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Virtual Course Advanced Formulation Ruminant Rations

Aimed at professionals Agriculture (Agricultural Engineers or Animal Production, Animal

Husbandry, Veterinary Medical, Agricultural and allied TSU)


Duration 5 weeks


Topic - 01: Principles optimized food plans.

Topic - 02: Introduction to the analysis of feed costs.

Topic - 03: Elements optimized arithmetic for ration formulation.

Topic - 04: Power System Optimization for beef cattle

Topic - 05: Power System Optimization for Dairy cattle.

Topic - 06: Power System Optimization for Dual purpose cattle.

Topic - 07: Power System Optimization for Sheep.

Topic - 08: Power System Optimization for Goats.

Topic - 09: Power System Optimization for buffalo

Topic - 10: Development of food powders and granules.

Topic - 11: Processes and development of mineral mixtures and blocks.

Virtual Course Ration for Cattle (meat, milk and fold Purpose)

Livestock Producers Aimed at professionals and non-Agro Sciences


Duration 5 weeks


Topic - 01: Principles of Cattle Feed, as the purpose of exploitation: meat, milk, or both.

Topic - 02: Food and cattle nutrient requirements, as the purpose of exploitation: meat,
milk, or both.

Topic - 03: Principles of ration formulation and mixtures for cattle.

Topic - 04: Formulation of cattle feed mixtures using linear equations and the method of
trial and error.

Topic - 05: design rations Fundamentals optimized using linear programming intensive
cattle (milk or meat).

Virtual Course Ration for Sheep and Goats

Livestock Producers Aimed at professionals and non-Agro Sciences


Duration 5 weeks


Topic - 01: Principles of Food of sheep and / or goats, as the purpose of exploitation:
meat, milk, or both.

Topic - 02: Food and nutrient requirements of sheep and / or goats, as the purpose of
exploitation: meat, milk, or both.

Topic - 03: Principles of ration formulation and mixtures for sheep and / or goats.

Topic - 04: Formulation of feed mixtures for sheep and / or goats using linear equations
and the method of trial and error.

Topic - 05: design rations Fundamentals optimized using linear programming intensive
sheep or goats (milk or meat).
Virtual Course artisan food formulation for Tropical freshwater fish

General Purpose: To train the trainee in the formulation and development of artisan food
for freshwater fish (cachamas, tilapia, catfish, rainbow trout) grown in captivity (cages,
intensive systems, tanks, ponds) using local resources and techniques available to all, at
low cost and in a sustainable manner.

Livestock Producers Aimed at professionals and non-Agro Sciences


Duration 5 weeks


Topic - 01: Principles of Food freshwater fish (cachamas, tilapia, catfish, trout).

Topic - 02: Food and nutrient requirements cited freshwater fish.

Topic - 03: Principles of ration formulation and mixes cited freshwater fish.

Topic - 04: Development of feed mixes cited freshwater fish.

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