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Name: ______________________________
PLECERDA, Zeth Claire P. Block: ___
1D 15/03/22

1. Explain in your own opinion the phrase given “Modern technology Owes ecology an Apology”
Alan M. Eddison (5 pts)
- Modern Technology has been an integral part of the lives of humankind since its birth. It has
opened an endless list of possibilities to man and has pushed our boundaries to inconceivable
levels. According to the dictionary, technology is a body of knowledge devoted to creating tools,
and processing actions. In addition to that, it is also an application of science to accomplish tasks
or solve problems. Since it brought many benefits to humanity, it has become an essential matter
in life. However, too much of anything is dangerous. Why do we owe an apology to ecology?
first and foremost, Alan M. Eddison roughly translates technology to be the main culprit behind
these problems. It's true. Technology has contributed significantly to these environmental
problems, such as agriculture and many more, which is gradually worsening them through its
continued usage. Even though technology has brought many valuable inventions into this world,
such as the computers that many of us think are extremely important in our daily working lives,
we don't see the disastrous trail of impacts this leaves behind. Studies show that 81% of the
energy needed for a computer is used during production. An average computer needs 530
pounds of fossil fuels, 48 pounds of chemicals, and 1.5 tons of water. Don't forget the natural
resources used to make computers, televisions, smartphones, and other devices that surround us
today. Continuous usage of natural resources may cause depletion, a significant problem to our

Technology also pushed global warming to its extremities, beyond what our world can handle.
By looking at the amount of energy used for industrial purposes, technology has caused a
massive increase in energy consumption. These industrial plants account for about 51% of the
global energy consumption as of 2011. This results in a very high thermal count, causing
adverse effects on the environment. Industrialization demands the building of more industrial
plants, which leads people to turn down forests. This mass deforestation accounts for 20% of
the world's greenhouse gas emissions, further driving global warming. It's a vicious cycle.

To sum up, everything that Alan M. Eddison conveys: the more energy we use for consumption,
the higher the levels of adverse effects will be brought to the ecology. And it pertains to us,
humans who owe an apology to the ecology.
2. Based on the picture, how would you connect Science and Technology to the different areas of
concern. (10 pts)

- The picture depicts how science and technology branched out into more segregated aspects -
Science, Technological progress, usage of modern technology, and the pitfalls. The essence
of science and technology is the creation of new knowledge, and then the utilization of that
knowledge boosts the prosperity of human lives. It is seen that science and technology play
a fundamental role in wealth creation, improvement of everybody's life, and real economic
growth and transformation. However, it also affiliates drawbacks that can cause danger to
humanity if left neglected.

3. Name two (2) gadgets and justify your answer. ( 10pts )

- I used my laptop and phone. I use both for my online classes.

- One thing in my life I couldn't imagine without living, it would be my phone. I believe that
mobile phones are very advantageous. Cell Phones have become a significant part of people's
life. It is used daily by people; it helps us make our lives easy and more convenient, helps us
communicate with our loved ones, and carries out our work efficiently. Furthermore, we can
also do multitasking such as encoding, calculating, and capturing videos.
4. Name at least three inventions and answer the question. (10 pts)

- X-ray (Wilhelm Roentgen)

o It is an electromagnetic wave of high energy and short wavelength, passing through
many materials opaque to light. It is a photographic/ digital image of the internal
composition of a body part.
o This discovery was labeled a "medical miracle" because it is a precious technology and
was revered in the medical community because of the machine's ability to diagnose
diseases like tuberculosis. It also detects cancers, infection, or air collecting in the space
around a lung, which can cause the lung to collapse and other heart-related problems.
The physician will know what is going on with a patient and can treat the patient faster.
- Penicillin (Alexander Fleming)
o it is an antibiotic used to treat infections caused by bacteria. It can also work on viral
infections like colds and flu. It was considered the first "wonder" drug because of its use
to treat wounded soldiers in the second world war, decreasing the risk of gangrene of the
o The discovery of this antibiotic was a significant breakthrough because it can cure
serious illnesses and prevent infections caused by strains of bacteria. It also led to over a
hundred other antibiotics, which helped improve the quality of life. With antibiotics,
infectious diseases that previously got people killed or severely disabled were now
regarded as easily treatable and significantly reduced the number of deaths from
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Raymond Damadian)
o it is a medical imaging technique used in radiology to form pictures of the body's
anatomy and physiological processes. MRI scanners use strong magnetic fields,
magnetic field gradients, and radio waves to generate images of the body's organs.
o MRI is an essential invention in research because it is less invasive and a painless
procedure. Doctors and researchers continue to use MRI techniques to assist them in
their medical diagnosis, strategies, and research. The development of MRI
revolutionized medicine because it is considered a safe technology since it can change
the position of atoms, but not altering their position, structure and composition - giving
physicians a great perspective about what an individual's body has been going through.
5. Answer the question completely. ( 5 pts)

- There is no denying that the future of technology will continue to revolutionize our lives.
Technology is sure to transform our lives in unbelievable ways.
- Technology has been continuously growing with the help of scientific theories and processes.
Vast arrays of inventions and innovations brought by technology have evolved into more multi-
functional devices.
- A primary cause of technological changes in society can be seen in engineering. In the future,
technology would improve communication, transportation, education and learning process,
healthcare, and infrastructure.
- Science and technology can invite unique perspectives that will provide nation empowerment,
globalization, knowledge, awareness, access, and convenience, which leads to good business
- I am unsure what will happen to us in the industry field in the future, given that we are
irreverent towards the environment. However, with minimal usage and finding other resources,
I believe our future will be safe and comfortable. Furthermore, machinery will evolve into more
interaction, making industrial companies’ easy production.
- The changes that Technology has brought in our lives are saving time, enabling instant
communication and interaction, a better quality of life, easy access to information, and ensuring

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