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Topic 1:

When choosing my university, I chose the right one for me in Saigon. But 1 week
before the university entrance exam, I changed my mind and decided to study at FPT
University in Can Tho. Because of the Covid pandemic, it was inconvenient for me to
go to Saigon. And after starting my studies at FPT University, I feel this is the right
The school has helped me improve my English ability, the way of training in my
major is also very diverse and professional. Besides, I get to be with my family, and
my mom takes care of me when I'm sick. Most of my close friends are studying in
Can Tho, so I'm very satisfied with that.
In addition, it is undeniable that Saigon is a place where there are more opportunities
to find work and gain experience for myself than Can Tho. That's the only thing I'm
worried about after I graduate, but I'll try my best to finish my studies at FPT
University and start exciting working experiences in Saigon.
Topic 2:
Tet is one of the biggest festivals of the year, starting from December 23 to January 10
of the following year. It's the time when everyone can relax after a year of hard work
to return to their families, which is also the biggest reason why it is expected by
everyone. When Tet comes, everyone has a break, including students and adults, to
clean, decorate the house, and buy new things.
The characteristic of Vietnamese New Year is that there are dishes and customs
handed down through many generations that only Vietnam can have such as apricot
blossom, a flower symbolizing Tet holiday, and Tet flower market with a variety of
flowers. And dishes are banh chung, banh giay.
Tet is the time when the family wears ao dai, goes on a spring trip to celebrate their
grandparents' age and receives lucky money from them. Every day, wherever they go,
songs about spring are resounded. And it's Tet, one of the most awaited holidays of
the year and maybe not just me but everyone loves it. A festival season with bold
Asian characteristics and Vietnamese national identity.
Topic 3:
I'm a lazy person so I hate reading anything. That was before but not now, I've
become an avid reader since I learned about listening to audiobooks. I found out about
this genre while surfing the website and it helps me to be more interested in reading
One day I usually listen to 1-2 chapters of books and the genre of books I usually read
is romance novels and recently I also listen to more English books to improve my
language skills. Usually I will listen to them before going to bed or after eating to
relax my mind and rest. I formed this habit because I wanted a renewal for myself.
This habit helps me relax when stressed or tired, it also helps me learn many useful
lessons from the meaning that the author wants to send.
From there, you will acquire the necessary capabilities in life. Instead of listening to
music, you can try a reading experience. Suggestions for you if you want to read
books, firstly you should find yourself a suitable reading method, genre of stories,
books that you love and secondly you should read short samples and then gradually
improve. Good luck and be a good reader soon.
Topic 4:
2021 is a difficult year for all people in Vietnam and the world. A year with the spread
of covid 19 and the wrath of nature. The first ,the risk of pandemic spreading again at
begining of year. The second, floods in the central region claimed the lives and
properties of countless people. The final , in June 2021, the pandemic covered
Vietnam, forcing all activities to stop to implement the social distancing issued by the
Our lives have also been changed somewhat, staying at home has increased the need
for food, but there is not too much food available to provide, leading to a lack of food.
The daily needs such as electricity and water increase, but the supplier has not been
able to provide it in time, causing frequent power outages and water outages.
Major domestic newspapers continuously report on this issue as well as call for
support from all over the country and abroad such as Thanh Nien, Lao Dong, Life and
Law newspapers. Currently, activities have been gradually restored, difficulties have
been gradually overcome. Hopefully the pandemic will soon pass and Vietnam will be
stronger in the future.
Topic 5:
I had a very funny dental emergency. It was the summer of 2017, my family had a
vacation in Vung Tau. We enjoyed the beautiful view of the beach as well as the food
here. It wouldn't be worth mentioning if my brother didn't fall on the way from the
restaurant to the hotel and because of that, he had to lose two teeth.
Due to an even more unexpected situation my brother was bleeding non-stop, which
scared us all. Moreover, we were traveling in an unfamiliar place, so we couldn't find
the way to the nearest hospital. Therefore could only take my brother to a private
clinic nearby. Upon receiving the case, the clinic's dentists immediately give first aid
to the injury, stop the bleeding and consider the treatment method.
Due to the limited time of stay, we chose to treat the injury first. After got home we
contacted the doctor who had taken care of my family so far, to find a solution as well
as restore or renew my brother's teeth. In my opinion, the operations and services at
our place of treatment are very good, the injury treatment is very neat and after
healing, it does not leave a big scar. It is truly an experience that is both scary and
Topic 6:
Topic 7:
Talking about the wedding makes me remember forever, it is my sister's wedding.
Because in the family, she is the closest person and loves me the most. Her wedding
ceremony was held at the end of January 2019, held at my home and lasted for three
It is impressively decorated with lots of lights, candles and flowers around the room.
The main colors can be white and pink, so all guests are asked to dress in one or both
of these colors. Personally, I wear a white dress with some small jewelry.
One of the best moments that really touched me was when the groom sang a song for
the bride and all the guests sang along with him. This may have been a normal
wedding, but for me it was the moment my older sister found true love and the
moment her life took a new and more beautiful page.
We made the most of the occasion and took lots of photos with the bride and groom. I
gave her a present for that day. I thought a lot about my wedding gift when I chose it,
and I wish her lots of happiness in the future.
Topic 8:
Nowadays, smartphone is one of the popular smart devices, it has become an
inseparable (ìn sép rơ bô) object of many people, especially young people, of course
including me. I have a phone of brand vivo, it is designed in classy ( lá si) blue color
and has three rear cameras and one front camera are very good. This phone includes
all the functions that a smartphone needs.
For example face recognition, voice recognition, fingerprint settings. It also has a
strong configuration that allows users to access learning applications such as google
meet or zoom. Moreover, it also helps me to download countless games and
applications to watch movies directly, the wide screen allows me to have a better
movie viewing experience.
Of course, its price is very suitable for my pocket of about seven million VND. In my
opinion, at this price, it is too good to own such a good smartphone, besides after
using it for a while, I feel very satisfied with this choice of myself. And that's what I
want to introduce to you.
Topic 9:
We all know the feeling. You're driving and you have a thought you need to write
down. Or you realize you forgot to reply to an email or a friends texts you. You think
to yourself, Should I do it? Should I text, email, or jot down my note while driving. I
know it's wrong but I could make an exception just this once. But it's never "just
once". In fact, I was in this exact situation when the idea for this article came to me.
Everyone knows texting while driving is a terrible idea.
When we're driving, we will be distracted. Because our eyes have to look at the road
and at the phone. From there, it will be difficult to avoid unwanted accidents. If people
need to text or have something important to do using their phones, everyone should
pull over to the side of the road before using the phone for the safety of themselves
and other road users.
Topic 10:
Global warming is coming a hot topic. Humans are considered the main cause of
global warming. The birth of industrial zones and big cities leads to increased
greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation increased the amount of carbohydrates in the
Therefore, the seawater is increasing due to ice at the poles, ecosystems are also
gradually changing, natural disasters such as forest fires, droughts appear more. And
the animals are also facing the risk of extinction because of the negative changes of
the environment.
The government of our country has come up with solutions to overcome this problem
such as using renewable energy sources, applying new technologies in protecting the
living environment as well as the forests. Personally, I choose to participate in tree
planting and environmental protection activities launched by the school and the

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