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Giving instructions:

Imperative= Felszólító mód: ige I. alakja. pl. Stand up! = Állj(atok) fel!; Hurry up!= Siess(etek)!

Negative imperative = Tiltás: a don’t segédigével képezzük

Don’t stand up!” = Ne állj(atok) fel! ; Don’t hurry up! = (Ne siess(etek)!


hajlít: dip, bend, bend over, curl, curve <> nyújt: stretch, extend

emel: lift, raise <> leenged lower, descend, bring it back down (lehoz)

lök: jerk push <> pull – húz

guggol: squat (air squat, front squat, back squat)

tart: hold, keep

folytat: go on, keep it up, keep going – menj tovább

mozdulatlanul áll: stand still/motionless

ismétel: repeat/ continue the drill

lock (zár) – unlock (nyit)

terpesz: legs apart with legs shoulder/hip-width stance

fekszik: lie

fektet: lay

szakít: snatch

teker: rotate, twist

törzs: torso, core, trunk, upper body

directions: vertical, lateral (oldalsó), horizontal, perpendicular (merőleges),


spread - széttár

warm up <> cool down

curve - hajlít <> straighten – kiegyenesít

forward – előre <> backward(s) – hátra

upward(s) <> downward(s)

toward(s) sg – vmi felé

look straight ahead – nézz előre!

press it overhead

elbows point upwards – könyök felfelé mutat

palm - tenyér

pace- tempó(speed) : fast, slow, moderate

finoman – gently

kissé – slightly

run in place- helyben fut

run with high knees – futás magas térdemeléssel

run with heels kicking your butt/bottom = do kick-butts

lumbar curve- (ejtsd: lámbör) = ágyéki szakasz

tight/tense – feszes

loose – laza

stiff – merev

loosen your shoulders – lazítsd el a vállad

stand with feet shoulder/hip-width apart – állj váll-/csípőszélességű terpeszbe

keep core tight - tartsd feszesen a törzsed

lower your body – engedd le a tested

find your balance – találd meg az egyensúlyod

do as many reps as possible – csinálj annyi ismétlést, amennyit tudsz

hold the pose – tartsd meg a pózt

stance (ejtsd: sztensz): alapállás

overtake – előz (mint az autók):

Fontana, who won bronze at Vancouver 2010 and silver at Sochi

2014, and who was Italy’s flag bearer this time around, had lead the
race from the start. She managed to fend off several attempts from
her competitors to overtake her and finish with a time of 42.569
seconds, ahead of Van Kerkhof’s time of 43.256.
She made her move with two laps to go, overtaking Schulting with a
clever pass and holding off the Dutchwoman before draping herself
in the Italian flag on a celebratory lap of the track.

Exercises you have done:

6. Barbell Deadlift
This is a beginner’s crossfit workout using a barbell

 Stand with wide legs shoulder width apart

 Squat down and lift the barbell with both your hands.
 Keeping your chest up, pull up your shoulders back.
 Look straight ahead when you lift the bar. This is to make sure
that your body is straight and fern.
 Focus on pulling the weight back and forth. The bar must be
closer to your body.
 Lift the bar to your thigh level, stay for a few second and return
back to the initial position.
 Repeat it for 5 sets with 10 repetitions.
8. Shoulder Press
Shoulder press is a quite simple and beginner workout compared to other
crossfit workouts. The method to do a proper shoulder press includes:

 Stand straight with feet shoulder width apart

 Place your hands slightly apart from shoulder width with the bars
 Hold the bar at the shoulder level
 Now slowly extend the arms above your head and lift the bar
 As a safety measure for your shoulder, to avoid injuries, use the
chicken neck movement, tuck your neck out and tuck it in after
pulling the bar up.
 Repeat the workout for 10 reps.  Make sure you keep your back
straight and head looking forward throughout the exercise.
  1. Front Squat
Front squat is a crossfit workout done with a weight.

 Stand straight with legs apart (shoulder width)

 Place the bar on your chest level and the fingers below it. Your
elbows should be parallel to the ground.
 Now push your hips back and butt out, in a deep lower squat
position. Spread the knees, which should be pointing towards the
 Repeat it for 10 reps.
 The front squat builds exactly off the mechanics of the air squat. All that
is added is a load supported in the front rack position where the weight
sits squarely on the upper chest and shoulders, and the elbows point
forward to bring the upper arms parallel to the floor. This “rack position,”
critical to weightlifting, both demands and improves wrist and shoulder
flexibility while the load, supported by the torso, both demands and
improves midline stability.
2 links with exercises subtitled with instructions:
A szabálytalanságokhoz még találtam egy listát:

22nd lesson

múlt idejű igék:

listening, sport:

gyakorló B2 nyelvvizsga-feladatsor:


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