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Idioms Definition spanish

Ball of fire person with great energy Imperativo

Beat very tired Cansado

To be/walk in someone else´s

To try to understand someone else or put oneself in that person´s position Ponerse en los zapatos de alguien

To be out To be impossible fuera de lugar

to be short not to have enough andar corto
To be tied up to be busy mucho trabajo
to be up for to be ready to do something; interested in doing something preparado para algo
to blow the whistle to tell secret information about soltar la sopa
to break down to become unusable because of breakage descomponerse
can of worms complex problem Problemon
to care for to like latir
to catch one's eye to attract one's attention llamar la atención
to catch up to go fast enough or do enough so as not to be behind ponerse al dia
coffe break a short recess from work during which workers rest and drink coffe or other Receso
to come up to approach or come close acercarse
to die down to subside; to lessen disminuir
to do one's best to try very hard dar lo mejor
down in the dumps sad; depressed triste
a drag a brother; an annoyance ladilla
to drop off to take someone or something part of the way you are going dejar a alguien
end of one's rope end of one's ability to cope or try hasta la coronilla
to fall through to fail arruinar los planes
fed up with tired of or annoyed with fastidiado
to fill out to complete completar
to gear up to get started or get going empezar hacer algo
Second Part
to get a hold of to contact Ponerse en contacto
to get along to live or work together in a friendly way llevarse bien
to get an early start to begin early madrugar
to get into to become involved or interested in interesarse en algo
to get off the ground to make a successful beginning empezar con el pie derecho
to get something going to begin something dar comienzo a algo
to give a hand to applaud; to help out aplaudir/hechar la mano
to give something a good going to clean something thoroughly hacer limpieza general
to give up to stop doing or having; to abandon;to quit darse por vencido
to go from bad to worse to change from a bad condition to a worse one de mal en peor
to go over to check dar repaso
to hang up to place a telephone receiver back on its hook and break the connection colgar
to have a sale to sell merchandise at a reduced price ofertar
to have a hand in to be partly responsible for estar involucrado
to hit the nail on the head to be right about something darle al clavo
how's it going? how are you? How are you doing? ¿como te va?
I'll say I agree with this completely pienso lo mismo
in one's right mind sane 5 sentidos
to keep one's fingers crossed to wish for good luck; to hope for something hacer changuitos
to keep something to oneself to keep something secret guardar el secreto
to knock oneself out to work very hard at something matado
to learn the ropes to gain experience agarrarle el hilo
a load off of someone's mind a relief quitarse un peso de encima
to look forward to to expect with hope or pleasure esperar con ancia
to look on the bright side to be optimistic verle el lado positivo
to lose touch with to lose contact with perder contacto
to make it to go or to come to a place llegar a un lugar
to make up to do or supply something not done reponer algo
to measure up to be equal to dar el ancho
a night owl someone who likes to stay up late at night vivir de noche
not on your life certainly not; not ever; not for any reason ni lo sueñes
on sale selling for a special reduced price en oferta
on the side in addition to a main thing por otro lado
on the whole in most ways en general
over the head of someone too difficult es mucho para ti
what's going on? how are you? How are you doing? ¿Qué esta pasando
What's up? What's happening? ¿Qué pasa?
to turn up to appear; to be found aparecer de la nada
Idioms Definition Spanish
To pass to say "no" to; to decline an offer paso/ safo
to pick out to choose elegir
to pick up to take on or away; to get or procure recoger a alguien
to pull someone's leg to tease someone jugarle chueco a alguien
to put off to postpone posponer/dejar pendiente algo
right away inmediately inmediatamente
to see eye to eye to agree with tener el mismo punto de vista
to set up to make ready for use by putting the parts together or into their right place armar/reacomodar algo
the shape the condition como debe de ser algo
a show of hands a group raising of hands to vote oe indicate agreement with something un aplauso/oración
sold out no longer avaible because all have been sold agotado/se acabo
something else stupendous, wonderful, so good as to be indescribable de otro nivel/de otro mundo
to steer clear of to avoid pintar tu raya
to stick like glue to stay very close to a place or a person pegado como chicle
to stop by to visit on short notice or unexpectedly pasar de pasada
to straighten up to tidy or clean up; to improve one's behavior hacer lo que debo de hacer
sure thing of course; certainly claro/seguro
to take a break to rest descansar
to take a seat to sit down tomar asiento
to take(a car) for a spin to test-drive; to try out dar la vuelta
to take into account to consider; to remember and understand tomado en cuenta
to take it easy to avoid hard work or worry; to rest relax
to take place to happen cuando algo sucede
to take someone up on
something to accept; to take or accept something that is offered Aceptar/tomarle la palabra a alguien
that's(not) for me I'm(not) interested in that es para mi/no es para mi
to tide one(you) over to carry one past a difficulty or danger; help in bad times or trouble sacarte de apuros
tons a lot muchisisimo
to try on to put something on to see if it fits ponerse algo/vestimenta
to try our for to try for a place on a team or in a group aplicar para algo
to turn in to give someone or deliver to someone entregar algo
to turn on to start by turning a handle or moving a switch encender
to turn out to come or go out to see or do something cuando algo resulta ser

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