, and the community to Improve student academic achievement, the schoa! ‘To the extent feasible and appropriate, coordinates and integrates parent involvement programs and activities with other Federal, State, and local programs, including public preschool programs, and conducts other cvities, such as parent resource centers, het encourage and support parents In more fully participating In the edueation oftheir children. Section 1136 (e)(4) Describe plans to coordinate and integrate. lour smal, rural community has limited resources but we do invite the Aserican Legion, ASCS land managenent department, our local utility department, local law lenforcement, and county health department for assemblies and public awareness lcenonstrations. Ensures that information related to school and parent programs, meetings, and other activites is sert tothe parents of participating children ina format anc, in a language the parents can understand, Section 1116 Ce) o [] Provides reasonable support for parental invlvement activities under tis section as parents may request. Section 1116 (e)(14) Optional additional assurances ‘To ensure effective involvement of parents and to support a partnership among the school, parents, and the community to improve student academic achievement, the schoal: (optional; check if applicable) Tnyolves parents in the development of raining for teachers, principal, and other educators to improve the effectiveness of parent involvement training. Section 1116 (e(6) Provides necessary teracy traning from Tile I funds if the local educational ageney has exhausted all other reasonably avallable sources of funding for literacy training. Section 1116 (e(7) Pays reasonable and necessary expenses associated with local parental involvement activities, including D. transportation and cil care costs, to enable parents to participate in school-related meetings anc training sessions. Section 1116 (@)(8) i Trains parents to enhance the involvement of ether parents. Section 1116 (e)(9) Arranges school meetings at a variety of times, or conducts In-home conferences between teachers or other [ey etucators, who work directly with participating children, with parents who are unable to attend conferences at school, in order to maximize parental Involvement and participation. adopts and implements model approaches to improving parental Involvement, Section 1116 (@)(10) C Nay adopt and implement model approaches to Improving parental involvement. Section 1116 (e)(12) Ly Etablshes a districtwide parent advisory council to provide advice on all matters related to parental involvement In Title I programs. Section 1116 (e)(12) [Ly Mey develop appropriate roles for community-based organizations and businesses in parent involvement activities. Section 1116 (@)(33) ACCESSIBILITY In carrying out the parent and family engagement requirements ofthe Title I program, the schoo, to the extent practicable, 1 Provides opportunities for the informed participation of parents and family members, Including 1 Parent and family members who have limited English proficiency. 1 Parent and family members with disabilities. 1 Parent and family members of migratory children, Provides Information and school reports In a format and, In a language parents understand. Section 1116 (f) Comprehensive Needs Assessment Show ‘Schoolwide Program Show Save Comments |{ School Level Pian Home |[ Print| Cancel Print Mode District/LEA Comments DESE Comments Email: ule bockadese mo.sov Current User: RachelsS Improving Lives through Edueation Missouri EDUCATION. evinces OwOCS Yan a0 Funding Application: Hon =A Pret and Fay Egagement_Verslon nea Status Returned 6 LES ‘Al chock boxes and/or radio buttons marked inthis plan and policies indicate an assurance on the art ofthe LEA and school ESEA Plan Hore | Print || Cencel Print Mode LEA PARENT AND FAMILY ENGAGEMENT ‘Seta 11190) (and () and Secon 1216 paren of pacoetng caren, ncsing parents of mlrant end EL rand epee pare ivowstent bepame schrkes and [E Ehve,n eamg conse presser LEA Parent and Family Engagement Policy Policy Development ‘The LEA pre and fay engogement pally developed Jody wth, agreed on wth and stb to erent of parse Seckon 1386 oN) ‘escbehow the EA nav pres in th ant cevlopmant of te LEA parent and fay engayementpecy rents provide Feedbeck each year and the plan 18 developed around that Input escbe how te LEA seeks nd bins the asteement of caren wih the paren anf engagement seley ey year garets ave given the egeeert at oath Poe and sgn the egopmet Desebe how the LEA istrbuts th LEA pret an fay engesement poe to Earens ef ericgsting enen ach student receives 0 hordbook in wich « fonily engagement policy s outlines it the beginning oF the yeor Plan Development ‘The fA aren an fmty engagement poly establishes expectations and checves for meaning parent anti Inelvemene Sector 1116(9N2) ‘Tne LEA mvs parents ad family members jin develping the lc eeueatonal agency lan Secon Bite maka ‘escte how te LEA vais parents and fay members In joey develing the lca edvaton agency lan lrrents and fenily aesbers are asked for input throughout the year ond are encouraged to be a pert of the Parent Involvencrt comictee, heetings are held tn ign aL parents and fanily menbers are encouraged to attend hose a ht 970 Ne Comurenensveaccurtabt ard Trae ccotailiy schools have been erie i the LEA Secon 1116 @N2KA) and Seton HLICOIGNED The Leh wt vole parents nd family meters i he development of Comirhensve Acura Cin, Secon £146 (aN 2NA) ond Section #2540112) he LEA et yet parents rd aml meer the development of Trceted Accourtby Plan, Tr Seeion 1136 (2N2XA) and Section 1121(0)02) Copacity Busing ‘he Lea provides coernaton tech assstarce, and other supper necessary to ast 2nd Bld theca {a potipetng schools win she (Earp and trlementing ecw pret sh ori invert” [ESctvate to prove stden seodemle eceweent ara School perormence, (ch may ncude meaning “Enmutston wh employes buns leeer mn parsrale organiza ndash exper ‘Sectey engin prensa fariy members eaucaton) Seton 116 (2K) a he cistrict norte with » philanthropic organization (Bny's Wish) That promotes [reading st hone with parents. The ergantzation donates books to be given ovt 10 [Students every your. the dssinict also hosts a fanily reading nignt in unich local businesses and Angivigvale have corated books to be given out ¢2 Fasilies lasring the event. Ine aistesce hosts on outhor showcase of local writers who cone to share these loubtications ana Iiterary ideas at 2 fanily night open to the public ‘coordination & Integration ‘The LEA coronats and integrates arnt ad arly enoement sata under te por win arent ang Ey Ianlyeogagement statin fase aa opp, wih ote relevent Fer, Sate, ad xt ls 8 Droge: Seon 16) aH) ark al relevant Feral Stat, an ca ans and programs that ae coordinated end integrate wth he THe TA te Seo amprevamene (2) Cre 1c meant ree 10 oetnavent rw mre. (Cire tt rmgrant Bruewa Ore ve Ti seroot provement Gran (9 (S16) Cispec. , state ae Loca Funds spec, port entemant (Clete ase Grant Posteecondey CireineaseGrant Seconeary Distt an Local Funds Di wororce inevaten and Onporuny et Divers sar pau eduction an Fama ercy Doers ‘escrow te LEA wt corte ané negate fly engagement stele With these ews andor Bonne fem anily night fs Tele ¥ sponsored with engaging readin activities ‘Annus! Evaluation he LEA conducts, wth the meaning ovement of parents ad fry mers an anu eile ofthe overt and efecveess of he patent an arly engagement poy mmgroveg te Scaaerae Sey 6 ‘ook sere under par Sect 1118 (0240) Desebe anni evalton Parents and fanily menbers are asked €0 complete an end of the year survey ‘As partf the annual evaluation othe content nd efectivenee ofthe parent and family engagement a Bares to grater partipaton by parents of parspatng chien (th particu atntion to parents whe ae economy desovartagee re dette, Rave Ime En preteen, have Wt Say, reo apr eine ono) Bacon) Descrbe methods for Kenting bores jing a saall ‘ural school, we ore able to develop 6 élose one on ore Iattonship with the students ond fanilses. This allows to easily feertify those orrsers within gur district and student population. ca Tap gmt antamay martes asst een of te en, meng ees Desrbe methods for ening newts Parent teacher conferences ere held Svice ® year Kith high attendonge rates. The [Reschors work well st eamunieating progress hone to parents and offering Srategies for acadente inprovenent. ©] Strateee to siprorsecetu schoo ans fy neractené eszrte meted for etn in trates eversi public events held every year in which all are Invited to attend and articipate. Facebook Serves 35 an outlet for reaching most oF our population. ‘The LEA wit use the figs ote annus evaluation ofthe porent ang arty engagerent poly to deen 2 ince besa stacapes fo mre efecive pret Imowamer, and revs exesuary, he pte and {Srv enponement pay. Sen 116 (0N2NO) ‘The LEA wile parests nthe parent ane amy engagement aces ofthe Te Served shoo (heh 1B may nce cabin «parent sory Brod fr te popose of evening, revising, and reviewing the (aren ond my engogeten pater) Sacton 1296 (SHON) Distret/LtA Comments ESE comments ‘oat ye pcndesemaer ‘current ser: races Iimpeoving Lves trough Education

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