Multi Agri Full Report

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Culture of India is the Agriculture. In India, 67% of population is depend on

agriculture. In India many farmers commits suicide every year. The big question arised is that
“Why the farmers commits suicides?” The reasons behind farmer committing suicides are less
productivity, insufficient income, low monsoon, unpaid loans etc. In India, it is very essential to
discover and implement new idea in this field, though lot of work has been done in this area. It is
unfortunate that, these ideas are not been implemented properly in actual field. This is due to
high cost and is complicated for rural people. Multipurpose agriculture equipment is basic and
major equipment involved in agriculture for maximum yielding. In India farm land is divided
into small pieces when generation changes. Due to this farmers have very low land area. The low
lands holders unable to use high cost machineries, because these are not affordable for them, so
we have designed a Multipurpose Agriculture Equipment”. This is one piece solution for main
farming operations such as power tilling, seed sowing, pesticide spraying, reaping.

Agriculture being one of the major occupations in India, it is very essential
to discover and implement new idea in this field, though lot of work has been done
in this area. It is unfortunate that, these ideas are not been implemented properly in
actual field. This is due to high cost and is complicated for rural people.
Multipurpose agriculture equipment is basic and major equipment involved in
agriculture for maximum yielding. Conventional method of planting and
cultivating the sugarcane is a laborious process and hence for that reason there is a
scarcity of labors, this result in delayed agriculture to overcome these difficulties,
multipurpose agriculture equipment is designed. Agriculture plays a vital role in
the Indian economy. Over 70 % of the rural households depend on agriculture.
Agriculture is an important sector of Indian economy as it contributes about 8.4%
to the total GDP and provides employment to over 60% of the population. Indian
agriculture has registered impressive growth over last few decades.
Farming has undergone a great evolution in last 50 years. Out of the
various reasons involved for this evolution is control of various diseases on crops.
During initial days there was only hand spraying people use to do. Then slowly
there has been development of various methods to spray out chemicals and dusts.
Though these devices were highly efficient, there is a need to have certain changes.
Chemicals are widely used for controlling disease, insects and weeds in the crops.
They are able to save a crop from pest attack only when applied in time. They need
to be applied on plants and soil in the form of spray, dust or mist. The chemicals
are costly; therefore equipment for uniform and effective application is essential.
Dusters and sprayers are generally used for applying chemical. The application of
pesticide is one of the most frequently used methods to protect crops and trees
against diseases and insects in agriculture. In the modern agriculture, the usage of
pesticides is still increasing, moreover the 90% of these pesticides are being
applied in the form of liquid spray and
mostly by using the pressure gained from
direct energy sources like electrical energy
and chemical energy. Increasing public
concern about the potential damage of
chemical and electrical inputs in
agricultural spraying systems has
challenged industry to develop new and
effective methods of spraying which will
maintain environment friendly approach.

 It is the best and economic to farmers in today’s world without any huge
investments and it can be worked without any external source like
(electrical, solar energy) and we can contribute today’s world without air
pollution and water pollution. And it can access by any kind of farmer at low
cost. The recommended drown to row spacing seeds rate, seed to seeds
spacing and depth of seed placement vary from crop to crop and for different
agro-climatic conditions to achieve optimum yields.

 To improve the soil conditions by reducing evaporation from the soil

surface, improve infiltration of rain or surface water; reduce runoff to
maintain ridges or beds on which the crop is grown and to reduce
competition of weeds for light, nutrients and water.

 Chemicals are widely used for controlling disease, in sects and weeds in the
crops. They are able to save a crop from pest attack only when applied in
time. They need to be applied on plants and soil in the form of spray, dust or
mist. The chemicals are costly. Therefore, Equipment for uniform and
effective application is essential. So to adopt new method of applying
chemicals, by using chemical sprayer equipment.


A) Sowing

It is the process of planting seeds. An area or object that has had seeds planted will be described
as being sowed.

Plants which are usually sown

Among the major field crops, oats, wheat, and rye

are sown, grasses and legumes are seeded, and
maize and soybeans are planted. In planting,
wider rows (generally 75 cm (30 in) or more) are
used, and the intent is to have precise, even
spacing between individual seeds in the row;
various mechanisms have been devised to count
out individual seeds at exact intervals.

Types of sowing
a) Hand sowing

Hand sowing or (planting) is the process of casting handfuls of seed over

prepared ground or broadcasting (from which the technological term is derived.
Usually, a drag or harrow is employed to incorporate the seed into the soil. Though
labor-intensive for any but small areas, this method is still used in some situations.
Practice is required to sow evenly and at the desired rate. A hand seeder can be
used for sowing, though it is less of a help than it is for the smaller seeds of grasses
and legumes.

Hand sowing may be combined with pre-sowing in seed trays. This allows the
plants to come to strength indoors during cold periods (e.g. spring in temperate

In agriculture, most seed is now sown using a seed drill, which offers greater
precision; seed is sown evenly and at the desired rate. The drill also places the seed
at a measured distance below the soil, so that less seed is required. The standard
design uses a fluted feed metering system, which is volumetric in nature;

individual seeds are not counted. Rows are typically about 10–30 cm apart,
depending on the crop species and growing conditions. Several row opener types
are used depending on soil type and local tradition. Grain drills are most often
drawn by tractors, but can also be pulled by horses. Pickup trucks are sometimes
used, since little draft is required.

A seed rate of about 100 kg of seed per hectare (2 bushels per acre) is
typical, though rates vary considerably depending on crop species, soil conditions,
and farmer's preference. Excessive rates can cause the crop to lodge, while too thin
a rate will result in poor utilization of the land, competition with weeds and a
reduction in the yield.

b) Open field

Open-field planting refers to the form of sowing used historically in the

agricultural context whereby fields are prepared generically and left open, as the
name suggests, before being sown directly with seed. The seed is frequently left
uncovered at the surface of the soil before germinating and therefore exposed to
the prevailing climate and conditions like storms etc. This is in contrast to the
seedbed method used more commonly in domestic gardening or more specific
(modern) agricultural scenarios where the seed is applied beneath the soil surface
and monitored and manually tended frequently to ensure more successful growth
rates and better yields.

c) Pre-treatment of seed and soil before sowing

Before sowing, certain seeds first require a treatment prior to the sowing
process. This treatment may be seed scarification, stratification, seed soaking or
seed cleaning with cold (or medium hot) water.

Seed soaking is generally done by placing seeds in medium hot water for at least
24 to up to 48 hours Seed cleaning is done especially with fruit, as the flesh of the
fruit around the seed can quickly become prone to attack from insects or plagues.
To clean the seed, usually seed rubbings with cloth/paper is performed, sometimes
assisted with a seed washing. Seed washing is generally done by submerging
cleansed seeds 20 minutes in 50 degree Celsius water. This (rather hot than
moderately hot) water kills any organisms that may have survived on the skin of a
seed. Especially with easily infected tropical fruit such as lychees and rambutans,
seed washing with high temperature water is vital.

In addition to the mentioned seed pretreatments, seed germination is also
assisted when disease-free soil is used. Especially when trying to germinate
difficult seed (e.g. certain tropical fruit), prior treatment of the soil (along with the
usage of the most suitable soil; e.g. potting soil, prepared soil or other substrates) is
vital. The two most used soil treatments are pasteurization and sterilization.
Depending on the necessity, pasteurization is to be preferred as this does not kill all
organisms. Sterilization can be done when trying to grow truly difficult crops. To
pasteurize the soil, the soil is heated for 15 minutes in an oven of 120 °C.

B) Weeding
It is the systematic removal of resources from a library based on selected
criteria. It is the opposite of selecting material, though the selection and de-
selection of material often involve the same thought process. Weeding is a vital
process for an active collection because it ensures the collection stays current,
relevant, and in good condition. Weeding should be done on a continuous, on-
going basis

A) Reasons to weed
A "well-maintained, well-pruned collection is far more useful than one filled with
out-of-date or unused materials. Weeding a physical collection has many benefits:

 Space is preserved to add relevant materials.

 Patrons are able to access useful material quickly, and the librarian can
direct them to information more easily.
 The collection is more reputable because it is current.
 The librarian can easily see the strengths and weaknesses of the collection.
 Materials are of good quality and physical condition.

With many collections having a digital component, space is not an issue for
concern. However, this does not mean digital collections should not be weeded.
"Clearing out unused materials makes a patron’s searching experience better by
reducing the number of old and irrelevant records the patrons must wade through
in their search results to find what they really want. The digital collection, like the
physical collection, should be kept current and easily accessible.

C) Pesticide Spraying
it refers to the practical way in which pesticides, (including herbicides,
fungicides, insecticides, or nematode control agents) are delivered to their
biological targets (e.g. pest organism, crop or other plant). Public concern about
the use of pesticides has highlighted the need to make this process as efficient as
possible, in order to minimize their release into the environment and human
exposure (including operators, bystanders and consumers of produce). The practice
of pest management by the rational application of pesticides is supremely multi-
disciplinary, combining many aspects of biology and chemistry with: agronomy,
engineering, meteorology, socio-economics and public health, together with newer
disciplines such as biotechnology and information science.

a) Spray application
One of the most common forms of pesticide application, especially in
conventional agriculture, is the use of mechanical sprayers. Hydraulic sprayers
consist of a tank, a pump, a lance (for single nozzles) or boom, and a nozzle (or
multiple nozzles). Sprayers convert a pesticide formulation, often containing a
mixture of water (or another liquid chemical carrier, such as fertilizer) and
chemical, into droplets, which can be large rain-type drops or tiny almost-invisible
particles. This conversion is accomplished by forcing the spray mixture through a
spray nozzle under pressure. The size of droplets can be altered through the use of
different nozzle sizes, or by altering the pressure under which it is forced, or a
combination of both. Large droplets have the advantage of being less susceptible to
spray drift, but require more water per unit of land covered. Due to static
electricity, small droplets are able to maximize contact with a target organism, but
very still wind conditions are required.

B) Spraying pre- and post-emergent crops

Traditional agricultural crop pesticides can either be applied pre-emergent

or post-emergent, a term referring to the germination status of the plant. Pre-
emergent pesticide application, in conventional agriculture, attempts to reduce
competitive pressure on newly germinated plants by removing undesirable
organisms and maximizing the amount of water, soil nutrients, and sunlight
available for the crop. An example of pre-emergent pesticide application is atrazine
application for corn. Similarly, glyphosate mixtures are often applied pre-emergent

on agricultural fields to remove early-
germinating weeds and prepare for
subsequent crops. Pre-emergent application
equipment often has large, wide tires
designed to float on soft soil, minimizing
both soil compaction and damage to planted
(but not yet emerged) crops. A three-wheel
application machine, such as the one
pictured on the right, is designed so that
tires do not follow the same path,
minimizing the creation of ruts in the field
and limiting sub-soil damage.

Post-emergent pesticide application requires the use of specific chemicals

chosen minimize harm to the desirable target organism. An example is 2,4-
Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, which will injure broadleaf weeds (dicots) but leave
behind grasses (monocots). Such a chemical has been used extensively on wheat
crops, for example. A number of companies have also created genetically modified
organisms that are resistant to various pesticides. Examples include glyphosate-
resistant soybeans and But maize, which change the types of formulations involved
in addressing post-emergent pesticide pressure. It is important to also note that
even given appropriate chemical choices, high ambient temperatures or other
environmental influences, can allow the non-targeted desirable organism to be
damaged during application. As plants have already germinated, post-emergent
pesticide application necessitates limited field contact in order to minimize losses
due to crop and soil damage. Typical industrial application equipment will utilize
very tall and narrow tires and combine this with a sprayer body which can be
raised and lowered depending on crop height. These sprayers usually carry the
label ‘high-clearance’ as they can rise over growing crops, although usually not
much more than 1 or 2 meters high. In addition, these sprayers often have very
wide booms in order to minimize the number of passes required over a field, again
designed to limit crop damage and maximize efficiency. In industrial agriculture,
spray booms 120 feet (40 meters) wide are not uncommon, especially in prairie
agriculture with large, flat fields. Related to this, aerial pesticide application is a
method of top dressing a pesticide to an emerged crop which eliminates physical
contact with soil and crops.

D) Reaping
A reaper is a farming tool or person that reaps (cuts and gathers) crops at harvest,
when they are ripe.

a) Hand reaping
Hand reaping is done by various means, including plucking the ears of grains
directly by hand, cutting the grain stalks with a sickle, cutting them with a scythe,
or a scythe fitted with a grain cradle. Reaping is usually distinguished from
mowing, which uses similar implements, but is the traditional term for cutting grass
for hay, rather than reaping crops.

The reaped grain stalks are gathered into sheaves (bunches), tied with string
or with a twist of straw. Several sheaves (singular sheaf) are then leant against each
other with the ears off the ground to dry out, forming a stool. After drying, the
sheaves are gathered from the field and stacked, being placed with the ears
inwards, then covered with thatch or a tarpaulin; this is called a stack or rick. In the
British Isles a rick of sheaves is traditionally called a corn rick, to distinguish it
from a hay rick ("corn" in British English means "grain", not "maize", which is not
grown for grain there). Ricks are made in an area inaccessible to livestock, called a
rick-yard or stack-yard. The corn-rick is later broken down and the sheaves
threshed to separate the grain from the straw.

Collecting spilt grain from the field after reaping is called gleaning, and is
traditionally done either by hand, or by penning animals such as chickens or pigs
onto the field.

Hand reaping is now rarely done in industrialized countries, but is still the
normal method where machines are unavailable or where access for them is limited
(such as on narrow terraces).

The more or less skeletal figure of a reaper with a scythe – known as the
"Grim Reaper" – is a common personification of death in many Western traditions
and cultures. In this metaphor, death harvests the living, like a farmer harvests the

b) Mechanical reaping
A mechanical reaper or reaping machine is a mechanical, semi-automated
device that harvests crops. Mechanical reapers are an important part of mechanized
agriculture and a main feature of agricultural productivity.


The development of precision farming technologies In the 1990s opened up

a new way of thinking about mechanization for crop care. It introduced a number
of concepts, which although not new, brought about a shift in the thinking and
management of variability. With yield mapping and VRT (Variable Rate
Treatments) the spatial scale of variability could be practically assessed and treated
for the first time since mechanization was first used. Pre precision farming,
managers assumed that spatial and temporal variability existed but did not have the
ability or tools to deal with it. Since then we have seen the scale of management
and hence treatments reduce from farm-scale, down to field-scale, through to sub-
field scale with varying expectations and benefits. This technology trend has
continued to the point where we now have many smart controllers that allow the
scale of treatment to be reduced further, down to the plant and even leaf scale. In
doing so, these new methods of introducing smart controllers and automation have
enabled the development of new concepts of practical crop management that were
not feasible before. We now have levels of automation where we can consider the
methods people used before large-scale machinery was introduced and see if these
same methods can be utilized today using small smart machines.

Requirement of Atomization in agriculture

More work can be done by a reduced labor force, hence giving increased
economy of scale but it also has a detrimental effect on the ability to deal with
spatial and temporal variability. Many machines have been retrofitted with VRT
controllers to help deal with this. An alternative approach can be taken by
extending the vision to the point where the machine can work by itself, without
constant human supervision. But if this radical scenario is to be fully developed it
should take into account not only current problems but also identify potential
opportunities. By taking this approach we can redefine the basic agronomic plant

irrespective of
the current
constraints and
develop new
SSMs that meet
these needs
care and econ
comic prudence,
health and
safety, work
directives and societal impacts, i.e. we start with a blank sheet and design the
system of machines we need currently and those for the future. To take full
advantage of these technologies, we should not just consider the implication of
developing a new single technology but should look at the wider issues of a
complete mechanization system, including appropriate machinery management. To
do this we have to consider all the impacts and implications but in doing so we
need to define some of the systemic concepts that underlie the designs. This is not
intended to be a recipe for developing new system but an explanation of some of
the new concepts encountered.

We have decided to complete the project in simple waterfall model







Communication phase includes:

 Discussion of topic with guide

 Actual farm visit and understanding various farming method
 Literature survey
 Problem identification
 Analysis of problem

 Concept development
 Discussing various certainties and uncertainties

Planning phase includes:

 Process planning
 Raw material planning
 Force analysis
 Process scheduling

Modeling phase includes:

 Design of various components

 CAD modeling of components
 Assembly model of component
 Prototype model making


Construction phase includes:

 Selection of proper manufacturing methods

 Working as per process scheduling and plan
 Testing of equipment on field
 Error analysis
 Repair if any

 Comparing the project with the designed output
 Preparation of testing results
 Preparation of project report
 Final submission of project


From the market survey, field study and market survey we prepare some design and after
decoding their pros and cons we finalized the final design. From the above activities we finalized
that we have to develop a machine which is,

 Compact in size
 Multi-purpose includes power tilling , pesticide spraying, seed sowing and Crop cutting
 Easily movable or transportable
 Cheaper than other machineries

Seed Sowing Pesticide Spraying

Multi Agri

Weeding Crop Cutting

Figure 3.1: Krushak process



Spraying Weeding Tool

arrangement Power Transfer
 through chain or (Detachable)
 belt drives
 Fertilizer
DC Motor Spreader
Reaping Cutter

(Detachable) 

As shown in the schematic diagram all the attachments gets the input from the
basic structure. Basic structure will consists of a pair of wheel which transfers the
power to other attachments through chain or belt drives.

Only the sower will remain independent. The motion of the sower will permit
the sower to perform their work.


Sections in the design:

1) Basic structure:
It is the structure on which all the attachments of the crushed will be
implant. As shown in the figure, one end of the basic structure has a handle
which is for providing forward motion to the whole machine. Another end of
machine has a setup for the spraying parts. On the top of that the sprayers
will kept or pivot at the center. Pivoting the arms of sprayer at the center of
the provided stand will allow us to adjust the height of arms.

The wheel attack hymen is also providing to the basic structure. The rear
wheel shaft will have the pulley at the center so that the motion of wheel can
be transfer to the power transmission section through belt drive.

2) Power transmitting section:

It is placed at the center of the basic structure. It will consist of a shaft
mounted as per shown dimensions supported by bearings. The shaft will
have the bigger pulley at center and the smaller pulleys on the either side of
the bigger pulleys. The bigger pulley will connect the power transmitter
section to the pulley at rear wheel shaft as well as the pulley of engine output
shaft with help of belt drive.
The main feature of the power transmitter section is that the whole assembly
will move to and fro along z direction.

3) Reaping section
Reaping section consists of a reaping cutter and the 3 hip single cylinder
Firstly the MK 20 3 HP single cylinder four stroke petrol engine having a speed of 3600
rpm is started by manually. The engine shaft which will get the power from engine. Then
fixed a small cast iron driving pulley on these engine shafts. At this stage the speed of
engine is 3600 rpm, but we required a speed of 900rpm for the operation of harvesting.
For these purpose we use pulley and v belt drive on intermediate shaft for reducing the
speed. Then we fixed 3 (A section) aluminum pulley and v belt on intermediate shaft.
From these engine shafts power will be transmitted to the intermediate shaft with the help
of pulley and v-belt drive

Required accessory –:

A) Solar Panel

Solar panel refers either to a photovoltaic module, a solar hot water panel, or to a set of solar
photovoltaic (PV) modules electrically connected and mounted on a supporting structure. A
PV module is a packaged, connected assembly of solar cells. Solar panels can be used as a
component of a larger photovoltaic system to generate and supply electricity in commercial
and residential applications. Each module is rated by its DC output power under standard test
conditions (STC), and typically ranges from 10 to 320 watts. The efficiency of a module
determines the area of a module given the same rated output – a 8% efficient 230 watt
module will have twice the area of a 16% efficient 230 watt module. There are a few
solar panels available that are exceeding 19% efficiency. A single solar module can
produce only a limited amount of power; most installations contain multiple modules.

A photovoltaic system typically includes a panel or an array of solar modules, a

solar inverter, and sometimes a battery and/or solar tracker and interconnection wiring.
The price of solar power, together with batteries for storage, has continued to fall so that
in many countries it is cheaper than ordinary fossil fuel electricity from the grid.

Fig 3.6: Solar PV system

A solar panel is a set of solar photovoltaic modules electrically connected and
mounted on a supporting structure. A photovoltaic module is a packaged, connected
assembly of solar cells. Each module is rated by its DC output power under standard test
conditions (STC), and typically ranges from 100 to 320 watts. The efficiency of a module
determines the area of a module given the same rated output - an 8% efficient 230 watt
module will have twice the area of a 16% efficient 230 watt module. Basically every solar
panel will generate 12voltage along with variable current in it may be 7.5 amps. But in our
project we are using 10 watt power capacity of solar panel. In order to run a mechanism the
motor required 12 volt. And Variable current so that we are storing that power in to battery in
order to run the mechanism. Our battery capacity is 12 volt and 7.5 amps. Hence power is
calculated by = Voltage*current = 12*7.5 =90 watt (In a single battery) In order to store
this much of power in battery we required time Total battery power =Power generation of
panel per hour*Time Hence 90watt. =10*Time Time=9 Hour

B) Motor :


Voltage: 12v

No-Load Current: 1a

RPM: 3500

Torque: 0.35

Loaded RPM: 2600-3000

Wattage: 100W

Rated Current: 12a

Efficiancy: 70%

Weight: 1.3Kgs

12V Dry Cell Battery:

The 12V automotive rechargeable battery is used to supply electrical energy to the whole system.

Fig 5.2 12V Dry Cell Battery


Battery Type 12V

20hour rate (350mA) 7Ah

10hour rate (650mA) 6.5Ah
Capacity 5hour rate (1.19A) 5.95Ah
1hour rate (4.40A) 4.40Ah
15min rate (13.7A) 3.42Ah

Dimensions Length 151mm (5.95in)

Width 65mm (2.54in)
Height 94mm (3.7in)
Total Height 100mm (3.9in)

Approx  Weight 5.2Lbs.(2.36kg)

Chain wheel

Figure 3.7: Front chain wheel Image 3.2: Front chain wheel

 Front chain wheel

 Manufacturer : HONDA
 Teeth : 16

Figure 3.8: Rear chain wheel

Image 3.3: Rear chain wheel

 Rear chain wheel

 Manufacturer : HONDA
 Teeth : 46

 UCP205-16 & UCP204

 UCP205-16 & UCP204 has a combination of a cast iron pillow block housing with an anti-
rotation device with self-alignment and a set screw locking chrome steel insert bearing with a
slinger seal design. This specific unit is a standard duty pillow block bearing with a wide inner
ring and two set screws and a cast iron unit with the standard base to center height with a grease

UCP200 Series Pillow Block Bearing is equipped with two specifically designed set screws that

are positioned in the inner ring of the ball bearing to lock and attach to the shaft.

Common usage for UCP200 Series Pillow Block Bearing include: Agriculture, Automotive,

Construction, Pump, Manufacturing Equipment, Sporting and Consumer Goods, Conveyor and
Fan Assemblies, Farm Machinery, HVAC, Feed Mill, Economical housed bearing solution and
many other Industrial Equipment.

Crop Cutter :-

Figure 3.10: UCP 205-16 / UCP 204 We

have purchased two cutters from market. We have used 5 inch
cutter for cutting corn crops in field testing. We can change the
size of cutters according to crops.


Designed Components:

Design of the basic components of the project is given as below: Shaft Design:

A. Main transmission Shaft Design:

Torque at main transmission shaft = 7600 RPM

Now, using the formula,

T = (x d3 x

As, Material used = Mild Steel

Shear Stress = 200 N/mm2

Factor of safety = 3

 7600 = ( x d3 x (200/3)

 d = 8.34 mm = 10 mm

Now, considering tension forces on pulleys, weight of pulley and transmission safety and also for
bearing requirement, considering safer side for design and ease in design.

Diameter of main transmission shaft = 25 m

B. Rotor Shaft Design:

At the rotor shaft,

Torque on shaft = 6840

 T = () x d3 x 

As, Material used = Mild Steel

Shear Stress = 200 N/mm2

Factor of safety = 3

 6840 = () x d3 x (200/3)

d = 8.05 mm = 10 mm

Considering, torque at blade tip = 76608

x d3 x 

x d3 x (200/3)

d = 18.02 mm = 20 mm

Taking maximum diameter in design consideration for safety. Also blade weight is also to be
considered for safety purpose.

Considering, all factors,

Diameter of rotor shaft = 25 mm

C. Back-Shaft Design:

Torque at engine = 8000

As belt and pulley arrangement is used loss factor is 0.95

Torque at main transmission shaft = 0.95 x 8000

= 7600

 Torque at block shaft = 0.95 x 7600

= 7220

Back shaft design can be done as per the formula,

x d3 x 

As, Material used = Mild stress

Shear Stress = 200 N/mm2

Factor of safety = 3

 7220 = x d3 x (200/3)

 d = 8.20 mm = 10 mm

Now, considering tension forces on pulleys, weight of pulley and transmission safety and also for
bearing requirement, considering safer side for design and ease in design.

Considering all factors,

Diameter of back shaft = 25 mm

Speed of cutter blades:

Speed of engine shaft = 5000 RPM

As belt and pulley arrangement is used, transmission takes place, where both pulley has
diameters of same value.

Speed of main transmission shaft = 5000 RPM


Speed of back shaft rotation = 5000 RPM

Now, bevel gear arrangement is used to transmit torque at right angle,

Larger bevel gear has 16 teeth and small bevel gear has 10 teeth.

Speed of shaft (NB) on which cutter blades are mounted,

 NB/5000 = 16/10
 NB = 8000 RPM
Thus, speed of rotation of cutter blades = 8000 RPM

Selection of belt:

V-belt are used for following reasons:

i. Pulley used has V-grooves.

ii. Increased power transmission.
iii. Drive is positive and slip negligible.
iv. It can be used at high speed without slip.

Out of Z, A, B, C, D, E, we have used A type V-belt, as it has width 1/2 inch which
matches ours pulley width of 1/2 inch.



1. A multipurpose handy equipment is available to farmers and need to buy

separate equipment for farming process is not needed.

2. A low cost, cost effective tool is available to the farmers.

3. A compact equipment is available so easily usable in less area farm.

4. The flexibility of assembling and dissembling is provided with ease.

5. Whole machine is bolted with single size of nut bolt hence easy to dissemble.

6. All standard parts are used hence easily replaceable.


1. Small amount of air pollution occurs due to engine emissions.

2. Ploughing operation is not provided by the equipment.

3. Crop collecting facility is not available after cutting.


All the operations is tested on the field Following are the observation made while testing.

Note: All the operations are performed for ½ acre of farm.

Observations for weeding Operation:

Sr Observation Observation
No. (for ½ acre) (for 1 acre)
1 Set up time 20 min 20 min
2 Fuel Used / Power Source Manual Manual
3 Fuel Consumed - -
4 Time Consumed 2 hrs 4 hrs

Observations for Crop Cutting Operation:

Sr Observation Observation
No. (for ½ acre) (for 1 acre)
1 Set up time 20 min 20 min
2 Fuel Used / Power Source Battery Battery
3 Fuel Consumed - -
4 Time Consumed 2 hrs 4 hrs

Observations for Fertilizer Spreader Operation:

Sr Observation Observation
No. (for ½ acre) (for 1 acre)
1 Set up time 20 min 20 min
2 Fuel Used / Power Source Manual Manual
3 Fuel Consumed NA NA
4 Time Consumed 1 hrs 15 min 2.5 hrs

5.4 Observations for Pesticide Spraying Operation:

Sr Observation Observation
No. (for ½ acre) (for 1 acre)
1 Set up time 20 min 20 min
2 Fuel Used / Power Source Manual Manual
3 Fuel Consumed NA NA

4 Time Consumed ½ hrs 1 hrs


1. Multipurpose equipment will be designed and fabricated with low-cost, easy

to use and effective equipment for agriculture.
2. By providing a balanced mechanism for various objectives in a single
machine signifies the technological improvement in agricultural sector.
3. Single equipment performing more objectives with flexibility in changing
the operation will motivate the farmers
4. This machine has considerable potential to greatly increase
5. E productivity. Other countries of the world where the two wheel tractor is
the main traction unit in farming. The main task now is to promote this
technology and have available to farmers at an affordable price.


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