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Transforming pain medicine: Adapting to science and society

D. Borsook1,2, E. Kalso3,4
1 P.A.I.N. Group, Department of Anesthesia and Radiology, Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA
2 Center for Pain and the Brain, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA
3 Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Helsinki, Finland
4 Pain Clinic, Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine, Helsinki University Central Hospital, Finland

Correspondence Abstract
David Borsook
E-mail: The field of chronic pain medicine is currently facing enormous chal-
lenges. The incidence of chronic pain is increasing worldwide, particu-
Funding Sources larly in the developed world. As a result, chronic pain is imposing a
Support was provided by a Grant to DB from
growing burden on Western societies in terms of cost of medical care and
NINDS (K24) and the Herlands Fund for Pain
lost productivity. This burden is exacerbated by the fact that despite
research efforts and a huge expenditure on treatment for chronic pain,
Conflicts of interest clinicians have no highly effective treatments or definitive diagnostic
None declared. measures for patients. The lack of an objective measure for pain impedes
basic research into the biological and psychological mechanisms of
Accepted for publication chronic pain and clinical research into treatment efficacy. The develop-
28 January 2013
ment of objective measurements of pain and ability to predict treatment
responses in the individual patient is critical to improving pain manage-
ment. Finally, pain medicine must embrace the development of a new
evidence-based therapeutic model that recognizes the highly individual
nature of responsiveness to pain treatments, integrates bio-psycho-
behavioural approaches, and requires proof of clinical effectiveness for
the various treatments we offer our patients. In the long-term these
approaches will contribute to providing better diagnoses and more effec-
tive treatments to lessen the current challenges in pain medicine.

complicating diagnosis and treatment and raising

1. Introduction
concerns about iatrogenic addiction and drug-seeking
The field of chronic pain medicine is currently at the behaviour, the lack of an objective measure for pain
crossroads of tremendous challenges but also oppor- impedes basic research into the biological and psy-
tunities. The incidence of chronic pain is increasing chological mechanisms of chronic pain and clinical
worldwide, particularly in the developed world, as research into treatment efficacy. In addition, our
the population ages and modern Western lifestyles current reliance on subjective reporting of pain
predispose people to chronic pain due to an increase colours how society views individuals with chronic
in obesity, decrease in physical activity and rapid pain. The development of objective measurements of
changes in the social environment. As a result, pain is critical to improving pain management in the
chronic pain is imposing a growing burden on long-term to determining modulation of the nervous
Western societies in terms of cost of medical care and system that may take place over time. This needs to
lost productivity. This burden is exacerbated by the be taken into context: First, if highly effective treat-
fact that despite research efforts and a huge expendi- ments are discovered, the issues noted here would be
ture on treatment for chronic pain in some countries, mute. In addition, it is the patient’s own perception
clinicians have few effective treatments or definitive of his/her health condition that matters as has
diagnostics for patients, whose suffering often signifi- recently been shown in a large study in osteoarthritis
cantly impairs their ability to function. As well as (OA) patients compared with specific measures of

Eur J Pain 17 (2013) 1109–1125 © 2013 European Federation of International Association for the Study of Pain Chapters 1109
Towards individualized pain medicine D. Borsook, E. Kalso

such as joint loading and radiographic evaluation

(Shakoor et al., 2012); however, OA is a complex
peripheral and central pain condition (Sofat et al.,
2011). There is much we can do now to improve the
sensitivity and reliability of subjective pain measures
and optimize our therapeutic approach.
The science of pain has witnessed tremendous
advances in the last decade. In particular, studies of
pain genetics have identified markers for pain sensitiv-
Figure 1 Current treatment approaches in chronic pain – treatment-
ity and susceptibility to chronic pain or sensitivity to
centred. Current pain treatment is essentially ‘educated trial and error’
analgesics and functional imaging studies are revealing where specific treatments are offered, usually within the focus of a clinical
the complex brain-based mechanisms underlying domain (e.g., interventional, alternate, behavioural etc.). Even within
chronic pain. In addition to changes in central nervous treatment domains (e.g., pharmacological), medications are tried,
system (CNS) sensory circuitry, there are changes to response-evaluated and depending on effects and side effects another
many brain systems, including those that encode medication-evaluated.
reward, aversion and behavioural reinforcement.
These changes may reflect emotional/behavioural
aspects of chronic pain. Although we are a long way ing chronic pain is frequently a nearly random trial for
from understanding what triggers chronic pain as a each individual, beginning with the least invasive
disease or a symptom or from knowing how to cure it, treatment and progressing along an increasing gradi-
we have an exciting opportunity to use this new ent of treatment side effects to find a strategy that
knowledge about chronic pain to guide new provides some measure of relief (see Fig. 1). In addi-
approaches to both understanding it and treating it tion to being inefficient, this ‘trial and error’ approach
more efficiently. may create conditions under which subsequent treat-
This article discusses current challenges related to ments are less or more effective than if administered to
chronic non-cancer pain including reasons for the naïve patients, so effective solutions may be missed or
rapid increase in the prevalence of chronic pain in the not fully understood. Evaluation of current treatment
western world, lack of effective therapies, particularly options for chronic pain reveals several patterns that
those that would help all patients, and the resistant cut across the clinical and therapeutic spectrum.
nature of chronic pain. Understanding the complex
nature of pain, its mechanisms and progression will,
2.1 Lack of therapeutic efficacy
however, suggest new solutions. Better definition of
the pain pheno-genotype will form the basis for per- Although clear improvements may be made to chronic
sonalized pain management as reasons for some pain care at a population level by increasing access and
patients responding to treatment while other remain public education and improving clinician training,
resistant will be better understood. Some recent devel- even the best treatments available do not provide
opments in the field of new therapeutics as well as highly effective treatment to all patients. Placebo-
setting and accepting realistic goals will be discussed controlled outcome studies for pharmacological
as ways to go forward. The article ends by discussing approaches to chronic pain reveal that they provide,
the role of society in general in making a joint effort on average, a meagre 30% efficacy (Logothetis and
to improved pain management in the future. Pfeuffer, 2004). The numbers-needed-to-treat with
the most effective monotherapy to achieve pain reduc-
tion of at least 50% are in the range of two to four
2. Current challenges in pain medicine
(Braune, 2004), meaning that on the average one
Current clinical practice is by and large devoid of patient in two to four has his/her pain halved. Recent
outcome-based measures of efficacy. However, there studies indicate that patients can benefit from combi-
are reports indicating that multidisciplinary pain man- nations of drugs (Gilron and Max, 2005); however,
agement can significantly improve the health-related few controlled studies of combination therapy have
quality of life (HRQoL) of chronic pain patients com- been performed, perhaps because there is no clear
pared with treatment at primary care (Becker et al., market incentive. In addition, there are still many
2000) and that the effect can be maintained at least for drugs for which no good outcome data exist.
3 years after the treatment has ended (Heiskanen Most other treatments for pain have not been
et al., 2012). The current standard approach to treat- subject to the same standards of trial measures and

1110 Eur J Pain 17 (2013) 1109–1125 © 2013 European Federation of International Association for the Study of Pain Chapters
D. Borsook, E. Kalso Towards individualized pain medicine

outcomes. Although controlled trials for trans-cranial Macpherson, 2011). Another complicating factor is
magnetic stimulation (TMS) have been reported for the strong placebo response that is related to trials on
depression (Berman et al., 2000), few large random- analgesia (Dworkin and Turk, 2011). Alternative or
ized placebo-controlled trials (RCT) have been complementary medicine treatments are very popular
reported for TMS for chronic pain (Antal and Paulus, despite the fact that, by and large, their effectiveness
2010). Controlled trials for interventional procedures is poorly characterized or proven ineffective in rigor-
(e.g., epidural steroids) are more difficult to interpret ous controlled trials (Linde et al., 1997; Cherkin
because placebo arms are challenging for ethical et al., 2003; Bardia et al., 2006). A national audit
reasons. Specifically, performing any interventional noted that ‘health care alternatives to be more congruent
‘placebo’ arm where the risk of serious complications with their own values, beliefs, and philosophical orienta-
is significant is clearly difficult and an important tions toward health and life’ (Astin, 1998). Complimen-
ethical issue. On the other hand, one can argue that tary and alternative medicine approaches are
performing high-risk interventions without evidence commonly used in chronic pain patients (Konvicka
is also unethical. RCTs have been performed on, e.g., et al., 2008). One reason may relate to the relative
epidural steroids (Cuckler et al., 1985) and percutane- ineffectiveness and or side effects of pharmacotherapy
ous intradiscal radiofrequency thermocoagulation or interventional approaches. The fact that so many
(Kvarstein et al., 2009). Although not ideal, newer embrace these approaches in the absence of evidence
trial methods (e.g., n-of-1 trials) or comparison against of their efficacy highlights the desperation that makes
other treatment options can still provide much needed many patients willing to try any new approach to
information about efficacy. N-of-1 trials consider an relieve their pain. While outcome data are clearly
individual patient in a study investigating the efficacy needed, the demand from patients will continue to
or side effect profiles of different interventions using drive these treatments.
objective data-driven criteria (Lillie et al., 2011). Behavioural treatments for chronic back pain have
N-of-1 trials may be a useful way to study chronic pain been evaluated using a comparative approach; a
patients as they offer some important benefits includ- recent study found that all behavioural therapies
ing: (1) they potentially offer an effective therapy for tested were slightly more effective than no treatment
the individual; (2) they may be less expensive than or the usual care for short-term relief of chronic low
standard trials; and (3) they can easily define respond- back pain, but found no difference in efficacy between
ers and non-responders. However, in the clinic the the behavioural therapies tested and no effect of any
n-of-1 trials are not performed and reported in a con- behavioural therapy over the intermediate or long-
trolled way. Therefore development of standardized term (Henschke et al., 2010). Thus, while numerous
easily administered protocols for n-of-1 trials will be treatments are commonly offered to patients with
required. Some have suggested that an n-of-1 trial chronic pain, not all have met the stringent standards
may be the ‘ultimate strategy for individualizing medicine’ applied to pharmacotherapies. Outcome studies are
(Lillie et al., 2011). Good examples of the use of onco- thus critically needed to allow clinicians to focus
logical drugs include a recent report of cetuximab in resources on processes with known efficacy.
neuropathic cancer pain (Kersten and Cameron, In addition to the limited efficacy of available treat-
2012). Indeed, the use of oncological drugs may ments, there is increasing recognition that some actu-
provide a new approach to pain treatments (Breivik ally create additional problems and may even
and Stubhaug, 2013) including epidermal growth exacerbate chronic pain. This has been most obvious
factor inhibition (Kersten et al., 2013) or KRN-5500, with opioids. Prescription opioid addiction is a bur-
a spicamycin derivative (Borsook and Edwards, 2004; geoning problem (Dodrill et al., 2011) and may cause
Weinstein et al., 2012). significant changes in the brain (Upadhyay et al.,
For some interventions, such as neuromodulation 2010). The emergence of so-called opioid-induced
by spinal cord stimulation, there is some evidence of hyperalgesia has become a focus of opioid overuse.
efficacy; the evidence is better for neuropathic pain While not clinically dangerous nor exceedingly prob-
and complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) than for lematic for most patients, it may indicate that the drug
chronic back pain. Most of these studies have signifi- is not working and suggests complexities of centraliza-
cant caveats based on problems with blinding, tion of pain (see below) that are exacerbated by the
recruitment and assessment (Carter, 2004). Similarly, drug and potentially more complex but subtle changes
assessment of alternative therapies such as acupunc- in other brain systems (e.g., deficient reward process-
ture is complicated by difficulty with blinding proce- ing) (Upadhyay et al., 2010). An important caveat
dures as well as internal validity (Hopton and relates to the practical use of opioids and that the

Eur J Pain 17 (2013) 1109–1125 © 2013 European Federation of International Association for the Study of Pain Chapters 1111
Towards individualized pain medicine D. Borsook, E. Kalso

guidelines for treating cancer pain with opioids do not A

apply to chronic non-cancer pain as noted many years
ago (Foley, 1995).

2.2 Disease resistance

If we use the standard of no or even minimal
(pain ⱕ 2/10) pain as the outcome measure, chronic
pain is resistant to most treatments when considering
the average response. Even best in class agents rarely
provide more than a 30% decrease in pain level B
(Rowbotham et al., 1998; Lunn et al., 2009; Satoh
et al., 2011) and there seems to be little difference in
efficacy across classes of such agents (Quilici et al.,
2009). This translates into an average decrease of 2
points on a 0–10 point scale. The basis for this ‘resis-
tance’ is currently unknown. It may involve multiple
factors such as genetic and epigenetic susceptibility,
the complexity of the progressive alterations that
occur in brain systems with chronic pain, or simply
that currently available treatments do not optimally Figure 2 Curating responders and non-responders. (A) Within every
treatment, few patients are responders where the treatment offers more
target the affected systems.
than 50% long-lasting pain relief. In this model, significant numbers of
patients are exposed to medications that are not very helpful or unhelpful
2.3 Responders and non-responders – the need or even produce side effects. (B) In an ideal therapeutic approach, indi-
for personalized pain medicine vidualized methods would allow for selection of patients who respond to
medications with high efficacy and low side effect profiles.
The very best average response that has been reported
for any pain treatment is a 50% decrease in reported
pain in every other patient. This is clearly insufficient, time, the initial events lead to alterations in sensation,
but averages do not tell the entire story. Meta-analyses central sensitization and changes in affective and emo-
based on individual patient data (rather than pooling tional states (Maihofner et al., 2010). Disease progres-
averages from different studies) indicate that there are sion is another reason for ongoing or worsening pain
patients who respond well to treatment and those who (e.g., in OA). Just as chronic pain may progress, it can
do not and not so many whose responses fall in also resolve spontaneously. One example of spontane-
between (Moore et al., 2010). However, we do not yet ous remission is paediatric CRPS. Unlike adult CRPS,
know what makes a patient a good versus a poor the majority of cases of CRPS in children resolve
responder. Pharmacogenomic studies have identified within a year (Low et al., 2007), presumably reflecting
genetic markers that associate with differences in a more ‘plastic’ or adaptive nervous system in children
response to specific analgesics (Chesler et al., 2003; (Stanton-Hicks, 2010). Another example of remission
Jannetto and Bratanow, 2011; Kasai and Ikeda, 2011). is chronic post-amputation phantom pain, which
Understanding the mechanistic basis for the existence decreases significantly in up to 80% of patients within
of these distinct responder populations is important a year (Houghton et al., 1994; Nikolajsen and Lindvig,
for developing targeted individualized treatment strat- 2001). Studying remission may thus offer clues to
egies and may also suggest new therapeutic targets for therapy in addition to providing important informa-
drug development. Thus, the ability to differentiate tion for the patient and a basis for preventive studies.
patients in the clinic is a high priority in chronic pain Changes may relate to a number of factors including
research (Fig. 2A, 2B). Recent studies have begun to the natural history of the disease as in diabetic neur-
address this (Scholz et al., 2009). opathy (Veves et al., 2008), medications that may
make the pain worse as is the case for opioids (Eriksen
et al., 2006) or treatments for migraine that include
2.4 Disease progression and remission
excessive use of triptans or opioids that produce
Chronic pain is not static. It may progress or remit. chronification of the disease (Bigal, 2009). Case
One example of this is pain following trauma: Over reports or uncontrolled studies by their nature make it

1112 Eur J Pain 17 (2013) 1109–1125 © 2013 European Federation of International Association for the Study of Pain Chapters
D. Borsook, E. Kalso Towards individualized pain medicine

difficult to account for treatment response, placebo processing that result in depression and anxiety; simi-
effect or natural variation of the disease. larly, conditions such as depression may produce or
enhance or predispose the development of chronic
pain, suggesting these systems are linked in a reciprocal
2.5 Co-morbid conditions manner. Recent neuroimaging studies have docu-
mented significant alterations in brain function, struc-
Further complicating our understanding and treat-
ture and chemistry across a variety of chronic pain
ment of pain are co-morbid features including anxiety,
conditions including CRPS (Geha et al., 2008; Lebel
depression and addiction (Fishbain et al., 1997;
et al., 2008; Seifert et al., 2009), fibromyalgia (Harris
McWilliams et al., 2003; Bras et al., 2010). Anxiety is
et al., 2009; Napadow et al., 2010), neuropathic pain
closely linked to pain as pain is fundamentally a
(Becerra et al., 2006; DaSilva et al., 2008; Lebel et al.,
warning signal (Jordan and Okifuji, 2011). Depression
2008), migraine (Prescot et al., 2009; Borsook and
usually develops along with chronic pain, but pain
Hargreaves, 2010) and painful diabetic neuropathy
may also be a consequence of depression in patients
(Cauda et al., 2009). CRPS is a signature example of a
with no prior history of chronic pain (see Borsook
pain disease in which a single event results in a cascade
et al., 2007 and Knaster et al., 2012). These observa-
of changes. A seemingly trivial injury to a peripheral
tions highlight the link between pain and emotional/
nerve or tissue that may be hard to define (e.g., stretch
behavioural systems (see Elman et al., 2011),
injury following twisting of an ankle) results in: (1)
reminding us that pain should always be considered in
progressive pain that incorporates not only the local
the context of its definition by the International Asso-
area, but may spread to involve the limb or contralat-
ciation for the Study of Pain (IASP) as both a sensory
eral body (van Rijn et al., 2011); (2) alterations in
and emotional experience (http://www.iasp-pain.
autonomic function (Vogel et al., 2010); (3) potential
org). Interestingly, functional imaging studies of
manifestation of movement disorders or dystonia (van
chronic pain support this link between chronic pain
Rijn et al., 2007); (4) changes in perception such as
and emotional changes: in patients with chronic pain,
hemi-neglect (Galer et al., 1995); and (5) anxiety and
there are significant alterations in activity in CNS
depression (Rommel et al., 2005). Together, these
regions that comprise emotional circuitry (Becerra
studies support the notion that pain results in abnormal
et al., 2006; Geha et al., 2008). Currently, relatively
alterations in different neural networks, including
few physicians are trained to deal with emotional
sensory, emotional (notably reward and aversion), cog-
aspects of pain. Aside from enhancing the role of psy-
nitive and modulatory systems. Transformation from a
chology in chronic pain treatment, a suggestion for
healthy state to one that limits a patient’s ability to
enticing greater involvement of psychiatry into pain
work and enjoy life, complicated by the appearance
has been suggested (see Elman et al., 2011), and
and evolution of co-morbid psychiatric manifestations
including individuals, especially psychologists, trained
(e.g., addiction), may result in a negative cascade of
in this domain in adult and paediatric chronic pain
failure of systems that worsen the condition, launching
treatment facilities (Roditi and Robinson, 2011; Carter
a negative feed-forward cycle. Thus, it is important to
and Threlkeld, 2012). However, all physicians treating
define the chronification of pain and develop treat-
chronic pain patients should be trained in dealing with
ments that halt or reverse it at the earliest possible time.
emotional and cognitive aspects of pain. Indeed, an
In this regard, there are a number of insights garnered
increasing number of pain physicians, including ana-
from our clinical experience that may be useful in
esthesiologists, have acquired competence in cognitive
considering how best to improve CRPS treatment.
behavioural therapy. This is the case at least in north-
These include: (1) early recognition or at least concern
ern Europe.
that an injury may lead to the condition and to educate
the patients and have continued oversight on the
potential evolution of the pain condition; (2) to apply
2.6 Centralization of pain
early treatments, particularly physical therapy; and (3)
In chronic pain, initial sensory events following noci- to have intensive treatment approaches that target
ception (e.g., following trauma) alter the CNS in a components of the disorder (motor, cognitive, sensory,
progressive manner resulting in pain that is amplified etc.) that have been very successful in the paediatric
or occurs in the absence of peripheral nociception. This CRPS population (Logan et al., 2012; Simons et al.,
is termed ‘centralization of pain’ and these CNS alter- 2013) and in adults with chronic back pain (Artner
ations may also cause more complex behaviours. Pain et al., 2012). Clearly, further high-quality studies are
may produce alterations in emotional and cognitive required.

Eur J Pain 17 (2013) 1109–1125 © 2013 European Federation of International Association for the Study of Pain Chapters 1113
Towards individualized pain medicine D. Borsook, E. Kalso

brain imaging studies (Davis et al., 2011; Seifert and

3. Channelling scientific advances into
Maihofner, 2011) have provided insight into chronic
the clinic
pain processing. Mutations in sodium channel genes
Most current therapeutic approaches to chronic pain cause a broad spectrum of effects on pain processing,
were formulated, informed and put into practice based ranging from complete lack of pain (missense muta-
on clinical observations rather than an understanding tions) to the severe paroxysmal pains that occur in
of the biology of chronic pain. For the most part, we erythromelalagia (activating mutations) (Reimann
have little mechanistic understanding of how analgesic et al., 2010).
interventions work apart from non-steroidal anti-
inflammatory analgesics and opioids. For example,
3.1 Transformation from acute to chronic pain
little is known about the mechanism of action (MOA)
– mechanisms of pain chronification
of most CNS-acting drugs used for pain. The use of
spinal or central stimulation has no defined mechanis- Understanding the transformation from acute to
tic scientific basis but how pain is actually modulated is chronic pain (Voscopoulos and Lema, 2010; Woolf,
still under investigation (Smits et al., 2012). Also, acu- 2011) is a current initiative of the National Institutes for
puncture is widely used, but there is no known MOA. Health (
Progress in chronic pain care requires knowledge- RFA-DE-12-003.html). Several common clinical syn-
based formulations that take into account the biologi- dromes provide models for studying the process of
cal, biobehavioural and societal aspects of chronic pain. ‘chronification’ of pain including the transition from
Novel approaches are being evaluated that utilize acute to chronic back pain (Henschke et al., 2008),
current treatment options in new ways. One example is acute post-operative pain to chronic neuropathic pain
a cumulative clinical approach to back pain, in which (Kehlet et al., 2006; Katz and Seltzer, 2009), and epi-
treatment escalates with the addition of new interven- sodic migraine to chronic daily headache (Bigal and
tions to existing ones as pain increases: physical Lipton, 2011). It is particularly important to identify
therapy (PT) for mild back pain, PT + pharmacotherapy therapeutic targets that might halt the progression to
(P) for moderate back pain and PT + P + cognitive chronic pain state. To date, animal studies have dem-
behavioural therapy (CBT) for more severe back pain. onstrated effective pre-emptive analgesia, but most
These approaches take into account how chronic pain studies in humans have not been successful. It seems
progresses to affect greater areas of the CNS and how likely that the failure to reliably demonstrate pre-
more complex treatments may be required to treat a emptive analgesia in humans is due to individual varia-
more complex disease state (Hill et al., 2011). Such tions in epigenetic and genetic factors or in specific
insights suggest that treatments should be evaluated in changes in brain systems or underlying behavioural
studies for disease modification. A potential mecha- phenomena. The importance of behavioural pheno-
nism for CBT is that it increases frontal lobe activation types in development of chronic pain is strongly sug-
(involved in a number of pain-related processes includ- gested by the finding that one of the most accurate
ing pain modulation; interactions on anxiety etc.) predictors of chronic pain following surgery is catastro-
(Jensen et al., 2012). One way to evaluate the benefit is phizing (Peters et al., 1990). By identifying the risk
how components of different treatments may provide factors and patients at the highest risk (Sipila et al.,
additive or interim benefit for patients to move along 2012) aggressive preventive interventions can be
the treatment continuum that includes pain control, studied/introduced. Usually, analgesics only damp
coping and adapting to normalizing their lifestyle. CBT done the symptom of pain; for example, in animal
can enhance coping mechanisms and decrease the risk studies the TRPA1 antagonists not only relieve
of developing chronic pain (Linton and Andersson DM-related pain but also modify the disease (DM) by
2000). preventing toxic metabolites acting on the TRPA1 to
A number of important scientific advances have been cause pain and damage the nerves (and other organs!)
made that could enhance clinical assessment and treat- (Koivisto et al., 2012).
ment of pain. Chronic pain is increasingly acknowl-
edged as a dysfunction of the nervous system whether
3.2 Responders versus non-responders –
initiated by peripheral damage (e.g., neuropathic pain,
defining the pain pheno-genotype
arthritis) or as a manifestation of central changes (e.g.,
fibromyalgia). Recent discoveries of the transient As discussed above, meta-analyses of clinical outcome
receptor potential (TRP) channels (Krause et al., 2005) studies reveal that, for most chronic pain therapies
and sodium channelopathies as well as findings from studied in a controlled fashion, there are distinct

1114 Eur J Pain 17 (2013) 1109–1125 © 2013 European Federation of International Association for the Study of Pain Chapters
D. Borsook, E. Kalso Towards individualized pain medicine

groups of responders and non-responders. The ability pain. Effective medications may alter connectivity by
to identify responders and non-responders in clinics modulating synaptic connections, leading to modifica-
and in clinical trials should greatly improve treatment tion of neural networks as may be the case for anti-
outcomes (Borsook et al., 2011a; Baron et al., 2012). depressants (Castren, 2004; Malberg and Blendy,
Understanding the mechanisms underlying effective 2005). The few studies that have addressed this issue
treatments should help identify potential markers for in a robustly controlled manner suggest that this
responder populations. Recent studies have begun to approach is promising and deserves further investiga-
address this by segregating pain phenotypes (Scholz tion. High doses of ketamine (Becerra et al., 2009;
et al., 2009). Finch et al., 2009; Schwartzman et al., 2009;
While research in pain genomics has not yet pro- Sigtermans et al., 2009), electroconvulsive therapy
vided a treatment for chronic pain patients, it has (Suda et al., 2008; Suzuki et al., 2009), TMS (Sampson
begun to identify genes that may participate in the et al., 2011) and deep brain stimulation (Bittar et al.,
development of post-surgical chronic pain or deter- 2005) all have dramatic effects on CNS circuitry,
mine individual responses to drugs. In addition, which may serve a ‘reset’ function, either by deliver-
genetic markers of psychiatric co-morbidities have ing strong and widespread non-specific activation
been defined that are clear enough to be developed (electro-convulsive therapy, TMS, deep brain stimula-
for use in the clinic. For example, allelic character- tion) or by inhibiting activity in affected systems
ization of GTP cyclohydrolase (Tegeder et al., 2006) for long enough to interrupt pathological feed-
and characterization of K-channel alleles (Costigan forward mechanisms that reinforce chronic pain
et al., 2010) may be effective for pre-surgical identi- (ketamine).
fication of patients at increased risk for development
of chronic post-surgical chronic pain. Genes may
3.4 Natural rectifiers – the biology of
predict chronic neuropathic pain after surgery
endogenous systems and the undoing of pain
(Nissenbaum et al., 2010; Omair et al., 2012) and
there are now increasing insights into other genes Why do many chronic pain conditions either improve
that are associated with chronic pain. The latter over time or resolve spontaneously? Understanding
include genetic variation such as the association spontaneous resolution could clearly be a game
of the catechol-O-methyltransferase gene polymor- changer for the field. Some recent advances focus on
phisms are found in chronic pain conditions this, including the recent discovery of endogenous
(Fernandez-de-las-Penas et al., 2011; Tammimaki and pro-resolving entities (resolvins) that reverse and pos-
Mannisto, 2012) and acid-changing allele KCNS1 that sibly prevent chronic pain (Xu and Ji, 2011). Studying
seems to predict multiple chronic pain states the placebo response may identify additional endog-
(Costigan et al., 2010). Other genetic markers for enous pathways for analgesia or reversal of pain. The
chronic pain include altered dopamine receptors in placebo response has a strong biological foundation in
burning mouth syndrome (Hagelberg et al., 2003b) pain neurobiology (Petrovic et al., 2002; Benedetti
and in facial pain (Hagelberg et al., 2003a); such et al., 2011; Carlino et al., 2011). Understanding why
markers provide evidence for advances in under- some individuals can activate a strong placebo
standing the underlying mechanisms and can provide response whereas others cannot, and thus should be
ideas for future therapies. Finally, use of pharmaco- an important field of research to understand interin-
genomics in providing a more focused, individualized dividual variation in therapeutic response. However,
treatment can improve responsiveness that has eliciting the placebo response in patients as a clinical
mostly focused on opioid systems (Tremblay and treatment has been a challenge. The response to any
Hamet, 2010). treatment is believed to be a complex integration of
the biological effects of the treatment with effects trig-
gered by the individual’s thoughts, feelings and prior
experiences, which may decrease (placebo) or worsen
3.3 Modulating brain systems
(nocebo) pain. The placebo response provides power-
The chronic pain disease state causes alterations in ful evidence of how the brain may ‘manipulate’ our
brain circuitry that manifest as a behavioural pheno- responses to pain (Colloca and Benedetti, 2007). The
type (i.e., specific symptoms and signs to a class or therapeutic interaction, an important constituent of
subclass of chronic pain). Looking for a treatment that the placebo response, should be used as part of all
can reset these systems to baseline seems a reasonable therapies as a positive enhancer. This approach is
approach to take in the search for a cure for chronic based on a trusting patient–physician (or other

Eur J Pain 17 (2013) 1109–1125 © 2013 European Federation of International Association for the Study of Pain Chapters 1115
Towards individualized pain medicine D. Borsook, E. Kalso

therapist) interaction and minimizing factors that considered is the patient’s capacity to cope with the
increase anxiety and uncertainly in the patient. symptom (pain).

4.1 Patient advocacy – partners in the search

4. Society and chronic pain for improved treatment
Chronic pain affects individuals of all ages across the Perhaps more than in any other disease, our insights
socio-economic spectrum (Sleed et al., 2005; Breivik into chronic pain come from our patients who can also
et al., 2006; Gupta et al., 2010; Phillips and Harper, play a significant role in changing policy, research
2011; Breivik, 2012). A recent report indicates that priorities and public perception of chronic pain
19% individuals with chronic pain in Europe are [e.g., American Pain Foundation (http://www.
unable to work as a result of their chronic pain. It has; The American Chronic
become imperative for governments to respond in a Pain Association (
more defined manner to manage this epidemic SupportGroups.aspx) ]. The impact of patient advocacy
(Langley, 2011; Reid et al., 2011). Chronic pain is for AIDS is an excellent example of how a group of
linked to psychosocial risk factors, low education and patients pushed the political and research system into
poverty. Unhealthy diet, smoking, unemployment, highly effective action (Cecchi, 1986). Independent
low physical exertion at work and obesity all increase groups advocating for patients with chronic pain do
risk for chronic widespread pain (Vandenkerkhof exist {e.g., CRPS [Reflex Sympathy Dystrophy Syn-
et al., 2011). drome Association (], spinal cord
Much has been written about chronic pain and costs injury [National Spinal Cord Association (http://
to society. Both US and European figures are stagger-], fibromyalgia [The National
ing – in the billions of dollars (Ferrari, 1998). A recent Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain Association (http://www.
Institute of Medicine (IOM) report concluded that the ]}, but others
economic toll of chronic pain is estimated at $635 such as the Europe Against Pain initiative are at a
billion a year in medical treatment and productivity in national process (
the United States ( against_pain.htm). These groups provide support,
2011). Similarly, high costs have been documented for lobby government, and in some cases fund research.
Europe (Badia et al., 2004; Pradalier et al., 2004). In Advocacy is an important avenue to improve pain
the United States for example, the cost of pain was treatment (Sessle, 2012). It has been shown to be useful
greater than the annual costs of heart disease ($309 at state (Dahl et al., 2002) and consumer levels. In
billion), cancer ($243 billion) and diabetes ($188 Europe, both EU and national pain advocacy groups are
billion) (Gaskin and Richard, 2012). Furthermore, in a present; for example, a recent alliance, initially repre-
recent report, the ‘direct and indirect costs of patients senting 11 countries, was formed to lobby for 100
with a diagnosis related to chronic pain’ was assessed million pain patients (Pain Alliance, Europe; http://
in nearly a million patients in Sweden (Gustavsson As noted above, in the United
et al., 2012). The data show a staggering cost of 32 States, a number of advocacy groups specific to a
billion EUR/year (equal to 20% of the total tax burden disease state are active. Other programmes such as
in Sweden in 2007 or about a tenth of the total CHANGEPAIN has been formed ‘to enhance the under-
Swedish GNP). Similar costs in other European coun- standing of patients who suffer from severe chronic pain and to
tries have been reported (Lambeek et al., 2011; improve pain management’ (Varrassi et al., 2011).
Raftery et al., 2012). Patients, providers, developers of
treatments (e.g., drug companies) and government
4.2 Clinicians – treating chronic pain with a
regulators all play essential roles in the quest to
limited therapeutic armamentarium
improve care for chronic pain conditions. Integrating
the efforts of these groups is important for progress in Pain is the most common symptom in clinical practice.
this area, but currently, there is little cross-fertilization Independent of drivers such as a financial imperative
of ideas and findings. It is the severity of the symptom, for providers, the challenges of treating chronic pain
in this case pain that has an impact on the quality of are enormous for clinicians, whether they are in
life or function of the individual rather than the diag- general practice or specialize in pain or in diseases in
nosis itself, e.g., OA. Therefore, it is important to clas- which pain is highly prevalent. Chronic pain patients
sify pain as a significant co-morbidity or symptom in are complex and even evaluation of their condition
the new ICD-11. Another important factor to be usually requires more time than is practicable in

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modern medical practice. Because of this and because and the European Pain Con-
of the lack of good treatment options, specialties that sortium are good working examples. Similar develop-
have a significant contribution to make, such as psy- ments are in process in the United States through
chiatry (Elman et al., 2011) and neurology (Borsook, initiatives such as Analgesic Clinical Trial Innovations,
2011), tend to focus on other areas. Coordination and Opportunities and Networks (Dworkin and Turk,
evaluation of care are confounded when multiple 2011), a public–private partnership designed to facili-
approaches with multiple providers overlap. The psy- tate the discovery and development of analgesics
chological impact on clinicians of focusing on chronic with improved efficacy, safety and tolerability
pain cannot be ignored. The reward of successful treat- for acute and chronic pain conditions (http://
ment is rare in this field – it is not uncommon for
patients to try all available approaches and still lack PublicPrivatePartnershipProgram/ucm231130.htm).
significant relief, sending them into an orbit of help- New methods that avoid duplication of efforts and
lessness or defeat. What do clinicians say when we have unnecessary exposure of patients to drugs that may
nothing more to offer? Multidisciplinary approaches have already failed need to be implemented (Norman
may have more to offer, but, as mentioned above, we et al., 2011). Understanding the subpopulations of
need more information about individual and combined chronic pain patients (viz., defining the pain patients
methods and how they affect individual patients (see phenotypes accurately), we may be able to identify
Allostatic Load below). Personalized medicine should therapies that actually work in these cohorts (but not in
be considered as a systematic approach to finding the all). For example, there is hope as some of the new
most effective therapy for the individual patient based analgesics may not only alleviate pain but also modify
on evidence, data on interindividual variation and the underlying disease as maybe the case regarding
understanding the patient as an entity covering genes, TRPA1 antagonists in diabetic neuropathy (Koivisto
pathophysiology of the disease, mood, coping capacity, et al., 2012).
motivation and social aspects. Accepting the limits of
current therapies is also beneficial not only for the
4.4 Regulatory agencies
patient but also for the physician.
Governmental regulatory agencies are primarily con-
cerned with the safety of drugs and other therapies.
4.3 The pharmaceutical industry
However, therapies also must be shown to be effective
The pharmaceutical industry has been a major player in in controlled trials. Aside from a shortage of new
the development of new and effective therapies. While chemical entities, there are significant issues related to
many large pharmaceutical companies such as Pfizer how drugs achieve regulatory acceptance. One of
and Astra Zeneca have dismantled their pain research these relates to clinical trials achieving significance.
units, advances in the initial development of new phar- Methodologies for decreasing variance are clearly
macotherapies will be left to academic centres and useful but the following concerns arise: (1) Approval
biotechnology companies. The risk/benefit ratio has of ‘me-too’ drugs that have similar actions and
been very high as few CNS drugs, including analgesics, perhaps slightly improved side effect profiles or may
successfully complete phase III trials (Pammolli et al., be administered by different routes (e.g., intranasal)
2011). This is understandably troubling for biopharma- are not really helping the field move forward and
ceutical companies, which are backing away from expose increasing numbers of patients to trials without
research into chronic pain. The development of new really enhancing efficacy. The problem with me-too
chemical entities for chronic pain treatment is at risk drugs is that they generally do not enhance efficacy
and is currently being carried by biotechnology. compared with currently available treatments; (2)
However, without big pharmaceuticals, who will carry Approval of drugs with a significant trial outcome, but
the costs of clinical development? New approaches to marginal increased efficacy. The US Food and Drug
address the current impasse in drug development have Administration is just beginning to address this with a
been suggested by the industry (Munos and Chin, number of initiatives in the analgesic domain to try to
2011) and the academia (Grootendorst, 2009; Woolf, enhance the approval process (Woodcock et al., 2007;
2010). These include the establishment of pre- Woodcock, 2009). Specific changes include improving
competitive, academic or academic-industry consortia, trial design. Clinician researchers should be active in
of which the London Pain Consortium (http:// creating and developing new meaningful trial designs, the German Research Network that take into account the advances in pain research
on Neuropathic Pain ( and individual response variation. This, however,

Eur J Pain 17 (2013) 1109–1125 © 2013 European Federation of International Association for the Study of Pain Chapters 1117
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cannot be possible without significant support from

the governments. These new trial designs could be first
tested on old, cheap and effective drugs such as ami-
triptyline before using them to study new molecules.

4.5 Public policy – chronic pain should be a

national agenda
Given the high incidence of chronic pain, the related
problems of addiction, the high cost and relative inef-
fectiveness of treatment, and limited access to health
care for many, pain must be considered a public health
care issue (Blyth, 2008) and addressed as such. New
public policies are needed to address the impact
of chronic pain on society (Jordan et al., 2008).
At the request of the Department of Health and
Human Services, National Institutes of Health (NIH),
the IOM recently addressed the current state of
pain research, care and education, and explored
approaches to advance the field of pain (http://www.
Education-Research.aspx). We are hopeful that this
report, which ‘offers a blueprint for action in transforming
prevention, care, education, and research, with the goal of
providing relief for people with pain in America’ will
provide the nidus of a new and aggressive public
health policy in basic and clinical research to bridge
the gap that currently exists in the field. A number of
pain initiatives have also been undertaken in Europe.
The European Federation of IASP Chapters (EFIC) is a Figure 3 Brain-dependent changes in chronic pain. (A) A model of stress
multidisciplinary professional organization in the field and allostasis in chronic pain. Under normal conditions, adaptive
of pain research and medicine ( responses occur to a stressor (e.g., nociceptive pain). However, with stres-
In addition, the initiative Pain-in-Europe (paineurope sors that results in ongoing process (e.g., neuropathic pain), responses provides all health become abnormal and maladaptive with changes in brain-dependent
behaviours (e.g., onset of depression or depression induced chronic
care professionals within Europe with a diverse range
pain). (B) The figure shows containment and normal adaptive processing
of resources to further their knowledge of effective to various stressors (noted below in the key); these normal responses are
pain management. European initiatives like ‘Societal balanced and adaptive (adapt to ‘homeostatic set-point’) over time. In
Impact of Pain (SIP)’, the ‘Road Map for Action’ that chronic pain responses may be exaggerated (out of ‘homeostatic set-
have been proclaimed in the EU Parliament by the point’) or inhibited. In a multidimensional biological process such as
‘EFIC’ and the data provided by the published Pro- chronic pain each of these stressors may affect an individual differently as
ceedings of the SIP Symposia 2010, 2011 and 2012 represented in the ‘barcode’ noted on the right.

( Such initiatives have also been

very contributory to further developments. For
example, the annual European Week against Pain,
neuroscience underlying chronic pain. Second, we
first launched in 2001, developed into the Global Day
need to develop evidence-based approaches that rec-
against Pain in 2004. Such approaches clearly increase
ognize and target individual variations in pain process-
the awareness of the problem.
ing and support them with changes in societal and
governmental processes. An important step towards
5. Going forward – towards targeted
all of this is improved evaluation of existing and new
integrated approaches
treatments and the pressing need for a better founda-
Improving pain treatment requires advances at several tion in outcome measures. Objective measures of pain
levels. First, we need a better understanding of the would enable the process. As noted in Fig. 3B,

1118 Eur J Pain 17 (2013) 1109–1125 © 2013 European Federation of International Association for the Study of Pain Chapters
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multiple factors (biological, behavioural, the position disease modification (see TRPA1 above) and be specific
of a patient in the social ecosystem) may contribute to to individual patients. In addition, greater cross-
the overall pain state. Systematic evaluation of inte- fertilization between clinicians and basic researchers
grating approaches by combining drugs and cognitive would advance care: one of the missing links in
behavioural therapy, lifestyle change, etc., would current pain treatment is the lack of greater involve-
seem a necessary and important opportunity to ment of basic scientists in the clinics at academic
improve chronic pain in individuals. It is also impor- centres (Plebani and Marincola, 2006; Segal et al.,
tant not to signal overoptimistic goals such as com- 2011).
plete freedom from pain is every patient’s right since
that is not realistic.
5.3 Integrating quality of life measures
5.1 Objective measures, pain phenotyping and Most HRQoL studies are epidemiological in nature
outcome studies (Widar et al., 2004; Lidal et al., 2008; Petersen
et al., 2009; Peuckmann et al., 2009; West and
Current attempts at providing objective measures or
Wallberg-Jonsson, 2009; Loyland et al., 2010). There
biomarkers for chronic pain (Marchi et al., 2009)
are important implications of understanding HRQoL
include imaging (Borsook et al., 2011a, b), and genetic
outcomes including understanding long-term suffer-
studies like those defined for migraine subtypes (De
ing, implications for prevention and rehabilitation,
Vries et al., 2006; Lafreniere et al., 2010; Chasman
and social issues pertaining to relatives and dependent
et al., 2011) and for specific pain subtypes such as
individuals. However, it is argued that a minimum set
fibromyalgia (Ablin et al., 2009). An important part of
of such HRQoL data is necessary to contribute to
defining objective measures and outcomes relates to
informed decisions in clinical practice (Efficace et al.,
better phenotyping pain patients (Scholz et al., 2009;
2003). HRQoL is also increasingly used in outcome
Fourney et al., 2011; Knoop et al., 2011; Mahal et al.,
research (Becker et al., 2000; Heiskanen et al., 2012;
2011). This may include molecular [e.g., burning
Schaufele and Boden, 2003; Working Group on Health
mouth (Hagelberg et al., 2003b)] and genetic profiling
Outcomes for Older Persons with Multiple Chronic
[e.g., a recent study demonstrated significant associa-
Conditions, 2012).
tion between an allele within a gene (KCNS1) encod-
ing a potassium channel (Kv9.1) and increased risk for
chronic pain (Costigan et al., 2010)]. While waiting
5.4 Integrative, measurable, treatment
for these areas to develop the psychosocial profiling of
approaches for personalized medicine
the patient could be very useful regarding expected
outcome. Regarding outcomes, pain intensity is clearly While initial attempts at personalized medicine for
insufficient unless combined with measures of quality chronic pain may be tailored to the molecular and
of life including physical and psychosocial functioning. genomic profile of an individual, other issues includ-
Evaluation of new approaches to prevention of pain ing systems biology, psychological manifestations,
includes modulation of inflammatory cells (e.g., therapeutic interaction (placebo response) and social
T-lymphoyctes) that may provide and exciting oppor- issues all contribute to the chronic pain state and need
tunity to inhibit surgical induced neuropathic pain to be considered. The so-called bio-psychosocial model
(Costigan et al., 2009). has evolved to try to evaluate and treat chronic pain in
this context (Guzman et al., 2006). Future integrative
approaches need to be performed in the context of
5.2 Physician education
defined, quantitative or objective measures (e.g., phe-
A majority of primary care physicians continue to be notype, genetic, imaging). In this way therapies can be
non-compliant with evidence-based guidelines for directed not just at individual variations in suscepti-
pain conditions such as chronic back pain (Webster bility but at specific CNS processes in pain. Specific
et al., 2005). In addition, decreasing segmentation of brain-directed therapies may include medications,
care is important to improve outcome for chronic pain brain modulation (e.g., TMS) and cognitive training.
patients. The ideal pain clinician would have expertise Understanding factors that set individual risk levels for
in pain neurobiology, behavioural medicine (including chronic pain, including genetic markers and psycho-
psychiatry/psychology), pharmacology and interven- logical phenotypes such as anxiety, fear avoidance
tional procedures. Integrative care should target (Hasenbring and Verbunt, 2010) and catastrophizing
treatments for both symptom management and (Edwards et al., 2011), is central to improving pain

Eur J Pain 17 (2013) 1109–1125 © 2013 European Federation of International Association for the Study of Pain Chapters 1119
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management. The model of allostatic load may be

5.6 Research funding for chronic pain
useful for conceptualizing the interplay of these
factors for individual patients. In the United States, the NIH and National Science
Foundation have been the predominant funders of
pain research. The incentive for further pain research
has been supported by a recent IOM report (http://
5.5 Allostatic load In Europe and the
Allostasis refers to the process by which systems main- United Kingdom, programmes such as the Wellcome
tain balance in response to stressors and other inputs. Trust ( or funding for
Allostatic load (McEwen and Gianaros, 2011) occurs pain research in Germany and France have provided
when repeated stressors alter the normal response of significant support. Companies still provide
physiological systems. In the case of chronic pain, allo- investigator-initiated grants for innovative pain
static load may alter brain networks both functionally research. Perhaps some of the more exciting pro-
and structurally (McEwen and Gianaros, 2011), grammes relate to those where translation of pain
resulting in abnormal responses to environmental research to the clinic is a major aim. Research initia-
conditions (psychological or physiological) (Juster tives included the EU 7th Framework Programme for
et al., 2010; McEwen and Gianaros, 2010) (see Fig. 3A Research (FP7) 2007 (FP7) that aims to ‘improve the
and 3B). The concept has been applied to other brain- health of the European citizens and increasing the
centred disease such as mood disorders (McEwen, competitiveness of the European health-related
2003) and migraine (Borsook et al., 2012). The allo- industries and businesses’ (http://www.sip-
static load model suggests that removing individual currently has a special
components that contribute to overall ‘stress’ may call for pain.
mitigate the severity of other ongoing processes. For
example, treating depression may increase activity and
decrease pain levels. Clearly, meaningful scales and
6. Conclusions
measures that are not limited to pain intensity should
be integrated into evaluation and monitoring of New approaches based on the bio-psychosocial model
chronic pain. One concrete example of basing practice will be critical to success in treating chronic pain and
on neuroscience is using genetic and psychological applying modern science to the complex behaviours
markers to identify patients with high risk of post- resulting from chronic pain. A better understanding of
operative chronic pain before surgery. Other examples how pain systems modulate affective and emotional
may include the use of imaging to visualize indicators processing is therefore of paramount importance in
of important deleterious or beneficial changes to a advancing therapeutic success. A number of models
patient’s condition that may be present ahead of sub- exist to achieve these goals but we believe the ideal
jective awareness so that objective measures for mea- model is a competitive centre of excellence that inte-
suring pain may decrease intra-operative nociception grates proven multidisciplinary clinical approaches
and potentially long-term chronic neuropathic pain. with research.
Specific examples include grey matter morphometry To improve patient care, the practice of pain medi-
(Gwilym et al., 2010; Gustin et al., 2011; Seminowicz cine must embrace the development of a new
et al., 2011) and measures of brain resting state net- evidence-based therapeutic model that recognizes
works (Cauda et al., 2010; Malinen et al., 2010; the highly individual nature of responsiveness to
Borsook and Becerra, 2011) compared with normal pain treatments, integrates bio-psycho-behavioural
baseline datasets. Critical to any evaluation of the indi- approaches and requires proof of clinical effectiveness
vidual is a full understanding of brain networks that for the various treatments we offer our patients
contribute to the complex symptoms in chronic pain (Fig. 4). Transforming pain medicine will be no easy
including anxiety, depression, catastrophizing and task since it impacts on research and public policy, and
sleep-related issues. A focus on brain systems in the requires significant efforts in outcome data to move
individual with chronic pain would allow for a ratio- the field forward. The challenge is large, but the capac-
nal, targeted and measured approach to evaluation ity to define novel approaches through ongoing
and treatment options. In addition, as new technolo- research is present, the societal commitment is
gies or discoveries become available, these can be growing, and the opportunity to improve the lot of
seamlessly integrated into this approach to the indi- chronic pain patients has never been so promising.
vidual patient. Let’s do it.

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