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Activity No.

Name: ________________________
ZETH CLAIRE P. PLECERDA Block & Year Level:________
BSMT-1D Score: ___/ 70


In this task, you will answer the following questions:

1. If you were an inventor, what would you invent? (10)
- a thing that can easily scan the words, diagram, and illustrations and copy it right
away to paper and can even carve it into a surface or object without any hassle.
2. On the space below, sketch the draft of your invention, and: (30)

Drawn using “Sketchbook” app

a) Write the name of the object invented.

- SPECS: Supreme Publishing Emboss System
b) Describe it and identify its function.
- SPECS is worn like sunglasses with buttons you can adjust to control it. It is
designed to be like sunglasses because I'm eyeing for it to be easy to use since
connecting into printers and generating output would be most likely to be time-
consuming. In addition to that, I am very indolent in writing notes and I'm not art-
inclined that is why I came up with Supreme Publishing Emboss System.
SPECS is a battery-powered device. Its battery is a Lithium-ion battery. This offers
the best performance to weight ratio with the lithium Sulphur battery offering the
highest ratio - just allow it to charge for about 2 hours and you'll enjoy capturing
things you love. The rechargeable batteries make this device much handy.

SPECS has this special ability that allows the user to copy and illustrate what he/she
saw. With a little bit of controlling and navigating the view, the user will be able to
produce. Its function is to copy everything that the user has set the device to. It can
copy 2D and 3D objects. The device also has emboss technique where the user can
choose this to in order for the device to carve 3D objects on surface.

How to use:
• First turn on the device by pulling the yellow handle below the wing of the
• After turning it on, adjust lorgnettes by twisting the biggest lens found in the
bridge. The biggest lorgnettes in the middle serves as the main lens: its
function is to get sharp images and accurate focusing so that the generated
object will not be crooked. The three beside it is where the user can see a
much clearer view of the object
• When done adjusting the lenses, adjust also the mode (if it's 2D or 3D). The
screen will flash some navigations. Choose 2D if you want the object will be
generated 2D and 3D if otherwise.
• After navigating through the SPECS, securely take look at the object you wish
to copy and hold still so that the device could firmly capture the exact points.
• After that choose a surface or object to look at where the captured object by
the SPECS will automatically produce. By the time you found a place, there
will be a pop-up box asking about the chosen place just click the yellow circle
button/ the shutter in the temple.
• Subsequently, after clicking the button the SPECS will automatically beep and
generate the object into the surface you're looking at
• After the device has generated the object onto a surface, let the surface set
for about 2 minutes and voila you'll be able to see the results.
c) Explain the effect of your invention on the society and environment.
- Since the evolution of science and technology; laptops and printers emerged but
then again we find it tedious. Society has become adaptive to what science and
technology have become. So instead of bringing a printer, connecting it to laptops
smartphones, and tablets, SPECS comes in very handy. This device can ease society
because of the lithium-ion batteries. Li-ion batteries are able to be recharged
hundreds of times and are more stable. They tend to have a higher energy density,
voltage capacity, and lower self-discharge rate than other rechargeable batteries
making consumers' electric bills ease down. This makes for better power efficiency
as a single cell has longer charge retention than other battery types.
Li-ion This user-friendly device will make a great impact on the environment because
the fact that it has rechargeable lithium batteries which contain less toxic metals than
other batteries that could contain toxic metals such as lead or cadmium, they are
therefore generally considered to be non-hazardous waste. Furthermore,
Batteries charged less than 20 times do not diminish pollution problems such as
ocean acidification, human toxicity.
3. Identify two (2), Philippine presidents, after Ferdinand Marcos. Identify
some achievements of the chosen President in the field of science and
technology under his/her administration and trace how they helped shape
the Philippines as a Nation. (40)

• Corazon Aquino (1986-1992)

She was the first female President of the Philippines reigning from 1986 to 1992. One
of the goals of her administration was to achieve the status of being an industrialized
country by 2000. She urged that the private research sector form a stronger bond
between public research to help jump-start the progress in the area of Philippine
Research and Development. On August 8, 1988, Corazon Aquino created the
Presidential Task Force for Science and Technology, which came up with the
first Science and Technology Master Plan or STMP. The goal of STMP was for
the Philippines to achieve newly industrialized country status by the year 2000. In
her presidential years, the Philippine bureaucracy also that Executive Order No.128
abolished R.A. No. 3859, also known as the "Philippine Inventors Incentive Act." was
reorganized. This Philippine Inventors Commission was under the Science
Development board. It gave Filipino inventors assistance through giving financial aid,
patent application assistance, legal assistance, and to help inventors market their
products domestically and abroad. Regardless of the abolishment of the said
commission, her administration gave rise to new avenues for the government to aid
the progress of Science and Technology in the country.
By the reasons mentioned above, I can infer that the late former President of
the Republic of the Philippines shaped our nation by establishing the R.A. 6655, also
known as the Free Public Secondary Education Act of 1988. This act opened doors to
free education up to the secondary level, implemented in the education system
together with this was the "Science for the Masses Program" which aimed at scientific
and technological literacy among Filipinos – furthermore helping people by being able
to grasp scientific knowledge that led us to where we are now.

• Fidel Ramos (1992-1998)

- Former president Fidel V. Ramos believes that science and technology was
one of the means wherein the Philippines could attain the status of a newly
industrialized country (NIC). At age 93, he is currently the oldest living
former Philippine President, and he's still observing the wonders brought
by science and technology to the country. During his term, he was able to
render programs that were significant to the field of Science and
In 1993, Science and Technology Agenda for National Development
(STAND) was established. Among its priorities were:
(1) exporting winners identified by the DTI
(2) domestic needs identified by the President's Council for Countryside
(3) support industries
(4) coconut industry development. Congress, during his term, was able to
enact laws that were significant for the field. Among were:
(1) Magna Carta for Science and Technology Personnel (Republic Act No.
(2) Science and Technology Scholarship Law of 1994 (Republic Act No.
7687) and
(3) Inventors and Inventions Incentives Act (Republic Act No. 7459).
− The Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines (Republic Act No. 8293)
was enacted during Ramos' term. The law provides industrial
property rights, copyrights, and related rights, and technology transfer
arrangements. In addition to that, the Philippines 2000 platform was widely
successful, making it one of the greatest legacies of the Ramos
administration to the Philippines. He was also able to resolve the power
crisis in the Philippines through the privatization of power plants and the
construction of new ones, making the Philippines have its source of energy.

What is the contribution of Fidel Ramos to science and technology? – SidmartinBio

What is the contribution of Corazon Aquino in science and technology? - Cement
Benefits of Lithium-Ion Batteries | Tennant Blog (

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