What Is Happiness Socrates, Aristotle, and Epicurus

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NAME: _______________ Prof.

Carolina Marchetti 6th YEAR



1- Match the words to the pictures

Knowledge – flow – body – wealth – money – escapism – soul - path -

Socrates believed that only people with self-knowledge could find true happiness. According to Socrates:
▪ – Happiness flows not from physical or external conditions, such as bodily pleasures or wealth and power, but from living
a life that’s right for your soul.
▪ – If you don’t know what’s good for your soul, then you’ll be misled into pursuing happiness based on what’s
conventional [money?] or easy [escapism?]. This is a dead-end.
▪ – If you do know what’s good for your soul, then you’ll do it naturally, since it’s the nature of good to be desired. This is
the path to happiness. In other words, Socrates believed that to be happy you need to know what’s good for you.
(taken from: https://www.happinessstrategies.com/)

2- Complete these sentences:

a. Happiness comes from ________________.
b. To be happy you need to _______________.


3- Match the words to the pictures and draw a representation for the ones that have no picture assigned.
health – promise – pleasure – tempting – painful – sacrifice – effort - right

According to Aristotle, happiness consists in achieving, through the course of a whole lifetime, all the goods — health,
wealth, knowledge, friends, etc. — that lead to the perfection of human nature and to the enrichment of human life. This
requires us to make choices, and some may be very difficult. Often the lesser good promises immediate pleasure and is more
tempting, while the greater good is painful and requires some sort of sacrifice. For example, it may be easier and more
enjoyable to spend the night watching television, but you know that you will be better off if you spend it studying for school.
Developing a good character requires a strong effort to do the right thing, even in difficult situations.
(taken and adapted from: https://www.pursuit-of-happiness.org/

4- Complete the sentences:

a. Achieving __________, __________, ___________and__________ gives you happiness.
b. To be happy you need to ________.
NAME: _______________ Prof. Carolina Marchetti 6th YEAR


5- Identify 4 words you have read previously; highlight them in green.

6- Identify 2 words which are similar to others you have read before and work out their meaning;
highlight them in red.
Epicurus agrees with Aristotle that happiness is an end-in-itself and the highest good of life. However, he identifies
happiness with the pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of pain rather than with the pure exercise of reason. Pleasure is
the highest good, and anything else that is good is so only by virtue of the immediate or deferred pleasure that it can
procure. The behaviour of infants confirms that human beings instinctively pursue pleasure and that all of their actions,
including those that may be construed as being either virtuous or altruistic, are ultimately aimed at obtaining pleasure for
themselves. (taken and adapted from

7- Complete the sentences:

a. Epicurus and _________ have similar points of view.
b. Pursuing ___________and avoiding _________ gives you happiness.

I agree with _____________ because______________________________________________________________.
I don’t agree with _____________ because_________________________________________________________.
____________ has a good/convincing/interesting point, however _______________________________________.

Ask your family what their definition of “happiness” is.
Write it here:

Family member Definition


a- Open Instagram and check your friends’ stories (at least 4)
b- What are they doing?
c- Do they look happy?

Complete the table with the correct conjugations

Verb (infinitive) SPANISH Present simple affirmative Present simple negative Present Passive Voice

Believe Believe/believes


Know ---------------------------------
NAME: _______________ Prof. Carolina Marchetti 6th YEAR


desire Don’t/doesn’t desire



lead Lead/leads --------------------------------


Avoid Is/are avoided

Pursue Is/are pursued

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