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Tabelarama - Beta Version

Development: L. M. Neves May 2011 Poços de Caldas, MG, Brazil


Tabelarama is a game for two players.

- Board (tables).
- Counters (littles stones, beams).
- Two six faced dice.

How to win the game:

- Reducing the life points total of your opponent to zero or less. Or
- Building all the six pairs of an algarism in the gallery ((Ex: 2-1; 2-2; 2-3; 2-4; 2-5; 2-6).

How to play:
- The players start the game with twelve life points each.
- The players start the game with the counters in the initial positions of levels and configurations. The initial
configurations are those whose circle has a thicker border.
- It’s decided who is going to start (coin, dice, tic-tac-toe).
- The first player begins his turn
- Turn steps:
1 - If there is a negative or positive life flux level or configuration of this player, it is applied to the life points
total such player.
2 - The player can change his configurations of attack, defense, damage, damage absorption and life flux.
3 - The player chooses one betwen these 3 options:
- 3.1 - To Attack (including extra attacks, if there is one) or
- 3.2 - To play Roulette
- 3.3 - To play Gallery
3.1.1 - If the player decides to attack, he plays one or two attack dice and applies the level or
configuration modifiers of his attack.
3.1.2 - The opponent plays one or two dice and applies the level or configuration modifiers of the
opponent defense.
3.1.3 - If the attack is superior to defense, the attack is successful.
3.1.4 - If the attack is successful, the player assign his damage according to damage level and
configuration and subtracts the value of damage absorption of opponent according to absorption level
and configuration. If there is an difference greater than zero between damage minus absorption, the
result is subtract from the total life points of opponent.
3.1.5 - After the standard attack, the player inflicts his extra attack, if there is one. (Extra attacks are
achieved by the roulette).
3.2.1 - If the player decides to play the roulette, that player can’t attack this turn. He will play two dice
and so it will be applied the effect indicated in the Roulette table according to the dice result, be the
effect good or bad.
3.3.1 - If the player decides to play the Gallery, the player can’t attack this turn. He will play two dice
and will mark the corresponding result in the Gallery table. When a new result is equal to a result
already marked by the opponent, both results an unmarked. (If it’s already marked by the player
himself only, the result keeps marked). When a player has marked, in his gallery, all the pairs of an a
number (six pairs: number with itself and with the other five), he wins the game.
4 - After the attack/roulette/gallery step, it is verified the life points total of the player. If the player playing the
turn has zero or less life points, he loses the game. After that, it is verified the total life points of the opponent.
If the opponent has zero or less life points, the opponent loses the game.
- A player can only change his configurations in his own turn. The player cannot change his configurations in the
opponent turn.

Extra Attacks

- The players start the game with the basic attack only. The players start the game without extra attack.
- The extra attacks are achieved by playing the Roulette.
- The player can have only one active extra attack. If the players get a second one, the second one prevails and the
player loses the previous extra attack.
- If the player gets one extra attack equal to the one he already has, the keeps only one of this attack. They are not
- The extra attacks type 02 and 03 do not inflict damage, they realizes an effect. The effect only is applied if the attack
is superior to opponent defense, as in a normal attack. Since there is no damage, no absorption is applied.

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