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Grammar Activities 10th “A” “B”

1. Famous Character (Individual exposition)

Date: 16-17 February 2022


*Students will investigate and search for a famous person that has done something good for the
society and then they will expose presenting like they are the famous character, they will speak in
first person point of view.

*Students on Feb 10th need to tell their grammar teacher the name of the person they select for
their exposition. If any students don’t communicate their teacher the famous character they will not
be able to present their explosion.

2. English Week
Date: February 21-25, 2022

Instructions: Every day, students will have a different activity that is going to be done in class, if
students are absent they need to present an excuse in order to present the activity and have the
points. Every activity has to be uploading it on the platform.

Day 1: Creating a letter: 5%

Students will write a letter to someone they admire, expressing their admiration to the person
selected. (It can be someone famous or a family member)

Students will learn and follow the steps on how to create a letter.

Students will create the letter in a word document using Arial size 12 and then they have to upload

Day 2-3: Conversation Activity 5%

This activity is in groups of 3 persons and the main objective of the activity is students speaking in
English and having a correct pronunciation of the words. Students will create a dialogue recreating
different situations having a conversation between them.

Day 4: Presentation of the 4 best speeches. Date: February , 15,2022

Topic: Animals in danger of extinction

Students will create a speech with the topic given to them and present it on class.

Speech must contain an original title and follow all the elements of a speech. Speech must be 1 page
or 1 page and a half in a word document using Arial 12.
3. Creating your own restaurant (Groups) 10%

Instructions: In groups of 5 persons, they must create a restaurant and present it in a power point

Students will create their presentation with the following situation: Every team is going to create a
restaurant and present it like only one restaurant is going to be chosen to become a 5-stars

PowerPoint presentation must contain the following elements:

1. Create an original name for your restaurant.

CHIPOTLE * Mexican Grill*

2. Design a logo (Use canva to create the logo)

3. Create a menu with different dishes and beverages (Every dish and beverage must have an
original name and a picture)

Menu must contain:

*Main Dishes
4. Last part of presentation will be to answer the following questions:
-How is your business better than your competitors?
- What makes your products / services better than your competitors?

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