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1.It wasn’t a very good hotel but, it was better than nothing. 2.Even if they are very good friends, they
don’t understand each other. 3. She felt guilty because she had done something wrong. 4. Instead of
waiting for her, you should better do it by yourself. 5. He thinks there are more solutions to the
problem, but, no , there is only one. 6. I don’t want to go out. It’s rather cold. beside , I am tired. 7. The
sales team has been working hard at the beginning of the year; but they have accomplished many of
their tasks. 8. We really wondered if she was Chinese or Vietnamese. 9. Even if the situation is serious, it
is not a disaster. 10. You won’t get the job unless you make a good impression. 11. You would better
arrange the books on the shelves by the authors. 12. The child is asleep. So I will take a shower. while
my hair is drying I will call my mother, because I haven’t spoken with her for a long time.


1. He was a good man, kind and good-tempered. He was the son of a priest.

2. He had no right to expose himself to - death.

3. John was out of - work, and his position was becoming acute.

4. The twenty cents Frank received every day for delivering the afternoon paper on from house-to-
house route was not enough.

5. We’ve had one piece of a rather curious informa-tion.

6. I can still remember our conversation - word for - word.

7. Animals depend on plants and trees for the air which they breathe.

8. Some insects sleep in the day and work at - night.

9. The only bird that can walk upright, is the penguin.

10. It was too great a shock for her, and she immediately left the room.

11. At night outside seemed very cold, they were trembling from - head to - foot.

12. It was a fine day early in the spring and we were in a good humour.

13. When - winter came he suffered a good deal from the cold and - hunger, and often had to

go to - bed without any supper but a few dried pears or some hard nuts.


1. They (will lose) their cat yesterday and (did not find) it yet.

2. Before I (meet) my friend Bernard, I never (spoke) French.

3. I can’t help you. I have a lot of problems because I (move) to a new house right now.

4. A fortune teller told me: “You (are) a very famous opera singer”.
5. While I (runing) in the park, it (began) to rain.

6. I am sure they (finished) the building in two months.

7. She (left) before I (gave) her the present.

8. While mother (had) lunch we (told) her our impressions from the excursion.

9. In 2012, they (they have lived) here for 4 years.

10. By tomorrow morning he (will sleep) wonderfully.

11. I think we (would have) a great day if the weather (be) fine.

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