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Lance Karl G.

Brucal CWTS
EE2-3 February 26, 2021

Since I was in the City My Current situation for My Community Service is

little bit hard it is because we don’t have a good place to plant my vegetable,
as you can see in my picture my vegetable plant is “Gabi” and “Kangkong”
but they have a reason why my plant is little bit weird and why it is look like
that it is because my first plant was destroyed by animals and that animals
is Cat and Rat ,They destroyed my first plant vegetable then I asked my
Grandmother to help me for my planting then she plant that vegetable then I
asked if that vegetable is in a good place then she say it is good because
“Gabi” growth in any place so I trust my Grandmother but I’m not satisfied
so I contact my mother in Quezon province then I asked if she can help me
for my planting then she make a plant like Chili and Eggplant but now I can’t
contact her because in Quezon province the signal connection is so poor so
I wait for her updates what is going on to my ask.

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