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Do you think you’re a healthy person?

Actually, I don’t exercise because I don’t enough time for my professional practices but
the last year, when I just studied psychologist, I went run every day near to my house,
this activity relaxed me and it felt me health.
Before the COVID-19, I usually went run and I went to the gym two times a week.
After, when the pandemic started, I couldn’t go out anywhere because the sickness was
too hard. During this time, I was into depressed so I gained weight at the first months.
After that, When the restrictions weren’t so severe, I could go to the gym again and I
lost some of weight.
For me, doing exercises in home wasn’t similar to doing on the gym or any other place,
but now I can exercise in everyplace. Two things to difficult me when I want to do
exercise in home is the time, I don’t organize my time and I don’t feel the enough
motivation when I exercise alone. But when I went to the gym with my friends, I felt
ready to do anything.
Now, I feel a little bit healthy because I improved my diet even though I don’t exercise
too much, I still maintain my weight but I should exercise more to keep me health.

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