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C e n t e r A&E says
P/C: Sports
goodbye to
How bad is your senioritis?

How much Features

makes MLB
What is Senioritis?


does the U.S. reminisces

and NBA
I leave my backpack in the car

revivalists LCD

with the
Getting progressively worse

owe Japan? predictions.

senior class. Soundsystem.
See page 3. Moderate case

Learn how to procrastinate See page

See page 9.

See page 6. with RIPE. 12.

The Outp s t
Volume 1, No. 1 Kennett Square, Pennsylvania April/May 2011

Indian Post contends with prior review B o a r d

By Laura Booth and
Tara Takoushian
year tenure been reviewed by an ter: Publication and Distribution
administrator before going to print. and the Indian Post’s Statement of
staff stand by its story and the publi-
cation thereof, but it has been made
$1.7 million
CO-EDITORS-IN-CHIEF Prior review is a term that en- Policy augment the regulations pro- clear via Mr. Goldstein’s letter that
In receiving this April/May edition compasses prior approval and prior hibiting the distribution of libelous, the administration’s criticisms are
of the newspaper, you may notice restraint - both legal, but highly obscene, or riot-inciting materials not valid on the basis of the three

in changes
a change in its masthead from the controversial forums for potential under §IB: Prohibited Material. prohibited categories stated above.
Indian Post to The Outpost, reflect- censorship. The practical problem with prior Additionally, it is of note that
ing the underlying changes ongoing Legal precedent established in review as a solution is this: once under the policy outlined in Penn-
in the Indian Post organization. the famous Supreme Court case an administration can censor mate- sylvania Administrative Code’s stu- By Spencer Bingol
The Outpost is not sponsored by Hazelwood rial, it has free dent free expression provision, 22 NEWS EDITOR
School Dis-
“We hope the creation of will to do so, Pa. Code § 12.9, “School officials
Unionville High School, but it does
report the news, opinions, and vari- trict v. Kuhl- this issue of The Outpost will because stu- may not censor or restrict material On March 8, Governor Tom
ous features of the Unionville High meier notes facilitate a candid discussion dents can- simply because it is critical of the Corbett proposed his budget for
that “Educa-
School student body. Rather, The between the administration not feasibly school or its administration.” the upcoming fiscal year, which
Outpost is an underground news- tors do not of- press charg- As Mr. Goldstein’s letter sarcasti- includes almost $4 billion in cuts,
paper, meaning it is run by students fend the First and next year’s Indian Post es for every cally states, “While prior review is
$550 million of which would direct-
and funded via outside donations Amendment staff...” infringement permissible within §12.9’s terms,
ly affect basic education funding.
and advertisements, not through by exercising of their rights imposing that prior review in re-
editorial con- if they hope taliation for a story that could not
While the proposal has yet to be
fundraising on school property or
trol…so long as their actions are to publish a paper in a regular, be lawfully censored under §12.9 approved by the state legislature,
through donations given by such
school affiliated organizations as reasonably related to legitimate timely fashion. probably would not be.” the news has forced many school
the PTO or Student Council. pedagogical concerns.” This decision to institute prior We hope the creation of this districts to reconsider their own
The 2010-2011 Indian Post staff Pennsylvania Administrative review by an administrator came issue of The Outpost will facilitate proposed budgets that they sub-
regards the change to an under- Code’s student free expression in reaction to a prior news story. a candid discussion between the mitted this past February.
ground format as an unfortunate provision, 22 Pa. Code § 12.9 nar- The staff of the Indian Post administration and next year’s The Unionville-Chadds Ford
necessity in a political climate not rows the scope of “legitimate peda- obtained a legal opinion from Indian Post staff regarding how School District must now make up
conducive to the conditions of gogical concerns,” declaring that Mr. Adam Goldstein, an attorney to make prior review amenable to for $1.1 million dollars in state fund-
publication under which the Indian content deemed to be “obscene advocate at the Student Press both parties, perhaps via a revision ing that were cut by the proposal.
Post once ran. as to minors,” “libelous,” or which Law Center and author of several of the Indian Post policy statement. After a reevaluation of all district
In late March, the staff was in- will cause “a material or substantial articles in The Huffington Post, In the meantime, we invite the programs that currently receive
formed that the administration at disruption of school activities” may in regards to the legality of this Unionville High School administra-
more money than mandated by
the high school would be imposing be edited out. article. In his letter, he states that tion to submit a response to this
the state, the School Board has
prior review on the Indian Post. Al- Thus, only content satisfying “the content of the story in question article in a future issue of the Indian
these criteria can be legally re- is within the limits established by Post or The Outpost, pending the
proposed more than $1.7 million
though prior review was adopted as
moved from a newspaper under the Pennsylvania Administrative decision of next year’s editorial staff in cuts and increased revenue for
district policy in regards to student
publications as of May 2003 (220. prior review in Pennsylvania. Code’s student free expression to either pursue or discontinue an the 2011-2012 fiscal year.
Student Expression), the Indian Unionville High School’s Student provision, 22 Pa. Code § 12.9.” underground paper. The proposal was outlined by
Post has never in its more than 30- Handbook, page 43, § Printed Mat- Not only does the Indian Post school board members at an April
14 community conversation about

Superintendent Parker announces resignation the budget. Superintendent Sha-

ron Parker spoke of the unusually
large community involvement in
By Liana Trigg only to your family but to your spirit.” the meeting, saying “Generally we
NEWS EDITOR in offering financial gifts. Thank
community. I’m sure of that.” Jeff Leiser added that Su- do this with around sixty to eighty
you, Sharon, for all the gifts you
School Board President perintendent Parker “offer[s] people… this year we had over 200
On Monday, April 25, Su- have given to the district over
Timotha Trigg said, “Sharon a true beacon of a good will.” people pre-register.”
perintendent Sharon Parker On Monday, May 2, during During the two hour event, com-
announced her upcoming the Communications Com- munity members both opposed
resignation at a School Board mittee meeting, the School to and in support of the proposed
meeting hosted at Unionville Board discussed the process measures passionately spoke
Elementary. that will be used to select about their positions.
“The joy that I have had here Superintendent Parker’s suc- The vast majority of the revenue
has been incomprehensible,” cessor. would come from cutting school
began Superintendent Parker. They decided that it might programs and maintenance bud-
While this was not her good- be more productive to consult gets, in addition to some layoffs
bye, Superintendent Parker the Chester County Interme- in the clerical & paraprofessional
stated that “a goodbye speech diary Unit instead of hiring a support, guidance, and social work
will be coming.” consultant. areas. Programs cut would include
She described the Union- At the meeting, Eileen the removal of German classes
ville-Chadds Ford community Bushelow agreed to lead in the middle school, the Seniors
as a “wonderful place that the committee that will co- Applying Generational Experi-
demands the fullest energy.” ordinate the administrative ence (S.A.G.E.) program, and the
Many people appeared to be transition. Learning-to-Learn program at the
surprised by the decision, but S u p e r i n t e n d e n t Pa r k e r middle school.
each person who spoke of her hopes to retire by August 31 There would be severe reduc-
at the meeting was supportive so that the transition into the tions in funding for high school
After five years as superintendent, Ms. Sharon Parker
and commended many facets 2011-2012 school year will be courses like Family Consumer Sci-
announced her imminent retirement. The School Board
of Superintendent Parker’s easier. However, she agreed ences and Computer Applications
awarded her with a commemmorative sash, as shown above.
dedication to the school to stay until the end of 2011 classes, which would each take a
district. PHOTO BY SPENCER BINGOL if necessary. $70,000 cut.
The School Board members Four district employees are High-school-level Physical Edu-
tirelessly devotes her time the years. You have given us ex-
spoke first. Jeff Hellrung said, eligible to become Union- cation would take a $50,000 cut.
and talents to the district, traordinary leadership, inspired
“I’m sure you are going to be v i l l e - C h a d d s Fo rd ’s n ex t There is also a $50,000 proposed
and she is also very generous communication and a positive
a very strong contributor not Continued on Page 4
Continued on Page 4
Page 2 THE OUTPOST April/May 2011

Censorship defies educational goals

“All the news that’s fit to print” is the motto of one of the nation’s most prestigious newspapers, The New
York Times. However, many school newspapers, especially those censored under prior review, are not afforded
the luxury to cover “all the news” in their publications.
Supporters of prior review claim that this system does not interfere with students’ constitutional rights, but
rather ensures that students are abiding by proper operational guidelines.
In cases where infractions of the law or of a school newspaper’s approved statement of policy occur, school
administrators have the right to edit illegal content. This being said, school administrators very rarely use
prior review to combat bad journalism. Rather, prior review becomes a tool for censoring critical content.
For instance, Aurora, Colorado’s Overland High School’s newspaper, The Scout, covered a story about a
student’s untimely death due to a blood clot that traveled to his lungs after he broke his ankle at a wrestling
match. As reported in The Huffington Post by attorney Adam Goldstein, the article printed in The Scout was
censored on the sole basis of a principal’s paranoia. The principal claimed that the story could not run because
the writers had incorrectly listed the student’s cause of death. Even after the journalists produced a copy of
the student’s death certificate, which verified that they had given the correct cause of death, the principal Contact Information:
ludicrously claimed that the story “lacked balance” – a conclusion that Mr. Goldstein questions in his article:
“What part does Principal Lundie want the reporters to balance?” Clearly, the principal was searching for Laura Booth
1693 Embreeville Road Tara Takoushian
any loophole to ban the article because it cast a negative light on an unfortunate event that occurred at a Coatesville, PA 19320 1354 Yorkshire Way
school-sanctioned activity. West Chester, PA 19382
In June 2009, the Conestoga High School newspaper, The Spoke, faced a similar situation after publishing Editors-in-chief:....Tara Takoushian
a news story entitled “Obligation to Report.” In this article, The Spoke campaigned for state legislation to ................................................Laura Booth
tighten background checks for school employees after revealing that a Tredyffrin-Easttown School District Managing editor ..........Max Berger
janitor was a convicted felon. After this controversial, yet legal, story was published, Conestoga’s district
board enacted prior review for the first time; further, they instructed the advisor of The Spoke to censor any Editors: Managers:
content deemed to be “offensive.” Responding to the board’s retaliatory effort to censor negative reports, the News....................Spencer Bingol Photography................Meghan Shea
....................................Liana Trigg ...........................................Alyssa Chang
two editors-in-chief were able to persuade the board to stop prior review, and later received the Courage in Opinions.......................Jack Bubes Business................Stephanie Schaller
Student Journalism Award from The Student Press Law Center and the National Scholastic Press Association. ...................................Drew Diehl Advertising..........................Alyse Jung
Legal precedent affords student journalists the right to criticize school policies, teachers, administrators, Arts and Fundraising.......................Emily Olson
school officials, and other school employees. Ironically, in most cases, prior review is not being used to ensure Entertainment.............Will Cronin Public Relations.....Matt McWilliams
.............................Delana Listman Distribution..................Michael Silver
students uphold their journalistic rights, but rather to deny them of these limited rights they retain. Enacting Center Features......Ally McClung Art.................................Hannah Simoff
prior review in response to an article that portrays the school in a negative light is not only unconstitutional, .............................Claire Werkiser
it is immoral. School administrators should aspire for their students to ask tough questions, not to repress any Features........................Jude Nalls
negative critique of authority in a manner resembling a totalitarian government. The job of a newspaper is to ....................................Anne Bevis
report the news to readers, whether positive or negative. However, under prior review, student newspapers RIPE..........................Laura Kelly
.........................Calla McLaughlin
can only report the non-offensive, despite the sometimes unpleasant nature of the whole truth. As much Sports.......................Casey Taylor
as student journalists would like to abide by The New York Times motto, instead they are forced to follow a .................................Brett Ciancia
different one: “All the propaganda that’s fit to print.”
Published during May of the 2010-2011 school year, The Outpost is a forum
Bin Laden’s death offers chance for growth for student expression. It protects student journalists’ First Amendment
rights and accepts the responsibilities which accompany that freedom.
In recent weeks, the death of Osama Bin Laden has captured the emotions and thoughts of the Ameri- Content decisions are made by student editors and the staff will not print
can people. His Jason-Bourne-style assassination came as a welcome surprise to the American public who any material which calls for substantial disruption of the school, invades
have been waiting ten long years for something to indicate that good really does trump evil. The unity and the privacy of individuals, or is libelous in nature. Unsigned editorials rep-
patriotism shown in the form of cheers and absolute joy by everyone from the most liberal of Democrats to resent the consensus of the editorial board. Advertising:ForTheStudents.
the most conservative of Republicans gives citizens hope that America is still the greatest country on Earth.
Now, however, it is time to move on. For if we do not move on, we become the terrorists. We become
the ones ruining families, parading through the streets while chanting for more blood, reverting to a bestial Do you have an article you’d like to
penchant for death and gore; we become everything that we have ever struggled to transcend.
President Obama has recognized the necessity for a mature attitude towards Bin Laden’s death by deciding see printed in The Outpost?
not to release the photographs of the man’s maimed face. The photographs would serve no benefit if they
were to be released; they would only return control to the Taliban by demonstrating that we feel the need
to prove Bin Laden’s death. Instead of seeking to prove Bin Laden’s death via photographic documentation, Please sumbit your article to either Tara Takoushian
the American people should be seeking to prove that America can rid the world of one of its most sadistic
terrorists while still showing respect for human life. Right now, America is equivalent to the victim that finally or Laura Booth or send it to ForTheStudents.Outpost@
stood up to the schoolyard bully and gave him a taste of his own medicine--much to the cheers of the other
students--but if the photographs were released, America would transform from the hero that finally stood Whether your article will be used for a later
up for himself to a bully with no regard for others.
We cannot allow this single event to define us as a country, just as we didn’t allow 9/11 to define us as a
defeated nation. Our reaction to Bin Laden’s death should be a renewal of confidence for the United States, issue depends on whether The Outpost is continued by
but must also show the world the depth of our self-assurance. In the words of every coach, “Act like you’ve
been here before.” students in the 2011-2012 academic year. Articles must
President Obama’s next step should be to urge Americans to thank our soldiers for risking their lives for their
country and to rejoice in the knowledge that this great nation is one truly based on “liberty and justice for all.” be signed.

Disrespect on all sides disgraces student-teacher relationships

Dear Editor, and refusing to take responsibility for their blood, sweat, and tears (excuse the cliché) possible is taught by the last day of school
Former elementary school librarian interference with the educational process. into their jobs, and the least they can ask is essential to job security. As the adults in
Teacher Irene could not have taught her Would such a person want to be treated is that students respect them. I’m not say- the school, it is the teachers’responsibilities
students a more valuable lesson. “R-E-S- in the same manner? Thus, rule number ing that everyone needs to transform into to take the high road and be the voice of
P-E-C-T.” Sadly, it appears that the current one – respect a teacher’s classroom and the ultimate student or that one must like change. Making condescending or bla-
students of Unionville have failed to inter- the teaching environment. his or her teacher; I am simply asking the tantly offensive remarks about students
nalize her message. I often walk into a class when a teacher student body to take a brief look at how it to students is uncalled for.
In the past few weeks I have noticed a is handing back an assignment or giving is treating its faculty and make a change for Once again, if a teacher desires to be
sudden onslaught of disrespectful behav- important instructions. At the same time, the better. Thus, rule number two – give treated with basic respect, he or she must
iors related to student-teacher interactions. I look around and notice students talking everybody, students and teachers, the treat the students with the same respect.
Not only are students acting inappropri- to their friends, students half asleep (or in respect they deserve. However, it is my belief that if students
ately towards teachers, teachers are even some cases, fully incoherent), students do- I have also noticed an elevated amount change their ways and start living by
disrespecting students. ing work that is not pertinent to the current of disrespect for students coming from Teacher Irene’s virtues, the school will be
It’s no surprise that by the time the school class, or even some students listening to teachers. To be frank, this is likely the result a happier place and student-teacher inter-
year comes to a close, especially for seniors music or texting. of how the students treat said teachers. If actions will become simple pleasantries,
whose senioritis is full-fledged, students Would those people do the same if the students treat their elders with respect the as opposed to the status quo. Thus rule
have an utter lack of work ethic. However, speaker were a professional athlete or teachers will do the same for their pupils. number three – treat others with respect
not wanting to do work need not also in- world-renowned movie star? Every human No teacher wants to be mean, but when and you will be respected in return.
volve the insolent treatment of educators. deserves to be listened to and to be treated students fail to listen to a single direction In the words of Jackie Robinson, “I’m
It seems, however, that Unionville students with respect. Perhaps most seniors don’t and begin inhibiting the learning of other not concerned with your liking or disliking
and seniors in particular fail to understand see a problem with being disrespectful to students, something must be done to right me... All I ask is that you respect me as a
this ideology. On more occasions than I their teachers because they prescribe to the problem and, sometimes, this devolves human being.”
can count, a student has acted in a deplor- the oft-heard mantra, “who cares, we’re into degrading treatment of students. With Sincerely,
able manner towards his or her teacher, almost done anyway.” No philosophy could teachers under continually growing pres- Matt Brady
including pulling unwarranted pranks be more inaccurate. Teachers put their sure, making sure as much information as Class of 2011

Point/Counterpoint: Should the U.S. dedicate resources to Japan?

Japan calls for human compassion Japan calls for pragmatism
By Margaux Jacobs By Natalie Murphy

Natural disasters can strike at any very close alliance. The Red Cross says It seems that the recent earthquakes in recession, and only then can it seek to
moment. Depending on one’s location that after Hurricane Katrina destroyed Japan have shaken a sense of duty into help others financially.
in the world, some people are more New Orleans in 2005, the Japanese
citizens around the world, including the Of course, sending aid to the Japanese
likely to be directly affected than others. government and Japanese businesses,
student body here at UHS. people is the right thing to do; however, it
However, as a country, we cannot just with the help of the United Nations, do-
ignore these events and move on with nated over $13,000,000. These numbers The fundraising, donations, and sales requires resources that our government
our lives. As shown by the recent torna- are more than just numbers; they feed are all part of a valiant effort to send is simply lacking.
does and hurricanes, most Americans the starving people in parking lots, put as much help as possible to victims of Our massive debt to other countries
are not ready for the natural disasters families in shelters, and give a second Japan’s tragic natural disaster. has left us with almost no finances to
that hit the United States. It’s simple to chance to those who were unlucky to be Very few, if any, would dispute the spare. In order to attain the finances
conclude, therefore, that residents of in the wrong place at the wrong time. We need and importance of these collec- needed to send a significant amount
other nations are not prepared for such cannot expect Japan to help us with our tions, as they not only aid the needy, but overseas, taxes would have to be raised,
devastating events as well. problems in the future if we do not help show our devotion and support as well. only leading to the devastation of our
On March 11th, Japan was struck with them in their time of need now. The issue, however, arises on the own citizens.
an 8.9 magnitude earthquake. The earth- Here at Unionville, the Interact Club The best way to send aid to Japan
quake tore apart Japan’s infrastructure,
is through individual collections and
destroyed more than 5,000 homes and
funding, which there is no lack of here
more than 300,000 Japanese had to be
evacuated. Additionally, nuclear power at Unionville. Students are working as
plants were damaged and consequential best they can to raise money and col-
radiation has been an immense worry for lect whatever provisions possible for
the people in the area. In my opinion, the victims.
no one could hear this news and not be Our focus as a nation should be the
moved to help. individual collections that are sent over-
It is our duty as humans to help our seas, not the aid funded by the federal
fellow humans and assist when such a government.
tragedy as the combined natural disas- Another important factor to con-
ters in Japan strikes. It may seem like sider is that oftentimes money from the
one donation would not actually make
government does not always reach its
an impact on any, but that is not true.
destination. So, tax dollars being paid to
Every volunteer who goes to Japan and
every donation made makes a differ- the government to aid Japan might not
ence. Within 4 days of the earthquake, even be used for their intended purpose.
for example, the Red Cross donated It is our responsibility as people of
over $10,000,000 to efforts in Japan. ARTWORK BY HANNAH SIMOFF the world to help the victims in Japan,
But it is not just the sole responsibility raised over $1,000 dollars in their T-Shirt topic of gov- but we must do so in our own way- not
of individuals and organizations to help Sale for Japan. Small actions by indi- ernment funding for Japan. by using money that our government
those in need. viduals, like buying a t-shirt or sending a The simple truth is that the US gov- cannot afford to spend.
Many more lives could be saved if do- donation, really could change someone’s ernment does not have the financial Individual donations to Japan are not
nations were made on an international life. When everyone teams up to help in capability to send money. simply about a government sending aid,
level. The United States’ government a disastrous situation, great outcomes The recent budget cuts, affecting our but rather, about something much bet-
does not hesitate to borrow trillions of can occur, and that is why the United
school system as well as other crucial ter: people helping other people.
dollars from China to help our economic States owes it to the Japanese to aid in
government funded programs, are a
crisis. Now, with people suffering in the their struggle to rebuild.
midst of a real-life nightmare, our gov- tribute to the unfortunate truth: our
ernment could not, in good conscious, Margaux Jacobs is a member of the government cannot afford to help Japan. Natalie Murphy is a member of the
do nothing to help. class of 2013. The federal government’s focus must class of 2013.
Japan and the United States have a be on pulling America out of the current

Students lose in battle between School Board and UCFEA

Dear Editor, The most noticeable difference in the and other clubs to cancel their functions In my ending remarks, I want to stress
school this year (besides the construction) will benefit anyone. I also would like to hear that my gripe is with the teacher’s union as
For much of the school year, students have for many students is the apparent lack of how this puts any pressure on the School an organization, which seemingly forces
been subject to the petty politics between club-run activities, such as the Bachelor Board. If anything, this turns students and faculty members into following its agendas.
our school board and the Unionville-Chadds Auction and many of the coffee houses. parents against the faculty, as it has turned I consider it the UCFEA’s fault that teachers
Ford Education Association. I, along with the other members of the me against them. who have sons and daughters in clubs feel
In their negotiations for a contract, the Gay Straight Alliance (GSA), have personally The UCFEA has also insisted that all aca- strong pressure not to chaperone any event
UCFEA has employed such appropriate run into the barrier of finding chaperones demic honor societies, with the exception taking place on school grounds, not the
measures as sending word out through the for the Battle of the Bands in this tense po- of NHS, be suspended until a contract can individual teachers.
community regarding their position, putting litical situation. When be signed. The union is free to continue its practices;
signs on their cars, standing outside the we were informed that “It’s hard for us to not Personally, I consider after all, its wishes are perfectly legitimate.
school building in the morning with signs, the administration was
and independently hiring a lead negotiator. having difficulty secur-
feel like simple, expend- there to be a difference be-
tween organizations such as
However, I think it would be best for it to
stop any accusations against the School
Unfortunately, some of their other tactics to ing chaperones for the able political bargaining the GSA or the football team, Board about how the Board’s unwillingness
force the issue have poisoned their good event, we tried to find tools...” which are interest groups, to meet the UCFEA’s demands is hurting the
name and have actually driven many com- our own from teach- and prestigious academic students, because, in reality, the UCFEA is
munity members away from their cause. ers we knew well. As societies, such as the French currently hurting the students rather than
First and foremost, let me stress that I fully the event cancellation shows, we were and Spanish Honor Societies. Nevertheless, the School Board.
support the UCFEA’s cause. Many family unsuccessful. teachers were discouraged from continuing Hopefully, this entire issue can be resolved
members of mine are teachers and I cannot It’s hard for us to not feel like simple, ex- their involvement with those organizations and the UCF community can look back upon
point to a single teacher in the high school pendable political bargaining tools when as another means of putting pressure on the this nasty episode as a time when both sides
whose hard work and personality would not we’re rejected by staff members who have school board. proved themselves unwilling to negotiate
potentially earn them more than double always praised our club as one working for If the teachers responsible for those or- and temporarily lost sight of their goal:
their current salary in the private sector. a great cause with one side of their mouths, ganizations did not have the foresight and providing a learning environment where
That being said, I am unable to wrap my yet who refuse to make any effort to help reasoning to see the flaws in the UCFEA’s student creativity and passion can flourish.
head around the idea that all of the nego- spread our message with the other side. plan, many students would be unable to
tiation tactics being utilized by the UCFEA It’ll take a lot of convincing for any student join an academic honor society they would Respectfully,
are true to their motto of “For the good of or faculty member to prove to me that forc- normally be eligible for and likely suffer for Collin Scott
the student.” ing the GSA to cancel the Battle of the Bands it in the college search process. Class of 2011

The content of letters to the editor reflects an individual writer’s view and not
necessarily the view of The Outpost staff or the UHS population.
Page 4 THE OUTPOST April/May 2011

Sharon Parker moving on to be with family News in Brief

Continued from Page 1
superintendent, but the Board their appreciation for Superin- School Board member Dr. Five seniors accepted to Ivy Leagues
will also look at candidates tendent Parker at the meeting, Corinne Sweeney described
outside of the district. the students are also sad to hear Superintendent Parker’s role
The School Board will be about her upcoming departure. through a series of paradoxes.
advised by Dr. Joseph O’Brien, Freshman Amy Gottsegen She is “tough and kind at the
the Executive Director of the responded to the news of her same time,” “serious and humor-
Chester County Intermediate resignation by saying, “That’s ous,” and she has a “gentle touch
Unit. really disappointing! I love and the wisdom of Solomon.”
The timeline presents a chal- Superintendent Parker! It was At the end of the Board
lenge to the Board; three and a really nice how she always meeting, the Board presented
half months is not a lot of time showed up for community Superintendent Parker with a
to decide who would be best to events.” bouquet of flowers.
fill this crucial position. When Superintendent Parker Earlier, Dr. Holly Manzone
The School Board will likely announced that she was plan- had presented Superintendent
have both executive sessions ning to resign, she said the deci- Parker with a sash displaying
and public meetings in order sion was made several months the words “Unionville-Chadds
to discuss potential applicants ago and that “this is a question Ford Superintendent.”
because some candidates will about being with family, with She was able to say what PHOTO COURTESY OF MEGHAN SHEA
decline to apply unless their friends.” many people were unable
Emily Olson, Billy Donovan, Laura Booth, Rebecca Shaughnessy,
confidentiality is ensured. She made it clear that she is to verbalize: “Words cannot
and Jason Silverman recently received acceptance letters from
Like the Board and commu- not leaving Unionville to work express what you mean to this
four different Ivy League Universities. Olson, Donovan, Booth, and
nity members who expressed anywhere else. community.”
Shaughnessy will attend the University of Pennsylvania, Cornell Uni-
versity, Columbia University, and Princeton University, respectively,

District reevaluates preliminary budget in the fall. Silverman was accepted to Princeton University but will
attend the University of Southern California. He was unavailable
Continued from Page 1 for the above photograph.

increase in student participation resulting in a combined savings of together, we discussed it, we were
fees for extracurricular activities. $106,240. An additional $213,087 all comfortable with it, we stuck Meghan Shea succeeds in science fair
District-wide department bud- would be raised if the currently with the one percent, and then
gets including Curriculum, Tech- proposed one percent tax increase Governor Corbett came back with
nology, Buildings and Grounds, is increased to 1.4%. his cuts and we were faced with
and Transportation would suf- This higher rate had already this deficit of $1.1 million,” said
fer a combined School Board member
cut of roughly Eileen Bushelow of the
a re u n s p e c i -
“I think that evaluating whether the proposed increase.

fied reductions same services can be provided reli- In addition to all of

proposed for ably and more cost-effectively is my the above proposed
the Custodial/ changes, district ad-
Grounds em- duty to our residents who pay taxes ministrators have al-
ployees, hourly ready agreed to a pay
compensation to support our schools.” freeze for the second
for staff involved
in co-curricular - Jeff Leiser
year in a row.

activities such as changes to the bud-

school dances, get are not final, and At the Delaware Valley Science Regional Fair, sophomore
and the possible outsourcing of been discussed in January, but changes will still be made until Meghan Shea won both her category and a silver medal.
school transportation to an out- had been seen as unnecessary by the June 20 deadline. Shea’s project, The Effect of Nitrogen, Sulfur, and Phosphorous
side company. the School Board at the time. After The School Board has asked Compounds on Bioremediation of Oil Spills by Pseudomonas
Also proposed is a four day the surprise of Governor Corbett’s community members to contact fluorescens and Bascillus subtilis, placed first in the the Environ-
furlough (one day during the sum- cuts, however, the UCFSB was them regarding changes to the mental Science category and earned her an all-expense-paid
mer and three during the winter) forced to reconsider. preliminary budget, via email- trip to the 62nd Intel International Science and Engineering
in which all 12 month employees “Nobody expected this. When ing the Board at budget2011@ Fair in Los Angeles, CA.
would not work or receive pay, the preliminary budget was put, calling the district

D r. Deady to retire after school year

By Nicole Brown career in counseling began af- “I think I will remember out his career. greatly missed by the students
REPORTER ter talking to a student having every student who improved Dr. Deady strived to interact and staff at Unionville, so will
severe emotional difficulties. from being a knucklehead as well with each of his students he miss “being a part of a truly
As this school year comes At the time he did not know a ninth grader to being a good and focus on their personal talented and caring adminis-
to a close, so does the career the best way to respond. person and student by the needs. “Dr. Deady is ver y tration, faculty, and staff.”
of one of Unionville’s most “I wanted to help her, but time he graduated,” he says. friendly and helpful, and he He has developed excellent
respected staff members. I felt I was limited knows what relationships with the staff
After working at Unionville in how much I knew I personally and is honored to have worked
for 24 years, Dr. Frank Deady about counseling so I need help with such an admirable group
will retire from his position as decided that I wanted with to suc- of people.
a high school counselor. to learn more,” he says. c e e d ,” s a y s “The folks who are here come
Dr. Deady began working at With this new desire junior, Sarah to work every day and work
Unionville in 1987. to be able to help Fisher. very hard to educate and sup-
He had previously worked at students with their “I’ve been port their students,” Dr. Deady
Bishop Shanahan; he first con- troubles, Dr. Deady able to take says. No one can deny that he
sidered joining the Unionville did learn more and all the classes is one of those dedicated staff
staff when he met track coach became a counselor. I’ve wanted members.
Calvert Hess at a Cross Country He says he is always to,” she adds, Dr. Deady says his biggest
meet. Immediately impressed amazed when he sees knowing that accomplishment has been
with Mr. Hess and the students seniors at graduation D r. D e a d y , “finding his way around the
he met, Dr. Deady decided he that he remembers along with building this year.”
wanted to apply for a job at being “nervous ninth the rest of Although many would agree
Unionville. graders”. Dr. Deady, long a beloved part of the counseling staff at the high the counsel- that is an accomplishment,
“I felt that this was a student “ I n a d d i t i o n ,” h e school, announces his plan to retire at the end of the school year. o r s, h ave a most of the students and staff
population I could work with says, “knowing that I large role in know that Dr. Deady has ac-
and I had a lot of respect for had a small part in someone’s He continues to say that he ensuring that almost every complished much more.
Mr. Hess and his relationship growth is quite satisfying.” will cherish these memories student gets into the classes Dr. Deady was always making
with his kids,” he says. His best memories are of for years to come, and defi- they sign up for during the a difference and he will surely
Dr. Deady was not always watching kids grow from fresh- nitely won’t forget the stu- initial course selection period. be missed.
a high school counselor; his men to seniors. dents he has helped through- Just as Dr. Deady will be

Baccalaureate service
h o n o r s U n i o nv i l l e g r a d u a t e s
By Jude Nalls This year’s Baccalaureate will cated to learning and inspiring.
FEATURES EDITOR be held at Willowdale Chapel The Baccalaureate will include
located on route eighty-two. touching readings from various
A Baccalaureate Service is Although Willowdale is primar- members of the Unionville High
By Shannon O’Brien to latch onto other people known to have been originated ily a Christian chapel, the celebra-
School Graduating Class of 2011,
and make themselves a spot at Oxford University in the year tion itself is non-denominational as well as musical performances
1432. and will be held to respect all by sophomore Casey Cattie, a
Unionville! Can you believe in a group that fits into the
The term “Bacca- trio by Jude Nalls,
it--summer is almost here?! student body.
laureate,” is derived N a t a l i e Wa l d e n ,
As this year comes to a close, One of the most valuable
from the European and Amanda Ellis,
I hope you are feeling happy- lessons I have learned from tradition of pre - as well as special
-especially you, seniors. this, and college life in gen- senting graduates per formances by
I hope you have enjoyed eral, is not to let my friendli- with a degree of Duncan Keller, Ty-
your time at Unionville and ness fade. Bachelor (bacca) ler Adair with Ally
are feeling excited for what Throughout the year, con- and laurels (lauri) of McClung, and Alex
lies ahead. tinue to say “hi” to new sermon at a gradua- Peterson, just to
With a year of university people; you never know what tion ceremony. name a few.
under my belt now, I’d like might come of it. The Baccalaure- The service will
to offer you this advice as Some of my best friends ate service is a spe- also include special
you enter college life: talk to at school are people who cial tradition that guest speakers in-
strangers. I just happened to start a has taken place to cluding past gradu-
I know it contradicts one conversation with randomly. honor Unionville ates of Unionville,
of the fundamental rules of I went on a camping trip with High School gradu- as well as members
our childhoods, but trust me a group of other freshman at ates for many years. of the community
on this one. my school before the school Contrary to popu- who have made an
I promise you that it will be year began. lar belief, it is not a impact on many
easy to do, because there is Through keeping in touch religiously affiliated student’s lives at
commencement or Unionville.
this fantastic and wild phe- with my trip leader, I ended
ceremony; it is sim- The service will
nomenon that occurs during up becoming involved with
ply an inspirational take place on Sun-
the first month of university: a program that took me to
celebration for the The Baccalaureate service for Unionville students will take place day June 5th, 2011
everyone is friendly. Panama over winter break graduating class, as at Willowdale Chapel, pictured above, on June 5 at 5:00 p.m. at 5:00 PM.
Each mundane event--an to build water filters and well as their close
Come and cele -
elevator ride, standing in eco-stoves. friends and family brate the graduating
line at the book store, even While I was in Panama, I members. faiths. seniors’ first steps into an exciting
waiting for the cross-walk met another college student Therefore, although the ser- The purpose of the Baccalaure- new world.
light to change--becomes an from Indiana, who intro- vice will be in honor of the class of ate is not to highlight any one It will be an incredibly mov-
opportunity to make a friend. duced me to another woman 2011, all Unionville High School specific religion or faith, but it is ing and memorable experience
Take a second to think with whom I am now plan- students are welcome to attend a service of worship to celebrate for both families and friends of
about the last time you ning a service trip to Brazil. the service. and give thanks to the lives dedi- graduates.
made a new friend. How This whole series of in-
often does that happen? In teractions has taught me
high school, not very much.
You’re surrounded by the
that talking to strangers is a
great way to learn about all
After Prom yields unexpected surprise
people who you’ve known of the opportunities that are I sat around thinking about how world, maybe.
most of your life; everyone out there. By Kacey Stewart uncomfortable I was. I looked Then some guy got on a stage.
REPORTER around and wondered if everyone He had a tux on. I bet he was un-
has their established place College is a place to meet
else was equally uncomfortable. I comfortable. I was glad to have
in the social realm. people and network. For all
I was thinking about how un- breathed a sigh of relief to know already changed. I was kind of
But when you get to col- you know, the person you
comfortable tuxedos are and how that all of the prom date drama, hoping for knock-knock jokes, but
lege, nobody knows anyone. study French with might and limo drama, and oh-my-god- I settled for hypnosis.
glad I was for the invention of
You’re all in the same boat-- become the person you start she-did-not-get-the-same-dress- He was creepy. I am not sure
the t-shirt as me and my
in a new place and eager to a small business with. Keep now ex-girlfriend were if he knew he was
make friends. an open mind about what getting ready to go to being creepy or
Ever y day for the first may develop from a first the fabled Prom last year. not, but he was. He
month of freshman year, encounter. My mom snapped kept saying, “Let’s
everyone is willing to talk to I’d like to take this chal- some pictures; they were go deeper! Deeper!
anyone--you sit down next to lenge one step further: talk the fine candid-walking- Everyone be quiet!
someone on a bench outside to people you normally around-in-nice-clothes Deeper! Sleep!” in a
your dorm and ten minutes would not. sort of pre-Prom pictures voice that sounded
later you’re getting lunch College is the ultimate time rather than those aw- like a mixture of
together. It’s like magic! to do this--I feel like I will ful everyone-in-a-line- police officer and
Take advantage of this never again in my life be sur- hey-look-we-are-about- magician.
time and introduce yourself rounded by people from so to-ride-in-a-limousine Suddenly, there
to as many people as you many different backgrounds. pictures that everyone were moms on the
can. Embrace the freedom Not everyone you talk to usually gets. stage with a fish-
from cliques and the chance will become your friend, but Then we headed off bowl of names. They
and my mom said, “Don’t picked ten. I was one
to be whoever you want to hopefully from each encoun-
come back unless you win that car as-me-oh-yes-she-did drama that of them. I was pretty stoked. Then
be to each new person you ter you will learn something
at After Prom.” I have to admit I has filled the halls of my high they drew a name for the winner.
meet. Soak it up, because new. And that’s what college
did not pay much attention to school for the past two months It was me. I jumped into the air
this honeymoon period is is all about, right? was finally over. and ripped off my shirt the way
what she said; I was probably
ephemeral. So friends, say “hi”, and Then, the music stopped and we soccer players do on TV when they
thinking about how tuxedos are
After the first month, peo- keep saying “hi.” And, of uncomfortable and how pretty left to go to the high school. Only win things. Then I sat in the car
ple start to form groups of course, if you see me when my then-girlfriend looked, but I it is not just the high school. It is and they took my picture.
friends. This is inevitable--it’s I’m home for break, you can laughed and told my mom I would the high school covered in papier- I was glad I won it. If I had not
human nature to want to feel expect to hear a “hello!” make sure I won it. mâché and filled with other kids’ win it my mom would not have let
like you belong to a small Proms don’t really offer any- parents asking me if I want candy me back in the house. So it looks
community. People are quick thing unexpected. I danced. I ate. – After Prom. It was like a dream like we all won on that deal.
Page 6 THE OUTPOST April/May 2011

The Class of 20
In the year 2011...

Egyptian revolutionaries protest, causing the resignation of Hosni Mubarak.
President Obama releases his birth certificate. Haha, conspiracy theorists, haha.
Prince William gets married. Sorry, ladies.
Osama Bin Laden is killed.
The last Harry Potter movie is released. Sigh.
Gas prices rise...again.
A huge earthquake/tsunami hits Japan.
Pope John Paul II is beatified.


What future event are you most looking forward to?

Getting married
Traveling 7%

Having children
Starting a career




The Outpost Magazine

April/May 2011
Volume 1. No.1

Guide to


Page 8 THE OUTPOST April/May 2011

RIPE’s Procrast
Social Networking
Facebook Users of Twitter post short updates of what they
( are doing during the day, even down to the most
mundane of details. Users can easily access their
Facebook is truly heaven for a procrastinator - we friends’ updates and see what they are doing at all
times. Many celebrities also use Twitter to provide
dare not ask ourselves how many hours a week we
spend scrolling through photos on this hypnotizing their fans with updates on their daily lives. Tumblr is an eclectic blogging site where users
social networking site. can post pictures, writing, and videos. You can
On Facebook, users set up profiles for themselves ‘like’ and ‘reblog’ posts that you find interesting
displaying their interests, photos, and friends. and spend hours looking through other’s posts.
Through the site, users can chat, share pictures, Most of the posts are passive-aggressive outbursts,
and post on each others’ walls. pretty beach scenes, or funny clips and pictures
The website can usually be found open on an- from movies or shows. Tumblr may be considered
other tab while students who are supposed to be an online diary…if you don’t mind the outpour-
doing homework are actually chatting with their ings of your innermost feelings being exposed to
friends. Whether it’s used to catch up on friends’ everyone, who may even post anonymous ques-
lives or for messaging, Facebook is always an tions in response.

G a m e s
Tetris Friends
A popular choice for study halls, Tetris Friends is a
website where you beat levels against other online
players to get to higher difficulty levels. The website is
perfect for a competitive person looking for some fun.

Addicting Games
( Robot Unicorn Attack
Addicting Games can be summed up by its all- (www.robotunicornattack-
encompassing name. This website is packed with
games that will hold your attention for hours and is
perfect for relieving the stress of a long day at school.
Addicting Games can help you waste as much time as Also a good escape from hectic school work, Robot
your heart desires. Do not go on this site if you have Unicorn Attack brings the mythical world to life with
any intention of getting anything done in a timely a twist. For someone who likes colors, music, and
manner. You will fail, for the distractions are infinite. explosions, this game is entrancing. It can aid you in
procrastinating for hours and hours. And really, what
could be more captivating than a cute little unicorn?

tination Station
M u s i c
Pandora YouTube
( (
Pandora is perfect for use while doing homework. Youtube can basically be used for videos of
This website allows you to submit a song, artist, or anything, but it is especially helpful when looking
genre and, based on your choice, creates a“station” for a song. Most songs (or their videos) are leaked
of songs similar to what you submitted. If you don’t onto YouTube, enabling you to find virtually any
like a song chosen by the website, you can check a song you are looking for. Also, if you like a particular
dislike button and it will eliminate it from the list. Stereo mood artist, YouTube includes playlists made for artists
Pandora is the best way to discover music similar that organize their songs by albums.
to what you like without having to search for it. (
Stereo mood is a website where you can pick a
mood or activity and the website creates a playlist
of songs to match. Stereo Mood can help make
cleaning, doing chores around the house, driving,
or any other tedious activity more exciting. Some
suggested moods and activities to try include:
sleepy, beautiful, studying, dreamy, need of love,
and spring cleaning. With, the
possibilities are endless for discovering new music
that relates to your life.

Time Wasters
Post Secret
Post Secret is described on its website as “an ongoing community art
project” in which “people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of
a homemade postcard.” The website is a blog forum where contributors’
anonymous postcards are posted to create a beautiful display of human
vulnerability - one of the site’s main goals is suicide prevention. PostSecret’s

founder, Frank Warren posts new secrets every Sunday.

Stumble Upon
Stumble Upon is the king of all time wasters. This websites provides users
a list of possible interests and they check the ones they like. Then, users click
the “stumble” button and –Voila! The site uses the personalized list users
create to find something on the Internet that will entertain the user. If the
results are dissatisfactory, the user can simply “stumble” again. The website
provides hours of fun and, in the throes of boredom and laziness, eliminates
the need to expend energy searching for interesting things on the internet.

Page 10 THE OUTPOST April/May 2011

Drama Llama:
April/May Edition

Below are the chronicles of no one in particular – the fictitious moments

related here could equally well represent you or me. Being in high school isn’t Top Eight Worst Things About
always easy, as these tales of awkwardness reveal. We know you agree it’s em-
barrassing when: Your Parents Being on Facebook
By Calla Mclaughlin and Laura Kelly
- You go to a concert and don’t know the name of the band that’s playing
- You are too deeply engulfed by the senior slide to fill out a senior survey

- Upon seeing stink bugs buzzing around your kitchen light, you wish you had
X-Men character Cyclops’ power to zap them with your eyes.
-Your new significant other finds your extensive collection of Pokémon cards PICS?”
on display in your room when they are obviously still in good use.

- You are overcome by the desire to inhale the random dessert you found on 6. “DON’T USE BAD LANGUAGE ON THE INTERNET…
a classroom shelf, only to find that, after you start yelling, “Eww, this stinks,” the SWEETIE”
“chef” is standing right next to you.

-On the first day of school, you walk into the opposite sex’s bathroom and are 5. THEY TALK ABOUT YOU IN THEIR STATUSES
too shocked to beat an appropriately rapid retreat.
- Your job as a waiter ends abruptly when, after failing to see the spilled oil on
the floor, you slip, fall, and spill your entire tray of food on a customer.
-You come out of the movie theatre bathroom with a train of toilet paper PICTURES OF YOU
trailing from your pants.

-Your first date with your new significant other occurs at a restaurant where 2. THEY FIND OUT YOU ARE IN A RELATIONSHIP VIA
you are seated two booths away from your parents. FACEBOOK
-You dive on top of someone at a swim meet, having failed to realize they still
had another two laps to go.
- You wore your gym shorts backwards for the entire class.



Hunter Gausch Crush the Turtle

-Sophomore- -Finding Nemo-

Seniors reflect on their favorite high school memories:

“Over the past 4 years I have been to two high schools, over 600 miles apart. I have had so many amazing times with all of the people I have come to love in both
schools, but one of my fondest memories is going to Lollapalooza. The bands, the excitement, the summer and some of my best friends have made those 3 days
each summer some of the most fun and memorable times of my life.” – Allyse Murray

“My favorite part of high school was going to art class. I love the atmo-
sphere the art classes bring and, no matter what teacher you have, you “Last period study hall where I met Bucky. We air
always find yourself at ease.” – Hannah Simoff banded every day and went to the vending machines
and laughed so hard we were told to be quiet by our
teacher.” – Griffin Norman
“I have a hard time deciding between Mr. Wheet singing to me twice
on my sixteenth birthday and the bagpipe-led parade into the AP Eng- “Definitely the time I got into a car accident during
lish Lit exam.” – Jeanette Cohen my driver’s license test. SO much fun.” – Niki Camateros-

“ My favorite moment of high school? Running through the halls

during a coffeehouse singing TATU at the top of my lungs with my best “My favorite high school moment was Duncan Keller leading a procession of AP
friend and spending 10 hours at Iceline freshman year with the same English students down the hallway with bagpipes to take our AP exam.” – Colin Scott
person, cheering on our ice hockey team.” – Pamela Gramlich

“It would have to be a three-way tie between proving to Dave

“The jort-filled trip to London with the International Club. Keels, Wegs, Kurey, in London, that I could, in fact, eat a whole pizza (proudest
and the trifecta made it all worth it.” – David Kurey moment of my life), baking for three years of rugby games, and
finally dating my best friend senior year. ” – Claire Werkiser

“My favorite in high school was when we played in the state playoffs for rugby. Although we lost a heart breaker in
the first round the experience of playing alongside all my friends throughout my school career is something I'll carry
with me for the rest of my life.” – Jason Hodess

How bad is your senioritis?

What is Senioritis?

I leave my backpack in the car

Getting progressively worse


What was your favorite Unionville dance?

Winter Formal
Moderate case





Page 12 THE OUTPOST April/May 2011

Secure a date with this fail-safe guide to Prom

By Maggie O’Leary However, if you believe you fall could prepare an assemblage of Instead, you can choose to in an arrangement of items is
REPORTER within this daring category, we her favorite snacks to show that make your request an adventure usually a safe method to try.
Prom: not just one night, but a recommend that you keep the you care before asking. in itself. Such “fun askings” usu- For creativity, use any wacky
three-month phenomenon. It is asking quick and humorous in Or, follow the example of The ally include everyday products item you can think of, from glow
a plague that has infected every order to eliminate some of the Princess Diaries and ask her with you can buy at the Dollar Store. sticks to tennis balls – whatever
student – yes, even the boys love pressure placed on the girl as a pizza adorned with candy spell- Scattering multi-colored bal- will personalize the asking for
to talk about the epic night as it everyone in the vicinity awaits ing out “Prom?” loons with confetti in her room or you and your date.
approaches. her response. The fail safe method, of course, ambushing her with Silly String However you choose to do
The prospects of Prom capti- For instance, stay away from would be to ask the girl with will work best for a surprise- it, such personalization is the
vate lunch conversations across mushy ballads performed in chocolate – preferably some- oriented scheme. key for elevating a pleasant
the cafeteria as early as the public places; they are embar- thing that also spells out “Prom” Another possible option surprise to an “aww”-inspiring
beginning of the spring sports rassing for both you and would be hiding a written proposition.
season. your prospective date. Prom request somewhere The mother of all “prom ask-
Questions from “What does Instead, replace this pos- unexpected, like in her ings,” however, is the scavenger
your dress look like?” to “Which sibly horrifying moment cereal box or in a fortune hunt.
limo are you going in?” to “Are with a much better surprise cookie. While this option has become
you going to After Prom?” can be – like having her discover Some of the most memo- cliché, a scavenger hunt that is
heard echoing throughout the you on the roof of her car in rable askings were those personalized is a classic that no
hallways. However, the biggest the school parking lot with that were slightly more doubt will please your date.
question lingering on the tip of “Prom?” scrawled across elaborate and obviously The chief excitement in this
every girl’s tongue – How did he your chest. took some careful planning. method is making it unique for
ask you? The humor in this tactic For instance, putting a you and your date, so stay away
For the sake of Prom-enthusi- replaces awkwardness with note on her car telling her from the various generic scaven-
asts throughout the school, we laughs, and will be sure to to meet you somewhere ger hunts online.
have compiled a list of some of win you a “yes.” (where, unbeknownst to Instead, stick to referencing
the best “Prom Askings” to be ad- If you aren’t comfortable her, you will be waiting inside jokes or movies and music
mired and judged by all students. going this far out on a limb, with a bouquet of flowers) that you both like. You could even
We have not revealed our don’t fret. Rather, stick to ARTWORK BY GRIFFAN NORMAN ensures that you’ll be a take her to the place where you
sources so as to protect the the more traditional (but still fun date for the impending first met.
creative genius of the bold exciting) technique of asking her or has a Prom theme. Any food dance. Making such a complex hunt
gentlemen who undertook such over the school loudspeakers at options are sweet, caring ways Another fun option is incon- may be time consuming, but it
gallant measures to secure the lunch or even over the school of asking a girl to the dance, spicuously leaving an ice-block helps make the asking process
acceptance of their dates. Most T.V. station. but remember that the food is and hammer at her front door entertaining and can show
of these boys were juniors and For boys who are a bit more inevitably less exciting than the with the message “use me to your appreciation for the girl’s
seniors, so freshman and sopho- timid and want nothing to do request. break the ice” written on the personality.
more boys, take notes! with a public display of affection, If you’re not one for acting hammer. Once she does, a mes- Now that Prom is only a hop
The gentlemen who can mus- remember that, just as with any romantic and haven’t the faint- sage reading, “Now let’s heat and a skip around the corner,
ter enough courage to publically guy, the way to a girl’s heart can est idea what your prospective things up. Prom?” inside the ice we hope this advice will come in
ask their dream dates to Prom are be through her stomach! date’s favorite foods are, that shows you are both interesting handy for all next year’s nervous
few and far between. Using food to ask a girl to Prom doesn’t mean you’ve run out of and romantic. sophomore boys. Best of luck!
offers endless possibilities. You options. Otherwise, spelling out Prom

MORP: looking past the glow-stick

stains and techno-induced fatigue
By Stevie O’Neill of the school year. For ev- do is put together a bright, splattered in neon paint; It cannot explain why stu-
REPORTER eryone except the seniors, wacky outfit and head out however, it is not unusual dents enjoy with reckless
the end of the year is always the door. to see an array of sequins or abandon the attempted
By this late hour of the a stressful time for students Naturally, the lack of formal brightly colored spandex. bubble blowing that turns
school year, any student as teachers attempt to cram attire also means that par- MORP is the ultimate time into a showering of soapy
walking down the hallway is in last minute assignments – ents and girls don’t feel the to get your creative juices liquid over the crowd.
almost guaranteed to hear assignments which students need to organize pictures or flowing as you invent an But all of these elements
someone excitedly chatting feel less and less compelled groups of people to get ready insane outfit that is sure to are part of MORP’s mysterious
about Prom or anxiously to actually complete. with – a logistical relief that wow all of your friends. attraction for students, espe-
discussing their AP tests with With anxiety levels running all MORP-goers appreciate. If you’re a girl, there’s no cially once the music starts
their friends. high for all better op- bumping and the crowd
But, that student might s t u d e n t s, portunity begins to dance feverishly.
also hear a side conversation MORP pro- to try pass- The typical dancing turns
or two related to MORP, the vides the ing up the into a mob of people jumping
most popular student-coun- perfect paint and up and down, throwing their
cil funded dance of the year stress re - incorporat- hands in the air and scream-
and underclassmen’s answer liever that ing feathers ing along with the song.
to the formality of Prom. ever yone or rhine- MORP’s true power to en-
Crammed in during the needs. stones into thrall students is based on the
middle of AP tests and the I t ’s a your outfit party atmosphere it creates.
week before Prom, students care -free instead. MORP is a celebration for
still manage to get excited night of M O R P the ending of another school-
about this techno-themed dancing is the one year and of the yearning for
dance. that lacks time when the upcoming summer.
When May is rumored to all of the any outfit For seniors, it is the last
be the time of the year when h a s s l e goes and chance they will have to
students start checking out that comes
when crazier dance in the school gym,
of school, why is it that a along with is considered their last chance to be with
new sense of school spirit the other formal dances. Besides being exempt from better. the entire school in a non-
dedicated to this upcoming MORP’s casual dress code the formal dress, the allure Still, this wacky attire does academic environment.
dance has captivated the means girls do not have to of MORP lies in the fact that not explain why everyone Set to a backdrop of pound-
student body? throw away money on an- students can dress up in any tolerates getting glow-stick ing music, flashing lights
This excitement over MORP other fancy frock and guys crazy outfit without social goo in their eyes or plastic and sweaty bodies, MORP is
may just be because of the are not forced to slip into repercussions. shards stuck in their feet, an about the true enthusiasm
season during which the their much hated dress attire. Customarily, students wear unavoidable side effect of students can have when they
dance is scheduled: the end All a MORP attendee must their own black tee-shirts MORP’s hype. all come together.

Arts & Entertainment

African Cats lends snarl
LCD Soundsystem’s final show: to nature documentaries
“when something great is gone” By Annie Rose Webb
other, a buffalo stampede, and
Godfather-style animal wars in
By Spencer Bingol show. On that evening at the ment came relatively early in This intensity was beat- As the previews faded out, my between shots of roly-poly lion
NEWS EDITOR Garden, the show began at the first set during“Daft Punk en, however, by the last fif- first thought was that Samuel cubs tripping over paws that
8:00 with opener Liquid Liq- is Playing at my House.”Many teen minutes of the show. Leroy Jackson (when he’s not are too big for their tiny bodies.
Bands are never supposed shouting at somebody holding Every guy alive should take his
uid, a post-punk band from hadhopedthattheaforemen- At roughly 12:30, Murphy
to end this way. Conventional fewer guns than he is) has a voice girlfriend to see this movie. He’ll
the 80s whose rhythm heavy tioned duo would make an thanked the crowd for staying
wisdom says that artists are almost as soothing as Morgan score major points for being
tracks were a clear influence appearance as one of the ad- for such a long time, and then
only allowed to break up due Freeman’s. sensitive to her tastes, and then
on Murphy’s sound. vertised “special guests,” but thanked his friends and family
to monetary issues, creative My second thought was that twenty minutes into the movie,
After Liquid Liquid’s set sadly there were no French in the audience. BAM! A lion fighting an alligator.
differences, death, or lack of I had just wasted a free movie
ended, robots to be After mentioning that the This is the kind of movie Charlie
relevance. voucher on a compilation of

L C D found that next song would be their last, Sheen would write if he wasn’t
LCD Soundsystem, the nature shots.
Soundsys- night. Murphyscoldedtheaudience too busy winning.
criticallyacclaimedpost-punk But even after
tem trium- That is not for their requisite groaning. spending the next And finally, this
revivalists fronted by DFA
phantly to discount “Ok, let me point this out, that hour watching the movie deser ves
label founder James Murphy,
took the those that even now at the end of our rest of the ninety- every one of my
discovered a novel way to
stage at did appear, band, I didn’t say that like‘This and-over audience five stars because
conclude a career: finishing
9:00 to including is our last song…,’ it wasn’t steadily drift off to of the nature shots.
on top. After releasing three
10cc’s “I’m musician- false. This is our last song!” sleep, I have conclud- I know, I know—I
critically acclaimed albums,
Not in comedian The audience then roared ed that African Cats started this article
including the 2007 dance- by complaining
Love”blast- R e g g i e in applause and the band is the best movie I’ve
rock classic Sound of Silver, about them. But
ing around Watts, a 12 began their last song, “New seen in the past year.
and helping to define the let’s be honest here:
the arena. person boy’s York I Love You, But You’re And I can tell you why.
independent music scene First, the film has who doesn’t enjoy
T h e choir (clad in Bringing Me Down.”
for the last decade, Murphy soporific qualities ri- endless plains, riv-
crowd, shining silver Thousands of white bal-
decided to pull the plug on valed only by leading ers, and those weird

mostly dressed in black and jumpsuits), and most spec- loons fell from the ceiling at
his most famous project in a sedative-hypnotics. In scraggly trees that
white per the band’s request, tacularly, Canadian Grammy- the end of the song, and by
spectacular fashion. layman’s terms, it knocks you out Africa seems to like so much—
gave them a standing ovation Conquerors Arcade Fire. the time the audience looked
In February, he announced faster than Mike Tyson armed this film’s got it all, not to mention
as they began “Dance Yrself One of the most emotional back up , the band had disap- lions, zebras, and giraffes (oh
one final show at New York’s with your history textbook.While
Clean,” the opening track moments of the evening peared backstage. my!). And the sounds are no less
Madison Square Garden on many viewers may consider this
from their most recent (and came at the end of the first set The show had been an powerful (Mufasa’s got nothing
April 2 and four more shows a problem with the film, I say it’s
last) albumThis is Happening. during the final performance entirely unique experience, on an actual, roaring king of the
to occur during the preced- a serious bonus. After seeing
In the almost four hours of “All My Friends,” widely- combining a four hour dance Black Swan, I didn’t sleep for jungle).
ing week at a smaller nearby
from then until the final en- considered to be LCD’s best party with the atmosphere two days; after seeing African Whether you’re more inter-
venue, Terminal 5.
core, people danced continu- song, as the entire audience of a wake in what will doubt- Cats, I didn’t have to. ested in a peaceful river or the
These preceding shows
ously, even during poignant, screamed while James Mur- lessly be remembered as Second, if you ever wake up, it bloodthirsty alligators lying just
seemed more barebones
reflective tracks like “Some- phy sang the lines “To tell one of the best shows of the will be to either scream in terror beneath the surface, you’ll be
than promised; the band was
one Great” and “All I Want.” the truth/This could be the decade. or squeal with joy. The film has satisfied by the time you walk
clearly holding back much of
The only minor disappoint- last time.” cheetahs ganging up on each out of the theater.
the spectacle for the Saturday

Jonas Raider: taking the world of

urban decay photography by storm
my photographs (when I am shoot- used, and how many other people to use the different settings and I
ing models/friends) or the state may have been there in the past. figured out the rest. I’m completely IP: Do you plan on pursuing the
of decay a building is in (whether A place I went to recently was an self-taught, which has come from arts in college?
this be the rotting wood, mossy abandoned pier in Philly, which has taking many photos and experi- Raider: I plan on continuing to
floors, or rampant graffiti) are very to be one of my favorite locations menting with various cameras. take photographs and visit new
important and compelling to me. based on being situated along locations, but I will not be study-
IP: Do you/have you worked
the water and the tons of graffiti. ing photography or any form of
IP: When did you first become Just looking at how many artists
in any other art forms/medias? If art through schooling.
interested? had been there to tag the place is
so, is photography your favorite?
By Delana Listman
ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR Raider: I first Raider: Yes, I IP: Any last words for aspiring
became inter- am also very inter- photographers or art enthusiasts?
IP: What has inspired youto e s te d w h e n ested in graffiti, but Raider: Find something that
become so interested in photog- I stumbled specifically sticker will continue to spark your interest
raphy? upon a web- graffiti because of when you take photographs.
Raider: To answer this question site dedicated how observant one If you’re interested specifically
fully, I first need to explain the type to photograph- must be to find it in urban decay photography, you
of photography I am into. ing abandoned in a city. It’s every- should be aware that most of the
Urban decay is a term used locations. From where! locations that are abandoned are
to describe the state in which a then on, every- During sopho- private property and you can get
building ages based on nature where I went I more and junior in trouble for trespassing, so be
taking its toll. kept my eyes year I traded stick- careful and safe.
I am really interested in the open to find lo- er art and other Also, because the places are
ability to capture a moment with cations where I forms of art with abandoned, many are falling apart
a picture, so I guess the subjects would later go people all around because they are not being taken
of what I photograph have really and take pic- PHOTO COURTESY OF JONAS RAIDER the world, so some care of or have to fulfill safety re-
inspired me. tures. of my artwork is in quirements, so it’s a good idea to
I wouldn’t necessarily say a really cool for me to think about. over 35 countries and all of the talk to other people in the know
person has inspired me, although IP: What is your favorite aspect continents, which is pretty cool. about a location before going
my dad has helped me grow as of photography? IP: Have you had any formal I’ve dabbled in Prismacolors, but there on your own.
a photographer because he is a Raider: My favorite aspect of training or instructing? If not, how as Mr. Stamis would very easily And finally, bring others with
Director of Photography/Videog- the photography I take is thinking did you learn? be able to tell you, I will stick to you to enjoy the beauties hidden
raphy. But more specifically, the of what went on when the loca- Raider: Basically, when I got my my photography and sketching from the naked eye!
environments I put people into in tions I photograph were still being camera my dad showed me how (laughs).
Page 14 THE OUTPOST April/May 2011

Game of Explosions in the Sky ‘s new

Thrones album shines in familiar ways
enthralls with odd, twinkling, singular notes
that cut through the thicker guitar
The final track, “Let Me Back In,”
ends the album with a bang, sum-
v i e we r s chords and steady beat of drums.
“Human Qualities” follows with an
ming up the strengths of all the
band members.
ethereal and faint opening that The first guitar starts out the
fades to silence but for a barely track with a haunting and somber
By Matt McWilliams Jon Snow: The illegitimate perceptible throbbing pulse of a melody; as the two other guitars
COLUMNIST child of Ned. He doesn’t know who drumbeat. enter the fray, they delicately for-
his mom is and this makes him From there, the song gradually
Well friends, it’s here: my last col- mulate themselves into a ghostly
sad. He seeks fulfillment outside of
umn. I hope the three of you who builds in enthusiasm and momen- composition that haunts and re-
his family, but struggles with the
have been reading this (Hi Mom!) PHOTO COURTESY OF EMPRESAQUI.COM.BR tum, until the last minute-and-a-half mains in your mind.
mystery surrounding his heritage.
have enjoyed it. This month I want unleashes an atmosphere of fervor Four years after releasing their
His story arc reminds me A LOT of By Evelyn Pandos
to talk about a show premiering and frenzy. The third track, “Trem- masterwork, All of a Sudden I Miss
Harry Potter and a little of Twilight REPORTER
this April that is so epic that the bling Hands,”is the record’s shortest Everyone, Explosions In The Sky
(except it’s nothing like Twilight, Explosions In The Sky are known
only place it could possibly be song, clocking in at just three and continue to do what they do best.
I just wanted to psych you up). for their use of loud-soft dynam-
produced is HBO. (For those of you a half minutes, and it’s also a differ- There is nothing new or surprising
Sansa Stark: Sansa is Ned and ics to give their songs emotional
who don’t have HBO, fret not. I may ent direction from what is normally in Take Care, Take Care, Take Care,
Catelyn’s oldest daughter. She impact and for being one of the
know of a “hypothetical” website heard from Explosions In The Sky. but with the band already doing
is concerned with appearances modern pioneers of instrumental
where one might be able to watch The song plays on a feeling of what they do so well, there’s simply
and desperately post-rock, along with Mogwai and
this show for free on- urgency and forcefulness-- panic, no point in changing. Take Care,
wants to marry This Will Destroy You.
line.) It is called: GAME

even-- as strings continue to flow Take Care, Take Care is a strong, ex-
a prince. She Their latest album Take Care,
OF THRONES. in the background and guitars pertly crafted album of instrumental
is also THE Take Care, Take Care, released
If you think it tremble throughout the song. post-rock that evokes emotions
WORST. on April 26 and only six tracks long,
sounds nerdy, then Later in the record is the song and inspiration open to personal
Arya Stark: is a testament to how well they have
you’re right. It most “Postcards from 1952,” which is interpretation, which is exactly what
The youngest developed their craft of creating
certainly is. Even be- a perfect example of the type of makes this music so appealing.
Stark daugh- music without the need for vocals.
fore I knew anything music for which Explosions In The
ter, Arya’s a The band sticks to its sound of
about it, I could just Sky is known.
stubborn tom-
tell this show was textured layers of guitar on top of The track starts by building on
boy who excels
going to give me surging drums. As closely as this sounds that resemble eerie whis-
at horseback
bouts of nerd ecsta- album resembles their previous tling wind and evoke an emotion of
riding. Despite
sy. Game of Thrones efforts, it does sound more organic, lilting nostalgia and crescendos into
her talents, she
is the first book in toned, and detailed throughout. the record’s loudest moment with
often finds it
a series written by “Last Known Surroundings” the drums and the guitars thrashing
difficult to con-
George R.R. Martin. makes for an optimistic beginning together harmoniously. PHOTO COURTESY OF WATCH-MAKERS.NET
form to soci-
The story takes place

In defense of Charlie Sheen: why I

ety’s conven-
in a fictional medi-
tions. In other words, she’s a total
eval–esque setting and the plot
hipster. Only she was a hipster like
has been described as Lord of the

don’t hate him as much as I should

400 years and in a different galaxy
Rings meets The Sopranos.
before it was cool.
Basically it involves all these dif-
Bran Stark: The middle Stark
ferent characters competing for By Paul Kenton Sheen is necessarily a “bad guy.”
child. Bran “Brandon”Stark enjoys
control of the kingdom. People lie, REPORTER
For example, let’s examine Sheen’s charitable
climbing walls, scaling buildings,
scheme, stab, cheat, poison, slap, If cell phones were capable of embarrassment or contributions. Some criticize these as a poor act of
and generally scurrying up and
stab, seduce, stab, and behead judgment, my Blackberry would have died the day public relations to increase his popularity with the
down things. He might be part
each other in order to gain power. I bookmarked TMZ’s mobile website. As far as low- general public, but, as a member of the general
squirrel. On a side note, I definitely
Basically, this show is brutal. And grade gossip sites go, TMZ is king (and Perez Hilton public, I disagree. For one, if Sheen was at all worried
don’t see how letting a child climb
speaking as someone who read is queen, but that’s unrelated). about public opinion, he would’ve avoided his entire
castle walls could ever pose a
the first book in preparation for It seems that every day I try to cling on to a lasting “tiger’s blood,” “warlock,” “I’m on a drug, it’s called
this article, I can say that the bit of my masculinity by surfing sports pages or New Charlie Sheen”debacle. Additionally, Sheen has been
King Robert and Queen
worst part of the story is that no York Times editorials, but--without fail--I end up back donating money to various charities for years--even
Cersei: He’s the ruler of the land
one is safe. Important characters on the Lohan-slinging ghetto of the internet that is
and is a “man of girth” who enjoys before his Sheen’s Corner shenanigans. Sheen was
often die without any foresight or TMZ. The site is trashy by definition and in execu-
eating, sleeping, and visiting la- the spokesperson for a breast cancer awareness cam-
dignity, and as a viewer I think this tion, obsessed with
dies of the night. She’s super mega paign, a supporter
will make for addictive TV. arrests, divorces and
foxy awesome hot of Aid for AIDS, as
Because GOT awkward paparazzi
and likes scheming well as more AIDS-
(See what I did interviews; however,
and plotting. How- related charities,

there?) has more there’s a prevailing

ever, she has little including a spon-
characters than I do honesty beneath this
to no soul. Bottom sorship of nation-
Facebook friends, materialism, obscen-
line: they don’t love al spokesperson
I’ve compiled a ity, and excess that
each other. Also, she Ryan White. The
list of people you
might be trying to hints at the upright provocateur also
should know and
kill him. search for the “Ameri- promised a dollar
a brief description
Tyrion Lannis- can dream.” would be donated
of each for you con-
ter: The Queen’s As of late, Char- to Japanese earth-
venience. It was
d w a r f b r o t h e r. lie Sheen has been quake relief for
kind of taxing so,
Known as “the imp,” a target of massive every ticket sold
he’s super funny but public criticism for on his “My Violent
Eddard “Ned”
deep, deep down he his general nature of Torpedo of Truth/
Stark: Profession-
struggles with his bad decision-making, Defeat is Not An
al fussbudget and the king’s new PHOTO COURTESY OF ITSINMIAMI.COM
deformities and the way others and TMZ has kept us Option Show” tour.
right hand man. Ned has honor
treat him. However, just deep updated on the man’s Call him a narcissist, call him an addict, or call him
and while this makes a wonder-
down, he enjoys drinking and every waking move. But, looking past the more a horrible judge of sitcom quality -- for all of these
ful human being, it also kind of
doing the medieval version of questionable facets of this obsession, I’d like to pick apply to Charlie Sheen -- but he’s still not selfish.
makes him a total turd to watch
clubbing. He probably invented apart the innately “American” pieces of 2/5’s of Two And in a world where Donald Trump is still allowed
on screen.
the fist pump. and a Half Men and try to explain why Sheen needs on television, this is a respectable quality.
Catelyn Stark: She’s OK, I
Daenerys Targaryen: Goes to be left alone. (This would be an appropriate time But, even more, Sheen promotes free speech in
guess. If I could describe her using
a color it would be light gray. Not
by “Dany.” I don’t have enough to imagine Chris Crocker crying“Leave Charlie alone.” the most honest way possible: by practicing it. This
room to explain how in the world And this would also be an appropriate time to never is quite the charity in and of itself. Some may not like
because she’s morally gray, she’s
she relates to everyone else, but I’ll reference Chris Crocker again.) his conspiracy theories or crude statements, but, as
just kind of bland and she reminds
just say that she has eyes the color I won’t fight for Sheen’s right to smoke crack- an American, it’s admirable that he has the right to
me of staring at a blank TV screen,
of violets and hair like spun gold cocaine, to buy extravagantly priced escorts, or to make said statements. Certainly he’s obscene, a poor
cause she’s so boring. I don’t have
and looks like an angel. So, she’s trash hotel rooms in a drunken rage. I won’t justify decision-maker, and maybe even a drunk, but, I still
much to say about her other than
probably like a solid 7 out of 10. his bizarre 9/11 conspiracy theories, his guiltless like Charlie Sheen. I like him because he’s generous
that she loves most of her kids
Game of Thrones airs Sundays divorce in an attempt to court an adult-film star, and he stands up for things he believes in--even if I
(except Jon) and she’ll stop at
at 9:00 PM. or his atrocious post-Wall Street acting careeer. I’d don’t believe in those things (especially Two and a
nothing to protect the ones she
Watch them immediately. have to be a social monster to defend these things Half Men, that was awful)--and I is unapologetic with
doesn’t want to kick in the shins.
(especially the last one), but I still don’t think that these opinions. He truly is winning.


Crew engenders athleticism

and sportsmanship
By Nicolette Seilus weekend. coaches.
REPORTER The regattas are held in The hefty time commitment
many locations throughout the of the sport facilitates one
Crew, or rowing, is a sport spring, ranging from Baltimore more skill: crew requires one to
that many students know little to Camden. These races usually learn time management skills
about: it is time consuming, last all day. in regards to schoolwork.
MLB predictions takes hard work and energy,
and few students are involved
I can honestly say rowing has
positively changed my life. It
But with the effort put in,
payoffs are earned, such as
starters, including pitcher with it here at Unionville High requires many skills that are winning races, creating new
By Stephen Musser C.J. Wilson, are a recipe for School. not only relevant in a boat, friendships, and getting into
REPORTER success.
However, there are still but which can be applied to great shape.
a handful of As a team,
As the 2011 Major League
girls and guys, goals are
Baseball season begins, so
ranging from made and
does every baseball fanatic
sophomores to achieved, in-
begin the year with hope.
seniors, who cluding hav-
Every team and its fans in-
take par t in ing a success-
dulges in the dream of chasing
varsity, junior- ful season for
a pennant and a World Series
ring. Prediction: Rangers v a r s i t y, a n d the whole
Even the teams that were NL East novice rowing boathouse
unsuccessful last year look to The Atlanta Braves will be at the Newport by placing in
become the 2008 Tampa Bay competitive and Florida is Rowing Club every race.
Rays or the 2010 San Diego a young, fearless team, but every day. Our var-
Padres. with four legitimate aces U n l i k e sity team
This year looks to be just as in Philadelphia, the Phillies school-affil- has gone to
enthralling as any other as the should have no issues taking iated spor ts, nationals,
162 game journey begins. this division. crew hosts not and selected
AL East only students rowers have
The AL East has reloaded from parts of even been
with free agent Carl Crawford Pennsylvania, c h o s e n fo r
joining a rival Red Sox team in but also from highly selec-
Boston along with the coveted Delaware and Newport Rowing Club practices on the Christina River. tive camps,
free agent Adrian Gonzalez. N e w J e r s e y , Though crew has only recently gained popularity at junior nation-
The Yankees will continue w i t h s c h o o l s Unionville, it draws participants from all areas of the region. al teams, and
to be solid, while Buck Show- such as Sale - PHOTO COURTESY OF JACK BUBES by college re-
alter’s Orioles, who caught fire sianum, Padua, cruiters for Divi-
late last year, will hope to con- Kennett, Ursuline, Sanford, and everyday life. sion I teams.
tinue with that momentum. Prediction: Phillies Delaware Military Academy in Determination, dedication, Rowing has so much to
Prediction: Yankees, (Red NL Central attendance. and teamwork are all a part offer and the beauty of it is
Sox Wild Card) Many experts talk about the Monday through Friday from of this sport. It’s like no other that anyone can join. If you
dangerous run that a new- 3:30 to 6:00 p.m., we are out on activity in that there is no one are interested in joining crew
look Milwaukee Brewers team the Christina River rowing, rain “star player.” or getting more information
could make, but Cincinnati or shine, or doing intense land Everyone in the boat needs about it, do not be afraid to
kept the core group that won workouts involving running, to be in sync to move the boat contact me or any other rower
the division last year and they using the rowing machines, quickly and forcefully. here at the school or visit www.
can take the Central again. lifting weights, or doing abs Because of the amount of newpor or
circuits. Saturday practices are time teammates spend with to get more
from 8:00 to 10:30 a.m., unless each other close friendships information on our boathouse
there is a regatta, or race, that are formed among teams and or the sport in general.
AL Central
The Royals traded away stud
pitcher Zach Grenkie, making
them nothing more than a
Men’s Postseason Tennis By Brett Ciancia May 2011
team of prospects.
The real story in this division
is the Tigers. Miguel Cabrera Prediction: Reds The Men’s tennis team has of Ryan Collins/Mike Wu,
proved last year he can carry NL West already clinched its second and Logan Moore/Peter
the team offensively, and De- The World Series champs consecutive Ches-Mont title Mason will compete in
troit also has an ace in Justin look to repeat, but the Giants after an undefeated regular doubles.
Verlander. still have to get past Carlos
season. After his finals appear-
Prediction: Tigers Gonzales and Troy Tulowitzki
Now the team’s attention ance in the district single’s
of the Rockies.
Colorado is primed to pro-
shifts towards the postseason championship, Furr will
duce a dominant offense for tournaments. compete in the state tour-
2011 and that should power The District 1 team tourna- nament on May 27th.
them to a division title. ment started Monday May Following such a suc-
Prediction: Rockies, (Gi- 9th in a home match against cessful regular season, the
ants Wild Card) Coatesville, and two wins were team is aiming high.
needed to clinch a spot in the Senior Ryan Collins
state tournament, which is states that “If we’re going
slated to begin May 17th. to win it all, this is the year
AL West The singles lineup features to do it.”
This division is all about the Michael Furr (singles league Make sure to come out
Texas Rangers. The team is an champion), Johnny Wu (sin- Current senior Ryan Collins has faith to the matches and sup-
offensive juggernaut with a in his team to win in the postseason.
gles league runner-up) and port the team’s run at state
great bullpen. Those factors,
Matt Sokoloff, while the teams PHOTO COURTESY OF RYAN COLLINS championship glory.
complemented by some solid PHOTOS COURTESY OF SPORTSLOGOS.
Page 16 THE OUTPOST April/May 2011

Lights, Cam-era, N e w t o n NBA finals heat up

this decision with skepticism contribute to making the NFC By Casey Taylor two teams is experience and
By Max Berger and question the young man’s South the division of young SPORTS EDITOR energy. The Spurs’ experience
COLUMNIST character. gunslingers. If he does not
Both Cam’s critics and be- translate well to the NFL and The 2010-2011 NBA playoffs will and efficient style will be a factor
On Thursday April 28, the lievers are very outspoken, fades into obscurity, he will be be an exciting time. In the Eastern in who wins the series, but the
Carolina Panthers made a resulting in his being one of considered one of the biggest Conference, several groups of “Big Thunder’s young, energetic, and
move that could either make the most publicized amateur draft busts of all time, paired 3” players and elite teams will face talented squad will prove too
them a championship-caliber players in the game’s history. with the likes of Jamarcus Rus- off against each other for a spot much for the Spurs. Thunder win
football team for years to There is no disputing that sell, Ryan Leaf, and Tim Couch. in the finals. In the end, the 2011 series (4-2).
NBA Finals will be one of the most Los Angeles Lakers (2) vs. Dallas
come, or could cause the team Newton’s 2010 campaign at Say what you want about Mavericks (3)- The Lakers have the
to regress and rebuild, again. Auburn was arguably the Newton, but it is certain intense and talent-filled basketball
championships of all time. experience and offensive threats
By se- that all eyes to overwhelm the Mavs. However,
lecting will be on Eastern Conference Semi-Finals:
Chicago Bulls (1) vs. Orlando Magic the Mavs will challenge the Lakers
controver- him during with their versatility. Lakers win
sial quar- training (4)- The Bulls have a multifaceted
team that is reliable on defense series (4-2).
terback camp and Western Conference Finals:
Cameron the season, and offense. The Magic have a
solid team but Los Ange-
Newton if there is les Lak-
number one. I be - Howard will not
be able to anchor ers (2) vs.
one over- lieve that Oklahoma
all in the having al- the team well
enough to defeat City Thun-
2011 NFL ready over- der (4)- A
Draft, the come so the Bulls. Bulls
win series (4-2). rematch of
Panthers much ad- last year’s
are hoping versity and M iami Heat
(2) vs. Boston first round
that the criticism at playoff
f ra n c h i s e his a young Celtics (3)- The
Celtics have match.
is headed age is an
toward the encourag- the stronger PHOTO COURTESY OF DOMINICANSPORTS.BLOGSPOT.COM H o w -
bench and will ever,
former op- ing sign for the Thunder have a defensive
tion. If you young Cam. need to stop the Heat’s Big 3 scor-
are a col- PHOTO COURTESY OF SPORTSXP.COM If he strug- ing with an exceptional defense. weapon in Kendrick Perkins that
lege football gles early, he The older Celtics will be tired after they did not have last year. The
fan, a pro football fan, watch greatest season ever recorded has already shown that he playing against the Knicks and Thunder will be able to guard the
the news, or even know what by a college football player. will not wallow in defeat and will not play as well defensively Lakers defensively and will have
a football is, chances are you At 6’ 5” and 248 lbs, he is a that he will not allow such as necessary to beat a quick Heat Durant and Westbrook leading
team. Heat win series (4-3). the scoring offensively. Thunder
have heard the name Cam physical specimen with the negativity to define him.
Newton before. arm strength, speed, and Also, I think that with proper Eastern Conference Finals: Chi- win series (4-2).
cago Bulls (1) vs. Miami Heat (2)- The 2011 Finals will be the
Mr. Newton is the former athleticism to be an elite NFL coaching, there is no way Chicago Bulls (1) vs. Oklahoma
Auburn Tigers quarterback. quarterback. that Newton can’t become The Bulls do not have Miami’s Big 3.
However, they do have productive City Thunder (4)- Both teams have
He is coming off of a season The charismatic Newton is a star. His athletic gifts are an equally talented supporting
in which he won the Heisman known for having an infec- overwhelming, and although role players led by MVP Derrick
Rose, who will likely outshine the cast. Therefore, the deciding
Trophy, college football’s tious personality and a smile he might not be dominating factor for the series will be each
most prestigious honor, while big and bright enough for on day one, in time he will de- Heat’s role players. The Bulls beat
the Heat in all three regular season team’s stars. The Thunder have two
leading his undefeated Tigers Hollywood. But, should the velop into a great quarterback solid stand-outs in Kevin Durant
to an undefeated record and a Panthers have used their because his physical tools are meetings. Under Tom Thibodeau,
National Championship. number one overall pick in hard to ignore. the Bulls will find a way to control and Russell Westbrook, while the
Newton’s college career the draft on him? Only time will tell how the the Heat, but it might come down Bulls have one star, Derrick Rose.
began at the University of After his scandals at Florida Newton project will work out, to a game 7. Bulls win series (4-2). The Thunder’s two all-stars will
Florida, where he sat behind and pay-for-play allegations, but I am confident that Pan- Western Conference Semi- enable to the team to win in a
Heisman winning quarter- it’s no wonder that doubts thers fans will not regret the Finals: San Antonio Spurs (1) vs. close game. The finals will be an
back Tim Tebow. Ultimately, have arisen as to what kind of decision their organization Oklahoma City Thunder (4)- The intense battle for the NBA Cham-
however, he transferred to a person he is. Also, he virtually made with the first pick in the main difference between these pionship. My prediction? Thunder
win finals (4-3).
small junior college named came out of nowhere and rose 2011 Draft.
Blinn College after he was to stardom; many skeptics
suspended for the theft of a feel he may be a one-season
student’s laptop and also in- wonder.
volved in numerous academic The Tiger’s spread offense
cheating scandals. does not translate well to
After leaving Blinn, the the traditional NFL scheme,
controversy surrounding this and Newton would need to
talented athlete did not cease. improve his accuracy to be
Allegedly, Cam’s father, Cecil a successful quarterback in
Newton, sought financial the league.
compensation from both Whether you hate or love
Mississippi State and Auburn, Newton, no one can dispute
the two schools recruiting that the Panthers taking him
Cam after Blinn, in addition with the first pick is a monu-
to a scholarship, which is a mental risk.
major violation of NCAA rules. If he plays as well as he did at
Auburn vehemently denied Auburn, the organization will
these reports, as could be look like geniuses. Carolina’s
expected of an institution NFC South division is domi-
whose star player’s eligibility nated by great quarterback
was being called into ques- play, including Atlanta’s Matt
tion. The NCAA ruled that Ryan and Tampa Bay’s Josh
Newton was in fact eligible; Freeman.
however, many people view Newton, if he pans out, will

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