Thiobacillus Ferrooxidans: Particle Size Effects in The Microbiological Eaching Sulfide Concentrates by

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Particle Size Effects in the Microbiological

f eaching of Sulfide Concentrates by

Thiobacillus Ferrooxidans

M. A. Blancarte-Zurita and R. M. R. Branion

Department of Chemical Engineering, University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada V6T 1W5
R. W. Lawrence
B. C. Research, 3650 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia,
Canada V6S 2L2
Accepted for publication July 9, 1985

INTRODUCTION for 1 h to give 91.8% smaller than 400 Tyler mesh. It

was then recovered by filtration and dried at 60°C. The
The microbiological leaching of metals from sulfide
elemental analysis of the concentrate was 27.8% cop-
minerals has attracted much attention from researchers
per, 28.0% iron, 31.1% sulfur, and 5.5% insoluble.
and metal producers. An excellent critical review of
this topic has been published by Brierley.' One of the
foci of such research is the leaching of sulfide mineral
concentrates, which is the concern of the present work. Culture Technique
Specifically, this communication deals with the effects All experiments were carried out in 250-mL bottom-
of leaching on particle size when Cu and Fe are leached baffled Erlenmeyer flasks containing 7.5 g of concen-
from a chalcopyrite concentrate and Zn is leached from trate and 70 mL of the iron-free 9 K medium of Sil-
a ZnS concentrate by Thiobucillus ferrooxiduns. verman and L ~ n d g r e n The
. ~ pH was adjusted to 2.0
with IN HZS04.The flasks were loosely stoppered with
a cotton plug and mounted on a gyratory shaker. The
MATERIALS AND METHODS shaker was located in a dark room, maintained at 35°C
with a C0,-enriched atmosphere.
Microorganism Before inoculation, but after the adjustment of pH
to 2, the flasks were held for 24 h to allow for acid
The microorganism used in this study was originally consumption by alkaline gangue present in the con-
isolated by Razzell and Trussel12 from a copper mine centrate. After this the pH was readjusted to 2.0 and
located at Britannia, B.C. It has been routinely main- the flasks inoculated with 5 mL of T . ferrooxiduns
tained on copper concentrate suspended in the 9 K suspension.
medium, but without the iron described by Silverman Evaporative water losses were made up periodically
and L ~ n d g r e n . ~ by adding distilled water. In the sterile control flasks
It was determined4 that to minimize the time taken 1 mL of 1 :70 v/v phenol solution was added instead
to reach maximum copper concentration and to max- of inoculum.
imize the rate of copper extraction an inoculum age of
8 days was optimal. Thus transfers to new media were
made every 8 days.
The copper and iron contents of the medium were
determined at various times by stopping the shaker,
The chalcopyrite concentrate used in this study was allowing the solids to settle for 10-15 min, then with-
a commercial flotation concentrate supplied by New- drawing a 1-mL sample of the supernatant. The metal
mont Mines Ltd., Similkameen Div., Princeton, B.C. analyses were done using an atomic absorption
This concentrate was wet ball milled at 55% solids spectrophotometer.

Biotechnology a n d Bioengineering, Vol. XXVI11, Pp. 751-755 (1986)

0 1986 J o h n Wiley & Sons, Inc. CCC 0006-3592/86/050751-05$04.00
Concentrate Size Fractionation assuming that the particle shape factor is constant gives
for the change in particle mass
In some of our studies we wanted to follow the ef-
fects of leaching on particle size and vice versa; thus dN -
-- d dP
- - 3 p a dp2 __ (3)
we needed to get fractions of chalcopyrite having dif- dt dt
ferent particle sizes. The beaker decantation method5 The rate of appearance of Cu in solution can be
is a simple way of doing this. Concentrate is added to measured; call this rate r which is expressed in terms
water in a large beaker or any other suitable container. of mass x volume-' x time-'. To convert the rate
The slurry is stirred to mix it well then allowed to settle of Cu dissolution to a rate of particle dissolution we
for a predetermined time. The larger particles settle must divide r by the weight fraction f of Cu in the
while the smaller ones remain in suspension. The su- concentrate. Thus the rate of particle dissolution is r/f.
pernatant suspension is carefully poured off into an- The term - 3a dp2 (d dpldt) represents the dissolution
other beaker and the process repeated using a longer rate of a single particle. The measurement of r is made
settling time, etc. in a suspension containing many particles per unit vol-
This fractionation procedure requires the use of a ume. Let n be the number of particles per unit volume.
deffoculatingagent to obtain uniform dispersions. Tween Assume that no particles disappear during leaching;
40 (polyoxyethylene sorbitan monopalmitate) was used. then n is a constant and is equal to Cdpa dpO3,where
It was subsequently removed from the fractionated C, is the initial mass of concentrate per unit volume
particles by solvent extraction with isopropanol in the in the leach system and dpo is the initial particle diameter.
presence of K2C03.6Tween 40 inhibited leaching but Then
after removal by the solvent extraction technique no
such inhibition was observed. 99% removal of the dis-
persant could be a ~ h i e v e d . ~
which reduces to
Particle Size Analysis -3C0 dp2 -d = dp- r
Dilute suspensions of the various fractions were made dpO3 dt f
in 10 mL of ethanol using 0.1% aerosol GPG (sodium r, f , and dp, can be measured, and C, can be set by
dioctyl sulfosuccinate in ethanol and water) as a dis- the experimenter; thus eq. ( 5 ) can be integrated to give
persant in an ultrasonic bath. Microscope slides were particle diameter as a function of time.
prepared from these suspensions and size distributions If necessary the assumption of no total disappear-
were measured using an eyepiece micrometer in a mi- ance of particles during leaching can be relaxed but
croscope to measure the Martin's diameters of 100 then the integration must be done numerically; r is a

function of the amount of mineral surface per unit vol-

After the leaching phase of this study was completed ume available to the organism and thus a function of
use of a Leitz image analyzer became possible so the dp since surface area is proportional to dp2. For batch
unleached fractions were reanalyzed using this instru- leaches r is also a function of time.
ment counting at least 1000 particles.
Table I provides data about the initial sizes of the
The following shrinking particle model is proposed various fractions used in the leaching experiments as
to describe the leaching behavior. Since material is well as the mean size of the unfractionated concentrate.
being solubilized from the particles the particle mass
decreases and it is assumed that as leaching occurs the
particles get smaller. The rate of particle size decrease Table I. Properties of particle size fractions.
is given by - dN/dt, where N is the particle mass and Mean particle diameter (pm)
t is time. Assuming that the particles have a constant
density p, we have Fraction Image
number Microscope analyzer
dN -
-- dV
- -P-& (1) 1 0.38 0.20
2 1.81 2.68
where V is particle volume, which can be represented 3 1.67 2.76
by 4 3.10 3.53
5 5.64 5.98
V = a dp3 (2) 6 6.74 6.45
Unfractionated 1.86 2.86
where dp is the particle diameter and a the particle concentrate
shape factor. Now substituting eq. (2) into eq. ( 1 ) and


O h 181urn 72h 184um 24h 228um

7 -1 -1
240h 141um 10
330 h 1.42 urn

E I0

Lnr ' m

6 0

0 0
0 00 I I6 I 20 I 30 4 8
SIZE i m c ~ w l o f ~ l

Figure 1. Particle size distribution as a function of leach time for fraction 2.

11 -
6 1
10- ,--A
&fraction 1

z 9- / nfraction 2
x fraction 3
fraction 4
p: 7- Xfraction 5 0 I

z; 6-
z 5-


w 3-
" 2-


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 0 50 100 I50 200 250 300 350 400 450
TIME (h) TIME (hours)
Figure 2. Copper concentration solution as a function of leach time Figure 3. Particle size vs leach time for fractions 2, 3, and 5. The
for various particle sizes. lines are calculated using eq. (9). The points are experimental mea-
surements using a microscope.
Figure 1 shows a typical size distribution as a func-
tion of leach time (for fraction 2 ) , indicating that par-
ticle size does decrease with time but not, for this Figure 3 and 4 show that the predictions of the model
particular concentrate, by very much. are not in disagreement with the measured data and
Figure 2 plots copper concentration as a function of thus the model has some credibility. On the other hand,
leach time for the various concentrate fractions. Figure there is a great deal of scatter in the measured data.
2 shows that the rate of Cu dissolution r is a function Moreover, the concentrate used did not leach very well
of dp and of time. However, since this concentrate did and thus did not provide an ideal test of the model for
not leach very well, i.e., the Cu extraction was typi- particle shrinkage.
cally of the order of 26%, we assumed the r would not Torma et a].' measured particle size distributions
change much as a result of particle size changes during initially and at various intervals during the leaching of
leaching; however, r was treated as a function of leach a ZnS concentrate. They and Sanmugasunderam8 also
time t. Curves of the form published data from which the rate of Zn dissolution
can be calculated. In these ZnS leaching studies much
atb = (6) higher levels of Zn extraction were observed (80 + %);
where a and b are constants and [Cu] is copper con- thus the particles would become much smaller or, in
centration were fitted to the data of Figure 2 for each the case of the smaller ones, disappear.
particle size fraction. From (6)

Introducing (7) into ( 5 ) leads to



- dp2 d dp = -
I: tb-' dt (8)


which integrates to .I

9 3-

Plots of dp vs. c for fractions 2 , 3, and 5 of Table I
as calculated by eq. (9) are shown in Figure 3. Also
shown are the measured values taken from Figure 1
and others like it (not shown). These values are those
measured using the microscope. 0 50 100 150 200 250
Later a test was run using the unfractionated con- TIME (hours)
centrate and analyzing particle size distribution with Figure 4. Particle size vs. leach time for the unfractionated con-
the image analyzer. These results are presented in Fig- centrate. The line is calculated using eq. (9). The points are exper-
ure 4. imental measurements using an image analyzer.


and Engineering Research Council of Canada, and El Consejo Na-
; o o * l 90
cional d e Ciencia y Tecnologia (MCxico).

Initial mass of concentrate per unit volume (g/L)
Particle diameter (cm)
Initial particle diameter (cm)
Weight fraction of copper in concentrate
Particle mass (g)
Number of particles per unit volume (L-’)
Time (h)
Leaching rate (g/L h)
Particle volume (cm’)
“ T - - i - -
7 7- 1
Particle shape factor
0 5 10 15 10 25 30 35 40 Density of concentrate (g/cm3)
Figure 5. Cumulative particle size (mass basis) distribution of a
ZnS concentrate after 212 h of leaching. The line is calculated using References
a program based on eq. (5). The points represent the experimental
data of Torma et a].’ 1. C. L. Bnerly, “Bacterial leaching,” CRC Crir. Rev. Microbiol.,
207 (1978).
2. W. E. Razzel and P. C. Trussel, J. Bacteriol., 85, 595 (1963).
A computer program based on the model presented 3. M. P. Silverman and D. G. Lundgren, J. Bacteriol., 77,642 (1959).
4. M. A. Blancarte-Zurita, “Effect of particle size on the kinetics
in this work was written to predict the size distributions
of microbiological leaching of chalcopyrite,” M.A.Sc. Thesis,
measured by Torma et al.’ A more detailed description University of British Columbia, (1983).
is given in ref. 9. This program integrated eq. ( 5 ) using 5. E. J. Pryor, Mineraf Processing (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1965).
equations fitted to Torma’s and Sanmugasunderam’s 6. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
data to give r as a function of dp. It also allowed for (OECD), Proposed method for the determination of the biode-
gradability of surfactants used in synthetic detergents, Paris, 1974.
the disappearance of particles before completion of the
7. A. E. Torma, C. C. Walden, and R. M. R. Branion, Biorechnoi.
leach. Figure 5 plots the cumulative mass-based par- Bioeng., 12, 500 (1970).
ticle size distributions as calculated by the program 8. V. Sanmugasunderam, “Kinetic studies on the biological leaching
and as measured by Torma et al.’ Agreement is good, of ZnS concentrate in 2 stage, continuous, stirred tank reactors,”
thus lending further credibility to this model. Ph.D. Thesis, University of British Columbia (1981).
9. M. A. Blancarte-Zunta, R. M. R. Branion, and R. W. Lawrence,
Financial assistance for this project has been provided by B.C. Re- Preprints, International Symposium on Biohydrometallurgy,
search, The University of British Columbia, The Natural Sciences Vancouver, 1985.


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