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Rural Procurement in (NPPA) No. 19 of 2015 concerning procurement

Indonesia of business entities in cooperation with the gov-
ernment and business entities); (3) regulation for
Asep Sumaryana and Erwin Sondang Siagian procurement of legal entity institutions (regulated
Public Administration Department, Faculty of by Government Regulation No. 26 of 2015
Social and Political Sciences, Universitas concerning forms and mechanisms for funding
Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia legal entities); (4) procurement regulation for
state-owned enterprises (regulated by Regulation
of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises
Synonyms No. 15 SOE Minister Regulation PER-15/MBU/
2012); (5) regulation for procurement of regional-
Procurement; Regulation; Rural budget owned enterprises (regulated by Government
Regulation No. 54 of 2017 concerning regional-
owned enterprises); (6) regulation for procure-
Definition ment of goods/services in public service bodies
(regulated by Government Regulation No. 23 of
Rural procurement is defined as activities to 2005 concerning financial management of public
obtain goods/services by the rural government, service bodies); and (7) rural procurement regula-
either through self-management or through pro- tion (regulated by Regulation of the Head of
viders of goods/services whose budgets are NPPA No. 12 of 2019 concerning guidelines for
sourced from the rural budget and revenue. preparation of procedures for rural procurement as
the latest regulation). The new government policy
aimed at regulating rural procurement in Indone-
Introduction sia gives a new hope for its implementation. The
new policy for rural procurement is highly strate-
Indonesia has many regulations related to its pro- gic for two reasons: First, the number of villages
curement policy. They include the following: in Indonesia has reached nearly 75,000. Second,
(1) regulation for the government public procure- the rural budget and revenue (APBDes) have con-
ment (regulated by Presidential Regulation tinued to rise every year. The regulation mandates
No. 16 of 2018 concerning government procure- that 70% of the APBDes is allocated for develop-
ment); (2) regulation for procurement of public- ment. The implementation of development poli-
private partnership (regulated by Regulation of cies relates to procurement of goods/services in
the Head of National Public Procurement Agency rural administrative in Indonesia.
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021
A. Farazmand (ed.), Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance,
2 Rural Procurement in Indonesia

Before the introduction of the Regulation of Activity Administrator Team (Tim Pengelola
the Head of NPPA No. 12 of 2019 (Perka), rural Kegiatan/TPK) and/or the local community.
procurement was managed through the regulation Activities through goods/services providers can
of the Head of NPPA No. 13 of 2013 and Head of be done through a direct purchase scheme
NPPA No. 22 of 2015. There are several short- (procurement method implemented by buying/
comings in Perka No. 13 and Perka No. 22, as paying directly to one provider without a written
there is no procurement document model such as bid request made by the Head of Section, Head of
the agreement/contract document model, and the Affairs, or TPK). The other scheme for procure-
model provided an example/negotiation docu- ment of goods/services can be implemented
ment model. In addition, the old regulation did through a bid request (procurement method
not allow the use of electronic goods/services performed by the TPK by buying/paying directly
procurement facilities. The other shortcoming with a request for a written offer to at least two
relates to the potential conflict of interest among providers) or an auction (provider selection
rural government officials in implementation of method for all jobs that can be participated in by
rural procurement. This is because the rural gov- all qualified providers).
ernment apparatus, in addition to being a party
performing the selection of providers of goods/
services can simultaneously also play the role of Administrative Elements of Rural
overseeing implementation of work. Some of the Procurement on Goods/Services
shortcomings of the old regulation have been
corrected in the new regulation on rural There are two elements in the implementation of
procurement. rural procurement of goods/services: from the ele-
ments of the rural government or goods/services
providers. The elements of the rural government
General Controls include the Village Head, Head of Affairs,
Section Head, and TPK. The Village Head is a
Perka No. 12 of 2019 has corrected some of the rural government official who has the authority,
shortcomings of the earlier regulations on rural duties, and obligations to conduct the village’s
procurement of goods/services. As a new rule, household tasks and perform duties on behalf of
Perka No. 12 of 2019 defines several things, the central government and regional government.
which include the following: (1) A village is a The Head of Affairs is a Village Apparatus who as
legal community unit that has the authority to an element of the Village Secretariat staff per-
control and manage government affairs, interests forms the tasks of the Village Financial Manage-
of the local community based on community ini- ment Administrator (PPKD). Furthermore, the
tiatives, original rights, and/or traditional rights Section Head is a Village Apparatus who as a
recognized and respected in the government sys- technical administrator manages the Village
tem of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia. (2) The Financial Management (PPKD). Finally, the
rural government is the Village Head or can be TPK is a team that assists the Section Head or
referred to by another name assisted by Village Head of Affairs in performing procurement of
Apparatus as an element of the rural government goods/services which, due to their nature and
organizer. (3) Rural procurement is defined as type, cannot be performed alone by the
activities to obtain goods/services by the rural Section Head or Head of Affairs. Meanwhile, the
government, either through self-management or goods/services provider can take the form of a
through providers of goods/services whose bud- business entity or individual that provides rural
gets are sourced from the rural budget and needs on goods/services.
revenue. The other elements involved in rural procure-
Furthermore, self-management is a method of ment of goods/services include the people of the
obtaining goods/services independently by the Government Internal Supervisory Apparatus
Rural Procurement in Indonesia 3

(APIP) and the Regional Head (Regent or Mayor). by the community in implementation of
The community plays a role in self-management development activities in the village. The seventh
and oversight of procurement activities. Further- principle is competitiveness, which suggests that
more, the APIP is an apparatus that conducts procurement must be done through fair competi-
supervision through auditing, reviewing, monitor- tion among as many providers as equal and by
ing, evaluating, and other supervision activities meeting the requirements. The eighth principle is
regarding implementation of duties and functions fairness, which means giving equal treatment to
of the government (including the rural govern- all prospective providers and does not result in
ment). Meanwhile, the Regent/Mayor conducts benefit to certain parties. The last principle is
guidance for rural procurement that includes the accountability, which suggests that it must be in
process of establishing Regent/Mayor regula- accordance with rules and regulations related to
tions, consultation, and technical guidance for procurement, so it can be accounted for.
rural procurement. The next issue relates to procurement ethics.
These ethics include the following: (1) performing
tasks in an orderly manner, accompanied by a
Governance sense of responsibility to achieve objectives,
smoothness, and accuracy in procurement of
For a public institution, the implementation of objectives; (2) working professionally and inde-
rural procurement of goods/services must meet pendently and maintaining the confidentiality of
good governance (Komarudin 2011). Therefore, information to prevent procurement deviations;
the principle of procurement and procurement (3) not influencing each other directly or indi-
ethics in the implementation of rural procurement rectly that may result in unfair business competi-
is crucial for good governance. tion; (4) accepting and being responsible for all
The principles in implementation of rural pro- decisions made in accordance with the written
curement of goods/services include the following agreement of concerned parties; (5) avoiding and
matters: The first principle is efficiency, which preventing conflicting interests of related parties,
suggests that procurement must be endeavored both directly and indirectly, that may result in an
using minimum funds and power to achieve qual- unfair business competition in procurement;
ity and targets within the stipulated time or using (6) avoiding and preventing waste and leakage
funds that have been determined to achieve results of village finances; (7) avoiding and preventing
and targets with maximum quality. The second the abuse of authority and/or collusion; and (8) not
principle is effectiveness, which indicates that accepting, not offering, or not promising to give or
procurement must be in accordance with the receive gifts, rewards, commissions, rebates, and
needs and targets set while providing maximum anything from or to anyone known or reasonably
benefits to the community. The third principle is suspected in connection with procurement.
transparency, which suggests that all provisions
and information regarding procurement are clear
and can be widely known by public and interested New Control Content
providers. The fourth principle is openness, which
indicates that procurement must enable participa- There are three new regulations of rural procure-
tion of all goods/services providers who meet ment on goods/services, which include the con-
certain requirements/criteria based on clear rules flict resolution; electronic development,
and procedures. The fifth principle is community supervision, and procurement; and stipulation of
empowerment, which suggests that procurement land acquisition controls.
must be used as a vehicle for learning for the For a conflict resolution control, the first choice
community enabling it to manage the develop- that can be taken by the parties involved in a
ment of their village. The sixth principle is mutual conflict to resolve the conflict is through a delib-
cooperation, which means the provision of labor eration to reach a consensus among parties. The
4 Rural Procurement in Indonesia

deliberation for this consensus is very much in Conclusion

accordance with the noble values of the constitu-
tion of the Indonesian nation (the 1945 Constitu- Although there is one shortcoming in the Head of
tion). Furthermore, if the deliberation does not LKPP Regulation No. 12 of 2019, in general, the
lead to consensus, the Village Head will lead the content in this regulation has resolved several
deliberation to settle the conflict. If the delibera- issues that could not be done through previous
tion for consensus and the deliberation led by the rules. Resolving these issues is critical, so the
Village Head fail to achieve the desired objective, implementation of rural procurement of goods/
the parties can settle the conflict through the “Pro- services can be in accordance with good
curement Contract Conflict Resolution Service” governance.
or through the legal system.
The next new control is the affirmation of the
regional apparatus organization in charge of gov- Cross-References
ernance and the empowerment of the rural com-
munity as supervisor for rural procurement of ▶ Green Procurement Awareness
goods/services. In performing the development
function, the guiding agency concerned can
include the goods/services procurement work References
unit in each local government. In addition, the
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services]. Jurnal Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara
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ulate land acquisition for the benefit of the rural
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Rural Procurement in Indonesia 5

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