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Name : Angeline Patricia Rera

Nim : G031211064
Page 134-135
Exercise 2
1. Which book do you think would be most useful to you and why?
Answer: The book I think would be most useful to me is Revershing
Memory Loss, because I’m kind of person who easily to forget everything
spesially when I’m stress.

2. Which book is the most interesting to you and why?

Answer: The most interesting book to me is Where Is There Is No Doctor,
because I think it’s really good to learn something about health spesially for
anticipation if I got hurt and there are no doctor.

3. Whish books would you recommend to someone who is interested in

Answer: The book I would recommend for someone that interested in
environment is Extinction : Bad Genes or Bad Luck and State of the World
1993, because in this two books they talk about how environment. In Bad
Genes or Bad Luck they talked about world environment and in State of the
World 1993 talked about how environment in 1993.

4. Which books would you recommend to someone who is interested in health?

Answer: The books I would recommend to someone who is interested in
health is Revershing Memory Loss, Where Is There Is No Doctor, and Life
Span because this three books talk about health spesially Where Is There Is
No Doctor book because this book talk about how you could save yourself
when there is no doctor.

5. Which book would you recommend to someone who is interested in how

technology affects our lives?
Answer: The book I would recommend to someone who is interested in how
technology affects our lives is The Twenty – Four – Hour Society because
this book talk about how technology 24 hour affects on human.
Page 139
Exercise 5
1. What happened to the three children from South Carver?
Answer: The three children from South Carver were reportedly disappear in
yesterday afternoon. The three children is Seth and Cindy, and their cousin
Bruce McCaffy were last seen playing in near the Erland’s home on
Kingston Street at about 3:30pm. And were reported missing about four
hours later.

2. What do people in South Carver think about the situasion?

Answer: The people thought about this situasion is they think the kids is
probably lost or probably they must have been in the worst part of the

3. What do you think will happen to them?

Answer: I think they probably pretty lost and try to find their way to come
back home, but on their way to come back home they go into wrong way
that’s why they cannot be find.

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