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Unit 3 Test Name:   / 34

page 1

A Connect.   / 6
1. vet
• • help sick animals
2. bus driver
• • fly planes
3. cook
• • sell things
4. firefighter
• • fight fires
5. salesperson
• • drive buses
6. pilot
• • make food

B Write.   / 13
1. 2. 3.

Where does the Where Where

The works at

4. 5. 6.

Who Who Who

The works at
the supermarket.

Everybody Up  3 © Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use.

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Unit 3 Test Name:
page 2

C Write.   / 4
1. What does the cook do? 2. Does the pilot fly planes?

3. What does the bus driver do? 4. Does the server sell things?

D Write. Excuse me.   / 5

is this car?
1. 2. How much is this


E Write.   / 4
1. 2. 3. 4.

F Listen. Then write the answers. 05

02   / 2

1. 2.

© Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use. Everybody Up 3

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