2021-2022 ACADEMIC YEAR: 9 Ahs-Shs

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2021-2022 ACADEMIC YEAR 9


A. Narrative tenses : a spooky experience

The sentences make a complete story. Read all before choosing the correct forms.

1  This happened about ten years ago. I _______________ with a college friend, Sarah, in the country.

 was staying
 had stayed
 have been staying

2  They ____________ an old country house a few miles from Cambridge

 recently bought
 have recently bought
 had recently bought
 had been buying

3  and she ______________me down to see it.

 had invited
 had been inviting
 was inviting

4  Anyway, it was a dark, winter afternoon and we _____________ in the sitting room.
 have been chatting
 were chatting
 had chatted

5  Sarah's mum _________________ a little while earlier, so we were alone in the house.
 went shopping
 had been shopping
 had gone shopping
 had been going shopping

6  Then, to our surprise we ____________ someone walking around in the room above.
 have heard
 had heard

 had been hearing

7 But Sarah said, 'Oh I expect Mum has forgotten something - she always does.'

8  So we took no notice and ___________________ talking.

 had carried on
 were carrying on
 have been carrying on
 carried on

9  Imagine our surprise when five minutes later we looked out the window and _________Sarah's
mum in her car driving up to the house!
 had seen
 had been seeing

10  So who...or what_____________ the noise upstairs?

 had made
 has been walking
 was making

B. Narrative tenses exercise: Incident on a plane

Fill the gaps using “simple past, past continuous and past perfect”

This ……………………… (happen) about five years ago. I ……………………… (come) back home from

Turkey where I ……………………… (be) on holiday with some friends who ……………………… (rent) a

bungalow in the mountains not for from Ankara, the capital.

Anyway, we ……………………… (sit) in the plane when there ……………………… (be) a loud bang from

the right hand side of the plane and I could see a lot of smoke coming from one of the engines. Of course,

everyone ……………………… (start) looking around but the plane ……………………… (carry) on flying

normally. And then a few minutes later the pilot ……………………… (come) on to the PA and said there

was a problem with one of the engines and we’d have to return to the airport.

I felt pretty nervous, I can tell you, but I ……………………… (try) to concentrate on my book, and about ten

minutes later we ……………………… (land) without any problems. We ……………………… (have) to wait

for about an hour and then we got back on the plane. Actually, it was a different plane and I was pretty

relieved that it was.

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