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2021-2022 ACADEMIC YEAR 9


A. Complete the story with the correct form of the verbs in brackets:

One afternoon, Socrates was standing outside the gates of Athens when he noticed a
traveller who had been staring at him for a long time.

Socrates asked the man why he had come to Athens. “I am thinking of moving to Athens”,
the man said. “What is it like to live here?” He added. Socrates looked at him. “First, would
you tell me what it was like in your home city?” The man replied: “Oh, it was awful.
Everyone stabs you in the back and wants to steal money from you” Frowning, Socrates
told him: “Well, you will find the same thing here. I suggest you go somewhere else”

Socrates was standing there a few hours more when another man approached him. This
man too had just arrived in Athens and was considering moving to the city. He also asked
Socrates, “Can you tell me what it is like to live here?” Socrates asked, “First, would you
tell me what it was like to live there where you come from?” “Where I come from, all the
people work together and help each other”, said the man, “Kindness is everywhere and
you are never treated with anything but complete respect.” He added. “Well”, replied
Socrates, “You will find the same thing here. Welcome to Athens”.

B. Fill the gaps using “simple past, past continuous and past perfect”

James Bond needed (need) a drink. The fight in the carpark with the dwarf had

made (make) him thirsty. He walked quickly along 46th Street in search of an air-

conditioned bar where he could get out of the heat and think.

He had been walking (walk) for only a few minutes, when it suddenly occurred (occur) to

him that he was being followed. (follow) There was no evidence for it except for a slight

itchy feeling on the top of his head. But he had faith in his sixth sense. It had never

failed (never / fail) him. He stopped (stop) in front of the shop window he was

passing (pass) and looked (look) casually back along the street. He examined (examine)

the Swiss watches in the window and then turned (turn) and walked on.

After a few yards he turned into a shop doorway where a man was looking (look) at

Japanese cameras. As he did so, something grabbed his right arm and a voice snarled, 'All

right, Limey*. Take it easy unless you want lead for lunch.', He felt (feel) something press

into his back just above his kidneys. Bond tried (try) to swing his arm to hit whoever it was

that was holding (hold) him, but a strong hand caught (catch) his fist. An amused

voice said, (say) "No good, James. The angels have got you."

He turned his head to find himself looking into the grinning hawk-like*** face of Felix Leiter.

A face he had last seen (last / see) covered in bandages in a hospital bed in Cairo nine

months earlier. The face of the American secret agent with whom he had shared (share)

so many adventures.

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