Quotes For Life

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By global.pegiay.vn
"The future belongs to those who
believe in the beauty of their
dreams." -Eleanor Roosevelt

"Always remember that you are

absolutely unique. Just like
everyone else." -Margaret Mead

"Tell me and I forget. Teach me

and I remember. Involve me and
I learn." -Benjamin Franklin

"The best and most beautiful

things in the world cannot be
seen or even touched - they
must be felt with the heart." -
Helen Keller
"Whoever is happy will make
others happy too." -Anne Frank

"You will face many defeats in

life, but never let yourself be
defeated." -Maya Angelou

"In the end, it's not the years in

your life that count. It's the life
in your years." -Abraham Lincoln

"Many of life's failures are

people who did not realize how
close they were to success
when they gave up." -Thomas A.

"The only impossible journey is
the one you never begin." -Tony

"In this life we cannot do great

things. We can only do small
things with great love." -Mother

"The purpose of our lives is to be

happy." -Dalai Lama

"Life is what happens when

you're busy making other
plans." -John Lennon

"You only live once, but if you do
it right, once is enough." -Mae

"Go confidently in the direction

of your dreams! Live the life
you've imagined." -Henry David

"Life is really simple, but we

insist on making it complicated."

"Do not let making a living

prevent you from making a life."
-John Wooden

"Keep smiling, because life is a
beautiful thing and there's so
much to smile about." -Marilyn

"In three words I can sum up

everything I've learned about
life: it goes on." -Robert Frost

"Love the life you live. Live the

life you love." -Bob Marley

"Your time is limited, so don't

waste it living someone else's
life. Don't be trapped by dogma
— which is living with the
results of other people's
thinking." -Steve Jobs
"I find that the harder I work,
the more luck I seem to have." -
Thomas Jefferson

"The way to get started is to quit

talking and begin doing." -Walt

"There are no secrets to success.

It is the result of preparation,
hard work, and learning from
failure." -Colin Powell

"Successful people do what

unsuccessful people are not
willing to do. Don't wish it
were easier; wish you were
better." -Jim Rohn
"Try not to become a man of
success. Rather become a man
of value." -Albert Einstein

"You know you are on the road

to success if you would do your
job and not be paid for it." -
Oprah Winfrey

"Believe you can

and you're
halfway there." -Theodore

"I've learned that people will

forget what you said, people will
forget what you did, but people
will never forget how you made
them feel." -Maya Angelou
"You miss 100% of the shots you
don't take." -Wayne Gretzky

"How wonderful it is that

nobody need wait a single
moment before starting to
improve the world." -Anne

"An unexamined life is not

worth living." -Socrates

"It does not matter how slowly

you go as long as you do not
stop." -Confucius

"Too many of us are not living
our dreams because we are
living our fears." -Les Brown

"I didn't fail the test. I just found

100 ways to do it wrong." -
Benjamin Franklin

"I would rather die of passion

than of boredom." -Vincent van

"If you look at what you have in

life, you'll always have more. If
you look at what you don't have
in life, you'll never have enough."
-Oprah Winfrey
“Get busy living or get busy
dying.” - Stephen King

“Not how long, but how well you

have lived is the main thing.” –

“In order to write about life first

you must live it.”–Ernest

“Life is not a problem to be

solved, but a reality to be
experienced.”– Soren

“The way I see it, if you want
the rainbow, you gotta put up
with the rain.” –Dolly Parton

“Everybody wants to be famous,

but nobody wants to do the
work. I live by that. You grind
hard so you can play hard. At the
end of the day, you put all the
work in, and eventually it’ll pay
off. It could be in a year, it could
be in 30 years. Eventually, your
hard work will pay off.” – Kevin

“I like criticism. It makes you

strong.” –LeBron James
“Life is like riding a bicycle. To
keep your balance, you must
keep moving.” – Albert Einstein

“Watch your thoughts; they

become words. Watch your
words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they
become habits. Watch your
habits; they become
character. Watch your
character; it becomes your
destiny.” –Lao-Tze

“Keep calm and carry on.” –

Winston Churchill

“Life is a flower of which love is
the honey.” –Victor Hugo

“Health is the greatest gift,

contentment the greatest
wealth, faithfulness the best
relationship.” – Buddha

“Life would be tragic if it weren’t

funny.” –Stephen Hawking

“The greatest pleasure of life is

love.” –Euripides

“Life is about making an impact,
not making an income.” –Kevin

“I’ve missed more than 9000

shots in my career. I’ve lost
almost 300 games. 26 times I’ve
been trusted to take the game
winning shot and missed. I’ve
failed over and over and over
again in my life. And that is
why I succeed.” –Michael Jordan

“Life is about making an

impact, not making an
income.” –Kevin Kruse

“Live as if you were to die
tomorrow. Learn as if you
were to live forever.” –
Mahatma Gandhi

“Life is short, and it is here to

be lived.” –Kate Winslet

“If you can do what you do best

and be happy, you’re further
along in life than most people.”
–Leonardo DiCaprio

“Life is short, and it is here to

be lived.” –Kate Winslet

“Don’t limit yourself. Many
people limit themselves to
what they think they can do.
You can go as far as your mind
lets you. What you believe,
remember, you can achieve.” –
Mary Kay Ash

“The best way to predict your

future is to create it.” –Abraham

“It takes 20 years to build a

reputation and five minutes to
ruin it. If you think about that,
you’ll do things differently.” –
Warren Buffett
“As you grow older, you will
discover that you have two
hands, one for helping yourself,
the other for helping others.” –
Audrey Hepburn

“Do not dwell in the past, do not

dream of the future,
concentrate the mind on the
present moment.” –Buddha

“There may be people who have

more talent than you, but
there’s no excuse for anyone to
work harder than you do – and I
believe that.” –Derek Jeter

“I don’t believe in happy
endings, but I do believe in
happy travels, because
ultimately, you die at a very
young age, or you live long
enough to watch your friends
die. It’s a mean thing, life.” –
George Clooney

“It’s never too late – never too

late to start over, never too
late to be happy.” –Jane Fonda

“Life’s tough, but it’s tougher

when you’re stupid.” –John
“Just disconnect. Once in a day
sometime, sit silently and from
all connections disconnect
yourself.” – Yoda

“I enjoy life when things are

happening. I don’t care if it’s
good things or bad things. That
means you’re alive.” – Joan

“Nobody who ever gave his best

regretted it.” –George Halas

"You can't force someone to

love you. The best you can do is
strive to be someone worthy of
loving." –Dipper Pines
"I only know one thing, and that
is I know nothing" –Socrates

"Live simply that others may

simply live" –Gandhi

"Human life is just an

emptiness. It's just an illusion
of ourselves" –Nam Le Thanh

"Fear not the man who has

practiced 10,000 kicks once,
but I fear the man who has
practiced one kick 10,000
times" –Bruce Lee

Thank you!

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