Mind The Gap: From Neurons To Networks To Outcomes in Multiple Sclerosis

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Mind the gap: from neurons to

networks to outcomes in multiple
Declan T. Chard   1,2 ✉, Adnan A. S. Alahmadi   3, Bertrand Audoin4,5, Thalis Charalambous1,
Christian Enzinger6,7, Hanneke E. Hulst   8, Maria A. Rocca   9, Àlex Rovira10,
Jaume Sastre-Garriga   11, Menno M. Schoonheim   8, Betty Tijms12, Carmen Tur   1,13,
Claudia A. M. Gandini Wheeler-Kingshott1,14,15, Alle Meije Wink   16, Olga Ciccarelli1,2,
Frederik Barkhof   2,16,17 and the MAGNIMS Study Group*
Abstract | MRI studies have provided valuable insights into the structure and function of
neural networks, particularly in health and in classical neurodegenerative conditions such as
Alzheimer disease. However, such work is also highly relevant in other diseases of the CNS,
including multiple sclerosis (MS). In this Review, we consider the effects of MS pathology on
brain networks, as assessed using MRI, and how these changes to brain networks translate
into clinical impairments. We also discuss how this knowledge can inform the targeting of
MS treatments and the potential future directions for research in this area. Studying MS is
challenging as its pathology involves neurodegenerative and focal inflammatory elements,
both of which could disrupt neural networks. The disruption of white matter tracts in MS is
reflected in changes in network efficiency, an increasingly random grey matter network
topology, relative cortical disconnection, and both increases and decreases in connectivity
centred around hubs such as the thalamus and the default mode network. The results of
initial longitudinal studies suggest that these changes evolve rather than simply increase
over time and are linked with clinical features. Studies have also identified a potential
role for treatments that functionally modify neural networks as opposed to altering
their structure.

Long before the advent of connectomics, the brain was the most common neuroinflammatory cause of neu-
The comprehensive study known to rely on neural connections to function, but rological disability in younger adults in Europe6; how-
of neural networks with the technology has only recently provided us with the prac- ever, the cause of MS and the mechanisms underlying
ultimate aim of generating tical tools to assess the integrity and function of brain long-term disability remain uncertain. The existence
maps that represent all
networks in life. Despite ongoing methodological devel- of a disparity in MS between neurological (and cogni-
connections in the CNS.
opment and known limitations, studies investigating tive) impairment and the brain pathology that is visible
neural networks have already provided fundamental with MRI is well recognized in the field7. This disparity
insights into disease processes and how these translate has been observed in trials of potential treatments for
into disability. To date, most work has been performed in MS, for example, in a recent phase II study, treatment
classical neurodegenerative conditions. For example, with ibudilast was associated with an effect on whole
in Alzheimer disease, evidence suggests that the sequen- brain and cortical atrophy, but no effect of treatment on
tial involvement of brain regions can be explained by the clinical outcomes was detected8. Resolving this issue is
spread of pathology through neural networks, in particu- important, as MRI measures are now the main outcome
lar the default mode network (DMN), and that patterns in early-phase clinical trials in MS and are increasingly
of network involvement can explain clinical phenotypes1. used in clinical practice to assess the progression of MS
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory, demy- pathology. Therefore, the disparity between conven-
✉e-mail: d.chard@ucl.ac.uk elinating and neurodegenerative disease of the CNS2, in tional MRI measures and clinical outcomes has prac-
https://doi.org/10.1038/ which sodium channel function3, energy consumption4 tical implications for the development and subsequent
s41582-020-00439-8 and tissue blood perfusion5 are altered. The disease is application of disease-modifying treatments.

NaTure RevIeWS | NEuROlOGy volume 17 | March 2021 | 173


Key points We end by discussing the future directions for this area
of research.
• Multiple sclerosis (MS) pathology affects neuroaxonal structure (for example,
via axonal transection) and function (for example, via demyelination), and does Clinical features of MS
so in both lesions and extra-lesional tissues. Although MS is usually thought of as causing motor and
• Multiple pathological processes can combine to affect neural network function. sensory symptoms, the disease can affect any aspect of
• In individuals with MS, white matter tracts are disrupted by lesions, the cortex is CNS function; for example, a third to two-thirds of indi-
relatively disconnected and the grey matter network topology is more random than viduals with MS have cognitive impairment9. The symp-
in healthy controls. toms of MS can develop acutely (during relapses) or
• Increases and decreases in connectivity, centred around hubs such as the thalamus progressively over months to years. Relapses occur when
and default-mode network, are seen; abnormal connectivity seems to evolve rather lesions form in clinically eloquent parts of the CNS, for
than simply progress over time, for example, early increases can be followed by
example, the optic nerves, although most lesions occur
later decreases.
without having direct clinically apparent effects10. The
• Both structural and functional network changes are associated with clinical outcomes,
mechanisms underlying progressive MS are not as well
and treatments that modify neural network function — not structure — might still have
a beneficial effect.
understood as those underlying the relapsing–remitting
form. Correlations between clinical measures of disease
progression and the accrual of white matter lesions are
In this Review, we briefly describe the relevant clin- relatively modest; although clinical measures correlate
ical and pathological features of MS and introduce more strongly with measures of brain and spinal cord
brain networks and the methods used to model them atrophy, this association is still insufficient to explain or
in vivo, before discussing the potential applications of predict clinical impairments in individuals with MS and
network-based approaches to bridge the gap between leaves around half of the variability in disability scores
clinical outcomes and conventional MRI measurements. unexplained11.
We focus on the effect of MS pathology on brain net- In this Review, we use motor and cognitive func-
works, the translation of network disruption into neu- tions as our main examples as both are affected early
rological and cognitive impairments, and ask how this in the course of MS, increase during progressive MS,
knowledge can inform the targeting of MS treatments. and are substantial causes of disability and unemploy-
ment. Motor function, as measured using the Expanded
Disability Status Scale (EDSS)12, is the most commonly
Author addresses assessed outcome in clinical trials and cognitive dys-
NMR Research Unit, Queen Square MS Centre, Department of Neuroinflammation, function is increasingly also being included. We will also
UCL Institute of Neurology, Faculty of Brain Sciences, University College London, discuss visual disturbances and fatigue, which frequently
London, UK. occur in MS. The visual system is commonly one of the
National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) University College London Hospitals first to be affected by MS and, for 30–40% of individuals,
(UCLH) Biomedical Research Centre, London, UK. an episode of optic neuritis is the first symptom of the
Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Faculty of Applied Medical Science, disease 13. Detailed clinical and neurophysiological
King Abdulaziz University (KAU), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
methods exist for assessing visual pathway function and
Aix-Marseille University, CNRS, CRMBM, Marseille, France.
AP-HM, University Hospital Timone, Department of Neurology, Marseille, France. we therefore consider the visual system when discuss-
Department of Neurology, Research Unit for Neuronal Repair and Plasticity, ing the challenges of linking structure and function.
Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria. Unfortunately, fatigue is particularly difficult to study, as
Department of Radiology, Division of Neuroradiology, Vascular and Interventional a range of different MS symptoms are often reported
Radiology, Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria. as fatigue by patients14 and a consensus definition on
Department of Anatomy and Neurosciences, MS Center Amsterdam, Amsterdam how to classify or measure fatigue is lacking. However, as
Neuroscience, Amsterdam UMC, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, previous work has noted that patients with fatigue show
The Netherlands. extensive changes in cognitive networks15,16, we briefly
Neuroimaging Research Unit, Institute of Experimental Neurology, Division of consider studies of fatigue as an example of diverse
Neuroscience, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University,
symptoms that are, in part, influenced by a common
Milan, Italy.
Section of Neuroradiology, Department of Radiology Hospital Universitari Vall underlying cause.
d’Hebron, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.
Servei de Neurologia/Neuroimmunologia, Multiple Sclerosis Centre of Catalonia MS pathology
(Cemcat), Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, MS pathology can affect neuronal network function
Barcelona, Spain. in a variety of ways (Box 1). For example, neuro­axonal
Alzheimer Center Amsterdam, Department of Neurology, Amsterdam loss will stop signal conduction across a network,
Neuroscience, Amsterdam UMC, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, and demyelination will slow and disperse transmis-
The Netherlands. sion. Both of these changes can have a substantial
Department of Neurology, Luton and Dunstable University Hospital, Luton, UK. effect on neurological function, as has been observed
Department of Brain and Behavioural Sciences, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy.
in individuals with optic neuritis 17. White matter
Brain MRI 3T Research Center, IRCCS Mondino Foundation, Pavia, Italy.
Department of Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, Amsterdam Neuroscience, lesions are the most-studied aspect of MS pathology.
Amsterdam UMC, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Acute inflammation in white matter lesions is asso-
Institutes of Neurology and Healthcare Engineering, University College London, ciated with demyelination and axonal transection18,
London, UK. along with trans-synaptic neurodegeneration 19–21.
*A list of authors and their affiliations appears at the end of the paper. In extra-lesional (normal-appearing) white matter,

174 | March 2021 | volume 17 www.nature.com/nrneurol


axonal loss, demyelination and gliosis occur22, although Box 1 | Factors that could affect network function
the degree to which these changes are secondary to, or
independent from, axonal transection in lesions is not Structural
yet clear22. In individuals with MS, grey matter is often as • Demyelination
extensively demyelinated as white matter, if not more so23. • Axonal transection and degeneration
Axonal loss is observed in grey matter lesions24, but • Synaptic loss
synaptic and neuronal loss is not confined to lesions and • Neuronal loss
occurs with a similar severity in extra-lesional tissues25. • Gliosis
Deep grey matter structures are not spared; the thala-
mus seems to be affected early in the disease course — Functional
even after a single inflammatory episode26 — and shows • Inflammation
substantial neuronal loss, more so than in other deep or • Hypoxia
cortical grey matter27. This finding might be of particular • Mitochondrial dysfunction
relevance when considering the effect of MS pathology • Sodium accumulation
on network performance as the thalamus is thought to • Neurotransmitter deficits
have a pivotal role as a hub in many brain networks28.
However, the thalamus is a not a homogenous structure
but instead consists of nuclei that seem to be differen- theory can be applied to both structural MRI and fMRI;
tially associated with specific clinical outcomes, for however, structural and functional connectivity metrics
example, cognition and fatigue29. are usually different as they represent different properties
Physiological alterations also occur in MS and, of the brain connectome. In both cases, nodes are located
although they are reported less often than tissue struc- in grey matter regions. Edges are more complicated and
tural alterations, they can have an important influence they can represent white matter tracts traced between
on brain function. These physiological changes include grey matter regions, synchronization of fMRI activity
grey matter hypo-perfusion, with delayed arterial bolus between grey matter regions or co-variation in cortical
arrival transit times30, and sodium channel polymor- structure (for example, thickness). With the latter two
phisms, for example, in Nav1.8 channels that are ectopi- definitions ‘connectivity’ can exist in the absence of
cally expressed in cerebellar Purkinje cells in individuals specific white matter tracts connecting the two regions.
with the disease and have been linked with effects on White matter connections can be traced on DTI scans
cerebellothalamic functional connectivity31. Energy defi- but DTI measures are affected by MS lesions, making
cits associated with tissue hypoxia have also been shown this tracing difficult where tracts cross or pass through
to correlate with processing speed in MS32,33. Although white matter lesions44,45. However, an alternative way of
neurological and cognitive deficits in people with MS considering white matter connectivity is from the per-
are often thought of as disconnection syndromes result- spective of a ‘disconnectome’46, which maps the extent of
ing from white matter pathology34, grey matter changes disconnection between grey matter regions that results
have substantial implications for network function and from focal lesions. This approach might be particularly
are also associated with the progression of cognitive pertinent to the study of MS.
and motor disability35–38. Functional connectivity is usually assessed by iden-
tifying direct or indirect correlations between the
Assessing brain networks with MRI activation of different grey matter regions, for exam-
The three main MRI methods that have been used ple, by measuring variation in the blood oxygenation
to study brain networks are diffusion tensor imaging level-dependent signal. Direct assessment identifies
(DTI), 3D T1-weighted scans and functional MRI correlations between regional measures regardless
(fMRI). DTI assesses white matter tissue microstructure, of the state of the brain (resting-state fMRI). Indirect
3D T1-weighted scans provide anatomical imaging of white assessment identifies associations with a common fea-
and grey matter, and fMRI measures brain activity, either ture, for example, brain regions that show simultaneous
during the resting state39 or in response to a task. For con- functional activation during a motor task (task-based
text, an ~8 mm3 DTI voxel contains ~200,000 neurons and fMRI). Falling between direct and indirect assessment is
a typical fMRI cluster is ~80 mm3 (~2 million neurons)40,41. effective connectivity47, which relies on the construction
In addition, the temporal resolution of fMRI is ~10 seconds, of models that incorporate both types of connections
whereas EEG and magnetoencephalography can detect and aims to define the directionality of information
changes in neural activity over milliseconds42. flow between regions. There are several methods used
Network architecture is described by connections and for the assessment of effective connectivity, including
their layout (topology). Connectivity can be determined structural equation modelling48–50, psychophysiological
by tracing (anatomical) links from region to region, by interactions47 and dynamic causal modelling51. In clinical
looking for (functional) associations in neural activity or trials and clinical practice, robust measures of connec­
by assessing similarity in structural features, for exam- tivity in individual participants or patients will be
ple, cortical thickness. Currently, the main approach for required. This kind of individual analysis has proven
describing and quantifying brain network topology is possible with structural MRI52; however, given the rather
A network node that has a high
‘graph theory’43, where a ‘graph’ represents a connectiv- ‘noisy’ nature of data on individual connections, most
number of direct connections ity map, with ‘nodes’ representing brain areas and the network-based analyses have averaged findings across
with other nodes. connection between nodes being termed ‘edges’. Graph groups of participants.

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Interpreting results studies have shown apparent increases in connectivity in

Connectomics is a rapidly developing field and new adults55. However, in the adult CNS, entirely new axonal
measures of connectivity are still being proposed. The connections are not thought to occur (although neuro-
statistical methods underlying network-based analyses genesis with synapse formation is seen56) and a loss of
are complex and the approach used can substantially crossing fibres, which disrupt tractography, provides a
influence apparent network structure and function. more plausible explanation for the apparent increase
As such, links between the cortical network connections in connectivity. Using tract templates as opposed to
identified with these analyses and classical functional or tractography to extract measures such as fractional ani-
anatomical connections remain controversial53. sotropy from DTI overcomes this limitation but such
Of the several topological features that can be measures then provide an assessment of tract structural
extracted from brain networks (Box 2), it is unclear which integrity as opposed to a direct measure of connectivity57.
have the greatest relevance to health and disease. In part, When measures of structural connectivity are made
this uncertainty reflects the bespoke nature of brain net- on the basis of grey matter characteristics (for exam-
works; different topologies are optimized to serve differ- ple, cortical thickness), processes that heterogeneously
ent functional outcomes, so to generalize across a diverse and randomly affect the cortex will tend to reduce the
range of neurological and cognitive functions is difficult. detection of correlations between regions, whereas
In disease states, some network features are preserved, characteristics that show a regional predilection might
whereas others are lost or emerge (discussed below). increase the strength of correlations58 even if the axonal
Of these changes, the appearance of new features has connectivity between regions is unchanged. Similarly,
proven most difficult to explain; specifically, whether tract-specific pathology might reduce correlations when
this emergence represents the unmasking of a (poten- it disrupts connections or increase correlations where
tially deleterious) network feature or is the result of pathology simultaneously affects both the origin and
functionally useful neural plasticity remains unclear54. target of a tract. To add to the complexity, multiple
Structural connectivity established by tracing white disease effects — some network-mediated and others
matter tracts, known as tractography, clearly demon- not — might act simultaneously on the same area58,59.
strates a link between regions and a decrease in this con- In fMRI studies, although reduced correlations between
nectivity can reasonably be interpreted as representing regions might be a result of decreases in structural con-
the disruption of a connection. Some tractography-based nectivity, they might also represent a de-synchronization
of activity. For example, demyelination might slow and
Box 2 | Graph theory measures disperse (as opposed to stop) action potential conduction,
but would still result in seemingly reduced functional
Integration co-activation. An increase in fMRI connectivity could be
• Characteristic path length the result of increased neural communication but deter-
• Global efficiency mining whether it represents an unmasking of previously
Segregation hidden features (through the loss of competing functional
• Clustering coefficient activity or disinhibition), structural re-organization, func-
tional adaptation or compensation is challenging. The
• Transitivity
interpretation of fMRI results is further complicated by
• Local efficiency
the dynamic nature of functional connectivity, which can
• Modularity vary over seconds, for example, during the course of a
Centrality single scan60.
• Closeness centrality
• Eigenvector centrality Findings in MS
• Betweenness centrality Effect of MS pathology on brain networks
• Within-module degree z-score Function. Evidence indicates that MS pathology sub-
stantially alters the structural and functional integrity
• Participation coefficient
of brain networks and does so through a combination of
Network motifs effects on both grey matter and white matter. However,
• Anatomical and functional motifs studies have yielded seemingly inconsistent results,
• Motif z-score sometimes finding different abnormalities in the same
• Motif fingerprint regions. These inconsistencies are likely to be due, in
Resilience part, to differences in the location and magnitude of
tissue damage observed in individuals with different
• Degree distribution
clinical subtypes of MS or with different durations of
• Average neighbour degree
disease or degrees of disability61.
• Assortativity coefficient To date, most functional connectivity studies in MS
Other have used (mainly motor and cognitive) task-based fMRI,
• Degree distribution preserving network randomization although resting-state fMRI has been used more recently,
• Measure ‘of network small-worldness’ particularly in studies of fMRI correlates of cognitive defi-
• Rich club coefficient cits. Findings have been variable (Table 1)62; some studies
using task-based fMRI have shown an increase in func-
Data from ref.43.
tional brain activation in individuals with MS compared

176 | March 2021 | volume 17 www.nature.com/nrneurol


Table 1 | fMRI studies that compared individuals with MS with healthy controls
Study Functional changesa MS phenotype Disease Age (years)b Number of EDSS (median,
duration (years)b participants range)
Motor task-associated activation
Wegner et al. ↑ activation; RRMS or SPMS 6.7a MS, 35c; 56 MSd; 60 HC; 2.0, 0–7.5
2008 (ref.128) ↓deactivation HC, 30c (multi-centre)
Manson et al.
2008 (ref.129)
Mancini et al.
2009 (ref.130)
Colorado et al. ↑ activation RRMS 10.2 MS, 41.8; 22 MS; 23 HC 0, 0–1.5
2012 (ref.131) HC, 38.1
Rocca et al. ↑ and ↓activation RRMS, sub- Non-fatigued, MS non- 29 MS non-fatigued; Non-fatigued: 1.5,
2016 (ref.132) related to fatigue grouped based 10.6; fatigued, fatigued, 40.0; 50 MS fatigued; 26 HC 0–4.0; fatigued: 2.0,
on Fatigue Impact 12.9 MS fatigued, 1.0–4.0
Scale score 42.6; HC, 39.2
Resting-state connectivity
Rocca et al. ↑ and ↓ connectivity RRMS 9.0 MS, 41.4; 85 MS; 40 HC 2.0, 0–6.0
2012 (ref.133) HC, 40.6
Schoonheim ↓ cortical centrality RRMS, SPMS 7.7 MS, 40.98; 128 MS (112 RRMS, 9 2.0, 0.0–8.0
et al. 2014 and ↑thalamic or PPMS HC, 40.38 SPMS, 7 PPMS); 50 HC
(ref.74) connectivity
Rocca et al. ↓ functional Relapse-onset MS 10.8 MS, 37.5; 69 MS; 42 HC 1.5, 0.0–6.5
2015 (ref.134) connectivity HC, 36.4
Rocca et al. Loss of hubs and RRMS, SPMS 13.7 MS, 42.3; 256 MS (121 RRMS, 80 3.0, 0.0–9.0
2016 (ref.135) ↓ in nodal degree or BMS HC, 41.7 SPMS, 45 BMS); 55 HC
Eijlers et al. ↑ connectivity RRMS, SPMS 14.6 MS, 48.1; 332 MS (243 RRMS, Cognitively
2017 (ref.136) (cognitively impaired or PPMS HC, 45.9 53 SPMS, 36 PPMS); impaired: 4, 0–8;
Meijer et al. MS only) 87 MS cognitively mildly impaired
2017 (ref.137) impaired, 65 MS mildly and preserved
impaired and 180 MS both: 3, 0–8.
preserved; 96 HC
Rocca et al. ↓connectivity, no global CIS, RRMS, SPMS, 12.1 MS, 41.0; 215 MS (13 CIS, 119 2.0, 0.0–8.5
2018 (ref.66) differences between PPMS or BMS HC, 42.7 RRMS, 41 SPMS, 13
MS phenotypes PPMS, 29 BMS); 98 HC
Hidalgo de la ↑ and ↓connectivity; RRMS or Non-fatigued, MS non- 122 MS (100 RRMS, Non-fatigued: 1.5,
Cruz et al. ↑ and ↓ connectivity progressive MSe; 10.8; fatigued, fatigued, 35.0; 22 progressive); 86 MS 0–8.0; fatigued: 4.0,
2018 (ref.77) in fatigued compared sub-grouped 13.4 MS fatigued, non-fatigued; 36 MS 0–6.5
with non-fatigued MS based on Fatigue 44.3; HC, 41.5 fatigued; 94 HC
Impact Scale score
Tommasin ↓ connectivity only RRMS or SPMS 8.63 MS, 38.3; 119 MS (91 RRMS, 28 2.0, 0–7.5
et al. 2018 MS with EDSS >3 sub-grouped by HC, 35.6 SPMS); 79 MS EDSS
) EDSS ≤3 or >3 ≤3; 40 MS EDSS >3;
42 HC
Meijer et al. ↑ and ↓ functional RRMS, SPMS Information MS, 48.14; 330 MS (243 RRMS, Information
2018 (ref.97) connectivity; or PPMS processing HC, 45.9 51 SPMS, 36 PPMS); processing impaired:
↑ functional sub-grouped impaired, 15.82; 130 MS information 4.0, 3.0–6.0; MS
connectivity in based on impaired information processing impaired; information
information processing or preserved processing 200 MS information processing
impaired compared information preserved, 9.80 processing preserved; preserved: 3.0,
with preserved processing speed 96 HC 2.0–4.0
Cordani et al. ↑ and ↓ functional RRMS or 12.6c MS, 43.0c; 366 MS (251 RRMS, 2.5, 1.5–5.5
2020 (ref.104) connectivity progressive MSe HC, 38.0c 115 progressive MS);
134 HC
For motor task studies, based on previous work highlighting that small sample sizes may yield unreliable results139, only studies with ≥20 participants per group
are shown. For resting state studies, only studies with ≥40 participants per group are shown140. BMS, benign multiple sclerosis; CIS, clinically isolated syndrome;
EDSS, Expanded Disability Status Scale; HC, healthy controls; MS, multiple sclerosis; PPMS, primary progressive multiple sclerosis; RRMS, relapsing-remitting
multiple sclerosis; SPMS, secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. aMS compared with HC unless stated otherwise; bMean value unless stated otherwise; cMedian;
RRMS/SPMS numbers not given; ePPMS or SPMS not specified.

with healthy controls, whereas other studies have found functional connectivity abnormalities can reflect both
increases in some brain regions and decreases in others pathological abnormalities and compensatory mech-
(motor task examples are given in Table 1). Several fac- anisms. Last, task-based fMRI can also be confounded
tors could explain this inconsistency. First, the distribu- by variations in the design and performance of the task.
tion and severity of pathology might differ between the The latter limitation can be circumvented by using
cohorts of participants in the different studies. Second, resting-state fMRI and, with this approach, some unifying

NaTure RevIeWS | NEuROlOGy volume 17 | March 2021 | 177


themes have started to emerge, principally that functional Structure. Considering structural features, tissue atro-
connectivity is increased in early MS63,64 and decreased phy in MS affects some deep grey matter structures81 and
in individuals with more disabling or longer-duration cortical regions82 more than others. In the cortex, work
disease65–67 (Table 1). Consistent with these observa- using source-based morphometry identified several
tions, a recent longitudinal resting-state fMRI study in overlapping patterns of atrophy in a cohort of individu-
relapsing-remitting MS identified increases in functional als with MS58, raising the possibility that a combination
activity early in MS followed by a tendency of a decrease of network-mediated and non-network-mediated effects
in connectivity with disability progression68. might be responsible. However, although shared regional
The changes in resting-state connectivity observed disease effects might increase some associations between
in MS seem to be mostly centred around hub areas such regions, grey matter neural networks also seem to be
as those that comprise the DMN. Interestingly, changes less structured in individuals with MS than in healthy
to the DMN in MS seem somewhat non-specific, as individuals. For example, one study found a more ran-
evidence suggests that they are related to several symp- dom topology in people with long-standing MS than in
toms of the disease, including cognitive impairment69, healthy controls61. In another study, a more random net-
disability66 and fatigue70. This broad influence might work topology was found to explain deficits in cognitive
be explained by the notion that dysfunction within this functioning in MS in excess of those deficits attributed to
important hub network could alter the efficiency of the either localized atrophy or lesion measures83. This ran-
entire brain network, which in turn could relate to many dom topology might be more apparent relatively early on
symptoms in MS71. Fatigue has also been hypothesized in the course of MS before network-mediated pathology
to relate to alterations in these cognitive and motor net- results in structural correlations between regions. In one
works via a chronic mismatch between expected and study in individuals with primary progressive MS, com-
measured output, owing to erroneous signals arising pared with healthy controls, similarities in cortical thick-
from these networks15. However, given the aforemen- ness among regions initially decreased following the first
tioned difficulties in quantifying fatigue, such hypothe- symptoms and then increased over time (participants
ses remain difficult to prove experimentally, warranting were followed-up for 5 years)84.
additional studies on the topic. Preliminary work on In white matter, tractography has identified abnor-
treating fatigue through stimulation of the cortical areas malities in global and local network efficiency that var-
that show altered fatigue-related connectivity (that is, the ied among studies. For example, in one study, reductions
DMN, motor network and the insula) seems promising in local and global network efficiency were observed in
but still requires validation in larger samples16. individuals with MS compared with healthy controls85,
Most studies in this area have focused on cortical grey whereas in another study, increases in efficiency and
matter, but deep grey matter (particularly the thalamus) changes in network topography (increased modularity
and the cerebellum are substantially affected in MS72,73. and clustering) were observed in participants with MS55.
Similar to in the cortex, functional connectivity between Cohort and methodological differences could explain
the thalamus and other regions often seems to be altered the apparent discord between the results of these two
in MS: both increased and decreased functional connec- studies — despite similar median disease durations,
tivity between the thalamus and various cortical regions the two populations substantially differed in terms of
has been observed in different studies74–78. As mentioned, maximum disease duration. In the context of fatigue,
studying individual thalamic nuclei within this context reductions in DMN as well as caudate connectivity have
is of interest. Data suggest that patients with fatigue79 been observed in individuals with MS, in line with the
or cognitive impairment 29 show a combination of aforementioned effects on functional connectivity86.
hyper-connectivity and hypo-connectivity depending on
the thalamic nucleus being studied; both changes were Linking structure and function. Linking the results of
correlated with a worsening of symptoms. Therefore, structural and functional studies of connectivity in MS
more work is needed to not only disentangle the effects has proven difficult, both for methodological reasons and
of fatigue from those of cognitive impairment but also to because MS pathology seems to differentially affect struc-
identify why individual thalamic nuclei behave so differ- tural and functional networks throughout the course of
ently. As part of the thalamo-striato-cortical loop, altered the disease. Here, we consider the visual system, a dis-
basal ganglia connectivity is also frequently observed in crete functional entity, the main pathways of which are
MS, especially in the context of fatigue79. well characterized and — crucially — can be assessed
Interestingly, the evolution of functional connectivity with different complementary modalities, providing
during MS seems to differ between the deep grey matter specific information about its structure (for example,
and the cortex. Functional connectivity among the deep optic nerve MRI, DTI of the optic tracts and radiations)
grey matter structures as well as between the deep grey and its function (for example, visual acuity and visual
matter and the cortex tends to increase as the disease evoked potentials). Thus, the visual system provides a
progresses, whereas inter-cortical connectivity tends to unique opportunity to disentangle the complex relation-
decrease80. The topology of networks can also change ships between an acute insult to the visual pathways and
as hubs (for example, the thalamus) usually seem to be subsequent structural and functional changes.
preserved68,78. Few studies have investigated how cor- Evidence indicates that the structural consequences
tical networks are affected by white matter pathology of optic neuritis are not necessarily restricted to the
but local network efficiency seems to decrease as the optic nerve and can extend progressively to the ante-
whole-brain white matter lesion load increases68. rior and posterior visual pathways20,87,88. Functionally,

178 | March 2021 | volume 17 www.nature.com/nrneurol


during the acute phase of optic neuritis, reduced acti- activation emerge. For example, a study on cognitive
vation is observed in the visual cortical areas and this outcomes in MS found that thalamic volume and acti-
is associated with reduced visual acuity89–92. Greater vation were both — and, in part, independently — asso-
activation in extrastriate visual regions — particularly ciated with information processing speed and executive
the lateral occipital complex — is associated with bet- function96. More recently, structural damage — meas-
ter visual acuity regardless of the level of structural and ured with a composite score of lesions, atrophy and
functional damage within the anterior and posterior fractional anisotropy — was found to correlate better
visual pathways93 and, importantly, greater activation with impaired information processing speed than with
in this region has been found to predict eventual visual functional changes in individuals with MS97. However,
recovery94. More recently, a difference between cortical in participants with a similar degree of structural dam-
functional responses to the first and subsequent epi- age, those with severe functional changes showed lower
sodes of optic neuritis was observed with resting-state information processing speeds than those with only mild
fMRI. In one study, participants who had experienced a functional changes. In another study, changes in network
single episode of optic neuritis had increased functional structure (assessed using white matter tractography)
connectivity within the visual network compared with were apparent soon after first symptoms suggestive of
participants who had experienced a single inflamma- MS occurred, but changes in functional networks only
tory episode elsewhere in the CNS, even when the optic become detectable in participants with clear ongoing
radiations were apparently structurally intact95. After disease activity98. In addition, correlations between
multiple episodes of optic neuritis, increased func- decreased structural connectivity and decreased func-
tional connectivity was still seen in the lateral occipital tional connectivity were most apparent in subcortical
complex but coexisted with decreased functional con- networks. Lesions and extra-lesional changes within
nectivity in other parts of the visual cortical network95. relevant tracts might have different effects on clini-
Intriguingly, stimulation of the unaffected eye in some- cal outcomes. For example, one study showed limited
one who has had optic neuritis has also been found to overlap between tracts and lesions99, suggesting that
induce abnormal functional responses91,92. Considered extra-lesional damage is relevant; however, another
together, these observations highlight that functional study found that, when lesions occur in a tract, they
changes do not simply mirror structural damage but, dominate associations with clinical outcomes100.
instead, reflect potentially adaptive and non-adaptive Although drawing all of this evidence together is
functional changes that can extend beyond the cor- difficult at present, clearly, we must carefully take into
tical regions that are immediately connected to the account the clinical and MRI characteristics of study
affected eye. cohorts to build a coherent model of brain network
When studying cognition in MS, similarly complex changes over the course of MS (Fig. 1). We must also rec-
relationships between structural damage and functional ognize that white matter and grey matter pathology can
have opposing effects on apparent network performance
Assessment methods Process and outcome at different points in the course of MS. For example, the
Structural damage authors of one study simulated the potential effects of
• Disconnection – axon and dendrite loss, demyelination, grey matter and white matter pathology on functional
metabolic dysfunction connectivity and observed a global increase in func-
• Loss of neurons
tional connectivity associated with cortical and thalamic
pathology101. The authors also observed an increase
Adaptation Maladaptation
• Changes in functional • Changes in functional followed by a decrease in connectivity associated with
connectivity connectivity increasing white matter pathology. This observation also
• Changes in network • Hub overload suggests that a proportion of the apparent changes in
and MEG functional connectivity observed in MS represents the
direct effects of structural damage and is independent
• Brain functional reserve of adaptive or maladaptive network changes.
• Hub preservation
Neurological and cognitive impairment
Clinical function

Studies that investigate the associations between brain


Threshold effects connectivity and disability in MS have produced

examination Non-linear associations
inconsistent results. For example, changes in network
topology83 as well as increases and decreases in struc-

tural and functional connectivity have been found to

High Low
Network performance correlate with disability66,67,102. However, importantly,
fMRI measures correlate with clinical outcomes at
Fig. 1 | From neurons to clinical outcomes in MS. The clinical outcomes observed least partly independently of measures of structural
in individuals with multiple sclerosis (MS) represent the effect of combinations of
connectivity66,75,103,104, suggesting that functionally mean-
pathological processes on network performance, compensated for by network
adaptation or augmented by network maladaptation and offset by innate network ingful effects on network performance can be achieved
stability. Each element of this process can be assessed in life using different techniques, through the modulation of neuronal function.
but bridging the gaps between imaging, neurophysiological and clinical measures to Indeed, this observation has already proven rele-
provide an integrated model of MS pathology and its clinical consequences has yet vant to clinical practice: in the results of a clinical trial
to be achieved. fMRI, functional MRI; MEG, magnetoencephalography. in 301 participants with MS, fampridine, an agent that

NaTure RevIeWS | NEuROlOGy volume 17 | March 2021 | 179


Table 2 | Mechanisms by which treatments could sustain and promote brain network function in MS
Neuronal Substrate Slows or prevents Repairs or improves network function via
treatment aim network dysfunction via
Structural Neuroaxonal loss Neuroprotection NA
Synaptic loss Neuroprotection Promoting synaptogenesis; slowing synaptic
Functional Signal conduction Preventing demyelination Promoting remyelination; improving signal
NA, not applicable.

modifies potassium channel excitability as opposed to Other researchers have set both functional connectiv-
promoting remyelination or neuronal repair, was asso- ity and lesions in the context of clinical outcomes, with
ciated with improved walking speed105. The results of a the aim of identifying which functional connectivity
smaller study in 12 participants with MS suggested that changes are due to lesions themselves and which are
amifampridine can increase functional connectivity106. network adaptations that either enhance or impair clin-
Similarly, treatment with the cholinesterase inhibitor ical performance73. They found that, in some regions,
rivastigmine was associated with an increase in func- functional connectivity was associated with lesions and
tional connectivity in participants with MS (n = 15) in others it was not, indicating that the lesions do not
performing cognitive tasks, and this was also associated necessarily have a consistent effect.
with a trend towards improvements in neuropsycholog-
ical performance107. Notably, the clinical effects of struc- Treatment effects
tural damage, measured as grey matter atrophy, could A variety of mechanisms exist through which therapeutic
also be offset by a higher baseline cognitive reserve, intervention could affect brain network function (Table 2);
measured as verbal intelligence, and this too is reflected most of these mechanisms are not directly targeted by
in the relative preservation of functional connectivity108. current MS treatments. For treatments that alter net-
Evidence indicates that functional connectivity is work structure, it could take many months of treatment
itself dynamic, waxing and waning over time, and this for changes to become apparent, whereas treatments that
observation is also clinically relevant. Better memory affect network function should have a more immediate
function has been associated with more consistent impact. Relatively few studies have assessed the effect
hippo­campal functional connectivity109, higher infor- of treatment on connectivity in MS but the results do
mation processing speeds have been associated with a suggest that improvements in clinical function can be
greater increase in dynamic connectivity when switch- achieved without necessarily altering the structure of a
ing from resting to task-based states110, and executive network. Cognitive rehabilitation is associated with sub-
functioning seems to be more closely linked to dynamic stantial increases in DMN activity and variable changes
than to static functional connectivity111. Chronic neu- in task-based fMRI activity115 but functional changes are
ropathic pain in MS also seems to be associated with not necessarily mirrored by structural alterations116. This
increased dynamic connectivity in the DMN and greater observation is further supported by evidence from stud-
connectivity between the DMN and salience network112. ies of transcranial magnetic stimulation in MS that have
Considering the vulnerability of brain networks to shown rapid improvements in fatigue117 and working
MS pathology, in one study, researchers found substan- memory118 as well as reduced spasticity with associated
tial differences in the number of structural connections fMRI changes119 that cannot plausibly be mediated by
associated with two cognitive tests commonly used in structural change in networks. Similarly, as noted ear-
MS research: 160 structural connections correlated lier, treatment with amifampridine is associated with
with scores on the Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test, increased motor-evoked fMRI activation106.
whereas only 11 connections correlated with scores On the basis of these observations, it is tempting
on the Symbol Digit Modalities Test113. They con- to conclude that functional connectivity measures are
cluded that the Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test was more promising MRI markers of treatment efficacy in
more cognitively demanding and so more vulnerable MS than structural connectivity measures. However,
to pathology than the Symbol Digit Modalities Test. whether or not treatments that suppress inflammation,
Clinical progression has been hypothesized to represent slow neuroaxonal loss or promote re-myelination have
a ‘network collapse’71, with unfolding pathological pro- substantial effects on MRI-measurable network topol-
cesses having ever greater effects on clinical outcomes ogy and connectivity is yet to be determined — for such
as brain networks deteriorate. In one study, simulations effects to become apparent, longer-term studies will be
were used to compare the effects of lesions on connec- required. Importantly, even transient improvements in
tivity in individuals with relapsing-remitting MS and in clinical function with transcranial magnetic stimulation
individuals who have subsequently gone on to develop or drug treatments imply that the underlying network is
progressive MS (and so who have more abnormal still sufficiently structurally intact for some function to
neural networks). More hubs were lost in individuals be preserved or regained, so these improvements could
with progressive MS but the majority of differences in provide a useful marker of those individuals who have
connectivity between the two groups were unchanged the most to gain from treatments designed to prevent
by the simulated disconnection caused by lesions114. neurodegeneration or promote re-myelination.

180 | March 2021 | volume 17 www.nature.com/nrneurol


Next steps interact with intrinsic vulnerabilities, resulting in the
The interactions of pathogenic Much work remains to be done before brain network observed patterns of neurodegeneration126. The nexopathy
proteins with neural networks measures can be used routinely in clinical trials and in approach could perhaps also be pursued in MS.
that are vulnerable to clinical practice both in MS and in neurological condi- Very few longitudinal studies of functional or struc-
their effects, resulting in
characteristic patterns
tions in general. To facilitate meaningful comparisons tural brain networks have been performed; therefore, we
and spread of abnormalities between studies, methods need to be standardized and still have little insight into the dynamics of brain net-
across the CNS. results reproduced. Some work on comparative connec- work degeneration, repair and plasticity. In particular,
tomics has been performed, with a view to identifying determining which elements of structural or functional
common themes in networks across species120. Similarly, network change represent disease effects and which
meta-connectomics aims to identify consistent obser- are adaptive or compensatory is proving very difficult
vations across studies121. However, the issue of scale without knowing how each element relates to changes
remains, with current MRI (and EEG and magnetoen- in neurological or cognitive function. In order to resolve
cephalography) techniques assessing neural networks in these uncertainties, studies will have to characterize the
multi-millimetre to centimetre terms, potentially over- evolution of structural and functional abnormalities
looking small but highly relevant grey matter or white simultaneously and do so reproducibly.
matter features. This issue is further complicated by a Attention will also need to be given to clinical out-
lack of temporal resolution: even measurements made in come measures. The main measure currently used in
milliseconds using EEG can prove difficult to link with MS clinical studies is the EDSS12, which is essentially
a neurological or cognitive function, except where EEG a measure of impaired mobility. However, as impaired
changes can be associated with discrete neurological or mobility can arise from impairment of motor, cerebellar
cognitive events, thus enabling event-related potentials and sensory function, the EDSS is intrinsically a poor
to be identified122. Without methods to infer missing ele- measure of any particular neurological function and so
ments that could explain observed discrepancies, these does not enable the identification of a specific underly-
limitations of resolution make the task of reconciling ing network. Thus, network-specific outcome measures
structure and function more difficult. Furthermore, are clearly needed. Cognitive outcomes are more net-
understanding the link between cellular architecture work specific than outcomes based on impaired mobility
and physiology as well as between large-scale network but are not perfect as they can rely on visual function,
function and structure will require concerted interdis- which is often also affected in MS. In addition, some
ciplinary work123. A unifying network topology derived cognitive outcomes are designed for diagnostic rather
from fMRI and structural MRI might be a more tractable than monitoring purposes127.
aim, albeit still a challenging one.
Although the pathological substrates of network Conclusions
changes in MS are not known, one post mortem study Network-based functional and structural studies have
has shown that graph theory descriptions of network provided useful insights into the pathogenesis of MS and
topology are linked to neuronal size and axonal den- the cause of neurological and cognitive symptoms. MS
sity in individuals with the disease124. Nevertheless, is associated with the disruption of white matter tracts,
whether a decrease in network node activation in MS which is reflected in changes in network efficiency, an
represents the loss of neurons or their axons, arborisa- increasingly random grey matter network topology,
tion, or non-structural factors such as inflammation or relative cortical disconnection, and both increases and
mitochondrial dysfunction is not yet clear. This point decreases in connectivity centred around hubs such as
is highly relevant when we consider the potential treat- the thalamus and DMN. With the caveat that longitu-
ment targets and ways to assess treatment efficacy in dinal studies remain rare, these changes seem to evolve
early phase clinical trials. The possibility that patho- (as opposed to simply increase) over time and are linked
logical processes in MS are, in part, mediated through with clinical phenotype and disability. Network-based
neural networks and can interact with other factors, studies also highlight the potential role of treatments
such as regional vulnerabilities to pathology, has already that functionally modify neural function rather than
been raised58,125. In Alzheimer disease, the concept of those that structurally alter networks.
nexopathies has recently been proposed to explain how
pathology might spread through neural networks and Published online 12 January 2021

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93. Jenkins, T. et al. Dissecting structure–function connectivity in patients with multiple sclerosis. Author contributions
interactions in acute optic neuritis to investigate J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiatry 88, 386–394 D. T. C., A. A. S. A., B. A., T. C., C. E., H. E. H., M.A.R., J. S.-G.,
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(2010). 119. Boutière, C. et al. Improvement of spasticity following All authors made a substantial contribution to discussion of
94. Backner, Y. et al. Anatomical wiring and functional intermittent theta burst stimulation in multiple content, wrote the article, and reviewed and/or edited the
networking changes in the visual system following sclerosis is associated with modulation of resting-state manuscript before submission.
optic neuritis. JAMA Neurol. 75, 287–295 (2018). functional connectivity of the primary motor cortices.
95. Gallo, A. et al. Visual resting-state network in Mult. Scler. 23, 855–863 (2017). Competing interests
relapsing-remitting MS with and without previous 120. van den Heuvel, M. P., Bullmore, E. T. & Sporns, O. Over the last 3 years, D. C. has received honoraria (paid to
optic neuritis. Neurology 79, 1458–1465 (2012). Comparative connectomics. Trends Cogn. Sci. 20, his employer) from Excemed for faculty-led education work.
96. Koini, M. et al. Correlates of executive functions in 345–361 (2016). He is a consultant for Biogen and Hoffmann-La Roche. He has
multiple sclerosis based on structural and functional 121. Sha, Z. et al. Meta-connectomic analysis reveals received research funding from the International Progressive
MR imaging: insights from a multicenter study. commonly disrupted functional architectures in MS Alliance, the MS Society UK, and the National Institute
Radiology 280, 869–879 (2016). network modules and connectors across brain for Health Research (NIHR) University College London
97. Meijer, K. A. et al. Is impaired information processing disorders. Cereb. Cortex 28, 4179–4194 (2018). Hospitals (UCLH) Biomedical Research Centre. A. B. reports
speed a matter of structural or functional damage in 122. Covey, J. T. et al. Improved cognitive performance travel grants from Biogen France SAS, Genzyme, Novartis
MS? Neuroimage Clin. 20, 844–850 (2018). and event-related potential changes following working Pharma SAS, Teva Santé SAS. C. E. has received funding for
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and functional brain connectomes in clinically Mult. Scler. J. Exp. Transl. Clin. 4, Celgene, Genzyme, Merck, Novartis, Roche, and Teva
isolated syndrome and multiple sclerosis. Front. Hum. 2055217317747626 (2018). Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd/Sanofi-Aventis, received
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99. Dineen, R. A. et al. Disconnection as a mechanism for Modelling the brain: elementary components to Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd/Sanofi-Aventis, and serves on
cognitive dysfunction in multiple sclerosis. Brain 132, explain ensemble functions. Riv. Nuovo Cimento 40, scientific advisory boards for Bayer, Biogen, Genzyme, Merck,
239–249 (2009). 297–333 (2017). Novartis, Roche, and Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd/
100. Mesaros, S. et al. Diffusion tensor MRI tractography 124. Kiljan, S. et al. Structural network topology relates to Sanofi-Aventis. H. E. H. has received compensation for con-
and cognitive impairment in multiple sclerosis. tissue properties in multiple sclerosis. J. Neurol. 266, sulting services or speaker honoraria from Biogen Idec,
Neurology 78, 969–975 (2012). 212–222 (2019). Celgene, Merck Serono, and Sanofi Genzyme and serves on
101. Tewarie, P. et al. Explaining the heterogeneity of 125. Chard, D. T. & Miller, D. H. What lies beneath grey the editorial board of the Multiple Sclerosis Journal. M. A. R.
functional connectivity findings in multiple sclerosis: matter atrophy in multiple sclerosis? Brain 139, has received speaker’s honoraria from Bayer, Biogen Idec,
an empirically informed modeling study. Hum. Brain 7–10 (2016). Calgene, Genzyme, Merck Serono, Novartis, Roche and Teva,
Mapp. 39, 2541–2548 (2018). 126. Warren, J. D. et al. Molecular nexopathies: and receives research support from the Italian Ministry of
102. Rocca, M. A. et al. Abnormal connectivity of a new paradigm of neurodegenerative disease. Health and Fondazione Italiana Sclerosi Multipla. A. R. serves
the sensorimotor network in patients with MS: Trends Neurosci. 36, 561–569 (2013). as Editorial Board member of Neuroradiology and American
a multicenter fMRI study. Hum. Brain Mapp. 30, 127. Benedict, R. H. B., Amato, M. P., John DeLuca, J. Journal of Neuroradiology, on scientific advisory boards for
2412–2425 (2009). & Geurts, J. J. G. Cognitive impairment in multiple Bayer, Biogen, Novartis, OLEA Medical, Sanofi Genzyme,
103. Sumowski, J. F. et al. Brain reserve and cognitive sclerosis: clinical management, MRI, and therapeutic SyntheticMR and Roche, and has received speaker honoraria
reserve protect against cognitive decline over avenues. Lancet Neurol. 19, 860–871 (2020). from Bayer, Biogen, Merck Serono, Novartis, Roche, Sanofi
4.5 years in MS. Neurology 82, 1776–1783 (2014). 128. Wegner, C. et al. Relating functional changes during Genzyme and Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. J. S.-G.
104. Cordani, C. et al. Imaging correlates of hand motor hand movement to clinical parameters in patients reports grants and personal fees from Genzyme received over
performance in multiple sclerosis: a multiparametric with multiple sclerosis in a multi-centre fMRI study. the last 36 months and personal fees from Almirall, Bial,
structural and functional MRI study. Mult. Scler. 26, Eur. J. Neurol. 15, 113–122 (2008). Biogen, Celgene, Merck, Novartis, Roche and Teva; he is
233–244 (2020). 129. Manson, S. C. et al. Impairment of movement- Director of Revista de Neurologia, for which he does not
105. Goodman, A. D. et al. Sustained-release oral associated brain deactivation in multiple sclerosis: receive any compensation, and serves as member of the
fampridine in multiple sclerosis: a randomised, further evidence for a functional pathology of Editorial Board of Multiple Sclerosis Journal, for which he
double-blind, controlled trial. Lancet 373, 732–738 interhemispheric neuronal inhibition. Exp. Brain Res. receives compensation. M. M. S. serves on the Editorial
(2009). 187, 25–31 (2008). Board of Frontiers in Neurology and has received compensa-
106. Mainero, C. et al. Enhanced brain motor 130. Mancini, L. et al. Short-term adaptation to a simple tion for consulting services or speaker honoraria from Biogen,
activity in patients with MS after a single dose of motor task: a physiological process preserved in ExceMed and Genzyme. B. T. received funding from the
3,4-diaminopyridine. Neurology 62, 2044–2050 multiple sclerosis. Neuroimage 45, 500–511 ZonMW Memorabel grant programme #73305056. C. T. has
(2004). (2009). received a postdoctoral research ECTRIMS fellowship (2015);
107. Cader, S., Palace, J. & Matthews, P. M. Cholinergic 131. Colorado, R. A., Shukla, K., Zhou, Y., Wolinsky, J. S. she has also received honoraria and support for travelling
agonism alters cognitive processing and enhances & Narayana, P. A. Multi-task functional MRI in from Bayer, Biogen, Ismar Healthcare, Merck Serono,
brain functional connectivity in patients with multiple multiple sclerosis patients without clinical disability. Novartis, Roche, Sanofi and Teva Pharmaceuticals and pro-
sclerosis. J. Psychopharmacol. 23, 686–696 (2009). Neuroimage 59, 573–581 (2012). vides consultancy services to Roche. C. G. W.-K. reports
108. Fuchs, T. A. et al. Preserved network functional 132. Rocca, M. A. et al. Abnormal adaptation over time receiving research funding from the International Spinal
connectivity underlies cognitive reserve in multiple of motor network recruitment in multiple sclerosis Research Trust, the Craig H. Neilsen Foundation (the
sclerosis. Hum. Brain Mapp. 40, 5231–5241 (2019). patients with fatigue. Mult. Scler. 22, 1144–1153 INSPIRED study), the MS Society (#77), Wings for Life
109. van Geest, Q. et al. The importance of hippocampal (2016). (the INSPIRED study, #169111) and Horizon 2020
dynamic connectivity in explaining memory function 133. Rocca, M. A. et al. Large-scale neuronal network (CDS-QUAMRI, #634541). A. M. W. receives funding from
in multiple sclerosis. Brain Behav. 8, e00954 (2018). dysfunction in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. the European Prevention of Alzheimer’s Dementia consor-
110. van Geest, Q. et al. Information processing speed in Neurology 79, 1449–1457 (2012). tium, the Amyloid Imaging to Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease
multiple sclerosis: Relevance of default mode network 134. Rocca, M. A. et al. Hippocampal-DMN disconnectivity initiative (Innovative Medicines Initiative grants 115736 and
dynamics. Neuroimage Clin. 19, 507–515 (2018). in MS is related to WM lesions and depression. 115962) and the European Progression of Neurological
111. Lin, S.-J. et al. Education, and the balance between Hum. Brain Mapp. 36, 5051–5063 (2015). Disease Initiative (Horizon 2020 grant 666992). O. C. serves
dynamic and stationary functional connectivity jointly 135. Rocca, M. A. et al. Impaired functional integration in as a consultant for Merck, Novartis, and Roche; she receives
support executive functions in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis: a graph theory study. Brain Struct. an honorarium from the American Academy of Neurology as
multiple sclerosis. Hum. Brain Mapp. 39, 5039–5049 Funct. 221, 115–131 (2016). Associate Editor of Neurology. F. B. serves as an Editorial
(2018). 136. Eijlers, A. J. et al. Increased default-mode network Board member of Brain, European Radiology, Neurology,
112. Bosma, R. L. et al. Dynamic pain connectome centrality in cognitively impaired multiple sclerosis Multiple Sclerosis Journal and Radiology; he has accepted
functional connectivity and oscillations reflect patients. Neurology 88, 952–960 (2017). consulting fees from Apitope Ltd, Bayer-Schering Pharma,
multiple sclerosis pain. Pain 159, 2267–2276 137. Meijer, K. A. et al. Increased connectivity of hub Biogen-IDEC, GeNeuro, Sanofi Genzyme, IXICO Ltd, Jansen
(2018). networks and cognitive impairment in multiple Research, Merck Serono, Novartis, Roche, and TEVA and
113. Llufriu, S. et al. Structural networks involved in sclerosis. Neurology 88, 2107–2114 (2017). speaker fees from Biogen-IDEC and IXICO. He has received
attention and executive functions in multiple sclerosis. 138. Tommasin, S. et al. Relation between functional grants from the Amyloid Imaging to Prevent Alzheimer’s
Neuroimage Clin. 13, 288–296 (2017). connectivity and disability in multiple sclerosis: Disease Initiative (Innovative Medicines Initiative), the
114. Pagani, E. et al. Structural connectivity in multiple a non-linear model. J. Neurol. 265, 2881–2892 European Progression of Neurological Disease Initiative
sclerosis and modeling of disconnection. Mult. Scler. (2018). (H2020), UK MS Society, Dutch MS Society, NIHR University
26, 220–232 (2020). 139. Thirion, B. et al. Analysis of a large fMRI cohort: College London Hospital Biomedical Research Centre, the
115. Prosperini, L., Piattella, M. C., Giannì, C. & Pantano, P. statistical and methodological issues for group European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple
Functional and structural brain plasticity enhanced analyses. Neuroimage 35, 105–120 (2007). Sclerosis and the Magnetic Resonance Imaging in MS
by motor and cognitive rehabilitation in multiple 140. Chen, X., Lu, B. & Yan, C.-G. Reproducibility of network. The other authors declare no competing interests.
sclerosis. Neural Plast. 2015, 481574 (2015). R-fMRI metrics on the impact of different strategies
116. Filippi, M. et al. Multiple sclerosis: effects of cognitive for multiple comparison correction and sample sizes. Peer review information
rehabilitation on structural and functional MR imaging Hum. Brain Mapp. 39, 300–318 (2018). Nature Reviews Neurology thanks B. Weinstock and the
measures–an explorative study. Radiology 262, other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to
932–940 (2012). Acknowledgements the peer review of this work.
117. Gaede, G. et al. Safety and preliminary efficacy of This work arose out of a Magnetic Resonance Imaging in MS
deep transcranial magnetic stimulation in MS-related (MAGNIMS) workshop on brain connectivity and networks in Publisher’s note
fatigue. Neurol. Neuroimmunol. Neuroinflamm. 5, multiple sclerosis. The workshop was supported by the Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional
e423 (2017). Multiple Sclerosis Society UK and Novartis, but they had no claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
118. Hulst, H. E. et al. rTMS affects working memory involvement in the workshop programme or in the writing of
performance, brain activation and functional this manuscript. © Springer Nature Limited 2021

NaTure RevIeWS | NEuROlOGy volume 17 | March 2021 | 183


the MAGNIMS Study Group

F. Barkhof2,16,17, O. Ciccarelli1,2, N. De Stefano18, C. Enzinger6,7, M. Filippi9, M. A. Rocca9, J. L. Frederiksen19, C. Gasperini20, L. Kappos21, J. Palace22, A. Rovira10,
J. Sastre-Garriga11, T. Yousry23,24 and H. Vrenken16

Department of Neurological and Behavioural Sciences, University of Siena, Siena, Italy. 19Department of Neurology, Glostrup University Hospital Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Department of Neurosciences, San Camillo Forlanini Hospital, Rome, Italy. 21Department of Neurology, University Hospital, Kantonsspital, Basel, Switzerland. 22Nuffield Department of Clinical

Neurology, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK. 23Lysholm Department of Neuroradiology, National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, London, UK. 24Neuroradiological Academic Unit,
Department of Brain Repair and Rehabilitation, UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology, University College London, London, UK.

184 | March 2021 | volume 17 www.nature.com/nrneurol

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