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Reflections on How I see the World

Part 1: Individual Reflection (20 minutes)

Walk around the room in silence taking in the maps with all your senses
wide open. Notice which ones affect you most strongly.

1. Select the map that you find most attractive .

Note reactions to that map below, and move on to #2.
 How does this map affect me? (describe your reaction)
 How does this map reinforce my own beliefs and assumptions?
How does it reflect my own view(s) of the world?

2. Select a map that you find VERY surprising, unsettling or

disturbing. Focus on this map. How does this map affect me? Make
some notes in the space below.
 What beliefs or assumptions does this map challenge? How does
it diverge from my own view(s) of the world?
 What new information does this map present to me?
 What other possibilities might I need to consider if this map
shows some “truth” about the world?

3. Return to the map you found most attractive. What do you notice now?
Reflections on How I see the World
Part 2: Meaning Making in Small Group (20 - 25 minutes)

4. Form a group of 4 people, and introduce yourselves

5. Identify the map you found most attractive, and in 1-2 sentences describe the beliefs and assumptions that it
reinforces for you.

6. Focusing on the map you found most disturbing, describe the assumption(s) or belief(s) that you felt the map push
against, the new information that the map presents, and what possibilities might become available if this map shows
some “truth” about the world.

7. Reflect together on what comes up for you, and prepare to share this with the whole group.

Notes from small group sharing:

Part 3: Sharing insights in the Whole Group

Notes from whole group sharing:

“Reflections on How I See the World”

courtesy of Helen Spector; Organizational Process Consulting
9601 NW Leahy Rd, Portland OR 97229; 503-296-7248
See also: Making Meaning of our world (workshop description)

Feel encouraged to contact the author at

and share with her how and where, and with what audiences you have use these materials.
She would love to know how you’ve found her materials useful

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