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Class: BS-Phy (Semester-7th) Mid Term Subject: Adv.

Solid State Physics Total Marks: 50

Name:________________________________ Roll. No. ________
Q#1: Encircle the correct option. (17)
1. What is the direction of electric field?
a. Right to Left b. Up to Down c. Down to Up d. Left to right
2. The magnetic effect in magnetic materials are due to ___________ in the materials
a. magnetic dipoles b. spinning dipoles c. r intrinsic motion of electron d. none
3. The material which has negative value of susceptibility is
a. diamagnetic b. paramagnetic c. antiferromagnetic d. both a & b
4. The ratio of the intensity of magnetization I to the magnetizing field H is called magnetic
a) Susceptibility b. Permeability c. 𝐼𝑛𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 d. none of these
5. The substance whose susceptibility is independent of temperature is
a. diamagnetic b. paramagnetic c. antiferromagnetic d. ferromagnetic
6. The spin exchange interaction aligns the neighboring magnetic dipole moments
a) perpendicular to each other b. inclined to each other c. anti-parallel to each other d. None
7. The dipole moment is ------ quantity and its direction points from --------.
a. scalar, positive to negative b. vector, positive to negative c. vector, negative to positive
d. None of these
8. The substance having even number of electrons exhibits
a. diamagnetic b. paramagnetic c. antiferromagnetic d. ferromagnetic
9. If the magnetic moment, M and the magnetic field of induction, B of a material are in the same direction, then the
magnetic material is
a. diamagnetic b. paramagnetic c. either paramagnetic or diamagnetic d. None of These
10. Polarization is defined as the dipole moment __________
a. per unit length b. per unit area c. per unit volume d. per unit time
11. The dipole moment of an atom is due to
a. the orbital motion of electrons b. the spin motion of electrons c. both a & b d. None
12. Soft magnetic materials have low
a. Permeability b. Coercivity c. Susceptibility d. None
13. The property possessed by ferromagnetic substance only is
a. Permeability b. Hysteresis c. Susceptibility d. directional
14. Dielectric materials atoms and molecules are basically
a. positive b. negative c. Neutral d. none of these
15. Dielectric materials are basically
a. Free electron b. Insulators c. Superconductors d. Semiconductors
16. The area of hysteresis loss is a measure of
a. Permittivity b. Energy loss per cycle c. Magnetic Flux d. none of these
17. Conductivity is analogous to
a. Permeability b. Resistivity c. Retentivity d. Inductance
18. In the formula, P = χeE, what is χe called?
a. Electric constant b. Polarizing constant c. Electric susceptibility d. Polarizing susceptibility
19. The expression for electric susceptibility is ___________
a. εoE b. εoEK c. εoE (K + 1) d. εoE (K – 1)
20. The polarization is a ----
a. Scalar quantity b. Vector quantity c. both a &b d. None of these
Class: BS-Phy (Semester-7th) Mid Term Subject: Adv. Solid State Physics Total Marks: 30
Name:________________________________ Roll. No. ________

Q#2: Answer to the followings Short Questions. (15)

i. Drive the expression for electric susceptibility ɛ𝑟 = 1 + 𝜒𝑒 (5)

ii. Drive and explain Larmor theorem (5)
iii. Prove Magnetic Moment of Current Loop (5)

Q.3 Long Question (15)

i. Briefly explain the classical theory of Diamagnetism (7)

ii. Explain the Clausius Mossotti Relation (8)

Class: BS-Phy (Semester-7th) Mid Term Subject: Adv. Solid State Physics Total Marks: 30
Name:________________________________ Roll. No. ________

Q#2: Answer to the followings Short Questions. (15)

iv. Drive the expression for electric susceptibility ɛ𝑟 = 1 + 𝜒𝑒 (5)

v. Drive and explain Larmor theorem (5)
vi. Prove Magnetic Moment of Current Loop (5)

Q.3 Long Question (15)

iii. Briefly explain the classical theory of Diamagnetism (7)

iv. Explain the Clausius Mossotti Relation (8)

Class: BS-Phy (Semester-7th) Mid Term Subject: Adv. Solid State Physics Total Marks: 30
Name:________________________________ Roll. No. ________

Q#2: Answer to the followings Short Questions. (15)

vii. Drive the expression for electric susceptibility ɛ𝑟 = 1 + 𝜒𝑒 (5)
viii. Drive and explain Larmor theorem (5)
ix. Prove Magnetic Moment of Current Loop (5)
Q.3 Long Question (15)
v. Briefly explain the classical theory of Diamagnetism (7)
vi. Explain the Clausius Mossotti Relation (8)

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