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1. TTT of HTN encephalopathy.
2. TTT of acute pulmonary oedema.
3. Causes of acute pulmonary oedema.
4. Causes of cardiac asthma.
5. TTT of infective endocarditis.
6. Diagnosis of infective endocarditis.
7. Diagnosis of AMI.
8. Acute coronary syndrome.
9. Complications of AMI.
10. TTT of AMI.
11. Investigations of AMI.
12. Diagnosis & ttt of Rheumatic fever.
13. TTT of heart failure.
14. Causes of unequal pulse.
15. Clinical uses of ßeta – blockers.
16. Anticoagulants.
17. Side effects of diuretics.
18. Causes of syncope.
19. Causes of secondary HTN.
20. Causes of RSHF.
21. Causes of LSHF.
22. TTT of AF.
23. Indications of anticoagulants in AF.
24. Pathology & risk factors of atherosclerosis.
25. Side effects of amiodarone.
26. Importance of diabetes in IHD.
27. Importance of BP measuring in IHD.
28. Drug – induced secondary HTN.
29. Importance of DC cardioversion in arrhythmias.
30. Importance of K changes in cardiac diseases.
31. Difference between coma due to HTN encephalopathy & cerebral hemorrhage.
32. Importance of corticosteroids in cardiac diseases.
33. What are the most common type of arrhythmias complicating AMI ??
34. What are the 2 most serious types of arrhythmias complicating AMI ??


Sherif EL Hawary, MD
35. When should you treat ventricular premature beats ??
36. What are the 3 most important diagnostic features of AMI ?
37. Causes of elevated ST in ECG …. Differentiate …
38. Causes of AF.
39. Causes of painless MI.
40. What are the painful complications of AMI ??
41. What are the causes of Sudden death ??
42. How would you treat a HD stable patient with: AF & HF dating since 2 years ??
43. How do you find the ABG in acute pulmonary oedema ??
44. How do you find the ABG in acute pulmonary embolism ??
45. What is the most important ttt for: unstable angina ??
46. What is the most important ttt for: Prinzmetal angina ??
47. What causes variability in BP level between ULs & LLs ??
48. Indications of coronary angiography.
49. How would you treat acute pulmonary embolism ??
50. How does a patient with acute pulmonary embolism present clinically ??
51. What is the most common cause of RVF ??
52. What are the complications of an artificial valve ??
53. What is the most important cause of infected acute pulm embolism ??
54. How does it present clinically ??
55. What are the theories of essential hypertension ??
56. What is the most common cause of acute LVF ?? acute RVF ??
57. What are the changes that occur in MS when AF occurs ??
58. What is the regimen of treating rheumatic carditis ??
59. What is the cause of negative blood culture in SBE ??
60. What are the most important investigations of SBE ??
61. What is the characteristic pulse in each of :
LVF, RVF, AS, AR, HCM, Digitalis toxicity, pericardial tamponade ??

62. What is the most important investigation of pericardial effusion ??

63. What is the most important investigation of CP ??
64. What is the most important investigation of acute pericarditis ??
65. What is the most common cause of each of the pericardial diseases ??
66. Causes of acute dry pericarditis & pericardial effusion.
67. What is the most important cardiac sign of constrictive pericarditis ??
68. How can you differentiate between CP & RCM ??
69. What are the drugs causing sinus tachycardia.

Sherif EL Hawary, MD
70. What are the non-atherosclerotic causes of CAD ??
71. What is the most dangerous period for mortality from AMI ??
72. What are the most commonly affected organs in hypertension ??
73. Why is IHD common in hypertension ??
74. What are the most common drugs that cause arrhythmias.
75. What are the clinical uses of Diuretics in cardiac diseases ??
76. What are the clinical uses of CCBs in cardiac diseases ??
77. What are the clinical uses of ACE – I in cardiac diseases ??
78. Mention the clinical uses of Vasodilators in cardiac diseases.
79. When are females at high risk of developing IHD ??
80. Enumerate contraindications of ACE inhibitors in HF.
81. Enumerate side effects of isosorbide dinitrate.
82. Indications of CRT in heart failure.
83. Contraindications of digitalis.
84. Contraindications of Treadmill.
85. Action & side effects of Ezetemibe.
86. Two causes of normal coronary angiography in CAD.
87. What are the clues that suggest secondary hypertension ??
88. Define resistant (refractory) HTN.
89. Causes of tachycardia.
90. What is the most common cause of VT ???
91. What is meant by Torsade de pointes ???
92. Which is more powerful in predicting cardiovascular complications of HTN:
SBP or DBP ???
93. What are the goals of HTN ttt ???
94. What are the drugs used to treat dyslipidemia ???
95. Enumerate the hypertensive emergencies.
96. Enumerate causes of pulmonary hypertension.
97. CP & ttt of Digitalis toxicity.
98. Causes of shock (acute circulatory failure).
99. Causes & CP of myocarditis.
100. What is the most reliable clinical sign of HF ???
101. What are factors that ↑ the incidence of thrombosis in AF ???
102. Which HS is caused by aortic closure followed by pulmonic closure ???
103. What are the indications for pacemaker ???
104. What are the acceptable levels of HDL in men and women ???

Sherif EL Hawary, MD

105. What are the acceptable LDL goal for patients with CAD,
PAD, CVD, or risk equivalent ???

106. Mention 1 clinical sign common to the following:

107. What is the most common cause of cardiogenic shock ?
108. Important points before giving ACE – I.
109. What are the typical enzymes in AMI ?
110. Other than AMI, What are other causes of ↑ Troponins ?


Sherif EL Hawary, MD

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