3 PrepareForGroupWork

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Preparing Students for Group Work

Students need help developing the skills necessary to be • Communicate expectations for how groups will
effective collaborators. Here are some suggestions for work together.
helping students work effectively with others, in your class
and in the world beyond. • Assign a role to each member of the group to guide
participation and help students develop relevant skills.
Explain the importance of collaborating. Incorporate roles from your industry such as, art director,
At times, you may encounter resistance to group work from copywriter, client or target audience member.
students. Students may be more receptive if they are re-
minded that collaborative environments foster creativity, and • Teach or model necessary social skills.
collaborative abilities are vital for success as a working artist
and/or business professional. Share your experiences with Help Students Stay Focused
collaborative endeavors to support these ideas. Or, share • Stay involved throughout the process. Interact with
the following quote from the Pixar website: each group and be available for consultations.

“We concentrate on finding people with breadth, depth, • Have group members rotate and take on various
communication skills and the ability to collaborate. roles in the group.
If you have those attributes, we can teach you the tools.”
—www.pixar.com/companyinfo/jobs/career_faq.html • Encourage groups to solve problems that arise, but
intervene if necessary to help a group identify ways
Discuss the characteristics of good collaborators. to move past hurdles.
Let students know what to aspire to. Give students feed-
back on their collaborative skills, and/or encourage them to Give students who are more experienced collaborators
reflect on their own abilities in these areas. Characteristics more responsibility.
might include: Students with more collaboration skills may also be able to:

• Contributes many ideas. • Identify their own group goals, create agendas, and
establish priorities.
• Listens attentively and encourages others to share ideas.
• Set time limits and/or deadlines for themselves.
• Thoroughly completes assigned individual tasks on time.
• Clarify and delegate individual roles/responsibilities.
Structure collaborative activities and projects
Structure, especially for first-year students, will provide the • Organize meetings outside of class or online.
clarity of purpose needed to make a group experience
successful. Provide feedback and/or grades based on clear criteria.
• Have groups demonstrate accomplishment of assigned
• Assign a clear task for groups to accomplish. tasks—either orally or in written/created form.

• Provide steps to follow, on the board or in a handout. • Have students write individual self-assessments to
describe their contributions to the group, as well
• Set time limits/deadlines for groups to complete as assess their peers' contributions.
their task(s).
• Create a rubric to define your criteria for success.

© 2009, Academy of Art University. Faculty Development: http://faculty.academyart.edu. 415.618.3855

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