Using A Self Join - SQLZOO

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12/26/21, 9:58 PM Using a self join - SQLZOO

Using a self join

Edinburgh Buses: self join
Examples of self joins on the route table
Self join of route on (num, company)
Self join of route on stop

Edinburgh Buses: self join

A table may be joined with itself. When this happens we need

some mechanism for distinguishing the
instances of the table.
Labels may be introduced in the FROM clause - a dot is used to
separate the label
and attribute name when used elsewhere in
the statement.

Examples of self joins on the route table

Self join of route on (num, company)

We might join the route table on the (num, company) pair.
The result is a list of all pairs of stops which
share a

SELECT * FROM route R1, route R2

WHERE R1.num=R2.num AND

This is a large table with over 11000 entries. An extract is

shown below. There are 121 entries for the LRT
1 service alone.
There are 11 stops on the number 1. It is a circular route -
the first and last stops are

num company pos stop num_1 company_1 pos_1 stop_1

1 LRT 1 134 1 LRT 7 217
1 LRT 1 134 1 LRT 11 134
1 LRT 1 134 1 LRT 10 79
1 LRT 2 97 1 LRT 7 217
1 LRT 2 97 1 LRT 11 134
2 LRT 9 31 2 LRT 11 217
2 LRT 9 31 2 LRT 1 168 1/2
12/26/21, 9:58 PM Using a self join - SQLZOO


Self join of route on stop

We might join the route table with itself on the stop field.
The result is a list of all pairs of services which
share a

SELECT * FROM route R1, route R2

WHERE R1.stop=R2.stop;

In the extract below some of the entries for stop 53,

'Craiglockhart' are shown.

num company pos stop num_1 company_1 pos_1 stop_1

47 LRT 4 53 47 LRT 4 53
47 LRT 4 53 27 LRT 6 53
47 LRT 4 53 10 LRT 8 53
47 LRT 4 53 45 LRT 7 53
47 LRT 4 53 4 LRT 6 53
10 LRT 8 53 47 LRT 4 53
10 LRT 8 53 27 LRT 6 53
10 LRT 8 53 10 LRT 8 53

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