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Colegio Universitario De Limón Aprox. Time: 60 mins

English as a Second Language
I Quarter 2022
Professor: Carol Anderson T.

Production (20 pts)

A. Write a full Paragraph using the elements describe during the class and presentations.
B. Topic: Culture differences.
C. Once you have selected your topic, start with you paragraph outline.
D. One main idea and at least 3 supporting detail with the corresponding examples.
E. Write your paragraph first draft.
F. Select a title for you paragraph first draft.
D. You will be evaluate using the following criteria:

Exceptional Very Good Average Limited Deficient Points

5 pts 4 pts 3 pts 2 pts 1 pt obtained
Use of language

Student´s ideas Student´s Student´s ideas are Student´s Student‘s ideas are
are ideas are often logical and i deas not logical and
Organization of always clear, almost always organized (from are organized (from the
ideas logical and well logical and well the introduction to occasionally introduction to the
organized (from organized the conclusion). logical and conclusion).
the introduction (from the organized
to the conclusion) introduction to (from the
the conclusion). introduction to

Student Student Student uses mostly Student uses Student uses

uses uses appropriate limited inappropriate
sophisticated and appropriate vocabulary to appropriate vocabulary to
Vocabulary varied vocabulary vocabulary to express ideas suited vocabulary to express ideas suited
to express ideas express ideas to the topic within express ideas to the topic below
suited to the suited to the expected grade level. suited to the expected grade
topic sometimes topic within topic below level.
above expected expected grade expected grade
grade level. level. level.

Student makes no Student makes 1 Student makes 3-4 Student makes Student makes 7 or
Sentence sentence or 2 sentence sentence structure 5-6 sentence more sentence
structure and structure and structure or or grammar errors. structure or structure or
grammar grammar errors. grammar errors. grammar grammar errors.

The final outcome The final outcome The document

of the of the document looks
Proficiency document looks fairly good, unprofessional and
looks "fit for but the document needs major
the shelf." could use some revisions and
(excellent) minor improvements.


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