Stress Management Worksheet

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Stress Management Worksheet

1. Briefly describe the stressful situation you would like to work on.
The stressful situation I would like to work on is within my marriage. My
controlling ways, and the miscomputation that greatly contribute to the
breakdown in my relationships.

2. What are the signals or physical symptoms that tell you you're beginning to feel stressed?
The signals and symptoms that indicate that I am feeling stressed are:
 Feeling of frustration.
 Overtiredness.
 Negative self-talk.
 Sleeping disturbance.

3. Where does the stress come from--the environment, your body, or your thoughts
and expectations?
 I believe it come from my appraisal of the situation given that it’s a
communication breakdown, my perception plays a major role.

4. What aspects of this stress can you control?

 The only aspect I can control is my cognitive awareness of the stressor.
This will mitigate the arguments which increases my stress level.

What aspects of this stress are beyond your control?

I believed that I am unable to fit the root problem, which is my desire to
control everything around me. Given that I have a need to control my
husband every move and I am unable to control my husband action.

5. What are some of your thoughts, beliefs, and expectations that relate to this stress?
(What do you criticize yourself for? What negative things do you assume about
yourself? etc.)
 I criticize myself for not been able to deal with raw emotion like my fear of losing
him and sometimes I can come across as being angry. I feel like I am doing too
much and not being appreciated.
 I am not the best at communicating how I truly feel about things that are affecting
me, and as a result of this I let things build up, then I explode.

5. Write down some new things that you might assume about yourself and the
situation that are more positive. What might you say to yourself next time?
 I know that my husband truly loves me, and he is having a hard time with
his job. That is the reason for his aggressive behavior at times.
 I am the best person for this job.
 Show him that you love him even in his worst moments.
7. When it does occur, what are you going to do to cope with it?
 I will try to own the problem.
 Use deep breathing techniques and logical reasoning techniques.
 I will ask God for discernment to do the right thing.

8. What are some things you're willing to do to take better care of yourself and prevent
stress in the next few weeks?

 I will not take things personally.

 Count from one to ten.
 Try understanding the other persons point of view.
 Keep a positive attitude.
 Do deep breathing exercise.
 Make alone time for myself (by doing nature walk).

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