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Grandparents as treasure chess of valuable history, values tradition and wisdom My Lolo and

Lola: Our Heritage Heroes

“God grant me serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I
can, and wisdom to know the difference.” -Niebuhr. As we grow up we face these challenges
in life, before we are able to face our journey we are guided by our family . The hardest part is
using what you have learned to make a wise decision, guided by our ancestors and
grandparents . To care for is noble, for what is beautiful, for what is gentle, to allow moments
of insight to give wisdom at more mundane times. For some reasons people say that the main
highlight of your childhood are the ones that leave you with the most fond memories of your life,
“ grandparent’s” , teaching you a very valuable lesson of life, respect, hard work, family values,
and unlimited love but I only remembered few foggy memories with them. People come and go,
but family remains in our very soul and heart. They say a grandparent’s love is priceless and
can never be compared to other things that a child could have and the clueless mind of mine
thanked my grandparents years after they passed away , I had regrets for unappreciated actions
of my grandparents but I was still a child , what can I do? Time stole my everything from my
eagerness for a warm love from my grandparents to all the what if’s that only remained in my

From what I have recalled, growing up I never have anyone to call Lola . My Lola Tediosa which
is my papa’s mother died when I was still at a very young age. I would only hear stories about
hear from papa, narrating how my Lola managed to deal with 8 children messing around and
playing. Lola Diosa would get enough food for them even though my Lolo had shortcomings, as
father described that they had a big farm and a vegetation that could feed the whole barangay.
Lola never failed to take care with my father and my aunts and uncles, maybe that’s the reason
that father loved gardening and he is also fond with planting some vegetables in our front yard.
While my Lolo Godofredo Hamoy a former teacher , also left me at an early age . Lolo
Godofredo is also from my father’s side he is always in a wheelchair for the reason that both
his feet was cut off due to diabetes and other health complications. As i remembered , we have
no bond together , at a very young age I was tasked to push his wheelchair at the side walk and
watch him look at an empty space, it was no fun I never really felt the bond between us until
the day he left at that moment on his funeral, I was still confused why my father, aunts and
uncles are left with teary eyes as now I realized the importance of a moment that became a
memory, I also caught my brother and myself crying and I don’t know why.

Lola Adelaida was my mother’s mom, they also had a big family like my dad consisting with 8
siblings as my mom narrated that my Lola is a house wife, there were also time that my Lolo
could not give a single penny since he was addicted to gambling, but my Lola would always find
a way , she would sell some goods on her mini stall and feed my mom and her siblings. I guess
this was the best trait that my mom got from my Lola Laida , the attitude of “if there’s a will
there is a way” , sometimes in our family we also experience shortcoming because of the
overwhelming bills but my mom will always find a way, she always does . My Lolo Consorcio
saved me from drowning, I was six at that time but haven’t thanked him for giving me a second
chance. On the of his religion observant or vigil we stayed at my Lolo Consor’s home , as I lay
down on the bed I can still hear the people who attended the vigil and have fun with the games
and cards, the number of people were overwhelming the noise was different from the funeral
of my Lolo Godofredo, I cried thinking how ungrateful of a granddaughter I am knowing that I
haven’t thanked my Lolo who gave me a second chance to live, as I sob in the middle of the
night with my cousins beside me, I felt the ache rather than the awkwardness, the pain that
pinched my heart with the guilt of regret bidding my appreciation to my late Lolo. My Lolo was
loved by my mom and cousins though he had shortcomings and was into gambling, he was
always treasured.

I was wrong saying that time stole everything I could ever experience with my grandparents
when everything they ever did remained in my soul and heart , giving me a second life was the
best treasure my Lolo Consorcio ever got me , aside from raising a loving, courageous and
supporting daughter , which is my mom ,the very best thing he ever marked my soul is
to take a deep breath and never give up because giving up is never an option, just like the day
when I almost died in the ocean , I was gasping for oxygen and was already choking by the sea
water I really thought it was the end but for the last minute a tall elder man came to rescue me
walking slowly as if his legs were very heavy. The gasps and screams underneath the water feels
like everlasting pain, but since the pain is still there , I know its not over. The yearing desire for
a soft caress and loving actions with my late grandparents was filled with my cousins, aunts,
uncles and my family’s presence especially my mom and dad, having this big family is quiet a
mess but still overwhelming, the laughter and memories can’t be compared to any luxuries in
the world. Courage, happiness, wisdom, knowledge and the will to survive and be happy are the
best treasure chest my grandparents has ever left.

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