Brooklyn Daily Eagle

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Volume 57, No.

34, FRIDAY, MAY 27, 2011 & 50¢ please

Rally To Save Fire Co. Unites the Heights

Buscemi, Markowitz
Speak at Firehouse
By Raanan Geberer
Brooklyn Daily Eagle

BROOKLYN HEIGHTS — Elementary school

kids, college students, teachers, civic leaders,
local businessmen, elected officials and retired
and active firefighters — they all came out yes-
terday afternoon for a rally to save Engine Co.
205 on Middagh Street.
Engine Co. 205, which shares a circa-1929
firehouse with Ladder Co. 118, is one of 20 fire-
houses around the city, and eight in Brooklyn, that
has been targeted for closure by Mayor Michael
Many of those at the rally were connected with
the other firehouses that have been targeted — for
example, four off-duty firefighters from Engine
Co. 220. Some of the elected officials, like Public
Advocate Bill de Blasio and Borough President
Marty Markowitz, have appeared at multiple ral-
lies at different firehouses, but have given the
same message at all of them.
Some of the speakers made reference to the
fight eight years ago that closed several other
Brooklyn firehouses, most notably Engine Co.
212 in Williamsburg and Engine Co. 204 in Cob-
ble Hill. Assemblywoman Joan Millman remem-
bered how she, de Blasio, actor Steve Buscemi
and several others were arrested after a sit-in at
the Cobble Hill firehouse. “We’re ready to do it
again,” she said.
Others brought up the names of the eight fire-
fighters from the firehouse who were killed on
First-grader Avery Kim from P.S. 8 reads an original poem saying why he believes Engine Steve Buscemi, actor and former firefight- 9/11. Richie Murray, a retired firefighter who
Co. 205 should remain active. With him is former firefighter John Sorrentino, the rally’s MC. er. Eagle photos by Raanan Geberer Please turn to page 2


FRIDAY, Veterans Honored
At Ridge Breakfast
MAY 27, 2011
Good morning. Today is the 147th day of the
year. It is the 100th birth anniversary of horror Golden’s Annual Event
actor Vincent Price, who at one time lived in a
Victorian house in Flatbush. Price, who graduat- Salutes Brooklyn Vets
ed from Yale, originally sought theater work but
was more successful in films. He was best known By Harold Egeln
for his roles in Roger Corman’s series of Edgar Brooklyn Daily Eagle
Allan Poe adaptations in the 1960s. In his later
years, he was a host of the PBS “Mystery” an- BAY RIDGE — Two living heroes of World
War II and the Korean War and a deceased World
thology series.
War II veteran were honored yesterday at state
Well-known people who were born today in- Sen. Marty Golden’s Ninth Annual Memorial Day
clude Brooklyn-born actor Lou Gossett Jr. Breakfast and Awards Ceremony in a salute to
(“Roots,” An Officer and a Gentleman), U.S. Sen. Brooklyn veterans.
Christopher Dodd (D-Connecticut), former U.S. In a year that saw the deaths of the last World
Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, former base- War I veterans, one American and one British, 21
ball player Frank Thomas and writer Herman Brooklyn veteran groups were honored at the
Wouk (Marjorie Morningstar, The Winds of War). breakfast, organized by Golden aide Anthony Tes-
taverde. Nearly 230 veterans and family guests,
Today, the “Cosmorama of the Great Dream- along with firefighters, police and the Fort Hamil- This map has been distributed to neighborhood residents by Forest City Ratner to explain
Please turn to page 2 ton Army Garrison Command, enjoyed a full hot upcoming traffic changes connected with the Atlantic Yards project.
breakfast. Courtesy of Forest City Ratner
“When I was 14 years old and a ninth grader on

Green-Wood a school trip to Washington, D.C., we had a cere-

mony in front of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
in Arlington, and I thought about who was buried
Traffic Changes Coming to
Memorial Day there,” said Col. Michael Gould, the Army base
In wondering about the soldier and his sacrifice
Area Near Atlantic Yards
Ceremony Has “to protect freedom and our way of life,” Gould
said he made a life career decision then. “That’s
what made me do what I have been doing in serv-
Flatbush, Fourth, Atlantic
Avenues Will Be Affected
Civil War Theme ing our country and what I am doing today. Base
Command Sgt. Major Sylvia Laughlin is right
when she says, ‘Freedom is not free.’” By Dennis Holt statement for the project.
GREEN-WOOD CEMETERY — If you aren’t First honored posthumously by Golden was Brooklyn Daily Eagle The most significant part of the new plan will
planning on skipping town this Memorial Day World War II veteran Nicola Dominick Salomone, be ending northbound traffic on the one block of
weekend, you may want to celebrate the holiday as in a proclamation accepted by his daughters and DOWNTOWN BROOKLYN — On or about Fourth Avenue between Atlantic and Flatbush av-
it was originally intended — by giving a shout out family. Golden pledged to keep working to ensure July 15, to accommodate the Atlantic Yards proj- enues.
to the soldiers who died fighting for our country. that his family is given his Purple Heart. ect, the city will put into operation a new traffic To get from Fourth Avenue to Flatbush Avenue,
And if you want to be historically accurate In presenting the honor, Golden, a member of plan affecting a cluster of heavily used intersec- drivers will either have to turn east at Pacific Street
about it, you should go to Green-Wood Cemetery, the state Senate Committee on Homeland Securi- tions at Atlantic, Flatbush and Fourth avenues. or turn west on Atlantic Avenue, turn north on
which is hosting an extra special line-up of events ty, noted that this week nine bills were passed in This plan was first unveiled years ago and be- Third Avenue and east on Schermerhorn Street.
in honor of the 150th anniversary of the start of the Albany to help veterans. “We owe it to you for came part of the approved environmental impact Pacific Street between Fourth and Flatbush av-
Civil War. Please turn to page 2 enues — and only that block of Pacific — will be-
Memorial Day, originally called Decoration come one-way eastbound. Cars will be able to turn
Day, started as a tribute specifically to Civil War left or right onto Flatbush, but no through truck
soldiers. New York sent more troops to the Civil traffic will be permitted on Pacific. There will be a
War than any other northern state, shipping off new traffic light, new crosswalk and a bigger side-
448,850 soldiers to battle. And believe it or not, walk at the Pacific-Flatbush intersection to accom-
Green-Wood Cemetery is the final resting-place of modate the expected new traffic.
more Civil War soldiers than any other cemetery in The other way to get to Flatbush from Fourth
the North, including Gettysburg. Avenue, as we’ve mentioned, will be to turn left
Green-Wood historian Jeff Richman, along with onto Atlantic, right onto Third Avenue and then
a team of volunteers, has been working since 2002 take the small jag from Schermerhorn to Flatbush.
to uncover how many Civil War veterans are in- Both left and right turns will be permitted. There
terred there. So far they have found 4,600. will be a dedicated turn lane along Atlantic Avenue
This Sunday evening, May 29, candles will be to Third Avenue.
lit in front of each and every one of those Civil In addition, a new or modified median will be
War veterans’ graves. At 8:15 p.m., you can join built on Atlantic Avenue from Fort Greene Place
the procession that will wind its way through the along the eight blocks to Vanderbilt Avenue, and
cemetery past the graves, accompanied by cavalry, new traffic timing patterns will be introduced.
uniformed re-enactors and musicians. Meet inside As a result of this plan, vehicles will have more
Please turn to page 2 green time on Flatbush Avenue, and pedestrians
Please turn to page 2

Hamm Gives $1M

Licenses for
To Botanic Garden
Charles Hamm, former head of the
Bike Messengers?
Brooklyn-based Independence Savings Brooklyn Councilman David Green-
Bank, which has since been absorbed field is introducing legislation that
into two other banks, and his wife Irene would require bike license plates for
have contributed $1 million to Brook- messengers and food delivery people.
lyn Botanic Garden, according to the The Daily News reports that the bill
Wall Street Journal. Hamm, who now would require businesses that hire cy-
lives in Connecticut, was on the board clists to obtain license plates for each
of the BBG for many years. “We were worker’s bike and to show proof of in-
lucky enough to make most of our surance.
money in Brooklyn and I’d like to give Businesses that fail to get license
it back to really important institutions World War II Army Air Force tail-gunner Staff Sgt. George Delianites is honored by state plates for their employees would face a
in Brooklyn,” he is quoted as saying. Senator Marty Golden at his Ninth Annual Memorial Day Breakfast and Award Ceremo- $1,000 fine.
ny at the Bay Ridge Manor yesterday. Eagle photo by Harold Egeln

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