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Grade 8 (2021-2022)

Name: Muhammad Amaan Mohiuddin (Jan – Feb 2022)

Grade: VIII A/ B/ C/ D/ E

Speaking Confidently and Clearly

To be able to ask a question clearly is two – thirds of the way to getting it answered.

1. Warm Up:

 How many of you feel the same when you are asked to speak in public?
 What are some of the ways to overcome fear of speaking in public?
Ans. Yes, I feel the same way and I go through nervousness and I usually experience my heart
pounding, my hands shaking and the words that I am supposed to say don’t come out properly.
Ans. To overcome fear of speaking in public one should prepare thoroughly, take a deep breath
before starting, refocus on his brain before starting, relax while talking and make eye contact with the
2. Think and Reflect:

 What have you learnt from this story and the video?
Ans. I have learnt that while speaking in front of a crowd we should keep up the confidence and
constantly believe in yourself.

3. Think and Discuss:

 What is the advantage of speaking confidently?

Ans. Speaking confidently will make the audience think that the speaker is confident about
what he is talking about. When the speaker is calm and focused, he can manage his thoughts
better. Confidence also helps speakers speak slowly so they are understood and answer
audience questions easily.

 Do you think you are shy and are not comfortable while speaking in public?
Ans. Yes, I think that I am not comfortable while speaking in public because I usually go
through a terrifying experience of nervousness.

 Would you like to be a good speaker? Why?

Ans. Yes, I want to be a good speaker because i want to motivate my audience into doing
something or stop doing something wrong

 What are the qualities of a good speaker?

Ans. I think the qualities of a good speaker is that he should have confidence, he should
convey his message properly and entertain his audience.

 Are you prepared to put in hard work to become a fluent speaker?

Ans. Yes, I am interested in putting in hard work and becoming a fluent and elegant speaker.

 People who speak very well are called orators:

4. Think and Express:

 You get the first prize in sports event on School Sports Day. You are asked to give a “Thank
You” speech. What will you say?
Ans. “First of all I would like to thank my parents, because of them I’m here and I would also
like to thanks my teachers for the support they have given me and a great token of
appreciation to my school that has given me this opportunity. Once again thank you
 Have you ever experienced a situation where you were asked a question and you could not
answer properly? Why could you not answer? Think about it.
Ans. Yes, I have experienced this situation and I could not answer that question properly
because I feared that my answer would be incorrect and I may be humiliated in front of
 If asked, can you confidently give directions about the location of your school? Can you
explain how to reach your school?

Ans. Yes, I think I can confidently do that because I think I can speak better to one person and
explain him clearly.

 When you are asked to speak in front of the class, do you get frightened or nervous, or are you
Ans. I usually get nervous when I am asked to speak in front of class because I get anxious and
that is the reason that I don’t communicate well with my class.

 What are the three most important qualities of a good speaker?

- Entertaining
- Confident
- Prepared
5. Think and Reflect:

Speaking effectively is very important. You may be very good in studies but if you are unable to explain
your point to the person you are talking to, you would not be able to make a lasting impression.
Communication is an art. Make sure you work on your communication skills. This lesson will help you
identify the qualities that you need to develop to become a confident speaker.

6. Let’s Answer:

a) What do you learn from the life of Oprah Winfrey? Choose the correct answer.

1. Hard work always pays. (never / always)

2. The art of public speaking can become a rewarding profession. (rewarding / useless)
3. You should not be scared of competition. (be /not be)
4. Oprah Winfrey started her career as a radio newscaster. (teacher / radio newscaster)
5. She owes her success to her brilliant oratory skills. (oratory / singing)
b) Write down five qualities of a good speaker, keeping in mind the list of speakers mentioned.
Ans. The speaker should be entertaining so the audience gets engaged in the content. He/she should
have self-confidence and should be calm when he/she is speaking. Furthermore, the speaker should
be passionate about what he/she is talking. He/she should be able to motivate the audience and
convey his/her message clearly. Lastly he/she should speak with enthusiasm.

4. Let’s Do:

 Your friend is making a speech. Listed below are his actions. Tick the actions that he should
rectify to become a good speaker.
a. He is reading while speaking. (________)
b. He has arranged his thoughts quite well. (________)
c. He is speaking very softly and hence cannot be heard clearly. (_________)
d. He is looking into the eyes of the audience and speaking fluently.
e. He is speaking very fast. (_________)
f. He is dressed shabbily. (_________)
g. He is confident while speaking. (_________)
 Make a collage of twenty great speakers by collecting their pictures and highlighting their
strengths in public speaking.

Tony Robbins Laurence

-Leaderships Tureaud
-Negotiations -Sports Nic Vujicic Dwayne Johnson
-Leadership Eckhart Tolle
-Motivational -Ambitious
-Motivation -Life
-Inspirational -Adaptable
-Faith -Spiritual
-Empowerment Coaching

Shawn Achor
Malcolm Gladwell Jeffery Tambor -Research David Goggins Robin Sharma
-Management -Social Issues -Emotional -Honesty -Leadership
-Innovation -Motivation Intelligence -Personal -Personal
-Creativity -Inspiration -Change Accountability Mastery
Muhammad Ali
-Legacy of
Eric Thomas
Fearlessness Les Brown Louise Hay
-Motivational Will Smith
-Passion -Encouraging -Passion
Speaker -Diversity
-Motivation -Belief
-Passionate -Black Heritage

Brene Brown
-Creativity Jay Shetty
John Bishop Iyanla Vanzant
Amy Purdy -Change -Experiential
-Dramatic -Life
-Vulnerable -Wise Learning
-Energetic -Motivation
5. Find out your speaking skills by ticking Y or N.
1. I prepares well for a speech or an exam.
2. I dress up well for any function that I go to. It could be the
birthday party of a friend or the annual day function at school.
3. I am prepared to learn from others.
4. I watch debates and discussions on TV at home.
5. I watch children’s quiz programmes on TV.
6. I am not nervous when I am asked to speak in front of the class.
7. When my teacher asks me a question, I answer confidently if I
know the answer.
8. I take part in debates conducted in the class or at school level.
9. I think before I speak.
10. I do not use foul language while speaking to others.

6. My Personal Change Record.

From this lesson I have learnt

I need to speak confidently

From now on I will make sure

To become a fluent speaker

From now on I will avoid

Being nervous while speaking publicly

A message for myself

Be confident and speak properly.
Note to Parents
A person spends a considerable part of his time at home. Encourage your son to watch
good TV programmes which will enhance his knowledge. Also, tune into news debates,
discussions and such enriching programmes for him to learn the art of speaking.
Encourage your son to discuss things of common interest with you.

The trouble with talking too fast is, you may say something you haven’t
thought of yet.
--Ann Landers
Submission Date: Friday 11th February, 2022

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